Intracranial pressure: treatment with folk remedies, recipes, decoctions, procedures, regularity of treatment and medical supervision

  • October 17, 2018
  • Diseases and conditions
  • Galina Chebykina

Intracranial pressure is a most unpleasant condition that needs to be treated quickly. But besides the unpleasant sensation, this condition is dangerous. Some people do not pay attention to the symptoms of intracranial pressure. Treatment cannot be delayed, as its absence often leads to the most dire consequences. Today we’ll talk about how to stabilize ICP using the simplest folk remedies. First, let's look at the symptoms of intracranial pressure in adults. For treatment with folk remedies, we have selected the most effective recipes from reviews of people suffering from this pathology.

Signs of ICP

Every person has ever experienced slight dizziness, blurred vision, periodically occurring sharp or, conversely, aching headache. However, the symptoms disappeared within a short period of time. But few people realize that it is precisely these signs that indicate an increase in ICP. An increased rate of intracranial pressure may be evidence of a disruption in the functioning or structure of brain tissue due to the formation of the following pathologies:

  • hematomas;
  • tumors;
  • hydrocephalus;
  • hemorrhages.

Neurologists are sounding the alarm about frequent cases of the development of this disease. In almost every fourth patient, the fluid pressure of the cerebrospinal tissue of the brain is 100-150 mm of water column higher than normal.

How to establish the fact of increased ICP:

  • Immediately after waking up, pain occurs in the head and spreads through the entire skull.
  • Pressing pain is not relieved by taking medications. At the same time, nausea and vomiting occur.
  • The course of mental processes is disrupted, increased drowsiness and apathy appear.
  • Blood pressure jumps, vision is impaired, dizziness and bradycardia are present.

Symptoms of ICP and methods for diagnosing the disease

The most common symptoms of abnormal ICP readings include:

  • regular disturbing headache, usually worse in the morning;
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • dizziness, including disorientation in space;
  • vision problems, including double vision;
  • lethargy, fatigue without serious exertion;
  • irritability;
  • hearing problems;
  • persistent bruises under the eyes.

In combination with these symptoms, patients often complain of pain that occurs when turning the head and neck. Often, sudden attacks of sweating indicate a change in ICP.

Separately, it should be said about the symptoms of increased ICP in young children under the age of 2 years. Due to the characteristics of the child’s body, they can be determined during a visual examination.

Some of the most striking symptoms of increased ICP in young children include:

  • increased size of the child's head;
  • noticeable bulge of the forehead;
  • swelling of the main fontanel;
  • the child’s eyes are directed downwards and the presence of Graefe’s symptom (a white stripe of the protein membrane between the iris and the upper eyelid);
  • a clearly visible venous network under the scalp;
  • drowsiness and irritability.

Currently, medicine offers the following methods for diagnosing ICP abnormalities:

  • cerebral fluid examination;
  • spinal puncture;
  • fundus examination;
  • MRI of the head and brain;
  • electroencephalography (study of bioelectrical activity of the brain);
  • ultrasound of the head;

After undergoing a comprehensive examination, you will receive accurate information about the nature of the disease and how to treat this disease.

It should be borne in mind that as soon as the diagnosis is made, it is necessary to urgently take measures to normalize ICP values. Otherwise, the disease may enter a chronic stage, when conventional gentle treatment measures are no longer so effective.

If violations are continued to be ignored, surgical intervention may be required. In particular, it may come to the point of forced drainage of liquid. This intervention involves shunting, during which excess fluid is removed through a catheter system.


One of the pathogenetic mechanisms that affects intracranial pressure is called by medical workers a change in brain size that occurs due to edema. The etiological factors contributing to the development of this condition include the following diseases:

  • the appearance of neoplasms or inflammation in neurotissues;
  • intoxication of the body, developing as a result of poisoning with toxic substances;
  • stroke of hemorrhagic or ischemic nature;
  • brain injury;
  • hydrocephalus;
  • hematomas of various origins.

In newborn children, in the vast majority of cases, the cause of pathology is various injuries received during childbirth.

Pressure inside the skull is serious

Intracranial pressure or ICP is a disease that requires immediate intervention. Do not confuse the pressure inside the skull with arterial pressure. Typically, experienced doctors advise checking the brain and spinal cord before starting treatment. The latter has cavities that are filled with cerebrospinal fluid.

Liquor is important for the normal functioning of the nervous system, for tissue replenishment, and for removing toxins from the body. It is the cerebrospinal fluid that causes pressure inside the skull. However, it should not be confused directly with a disease, i.e. when ICP leads to headaches.

The causes of increased intracranial pressure are varied. The roots should be sought, of course, in heredity.

Accompanying factors are the specifics of intrauterine development, mental and physical development delays, head injuries and infections.

If the disease is advanced, it is difficult to treat ICP. Increased intracranial pressure usually begins in childhood.

A baby under one year old, of course, will not be able to tell his parents why he does not sleep at night, why he screams or is overexcited during the day, or does not eat well. Even an experienced pediatrician does not diagnose this. He may refer to the child’s new teeth or, for example, to irregularities in the child’s nutrition.

How to relieve intracranial pressure at home

There are often cases when there is an urgent need to reduce high ICP, and pills are not needed for this. Even in such situations, alternative medicine offers methods to treat intracranial pressure with folk remedies. The main feature of the recommendations given is that most of them can be applied not only to adults, but also to children.

The actions of all kinds of tinctures, potions, baths, compresses and decoctions are aimed at relieving painful symptoms and reducing the quantitative content of cerebrospinal fluid in the skull. Medicinal plants have long been used to achieve this effect.

So, how to get rid of intracranial pressure without drugs using folk remedies? Treatment of the symptoms of the disease is possible with the help of herbal remedies obtained by processing the generative and vegetative organs of plants such as garlic, rose hips, stevia, meadow clover, thistle, hawthorn, yarrow, calendula, valerian, flax seeds, lavender. In addition, from these raw materials it is possible to easily obtain alcohol tinctures, which are stored for quite a long period of time. You should keep them in your first aid kit just in case. The help provided by herbal remedies boils down to the fact that headaches are reduced and blood circulation in the brain is normalized.

In addition to treatment with herbal remedies, there are other ways to relieve intracranial pressure at home. It is worth resorting to simple physiotherapeutic methods, which include massage, rubbing lavender oil into the temple area at night, wiping the ears with cold water. When used in combination, all these measures are especially effective. Below are recipes for decoctions and tinctures aimed at reducing intracranial pressure.

Rules for the use of medicines

Medicinal herbs should be used only as an auxiliary treatment method for hydrocephalic syndrome. It will not be possible to relieve the symptoms of hydrocephalus without standard therapy, since herbs do not have a very powerful diuretic effect, and also do not prevent a decrease in the secretion of cerebrospinal fluid.

Before using traditional medicine, you should definitely consult a doctor, since even herbal preparations have contraindications. In children, most medicinal herbs can only be used from the age of 12, because severe allergic reactions are possible. Some plants can reduce blood clotting. They are not used during pregnancy so as not to lead to uterine bleeding. You cannot treat (give medicine orally) newborn babies with fresh herbs. This is dangerous due to severe allergies, dehydration, and bleeding.

At home, herbal medicines should be used in courses for up to 10 days, then take a break. If there is a need to take diuretic herbs to reduce ICP, then it is better to alternate drugs with each other. To enhance the therapeutic effect, you can use herbal remedies. This helps reduce ICP in a short time.

Birch buds, lingonberry leaves, and bearberry go well together. You need to take 1 teaspoon of these substances, mix, add 250 ml of water. The solution should be heated in a water bath for a quarter of an hour, leave, and pass through gauze. Drink the drug 1 tablespoon three times a day. Diuretics are best taken after or during meals, since most of them have tannins that negatively affect the mucous membrane of the digestive tract.

Mulberry decoction

The following is the recipe for preparing and using this herbal medicine:

  • Mulberry branches must be cut into pieces with pruning shears; you can also use wire cutters. Both fresh and dry branches are suitable. The size of the pieces should reach 2 cm.
  • Throw 100 g of raw material into a liter of cold water, bring it to a boil and cook over low heat for 20 minutes.
  • The resulting composition is removed from the heat, carefully wrapped and infused for about one hour.
  • Drink the drug three times a day, half an hour before meals, one glass.

This decoction is taken until the condition improves. The course of therapy may last a month, two or even three. The drug is considered harmless; it does not cause any damage to the body even with long-term treatment.

There is another recipe for how to lower intracranial pressure at home using mulberry tea. To do this, pour 200 g of fruits with one liter of boiling water, and then add 200 g of honey. Drink one glass of this tea in the morning on an empty stomach. Therapy is carried out until positive changes are noted in the general condition of the body.

Infusion of garlic and lemon

Another folk remedy for treating intracranial pressure is an infusion of garlic and lemon. To prepare a home remedy for high intracranial pressure, you will need the following ingredients:

  • 5 heads of garlic;
  • 10 ripe large lemons;
  • 1 kg of May honey.

To prepare a healing potion, you must use the following recommendations:

  • The garlic is peeled and the lemon is cut into small cubes.
  • All ingredients are passed through a meat grinder. To obtain a homogeneous mass, you need to grind them several times.
  • The resulting mass is mixed with honey, poured into a 2-liter bottle with a lid, closed tightly, and placed in a warm and dark place where light does not penetrate at all.
  • The mixture should infuse for at least a week.
  • As soon as the product has infused, shake it well, and then wrap it in a thick, impermeable cloth and put it in the refrigerator.

This drug is taken one teaspoon three to four times a day. The course of treatment is one month. After completing the therapeutic course, it makes sense to take a break. It is necessary to pay attention to the fact that the medicine is constantly stored in the refrigerator. It is strictly forbidden to remove the fabric from it, since exposure to direct sunlight can start the fermentation process, and the mixture will become unusable.

Use of cranberries in treatment

If intracranial hypertension is a concern, it is necessary to use components with diuretic properties in home treatment to improve the outflow of fluid from the head. One of these components is cranberry. It lowers cholesterol levels in the blood, clears capillaries from the accumulation of atherosclerotic plaques, and normalizes the outflow of excess fluid from the body. In addition, the sour berry eliminates inflammatory processes, increases the body's resistance to infections and removes free radicals.

To eliminate the symptoms of ICP, you can use cranberries in several ways:

  • Morse. 200 g of berries are washed, kneaded with a mortar and the remaining cake is poured into 600 ml of water; the juice is first squeezed out of the berries. The mixture is boiled for 1–2 minutes, then filtered, 60 g of granulated sugar is poured into it and the berry juice is poured in. The finished fruit drink is mixed and drunk throughout the day, and the next morning a fresh portion of the drink is prepared.
  • Kissel. Take 200 g of cranberries, pass them through a blender or simply crush them in a mortar, then add 1 liter of boiling water and add sugar to taste. The composition should rest for a quarter of an hour, after which it is placed on low heat, having previously prepared the starch. For this, 1.5 tbsp. l. starch is diluted with 200 ml of cold water and brought to a homogeneous consistency. When the cranberry mixture has boiled, you need to remove the resulting foam from it and pour in the starch, then cook until thickened. The finished jelly should be drunk the day before, without leaving it in the refrigerator.
  • Compote. 400 g of cranberries are boiled in 2.5 liters of water for a quarter of an hour, after which the drink is ready for consumption. If desired, you can diversify the taste with currants, raspberries, cherries and other berries.

It is useful for patients with signs of intracranial and arterial hypertension to eat cranberries even in their pure form, with the addition of a spoonful of honey

Recipes with cranberries for the treatment of intracranial pressure are very popular, since many have heard about the healing properties of the berry. This is not only a tasty treat, but also a way to effectively eliminate the symptoms of ICP thanks to the diuretic and anti-inflammatory properties of cranberries.

Infusion of plantain leaves

In folk medicine, fresh plantain leaves have been used for a long time for the aseptic treatment of boils, wounds and abscesses, but few know about the property of this plant to reduce the level of ICP. The hypotensive properties of plantain are due to the fact that this plant contains a huge amount of phytoncides, tannins, polysaccharides, organic acids, as well as carotenoids, flavonoids, vitamins K, C and many other biochemical active substances. Plantain helps hypertensive patients not only when ICP increases, but also with vascular and heart diseases. It also has diuretic properties and reduces the burden of edema.

Typically, plantain infusion is prepared from the leaves of the plant. In order to obtain a sufficiently effective herbal medicine, use the following recipe:

  • crushed plantain leaves (3-4 tablespoons) are mixed with not very hot water (half a liter);
  • the resulting mixture is infused for a day;
  • To achieve the required clinical effect, you should use the infusion several times a day, one or two spoons.

Infusion of lavender flowers

An infusion of lavender flowers is a folk remedy for treating intracranial pressure in adults. It helps to quickly get rid of the symptoms of an unpleasant illness. A number of simple steps must be performed to prepare a preparation from this plant:

  • Dried lavender petals (300 g) are poured with boiling water, then boiled for 2 minutes.
  • The resulting mixture is infused for at least half an hour.
  • The decoction is drunk after lunch for one month. After a month, a two-week break is taken, and then treatment continues for another 30 days.

To ensure a more effective result, in addition to taking this drug orally, they should rub the patient’s forehead at night.

Another good recipe:

  • the lavender herb is thoroughly crushed, then poured with an equivalent amount of olive oil;
  • the product is put away in a dark place for twenty days, after which it can be considered infused;
  • the infusion is filtered and mixed in equal parts with Kalanchoe juice;
  • the resulting product is taken orally, one tablespoon at a time.

In addition to decoctions and infusions, there are other methods to lower intracranial pressure at home. These include the use of compresses, inhalations and baths.

Medicine prescriptions

Does garlic and lemon help lower blood pressure?

An effective medicine is obtained from lemon and garlic.

The drug can quickly reduce intracranial pressure. To prepare, you will need 2 lemons and one head of garlic. Citrus must be washed thoroughly, preferably with hot water. Peel the garlic. Pass the ingredients through a meat grinder or blender. The consistency should resemble puree. You cannot take the medicine in this form, as it can irritate the gastric mucosa. It needs to be diluted in 2 liters of water. Take 20 milliliters before bedtime. The course of treatment is 2 months.

Clover flowers

You can treat cranial pressure with alcohol tincture, which can lower blood pressure, improve blood circulation and oxygen supply to the brain. To prepare, you should prepare the plant in advance: compact the grass into a liter jar. Then add vodka or alcohol. Close the lid and let it brew for 3-4 weeks in a warm and dark place. To use, you need to dilute 10 milligrams of infusion in 1 glass of water. Drink 2 times a day for 1 month.

Healing herbs

To get rid of intracranial pressure in children (from 12 years old), it is recommended to take complex decoctions and tinctures of medicinal herbs. Recipes:

To prepare the infusion you will need lavender flowers.

  • Combined infusion. The medicine perfectly calms the central nervous system and relieves muscle tension. For preparation you will need the following components (in equal quantities): mint, hawthorn, valerian, eucalyptus and motherwort. Grind all components and mix thoroughly. Mix 2 tablespoons of herbs with 1 liter of vodka. Leave for 30-40 days, strain. Take 15 drops in case of high blood pressure.
  • Lavender infusion. Perfectly calms nerves, relieves tension and headaches in children and adults. To prepare, you need to mix lavender flowers and olive oil in 1:1 proportions. Pour into a container and leave for 20 days. Next, strain and mix with Kalanchoe juice. Apply the product to your nose 2 times a day (1 drop).
  • Plantain tincture. Before cooking, you need to prepare the plantain: collect the leaves from an environmentally friendly area and dry it. Pour 3 tablespoons of dry plant with 0.5 liter of water and put on low heat. Warm up for 15 minutes. Pour into a container with a lid. Leave for 3-5 hours, strain. Take 1 tablespoon per day. The grass is safe for children.

Radish and horseradish

Such products are used mainly for compresses. They are used during periods of exacerbation of the disease. Radish and horseradish can relieve headaches and neck spasms. To prepare, you need to take 1 vegetable. Peel and wash them. Grate on a fine grater or in a blender. To stir thoroughly. Spread the pulp evenly on a gauze bandage and apply to the calf muscles.

Other means

Children can also drink birch sap with such an illness.

Birch sap is a very useful natural medicine for intracranial pressure. It contains many vitamins and microelements that have a beneficial effect on the body: lower blood pressure, improve metabolism at the cellular level, and restore oxygen supply to the brain. The juice can be drunk in unlimited quantities, even for small children.


Often, increased intracranial pressure occurs due to spasms of cerebral vessels. In order to expand them, normalize blood circulation and relieve headaches, traditional medicine recommends using compresses, but this must be done in a certain way:

  • Pure alcohol is mixed with camphor oil in a one to one ratio. In this case, both products are taken in 45-50 ml.
  • The resulting composition must be applied to the patient’s head with smooth movements.
  • To provide warmth, the patient's head must be covered with a rubber cap. Another option is a plastic bag, and a wool scarf or a very warm scarf is tied over it.
  • The procedure should be performed before bed, and in the morning you should wash your hair thoroughly.

To achieve results, this method should be repeated at least ten times in a row.

Inhalation with bay leaf

Bay leaf is another remedy to get rid of intracranial pressure. The recipe gets good reviews. Currently, quite a few recipes are known with this plant, but the following has shown the greatest effectiveness:

  • 3-4 leaves are steamed with a glass of boiling water and left for 24 hours.
  • Laurel tea is drunk before meals, about half an hour before.
  • The course of treatment is as follows: drink half a glass twice a day for 14 days. After completing traditional therapy, take a one-month break.

Now, as for inhalations: this method allows you to eliminate even very severe headaches in the shortest possible time. For this purpose, thirty bay leaves are brewed in one liter of boiling water and the steam is inhaled for half an hour. This procedure is carried out three times a day. It is recommended to be treated with this method for several weeks. If the entire therapeutic course is carried out as expected, the result will exceed all expectations.

Linden for high blood pressure

Linden flowers have a wide variety of properties. They are used in folk medicine, as well as in the manufacture of drugs from natural ingredients. This unique remedy also had a positive effect on increasing ICP. Moreover, in this situation, inflorescences, buds, bark, leaves and honey from linden nectar are used. Due to its calming effect, linden makes it possible to reduce high blood pressure.

To achieve maximum results, it is recommended to take a decoction prepared from flowers, pre-flowers, bark and leaves of the plant. All ingredients must be taken in equal parts, and pour boiling water in a ratio of 1 to 5. All this is infused for 3 hours, filtered and taken once a day in a glass for two weeks.

It is not recommended to take the medicinal mixture for persons driving vehicles or performing work involving interaction with the smallest parts.


People with intracranial hypertension are advised to monitor their diet so that the disease is not accompanied by complications.

Therefore, they should adhere to the following rules:

  • Patients with hypertension will have to use the fractional feeding method, in which they will have to eat about 5-6 times in small portions during the day.
  • It is recommended to periodically monitor your caloric intake. Norms should not exceed 15% proteins, 35% fats and 50% carbohydrates.
  • You will have to regularly monitor your salt intake. The daily intake should not exceed five grams.


There are several preventive rules on how to get rid of intracranial pressure:

  • exercises (regularity is important);
  • mandatory adherence to the daily routine;
  • undergoing sanatorium-resort treatment;
  • timely treatment of the underlying disease;
  • following a specially designed diet;
  • getting rid of bad habits;
  • avoiding overheating.

Also, to prevent ICP, it is recommended to use a collection of motherwort and lemon balm: 200 mg of the raw material is poured into two liters of boiling water. All this should brew for about a day. Then the mixture is filtered and taken three times a day, one glass.


To normalize intracranial pressure, treatment with folk remedies can only be used in combination with traditional medicine. No one excludes the effectiveness of herbal remedies. However, not in all cases their healing properties are confirmed at the biochemical level.

When treating cerebral hypertension, especially if it manifests itself in adolescence, it is better to use only traditional methods, since some changes occur in the bones of the skull during this period. A persistently elevated blood pressure level may occur due to the healing of post-traumatic damage to the brain structure. You should also understand that in the presence of stable hypertension, getting rid of intracranial pressure at home forever, sadly, is very difficult. Although this can be difficult to do even during traditional treatment. Each hypertensive crisis worsens the condition of the human nervous and cardiovascular system many times over. It follows that round-the-clock monitoring of this indicator and taking antihypertensive drugs is necessary.

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