How to Get a Concussion at Home: A Non-Sporting Guide


A concussion is a fairly serious injury.

It is a sufficient basis for issuing sick leave for work, postponing exams, receiving academic leave, and exempts you from urgent conscription into the army for six months.

How to get a concussion at home without causing significant harm to yourself?

How to simulate a concussion, deceive instruments and specialists? Of course, this is a rather ugly act. However, life is not always wonderful, and in some cases you can at least try to do this so that later things don’t get worse.

How to get a concussion

Knockout in boxing

The easiest way is to call a boxer friend with a good knockout punch.

A concussion usually occurs during a swing, less often during a direct blow, and even less often during an uppercut to the chin.

However, if someone wields a knockout uppercut, such a blow will almost certainly cause a concussion, since the design of the head is not naturally designed to withstand blows from below.

When using an uppercut, you need to put on a mouthguard - otherwise you can split your teeth. But such boxers are rare; it will be easier for him to hit a direct or side blow to the cheekbone. There are good side strikes with the “teisho” plane - the base of the palm. They are more likely to cause a concussion than a fist, but few people wield them.

It is advisable to avoid blows to the temple - without gloves, a 3-4 mm thick bone can be broken even with a not very strong blow. Ask your partner to hit the cheekbone. For a good blow, he will need to stand for several seconds. It is useless to hit him in the forehead - the blow will be absorbed; the design of the head resists such blows best of all. In other parts of the head from above, in the back of the head - just as dangerous as in the temple.

Punch in the face

The safest thing is a blow to the face, but there is a risk of not only getting a concussion, but also a fracture of the upper or lower jaw.

On the other hand, a hematoma on the face will be evidence that a concussion was received.

A blow to the nose will also bring nothing but bleeding and a broken nose.

The second way is to get a concussion at home from a fall.

The problem is that a person will reflexively stop himself from falling and hitting his head on the floor.

Therefore, you will also need a partner. The sequence of actions is as follows:

  • Free up space in front of you on the floor near a wall or cabinet - God forbid you get caught with some dumbbell or metal nut on the floor.
  • The floor must be wooden - otherwise there is a risk of serious damage.
  • You need to squat down near the wall and prepare a thick, wide scarf or belt.
  • Take twenty to thirty deep breaths.
  • Stand suddenly near the wall - the partner immediately takes a thick scarf and presses his neck against the wall.
  • Consciousness will begin to disappear.
  • Until the legs completely give way and the body slides smoothly down, the partner must jerk the body around, put on the step and forcefully throw the back of his head on the floor.
  • There will be no pain when falling; consciousness, if everything is in order, should return in a minute.

In this case, the situation is safer than with a punch to the back of the head, since the blow falls over a larger area.

Dangerous ways:

  • Jumping from a height onto your feet, which are spread slightly wider than your shoulders onto the asphalt, can seriously damage your knees.
  • A blow with a heavy object, a stack of books, a plastic bottle with water or a piece of wood - the force of the blow is unpredictable; if hit with full force, the pain can even split the skull.

The stupidest thing you can do is to tell the military registration and enlistment office with a satisfied smile that you got a concussion on purpose so as not to serve in the army. According to the law of the Russian Federation, evasion of military duty by self-mutilation is punishable by imprisonment for up to 8 years.

The most common causes of concussion

  • Road traffic accident. This cause accounts for about half of all fatal cases of traumatic brain injury. Many of those who survive become disabled.
  • In production. This is one of the most common causes of TBI (traumatic brain injury). It can be caused by just hitting your head on a hard surface. There can be, as in an accident, different types of these injuries: closed and open. They can also vary in severity, forms, and other indicators.
  • Sports. Absolutely any strong blow to the head on a hard surface can cause a concussion. Can there be a concussion from being hit by a ball? The answer is unequivocal - yes.
  • Criminal case. For this reason, a person must be hit on the head in order for him to receive a TBI.

Can you have a TBI without hitting your head? Maybe. As is the case with a shock wave, which can cause a TBI if a person simply slips and falls on ice.

Attention! Parents of teenage children need to be especially careful. Especially boys. They are more likely than girls to get hit on the head with books or even briefcases, in particular from their classmates. Also, boys more often take part in fights, ride on railings, and demonstrate their dexterity and courage in various other ways.

The problem is that this rarely happens without landing hard and hitting your head. You should be especially attentive to a teenager’s complaints of headache and/or dizziness.

How to fake a concussion

The main brain symptoms that you need to know when simulating:

  • Retrograde amnesia - the patient does not remember the moment of the concussion, as well as what happened immediately before it.
  • Headache – constantly, for a long time.
  • Nausea and vomiting - immediately after a concussion.
  • Red eyes.
  • Impaired knee reflexes are almost impossible to simulate.
  • Violation of the reaction to light - is achieved by instilling a small amount of belladonna drops into one eye, nothing needs to be dripped into the other.
  • When the eyes move to the side, they show symptoms of strabismus - some people know how to do this, but if you can only close your eyes when looking at the tip of your nose, it’s better not to.
  • The patient does not hit the tip of the nose with his finger with his eyes closed.
  • When asked to stand on one leg, stretch your arms forward, you just need to start falling. The doctor will most likely be able to catch it.
  • Sleep disorders – excessive sleepiness or, on the contrary, insomnia. You can fake it if you really don’t sleep for a day before calling a doctor. Drowsiness can be simulated by taking a certain amount of sleeping pills, but you can only get such a sleeping pill so that a person cannot sit and just fall asleep while sitting, by prescription or from a grandmother’s medicine cabinet, where it fulfills its normal purpose.
  • Blood pressure disorders are possible - high blood pressure is simulated by good chifir, very strong coffee, in a cup of which the ashes from one cigarette were smoked, energy cocktails in large quantities. Most likely, the called doctor will measure your blood pressure, so this is mandatory. However, you should drink coffee a maximum of an hour before the doctor arrives - otherwise the effect will subside. It is better to keep a cup ready at all times and drink quickly when the doctor rings the doorbell. It is also contraindicated for people with heart disease.
  • Sometimes there is an increase in temperature - it is simulated with medication and is quite dangerous.

In general, concussion simulation is safer but less reliable.

Treatment of concussion in osteopathic medicine

(what conventional medicine does not do)

An osteopathic doctor, acting on the membranes of the brain, improves and restores its blood circulation, prevents the formation of adhesions, which are an inevitable factor for the occurrence of headaches, increased intracranial pressure, and cerebral vascular spasms. Headache especially often plagues patients after closed head injuries.

Osteopathic techniques are aimed at restoring the circulation of intercellular fluid, and consequently normalizing biochemical processes in tissues and cells.

What is being done for this:

— the balance of blood circulation in the body is normalized by synchronizing the work of the cranial, cervical, cervicothoracic, thoracic and pelvic diaphragms;

- the cervicothoracic junction opens for the outflow of venous blood from the brain;

- the attachment sites of the dura mater in the cervical and sacral regions are freed;

- the outflow of venous blood from the skull is enhanced by freeing the sinuses of the dura mater (the main place of outflow of blood from the skull) and the cervical jugular vein;

— the circulation of cerebrospinal fluid in the skull and spinal canal is normalized;

— a new balance is established between the spheres of the skull;

— the biodynamic balance of the entire nervous system is restored;

Observations show that when a concussion is treated by an osteopath, the healing time of fractures is significantly reduced, joint mobility is restored faster, pain and muscle spasms are relieved, the range of movements expands, and the process of rehabilitation after injuries is accelerated.

Osteopathic treatment of concussion. Symptoms, features, diagnosis and treatment. How osteopathy can help, what it can do and what conventional medicine cannot do. Why is it necessary to consult an osteopath after a brain injury? Razdobreev Alexander Semenovich, osteopathic doctor, rehabilitologist, chiropractor, tells.

Razdobreev Alexander Semenovich Osteopathic doctor, rehabilitation specialist, chiropractor, exercise therapy specialist.

Article views: 10675

Psychological aspects

Brain tomography

  • If you want to get a concussion at home without pain or almost without pain, you can use an anesthetic such as alcohol. It will also add symptoms if the doctor examines you during the day after drinking alcohol. You need to drink quite a lot - about 150 grams of alcohol practically in one gulp, otherwise there will be no analgesic effect. After this, you can get injured within 2-3 minutes.
  • God forbid you call an ambulance. Emergency doctors are very serious people. They see at least one death every day, and they will not put themselves in the position of a student who takes away their precious time to extend the session.
  • The best way is to call a doctor from the clinic to your home with a complaint of headaches. It is best to say that the flu is suspected, there was a temperature of 37.5 and a severe headache after a night out, where there was a fight, it is worth mentioning that a concussion may have occurred
  • After diagnosing a concussion, the paramedic will write a referral to a neurologist. You need to go to him and describe all the symptoms. There is no need to indicate everything at all - you need to choose 2-3 that are visible most clearly. It is easier for a doctor to write a diagnosis of “concussion,” even if a lie is suspected, than to then answer for a person who died from a real concussion.
  • A doctor from the military registration and enlistment office will never diagnose a “concussion” if in doubt. He has a good “cover” and will not be responsible for an incorrect diagnosis. A doctor from a school, university or factory health center is more likely to make such a diagnosis and send you to a neurologist.
  • When examined by a doctor, it is advisable to have another adult who will describe that everything was really like this and even add details. Lying with two people is more difficult than with one. It is necessary to say everything very clearly about how exactly the concussion occurred - as a result of falling from a stool, a bucket falling on the head in the country, or an attack near the house of familiar people.
  • The doctor always suspects why a police report is not filed in case of a criminal injury. Usually in this case the doctor is called by the police. Therefore, it would be better to explain everything by saying that you do not want to write a statement against a friend, colleague or acquaintance.
  • You should also not contact the police - police investigators are trained to recognize lies by facial expressions or the slightest inconsistency in the words of two people. There is also liability for false testimony.
  • When they demand to undergo examination by “your” doctor, you must refuse it. A certificate obtained from one doctor will be valid in any institution.
  • After receiving the certificate, it is advisable to take the medical card to your home and keep it there - there are often cases when the police, in order to hush up the matter, or military registration and enlistment office workers simply took the card from the registry and said that they had not received any certificates.
  • For the same reason, it is worth persuading the doctor to write two certificates - a certificate for the place of study and some place of work, even if it is fictitious.
  • Some EEG data, if they come separately, should also be attempted to be stolen. Or even cut it out of the card with scissors - if anything, you can then ask the receptionist for the card and paste it in. The doctor's opinion is decisive, not the EEG results. At the same time, if the EEG does not show a concussion, this may be a reason to initiate an examination with “your” doctor, for example, at the military registration and enlistment office or at the forensic medical examination office. The EEG looks like several curves on graph paper.

Symptoms of a concussion are presented in the video:

♦ Category: Diagnostics.

Treatment? Necessarily!

After a concussion (even in the mildest degree), it is imperative to undergo a course of rehabilitation treatment. It is selected by the doctor specifically depending on the severity of the injury.

Even with a mild concussion, bed rest is required for 2–3 days. The best medicine in the first days is sleep. You can take mild sedatives: herbal preparations with valerian, motherwort. In the room you need to draw the curtains on the windows or lower the blinds, in the evening do not turn on bright lights, but use a night light. For several days, even if you feel quite well, TV, computer, and reading are prohibited.

One of the consequences of such an injury is the occurrence of edema. To prevent them, the doctor may prescribe a mild diuretic with potassium supplements to prevent its loss by the body through the exiting fluid. In general, you should try to drink less; strong tea, coffee and other tonic drinks are strictly excluded; the best option is mineral water. A dairy-vegetable diet is preferable. Bananas, citrus fruits, and walnuts are very healthy.

Even after a mild concussion, you will have to forget about household chores and any physical activity for at least a couple of weeks; do not rush to get behind the wheel.

If the injury turns out to be moderate or severe and you are admitted to the hospital, the doctor, of course, will give specific recommendations after discharge, but do not forget that you must be monitored by a neurologist for a year.

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