If your head hurts and presses on the bridge of your nose

Sinus problems

Sinuses are a common problem for many of us. Is it an excess of mucus and even blood, which is in the same mucus... In addition, problems with the sinuses can manifest themselves in such phenomena as nasal congestion, headache (eyes often hurt), fever (in connection with this weakness appears) and etc. These difficulties are mainly caused by inflammation or a viral infection that blocks the nasal cavity (congestion), causing uncomfortable pain. In such cases, the body needs to do something about the disease, the most important condition for which is strong immunity, allowing the body to fight the infection as much as possible. Thus, you should pay attention to fresh and healthy food that can cover the daily requirements for vitamins and many other substances necessary for the normal functioning of the body.


Allergies can cause nasal congestion and headaches. When an allergy causes a headache, other characteristic symptoms may also occur at the same time, for example:

  • watery, itchy eyes;
  • runny nose;
  • pain around the cheeks and nose.

Allergy treatment

Allergens should be avoided whenever possible. Treatment includes taking over-the-counter antihistamines and decongestants.

If over-the-counter medications do not help, you should see your doctor for prescription medications or allergen-specific immunotherapy.

Inflammation of the sinuses - what is it?

Inflammation of the sinuses, which are located near the nose, is technically called sinusitis. These sinuses are actually spaces near the nose that expand towards the cheekbones and eyebrows. These areas are lined with mucous membranes and canals. And thus they are connected to the nose. If these channels are blocked (congested), the flow of air and natural secretions also stops. Thus, inflammation is formed and pain associated with it (the head often hurts, sometimes in the area of ​​the eye or both eyes, and the back of the head also often hurts).

As a result of inflammation, the temperature rises, which in turn causes weakness and fatigue.

Why does nasal pain and stuffiness occur?

As mentioned, pain occurs when sinus inflammation flares up. Inflammation is caused by a viral infection, which can be a consequence of cold, drafts or hypothermia. It can also break out as a result of an infection in the throat or nose. Pathogenic microbes are constantly present in the mucous membranes, but make themselves felt in a situation of weakened immunity, after which they begin to multiply sharply. In addition to these reasons, inflammation can also occur due to irritation of the nasal passages.

What to do?

The first aid to combat sinusitis is to humidify the indoor air. In addition, inhaling vapors from decoctions of medicinal herbs, to which you can add aromatic essential oils (menthol or eucalyptus oils are good), can come to the rescue. It is advisable to include crops containing strong aromatic substances in the diet (for example, radishes, onions, garlic, leeks and horseradish). These plants are characterized by a strong antibacterial effect. In addition, it is necessary to strengthen the immune system and consume large amounts of fresh fruits and vegetables. If the problem befalls a smoker, smoking should be limited, because Nicotine narrows the conical capillaries of the nasal cavity, which reduces mucus secretion.

Sinusitis is an unpleasant phenomenon. In order to successfully avoid it, you need to strengthen your immune system every day and pay attention to a healthy diet. In addition, we should not forget about fragrant products that have an antibacterial effect. We have only one health, and it should be given due attention!

Sore throat, flu, colds - find out the difference

The symptoms of flu, colds and sore throats are very similar. However, they have their own distinctive features.

Sore throat usually occurs in childhood. As a rule, the disease is caused by streptococci and other bacteria and viruses. Viral tonsillitis (tonsillitis) goes away within a week without treatment. Bacterial inflammation is a serious condition that requires treatment to prevent damage to other organs.

  1. Sudden, increasing pain in the throat when swallowing - may radiate to the ear or eyes.
  2. High fever, headache and vomiting.
  3. Swollen lymph nodes in the neck.

What to do with angina and complications of the disease

Strep throat is usually treated with penicillin or other antibiotics for about 10 days. Paracetamol is also suitable for reducing fever if you have a headache or a sore throat (recommended because children cannot be given Aspirin because it can cause Reye's syndrome, a rare disease that damages the liver and brain). For recurrent, chronic inflammation and swelling of the tonsils, removal of the tonsils is recommended. If left untreated, strep throat can damage the heart valves and kidneys.

Influenza is one of the most common infectious diseases. Every year, 10% of the world's population is infected, and during a pandemic this number can even reach 40-50%.

Flu symptoms

The onset of the disease occurs very quickly. In the morning a person may feel good, but in the evening his whole body hurts. In the case of influenza without complications, symptoms are most evident during the first 3-5 days. They then gradually subside, but some of them, such as fatigue and weakness, can persist for up to 2 weeks.

The following symptoms indicate influenza:

  1. The throat hurts severely, especially when swallowing, sometimes the pain radiates to the ears and eyes.
  2. Enlarged lymph nodes in the neck.
  3. Heat.
  4. Headache.
  5. “The whole body” hurts.
  6. Sometimes nasal congestion may be present.

What to do if you have the flu and its complications

Treatment of influenza involves bed rest and adequate fluid intake, as well as taking antiviral medications. If nasal congestion is present, a nasal spray (ideally with sea water, which moisturizes the mucous membrane) will help. Otherwise, the flu can lead to other serious illnesses and complications caused by either a virus or a bacterial infection. The most common complications are pneumonia, bronchitis and inflammation of the middle ear. A rare complication is inflammation of the heart muscle.

The average person meets her on average once a year. In particular, the disease occurs most often in children, visiting them about 5-10 times a year. In this disease, a weakened body encounters an infectious pathogen - a virus or bacteria that affects the upper respiratory tract. The disease often occurs after hypothermia.

Cold symptoms

The first symptoms usually begin to appear within a few hours to 2 days after infection:

  1. Sneezing, coughing, runny nose, lacrimation.
  2. Sore throat, hoarseness.
  3. Pain in the muscles or throughout the body.
  4. Feeling tired, unwell.

What to do if you have a cold and its complications

It is recommended to use medications that relieve symptoms of the disease, such as headaches, sore throat, nasal congestion, and cough. If we are talking about bacterial inflammation, antibiotics are prescribed. Sometimes a bacterial infection is added to a cold, especially if the disease is not treated; In this case, the symptoms continue to debilitate the body, which then becomes less resistant to other “attacks.” Common complications of the common cold include sinusitis, tonsillitis, ear infections, bronchitis and pneumonia.

Why does my head hurt when my nose is stuffy?

When you have a headache in the area of ​​the nose and eyes, you should definitely consult a specialist, since these symptoms may be evidence of the development of serious diseases or simple fatigue. The causes of such pain can be located either directly in the head region or in other organs, and can be transmitted there to certain parts of the body.

Where does it hurt with sinusitis: can the back of the head, the frontal part above the eyebrows, the sinus above the eye hurt?

The maxillary sinuses, filled with air, are located inside the forehead, cheekbones and behind the bridge of the nose.

When they become inflamed due to an allergic reaction or infection, they swell, produce more mucus, and the channels that lead to them become blocked.

Increased pressure in the cavities causes pain in the forehead and temples. Adults also experience pain in the nose and cheeks, and the upper teeth and neck may hurt.

Where does it hurt

The sinuses are four pairs of voids on the face that surround the nose. The frontal cavities are located in the forehead, the maxillary cavities are located inside the cheekbones; ethmoids - behind the bridge of the nose; and the sphenoids are behind the eyes. Each sinus is connected to the nasal passages by a continuous mucous membrane. This allows mucus and air to move freely. You feel pain in your sinuses when this free movement is blocked.

Each sinus produces its own pain . If the maxillary cavities are infected, the jaw, teeth, and cheeks may hurt. Pain in the forehead or head indicates problems with the frontal sinuses. The sphenoid, which is the least commonly affected, can cause pain in the ears, neck, and top of the head.

Most adults with inflamed sinuses report discomfort in several areas of the face, head, or neck.

Head: radiates to the temple, above the eyebrow

You will feel severe and constant pain in the lower part of the forehead, which spreads to the brow ridges and extends to the temple. The sensation usually intensifies with sudden head movements or overexertion. Headache is accompanied by other symptoms:

  • runny nose;
  • stuffy ears;
  • fever;
  • swelling on the face.

Headaches may not be associated with sinusitis, so you need to find out whether the symptoms are caused by this disease. If the cause is infection, there will also be a high fever. Usually, a doctor can determine sinusitis based on the symptoms described and a physical examination, but in some cases an x-ray is ordered.


Ear pain occurs when the Eustachian tube is blocked or does not function properly. The Eustachian tube is a small canal that runs between the nose and ear. It helps equalize the pressure in the middle ear.

When the Eustachian tube becomes clogged, pressure in the ear increases, causing pain and congestion. Adults complain of muffled hearing and discomfort in the ears . These symptoms are caused by problems in the middle ear or ear canal.

Any condition that affects the sinuses can lead to congestion in the ears, such as colds, allergies, and sinus infections. Air travel and changes in altitude can also cause eustachian tube dysfunction.

Ear pain is not only associated with sinusitis. Often, bacterial ear infections develop on top of a sinus infection, especially if the soreness is a relatively new symptom.

For this reason, it is important to determine whether there is a true ear infection that requires antibiotics.

The doctor will also monitor the progress of sinusitis to watch for possible complications, including meningitis and brain abscess.


Sinusitis may cause sharp pain behind or around the eyes, which gradually gets worse over time. It begins within a few days of the infection developing . Additionally, the following symptoms occur:

  • swelling begins in one eye and spreads to the other;
  • redness and pain in the eyes;
  • vision problems;
  • difficulty moving your eyes;
  • swollen eyelids.

It may take several days or even weeks for additional symptoms to appear after the headache begins.

Nose: bridge of the nose

Pain in the bridge of the nose is a common symptom of sinusitis. Soreness spreads on both sides of the nose, on the bridge of the nose, and can lead to migraines.

Inflamed sinuses make breathing difficult. The infection causes swelling in the sinuses and nasal passages. Nasal congestion reduces the ability to smell or taste as well as usual. The voice becomes nasal and muffled.


Sinusitis can cause toothache, especially in the upper back teeth, which are close to the sinuses. The maxillary sinuses are located inside the cheekbones, above the upper jaw. If there is an infection in the maxillary sinus, pressure begins to build up and puts pressure on the jaw bones.

Most often, the roots of the upper teeth hurt. They are very close to the sinus cavity, sometimes even extending inside. The nerves of the roots will be affected by swelling and pressure. The longer sinusitis lasts, the more your teeth ache.

Facial pain: in the cheeks

Acute sinus infections, which are usually accompanied by fever and severe nasal congestion, cause widespread, throbbing pain in the cheeks under the eyes and cheekbones. The sensation intensifies with pressure.

Patients with sinusitis do not suffer from chronic migraines as often as doctors say. But facial pain is a more common diagnostic criterion. Although 70% of patients with sinusitis do report facial pain, this symptom is rated as less severe than the accompanying nasal congestion, catarrh, and loss of smell.

The third international classification describes secondary cheek pain associated with sinusitis. It changes in parallel with the clinical course of sinusitis. Facial pain is closely related to the anatomical site of sinusitis and is more often unilateral rather than bilateral. Secondary facial pain with sinusitis is not symmetrical and is not the main complaint.

In the neck

Neck pain is also included in the list of symptoms of sinusitis. Stiffness and soreness in the neck can be the result of sinus problems, whether chronic or acute.

The body cannot tell the difference between causes, only that discomfort is present, so the response to different diseases is often the same.

Not all neck problems are the result of sinus inflammation. You should definitely see a chiropractor to find out what's going on.

Can a sore throat hurt with sinusitis - during illness or after treatment?

As sinus secretions drain into the back of the throat, it can cause irritation. Sinusitis is often accompanied by a constant and irritating cough, especially during sleep or awakening. Sleeping upright or with your head elevated helps reduce the frequency and intensity of coughing.

Even after treatment, throat problems may occur . Mucus flowing down its back wall transfers the infection to the tonsils. If the infection lasts for several weeks or more, the sore throat gets worse and a sore throat may develop.

How to distinguish it from other pains

How can you understand that painful sensations are caused by sinusitis and not by another problem? There is a very easy way to verify this. Stand up straight and concentrate on the points where you feel discomfort.

Then bend down, touching your hands to the floor.

Do you feel a strong pressure forming at these points, as if the liquid is flowing down and pressing from the inside? The pain intensifies, it is unnatural, pressing - this is sinusitis.

When it passes

Different types of sinusitis last for different lengths of time. However, there is a standard classification of this infection:

  1. Acute sinusitis – lasts up to 4 weeks and is the most common type.
  2. Subacute – symptoms last longer than usual, 4 to 12 weeks.
  3. Chronic – symptoms persist or recur continuously after 12 weeks. More invasive treatment, such as a sinus puncture, may be needed.

How quickly the infection can be overcome depends on the state of the immune system and the prescribed treatment. The pain will go away along with other symptoms of the disease. Bacterial infections cause pain longer than viral forms of sinusitis. Then the doctor prescribes antibiotics that will help relieve inflammation and ease pain.

How to relieve or reduce pain

You can cope with the pain caused by sinusitis yourself at home. Strong medications are not needed for pain relief.

Liquefaction of mucus, if without a runny nose

Try a saline nasal spray. Saline irrigation will ease swelling and help break up mucus that clogs your nose. You can use it up to six times a day without worrying about side effects.

What you can use:

  1. Saline solution.
  2. Aquamaris.
  3. Aqualor.

You can also make your own saline nasal solution. Mix boiled water, a little salt and soda. By washing away the mucus from the cavity of the maxillary sinuses, you will feel instant relief.

The procedure is very easy to do. Fill a bulb with warm saline solution, tilt your head up and gradually pour it into each nostril one at a time. Then lean over the sink and let the solution pour out of the cavities.

Relieving sinus pressure

Use a decongestant nasal spray or vasoconstrictor drops. They relieve congestion and prevent the release of large amounts of mucus, especially in the early stages. Do not use the product for more than 3 days.

Which drops to choose:

  1. Nazivin.
  2. Rinazolin.
  3. Naphthyzin.
  4. Sanorin.

Additionally, use a humidifier. Clogged sinuses respond well to moist air. Using a humidifier, especially when you sleep at night, will help keep your sinuses open, relieve pressure, and reduce pain. You can also try sitting in a steamy bathtub after a hot shower or inhaling steam from a pot of hot (not boiling) water for faster relief.


You can take over-the-counter pain relievers:

  1. Acetaminophen.
  2. Ibuprofen.
  3. Naproxen.

They quickly relieve sinus pain. But never give aspirin to a child or teenager. It may be dangerous.

If the pain does not go away after 10 days, talk to your doctor. You may need an antibiotic or other treatment.

In this video you will be told in detail about medications to eliminate painful sensations.


Sinusitis is treated differently depending on the cause:

  1. Most cases of acute sinusitis, about 98 percent, are caused by a virus, not bacteria, and should not be treated with antibiotics.
  2. The disease causes terrible discomfort in different parts of the face, neck, aching sensations in the teeth, swelling of the lower and upper eyelids.
  3. Pain relievers such as acetaminophen or ibuprofen, steroid nasal sprays, or salt water irrigations can help relieve the pain of a sinus infection. These treatments are also good treatment options for acute bacterial sinusitis.
  4. Most people get better naturally, but some patients require treatment with an antibiotic.
  5. Chronic sinusitis is treated differently than acute sinusitis. Because it is caused by a recurrence of infection, treatment is aimed at controlling the inflammation.

Nasal salt water irrigation and steroid sprays are the main treatments for the symptoms of chronic sinusitis. Antibiotics can also relieve pain during the disease, but not always.

Source: https://dokLOR.com/nos/oslozhneniya/gajmorit/simptom-g/bol

Causes of headaches and facial pain

A number of diseases, which are divided into several large groups with individual causes, can provoke a headache localized in the facial part.

Ophthalmological disorders

Ophthalmological disorders - appear when the eye (or both) hurts and the pain radiates to the forehead on the same side:

  • Glaucoma – eye pressure increases and the visual structure is damaged due to improper circulation of intraocular fluids. Most often, an attack occurs acutely and unexpectedly, because... the course of the disease is asymptomatic. Damage to the eye organs occurs so gradually that they go unnoticed by humans. A sharp attack of eye pain radiates not only to the frontal part, but also to the back of the head on the same side. What to do in case of an acute attack of glaucoma - read here.
  • Inflammation of the nasolacrimal duct . A disruption occurs in the tear outflow channel, resulting in an increase in eye pressure. In addition to pain symptoms, there is an inflammatory process of the lacrimal sac, and conjunctivitis .
  • Farsightedness and improper vision correction cause overstrain of the eye muscles. As a result, the pain appears from a spasm and radiates to the head.

Diseases of the ENT organs

Diseases of the ENT organs mainly concern pathoprocesses of the paranasal sinuses. The patient's complaints are that his nose is stuffy, his eyes and head hurt.

Diagnosis by an ENT specialist helps determine the cause of headaches

Usually the visual organs experience pain from inflammation of the maxillary and frontal sinuses during sinusitis. The patient's condition may be accompanied by:

  • general weakness;
  • increased temperature;
  • outflow of purulent contents of the sinuses.

In addition to inflammation of the mucous membranes, pain is caused by a lack of oxygen, both in the nutrition of tissues due to constricted blood vessels, and in the entire body due to breathing problems.

Neurological disorders

Neurological disorders cause a condition where not only a headache, but also pressure on the bridge of the nose and eyes:

  • Trigeminal neuralgia - develops with chronic inflammation in the frontal sinuses or eyes, injuries, tumors of the facial area . The trigeminal nerve connects the ocular, nasal and head areas of one side of the face, respectively, damage to it in any of the areas causes pain in all affected parts of the inflamed side. Neurological pain is paroxysmal.
  • Secondary neuralgia - develops with infectious diseases, chronic inflammation, injuries of the corresponding facial area. The pain is constant and long-lasting (up to several tens of days).

A headache attack must be stopped

  • Cluster pain - characterized by an attack of sharp pain in the forehead and eyes, radiating to the cervical and occipital areas. A typical condition is when the eyes are watery, the nose is stuffy (or there is copious clear discharge) and there is a headache on one side. The specificity of these pains is the strict frequency of repeated attacks, for example, at intervals of several hours during the week, after which a long (up to a year) period of rest begins.
  • Migraine - characterized by severe headaches that radiate to the eye area and involve one half of the head. The attacks are so severe that the person may lose spatial orientation and the ability to perform everyday activities. The attack can last for several days, and the disease itself requires long-term therapy.


Fetal development can provoke changes in metabolic processes in organisms. When your head and eyes hurt during pregnancy, the reasons for this may be:

  • impaired water metabolism, leading to increased eye pressure;
  • changes of an ophthalmological nature, which after childbirth return to their usual state;
  • overwork.

Pain in the bridge of the nose and forehead: characteristic symptoms and causes

Patients often complain that the bridge of their nose hurts, sometimes for no apparent reason. If a person experiences pain in the forehead or eyes, these signs may indicate the presence of one of several pathologies.

To find out how to get rid of pain in the frontal part of the head, it is recommended to undergo diagnostics. Treatment prescribed by a specialist will help you get rid of the disease.

To understand exactly what diseases cause discomfort in the bridge of the nose, we will determine the main causes of pain and methods of treating them.

Causes of pain in the bridge of the nose and forehead

Pain is a symptom of many diseases. If it is localized in a certain place, this indicates that this particular part of the patient’s body is affected.

Headaches appear due to disturbances in the functioning of the nervous and cardiovascular systems of the body, diseases of the ENT organs, teeth, and so on.

When the bridge of the nose and forehead hurt, the doctor first of all looks for the cause in damage to nearby organs and blood vessels. Let's look at the most common causes and nature of pain.


A fairly harmless etiology of pain in the forehead and bridge of the nose is neuralgia of the nasociliary nerve. Patients under 35-40 years of age are most susceptible to this pathology. A person feels discomfort, pain in the sinuses, forehead, eyes.

Nature of pain:

  • quite strong, and when acutely manifested, can cause night awakenings. They often appear at night;
  • pressing, with this pathology the pain presses on the bridge of the nose, forehead, and there is a feeling of fullness from inside the head.

Additional symptoms:

  • the pathology affects the eyes: they may turn red, lacrimation appears, and sometimes the nutrition of the cornea is disrupted;
  • pulsation in the frontal region;
  • Nasal discharge appears, the nasal mucosa swells, and turns red.

Complications of acute respiratory infections, dental ailments, ENT diseases affecting nerve endings, including a deviated nasal septum, and other causes can lead to this pathology.

Injuries to the bridge of the nose

In patients of all ages, headaches in the bridge of the nose are caused by injuries. A blow to the nose can be caused by an unsuccessful fall, attack, or active children's games. The consequences of injuries are soft tissue bruises, cartilage damage, swelling and redness in the affected area, and abrasions.

If a nasal fracture occurs, this is a reason to immediately contact an otolaryngologist. Restoring the nasal septum and the patency of the nasal passages will relieve the patient of discomfort and pain.

Acute sinusitis

With sinusitis, the patient suffers from severe pain, which is especially intense in the morning or evening. This disease can be suspected when pain radiates to the bridge of the nose when turning the head, touching the skin of the face, and discomfort is felt in the area of ​​the eye sockets and forehead.

Chronic pathologies of ENT organs

Periodically occurring runny nose, swelling and nasal congestion indicate the presence of a focus of inflammation in one of the ENT organs. Chronic pathologies are diagnosed quite often.

The first sign of an inflammatory process in the ENT organs, which occurs in a chronic form, is a headache.

It is accompanied by general weakness and tingling in the bridge of the nose. With provoking factors, the disease worsens. These factors are:

  • severe physical fatigue of the patient;
  • decreased immunity;
  • overheat.


Acute rhinitis is also sometimes accompanied by bursting, pressing pain in the nose. With this pathology, a discharge of watery mucus appears, acquiring a thick consistency over time.

Swelling appears, and a focus of infection appears in the nasal cavity. In the absence of adequate treatment, rhinitis can become complicated or become chronic.


When acute sinusitis does not go away within a week, it can be assumed that the inflammation has spread to the maxillary sinuses - sinusitis develops.

This pathology requires immediate intervention by an otolaryngologist, as it can lead to serious consequences. With sinusitis, the patient feels a severe headache, pulsation, which sometimes radiates to the temple area.

The symptom complex is also complemented by pain in the forehead and bridge of the nose; there may be no exudate in the first days. Then the patient notes the release of yellow thick mucus and an increase in temperature. Some people experience migraines; intoxication of the body is externally manifested in general weakness and increased fatigue.


This is an inflammation of the frontal sinuses - the frontal sinuses. The pathology manifests itself as pain in the forehead, the area between the eyebrows, and the bridge of the nose. When a person tilts his head, mechanical pressure occurs on the inflamed area, and the pain will intensify. The pathology is accompanied by a feeling of heaviness in the area of ​​inflammation.


The disease occurs due to inflammation of the pterygopalatine nerve ganglion. Signs indicating the presence of this pathology:

  • severe pain in the bridge of the nose, forehead;
  • dizziness, cephalgia;
  • eye sockets hurt;
  • the pain intensifies if you press in the area of ​​the eye sockets.

Unpleasant sensations also radiate to different areas of the head, especially to the upper jaw, rarely to the shoulders and shoulder blades.


Features of the pathology are severe headache, nasal congestion, a feeling of fullness in the bridge of the nose, impaired sense of smell, and low-grade fever. Pathology occurs as a complication of a runny nose, inflammation of the frontal and maxillary sinuses. The causative agent is a viral or bacterial infection.

These are the main causes of discomfort in the lower part of the forehead, the bridge of the nose. Pathologies of the ENT organs or neurological ailments require special treatment. But often patients turn to a doctor when the process has already gone too far. Therefore, it is important to know under what conditions it is necessary to urgently see a specialist.

When a doctor's help is needed

Due to certain circumstances, adults tend to delay visiting a doctor. Self-medication methods are often used that do not give positive results. Patients do not suspect that if the bridge of the nose and head constantly hurt, this can lead to disastrous consequences.

Symptoms that require immediate medical attention:

  • hyperthermia – an increase in temperature to 38 degrees or higher, which lasts more than 3 days;
  • My head hurts constantly and never stops.
  • the forehead hurts so much that it is difficult for a person to bend over, turn his head, sleep, and the feeling of heaviness in the head does not go away;
  • the appearance of rashes on the body;
  • purulent exudate flows from the nose;
  • dizziness, nausea or vomiting that lasts for several days.

Pain that does not go away for several days is already a reason to visit a neurologist or otolaryngologist. If a person experiences several of the above symptoms at the same time, it is necessary to immediately consult a doctor. Without exaggeration, the patient’s full life is at stake.


Diagnostic measures depend on the nature of the symptoms. With a correct diagnosis, it is easy to cure a protracted disease that causes pain in the bridge of the nose. To differentiate a neurological or otolaryngological diagnosis, an examination is carried out, during which the following methods are used:

  • general blood and urine tests - allow you to identify disturbances in the functioning of the body, the presence of inflammatory processes, viral or bacterial infections;
  • nasal swab for bacterial culture - necessary to determine the type of pathogen;
  • X-ray of the nasal cavity - allows you to identify damage to the nasal bones or the presence of exudate in the nasal sinuses;
  • Ultrasound of the sinuses;
  • Magnetic resonance imaging of the head is a very informative method for identifying changes in tissues and organs when they are damaged.

For pain in the forehead, making a diagnosis is extremely important, since the inflammatory process under certain conditions can quickly spread to other tissues, even to the membranes of the brain. It is possible that during diagnostic measures the patient will need additional consultation with a surgeon, neurologist, or dentist.

Treatment for pain in the forehead and bridge of the nose

During the examination, the condition of the sinuses is determined, whether there are neoplasms or chronic foci of infection there. Pain in the bridge of the nose is also possible with congenital pathology of the ENT organs; in this case, only surgical treatment is indicated - surgery.

When pain is accompanied by a runny nose, rinsing the nasal passages is a harmless treatment at home. This is first aid for acute sinusitis and rhinitis. To do this, you need to arm yourself with a bulb or syringe.

A special solution is poured into one nasal passage and removed through the second nostril or through the mouth. Then another move is washed. Nasal rinses are effective for sinusitis. Blowing your nose and irrigating with a saline solution does not fully guarantee the release of the purulent contents of the maxillary sinuses. The following tools are used for this procedure:

  • potassium permanganate (potassium permanganate). The substance is completely soluble in water; in strong concentrations it can burn the mucous membrane.
  • furatsilin;
  • salt, preferably special sea salt. It copes well with removing pathological microorganisms and reduces swelling.
  • chamomile decoction. Chamomile has antiseptic, anti-inflammatory properties;
  • propolis tincture. Has antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties. Helps cope with infection, restores the normal state of the mucous membrane.

Various reasons lead to a feeling of fullness and pressure in the bridge of the nose; vasoconstrictor drugs are often used to relieve the symptom. Treatment of infection sometimes requires the use of strong antibiotics and corticosteroid drugs to reduce swelling and restore normal organ function.


You can prevent the development of pathologies of the ENT organs and neuralgia by following simple rules:

  1. Avoid hypothermia and avoid contracting a viral or bacterial infection. A common cold, if not treated in a timely manner, if it is not treated correctly and if complications develop, can cause pain in the bridge of the nose.
  2. Take care to increase immunity. To achieve this, it is useful to harden the body, especially in childhood.
  3. Lead an active lifestyle - you need to do exercises and play sports. General strengthening physical exercises are suitable.
  4. To take care of your health, during the cold season you need to monitor the level of air humidity in the heated room. In hot weather, it is better to do wet cleaning in the house more often to reduce the entry of dust into the respiratory system. Dust settles on the mucous membrane of the nasal cavity, which makes it difficult for the important organ to function properly.

You can prevent headaches in the bridge of the nose and forehead by constantly strengthening the body. Summer is a great time for this. Eating seasonal vegetables and fruits and swimming in cool water help to naturally strengthen the body's defenses.

During the spring and autumn periods of outbreaks of seasonal diseases, it is recommended to use vitamin complexes.

It is also worth paying attention to the timely treatment of neurological and ENT diseases. Even minor manifestations of these pathologies can lead to serious consequences for the human body. Negligent attitude towards one's own health is unacceptable.

Source: https://golovnie-boli.com/bolezni-golovy/patologii-vyzyvayushhie-boli-v-oblasti-perenositsy-i-lba-kogda-sleduet-obratitsya-k-vrachu.html

Diagnosis and treatment

For any headaches accompanied by pressure on the eyes, it is necessary to undergo examination and diagnosis in a medical institution, where the doctor determines what to do specifically in each case. It is important to remember that the same symptoms in different people may have different treatment regimens.

  1. Consultation and examination with a therapist, who gives a referral for diagnosis or consultation with more specialized specialists (otolaryngologist, ophthalmologist, neurologist, traumatologist).
  2. The examination may include an ECG, CT, MRI, radiography, general blood test, measurement of arterial, intracranial and ocular pressure.
  3. Prescription of treatment after diagnosis.

The treatment prescribed by a specialist must be followed and adjusted only after additional consultation. This applies to both changing the dosage if relief does not occur, and the use of additional folk remedies.

Carefully! Any independent intervention in therapy, when the head, bridge of the nose and eyes hurt, can cause side effects or provoke a worsening of the condition.

If you need specialist advice, please contact:

As you know, headaches come in different forms. It can cover the entire skull or be localized to one specific area. Depending on the nature and location of the discomfort, the type of pathology is determined. When the bridge of the nose and head hurt, inflammation in the sinuses is likely to develop.

The reasons may be:

  • Incorrectly chosen frames of glasses that put pressure on the bridge of the nose.
  • Spectacle diopters do not match vision, as well as incorrectly selected lenses.
  • Wen.
  • Herpes.

In addition, a headache in the area of ​​the bridge of the nose may occur due to the development of infections or previous injuries. Even a runny nose and a cold are a provoking factor.

Clinical picture

The most common factor that causes pain in the head and bridge of the nose is sinusitis. Pathology is an inflammatory process that occurs on the mucous membrane and inside the paranasal sinuses. These are cavities located in the facial part of the cranial bones.

With the development of this pathology, the patient may have a headache in the area of ​​the forehead, nose, eyes, eyebrows, and temple.

Inflammation can affect either one sinus or both. Sinusitis has different etiologies, depending on the causative agents of the disease, there are:

The cause is respiratory viruses. This is why acute respiratory infections cannot be ignored by refusing treatment. In the absence of timely and adequate treatment, diseases of the upper respiratory tract, influenza and even an elementary cold can develop into a chronic form of sinusitis.

If you notice that your head hurts in the nose area, covers your eyes and radiates to the back of your head, then you should pay attention to the accompanying symptoms that may indicate the development of sinusitis:

  • Intense headache affecting the bridge of the nose and forehead.
  • Nasal congestion.
  • Swelling is noticeable on the face.
  • Feeling pressure from within.
  • Temperature increase.
  • Weakness and fatigue.
  • The discharge becomes thick and turns yellowish or greenish in color.

If the inflammation has spread to the middle ear area, patients note that they feel dizzy when they get out of bed, bend over, sneeze, cough, or wake up from a short sleep.

With frontal sinusitis, inflammation can spread to the frontal sinus area. After leaving a warm room into the cold, the pain becomes more intense, as does when pressing on the inflamed areas. The nose becomes red and swollen due to swelling. Prolonged secretion of mucus leads to compression of the nasal septum, making breathing difficult.

  • Seasonal, caused by plant pollen.
  • Perennial or persistent, provoked by dust mites, animal hair, insect bites.
  • Professional, arising under unfavorable working conditions. For example, the presence of chemicals in the workplace, low air temperature and high humidity, exhaust gases and other factors.

In addition, there are:

  • Hormone.
  • Medication.
  • Food.
  • Psycho-emotional.

Sinusitis has two forms.

The following symptoms are characteristic of chronic:

  • Runny nose.
  • Heat.
  • The pain is concentrated in the bridge of the nose, moves to the head, covers the eye part of the face, nasal sinuses, radiates to the ears, upper teeth. When tilted it becomes more intense.
  • Swelling is observed.
  • Thick mucopurulent discharge.
  • Difficulty breathing and smelling.
  • Cough that gets worse in the morning and evening.
  • Decreased appetite.
  • Weakness, fatigue.
  • Bad breath.

If left untreated, the acute form will become chronic, in which the symptoms will be less pronounced, but the duration of the disease will increase to 3 months. As a result, the patient may lose his sense of smell and taste.

If your head, eyes, or nose hurt, you should not put off visiting a doctor. After all, the cause of such a condition can be a tumor, polyps, myopia, glaucoma, neuralgia and other pathologies that require immediate treatment.

Causes inflammation of the mucous membrane of the nasal passages and sinuses. At the same time, pus accumulates in the cavities, the temperature rises, breathing becomes difficult, and the perception of odors is impaired. This group of causes includes rhinitis, sinusitis, frontal sinusitis, and sinusitis.

In this case, the disease and inflammatory process occurs in the ethmoid sinus, which is located close to such important organs as the orbits, anterior cranial fossa, and ethmoid arteries. The danger lies in the development of severe complications.

If sinusitis has turned into ethmoiditis, then patients note a lack of relief after taking painkillers. Sometimes vision loss may occur. The secretions flow down the back of the throat, so they are not present. The disease is caused by bacteria, viruses, fungi, as well as anatomical pathologies and improper treatment of rhinitis. If ethmoiditis develops in a child, the consequence may be the formation of adenoids.

Having received a bruise, from a fall or blow, a person becomes a victim of prolonged pain in the area of ​​the bridge of the nose, forehead, and eye sockets. In case of injuries, the integrity of the soft tissues, as well as the bones of the skull, may be damaged, and a concussion is possible. If the fusion occurs incorrectly or there is a curvature of the septum, then pain will accompany for several months and even a year.

One of the complications of ethmoiditis is gangniomitis of the pterygopalatine ganglion. It manifests itself as an acute pain syndrome that spreads to the entire upper part of the face - under the eyes, palate, and the bridge of the nose. Irradiates into the lower jaw, eye, ear, hand. Tearfulness is observed, the skin becomes red, and liquid mucus is released from the nostril.

A complication of sinusitis and frontal sinusitis is neuralgia of the nasopharyngeal nerve. A characteristic symptom is herpetic rashes.

It hurts to touch your nose and tilt your head.

Diagnostic methods

To determine a treatment regimen, it is necessary to undergo an examination and establish the exact cause of pain in the head and bridge of the nose. To do this, the doctor will prescribe a series of tests, thanks to which you can make an accurate diagnosis and assess your general condition. Based on the examination data, the following diagnostic methods may be required:

  • rhinoscopy – instrumental examination of the nasal mucosa, including in hard-to-reach areas;
  • Ultrasound is a non-invasive method for diagnosing the condition of the paranasal sinuses and nasal passages, in order to determine inflammatory processes;
  • laboratory analysis of nasal swabs (bacteriological culture) - prescribed to identify the causative agent of purulent inflammation and further selection of effective antibiotics;
  • CT and MRI are informative techniques that are prescribed if neoplasms or head injuries are suspected.

At the Clinical Institute of the Brain, an individual diagnostic program will be selected for the patient. It will include only those techniques that will be informative for obtaining a general picture of the disease. Modern equipment, qualified specialists, the ability to conduct several examinations in a short time are a guarantee of obtaining a quick and accurate result.


Since the symptoms are quite similar, taking a history is not enough. To identify the root cause, the doctor performs an examination using instruments. Blood tests and a swab taken from the nose are carried out. A hardware examination is prescribed - MRI, ultrasound, x-ray. If necessary, the patient is referred for consultation to specialists such as a neurologist, surgeon, or dentist.

Depending on the form and causes of the disease, treatment tactics are chosen. Medication consists of prescribing:

  • Antibiotics.
  • Antibacterial and anti-inflammatory drops.

At home, you can rinse with a weak solution of potassium permanganate, sea salt, a decoction of chamomile and sage, and also use ready-made preparations.

If conservative treatment does not give the desired result, they resort to a surgical method, which involves puncture of the sinus, removal of purulent deposits, and sanitation with medications.

The appearance of complaints of pain in the forehead or other parts of the head requires a careful study of the causes in order to begin proper treatment. In some cases, pain is accompanied by nasal congestion, since all body systems are closely interconnected.

Treatment of pain in the head and bridge of the nose

In most cases, treatment is carried out at home. The doctor prescribes a regimen of medications that will help eliminate the main cause of pain in the head and bridge of the nose, as well as relieve unpleasant symptoms. Depending on the exact diagnosis, the scheme will differ. This may include the following medications:

  • antibiotics are the main method of treating bacterial infectious diseases that are accompanied by purulent inflammation, as well as for their prevention;
  • painkillers and anti-inflammatory drugs - often present as a symptomatic treatment;
  • antimicrobial drugs in the form of nasal drops and sprays;
  • vasoconstrictors - prescribed for chronic rhinitis to ease breathing;
  • antihistamines in the form of nasal drops and tablets are necessary for the treatment of allergies.

Surgical methods are prescribed only according to indications. The operation is necessary for injuries, to restore the integrity of cartilage and bone tissues, the nasal septum. You may also need the help of a surgeon in acute stages of sinusitis. The doctor punctures the maxillary sinus, removes its contents and rinses the cavity with solutions containing antibiotics.

How are the nose and headache related?

What to do if you have a headache, nasal congestion, sore throat and other symptoms? Of course, only an experienced doctor can determine an accurate diagnosis after examining and studying the patient’s condition. Self-medication often leads to complications, since the same symptoms occur in different diseases.

The main causes of nasal congestion and headaches are:

  • sinusitis is an inflammatory process of the mucous membrane of the nasal sinuses, in which pain can spread to the forehead, eye area, upper jaw, depending on the lesion;
  • frontal sinusitis is when the frontal sinus and nose become inflamed, characterized by a dull pain in the morning hours, mainly in the frontal part;
  • with sinusitis , the maxillary sinuses become inflamed, so unpleasant sensations occur in the area of ​​the jaws, cheeks and around the eyes;
  • And finally, sphenoiditis is an inflammation of the sphenoidal sinus, accompanied by severe pain in the head, radiating to the neck, ears, and nose.

Let's take a closer look at each of these reasons. Surely you have some of this.

Sinusitis, as a rule, develops against the background of a cold, especially severely in the absence of proper treatment. The neglected process provokes swelling of the nasal septum, due to which a large amount of sputum begins to accumulate.

The fluid makes it difficult to pass through the passages and puts excessive pressure on the sinuses and walls. As a result, congestion, blockage of the sinuses, increased lacrimation, headache, general weakness, and sore throat appear. The provoking factors are considered to be a viral infection that affects the mucous membranes and causes an inflammatory process. Chronic pathology of the ENT organs (ear, throat, nose) may also be the cause.

If your nose is stuffy and you still have a headache that radiates to the frontal area, an inflammatory process in the frontal sinus has probably begun. With such a lesion, the throat practically does not suffer; the lesion is localized in the upper part of the head.

The cause is also a viral infection. The disease can be identified by certain signs: constant runny nose and nasal congestion.

Common remedies for the common cold do not lead to obvious improvement, and the discharge has a viscous structure with impurities of pus and an unpleasant odor. The acute form may be accompanied by a severe cough due to pathological secretions from the nasal sinuses entering the larynx. In some cases, body temperature, light sensitivity of the eyes increases, and the sense of smell is impaired.

If there is no temperature, but a headache appears, the cause may be hidden in another pathological process - sinusitis. This disease is characterized by severe pain with slight turns and tilts of the head, but the diagnosis is made by a specialist after taking an x-ray. Damage to the maxillary sinuses negatively affects the condition of the eyes and upper jaw.

It should be noted that sinusitis does not go away on its own; on the contrary, if left untreated, the course of the disease becomes more complicated and damage to other parts occurs, including the brain. Purulent accumulations gradually begin to penetrate the bone tissue, causing osteomyelitis. Damage to the orbits leads to the development of phlegmon of the orbits of the eyes, and damage to the meninges leads to meningitis.

This disease is one of the forms of sinusitis and affects the sphenoid sinuses. A distinctive feature is the lack of visible improvement during a course of therapeutic treatment, which is why it often develops into a chronic disease. With this form, surgical intervention is required to get rid of the pathology.

The most pronounced symptoms are purulent discharge from the nose in the form of snot, headache in various parts, constant nasal congestion, dysfunction of the sense of smell, fever, weakness, double vision, etc.

Why does headache occur in the temples and eyes?

Every day, a large number of people experience such an unpleasant symptom as a severe headache.
According to statistics, such unpleasant pain occurs in more than 90% of the world's population. At the same time, the pain can radiate to the temples and the nose begins to hurt very much. It is possible to understand why your eyes and head hurt, only if you study in detail the reasons that can provoke these symptoms.

Features of pain that occurs in the temples and affects the nose and eyes

Considering these symptoms, you need to know that such sensations in the temples and eyes do not appear very often. The pain in the head and temples is paroxysmal and sometimes pulsates.

In this case, it seems to the person that there is strong pressure on the nose from the inside. Unpleasant sensations and weakness can appear at any time of the day.

A person may feel discomfort in the temples for a long period of time.

The peculiarity of this pain is that it occurs only on one side of the head.

In addition to the fact that a person’s eyes and head hurt, he may experience nausea, weakness, and dizziness throughout the day. During an attack, it is very difficult for the patient to perceive bright light, which causes him even more discomfort.

Reasons why pain appears in the temples, eyes and nose hurt

The causes of such pain may be hidden behind various diseases. Some of them do not pose a threat to human life. Others create a lot of trouble.

To eliminate the problem, it is important to make a timely diagnosis and begin treatment of the disease.

Reason #1. High blood pressure

With this disease, pain occurs on both sides. They are spasmodic in nature. Often this can cause dizziness and severe nose pain. Such pain can be reduced with the help of special medications that are aimed at reducing spasms.

Reason #2. Vegetovascular dystonia

When such a diagnosis is made, the unpleasant sensations in the temples and head become constant. More often they begin during periods of temperature change or precipitation. These sensations can also be triggered by intense physical activity and stressful situations.

To get rid of such ailment you need to resort to painkillers. If the pain continues for a long period of time, you should definitely consult a doctor.

Reason #3. Increased intracranial pressure

With this diagnosis, a person experiences severe pain, which can concentrate not only in the temples, but also affect other areas of the head. The nose and neck are very often affected. Symptoms may also include severe nausea and profuse vomiting. The patient will feel weak, and the pain will increase with each change in body position.

What to do in this case? With such symptoms, it is strictly forbidden to carry out treatment on your own. It is imperative to undergo a medical examination, which will allow you to establish the true picture of the disease. Only after this can you begin therapeutic treatment.

Reason #4. Diseases of the cerebrovascular vessels (atherosclerosis)

In this case, the discomfort appears only on one side. But at the same time, unpleasant sensations may arise in the temples. The eyes and nose hurt very rarely.

Cheer to do? To reduce the intensity of the attack, you can take a painkiller and then seek medical help. Such pain may indicate severe brain diseases.

Reason #5. Migraine

Migraine is considered a chronic neurological disease. Why it occurs has not been understood to this day. During an attack, a person feels discomfort in the temples.

Painful sensations occur with a certain frequency and are pulsating in nature. Your neck and nose may hurt.

On the one hand, a person will be greatly bothered by weakness, and on the other hand, he will also perceive light painfully, he will feel sick and vomit. Loss of coordination may even occur.

Such symptoms can last from several hours to a couple of days.

What to do? In this situation, using standard medications to relieve pain will not work. It is necessary to use individual treatment for each case.

Reason #6. Meningitis

A diagnosis of meningitis indicates that the meninges are severely inflamed. In such a situation, the pain spreads not only to the eyes and temples, but the nose and neck suffer greatly. In addition to these sensations, the patient’s body temperature sharply increases, weakness and drowsiness appear. In some cases, symptoms of food poisoning may occur.

If you do not start timely treatment, a person may face mortal danger!

Other possible causes of pain in the temples and eyes

The most common colds and infectious diseases (sore throat, flu, sinusitis) can cause pain in the eyes, temples and even nose. Usually, after proper treatment, these symptoms disappear on their own, and such pain no longer bothers the person.

When a person does not get enough sleep or is nervous a lot, he may also experience discomfort in the eyes and temples. In this case, no special treatment is needed. You just need to normalize your sleep and try to avoid stressful situations.

How to relieve unpleasant symptoms?

Any pain can be slightly reduced by performing light massage movements on certain areas of the head. First of all, you need to pay attention to:

• Temple areas.

• The back of the head.

• Ears.

• It is easy to press down the eyelids on the eyes.

Massage of the hands and knee joints will be very effective. If the pain is very severe, the person should be placed on the sofa in the room that receives the least amount of sunlight. If there are no contraindications, you can use a cold or warm compress on the frontal area.

Providing first aid for severe pain

If a person is suddenly struck by acute pain in the temples and eyes, then, if possible, you can drink some warm tea with sugar and take one of the suggested medications:

• Ÿ familiar to everyone “Analgin”.

• Ÿ "Pentalgin".

• Ÿ “Spazmalgon” (excellently relieves spasmodic pain).

• Ÿ “Askofen”.

• Ÿ “No-shpa”.

Unfortunately, it is not known how to get rid of pain in the eyes and temples once and for all. Many people have been trying for a long time to find a medicine that would give a positive result.

But in any case, you need to know that these symptoms do not appear just like that. Pain of this kind very often indicates the presence of a serious illness.

Therefore, it is necessary to seek advice from a specialist (neurologist).

Only after a thorough examination will it be possible to establish a diagnosis and prescribe medications that will not only relieve pain, but also permanently relieve a person of the main cause of the development of this disease.

Source: https://zen.yandex.ru/media/id/596a6a468146c12e34f9afda/597a4da83c50f73224e94810

Observe yourself: are there any peculiarities?

The localization of pain in the head depends on the cause of the pathology; most often the disease is felt in the forehead and temples. Moreover, headaches due to nasal congestion intensify in the morning, since a large amount of snot accumulates in the sinuses during the night, which causes difficulty in drainage.

What to do if you have an allergic reaction? Increased pressure on blood vessels due to allergies can cause bleeding from the nasal canals in both adults and children. Also causes of bleeding are mechanical injuries (scratches when removing crusts that have formed in the nose), increased physical activity, hypertension, poor clotting, thinning of the walls of blood vessels, etc.


Influenza is a respiratory disease that occurs due to influenza viruses. With the flu, a person may often experience nasal congestion and headaches.

Other symptoms include:

  • cough;
  • a sore throat;
  • muscle pain;
  • fatigue;
  • elevated temperature, although this does not always happen.

Some may experience vomiting and diarrhea, but this is more common in children than adults.

In some cases, the flu can cause serious complications. If you have any of the following symptoms, you should seek emergency medical attention:

  • labored breathing;
  • chest pain;
  • constant dizziness;
  • seizures;
  • severe muscle pain;
  • severe weakness.

Flu treatment

When treating influenza, it is very important to start as early as possible. Your doctor may also prescribe antiviral medications to help prevent complications.

Traditional methods of treatment

The disease can be treated using traditional medicine recipes, but only after agreement with the attending physician. Damage to the respiratory system leads to disruption of the usual rhythm of life. Aromatherapy is widely used to improve the condition, since various odors affect the human condition in one way or another. The smell of garlic and onions helps to get rid of a runny nose and snot, the inhalation of which has a detrimental effect on the life of viruses and microbes.

Positive dynamics are observed when inhaling essential oils of eucalyptus, mint or pine needles. Even children love such procedures, as they do not cause painful or unpleasant sensations. Substances can be used independently in the form of drops or inhalations. But when instilled into the nose, the juice must be diluted with water, since in its pure form it has a very high concentration, which will cause irritation and burns of the mucous membrane.

What to do for prevention

To avoid getting sick again, you should follow preventive measures. First of all, the general condition of a person is influenced by the level of immunity, which performs a protective function. To improve immune protection, it is necessary to regularly carry out hardening procedures (physical exercise, walks in the fresh air, adequate sleep and nutrition).

The use of nicotine has a negative impact on the walls of blood vessels and the condition of all organs. When the nose and head are affected, smoking leads to increased blood pressure and poor circulation, causing bleeding.

The eyes and nose hurt, the nose hurts under the eyes, the nose and eye hurt, what hurts in the eye and nose area - a huge number of Internet users come up with such requests. In this article we will look at the causes of such pain and try to understand how it may be related to neuralgia.

Ophthalmic causes

Headaches and facial pains have a wide variety of manifestations, and the causes that cause them are no less diverse. In particular, pain in the forehead, nose and eyes on one or both sides can accompany pathology of the eye or paranasal sinuses, and can also be a consequence of neurological disorders.

Acute attack of glaucoma

Glaucoma is a disease in which the normal circulation of intraocular fluid is disrupted. This leads to an increase in intraocular pressure and damage to various structures of the eyeball. In 90% of cases, the disease is painless, vision deteriorates gradually, so the patient does not notice any inconvenience for a long time.

The photo shows typical glaucoma

In some cases, the path through which the intraocular fluid circulates is completely blocked, which leads to a sharp increase in pressure. In addition to visual disturbances, a sharp pain occurs in the area of ​​the eyeball, which radiates to the forehead and back of the head on the corresponding side - this is an acute attack of glaucoma. If pain in the forehead, eyes and nose began suddenly, and was preceded by visual disturbances in the form of red circles or spots of light in front of the eyes, you should urgently consult an ophthalmologist.

Inflammation of the nasolacrimal duct

The nasolacrimal duct connects the orbit with the lower nasal passage; normally, fluid flows through it from the lacrimal sac into the nasal cavity. With inflammation, the lumen of the canal decreases due to swelling of the mucous membrane, and the outflow of tears becomes difficult. This is accompanied by lacrimation and pain in the area of ​​the inner corner of the eye and the base of the nose. Often inflammation of the nasolacrimal duct is accompanied by inflammation of the lacrimal sac and conjunctiva. Treatment is carried out by an ophthalmologist.

Farsightedness and incorrect vision correction

We see clear images of objects at different distances thanks to the eye's ability to automatically change the refractive power of the lens. When viewing close objects, as a result of contraction of the ciliary muscle, it becomes more convex, the focal length is reduced and the image is projected onto the retina.

A vision correction session is not as harmless a procedure as it might seem at first glance

With farsightedness or incorrectly selected means of vision correction, the ciliary muscle is forced to perform additional workload to “adjust” the visual apparatus, which causes fatigue, which is manifested by pain in the eye and forehead.

Diseases of the paranasal sinuses

Pathological processes in the frontal and maxillary sinus may also be accompanied by pain in the eye and nose area. The upper wall of the maxillary sinus is at the same time the lower wall of the orbit, and the ciliary ganglion is adjacent to it from the side of the eyeball. Frontal sinusitis is also characterized by pain spreading to the forehead and the entire half of the head, and sinusitis - to the teeth of the upper jaw and half of the face. The acute course of the process is also accompanied by an increase in temperature; nasal discharge may be abundant or may be absent altogether. To confirm the diagnosis, the doctor will prescribe an x-ray or diagnostic puncture of the maxillary sinus.

Neurological causes of facial pain in the periorbital region

Neuralgia of the first and second branches of the trigeminal nerve (trigeminal neuralgia)

The first, orbital branch of the trigeminal nerve is involved in the formation of the ciliary ganglion and innervates the skin of the forehead, upper eyelid and wing of the nose on the corresponding side. Neuralgia in this case is, as a rule, secondary in nature; the cause may be long-term inflammatory processes in the frontal sinus, injuries, tumors, and inflammatory eye diseases.

Location of branches of the trigeminal nerve

The second, maxillary branch is responsible not only for the sensitivity of the teeth and alveolar process of the upper jaw, but is also involved in the innervation of the inner wall of the maxillary sinus and the posterior parts of the nasal mucosa. With the secondary nature of neuralgia, the causes may be diseases of the upper teeth, long-term sinusitis, as well as injuries and neoplasms.

In both cases, the pain is paroxysmal in nature, its localization corresponds to the zone of innervation. For the first branch this is the forehead, upper eyelid, inner corner of the eye and wing of the nose, and for the second - the corner of the eye, the posterior part of the nasal mucosa (pain is felt in the depths), as well as the teeth of the upper jaw.

Ciliary knot syndrome (Hageman-Patchman)

The ciliary ganglion is located behind the eyeball and is adjacent to the lower bony wall of the orbit. Sensitive fibers in this formation innervate the deep structures of the eyeball. Hageman-Patchman syndrome is a secondary neuralgia that can be caused by inflammation in the paranasal sinuses, oral cavity and orbit, viral infections, and trauma. The pain in this case lasts from several days to two weeks, is localized in the depths of the orbit and nasal cavity, spreads to the entire half of the head and can intensify when pressing on the eyeball from front to back.

Sectional view of the ciliary node

Cluster headaches (Slader syndrome)

This disease is manifested by sharp, very severe pain in the orbit and forehead on one side, the pain can spread to the neck and back of the head. The attack is accompanied by redness of half the face, lacrimation and the discharge of a large amount of clear fluid from the nose. The reason has not been fully elucidated; the working version is considered to be a violation of vascular tone, mainly of the external cerebral artery. The frequency of occurrence of pain is characteristic: attacks follow one after another at intervals of several hours for several days, forming a so-called “bundle”. Then comes a light period, which can last up to a year.

Migraine is one of the types of primary headaches; the cause is considered to be a violation of the regulation of intracranial vascular tone. The pain is very intense and the person loses the ability to perform daily activities. Sounds, light and strong smells lead to increased pain, the attack lasts from several minutes to 2-3 days. The pain is usually unilateral, usually localized in the orbital area, forehead and temple. This disease requires serious treatment, both during an attack and in the inter-attack period.

Causes of pain in the bridge of the nose when pressed

The bridge of the nose hurts when pressed without injury - this is the main sign of the presence of an inflammatory process in the paranasal sinuses.

In addition to pain, the patient may experience additional alarming symptoms:

  • headache;
  • burning;

  • itching;
  • swelling of the mucous membrane.

The presence of such a clinical picture can indicate many diseases. You can find out what caused the problem only after a complete diagnosis.

Inflammation of the nerves in the upper part of the face

The bridge of the nose hurts when pressed without injury and without a runny nose - this is a sign of neurological disorders in the upper part of the face.

In addition to the main symptom, the patient feels the following:

  • pressing pain in the temples, bridge of the nose and inner corner of the eyes;
  • radiating headache;
  • blurred vision, decreased visibility, appearance of flies or cobwebs in the eyes;
  • apathy and general weakness.

In neurological disorders, the nature of the pain is pressing or bursting. When an attack occurs, patients may experience accompanying symptoms: lacrimation, swelling of the nasal mucosa, profuse nasal discharge.

The most commonly diagnosed neurological disorders are:

NameDescription of the reason
Charlin's syndromeAn inflammatory process of the nasociliary nerve, resulting from a previous head injury, inflammation of the oral mucosa and upper respiratory tract, a deviated nasal septum, as well as an infectious lesion of the teeth.
Vegetovascular dystoniaA disease, the causes of which are not fully known to medicine, the pathology is presumably provoked by psychological disorders, asthenic syndrome, curvature of the vertebral skeleton, severe stress, including hereditary factors.
Ganglionitis and ganglioneuritisDestruction of peripheral nerve cells and sympathetic nodes, the etiology of which is varied (head injuries, tumors, infections, metabolic disorders).

Treatment of neurological disorders should be carried out in a timely manner; neglect of the process leads to a deficiency of nutrition of the cornea of ​​the eyes (keratin).

Charlin's syndrome

The patient experiences a bursting pain in the bridge of the nose, above the eyeballs and forehead. Unpleasant sensations radiate throughout the head, creating a feeling of swelling in the brain. When pressing on the bridge of the nose, the pain intensifies and becomes paroxysmal with high intensity. All unpleasant sensations occur at night.

Such a clinical picture is the only sign by which the disease can be recognized, but this is quite difficult to do. Rarely, the disease is additionally accompanied by lacrimation, runny nose and irritation of the mucous membranes of the nose and eyes. Although these signs cannot accurately indicate the presence of the syndrome.

Taking analgesics does not relieve pain. In rare cases, headaches and pain in the bridge of the nose may go away only a few hours after taking the medication.


This pathology is characterized by the sudden appearance of acute unbearable pain in the head, bridge of the nose, eye area and gums. There is an increase in pain syndrome and it radiates to the cervical, shoulder, occipital and temporal regions.

Attacks usually appear at night. Their duration can range from several minutes to several hours.

Additional signs:

  • redness of the skin of the face and eyeballs;
  • swelling of the face;
  • lacrimation;
  • copious mucous discharge from the nose.

Vegetovascular dystonia

The complexity of the pathology is that its signs can be very diverse and unpredictable:

  • suffocation;
  • sensation of a lump coming to the throat;
  • hyperthermia;
  • pressing pain in the bridge of the nose;
  • a bursting feeling on one side of the face;
  • headache;
  • visual impairment;
  • tremor of the limbs.

According to doctors, manifestations of VSD are a consequence of a long-term negative effect on the nerve cells of the brain. The body loses its usual rhythm and the patient is unable to control his emotional balance. However, significant psycho-emotional disorders are not diagnosed.


Sinusitis is a consequence of a long course of sinusitis, in which the inflammatory process spreads to the maxillary sinuses. Such a problem requires immediate treatment, which is prescribed by an otolaryngologist.

The following symptoms are observed with sinusitis:

  • throbbing headache that radiates to the temporal zone;
  • pain in the forehead and bridge of the nose;
  • in the first days there is no discharge from the nose, but subsequently thick yellow mucus is released;
  • hyperthermia;
  • intoxication of the body is manifested by general weakness and fatigue.


The bridge of the nose hurts when pressed without injury due to ethmoiditis; in addition, the disease has additional unpleasant symptoms:

  • acute headache;
  • respiratory tract congestion;
  • violation of olfactory functions;
  • low-grade body temperature;
  • bursting pain in the bridge of the nose.

Provocateurs of ethmoiditis are viral and bacterial infections. As a rule, the disease appears as a complication of a common runny nose and inflammation of the maxillary and frontal sinuses.


Frontitis is an inflammatory process affecting the area of ​​the frontal sinuses.

The clinical picture appears as follows:

  • pain in the forehead and bridge of the nose;
  • when you tilt your head down, the pain intensifies, which is caused by pressure on the source of inflammation;
  • a feeling of heaviness in the forehead and bridge of the nose.

The disease requires immediate treatment, because neglect of the process has serious consequences.

Vasomotor rhinitis

Another common cause of pain in the bridge of the nose is vasomotor rhinitis. Pathology develops against the background of an infectious or allergic lesion of the upper respiratory tract (ARVI or allergy).

Symptoms of the disease:

  • increased lacrimation;
  • nasal congestion;
  • headache;
  • pain in the bridge of the nose;
  • lack of mucous discharge from the nose;
  • swelling of the nose and itching;
  • frequent sneezing.


The bridge of the nose hurts without injury - it could be allergic rhinitis; when pressed, the pain intensifies, a runny nose, sneezing, itching and burning of the nasal mucosa, and profuse lacrimation appear.

An allergic reaction can appear to anything: house dust, pollen, chemical emissions, pet hair, food, etc. For most, rhinitis of an allergic nature appears seasonally, during the flowering period of a plant.

Allergic rhinitis is dangerous due to the development of sinusitis, ethmoiditis and sinusitis, and therefore requires immediate treatment and avoidance of contact with the allergen.


With osteochondrosis, the patient feels numbness in the bridge of the nose, which is accompanied by sharp and high-intensity pain that cannot be relieved with standard painkillers.

Sometimes numbness in the bridge of the nose may indicate poor circulation. The cause of this condition is found only after extensive diagnostics; presumably, aneurysms and capillary blockage can be the triggers.


A fairly common cause of pain in the bridge of the nose can be previous or new injuries. With any mechanical damage, the pain is girdling and can be sharp, pulsating, or pressing.

With minor injuries, the pain goes away on its own after some time, but with severe injuries, the nasal septum may be damaged, which will subsequently cause the development of more complex diseases. Often, surgical treatment is prescribed to relieve pain when the septum is damaged.

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