Serious injury: how many days is sick leave given for a concussion and when is it extended?

A concussion is a mild form of traumatic brain injury. It can be obtained at work, at home, while playing sports, during a conflict with other people, or during an accident. Regardless of the cause, it is important to consult a doctor immediately. Otherwise, there is a risk of developing serious complications. With this type of traumatic brain injury, a person is hospitalized and then sent for outpatient treatment. Duration of stay on sick leave for concussion may be different.

How long do people stay in the hospital with a concussion?

For a concussion, the main treatment is bed rest and rest.
So if you did not go to the hospital and are at home, then, provided you follow these rules, you can stay at home. And if you end up in the hospital, then the doctors are great reinsurers and will keep you for at least a week. In general, with such a diagnosis, you are supposed to stay in the hospital for 10 days. With a mild concussion, most often you are not admitted to the hospital at all. If you are admitted to a mild concussion, you can be discharged after 3 days.

If the case is more complicated, the headache, nausea and vomiting do not go away for a long time, then they can stay for 2-3 weeks.

My husband’s friend was in the hospital for 15 days with a concussion. Even after being discharged, his head still hurt. A concussion is not something to joke about. It’s better to go through the full course of treatment.


The severity of a concussion varies, and hospital treatment can range from three to twenty days.

But you shouldn’t rush to be discharged from the hospital, because... at home you will not be completely cured, household chores, children, and we are always in a hurry somewhere, and the consequences make themselves felt: headaches begin to ache, irritation appears, vision deteriorates, memory fails, many people experience increased blood pressure, seizures, epilepsy, and after early discharge, you need peace and a calm lifestyle.

Therefore, you need to stay in the hospital and undergo a full course of treatment, and after discharge you need to be examined by a neurologist.

Treatment of injury

Typically, therapeutic measures for concussion are aimed at eliminating swelling of the brain.

Before prescribing any treatment, the doctor will ask the patient what symptoms they experienced immediately after receiving the traumatic brain injury.

Depending on the severity of the concussion, the patient may be treated on an outpatient or inpatient basis.

With a mild degree of severity, you may not even need to use medications , and if we are talking about a severe concussion, you cannot do without hospitalization in a hospital.

Indications for inpatient treatment:

  • severe dizziness;
  • unbearable headache;
  • unsteadiness when walking;
  • convulsions;
  • long-term memory loss.

Inpatient therapy

When all the necessary diagnostic tests are carried out in the hospital, the doctor will prescribe a course of treatment. First of all, patients are prescribed complete rest and bed rest for several days, depending on the severity of the concussion.

Important! Any actions that excite the patient’s psyche are strictly prohibited in order to avoid the return of concussion symptoms.

How long do you have to stay in the hospital with a concussion?

Exactly how long the treatment period in the hospital lasts and how long it takes to restore functionality varies depending on the severity of the injury. The disease may subside in a week or two, but if the symptoms do not go away in a timely manner, then hospital treatment may be extended even longer . Also, the length of hospital stay depends on the age of the injured person: children can stay in the hospital for up to a month. After discharge from the hospital, all patients must follow the instructions of their attending physician and carry out rehabilitation measures.


As a medical treatment, the patient is prescribed medications that help improve brain function.

In addition to this, depending on the nature of the symptoms that appear, medications of other types may be needed:

  • painkillers (Ketonal, ibuprofen - help cope with headaches);

  • sedatives (Novopassit, Motherwort - calm the nervous system);
  • nootropic (Piracetam, Glycine - support the nutrition of brain cells, normalize the functioning of the central nervous system);
  • vasotropic (Mexidol, Oksibral - strengthen blood vessels and make them elastic).

Attention! Self-prescription of painkillers is not recommended. It is carried out only by a specialist.

Physiotherapeutic treatment

Physiotherapy is an excellent addition to treatment . It is also very important during the period of rehabilitation and recovery.

The main physical therapy methods used to treat concussions include:

  1. Galvanotherapy is the use of continuous electric current of low strength and voltage for therapeutic purposes. Galvanization helps improve blood circulation, resolve inflammatory processes, increase immunity and improve muscle function.
  2. Laser therapy is based on the effect of a beam of light on the patient’s body. It leads to increased metabolic processes in the body, weakening of pain, and activation of the functions of immune cells.
  3. Hyperbaric oxygenation is the saturation of the body with oxygen inside special devices.

Is it necessary to go to the hospital after hitting your head?

No, not necessarily, only if there is loss of consciousness or a combination of concussion symptoms.

With soft tissue bruises, the headache is in most cases local, i.e. occurs at the site of impact. Usually it is not accompanied by other symptoms (nausea, vomiting, etc. - see below). There is no loss of consciousness with a contusion of the soft tissues of the head.

If the headache is accompanied by other symptoms, especially lethargy, inability to remember events and loss of consciousness, there is a suspicion of a concussion or a more serious injury.

What are the symptoms of a concussion?

Contrary to popular belief, in many cases loss of consciousness does not occur. If after hitting your head you did not lose consciousness, but experienced headache, dizziness, blurred vision, and nausea, this is a concussion.

You will be surprised, but not necessarily. In addition to direct head injury, a concussion can be caused by a sharp acceleration or deceleration of the cerebrospinal fluid surrounding the brain (for example, due to an impulse during a neck or torso injury).

According to current recommendations, yes, it is necessary, since at home you will not be able to assess the patient using the Glasgow Coma Scale, determine the likelihood of a skull fracture, or identify neurological deficits.


In cases where there are no alarming symptoms, a doctor’s examination is sufficient. If the doctor suspects a more serious injury, a computed tomography (CT) scan is necessary.

CT scan is required in the following cases

  • Glasgow Coma Scale score less than 15 points 2 hours after the concussion (the patient is lethargic, does not immediately answer questions, a more detailed assessment is carried out by a doctor)
  • suspected open or closed skull fracture
  • vomiting 2 or more times
  • age over 65 years
  • previous amnesia for more than 30 minutes

If there are warning signs, a skull x-ray will not be enough, since this study does not show the substance of the brain and may not diagnose serious problems such as traumatic hemorrhage.

Important elements of therapy are:

  • rest for 24-48 hours with a gradual increase in activity throughout the week
  • painkillers (paracetamol, NSAIDs) for headaches
  • sleeping pills for insomnia
  • Cognitive behavioral therapy for the prevention of anxiety and depressive disorders.

These drugs have no proven effectiveness and are not included in international treatment protocols.

Time in hospital

Because concussions come in varying degrees of severity, the amount of time a patient spends in the hospital depends on them. So, it can range from 3 days to 21 days - and so on, especially in the presence of various neurological complications that require long-term and adequate treatment. Typically, the condition of a victim treated for a concussion in a hospital quickly improves, after which they are discharged home under the follow-up of a district neurologist.

It should be remembered that the consequences of a concussion can often appear after discharge from the hospital, so you should not rush into it until you have fully recovered.

The consequence of ignoring hospitalization or hasty discharge from the hospital can be constant headaches, irritability, fatigue, unsteady gait, as well as decreased memory acuity, vision, and so on. In addition, a person can acquire vegetative-vascular dystonia, hypertension, epilepsy and convulsions - these phenomena usually intensify in unfavorable out-of-hospital conditions and in the absence of a calm lifestyle necessary after a concussion.

What affects the benefit amount?

The decision to assign disability to a TBI victim is usually made after discharge from the hospital. Contrary to popular belief, when calculating the amount of financial assistance, it does not take into account what signs of a concussion have persisted.

Attention is drawn to a number of other important points:

  • average monthly salary indicator for the last 2 years;
  • availability of additional payments for the same period and their volume;
  • insurance experience;
  • number of days on sick leave;
  • the presence or absence of a note in medical documents indicating the patient’s non-compliance with the treatment regimen.

The amount of the benefit is influenced by the average monthly salary for the last 2 years.
When applying for disability benefits after a concussion, two more points are taken into account. Firstly, the total amount cannot exceed the maximum sick leave payment. Secondly, if the victim is injured while under the influence of alcohol or drugs, the amount of the benefit corresponds to the minimum wage.

Hospitalization in the event of a concussion in a person with a head injury allows you to choose the best treatment option, eliminate additional problems, and prevent complications. How long the victim needs to stay in the hospital should be determined by the doctor, and not by the whim of the patient.

How long do they stay in the hospital with a concussion diagnosis?

If a concussion occurs, a person may end up in a hospital, where he will be given first aid, diagnosed and treated. You should not leave the problem uncontrolled and hope that it will go away on its own.

Without qualified help, negative consequences often arise that can lead to disability. How long you stay in the hospital with a concussion depends on the severity of the injury and the presence of complications.

What is a concussion

A concussion is a mild type of injury to the cranial brain that may be accompanied by loss of consciousness.

You can get damaged at home, at work, while playing sports, during an accident and in personal conflicts with other people. Regardless of the cause, it is necessary to seek medical help promptly to prevent complications.

To prevent a concussion, it is enough to follow a number of simple steps. When playing sports, you should wear a protective helmet where provided. When driving a car, you must use seat belts, and children must be transported in special seats.


  • Nausea and vomiting.
  • Intense headache, dizziness.
  • Confusion, slow reaction.
  • Double vision.
  • Fear of light and sounds.
  • Memory loss: partial or complete.
  • Speech disorders.

In total, there are three degrees of severity of the pathology, and the treatment regimen will depend on them. With a mild concussion, you can often recover at home. If a person is in serious condition, then it is important to consult a doctor so that the necessary help can be provided.

With a mild concussion, the characteristic symptoms remain for 15 minutes, after which they disappear. The person is conscious all the time, there are no serious injuries.

Concussion: how it happens, symptoms and how long to treat

A concussion is a mild, reversible impairment of brain function resulting from traumatic exposure. It is believed that the basis for the manifestation of a concussion is a disruption of connections between nerve cells, mainly functional.

In terms of frequency of occurrence, concussion ranks first in the structure of traumatic brain injuries. The causes of concussion include both road traffic accidents and domestic, industrial and sports injuries; Criminal circumstances also play a significant role.

How does a concussion occur?

In the normal state, the brain is protected from touching the bones of the skull by cerebrospinal fluid, the liquid substance in which the brain floats. The contact of the cerebral cortex with the inner shell of the skull causes a concussion. The gray matter of a person who has been injured hits one side of the skull and receives a counter-impact on the other side.

The cause of a concussion may be:

  • Falling, even from your own height.
  • Injury resulting from a car accident, work situation or after an attack by hooligans.
  • Contusion of the head or neck caused by negligence (walking and hitting a pole, riding a bicycle and not noticing a branch).
  • A blow received while playing sports.

Multiple concussions are diagnosed in boxers, rugby players, and other contact sports athletes.

Even a baby who is carelessly shaken can get injured.

Degrees of concussion

  1. Mild concussion. There is no impairment of consciousness; the victim may experience disorientation, headache, dizziness, and nausea during the first 20 minutes after the injury. After this, general health returns to normal. A short-term increase in temperature is possible (37.1-38 ° C).
  2. Moderate concussion.
    There is no loss of consciousness, but there are pathological symptoms such as headache, nausea, dizziness, disorientation, short-term memory loss (amnesia).
  3. Severe concussion.
    It is necessarily accompanied by loss of consciousness for a short period of time, usually from several minutes to several hours. The victim does not remember what happened - retrograde amnesia develops.

Symptoms of a concussion

So, the first signs of a concussion are as follows:

  • Confusion that disappears after a short time.
  • Dizziness – the patient’s head is dizzy even at rest, but when the body moves or the head tilts, it intensifies.
  • Throbbing headache.
  • Feeling of tinnitus.
  • Feeling weak.
  • Nausea, vomiting, occurring once.
  • Noise in ears.
  • Confusion, lethargy, incoherent speech.
  • Double vision.
  • Photophobia. Even the usual level of light can cause discomfort. Increased sensitivity to sounds is similarly manifested.
  • Impaired coordination of movements.

There is a very simple method for determining a concussion at home. To do this, the victim must close his eyes, stand, raise his arms to the sides, and then try to touch the tip of his nose with his index finger. Even if signs of a mild condition appear, this will be difficult to do.

What to do if you have a concussion?

If you have a head injury:

  • Call your doctor right away, even if your symptoms don't seem serious.
  • Rest during the day and try to get a good night's sleep. This is the key to healing brain injuries.
  • Stay indoors, in an area without bright light. Use ice packs for headaches.
  • For the first two days after a concussion, family or friends should be with you 24 hours a day.
  • Take only those medications prescribed by your doctor. Paracetamol (Panadol) is good for headaches, but aspirin and ibuprofen (Advil) can cause bleeding in the brain.
  • You should limit your usual activities: focus on doing one thing at a time. Multitasking, such as watching TV while doing homework or cooking, will lead to problems concentrating.
  • Eat light but healthy foods, especially if you feel nauseous.

Drug therapy

Despite the relatively mild nature of this diagnosis and the lack of indications for prescribing medications, in particularly severe cases, medical intervention is possible. Such therapy includes the following groups of drugs:

  • painkillers;
  • nootropic;
  • vasotropic;
  • diuretics;
  • sedatives;
  • tranquilizers;
  • vitamin support.

What medications should I take?

Treatment of a mild concussion is impossible without medications.

The prescription course includes many medications:

Phenazepam, Elenium and other sedative drugs. They normalize the activity of the nervous system.

Analgesics - Pentalgin, Analgin and others. Medicines for pain relief.

Vasotropic and cerebrotropic medications aimed at restoring the brain.

Multivitamins to prevent the effects of a concussion.

Cavinton. The medicine restores and normalizes the activity of blood vessels.

First aid for concussions

First aid for a victim with a concussion, if he quickly regains consciousness, is to give him a comfortable horizontal position with his head slightly raised.

If the person who has received a concussion continues to be unconscious, the so-called rescue position is preferable:

  • on the right side,
  • head thrown back, face turned to the ground,
  • the left arm and leg are bent at right angles at the elbow and knee joints (fractures of the limbs and spine must first be excluded).

This position, ensuring the free passage of air into the lungs and the unhindered flow of liquid from the mouth to the outside, prevents breathing problems due to the retraction of the tongue, the flow of saliva, blood, and vomit into the respiratory tract. If there are bleeding wounds on the head, apply a bandage.

After which they call an ambulance.

How long do you have to stay in the hospital with a concussion?

Exactly how long the treatment period in the hospital lasts and how long it takes to restore functionality varies depending on the severity of the injury.

The disease may subside in a week or two, but if symptoms do not resolve in a timely manner, hospital treatment may be extended even longer. Also, the length of hospital stay depends on the age of the injured person: children can stay in the hospital for up to a month.

After discharge from the hospital, all patients must follow the instructions of their attending physician and carry out rehabilitation measures.


Period of hospital stay

It is impossible to say for sure how long a person will have to stay in the hospital with a concussion. The period depends on the condition of the person and how quickly the body recovers.

In some cases, a concussion is accompanied by the appearance of an intracranial hematoma. It is much more difficult to treat, besides, it poses a threat to life and significantly worsens well-being.

On average, the hospital period can range from 3 days to 21 days. When there are neurological complications, then the person remains in the hospital for the maximum period. If the state of health improves quickly, the person is discharged home after about 3-4 days. In this case, he will have to be temporarily observed by a neurologist.

Symptoms such as irritability, migraines and memory loss are much more likely to develop outside the hospital. It is important to receive proper treatment so that you do not have to suffer from unpleasant symptoms.

Diagnosis and treatment

To make an accurate diagnosis, it is often enough to know the symptoms and causes of the pathology. The neurologist will immediately be able to guess what disease the patient is facing. Additionally, the doctor may order an examination to rule out complications.

Electroencephalography, cranial x-ray, and computed tomography may be required. Based on the results of these examinations, a diagnosis is made.

During the acute period, the person should be in the neurosurgical department. The patient was prescribed bed rest for 5 days. If there are no complications and your health has improved, then discharge from the hospital is possible in a week or 10 days. Outpatient treatment lasts approximately 14 days.

Concussions are treated with painkillers, sedatives, and antiemetic medications. It is important to relieve unpleasant symptoms that worry the patient. The person is also prescribed drugs to restore brain function.

Patients need to take nootropic drugs, as well as vasotropic drugs. They have a beneficial effect on cerebral circulation and also improve mental activity.

How long does sick leave for a concussion last?

A concussion is a mild form of traumatic brain injury. It can be obtained at work, at home, while playing sports, during a conflict with other people, or during an accident. Regardless of the cause, it is important to consult a doctor immediately. Otherwise, there is a risk of developing serious complications. With this type of traumatic brain injury, a person is hospitalized and then sent for outpatient treatment. The length of sick leave for a concussion may vary.

Treatment of concussion in osteopathic medicine

(what conventional medicine does not do)

An osteopathic doctor, acting on the membranes of the brain, improves and restores its blood circulation, prevents the formation of adhesions, which are an inevitable factor for the occurrence of headaches, increased intracranial pressure, and cerebral vascular spasms. Headache especially often plagues patients after closed head injuries.

Osteopathic techniques are aimed at restoring the circulation of intercellular fluid, and consequently normalizing biochemical processes in tissues and cells.

What is being done for this:

— the balance of blood circulation in the body is normalized by synchronizing the work of the cranial, cervical, cervicothoracic, thoracic and pelvic diaphragms;

- the cervicothoracic junction opens for the outflow of venous blood from the brain;

- the attachment sites of the dura mater in the cervical and sacral regions are freed;

- the outflow of venous blood from the skull is enhanced by freeing the sinuses of the dura mater (the main place of outflow of blood from the skull) and the cervical jugular vein;

— the circulation of cerebrospinal fluid in the skull and spinal canal is normalized;

— a new balance is established between the spheres of the skull;

— the biodynamic balance of the entire nervous system is restored;

Observations show that when a concussion is treated by an osteopath, the healing time of fractures is significantly reduced, joint mobility is restored faster, pain and muscle spasms are relieved, the range of movements expands, and the process of rehabilitation after injuries is accelerated.

Osteopathic treatment of concussion. Symptoms, features, diagnosis and treatment. How osteopathy can help, what it can do and what conventional medicine cannot do. Why is it necessary to consult an osteopath after a brain injury? Razdobreev Alexander Semenovich, osteopathic doctor, rehabilitologist, chiropractor, tells.

Razdobreev Alexander Semenovich Osteopathic doctor, rehabilitation specialist, chiropractor, exercise therapy specialist. Article views: 9007 Facebook Twitter VKontakte

How long do people stay in the hospital with a concussion?

A person with a concussion is hospitalized in order to relieve the acute condition and prevent the development of complications. The length of hospital stay may vary. It varies from several days to three weeks.

The duration of inpatient treatment is determined by the following factors:

  • person's age;
  • severity of concussion;
  • general health;
  • quality of first aid;
  • the body's reaction to the therapy;
  • the presence of complications and the risk of their occurrence.

The more severe the injury, the worse the patient’s condition will be and the higher the likelihood of developing complications, which means the victim must stay longer within the walls of a medical institution. Young people usually suffer from concussions more easily than older people. Therefore, older people may be kept in hospital longer.

Some people with a concussion refuse hospitalization or rush to leave the hospital as soon as possible. This is not recommended. Ignoring the symptoms of pathology and failure to maintain a calm lifestyle can lead to serious health problems. A person may experience impaired coordination, memory, vascular pathologies, and mental disorders. All this negatively affects performance. Complications appear immediately, after several days or months.

Concussion: modern methods of treatment

A concussion is a reversible loss of brain function that occurs as a result of injury.

It is believed that a concussion occurs when connections between nerve cells in the brain are disrupted. Causes of concussions include road traffic accidents, work-related, household and sports injuries.

Concussion leads among all traumatic brain injuries.

Symptoms of a concussion

The main sign of a concussion is loss of consciousness immediately at the time of injury. The only exceptions are children and the elderly.

Signs of a concussion (immediately after injury):

  • increased breathing
  • vomit,
  • slow or rapid heart rate
  • memory impairment.

However, these indicators return to normal after a short period of time.

Blood pressure quickly becomes normal, but it also happens that it persistently increases - this can happen not only due to the injury itself, but also under the influence of the stress accompanying it. If a concussion occurs, the body temperature does not increase.

Signs of a concussion (after the victim has regained consciousness): headaches, nausea, dizziness, weakness, flushing of the face, tinnitus, increased sweating, general malaise, insomnia.

If a concussion , the person’s general condition, as a rule, quickly improves after a week, less often – two. However, we should not forget that headaches and other symptoms may persist much longer.


What to do if you have a concussion? When diagnosing, it is very important to take into account information from witnesses to the incident, as well as under what circumstances the injury occurred.

In addition, factors such as the person’s psychological state, whether he was intoxicated, etc. play a role. A concussion often has no symptoms.

Immediately after the injury, the doctor and other witnesses may see a brief loss of consciousness, eye twitching when looking away to the side (nystagmus), loss of coordination and balance, and double vision.

In addition, laboratory and instrumental methods for detecting concussion are also absent. Behind a concussion, more severe brain damage is often “hidden” - which is why the victim must be urgently hospitalized in a neurosurgical hospital for examination and observation.

Signs of a concussion:

  • Loss of consciousness immediately at the moment of injury.
  • Nausea, vomiting, headaches and dizziness.
  • No signs of more severe injury (as evidenced by loss of consciousness for more than half an hour, seizures, paralysis of the limbs).

What to do if you have a concussion:

  • Go to the emergency room or call an ambulance.
  • The victim will be examined by a traumatologist and a neurologist, an X-ray of the skull will be taken (to rule out fractures of the skull bones) and, if necessary, a CT or MRI of the brain. In addition, you will need to consult an ophthalmologist (examination of the fundus vessels). Such examinations will help determine the severity of the injury. In the absence of CT or MRI, M-echoscopy is performed.
  • After the diagnosis is confirmed, the victim is hospitalized in a traumatology or neurosurgical department to avoid complications and not miss a more severe injury.

Treatment of concussion

What to do if you have a concussion? First aid for a patient with a concussion, if he quickly came to his senses, is to give him a horizontal position with his head slightly raised.

If a person who has received a concussion has not yet emerged from an unconscious state, it is advisable to transfer him to a certain position (on his right side, head thrown back, face looking down, left leg and arm bent at right angles at the joints).

This position prevents the patient from suffocating due to the retraction of the tongue, saliva, and vomit entering the respiratory tract. If bleeding wounds are visible on the head, you need to apply a bandage.

If a concussion occurs, the victim must be transported to a hospital, where the initial diagnosis is clarified.

A patient with a concussion is prescribed bed rest for 1-3 days, which is then gradually extended over 2-5 days.

If there are no complications, discharge from the hospital for outpatient treatment is possible, the duration of which is up to 2 weeks.

Drug treatment

If there are signs of a concussion , drug therapy in most cases is not required, since the main treatment is rest and sleep.

Drug therapy is mainly aimed at normalizing the state of the brain, eliminating headaches, dizziness, insomnia, anxiety and other complaints. Therefore, painkillers, sedatives and sleeping pills are prescribed.

If the victim has suffered a concussion , to prevent possible complications it is necessary to undergo clinical observation for a year with a neurologist at the place of residence.

If the regimen is followed and there are no circumstances aggravating the injury, the concussion ends successfully - with the patient’s recovery and full restoration of his ability to work.

If there are signs of a concussion , contact the Ameda Family Clinic - our best neurologists will help establish the correct diagnosis and prescribe appropriate treatment.


Periods of incapacity for work depending on the severity of the injury

After stabilization of the person’s condition, they are discharged home; dispensary observation by a neurologist at the clinic at the place of residence is recommended. For complete recovery, the patient needs outpatient treatment. Therefore, after being discharged from the hospital, he is given a certificate of incapacity for work. The local doctor has the right to release a person from work for up to 15 days. The sick leave is then extended by a special medical commission.

The period for which a document on temporary disability due to a concussion is opened depends on the severity of the condition. Traumatic brain injury can be of the following types:

  • Easy. This form of pathology is not accompanied by damage to the arteries or serious impairment of brain function. Neurological symptoms disappear after 7 days. There are no complications. Sick leave is issued for a period of 8-12 days, depending on the nature of the pathology. If a person’s work is associated with changes in atmospheric pressure and heavy physical exertion, then he is recommended to transfer to light work for a period of 2 to 8 weeks.
  • Moderate weight. Characterized by damage to brain functions. The patient loses consciousness and memory for a short time. Vascular complications may occur. Severe neurological symptoms are present. The patient is released from work for a period of 2 weeks to a month.
  • Heavy. There are pronounced disturbances in the blood vessels and damage to brain tissue. A person may be in a coma and lose memory. Poor health persists for more than two weeks. The patient needs about 1-4 months to recover. A newsletter is issued for this period. If during this time the person’s ability to work has not been restored, then a VTEC is prescribed. The commission may extend the sick leave for another 1-2 months.

For how long is a certificate of incapacity issued?

Consent to stay in hospital after a concussion is diagnosed simplifies the process of obtaining sick leave. It starts automatically when a patient is hospitalized. Otherwise, you should visit a neurologist at the place of registration so that he can confirm the diagnosis, prescribe outpatient treatment, and issue a certificate of incapacity for work.

The length of time for which sick leave is issued for a concussion depends on the severity of the TBI:

  • mild form - from 8 to 12 days in accordance with the characteristics of the course of the disease. In situations where the patient’s work involves increased physical activity, changes in atmospheric pressure or a number of other special conditions, it is necessary to temporarily transfer him to light work. The length of stay under special conditions is established by the commission and ranges from 2 weeks to 2 months;
  • moderate severity - the victim is issued a certificate of temporary loss of ability to work for 2-4 weeks;
  • severe - the average period is 1-4 months, but most often the patient’s work activity is limited until complete recovery. It should be taken into account that in cases where restoration of working capacity does not occur after 4 months, a VTEK examination is indicated. A positive outcome of the commission leads to an extension of sick leave for 1-2 months, an unfavorable outcome implies the assignment of disability.

The above principle of depending on the severity of the concussion does not apply to cases where the victim undergoes outpatient treatment. Such sick leave is usually automatically issued for 15 days, and its extension is possible only by decision of the medical commission.

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