Pressure in the ears and head causes treatment medications

Why is there pressure on the ears from the inside?

Earwax may be the reason why a person constantly feels pressure in the ear. My head doesn’t hurt at all, but the feeling that my ear is stuck with a finger prevents me from concentrating and is distracting. I want to get rid of discomfort, clear the passage.

Also, a feeling of painful fullness in the ears usually provokes swelling of the auditory tube, which connects the nasopharynx to the ear. This condition is not necessarily caused by any disease. Factors leading to pressure:

  • Loud music playing through headphones.
  • Ascent or descent by elevator.
  • Air travel.
  • Diving to great depths in water.
  • Climbing mountains to considerable heights.

Even a trip on the subway can provoke a pressure drop, which causes a feeling of fullness and fullness in the ears. The pressure in the ears goes away as soon as the train stops. If the acceleration of the train causes significant discomfort, you can simply open your mouth slightly or yawn deliberately.


Let's find out how and with what to treat ear pain and other unpleasant symptoms.

The first thing you should do if you experience pressure from the inside of your ears is to see a doctor. As we have already established, the reasons for such pressure in the ears can be different, therefore, as is clear, the treatment required is also different. When the cause of the symptom is eliminated, the symptom usually goes away on its own.

First, you need to visit an ENT specialist who will examine your ears for inflammation, otitis media, colds and other factors that affect your overall well-being. The presence of injuries to the eardrum, its possible perforation, and various pathologies of the internal auditory organs can also be detected at this stage. It may also turn out that the feeling of fullness in the ears is caused by a banal wax plug, which the doctor can immediately remove. It is likely that this method will already return you to normal health, and the feeling of pressure will disappear.

What diseases are accompanied by pressure in the ears?

Symptoms such as pressure in the ears, noise, can appear with ENT diseases or damage to the vascular system of the brain.


Migraine attacks occur with severe headache and nausea. The patient feels a dull, bursting, one-sided pain in the temple, which radiates through the eye and behind the auricle. The feeling of blockage in the ear canal occurs at the moment when the headache worsens. Increased discomfort occurs in bright light, loud sounds, and strong odors. A migraine attack can last from 2 hours to two days.

Osteochondrosis of the cervical spine

A patient suffering from cervical osteochondrosis has impaired cerebral circulation. Therefore, the patient suffers from headaches and dizziness. In the evening, when a person goes to bed in complete silence, he can feel pressure behind his ears, pulsating in his head, and noise.

Osteochondrosis leads to a decrease in human performance, weakness, lethargy, and loss of appetite. If the patient refuses treatment, pain occurs in the neck, shoulders, and vision problems begin. Due to constant tension, the emotional background is disturbed, the person becomes irritable and whiny.


Due to prolonged rhinitis, allergic rhinitis, hypothermia, a person’s maxillary sinuses become inflamed. In this case, the natural pathways for the outflow of mucus from the nose are blocked, and pus accumulates in the nose. Thick fluid fills the sinuses, causing disruption of nasal breathing, leading to swelling of the auditory tube.

Symptoms of sinusitis:

  • Nasal congestion.
  • Difficulty blowing out mucus.
  • Swelling of the face.
  • Nasal voice.
  • Pain in the forehead, bridge of the nose, under the eyes, above the eyebrows, in the teeth.

As soon as you lie down or bend over, you feel as if a thick cap has been pulled over your head, there is pressure in your ears, and there is a noisy pulsation in your head.

First of all, you need to establish why there is pressure in the ears; the causes must be eliminated with the help of a doctor. If there is an increase in blood pressure, atherosclerosis, or osteochondrosis, treatment is prescribed by a therapist. If the cause of noise and pressure is sinusitis, otitis, you need to visit an otolaryngologist.

Drug treatment

Medicines are prescribed depending on what disease affects the person.

  • For hypertension, Captopril will help reduce blood pressure and eliminate ringing in the ears. Nootropic drugs that strengthen blood vessels and normalize blood flow (Vasotropil, Cinnarizine) can also be prescribed.
  • If a patient suffers from osteochondrosis, he is prescribed complex therapy: applying anti-inflammatory ointments to the neck, shoulder girdle (Diclofenac, Ketoprofen), taking Noofen to improve blood supply to brain tissue, and to strengthen blood vessels - a drug based on the natural components of Ginkgo bilobo.
  • When there is pressure in the ears from the inside due to sinusitis, it is necessary to undergo special procedures to cleanse the nasal passages of accumulated pus: cuckoo, Yamik catheter, suction of mucus with a syringe after puncturing the nasal septum. It is also necessary to take antibacterial drugs to relieve the inflammatory process.
  • Purulent otitis is also treated with antibiotics; the patient needs not only to take the drugs orally, but also to drip antibacterial drugs into the ear canal.
  • For atherosclerosis, it is necessary to take blood thinning drugs (Aspirin), drugs that reduce blood clots (Wobenzym).
  • Migraine may not respond to treatment, constantly appearing in a person’s life, but attacks can be extinguished with the help of painkillers. The headache is eliminated, the feeling of fullness in the ears goes away.

Additionally, massage and physiotherapeutic procedures may be prescribed: electrophoresis, paraffin treatment, magnet.

Common reasons

Let's find out what diseases and pathologies can cause feelings of pressure in the ears from the inside.

  • Migraine is the most common and most common cause of feeling internal pressure in the ear area. The symptoms of migraine are extremely unpleasant and, moreover, long-lasting. Increased intracranial pressure can also cause a feeling of squeezing in the temples and ears.
  • Otosclerosis. This disease is characterized by increased growth of spongy bone tissue in the inner ear. This growth, if present, will certainly cause a feeling of pressure and fullness in the auditory organs.
  • Atherosclerosis of blood vessels located in the brain. This pathology of lipid metabolism in blood vessels may well cause a feeling of pressure. Vascular diseases leading to the appearance of this symptom can be different: in addition to atherosclerosis, an aneurysm and other pathologies are possible. Almost all diseases of the blood vessels located in the neck and head can lead to a persistent or periodic feeling of squeezing in the temples. The so-called neuroma, or tumor of the auditory nerve, sometimes also causes the described symptom.
  • With hypertension (high intracranial pressure), it goes without saying that this pressure will be felt in the ear area. Colds and sinusitis can also cause this symptom.
  • Otitis media in the acute or chronic phase can also lead to this problem. Inflammatory processes, possibly of an infectious nature, may be one of the possible causes of this symptom. Inflammation can be caused by otitis media or other diseases. Most often, if this is the reason, a feeling of pressure from the inside in the ear area will occur already at the last stage of the disease, when purulent otitis media leads to perforation (rupture) of the eardrum. In this case, the feeling of squeezing will also be accompanied by severe pain in the ears.
  • Osteochondrosis of the cervical vertebrae. In this case, the feeling of pressure occurs due to microtrauma of the blood vessels, which leads to osteochondrosis.

How to eliminate discomfort at home?

If you know why there is pressure on your ears and this problem is not related to diseases, you can eliminate the discomfort yourself. If your ears are clogged, you can:

  • Yawn deliberately, opening your mouth as wide as possible and inhaling a large volume of air.
  • Open your mouth wide.
  • Open your mouth and gently pull your earlobes down.
  • On an airplane or elevator, chew gum or suck on a lollipop.
  • After bathing, remove the water with a napkin rolled into a rope.

When it is not known why there is a lot of pressure on the ears and noise is heard from inside, you should not self-medicate. Especially if other unpleasant symptoms are noted - dizziness, nausea, darkening of the eyes. This condition, when there is pressure in the ears and a headache, may indicate the development of a serious pathology - a brain tumor affecting the tissues located near the ear, a ruptured aneurysm, or increased intracranial pressure. Therefore, if discomfort of this kind appears regularly, you should consult a doctor.

Treatment and prevention

For hypertension, experts recommend:

  • Stick to a diet, excluding salty and fatty foods.
  • Avoid worries and stress.
  • Give up bad habits.
  • Engage in moderate physical activity.

If dizziness and ear congestion have become chronic, non-drug therapy is carried out, including therapeutic exercises, massage, and taking vitamins. The patient needs to constantly monitor blood pressure and record their readings.

For diseases of the spine, complex treatment is prescribed, including taking chondroprotectors, analgesics, antispasmodics, wearing a special corset, and physical therapy.

For VSD, the following is prescribed:

  • Physiotherapy.
  • Complete nutrition.
  • Visit to the swimming pool.

If a person is constantly dizzy, his ears are blocked, his vision is dark, it is necessary to identify the cause of the disorder. Self-diagnosing and prescribing medications is strictly prohibited. This can worsen the situation and blur the clinical picture, which will complicate further medical treatment.

If noise and pain in the ears and head do not go away, then you need to consult a doctor. He will conduct an examination and, if necessary, prescribe treatment. To eliminate discomfort, you must follow all the doctor’s instructions.

You may need to talk about your concerns in more detail, do not hide anything, even a small detail will help to correctly establish the diagnosis.

Everything is important: how often the ringing in the ears occurs and how severe the pain is.

After the examination, the doctor will make a diagnosis. It is possible that the cause was overwork, and you need to rest, get some sleep, and the congestion in your ears will go away on its own. And you may need to take additional tests to clarify the diagnosis.

To prevent pain, it is recommended to take the following measures:

  • Walk in the fresh air more often, this will help reduce constant headaches;
  • do exercises;
  • Healthy food;
  • prevent water from getting into the ear;
  • be able to relax and distract from problems.

A lot depends on your emotional state. But if there is a feeling that the pain in the ear is returning, then it is advisable to undergo a re-examination.

Pain is a powerful argument that deserves serious attention. Thus, the body indicates a failure in its work.

Learn to recognize your body's signals, and then coping with the problem will be much easier.

Headache takes an honorable second place on the scale of unpleasant sensations after toothache. But when you have a severe headache and at the same time your ears are blocked, we can talk about ominous signs. It is urgent to determine the cause and, if necessary, seek medical help.

Possible causes of discomfort

The reasons for feeling pain in the temple or back of the head, pressure on the ears and congestion can be very different. Ears often become clogged when there are surges in intracranial or blood pressure. Early high blood pressure (hypertension) usually manifests itself as stuffy ears. Otherwise, nothing bothers the person. Increased intracranial pressure also leads to headaches and ear congestion.

When there is a difference in external pressure, the eardrum bends towards the eustachian tube, which causes a feeling of tightness. This can occur when going up and down mountains, flying on an airplane, using a high-speed elevator, and even when turning your head sharply. If exposure to atmospheric pressure occurs over a long period of time, a person may suffer barotrauma. When the pressure becomes normal, the tinnitus goes away on its own.

Sometimes the causes of negative manifestations may not be associated with blood or atmospheric pressure at all, but lie in concomitant diseases of the blood vessels of the head and the organ of hearing itself.

Congestion, constant noise and ringing can provoke such factors.

  1. Emotional stress.
  2. Overwork.
  3. Listening to loud music for a long time.
  4. The body's reaction to deficiency of iodine, vitamin B3, potassium and magnesium.
  5. Ear damage due to trauma and other pathologies of the auricles, cold auditory nerves in the brain.
  6. Otitis accompanied by elevated body temperature.
  7. Cervical osteochondrosis.
  8. Excessive use of medications such as quinidine, aspirin and gentamicin can also cause pressure in the ear.

Another factor in the occurrence of unpleasant sensations is age. Over the years, a person's auditory nerve deteriorates. This can provoke the formation of an incomprehensible hum. Senile hearing loss syndrome initially affects only one side and then progresses to the other.

In old age, sometimes a person loses sensitivity to sounds in the high-frequency range, and soon deafness sets in.

Ears blocked and dizzy

The reason for this condition may lie on the surface - it may be simple overwork. Dizziness and stuffy ears can be a consequence of a cold or flu, especially when your nose is stuffy and you have a cough. Clogged ears along with dizziness may well be a sign of otitis media or a similar disease.

Ears blocked and dizzy

  • Causes of nausea
  • Causes of tinnitus
  • Headaches and their causes
  • Causes of shortness of breath

Similar symptoms may be accompanied by the development of cancer in the ear. With dizziness and blocked ears, there may be high or low blood pressure (blood pressure). Dizziness accompanied by blocked ears is often a sign of migraine.

Often dizziness and blocked ears accompany cervical osteochondrosis. There can be many reasons for dizziness and blocked ears. Only a specialist can make the correct diagnosis, and he will also prescribe competent treatment.

Ears can become clogged for various reasons: you went on an attraction, rode in an elevator, or just got off a plane. In this case, the pressure changes sharply and naturally blocks the ears. The same thing happens if you dive into the sea or in a swimming pool.

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