The position of a person in society: modern status symbols

Modern status symbols: what are they? What status symbols work nowadays?

Every person belongs to one or another social group or class. This affiliation gives it some distinctive features and characteristics. But it is not only the social group that shapes a person. Often he himself has to support and somehow indicate his position in society, it is advantageous to “stand out” from the whole mass of people.

They show a person's wealth. With their help, they recognize “their own” and find the key to communicating with others. They are status symbols . Why do people surround themselves with status symbols? Let's try to figure it out.

The position is...

The social status of a citizen is his so-called place in society. The position he holds, gender, nationality, religion, and so on. Everything that can characterize a person influences his position in society.

A kind of belonging of this or that citizen to his origin. Depending on social status, a unique status is acquired. For example, rich-poor, atheist-believer, and so on. All this plays a huge role in the development of society. But, no matter how sad it may sound, there is a so-called socially dangerous situation in the world.

Features of payment for social services

Receiving assistance in the field of household, medical and legal services is primarily required by pensioners and disabled people. People who, due to their health conditions, are not able to buy food for themselves, visit the hospital, or pay housing and utility costs, require increased attention from the state and SS providers.

In this regard, special tariffs have been developed for social services provided to elderly citizens and people with disabilities. For example:

  • a simple wet cleaning of floors in an apartment or a walk in the fresh air will cost 193 rubles/hour,
  • smaller housework - ironing, laundry, washing dishes, taking out the garbage - will cost 64 rubles. in 20 minutes,
  • assistance in visiting public places or clinics, paying for utilities, obtaining vouchers to resorts, assistance in preparing various documents also have their price - approximately from 100 to 200 rubles. at one o'clock.

Depending on the size of the pension, senior citizens may be provided with free and paid social services. SS at home or in semi-stationary conditions is free for single citizens or elderly couples who have a pension below the subsistence level (SL) - for pensioners this amount for 2021 is equal to 8269 rubles.

Discounts on service fees can be provided if the pension is 100–250% of the subsistence level. If 250% of the minimum monthly wage is exceeded, the pensioner (disabled person) makes full payment for the social service

Free provision of social services in the form of services at home or in a hospital is also provided to minors and those who have suffered from emergency situations (emergency situations) or international military conflicts. In addition, according to Art. 31 of Federal Law No. 442-F3 of December 28, 2013, the Government of the Russian Federation may provide for other categories of citizens to receive free SS.


What it is? No one can say for sure. After all, many factors play a role here. But if you look at the generally accepted concept, then a socially dangerous situation is a combination of circumstances and other elements in the life of a citizen or family, which indicates an unfavorable atmosphere.

More precisely, this is a kind of unpleasant position in society. This can include a lot of different reasons, as well as situations. However, if it turns out that a person’s social situation is close to danger (or is already so), the government is able to take measures to eliminate the unfavorable factors affecting the citizen’s life. Especially when it comes to family and children.

Social status of a person in society

Social status is the position that a person (or social group) occupies in society.

Each person is a member of various social groups and, accordingly, has many different statuses. The entire set of human statuses is called a status set . The status that the person himself or those around him consider to be the main one is called the main status. This is usually professional or family status or status in the group where the person has achieved the greatest success.

Statuses are divided into prescribed (obtained by birth) and achieved (which are acquired purposefully). The freer a society, the less important the prescribed statuses become and the more important the achieved ones.

A person can have different statuses. For example, his status set could be as follows: man, unmarried, candidate of technical sciences, computer programming specialist, Russian, city dweller, Orthodox, etc. A number of statuses (Russian, man) were received by him from birth - these are prescribed statuses. He acquired a number of other statuses (candidate of sciences, programmer) after putting some effort into it - these are achieved statuses. Let's assume that this person identifies himself primarily as a programmer; therefore, programmer is his main status.

Social prestige of a person

The concept of status is usually associated with the concept of prestige.

Social prestige is a public assessment of the significance of the position that a person occupies in the social structure.

The higher the prestige of a person’s social position, the higher his social status is assessed. For example, the professions of economist or lawyer are considered prestigious; education received in a good educational institution; high post; specific place of residence (capital, city center). If they talk about the high importance not of a social position, but of a specific person and his personal qualities, in this case they mean not prestige, but authority.

Social role

Social status is a characteristic of a person’s inclusion in the social structure. In real life, a person's status is manifested through the roles he plays.

A social role is a set of requirements that society places on individuals occupying a specific social position.

In other words, if someone occupies a certain position in society, they will be expected to behave accordingly.

A priest is expected to behave in accordance with high moral standards, while a rock star is expected to act scandalously. If a priest begins to behave scandalously, and a rock star begins to read sermons, this will cause bewilderment, dissatisfaction and even condemnation of the public.

In order to feel comfortable in society, we must expect people to fulfill their roles and act within the rules prescribed by society: a university teacher will teach us scientific theories, and non-scientific

; the doctor will think about our health, not his earnings. If we did not expect others to fulfill their roles, we would be unable to trust anyone and our lives would be filled with hostility and suspicion.

Thus, if social status is a person’s position in the social structure of society with certain rights and responsibilities, then a social role is the functions performed by a person in accordance with his status: the behavior that is expected from the holder of this status.

Even with the same social status, the nature of the roles performed can vary significantly. This is due to the fact that the performance of roles is personal, and the roles themselves can have different versions of performance. For example m with r. the owner of such a social status as the father of the family can treat the child in a demanding and strict manner (play his role in an authoritarian manner), can build relationships in the spirit of cooperation and partnership (democratic style of behavior) or can let events take their course, giving the child a wide degree of freedom (permissive style). In exactly the same way, different theater actors will play the same role in completely different ways.

Throughout life, a person's position in the social structure may change. As a rule, these changes are associated with the transition of a person from one social group to another: from unskilled workers to specialists, from rural residents to city dwellers, etc.

What is it for?

The socio-economic status of people matters everywhere. Wherever you turn, you will definitely be asked about your place in society. After all, the so-called social status plays a huge role both in the development of personality and in building a career and conducting activities.

Most often, these kinds of questions are learned when it comes to families with children. Often they need some kind of help or protection. And so that the state can come to the rescue in time, it is worth reporting on your own status in society. Wherever you turn, this data will be recognized everywhere. Except perhaps for the shops. But in various government services or government agencies you will have to report your position in society.

The most common cases are the social status of children. Both existing and future ones. During pregnancy, for example, antenatal clinics find out the social status of the expectant mother in labor, and also make appropriate entries in the exchange card to record the conditions in which the baby will develop. If it turns out that the status is dangerous, then appropriate measures will be taken. For example, providing assistance or even removing a child from the family after birth. The same goes for schools, kindergartens, hospitals and so on. During employment, the social status is also clarified. In general, this component is present everywhere. Who is at risk? And which families are recognized as being in a socially dangerous situation?

Status symbols: types

Status symbols are designed to show the owner's position in society. This demonstration is achieved in different ways. However, the ways to show one's position in society depend on one's status and change over time.

So, in the past, merchants, in order not to get lost in the general background, wore clothes of a certain style. The nobles surrounded themselves with a retinue and messengers. They stood out due to the style of clothing, heraldic signs on carriages, weapons and even elements of clothing.

Surviving status symbols can be divided into general and specific, that is, characteristic of social groups.

Common status symbols

The category of general status symbols includes things that emphasize the high income and (or) social significance of the owner. They have no specific affiliation; they are sometimes used by numerous groups of people over a large territory. Common status symbols are:

Military ID with a record of service. In most regions of the country with a patriarchal structure, and often in the central ones, it is perceived as the only normal identification of a healthy male identity. Entries like “did not serve” or the absence of a military ID raise doubts: the man is either seriously ill, or has a criminal record, or is of the wrong sexual orientation. In most cases, being on the same hectare with “such a person” is shameful.

Owning your own home is a sign of wealth all over the world. The level of wages that allows you to buy an apartment or house, in the assessment of an employee, means recognition of the specialist’s merits. In assessing a businessman, these signs indicate an effective manager and a prudent owner.

Owning a car has several significant meanings. For men, a car, first of all, is an analogue of knightly armor and a horse. In other words, a symbol of power, strength, masculinity. For women, the car represents the semblance of a medieval carriage - a means of transportation with luxury, distinguishing the owner from the crowd. Secondly, the make and condition of the car emphasize the wealth of the owner. In the third, they show the owner’s social class.

Family also has a number of meanings. Thus, for a woman, family is one of the main goals in life, and at the same time a platform for full realization. For men, family serves as a sign of wealth and organizational capabilities. At the same time, the family evaluates the man’s level of capabilities. Thus, a single person often does not get a high position. Not so much because of organizational abilities, the manifestation of which is a strictly individual matter. A high position means serious workload. But a man can relax after exhausting work either in a bar with a drink, or at home with his wife. Sooner or later, drinking alcohol ends in deteriorating health. In most cases, employers are not interested in the health of the employee, but in the ability to cope with the assigned tasks. Of course, a healthy person always does a better job than a sick person.

Shoes , or more precisely, their condition, are perceived together with the state of affairs of a person. A man's sparkling shoes are part of the impeccable image of a successful man. A woman's elegant, clean shoes are part of the image of a successful lady.

Clothing reflects a person's activities. Of course, in some segments of society, the classic suit is considered the only acceptable style. However, barely noticeable folds and abrasions in clothing give the owner away. For example, a suit that is too expensive for a novice businessman indicates to potential investors that he is a spendthrift and has little interest in the work of the enterprise. And yes, a man looks more respectable in a cheap suit than in expensive jeans and a sweater. Expensive but tasteful clothes on a woman show her husband’s earnings.

Wristwatches for men reflect the level of earnings and style of activity. The vast majority are exclusively male.

The tie is one of the phallic symbols and a “secondary sexual characteristic” in men's clothing. At the same time, it indicates the owner’s tastes and ability to achieve his goals. The classic symbol of a successful man is a blue striped tie.

Tattoos are a separate topic in symbols of success. There are decorative, specific and identification tattoos. Specific tattoos include criminal ones. They can be applied voluntarily or forcefully, such as the “ring of meanness.” Most army and navy tattoos serve as identification. Sometimes people involved in extreme hobbies get tattoos indicating their blood type. Decorative tattoos reflect the interests of the owner and serve as a means to stand out.

Specific status symbols

Specific status symbols serve several functions. In most cases, emphasizing the position in society for such symbols is a secondary function. Specific status symbols include:

Slang. In most cases, jargon serves as a means of communication in a professional environment. "Broom" can mean not only a sweeping tool, but also a data storage device in a computer. And “Cheburashka” is not only a fairy-tale character, but also a slang name for one of the mobile radars for army needs.

The style of clothing accessories emphasizes the owner’s occupation. Moreover, much stronger than clothes. For example, a shoulder-strap laptop bag can only hold a few papers and the device itself. However, most people do not need to carry a laptop with them often. Combination with other clothing details reveals a curious tourist or a programmer rushing to work.

Regular record keeping is typical for people with a high level of organization of work and mental processes. In most cases, these are middle and senior managers, writers.

Only status symbols that are found at almost every step are described. Listing all the symbols with a two-sentence story about each would take up an entire volume of the Great Soviet Encyclopedia. Therefore, we are forced to stop for now within the framework of this article.


The most common case in Russia is when family members or close relatives have any addictions. These include: alcoholism, drug addiction and even computer addiction, craving for gambling. In this case, the social situation of the family is considered dangerous.

In principle, everything can be fixed. But in practice this happens extremely rarely. Addiction to something is almost impossible to cure. Until the person himself wants it. If there are children in families, then if there is a relative with an addiction, such an “association” is recognized as being in a dangerous situation and you are “taken for a pencil”. More precisely, they are registered with the relevant authorities. And now social services can carry out checks from time to time.

If serious harm is caused to minor children, they may be removed from their families. With or without deprivation of parental rights. Most often, parental rights are taken away from the dependent family member, while the rest are supported by the state.


If you think about it, the socially dangerous situation of children and families is very common. Only many try to hide it. For example, abuse of children and family members is a factor indicating danger.

For example, domestic violence in the family. This can be either the use of physical force in any of its forms (even for educational purposes), or the belittlement of human dignity, psychological tyranny, submission. This also includes abuse of parental rights. This is usually seen in relation to minor children.

Domestic abuse will be punished. Most likely, the culprit will be judged based on the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. In such situations, the following articles apply: “Beatings”, “Intentional harm to health”, “Torture”. The list can go on for a long time. But in such a situation, the perpetrator will most likely be sentenced to imprisonment for up to 3 years. It is becoming more and more difficult to identify social disadvantage in society due to abuse. So-called tyrants try not to show themselves in order to avoid punishment.


Living conditions also influence the social situation in families. And everything connected with them. For example, unemployment or wage levels. The general condition of your home, the availability of everything necessary for comfortable living and development, the health of family members living with you - all this is extremely important.

A citizen is recognized as being in a dangerous social situation when he is not able to live and provide suitable living in the minimum “greenhouse” conditions for human development. That is, if there is an apartment, but it is in a precarious condition, the refrigerator is empty, children do not have the opportunity to develop and study normally - all this indicates danger.

Most often, such conditions are encountered by families that are already recognized as disadvantaged. Children are usually taken away. But without deprivation of parental rights (if living conditions are the only negative moment in life). And they give some period of time to correct the situation.

Breach of obligations

Among other things, failure to fulfill parental obligations is also a factor that can affect social status. The legislation clearly states all the rights, duties and responsibilities of citizens in relation to their children and parents. As soon as they are not fulfilled (in a malicious manner), one can complain about the socially dangerous situation of the family.

How do actions and events develop? It all depends on the specific situation. The exact reason that led to the dangerous situation is determined, after which, based on various laws of the Russian Federation, a decision is made to correct the situation. Most often, failure to fulfill obligations is expressed in evasion of raising and providing for minors and needy children, evasion of paying alimony, refusal to support elderly parents.

Practice suggests that in these situations there is primary responsibility. Or the court deprives negligent parents of the right to custody and upbringing of the child. Failure to pay alimony is corrected by forcing payments, arrest, imprisonment, as well as confiscation of a driver's license and a ban on crossing country borders.

Symbols and life

Status symbols are used unconsciously in most cases. People want recognition for their merits, and as long as the desire does not cause discomfort to others, it is quite normal. After all, the society that has become our habitat is created by joint labor. However, deciphering status symbols can be used in everyday life.

Male gaze

Thus, clothing and slang can reveal a representative of a certain profession to a random travel companion. By talking with him about his activities, you will learn a lot of new things and update your knowledge. And, according to the ancient proverb, “the road will be halved.”

Clients come to most organizations with their own set of needs. By learning about the reasons for the client's concern, you help solve his problem. You raise your level as a specialist, “grow” your earnings and acquire a regular client. These are the “bonuses” that understanding the symbols of a person’s social status can bring.

Live, communicate. And be happy.

Female look

It’s not for nothing that they say that “you meet people by their clothes.” A person’s appearance can say a lot: who he is, what he does, his hobbies, what he loves, and where he is in a hurry now. World progress, moving by leaps and bounds, encourages us to constantly stand out from other representatives of the same society. Well, few people want to “graze the rear” or simply be mediocre. In addition, many professions and social roles literally dictate their conditions to us: you must look like this and that, have this and that, and nothing else. Otherwise, you won’t be “one of us” in the “wolf pack”. This is how modern symbols of social status come into our lives and firmly establish themselves there. Whether this is good or not is most likely not for us to judge. After all, if such symbols exist, people probably need them and continue to fulfill the roles for which they were invented by the same representatives of humanity. And, therefore, as before, a man in a Bentley will look more like a wealthy businessman than a guy who arrived on a tram. Even if in fact the latter pickles dollars in three-liter jars under metal lids. However, you and I will never know about this.

In my opinion, any status symbols, of course, have the right to life and prosperity. But the main thing is that behind them the only, important, unique thing that personifies the innermost essence of each of us is not lost. Individuality, personality, soul, if you like. Something without which a person becomes simply a “subject”, without his own face. Even if he is in an expensive suit and the clouds are reflected in his shoes. But that's a completely different story...

“We wish you new discoveries, achievements, self-realization and great happiness!” Evgeniy and Anna Kutyavin


As you can see, in case of a dangerous situation in society, appropriate measures will be taken. By the way, you can find out about them through denunciation, from the media or any other sources of information. If you have suspicions that someone is in a dangerous social situation in the family, you should obtain evidence and contact social support authorities. They will investigate and clarify the situation.

Social position in itself is important. It is an integral part of society and the citizen. It appears at birth. No one can take away social status, but in some cases they can change it. The dangerous situation will be investigated and corrected by all legal means.

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