Why is it possible to feel drunk when walking?

Dizziness - general information

Dizziness is an illusory feeling of space movement. The condition is characterized by instability, loss of balance.

Attacks can last from a few seconds to several days. Complaints of dizziness are among the most “unloved” among doctors, as they can indicate a wide range of diseases, from pathologies of the inner ear to mental disorders, which complicates diagnosis and the choice of treatment methods.

Vertigo (true dizziness) is diagnosed with pathologies of the inner ear and parts of the brain responsible for balance. In neurology, complaints of dizziness are quite common; according to statistics, this symptom is in second place after headache, and is a consequence of impaired blood supply to the brain.

Begin treatment with diagnostics of the body

To establish the possible causes of vertigo and make a diagnosis, the patient must first consult a therapist, then undergo a thorough examination by a neurologist, ophthalmologist, or otolaryngologist.

The following studies are usually prescribed:

  • CT and MRI;
  • X-ray of the cervical spine;
  • general blood test, including determination of sugar levels;
  • Doppler ultrasound of arteries;
  • audiographic examination.

Types of dizziness in men

Classification of dizziness:

  1. Systemic (associated with the vestibular system) - true dizziness (vertigo), in which a person is able to describe his sensations: whether there is rotation, and in which direction. If tilts, then where: right-left, up-down. It can also determine whether there is rotation of surrounding objects relative to his body, whether there is ringing/noise in the ears. Vestibular (systemic) vertigo is characteristic of diseases of the inner ear. It is divided into peripheral (pathologies of the inner ear) and central (disturbances in the central nervous system).

  2. Non-systemic (non-vestibular) dizziness is not associated with the vestibular system. There is no illusion of movement. In this case, it is difficult for the patient to say anything definite about his feelings. There is confusion in the symptoms: blurred vision and blurred vision can be mistaken for dizziness. Often this is a manifestation of a panic attack, stroke, fainting, or heart disease. With psychogenic dizziness, patients may complain of lightheadedness, as if intoxicated.
  3. Cervicogenic (cervical) is a separate type of dizziness. It occurs due to pathology of the cervical vertebrae and distortion of nerve impulses coming from the musculoskeletal system and signaling the position of the body. For example, as a result of cervical osteochondrosis, when deformed vertebrae compress nerves and blood vessels.

Quite often, dizziness refers to an imbalance of the central type, which manifests itself in pathologies of the cerebellum.

When does the effect occur?

One of the features of osteopathy is that after the first session, the painful symptoms disappear: the head is no longer dizzy, the pressure returns to normal, shortness of breath disappears and one sleeps more soundly.

But this doesn't always happen.

Sometimes it seems that nothing has changed, or it has become a little easier, but maybe this is a placebo effect?

In rare cases, patients complain of a deterioration in their health: dizziness worsens, joints ache, and organs whose location they had not previously suspected make themselves felt.

There is a scientific basis for this.

Osteopathy is most effective at the very beginning of the disease - immediately after the acute phase has passed. If it is a fracture or wound, you must wait until tissue integrity is restored. In case of infection, make a full recovery. This is precisely the period when nothing threatens life, but destructive processes have not yet had time to cause global imbalance.

In such a situation, osteopathic treatment will quickly cope with the disorder, in 1-2 visits, and dizziness can be avoided altogether.

When breakdowns accumulate over years, chain reactions are launched, and the osteopath has to treat dizziness in stages.

First, he establishes the craniosacral rhythm, removes the clamps, and adjusts the vertebrae, devoting the entire first session to this.

The next visit is scheduled in about a week - the period necessary for the body to adapt to the new state. And this is where amazing things happen.

The body is not ready for health; a feeling of imbalance is the norm for it. He doesn't know, doesn't remember anything else. It takes time to get used to and readjust. Not always painless.

Increased dizziness is explained by a powerful influx of oxygen, which the osteopath warns about in order to avoid unnecessary worries and misunderstandings.

Both during the period between sessions and after completion of treatment, the client can always contact a clinic employee and receive comments and recommendations if there is a painful or unusual sensation: headache, blood pressure rise, etc.

Causes of dizziness

The human body has 3 main systems for maintaining balance:

  • Vision.
  • Muscle receptors.
  • Vestibular system – semicircular canals (part of the inner ear). Labyrinth. This is an organ of balance, the state of which is decisive in the occurrence of systemic (vestibular) dizziness.

The semicircular canals are located deep in the temporal bone. They consist of 3 bony labyrinths (a person has 6 in total, 3 in each ear). They are located in three planes, which allows a person to correctly determine the position of his body in three-dimensional space.

Inside each bony labyrinth is a membranous labyrinth, which is filled with endolymph, a fluid similar to spinal fluid. When the position of the body changes, the fluid moves and puts pressure on the otoliths (calcareous inclusions). There is pressure on the receptors of the vestibular nerve, which transmits these signals to the brain, where a picture of the location of the body is formed.

The organ of balance may experience a short-term disruption if, for example, you spin quickly in one place. In this case, the person will feel dizzy, disoriented and may lose balance.

In more serious cases, vertigo is regarded as one of the symptoms of pathology.

Causes of dizziness in men:

  1. Pathologies of the labyrinth (BPPV, Meniere's disease).
  2. Brain tumors. Neuroma (benign tumor) of the vestibulocochlear nerve.
  3. Neurotoxin poisoning. Alcohol intoxication.
  4. Cervical osteochondrosis.
  5. Hypoglycemia (diabetes, hungry fainting).
  6. A sharp drop in blood pressure.
  7. Impaired blood supply to the brain - ischemia (especially the cerebellum and temporal part, where the labyrinth is located). Stroke. Atherosclerosis.
  8. Heart disease with cardiac arrhythmia.
  9. Anemia. Low hemoglobin level.
  10. Neuroses, anxiety states.

If dizziness is felt for more than 2 weeks, this may indicate a mental disorder, for example, anxiety neurosis, which requires psychotherapeutic treatment. It is believed that women with problems in the emotional sphere are more susceptible to neuroses, but this pathology is also observed in men against the background of severe and prolonged stress.

First aid for sudden dizziness

When severe dizziness begins, regardless of the cause, it is important to provide first aid, as the person may lose balance and fall.

First of all, you need to go to bed. If this is impossible to do and the attack began in a public place, you should sit on a bench and find any support point. You can ask passers-by for help, especially if your vision is darkening.

Then you need to calm down and take a deep breath. During an attack, it is important not to panic. If you feel dizzy at home, you need to ensure complete peace and turn off the lights.

Self-massage of the head will help relieve the unpleasant symptom. But it must be done with caution, as in some cases this can provoke increased whirling.

Experts recommend drinking a glass of cool water and a cold compress. If vomiting occurs, you must take an antiemetic drug. In order to restore your psycho-emotional state, you can drink strong tea with chamomile, lemon balm, and bergamot.

If other symptoms indicating the presence of diseases occur, you should call an ambulance. Before doctors arrive, it is strictly prohibited to take medications, as this may cause a change in the clinical picture. This will make it much more difficult to make a correct diagnosis.

Associated symptoms

Dizziness may be accompanied by symptoms such as:

  • nausea;
  • vomit;
  • hearing impairment;
  • headache;
  • increased heart rate;
  • increased sweating.

Dangerous symptoms, if detected, you should definitely consult a doctor:

  • temperature rise above 38°C (indicates the development of serious inflammatory processes);
  • double vision (possible pathology of the optic nerve);
  • noticeable problems with speech and memory, weakness, numbness in the limbs, loss of consciousness (stroke symptoms);
  • a sharp drop in blood pressure, severe arrhythmia (heart and vascular disease - myocardial infarction, hypotension).

Dizziness should be distinguished from manifestations of vegetative-vascular dystonia, migraine and petit mal seizures.


If the symptom is caused by vascular atherosclerosis, specialists usually prescribe medications that reduce cholesterol in the blood and resolve atherosclerotic plaques. It is extremely important to follow a diet and eat healthy foods with plenty of fiber.

To avoid the symptom of blurred vision during pregnancy, it is necessary to monitor proper nutrition, avoid bad habits and anemia.

This concludes the topic of what to do if you have blurred vision.

Diseases that cause dizziness

Dizziness often misleads both patients and doctors. But we can identify several pathologies for which this symptom is most characteristic.


Often episodic dizziness is a symptom of BPPV - this is a pathology of the labyrinth - benign paroxysmal positional vertigo. The development of this disease is provoked by excessive deposition of calcium salts (otoliths) in the labyrinth, which cause irritation at a certain position of the head, manifested by dizziness.

The disease is characterized by short-term attacks of severe dizziness, which may be accompanied by nausea, sometimes vomiting and nystagmus (involuntary rapid eye movements). The attacks go away on their own or after vestibular exercises. This pathology can be dangerous if there is a sudden attack while driving a car or while at height.

Meniere's disease

Inflammatory non-purulent disease of the inner ear. It is characterized by a critical increase in the volume of endolymph, a fluid that is located in the labyrinth (inside the semicircular canals). As a result of a sharp increase in intralabyrinthine pressure, endolymphatic hydrops occurs, which leads to edema and inflammation, which is manifested by systemic dizziness. Nausea, vomiting, tinnitus, and increasing hearing loss (hearing loss) also occur. Balance is severely disturbed, to the point that the patient cannot even sit. The disease is quite rare, in severe cases it leads to complete deafness, and is dangerous due to sudden attacks.

Cerebellar lesion

The cerebellum is located at the back of the brain. Receives signals from the muscles of the limbs and is responsible for the formation of posture and coordination of movements. A “drunk” gait when sober is a possible sign of a cerebellar tumor. The patient walks with his legs spread wide apart and cannot walk “on a ruler”; he is forced to constantly catch himself for stability. This condition is regarded as dizziness. These symptoms of impaired coordination of movements of central origin with damage to the cerebellum also arise as a result of impaired blood supply (ischemia, infarction), and during intoxication.

Dizziness due to alcohol intoxication

Ethyl alcohol selectively accumulates in the brain and causes brain damage. Due to damage to the cerebellum and vestibular nuclei of the brain stem, balance and coordination of movements are impaired even at the mild stage of alcohol intoxication. It also depends on the body’s individual susceptibility to alcohol, the condition of the liver and general well-being.

Typically, after alcohol poisoning, dizziness decreases when lying down and increases when trying to stand up. Sometimes your head may feel dizzy from a hangover for several days, until the body is completely cleansed of the toxic breakdown products of ethanol. Drinking plenty of mineral water helps speed up this process and eliminate the negative effects of alcoholic dehydration.


Motion sickness, accompanied by nausea and dizziness, occurs not only at sea, but also in any moving vehicle. In women, this pathology occurs more often, but it can also affect experienced sailors.

Helpful information

One of the causes of this condition is a conflict between visual perception and signals coming from the vestibular apparatus of the inner ear. That is, the eyes see a flashing picture from a train/car window, the movement of waves on the sea - while the vestibular apparatus does not register the movement of the body.

To reduce dizziness, you need to harmonize the signals entering the brain: move your legs, imitating movement, or try to look at the horizon line, where there is no flickering. Sucking and chewing movements ease the condition: sailors suck on matches for this; you can use lollipops, crackers, citrus fruits, and mint chewing gum. The best remedy for seasickness is sleep. As a preventive measure, you can take Aeron, Cinnarizine (half an hour before the start of the trip/before sailing).

Pressing headache: main symptoms

There are the following types of pressing headaches:

  • Neuralgic. These sensations of squeezing in the head appear as a result of pinching of the occipital or ternary nerve.
  • Vascular. Pressing pain for this reason is caused by pathology of the blood vessels of the brain.
  • Liquorodynamic. The feeling of pressing headaches occurs due to increased intracranial pressure.
  • Infectious-toxic. Occurs due to intoxication of the body with harmful substances.
  • Voltage. As a result of very strong overstrain of the muscles located in the head area.

Treatment of such pain takes quite a long time, each of them has its own individual characteristics. On average, the most severe pain period lasts from 4 to 7 hours.


To determine the cause of dizziness, you should be examined by a therapist, ENT doctor, and also a neurologist. ENT specialists will identify pathologies of the inner ear, neurologists will identify diseases of the brain (cerebellum, temporal lobe of the brain), and auditory nerves. In some cases, examination by a narcologist, cardiologist, ophthalmologist, endocrinologist, as well as consultation with a psychotherapist may be required.

Diagnostic methods:

  • audiometry (hearing test);
  • special tests to detect pathologies of the inner ear;
  • MRI, CT – detection of neuroma, areas of ischemia of the brain and heart;
  • blood test for sugar, alcohol;
  • measurement of pulse, blood pressure;
  • fundus examination.

In patients with complaints of dizziness, coordination of movements is checked, gait and general condition are analyzed.

Reasons why you may feel suddenly dizzy

What does it mean when you suddenly feel dizzy? Vertigo is closely associated with many diseases. A specialist must determine the cause after a thorough examination and analysis of the patient’s complaints.

What causes dizziness and sweating that occurs for a few seconds?


Severe dizziness and nausea may indicate a serious pathology such as a stroke. This disorder is accompanied by acute vertigo and a wave-like headache.

The patient is worried about severe vomiting, weakness, drowsiness, and poor spatial orientation. The condition is short-lived or does not go away for several days.

Eye diseases

The feeling of loss of balance can be caused by an eye disease. For example, high myopia or glaucoma (a disease accompanied by an increase in intraocular pressure). Associated symptoms:

  • redness of the eyes;
  • headache;
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • decreased visual acuity.

Balance is periodically lost due to diplopia, a muscle disorder that causes the eye to deviate to the left or right. As a result, incorrect projection of the object on the retina occurs.


When you have vitamin deficiency, in particular, vitamin B12 deficiency, you suddenly feel dizzy. Rapid heartbeat and weakness appear. This is due to the fact that a lack of vitamins affects the functioning of the cardiovascular, nervous, and musculoskeletal systems and affects metabolism.

Most often, vitamin deficiency occurs in women during pregnancy and lactation, children during intensive growth, and elderly people suffering from chronic ailments and gastrointestinal diseases.

Pathologies of the cardiovascular system

Sharp attacks of vertigo are closely related to blood vessels. They can occur with any disorder of vascular origin, for example:

  1. Arrhythmia - pathology manifests itself in an increase in heart rate. The heart either stops or begins to beat rapidly, after which severe dizziness and weakness occur, even to the point of fainting.
  2. Hypertension – in this case, dizziness can occur with a sharp increase in blood pressure, a sudden drop due to taking a large dose of antihypertensive drugs, dyscirculatory encephalopathy (a complication after long-term hypertension). Vertigo is based on prolonged oxygen starvation of the brain due to vasoconstriction.
  3. Arterial hypotension. Instant dizziness in this case is also caused by brain hypoxia, which occurs due to insufficient blood supply to the cells due to low pressure. Vertigo is accompanied by weakness, drowsiness, loss of performance, nausea, and fatigue.

Dizziness and vomiting may indicate the presence of abnormalities such as pericarditis, tachycardia, angina pectoris, extrasystole, myocardial infarction.

Infectious viral diseases

If you experience fever and nausea, all this is accompanied by dizziness, fever, headache, nasal congestion, constriction of the pupils, an infectious disease should be suspected. Particularly severe attacks occur during infections affecting the peripheral or central parts of the vestibular system (meningitis, encephalitis).

Dizziness during infections is a consequence of intoxication of the body.

Vegetovascular dystonia (VSD)

With vegetative-vascular dystonia, blood circulation is disrupted, as a result of which the oxygen supply to vital organs is reduced.
The disease occurs without pronounced symptoms or can be accompanied by a variety of clinical manifestations due to disturbances in nervous regulation of the peripheral nerves (headaches, periodic fainting, frequent and sudden intense dizziness).


In patients with diabetes or pregnant women, blood glucose levels often decrease, which is also accompanied by vertigo. There is a feeling of instability, impending fainting, and drowsiness.

Hypoglycemia in pregnant women can be treated with sweets: just eat a piece of chocolate or a couple of spoons of sugar.

Neck and head injuries

If vertigo was preceded by trauma to the spine, head, or neck, the cause may be traumatic brain injury, whiplash, or concussion.

All patients after injuries and bruises should be under the supervision of specialists to exclude the development of complications in the form of intracranial hemorrhages and hematomas.

Blood diseases

A common cause of dizziness is anemia, characterized by a low level of hemoglobin in the blood. Vertigo in this case is accompanied by fatigue, weakness, and pale skin.

Another dangerous reason that causes vertigo, sweating and loss of consciousness is leukemia. The disease is associated with the transformation of blood cells into malignant ones.

Acute forms of leukemia occur rapidly and severely. In chronic cases, the prognosis is more favorable.

Pathologies of the nervous system

If there are no vestibular disorders, the reasons for the head swelling, sudden deterioration and loss of balance may be pathologies of the nervous system, for example, neuritis.

The disease begins suddenly. Severe dizziness, repeated vomiting, and a feeling of spinning intensify with sudden movements or attempts to stand up.

In most cases, unpleasant symptoms disappear after 2-3 days. After an acute period, the feeling of rotation sometimes persists during linear acceleration (braking in a car or on a lift).

Treatment and prevention

For Meniere's disease, treatment is mainly aimed at reducing swelling and inflammation in the canals of the labyrinth. During an attack, the patient should be placed in a room where there are no bright lights or loud sounds. It is recommended to place a heating pad at your feet. Massage the point between the eyebrows.

In severe cases, hospitalization and infusion therapy (using droppers) may be required.

To stop an attack, a meatotympanic (behind the ear) blockade is used - the introduction of Novocaine and Platiphylline. A glucose solution is administered intravenously. Intramuscularly - Pipolfen. It is possible to use Aminazine to relieve psychomotor agitation.

To prevent attacks, drainage drugs are used that improve capillary permeability and microcirculation in the inner ear: Preductal, Betaserc. Antiemetics: Bonin, Kinedryl. Cinnarizine is also prescribed to improve cerebral circulation and as a remedy for motion sickness during seasickness.

Helpful information

In 70–80% of cases with Meniere's disease, conservative treatment is sufficient to relieve attacks. Sometimes surgical intervention is indicated, which can be gentle (preserving hearing) and destroy the labyrinth.

Patients with Meniere's syndrome are prescribed a special diet with limited consumption of salty and spicy foods. Alcohol and smoking worsen the course of the disease, so they should be avoided. Prolonged exposure to the scorching sun and diving in water are also not recommended. The consequences of stress also provoke an attack, so you need to monitor your psycho-emotional state. Positive results are obtained from the use of reflexology and physical therapy.

Vestibular gymnastics will help reduce dizziness with BPPV - positional maneuvers: turning the head left and right in a lying position (10-20 times). It is necessary to repeat these exercises until the calcium deposits causing irritation of the labyrinth are displaced.

Hypotonic patients prone to dizziness are recommended to practice a contrast shower (to normalize vascular tone), as well as fairly intense physical activity that promotes the production of adrenaline to increase blood pressure.

In case of poisoning with neurotropic poisons, including alcohol, detoxification and symptomatic therapy are carried out.

If the cause of dizziness is unknown, to alleviate the condition at home you need to sit down, or better yet, lie down, first opening a window for fresh air. You can massage the bridge of the nose, temporal and occipital areas in a circular motion.

It is recommended to measure blood pressure, check pulse, and pay attention to whether there is any speech impairment. If attacks occur repeatedly, you should undergo a medical examination.

It should be remembered that severe dizziness can be a symptom of myocardial infarction or ischemic stroke.

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