Why does tinnitus and dizziness occur?

Tinnitus is the professional term for ringing, whistling, or similar sounds in the ears and head without an external source. This disease worsens the patient's quality of life, so it should not be underestimated. He may be accompanied by depression, sleep disorders, headaches and similar problems. According to some specialized data, this disorder affects approximately 10–15% of the population. A feeling of “floating” of the environment and nausea are symptoms that occur with dizziness (vertigo). We are talking about the illusion of movement of the body or surrounding objects. This is not a disease, but its manifestation. In approximately 100 diseases, both problems occur simultaneously as accompanying symptoms - tinnitus and dizziness; The cause and treatment of this condition are interrelated and are aimed at eliminating the underlying disease.

Why do I feel dizzy and have my ears ringing?

To answer this question, you should know that there are 2 types of tinnitus: subjective and objective.

Subjective tinnitus - sounds are perceived only by the patient. Those around them cannot hear them, and there is also no measurable external sound source. The reason is ear pathology, in particular, tumor, damage to auditory cells, atherosclerotic changes in the vessels supplying the auditory organ.

Objective tinnitus – the noise is objectively detected by measurement using a special instrument. The cause is spasms of the middle ear muscles, turbulent blood flow, and an aneurysm. Dizziness and noise in the head often occur along with pain (in the left, right ear, diffusely).

Diseases of the cardiovascular system

They manifest themselves as discomfort in the chest, shortness of breath, swelling, poor sleep and increased sweating, anxiety and nausea, dizziness and throbbing headaches, especially in the presence of arterial hypertension. This indicates insufficient oxygen supply to the brain and poisoning by decay products of its cells, which are not excreted in the blood in time.

The main methods for recognizing the disease are electrocardiography and radiography for atherosclerosis, studying the spectra of blood lipids and other clinical data.

Causes of dizziness and tinnitus

Showing signs of tinnitus and dizziness is not a disease. We are talking about symptoms perceived by a person, such as an unpleasant sound and rotation of the body or environment.

Although it is believed that diseases that cause tinnitus and dizziness are represented by ear infections, this is often not the case. The exact cause of tinnitus (especially chronic) accompanied by vertigo is very difficult to identify; The patient usually has a long journey ahead of him, during which he will need strong nerves - he must not lose determination and faith, at the same time he must ignore the lack of understanding of the problem on the part of family, friends and doctors alike.


In addition to examining the patient, specialists can prescribe examinations such as audiometry, ultrasound of cerebral vessels, biochemical blood test to determine cholesterol levels and coagulograms, X-rays, computed tomography, Dopplerography, REG (rheoencephalography).

If an objective noise is diagnosed, which the doctor can also hear, then he conducts an examination with a phonendoscope. It can identify the area of ​​clicking or pulsing. You can also detect a muscle sound resulting from convulsive contraction of the soft palate and middle ear.

Possible diseases

It is generally believed that most cases of tinnitus arise from otologic causes. Often the problem is accompanied by hearing impairment, visual impairment caused by a disorder of sensory cells and/or the auditory nerve that conducts auditory impulses. In these cases, sensorineural deafness is referred to.

The second most common cause of dizziness and tinnitus is diseases associated with the cardiac and vascular system, usually characterized by the occurrence of atherosclerosis. About 25% of hypertensive patients have noise in the ear and feel dizzy.

ENT diseases

The main causes (and treatment) of tinnitus and dizziness are associated with ENT diseases:

  • cerumen blockage, foreign body in the external ear canal;
  • bone growth in the canal – exostosis;
  • violation of the eardrum;
  • medial inflammation of the ear (mesotitis) - especially chronic inflammation with cholesteatoma (non-inflammatory tumor);
  • labyrinthitis;
  • obstruction of the auditory tube, which runs from the middle ear to the nasopharynx, balancing the pressure in the middle ear necessary for the normal movement of the eardrum and auditory ossicles;
  • senile deafness or presbycusis - in the process of aging, hearing gradually decreases, especially at high frequencies;
  • occupational hearing loss – hearing damage due to excessive noise and vibration in hazardous workplaces;
  • Meniere's disease is a disease caused by fluid imbalance, usually excessive blood pressure; symptoms include dizziness, tinnitus, nausea, weakness, subsequent hearing disorders (if such symptoms are caused by another disease, for example, spinal pathology, endocrine disorders, we are talking about Meniere's syndrome);
  • otosclerosis is a disease characterized by changes in the bone parts of the middle ear (fixation and immobility), sometimes - the inner ear, and their damage.

In children

Why does a squeak appear in a child's ear? If this phenomenon is constant, then it is necessary to perform an examination for impaired hearing acuity. A common cause of ear damage is infection. But infectious diseases do not always lead to perceptual hearing loss. The squeak may occur when:

  • Flu and ARVI.
  • Allergic rhinitis.
  • Acute purulent otitis.

Young children cannot clearly tell their parents about their feelings. It is necessary to be able to assess the child’s well-being. If there are symptoms of a respiratory infection or allergic rhinitis, nasal congestion can lead to squeaking. The unpleasant sound disappears after nasal breathing is restored. Cases of severe infectious diseases require special attention.

Other reasons

There are many more serious problems associated with discomfort. As in the above cases, the causes and treatment of these diseases are interconnected. To get rid of tinnitus and dizziness, the underlying disease should be treated.


The most dangerous cause is tumors, in particular, tumor of the 8th nerve.

Benign tumors of the cervical spine and head also cause unpleasant symptoms:

  • paraganglioma (chemodectoma);
  • meningioma;
  • temporal bone tumors;
  • less often – malignant tumors and their distant metastases.

Multiple sclerosis

This is an autoimmune disease, the characteristic features of which are:

  • lack of coordination;
  • loss of spatial orientation;
  • weakness;
  • numbness in the limbs;
  • noise in the head and ears.

Depression and neuroses

Ear sounds and vertigo are present in somatoform (psychogenic) diseases. These are mental disorders manifested by physical (somatic) symptoms without organ failure (without an organic cause). Their appearance may be associated with a stressful event. Such reasons include:

  • stress;
  • anxiety;
  • depression;
  • anxiety.

Some medications

Medicinal list of drugs, long-term use of which can cause discomfort:

  • Aspirin;
  • NSAIDs;
  • aminoglycosides;
  • quinine.

Preventive measures

A set of preventive measures is created based on what ailments a person suffers from. If there is a risk of catching a cold, you need to dress warmly, avoid being in drafts, and do not go outside without a hat if the weather conditions are unfavorable.

Do not use sharp objects to clean the ears, as this can damage the integrity of the tissue inside the ear canal, as well as the structure of the eardrum.

It is imperative to wash your ears regularly, but do not allow water to get into them. If this happens, you need to tilt your head and make light squeezing movements in the ear area. When the water flows out, you need to carefully wipe your ears.

To prevent squeaking in your ears, you need to control your blood pressure, not listen to very loud music, and organize your daily routine so that you have enough time for work, entertainment, and a good night’s rest.

In addition, it is very important to avoid stress, not to allow yourself to get irritated or worry too much. If such a situation occurs, you need to take a sedative (for example, valerian drops) or antidepressants, which should be prescribed by a doctor.

Constant squeaking in the ears can be a symptom of a serious illness. If you experience such an unpleasant symptom, you should definitely consult a doctor.

Symptomatic features

As mentioned above, tinnitus manifests itself as noise, ringing in the ears. Their sound frequency is usually in the range of 125–16000 Hz, with an intensity of about 5–15 dB. Some people also describe the sounds as a combination of tones accompanied by banging and scratching sounds. Tinnitus combined with vertigo is perceived very individually. You may also experience a sore throat.

Important! Sounds do not come from the external environment, but arise inside the ear, in the nerve cords, and in the brain.

As a rule, the noise is relatively mild and only annoys a person if they concentrate on it. In very serious cases, however, the sounds can be unbearable and the patient may suffer from depression and suicidal tendencies. Such conditions require medical attention, sometimes surgery.

Tinnitus can occur acutely when a person experiences acute attacks. If the condition persists for more than 6 months, we are talking about a chronic form.

The following symptoms require medical advice:

  • sharp pain that does not respond to painkillers;
  • elevated temperature;
  • dizziness;
  • confusion;
  • hearing impairment or loss;
  • vomiting, nausea;
  • numbness, weakness in one or more limbs.

Diagnostic methods, criteria for determining diagnosis

Patients with tinnitus and dizziness should undergo several tests:

  • detailed audiological examination (recording of the hearing curve);
  • objective hearing test (BERA);
  • testing the balance system (even if there is no dizziness);
  • imaging studies (CT, MRI).

Further, according to specific needs, the following examinations are carried out:

  • neurological;
  • ocular;
  • psychiatric.

After determining the cause, excluding a disorder in the auditory organ that requires surgery or other intervention (irradiation of a nerve tumor with a gamma knife), a decision is made to prescribe medications for vertigo and tinnitus.

Sulfur plugs

Deterioration of hearing and the appearance of squeaking in the ears can be associated with the accumulation of wax due to improper cleaning. It should be borne in mind that in this situation it is preferable not to use cotton swabs, since the plug will be pushed deeper, which will only worsen the situation.

For prevention, 2 drops of hydrogen peroxide are instilled into each ear canal. The procedure must be performed several times over a given day.

This will remove any lumps of wax. Special drops are also used, for example “Remo-Vax”.

They need to be buried 2-3 times a month. With their help, the ear canal is moistened and wax is removed from it.

The A-cerumen solution is also effective.

A decrease in hearing acuity is observed when diving into water and after a shower. After contact with water, the wax plug swells, hearing decreases, and a squeaking or noise appears.

Old accumulations of sulfur must be softened in advance before removal. For this, hydrogen peroxide (3%) and warm sunflower oil are used.

When cleaning, audibility deteriorates, but then recovers. Hot water bottles are used for these purposes.

Home treatment using folk remedies is not always effective. In addition, it can cause harm, especially if the squeak appears due to inflammation. It is advisable to visit an otolaryngologist who will professionally remove wax plugs and prescribe effective treatment.

Therapeutic approaches for dizziness and tinnitus

It is advisable to avoid loud sounds, caffeine, nicotine, and limit salt intake. If severe discomfort causes significant psychological problems, it is sometimes necessary to treat the disease with a psychologist; less often, psychiatric help is required.


Medicines for dizziness and tinnitus:

  • A group of drugs is used that cause vasodilation, therefore improving cerebral and ear blood supply (for example, gingo Biloba extracts). Drugs for dizziness and tinnitus of other origins (local anesthetics, contrast agents) are also effective. They are used either as injections or locally in the middle ear.
  • Other groups of drugs are B-complex vitamins, nootropics - substances that improve the function of brain cells (Piracetam), drugs that affect muscle tension (Mydocalm), antiepileptic drugs.
  • Betahistine is a drug whose main function is to stabilize balance. These are tablets for dizziness, acting by dilating blood vessels in the area of ​​the inner ear and auditory-equilibrium centers.
  • The following pills for headaches and vertigo are psychopharmaceuticals (Diazepam, Xanax) prescribed by a psychiatrist.
  • Autogenic training and biofeedback (under the guidance of an experienced psychologist) are recommended.


For pathology of the cervical spine or injury that causes unpleasant hearing sensations and tinnitus, physical therapy can be effective.

HBO therapy

Hyperbaric oxygen therapy is the next therapeutic option. This is an effective method, especially for acute problems. Treatment is carried out over several sessions. The method consists of inhaling 100% oxygen, reaching the body cells as much as possible, which ensures better blood circulation in the ear.

Stages of the disease

Squeaking in the ears is divided into 4 degrees:

  1. With the first one, no complications arise, the discomfort disappears on its own. Squeaking cannot affect people's well-being and activities.
  2. At stage 2, sleep disturbance occurs; squeaking can be heard in silence.
  3. At stage 3, discomfort negatively affects a person’s life. It can be throughout the day and partly at night.
  4. The last stage is the most difficult. The squeak can last for 24 hours, which leads to significant disruption of human activity and a negative impact on his condition.


The first recipe of traditional medicine is a glass of water with the juice of ½ lemon every morning.

Proven folk remedies

Additionally, you can try the following methods:

  • Ginkgo Biloba (contained in the preparations Tanakan, Tebokan, etc.). Regular use of this herb (4-6 weeks) or pharmaceutical products containing it can significantly reduce unpleasant symptoms.
  • Acupuncture and hypnosis have a positive effect.
  • It is advisable to use Indian head massage.
  • Sometimes a light massage of the temples helps.
  • It is recommended to enrich the diet with minerals (magnesium, zinc) and vitamins (A, B).

First aid - how to relieve pain?

It is enough just to take analgesics with ibuprofen or paracetamol, baralgin or analgin, citramon or spasmalgon, spazgan or took, depending on the types of headache. If your blood pressure is high or low, it is necessary to correct it to a normal state with medications.

A cool compress made from a towel or napkin moistened with cool water and rubbing the temples with vinegar helps a lot. For migraines, a quiet walk in a park or near the water, away from the noise of city streets, is recommended.

Be sure to watch the next video

Treat yourself correctly and be healthy!


Both vertigo and tinnitus are not diseases, but symptoms. Therefore it is impossible to prevent them. But you can avoid some of the reasons that cause these manifestations. As with the prevention of many diseases, the basis is compliance with the rules of a healthy lifestyle. It is appropriate to avoid overexertion. Prevention also includes hearing protection, so it is important to use hearing protection and noise-cancelling devices not only in the work environment, but also during normal activities (cutting grass with a mower, sawing wood, etc.).

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