I feel dizzy and nauseous and start sweating, what could it be?

Frequent cases when a person experiences sweating and dizziness should not be ignored. At first glance, it may seem that this condition is harmless. However, it is a sign of the presence of disease processes in the internal environment. Let's look at why you feel dizzy and sweaty and what measures need to be taken.

Sweat is a natural reaction or pathology

Weakness and pain can be bothersome for a variety of reasons. This includes dizziness and sweating. If on the eve of the appearance of these symptoms a person suffered a strong psycho-emotional shock or experienced excessive physical exertion, then we can say that this is a natural response of the body. The same can be said if increased sweating occurs once or twice.

When this condition occurs on an ongoing basis, you should visit a doctor. Only he can determine what the real reason is.

Why does this happen

The presence of cold sweats and dizziness sometimes does not indicate anything. If this happened to a person for the first time and did not happen again, that is, there was no clear consistency, then you should not worry. This could be a normal reaction of the body to a long period between meals or some event that provoked an “emotional jump.”

If your vision darkens, you feel dizzy, you break into a sweat for the second time, and this happens periodically, then this is a reason to think about the situation and contact a specialist to find the cause in the body. Such symptoms can be attributed to diseases of different etiologies, including:

  • neurological causes;
  • traumatic brain injuries;
  • psychoemotional disorders;
  • oncological diseases;
  • endocrine causes;
  • diseases of the cardiovascular system.

Characteristics of dizziness

Let's list the main symptoms that you can feel if you feel dizzy and sweaty:

  1. You feel very weak and lack the strength to do your usual activities.
  2. Spasms in the gastrointestinal tract, nausea and vomiting occur.
  3. Unreasonable anxiety, suspiciousness, it seems that danger lurks at every step.
  4. The functioning of all sense organs deteriorates.
  5. Pronounced bad mood, irritability, negative attitude towards others.
  6. Hands and feet suddenly become cold.

Features of the condition in women and men

Women are more likely than men to experience such conditions when they feel dizzy and break out in a cold sweat. This is justified by the fact that representatives of the fairer sex are more likely to undergo hormonal changes. The endocrine system fails in the following cases:

  • Conceiving and bearing a child.
  • Menstruation.
  • The onset of menopause.

If a woman often feels dizzy and breaks into a sweat, a gynecologist will help solve the problem.

If a woman is pregnant

Menopause or menopause is a period during which the decline of sexual and reproductive function occurs due to age-related changes. Normally, menopause begins at 50 years of age, but there is variability by age.

If a woman wakes up every morning and experiences dizziness, a feeling of heat or cold sweat, or nausea, then it is worth visiting a gynecologist - it is possible that these symptoms indicate the birth of a new life. Women are most susceptible to disorders of a vegetative nature, and they most often manifest themselves in the weaker sex - this is due to frequent hormonal changes in the body.

Women may experience a fever before or during menstruation. Blood loss and mood swings during this period lead to excessive release of adrenaline and vascular spasm, which, in turn, provokes a sharp decrease in blood pressure and, as a result, dizziness.

Diseases that are accompanied by dizziness and sweating

Let's look at what diseases dizziness in combination with excessive sweating can signal.

Peripheral vertigo and hyperhidrosis

This type of dizziness causes impairment of vision and coordination of movements. It is natural that the patient becomes very worried and sweats.

Diseases with frequent sweating and vertigo

Most often, changes in the functioning of the endocrine system lead to very strong sweating. In this case, side symptoms are observed. For example, you feel dizzy, lose sleep, and become apathetic.

Allergy drug overdose

The pills can cause various side effects. Therefore, if you feel dizzy or sweaty after taking medications, you need to find a replacement.

Inner ear pathologies

They lead to impaired coordination of movements and disruptions in the patient’s perception of the surrounding space.


Insufficiently toned vessels do not effectively deliver nutrition to the cells of the body. Vomiting and diarrhea are added to these symptoms.

Vascular diseases

They lead to sudden jumps in blood pressure and also reduce the speed of blood circulation. This is especially reflected in the head department. A hungry brain works ineffectively, which is why unpleasant sensations arise.


This period is accompanied by changes in the quantitative ratio of hormones produced. That's why women often feel dizzy and sweat.


Low sugar levels lead to a decrease in the patient's vital energy, so he experiences weakness and dizziness, and breaks into a sweat.

Increased intracranial pressure

Causes severe pain, leads to loss of stability and confusion. Often in this condition the palms sweat.


Severe compressive pain unsettles a person, he cannot concentrate or think about anything. With prolonged attacks, severe weakness sets in, dizziness and sweating occur.

Vestibular dysfunction

When the vestibular apparatus malfunctions, a person feels as if he is spinning. Or the objects around him are spinning. This condition often causes excessive sweating and panic.

Diseases with prolonged hyperhidrosis and vertigo

Hyperhidrosis and dizziness that do not go away for a long period of time indicate the presence of chronic diseases in the body.

Brain tumors

With the development of these serious diseases, in addition to dizziness, a lot of unpleasant sensations arise. Neoplasms disrupt the functioning of the brain and all other organs.


Among the simplest and most obvious causes of the disease are:

  • temperature increase;
  • state of stress;
  • excessive physical, mental, emotional stress.

Often a person becomes dizzy and begins to feel feverish due to previously unidentified changes in the body, including:

  • pathologies of the heart and blood vessels;
  • hormonal changes (in women observed in early pregnancy or after the onset of menopause);
  • endocrine diseases;
  • disorders in the psycho-emotional sphere;
  • CFS (chronic fatigue syndrome).

Making an accurate diagnosis is only possible if you consult a specialist. Further overcoming the disease depends on how carefully the patient follows the recommendations of the attending physician.

Heart diseases

Sweating and dizziness often appear during diseases of the heart and blood vessels, diseases of the endocrine system.

They appear in combination with additional symptoms (weakness, nausea) or come on their own.

Such conditions can manifest themselves regardless of age. Sweat can cover the entire body or some parts of it (palms, armpits, groin area).

Dizziness is often associated with various unpleasant symptoms, including sweating.

This is the result of dangerous pathological processes, climate influences or injuries. However, discomfort can also manifest itself from fatigue.

It is possible to identify the provoking factor of the pathology if dizziness, sudden sweating and weakness appear, based on the following symptoms:

  • unilateral sweating – disorders in the central nervous system;
  • sweating appears at night - lung disease;
  • dizziness with sweating – thyroid disease;
  • dizziness with intense sweating from exertion – diabetes;
  • both signs are pronounced - obesity.

When dangerous pathological processes are observed, the patient breaks into a cold sweat and becomes dizzy even from minor exertion.

This is probably a sign of chronic fatigue, manifested by dizziness and profuse sweating.

Overwork is another reason for poor health, which does not carry with it any chronic disease.

But if the symptoms are repeated over and over again, the patient experiences severe dizziness and nausea, abdominal pain or cold sweat for a long time, then this is a signal that an urgent need to contact a medical facility.

Let's look at the main reasons.


What does it mean when you suddenly feel dizzy? Vertigo is closely associated with many diseases. A specialist must determine the cause after a thorough examination and analysis of the patient’s complaints.

So, you get out of bed in the morning and find yourself dizzy, distracted, weak in your legs, wet sheets and clothes. “Why do I sweat in the morning? Why do you feel dizzy? Isn't this dangerous? If you ask yourself these questions, it means you are taking care of your health. The reasons for this condition may be different.

With local sweating, the forehead, head, limbs, armpits, and groin area sweat, both individually and together. If the room is cool in the morning, you are not stressed and are not doing physical labor at the moment, then profuse hyperhidrosis in the morning should alert you.

What diseases can be detected

Generalized hyperhidrosis (the whole body sweats profusely) is usually a sign of infectious diseases and fever. This type of sweating in the morning, during the day, and at night can be observed during puberty in adolescents, and can also serve as a sign of endocrine or neurological diseases.

Severe hyperhidrosis in the morning, along with dizziness and weakness, can be part of very serious ailments:

  • ARVI, ARZ.
  • Flu.
  • Bronchitis.
  • Pneumonia.
  • Diabetes mellitus.
  • Pathologies of the thyroid gland.
  • Hypertension.
  • Changes in the urinary and reproductive systems.
  • Immune diseases.
  • Tuberculosis and many others.

You should not delay visiting the doctor if your bed is wet in the morning and you feel dizzy and weak. Severe sweating in the armpits in the morning cannot be corrected by a simple shower.

“I wake up - the whole bed is completely wet, and I’m thrown into a cold sweat and my legs are giving way” - in this state, your first action is to go back to bed and take your temperature. Next you need to measure the pressure.

If these indicators are not normal, call a doctor at home.

Morning sweats and malaise in women

Dizziness (the medical term is vertigo) is a loss of balance and orientation in space, which can cause a person to fall and be injured. Often accompanied by accompanying symptoms - sweating, nausea, weakness, blurred vision and hearing, increased heart rate.

The cause of dizziness is a violation of cerebral circulation.

This is the result of chronic internal pathologies, various injuries or exposure to unusual atmospheric conditions (for example, rarefied airspace in the mountains).

Sweating (the medical term is hyperhidrosis) is increased sweating, which is the result of a rush of blood. Accompanied by a feeling of heat and temperature. A healthy person sweats during active physical activity and during heat.

If for no objective reason you feel dizzy and feel hot, do not hesitate to visit a specialist who will help make an accurate diagnosis and get rid of unpleasant symptoms.

Many people experienced dizziness of varying severity and weakness, in which every movement was difficult. This is a common duo of symptoms that forces you to see a doctor, since normal performance and life activities in general become impossible. The causes of weakness and dizziness are numerous, and only doctors can identify them.

Such sensations may be a variant of the normal human condition in some cases. For example, such complaints are often made by adolescents, which is explained by the rapid physiological changes in the growing body.

But in most cases, symptoms indicate diseases of the body, which may include:

  • iron deficiency anemia, leading to low hemoglobin levels and, as a result, dizziness and general malaise (see iron supplements for anemia)
  • cerebrovascular accident, also characterized by a feeling of tinnitus, decreased attention and flickering spots before the eyes;
  • hypertensive attacks, which can literally knock a person off his feet and, in the worst case, result in a stroke (see pine cones for stroke);
  • neurocirculatory dystonia, common among the weaker sex and associated with stress, psychological tension and emotional instability of women;
  • oncological pathology, which, in the presence of symptoms of dizziness and weakness, is most likely still in the initial stage of its development;
  • functional disorders of cardiac activity, leading to disruption of normal blood circulation throughout the body;
  • increased intraocular pressure, which often acts as a logical continuation of conditions associated with weakness and dizziness, but at the same time indicates a more serious disease (see cerebral atherosclerosis, increased intracranial pressure, etc.).

With most of the listed pathologies, with the exception of neurocirculatory dystonia, dizziness and weakness increase in parallel with the progression of the underlying pathology, so the first manifestations should already be a reason for an early visit to the doctor.

Sudden dizziness is a common problem in women. These symptoms greatly impair the quality of professional and personal life.

Dizziness and dizziness are different - some people only occasionally experience these symptoms, while others, on the contrary, fall asleep and get up dizzy, or often note exacerbations of the condition.

It is important to know! Our readers treat hyperhidrosis using Olga’s method; she talked about it in her personal blog...Read more

There are cases when hyperhidrosis accompanies a person for many years. Sometimes this problem develops into a serious illness and causes discomfort. Then the patient looks for the reasons for this condition.

In addition to the fact that it is unpleasant for the person himself, from the outside the disease does not look aesthetically pleasing. People try to avoid issues related to sweating. Feelings of shame or embarrassment do not allow you to seek help from professionals in a timely manner; this is fraught with dire consequences.

Thousands of toxins and other negative substances are released through sweat every day, and excessive water production causes many more problems than you think. The glands work harmoniously, which means that a failure in one place will provoke disorders of other organs. There are dozens of diseases where the first symptom is hyperhidrosis, or in other words, sweating.

To understand what is happening to your body, try to observe its work. Whether it is a mild disorder or a serious illness, you should not ignore its signals.

When determining what triggered such a symptom, you need to know what may lie behind the excessive removal of water from the body.

The first common option is recent stress. If you are often exposed to psychological disorders and are 100% sure that you have difficulty withstanding:

  • criticism;
  • Problems;
  • troubles and discord.

The cause of sweating is your character. This manifestation is the body’s defensive reaction to factors that irritate and cause dissatisfaction. If a man suddenly breaks into a sweat, or women experience severe sweating and weakness, this will immediately affect their morale. The location of the distribution of symptoms, such as general weakness and excessive sweating, has certain locations:

  • nasolabial folds;
  • palms;
  • weights;
  • feet;
  • lower back;
  • small of the back.

The second guess would be heavy weight. A person with extra pounds retains a lot of water and harmful substances.

For people diagnosed with obesity, hyperhidrosis is a common condition. If the cause of severe weakness and serious sweating is increased body weight, this must be dealt with.

Excess subcutaneous fat prevents oxygen from passing through the pores, and as a result, lack of air, sweating in the body and legs will be a clear sign of this problem.

Due to the fact that the human body has not yet been studied 100%, genetics has its influence. If you are constantly worried:

  • dizziness;
  • weakness tires;
  • sweating;
  • breaks into cold sweat regularly;
  • aching headache;
  • morning sickness.

You should not delay visiting the doctor if your bed is wet in the morning and you feel dizzy and weak. Severe sweating in the armpits in the morning cannot be corrected by a simple shower.

“I wake up - the whole bed is completely wet, and I’m thrown into a cold sweat and my legs are giving way” in this state, your first actions are: go back to bed and take your temperature. Next you need to measure the pressure.

If these indicators are not normal, call a doctor at home.


To eliminate unpleasant symptoms, drug therapy is prescribed. However, you can use effective folk methods for home use.

Folk remedies

Proven recipes that will help you get rid of dizziness and sweating:

  1. Mint bath. To prepare it, you will first need to pour ten grams of dry herb with a glass of boiling water and let it brew. Then the resulting solution must be filtered and poured into previously collected warm water. The bath time is half an hour.
  2. General strengthening decoction. You can prepare it by mixing dried herbs in equal proportions: horsetail, chamomile, tansy, lemon balm, thyme. The resulting homogeneous mass should be prepared as regular tea. Drink in the morning for two weeks.

First aid tablets

Traditional therapy helps with unpleasant symptoms such as dizziness and increased sweating:

  • Garlic and lemon drink. The fruit is crushed and a small clove of garlic is added. The finished mass is poured with boiling water, cooled and infused for 7 days. Then drink 1 liter every day.
  • Black currant. The leaves are poured with boiling water and infused for 2 hours. Take 100 g three times a day.
  • Chicory decoction. The plant is crushed and boiled for 20 minutes. Accepted 1 tbsp. l.

How to treat vertigo? Symptomatic therapy is carried out using tablets of the following groups:

  • anticholinergics;
  • neuroleptics;
  • benzodiazepines;
  • antiemetics.
NameHow to use
Betarsek1-2 tablets per dose, no more than 3 times a day. The course of treatment is 1-2 months.
Tanakan1 tablet three times a day for up to 3 months.
Dramamine1-2 tablets up to three times a day.


In order not to suffer in search of suitable treatment, painful conditions can be prevented by observing the following rules:

  • Switch to proper nutrition.
  • Refusal of alcoholic and caffeinated drinks.
  • Moderate physical activity.
  • Get adequate sleep, lasting at least eight hours.
  • Elimination of tense and stressful situations.

To avoid a repeat of this condition, when you feel dizzy and break out in a sweat, you need to strictly follow the most important rule - take care of your health.

Preventive methods for vertigo

It is easier to prevent the occurrence of pathology than to eliminate it for a long time. Following simple instructions makes it possible to avoid a large number of unpleasant symptoms:

  • adjust sleep;
  • eliminate smoking and alcohol;
  • exercise;
  • ventilate the room;
  • eliminate psycho-emotional shocks;
  • reduce coffee consumption.

Even if dangerous pathological processes, sweating and dizziness are present, it is possible to reduce the symptoms or completely eliminate them.

We should not forget that many causes of vertigo with sweating are not harmless in all cases. The complex of these signs indicates various diseases, including dangerous ones.

It is necessary to immediately contact a specialist to carry out appropriate diagnosis and prescribe effective treatment.

Methods for diagnosing weakness and dizziness

If unpleasant attacks recur several times a month, you should consult a doctor. It is better to stop many pathological processes at the initial stage, so as not to miss irreversible changes in the structure of the brain vessels, nervous tissue, and the appearance of middle ear tumors.

Basic diagnostic methods:

  • blood test for sugar, cholesterol, and certain hormone levels;
  • Ultrasound of the abdominal organs, heart, thyroid gland and adrenal glands;
  • cardiogram;
  • ultrasound examination of neck vessels;
  • X-ray of the spine (cervical or thoracic);
  • CT scan.

If vascular malformations, aneurysms or brain tumors are suspected, spiral tomography using a contrast agent is recommended. It identifies areas with impaired blood flow, blood clots, and clogged arteries.

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