Pharmstandard decided to resume production of the old drug

The life of a modern person is filled with all sorts of stress that negatively affects the condition of the entire body. In order to give the body additional strength to fight stressful situations, viral diseases and other ailments, it is necessary to take nootropic medications.

There are many nootropics, but the most common of them is Phenotropil - this is a drug designed to stimulate the functioning of the brain, central nervous system and the entire body as a whole, as well as increase resistance in the fight against infectious and viral diseases.

Before you start taking any nootropic and Phenotropil in particular, you need to take into account many nuances, study the practical experience of doctors and reviews of people who have taken the drug.

Due to the fact that stimulating nootropics have recently gained great popularity, the specialists of our site decided to study this issue in more detail, and they began by collecting available information about the practical experience of using the drug Phenotropil.

Indications and contraindications in abstracts

Indications for use:

  • decreased performance;
  • weakness and general malaise;
  • a condition that manifests itself as general lethargy and apathy;
  • psychological and neurological diseases (anorexia, unreasonable fear, anxiety, depression, and so on).
  • obesity.


  • allergic reaction to one of the components of the drug;
  • with impaired liver and kidney function;
  • in acute psychotropic conditions and after a recent panic attack.

Also, the drug should not be taken unless there is a significant need for it.

Real life stories

Several real stories-reviews collected on numerous forums about nootropic drugs that are dedicated to Phenotropil.

Story one - not the most successful experience

Writes Nikolai Vlasov, 32 years old.

I always had a negative attitude towards taking all kinds of stimulant medications, since I was firmly convinced that they could cause not only benefit, but also harm. That is why, if I felt that my body was weakening, I resorted to traditional medicine. Although, I remember, in my student years I took Glycine during sessions, but I did not feel the desired effect.

From the very beginning of the work week, a lot of monotonous work piled up and, accordingly, I did not get enough sleep. Seeing my deplorable condition, a colleague advised me to take Phenotropil, since, according to him, it encourages and stimulates the body very well.

Feeling that hot tea and fruits would not help me after work, I went and purchased this drug. To my surprise, it was relatively inexpensive, about 1000 rubles, and they gave it to me without a prescription.

Also, while I was standing in line at the pharmacy, I noticed that the nootropics you can buy are Glycine, Piracetam and many foreign analogues, the price of which is good for your wallet.

I’ve been drinking Phenotropil for about a month now and I’d like to share my observations with you:

  1. Firstly, I want to note that for several days there was absolutely no effect . There was no surge of strength or similar sensations; on the contrary, for the first 5 days fatigue appeared. As it turned out later, the effect of the drug is cumulative and appears after a week.
  2. Secondly, the effect of the drug is comparable to coffee , only it lasts all day.
  3. Thirdly, if your performance is fine and you do not feel constant fatigue, then you should not take this drug in order to further increase your performance.

As a result, there is certainly an effect from taking this drug, but you should take into account that you should not become heavily addicted to such medications (I read on the Internet that some people have been taking them for several years). The pharmacy itself advised me to take a course of pills and take a break for 1-2 months.

The second story - adequate, but subjective assessments

According to Anna Vangeleva, 21 years old.

I am a student at a medical university and it seems that lack of sleep has become an integral part of me, since I need to learn a huge amount of material, and fatigue constantly makes itself felt.

Before the session, I did not sleep for 2 days and, accordingly, during the classes I felt very bad, my vision darkened and I felt dizzy, the teacher took me to the nurse.

After a little questioning about what could have caused this condition, I told her that because of my studies I was constantly not getting enough sleep and not feeling well. After giving a lecture about what needs to be done to ensure that a similar situation does not happen again, the nurse advised me to take nootropic drugs for a month to increase brain activity and stimulate the body.

After the classes, I went to the pharmacy and bought Phenotropil for 800 rubles (dispensed without a prescription). I read the instructions, and I was pleased that the drug had a minimal number of side effects and contraindications (according to the instructions, the drug is not recommended for use by those who may have an allergic reaction to the components of the medication).

After a month of taking it, I want to tell you about my observations:

  1. The effect did not come immediately , but only after some time. This is due to the fact that the effect of the drug on the human body is revealed gradually.
  2. If you have an allergic reaction to the active ingredient of the drug , then there is little point in looking for analogues, since they contain the same main substance. It is better to find another way out of this situation.
  3. If there is a need for active stimulation of the body , then it is better to give preference to vegetables and fruits that stimulate brain activity. Such as ginger, mint, pomegranate, broccoli and citrus fruits.


Instead of Phenotropil, the following drugs can be used:

  1. Slim Story Prof is an Israeli drug that is a complete analogue of Phenotropil. The medicine is produced in tablets that are contraindicated for children, pregnant and lactating women, since there is no experience in treating these groups of patients.
  2. Gopantam is a nootropic drug that is a substitute for Phenotropil in the therapeutic group. It is available in tablets, which are suitable for children over 3 years of age. Pregnant women and breastfeeding women should not drink gopants.
  3. Cortexin belongs to Phenotropil substitutes in the pharmacological group. The medicine is available in the form of a lyophilisate to prepare a solution for injection into the muscle. The nootropic drug can be prescribed to children from birth. Cortexin is prohibited for pregnant and lactating women.
  4. Neypilept belongs to the Phenotropil substitutes in the pharmacological group. The medicine is available in oral solution and injections. Neypilept should not be used by children and mothers who support breastfeeding.

From patient experience

To complete the picture, we recommend further studying the reviews and observations of patients who also took Phenotropil.

I will share my observations about taking Phenotropil over the past few days. I took 200 mg in the morning. The main effect can be described as follows: “I do everything efficiently and quickly!”

The work became interesting and exciting, almost complete concentration on the process, too many thoughts and ideas were spinning in my head at once, I had to take a piece of paper and a pen and organize everything. I lost the desire to sleep an extra hour. But I still recommend taking the drug exclusively in the morning (100 milligrams to start with).

Nikolay Andreichenko, 25 years old

I bought it yesterday to try and took 2 tablets in the evening. It feels strange, like a fever. I worked well and productively, went to bed at 2 am, tossed and turned for half an hour and fell asleep. I was able to wake up after 6 hours and also took the drug in the morning. It works fine, but it seems that these are not pills, but that I am spurring myself on.

Nikita Mirov, 30 years old

I am categorically against these pills, because I think that Phenotropil is a terrible thing. Several years ago, as an exemplary student, I decided to plow at the first session in my life, but I bought IT, they advised me.

As a result, I came to almost all exams without sleep. Because I couldn’t sleep, even when I wanted to. I had such an unpleasant experience in my first year.

Alina Ulakhly, 28 years old

Special instructions

With chronic stress, overfatigue, significant psycho-emotional exhaustion, it is possible that the body's need for sleep may increase in the first days of taking Phenotropil. In such cases, it is recommended to start using the drug on weekends. Phenotropil should be prescribed with caution in case of atherosclerosis, liver or kidney pathology, a history of panic attacks, during an acute psychotic state, as well as if there is a history of allergies to other nootropics.

Before using this drug, you should read the instructions for Phenotropil.

The use of this drug is possible only as prescribed by a doctor.

From the practice of doctors

Reviews from practicing doctors about the drug Phenotropil are most often positive, but there is always one “but” or another - unpredictable side effects, the inability to “switch off” from taking the medicine, or some other nuances.

My positive attitude towards the drug is based on the high clinical effect of activating the brain when taking it - there is an improvement in memory, concentration, reaction speed and an overall improvement in intellectual activity.

Achieving the effect is possible both with a one-time use of Phenotropil and during a course of therapy.

Neurologist of the first category Sinyaev V.S.

After using “miracle pills” for fast brain function, patients experienced a lethargic, depressed state and lacked clarity of thinking.

This phenomenon can be explained by the fact that the components of Phenotropil “force” the brain to obtain increased energy from hidden resources, which must then be renewed.

At the end of the drug's effect, the patient experiences unpleasant, painful, poorly tolerated fatigue. The length of this period depends on the duration of the medication.

Psychiatrist of the highest category Pokotilov A.V.

Phenotropil belongs to the family of nootropics, the main clinical effect of which is the ability to activate mental activity, attention and memory.

The drug can be used once in cases where a large amount of work needs to be done. Long-term use can deplete the body's reserve reserves.

Neuropathologist of the highest category Rudova V.I.

A pronounced clinical psychostimulating effect of Phenotropil is observed both after a single dose of the drug and after a course of use. The patient feels an improvement in mood, anxiety and fear are eliminated.

Psychoneurologist of the first category Vlasova G.P.

Review by a neurologist

Nootropics are widely used in modern medicine.
These funds are used in many areas of medicine - neurology, psychiatry, therapy and even surgery. The advantages of nootropic drugs include: improving brain function, stimulating blood circulation in the brain and activating higher brain functions (thought processes). The nootropic Phenotropil is very popular. It has proven itself not only due to its low price, but also due to its high-quality pharmacological properties.

Thus, the drug is quickly absorbed by the body, has maximum effect and is excreted in the urine. But, before starting a course of treatment, it is necessary to find out everything about its indications and contraindications, as well as side effects.

Vlasov Vladislav, 44 years old, neurologist

Directions for use, dosage

Phenotropil is intended for oral administration. The tablet should be taken after meals. The dosage of the drug, as well as the duration of therapy, is determined by the doctor depending on the clinical situation. The average dosage of Phenotropil per dose is 100-250 mg. The maximum daily dosage is 750 mg. It is recommended to divide the daily dosage into two doses. If the daily dosage is 100 mg, a single dose per day is acceptable. The average duration of treatment is a month. For nutritional-constitutional obesity, Phenotropil is used at a dose of 100-200 mg for one to two months.

It is advisable to take Phenotropil no later than 15:00.

Positive and negative experiences - summing up

After reading many reviews and stories about the practical use of Phenotropil, our experts formed the following opinion about this drug.

Positive characteristics:

  1. First of all, the drug has proven itself well in terms of cost and effectiveness on the body . Unlike cheaper analogues, the medication has a long-term stimulating effect on the brain and central nervous system.
  2. A small number of contraindications and side effects can be counted as a huge advantage of the drug.

We also found several negative reviews about this drug and highlighted its main drawback:

Phenotropil should not be used on an ongoing basis, as it is addictive and soon the drug will not have any effect on the body.

Other beneficial properties of phenotropil

Prevents convulsions

Many studies have been conducted on the effect of phenotropil on its ability to fight convulsions and seizures typical of various forms of epilepsy.

In addition to fine-tuning neuromuscular coordination by enhancing the action of the central nervous system (CNS), phenylpiracetam improves the conditions in which this coordination is lost. Studies have shown that phenotropil has a positive effect on movement disorders and can reduce paresis, the loss of voluntary control of motor activity. []

Phenotropil promotes weight loss

A study of a group of obese mice showed that phenotropil may be an effective anti-obesity drug. The study also found that this stimulant racetam did not increase their physical activity.

In other words, the rats didn't become more active under the effects—they simply stopped gaining weight. This means that the drug stimulates the central nervous system, rather than squeezing out adrenaline, as you might expect from caffeinated drinks. []

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