An effective remedy for migraines and headaches - Excedrin

Excedrin is a drug that is designed to combat headaches, dental pain, muscle pain and menstrual pain.

This drug is manufactured by the Swiss company Novartis Consumer Health S.A.

It is based on : acetylsalicylic acid, paracetamol and caffeine, which are the main active ingredients and cope well with all symptoms.

The drug Excedrin is produced in the form of tablets with a certain concentration of active drugs in them.

Next, let's take a closer look at the information about this drug.

pharmachologic effect

Let's study the composition of Excedrin to understand its effect on the body.

The medicine Excedrin is a drug that contains three different substances that have different properties, but together they are excellent for combating pain of different natures.

These substances are Acetylsalicylic acid or Aspirin, Caffeine and Paracetamol. Let's analyze their effect on the body separately.

Acetylsalicylic acid is a good antipyretic, has the ability to stop and prevent inflammatory processes and reduce pain. At the cellular level, it inhibits the process of blood clot formation, platelet binding and significantly improves blood circulation in the area where the inflammatory process occurs.

Caffeine has a stimulating effect on the vasomotor and respiratory centers. It also has the ability to dilate blood vessels, reducing platelet binding ability.

In addition, caffeine fights fatigue and drowsiness and increases the body's performance. In combination with Aspirin, it has a positive effect on blood flow speed and normalizes cerebral vascular tone.

As for Paracetamol , it has the ability to reduce fever and partially inhibit inflammatory processes. This is due to the effect of Paracetamol on the center that controls temperature in the hypothalamus.

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What happens after taking the drug

Acetylsalicylic acid in its entirety is completely integrated into the gastrointestinal tract, liver and blood, while being broken down there. This process continues until salicylates are formed. After this, the newly formed substances undergo further breakdown in the liver.

Caffeine , like Aspirin, is also perfectly absorbed in full, distributed in all liquid media of the body.

After consuming this substance on an empty stomach, it will be possible to detect it in maximum concentration in the period of 5-90 minutes after ingestion. Its binding to plasma proteins is about 35%. With the help of metabolites, it is broken down to almost its full size and then excreted through the kidneys.

It is easily integrated into the gastrointestinal tract; its maximum concentration can be observed 30-120 minutes after consumption.

The breakdown of the substance occurs in the liver and is excreted through the kidneys. Only 5% of the substance leaves the body in its initial state.

At the usual dose of Paracetamol, it binds to plasma proteins only slightly, but if you increase this dose, this interaction will increase significantly.

Also, when using the drug in a larger dose than necessary, there will be an accumulation of its metabolites in the human body, which will lead to liver damage.

Side effects

Excedrin can cause the following negative effects:

  • stomach ache;
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • heart rhythm disturbance;
  • toxic damage to the liver and kidneys;
  • erosions, ulcers of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • allergic rashes;
  • spasms in the bronchi;
  • dizziness, cephalalgia, disturbances in visual and auditory perception (with long-term use of the drug).

Indications and contraindications for use

Instructions for use for the drug Excedrin indicate the following indications and contraindications for this medicine.

Indications for use of the drug

Excedrin is prescribed in the following situations:

  • for pain syndrome;
  • for headaches and migraines;
  • with severe toothache;
  • for pain in muscles and joints;
  • for menstrual pain;
  • for acute respiratory diseases and influenza.

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Doctors do not recommend using the drug in the following cases:

  • hypersensitivity to the components of the drug;
  • problems with the gastrointestinal tract, including bleeding;
  • hemophilia;
  • vitamin deficiency K;
  • kidney problems (failure);
  • During pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • glaucoma;
  • problems sleeping, severe excitability;
  • bleeding during surgical interventions;
  • age restrictions (consumption is prohibited for children under 5 years of age).

If you have liver or kidney problems, you should take this drug with extreme caution and under the supervision of your doctor.

Drug and alcohol

When taking paracetamol, aspirin and alcoholic beverages in parallel, the likelihood of developing structural and functional liver disorders increases. In this case, caffeine increases the rate of incorporation of ergotamine.

Why do many people choose Excedrin?

This drug not only quickly relieves a headache that has already begun, but is also able to prevent an attack if you take the pill after noticing its first signs. Why is Excedrin so effective? The instructions for use explain this by its complex composition. Everyone knows paracetamol, aspirin, and caffeine. All three of these substances in the drug are effective on their own. And together with each other they have a beneficial effect on the entire body. They not only reduce headaches, but also relieve vasospasm, improve blood circulation in the brain and prevent the formation of blood clots, which is so important for migraines. The drug begins to act very quickly, and after 20-30 minutes there is a noticeable improvement in the condition. Therefore, many people suffering from migraines choose Excedrin. Its price also suits everyone, because a package costs an average of 120 rubles.

Instructions for use

Let's study the instructions for Excedrin in more detail.

Mode of application

What you need to know:

  1. Excedrin must be taken orally with or after meals.
  2. On average, the permissible number of tablets to take per day is 3-4 pieces. The maximum dose is 6 tablets.
  3. After taking two tablets for a headache, the result is observed within 15 minutes, and for a migraine – after 30 minutes.
  4. It is not recommended to use the drug without first consulting a doctor if pain lasts more than 5 days, and more than 3 days in cases of migraine.

Release forms

The drug Excedrin is produced in the form of oblong tablets, covered with a white coating, marked “E” on one side. The package of this drug contains 16 tablets.

One tablet of Escedrin contains 250 mg of acetylsalicylic acid, 65 mg of caffeine and 250 mg of paracetamol.

Medication dosages

Depending on the disease, the following doses are prescribed:

  1. To reduce or eliminate pain. Adults and children over 12 years of age take 2 tablets of the drug every 6 hours. It is forbidden to take more than 8 tablets per day.
  2. Excedrin tablets for migraines . Adults and children over 18 years of age take 2 tablets of the drug per day. It is not recommended to exceed the permissible dose without a special prescription from a doctor.

When taking Escedrin, you should take it with a full glass of water.

Let's study in more detail the use of the drug for migraines, since the migraine medicine Excedrin is one of the most popular drugs for this disease.

Migraine treatment

Migraine is a chronic disease . Its hallmark is an intense headache, spreading only to one half of the head. It occurs very often among people of different ages.

Migraine attacks are observed at intervals of 1-2 times a year and 1-2 times a week. Women complain about this disease more often than men, although they also suffer from this problem.

There are several theories explaining the occurrence of migraine. This is a poor supply of blood to the brain, unequal expansion of cerebral vessels, and changes in blood pressure.

Basically, exacerbation of headaches occurs after physical exertion, drinking alcoholic beverages, nervous overstrain, and after stuffy rooms.

The migraine medicine Excedrin is an effective drug for treating migraines.

Due to the presence of acetylsalicylic acid in it and its interaction with the other components of the drug, Excedrin acts on the source of pain, while relieving spasms and stopping inflammatory processes.

This significantly improves blood circulation in these areas. Caffeine restores the body's performance. Within 30-45 minutes after consuming the drug, a person suffering from migraine notices a significant improvement in their condition.

Do not take Excedrin in large quantities. The permissible daily dose is 2 tablets of the drug.

Overdose and additional instructions

In cases of overdose of the drug Excedrin, different symptoms appear, and they are caused by the presence of different drugs in it.

In the presence of paracetamol, the following symptoms appear.

After the first 24 hours:

  • pale skin;
  • nausea;
  • vomit;
  • problems with glucose metabolism.

Problems with normal kidney function occur 24 hours after an overdose.

If the degree of overdose is too great, it can lead to arrhythmia, severe renal failure, coma and death.

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If the dose of acetylsalicylic acid was exaggerated, then the following are observed:

  • nausea;
  • vomit;
  • vision problems.

With a strong increase in dose - suffocation, respiratory paralysis, etc. In cases where the poisoning is moderate or severe, the person must be hospitalized immediately.

With an overdose of caffeine, the following are observed:

  • excitation;
  • sense of anxiety;
  • arrhythmia;
  • tachycardia;
  • nausea and vomiting.

In cases of severe overdose, epileptic seizures are possible.

Side effect

The drug Excedrin has a fairly large list of side effects:

  • nausea, vomiting;
  • disruption of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • increase in blood pressure.

In case of long-term use of the drug, the following are observed:

  • headaches, dizziness;
  • vision problems;
  • decreased platelet binding ability;
  • nose bleed;
  • Reye's syndrome is observed in children.

special instructions

It is not recommended to prescribe medications that contain acetyl-salicylic acid to children because in cases where a viral infection develops, there is a huge risk of Reye's syndrome.

It is characterized by vomiting, which may continue for some time, and an enlarged liver.

In cases where the drug is taken for a long period of time, the liver should be under close medical supervision.

The drug is characterized by slowing down blood clotting . Thus, if a person who has taken this drug plans to undergo surgery, they should definitely notify their doctor about this.

In small doses, acytylsalicylic acid reduces the excretion of uric acid.

Interaction with other drugs.

Parallel use of Excedrin with other drugs leads to various side effects. Also, as a result of this, toxins can be formed that will lead to problems with the normal functioning of the liver.

Use during pregnancy and lactation

Excedrin should not be taken by women during pregnancy. Otherwise, serious health problems may arise for the unborn child.

During breastfeeding, taking this drug is also prohibited, because it has the ability to be excreted along with milk, thus entering the child’s body. This can lead to bleeding in the child's body.

Admission in childhood

Children are not recommended to prescribe or take this drug due to the possibility of developing Reye's syndrome.

Special instructions:

If symptoms persist, worsen, or new symptoms occur after taking the drug, you should immediately consult a doctor. When taking the drug at the recommended dose, the body receives the same amount of caffeine as is contained in one cup of coffee, so you should reduce the consumption of caffeine-containing products when treating with this drug in order to avoid the development of nervous agitation, irritability, insomnia and rapid heartbeat due to caffeine overdose.

Reviews from patients and doctors

Reviews from doctors and patients about Excedrin tablets are positive, especially in the treatment of migraines.

Reviews from doctors

Here's what doctors say about the medicine:

  1. The migraine drug Excedrin has a fairly good mechanism of action. Excellently fights pain from various sources (Prigozhin A.V.).
  2. Unfortunately, the drug has a fairly large list of contraindications. As a result, we are unable to prescribe this drug to all patients. And, in general, the drug has proven itself well (Samsonova R.A.).

Patient reviews

Patients echo doctors:

  1. I suffered from migraines for a very long period of time and could not find the necessary medication that could help me. I went to the doctor and he prescribed Excedrin. While eating, I took one tablet, and after eating, another one. After a short period of time, I began to feel that something began to happen and pulsate in my head. And within an hour my headache was gone. I was very pleased with this drug (Tatiana).
  2. The drug helps, but has a significant number of contraindications. I refused (Oleg) .

Advice from patients

Here's what patients advise :

  • drink with plenty of water, so the drug will be absorbed faster;
  • do not use without consulting a doctor, because the drug has a number of contraindications;
  • do not use to treat children.

Reviews about the drug

Migraine is a disease that greatly worsens a person’s quality of life, as it sometimes knocks him out of his usual rhythm for several days. But it is not considered so serious that a person can be released from work. Therefore, it is very important to find an effective pain reliever. Many people have tried different migraine pills. Reviews about Excedrin are most often positive. The drug really helps with migraines and relieves pain quite quickly. Some patients are saved only by it, noting that taking two tablets can prevent a painful attack. But not everyone thinks this medicine is good. Most doctors are afraid to prescribe it to their patients due to the risk of side effects. And some patients who tried the drug on the advice of friends note that it turned out to be completely useless for them. You can also find generally indignant reviews. Such people write that the composition of the drug is similar to the usual Citramon, which costs much less. Since Excedrin does not help everyone, you should not rush to take it; first you need to consult a doctor and carefully study the instructions.

Pros and cons of the drug

Here are some things to consider when taking Excedrin :

  • rapid relief of pain;
  • the ability of the drug to fight migraines;
  • not all patients can benefit from the drug in eliminating severe migraine headaches;
  • The big disadvantage is the huge list of contraindications and side effects, which do not in all cases end positively and in some cases an overdose can lead to coma and even death.
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