Products good for the brain and nervous system

Poor circulation can cause unpleasant symptoms such as pain, muscle spasms, numbness, digestive problems, and cold hands or feet (, , , , ).

In addition to those with poor circulation, athletes and physically active people may want to increase circulation to improve physical performance and recovery.

Although circulation problems are often treated with medications, eating certain foods can also improve blood flow.

Here are 14 of the best foods to improve blood circulation.

Products to improve blood circulation in the legs, pelvis, limbs, brain, etc.

Cayenne pepper

Cayenne pepper has a fiery taste due to a phytochemical it contains called capsaicin.

Capsaicin promotes blood flow to tissues by lowering blood pressure and stimulating the release of nitric oxide and other vasodilatory compounds ().

Vasodilators allow blood to flow more easily through your veins and arteries by relaxing the tiny muscles found in the walls of these blood vessels.

Research shows that consuming cayenne pepper increases blood circulation, improves the strength of blood vessels, and reduces the formation of cholesterol plaques in your arteries ().

Moreover, these hot peppers are often included in pain-relieving creams because they can stimulate blood circulation in the affected areas ().

Grocery list

The diet must be enriched with some foods. Natural medicines are often prepared on their basis according to traditional medicine recipes.

Coconut milk will benefit you. Under its influence, not only the blood vessels of the brain dilate, but also the level of cholesterol is normalized.

Asparagus is beneficial. A useful product helps prevent blockage of blood vessels. The healthiest way to eat steamed asparagus is to season it with a little olive oil.

Among the spices, cayenne pepper and turmeric help. They will not only dilate blood vessels, but also speed up metabolism. Regular consumption helps improve overall blood circulation.


One of the vasodilating foods is garlic. The hot spice contains allicin. This substance causes the characteristic garlic odor and promotes vasoconstriction. Essential oils make vascular walls more elastic, have a strengthening effect, and lower blood pressure.

Another beneficial property of the pungent onion is its ability to lower cholesterol levels. Regular consumption prevents the formation of cholesterol plaques and the development of atherosclerosis.


You can dilate blood vessels in the brain by adding a small amount of crushed ginger root to dishes or tea. This plant is also a source of allicin, although its concentration is lower than in garlic. Ginger helps remove toxic substances that cause thinning of vascular walls from the body. Regular consumption will help reduce the risk of stroke or heart attack.

Goes well with lemon and honey. Can be used in cooking in combination with turmeric, cayenne pepper.


You should also add this sour citrus to your diet: the product dilates blood vessels, lowers cholesterol levels, and reduces the size of formed plaques. Consumption in its pure form will not have a very pronounced effect; the fruit is effective in combination with other products. To enhance the effect of lemon, you can take it with green tea. Combinations with honey and ginger are also useful.

This natural dessert strengthens the walls of blood vessels, prevents their ruptures, and increases elasticity. It contains microelements that take part in the hematopoietic function: iron, necessary for the formation of hemoglobin, zinc, copper, fluorine. Honey helps reduce blood density and dilute biological fluid.

It complements other vasodilating products well: you can take it with green tea, lemon, ginger, and berries.


This berry should be eaten without preliminary heat treatment: high temperatures destroy most of the beneficial substances contained in viburnum, making its use ineffective for the patient. Dried berries retain most of the benefits.

When consumed fresh, it dilates blood vessels in the brain. At the same time, blood pressure becomes lower.

It should be consumed in small portions. If you eat more than 50 g at one time, your blood pressure will increase: the berry increases your heart rate. A good option would be to use it with honey or raspberries: such combinations enhance the effect and help get rid of bitterness in the taste.


The sour berry normalizes the level of prothrombin in the blood. Thanks to this, capillaries, veins and arteries become stronger, which is beneficial for the brain. Under the influence of the berry, the level of high-density cholesterol becomes higher, while “bad” cholesterol decreases. For heart failure and hypertension, doctors recommend including fresh cranberries or fruit drinks made from them in your diet. Can be used with lemon or honey.


Pomegranates are a juicy, sweet fruit particularly rich in polyphenolic antioxidants and nitrates, which are powerful vasodilators (vasodilators).

Consuming pomegranate in the form of juice, raw fruit, or supplements can improve blood circulation and oxygenation of muscle tissue, which can especially help physically active people.

In a study of 19 physically active people, it was found that consuming 1,000 mg of pomegranate extract 30 minutes before exercise increased circulation, blood vessel diameter, and physical performance ().

Another study found that consuming 500 ml of pomegranate juice daily during or before strength training reduced muscle soreness, damage and inflammation in elite weightlifters ().


Onions are an excellent source of flavonoid antioxidants, which benefit heart health.

This vegetable improves blood circulation by helping your arteries and veins dilate as blood flow increases.

In a 30-day study of 23 men who received 4.3 grams of onion extract daily, there was a significant improvement in blood circulation and arterial dilation after eating ().

Onions also have anti-inflammatory properties that can improve circulation and heart health by reducing inflammation in the veins and arteries ().


Cinnamon is a warming spice that has many benefits, including improving blood circulation.

In animal studies, cinnamon improved blood vessel dilation and blood flow in the coronary artery, which supplies blood to the heart.

Rats given 200 mg/kg of cinnamon bark extract daily for eight weeks showed improvements in cardiac function and coronary artery blood flow after exhaustive exercise compared to rats in the control group ().

Additionally, research shows that cinnamon can effectively lower blood pressure in people by relaxing blood vessels. This improves blood circulation, and keeps your heart healthy ().

In a study of 59 people with type 2 diabetes, 1,200 mg of cinnamon per day reduced systolic blood pressure (top reading) by an average of 3.4 mmHg. Art. in 12 weeks ().


Garlic is well known for its beneficial effects on circulation and heart health.

Research shows that garlic—particularly its sulfur compounds, which include allicin—can increase tissue circulation and lower blood pressure by relaxing blood vessels.

In fact, diets high in garlic are associated with better flow-mediated vasodilation, an indicator of circulatory efficiency.

In a study of 42 people with coronary artery disease, those who consumed garlic powder tablets containing 1,200 mg of allicin twice daily for three months experienced a 50% improvement in arm artery blood flow compared to the placebo group () .

Products for vasodilation of the lower extremities

In case of vascular diseases of the lower extremities, it is imperative to maintain a cholesterol-free diet. Atherosclerosis of the blood vessels in the legs often develops against the background of elevated cholesterol levels in the blood, often high blood pressure and narrowing of blood vessels.

For diseases of the lower end vessels, some products are prohibited

There is a list of products that are prohibited for consumption in cases of diagnosing vascular diseases of the lower extremities:

  • Butter and all animal fats;
  • Fatty meat of animals and birds;
  • Rich broths;
  • Giblets and liver;
  • Fried potatoes and chips;
  • Fatty cheeses;
  • High fat dairy products;
  • Pastries and sweets.

Products that dilate blood vessels are recommended by doctors for use in certain cardiovascular diseases. However, you cannot use them as the main therapy or replace medications with diet, as this can be harmful to health.

Fatty fish

Fatty fish such as salmon and mackerel are excellent sources of omega-3 fatty acids.

These fats are especially beneficial for circulation as they promote the release of nitric oxide, which dilates blood vessels and increases blood flow ().

Omega-3 fats also help inhibit the clumping of platelets in your blood, a process that can lead to blood clot formation ().

Moreover, fish oil supplements are associated with a reduction in high blood pressure and improved skeletal muscle circulation during and after exercise.

For example, in a study of 10 healthy men, high doses of fish oil—4.2 grams per day for four weeks—significantly improved blood flow to the legs after exercise ().

What is good for the brain and blood vessels of the head and neck?

Blood enriched with oxygen and nutrients is delivered to every cell in the human body. The vascular network acts as a conductor of nutrient fluid, without which the healthy functioning of organs is impossible.

Certain cerebral vascular foods help restore damaged or weakened blood vessels. Proper nutrition is often prescribed to prevent vascular pathologies, as well as in complex therapy for diseases of the brain structures.

Products useful for the vessels of the brain and neck help restore impaired blood flow, oxygen is fully delivered to the brain cells, and relieves symptoms of fatigue, as well as signs of hypoxia - headaches.

A balanced diet necessarily includes drinking plenty of fluids (at least 2 liters), since the human brain consists of 80% water. The activity of brain cells does not decrease even during sleep. The brain replenishes the expended energy not only from circulating blood, but also from cell membranes, which generate incoming water into hydroelectric energy.

When switching to proper nutrition, many are interested in the question of what foods are healthy and in what form they are best consumed. Vegetables and fruits help maintain brain cell activity and vascular health.

Thermal processing of plant foods leads to partial loss of valuable microelements, so it is better to eat them raw. Brain functioning is also not possible without lipids. Plant and animal fats are a source of energy.

Nuts and seeds

Sunflower seeds and nuts are indispensable for blood vessels; the fruits contain unsaturated fatty acids (omega 3) and a powerful antioxidant (vitamin E). Eating nuts and seeds regulates enzymatic activity and helps strengthen vascular walls.

Walnuts help reduce low-density cholesterol in the blood. The fruits have a high calorie content; to prevent vascular diseases, it is enough to include a small handful in your daily diet.

Gifts from the sea

Seafood stimulates intellectual development - it contains Omega-3 and iodine, increases brain activity.

Action of animal proteins:

  • Improve memory;
  • Prevents the destruction of brain cells;
  • Prevents the deposition of cholesterol on the walls of blood vessels;
  • Prevent thrombus formation;
  • Stimulates faster impulse response for information processing.

For circulatory problems, healthy seafood helps release nitric oxide, which dilates blood vessels and restores blood flow.

Berries, vegetables and fruits that are good for the brain

Plant foods are a source of vitamins and antioxidants for brain cells.

Useful herbal products for the blood vessels of the brain and neck:

  • Grapes, currants - contain organic acids and increase blood flow to the brain structures;
  • Garlic – contains selenium, which helps strengthen vascular walls. Allicin – improves blood circulation and dissolves cholesterol deposits;
  • Cabbage and lettuce - have an antioxidant effect, increase the elasticity of blood vessels;
  • Lemon is rich in vitamin C and contains essential oils that reduce the concentration of low-density cholesterol in the blood (“bad” cholesterol);
  • Pomegranate – contains polyphenolic antioxidants and has a vasodilating effect;
  • Tomatoes – control vascular tone and prevent the formation of blood clots.

The brain undergoes cognitive impairment with age; daily consumption of plant foods helps prevent oxidative processes in brain cells.

Tea ceremony

Tea acts as a stimulant for brain cells - the caffeine it contains increases concentration and performance.

Green teas help relieve headache attacks by dilating blood vessels, restoring blood circulation.

Egg yolk

Egg yolk contains choline, which improves the conduction of nerve impulses, which helps inhibit Alzheimer's disease and senile dementia.

The presence of amino acids and lecithin in the yolk has a positive effect on the functioning of the nervous system.

bitter chocolate

Glucose is a source of energy for the central organ; its deficiency is reflected by a feeling of hunger. Not all simple sugars improve brain function. Therefore, it is recommended to consume dark chocolate, which is good for the brain.

Cocoa beans are a stimulant of thought processes, magnesium and flavonol improve cerebral circulation.

Spicy food

It is possible to increase the activity of brain cells and prevent their aging with the help of seasonings:

  • Turmeric – promotes the production of dopamine and serotonin, and also helps with inflammatory processes in brain tissue;
  • Ginger – thins the blood and helps prevent blood clots from blocking blood vessels. Stimulates cerebral circulation and improves memory;
  • Curry – minimizes the impact of free radicals when the internal balance in the body is disrupted.

Adding seasonings to food restores neural connections; it is enough to include spicy spices in the menu once a week to achieve positive results.

Proper nutrition will help prevent vascular pathologies and maintain the activity of brain cells at any age.

A balanced diet slows down the aging process of brain cells and has a positive effect on intellectual activity.


Many athletes drink beet juice or take beet powder to improve physical performance.

This is because beets contain high levels of nitrates, which your body converts into nitric oxide. Nitric oxide relaxes blood vessels and increases blood flow to muscle tissue.

Beet juice supplements improve oxygen flow to muscle tissue, stimulate circulation, and increase nitric oxide levels - all of which can improve physical performance ().

In addition to helping athletes, beets improve blood circulation in older people with circulatory problems.

In a study of 12 older adults, those who drank 140 ml of fresh beet juice per day experienced significant reductions in blood pressure, clotting time and blood vessel inflammation, compared to those who consumed a placebo ().

Signs of hypertension

In our world of fast food and ready-made frozen foods, cerebral vasoconstriction has become frequently observed not only in older people, but also in young people. In addition to unhealthy food, other bad habits also influence the development of hypertension: uncontrolled alcohol consumption, smoking, unfavorable environmental conditions in the area where you live, etc.

Symptoms of cerebral vasoconstriction are quite clear, so they can be identified even at the initial stage of development of hypertension, these include:

  • frequent attacks of severe headaches;
  • fast fatiguability;
  • severe dizziness, fainting;
  • noise in ears;
  • blood pressure surges;
  • memory impairment.

As soon as you have diagnosed the above symptoms of a cardiovascular disease, you should immediately consult a doctor, because delay is fraught with stroke, heart failure or heart attack; in older people, hypertension often leads to the development of senile dementia due to the death of brain cells.


Improving blood circulation is one of the many benefits of turmeric.

In fact, both Ayurvedic and Traditional Chinese Medicine have used turmeric to dilate blood vessels and improve circulation since ancient times ().

Research shows that a compound found in turmeric called curcumin helps increase nitric oxide production, reduce oxidative stress, and reduce inflammation.

In a study of 39 people, taking 2,000 mg of curcumin per day for 12 weeks resulted in a 37% increase in blood flow in the forearm and a 36% increase in blood flow in the upper arm ().

Products that dilate the blood vessels of the lower extremities

For patients suffering from narrowing of the blood vessels in the legs, doctors always prescribe a diet without cholesterol, because it is the passion for unhealthy food that leads to frequent jumps in cholesterol in the blood and the adhesion of plaques to the walls of blood vessels.

There is a list of products that are prohibited for people with symptoms of hypertension or atherosclerosis. You can forget forever:

  • products containing animal fats;
  • “first” broths;
  • fatty meats;
  • offal;
  • fried, spicy, smoked dishes;
  • bakery;
  • foods high in carbohydrates;
  • cheeses with a high percentage of fat;
  • excessively sweet and fatty desserts;
  • milk and fermented milk products with a high percentage of fat.

It is necessary to limit the consumption of eggs, vegetable oil, soy sauce, honey, and alcoholic beverages to a minimum.

What should be included in the patient’s diet:

  • greens, salads;
  • fresh vegetables;
  • sea ​​fish (low-fat);
  • almonds, peanuts, walnuts;
  • white meat chicken;
  • Along with green tea, various herbal teas, infusions and decoctions are recommended (tea from strawberries, linden, lemon balm, chamomile, decoctions of rose hips, wild rosemary, birch buds, etc.).

Green leafy vegetables

Green leafy vegetables such as spinach and greens are rich in nitrates, which your body converts into nitric oxide, a powerful vasodilator.

Eating nitrate-rich foods can help improve circulation by widening blood vessels and allowing your blood to flow more easily.

In a study of 27 people, those who consumed nitrate-rich (845 mg) spinach daily for seven days experienced significant improvements in blood pressure and circulation compared to the control group ().

What's more, studies have shown that people who eat a traditional Chinese diet, which includes nitrate-rich vegetables such as Chinese cabbage, have lower blood pressure and a significantly reduced risk of developing cardiovascular disease compared to those who eat a typical Western diet ( ).

Vasodilator products for pressure

Among all the known foods, vegetables and fruits, spices and seafood, there are a number of “special purposes”. Eating these foods daily can improve your health by normalizing your blood pressure.

There are TOP 10 natural products used by humans as food that are able to normalize blood pressure and keep it within certain limits. They have the ability to dilate blood vessels and prevent surges in blood pressure.

Vasodilator foods of the first order:

  • Raw almonds;
  • Cayenne red pepper;
  • Coconut milk;
  • Cocoa beans;
  • Turmeric;
  • Garlic;
  • Green tea;
  • Pomegranate;
  • Spinach;
  • Beans.
  • Almond

An ordinary chili pepper has colossal abilities and properties. Among its healing properties is vasodilation. This is the most faithful assistant in the fight against hypertension. Cayenne pepper accelerates blood flow, dilating blood vessels.

Chili pepper is good for people with blood pressure problems

Pressure is reduced by increasing the speed of blood movement in the system naturally. This reduces fluid pressure on the walls of blood vessels. Cayenne pepper added to food after heat treatment loses its properties in terms of its effect on blood vessels. It is recommended to use this product as an additive to tea with honey. You can dilute 1-2 teaspoons in 1 glass of clean warm water and drink on an empty stomach. This is a powerful remedy, which in its action can be equated to a medicinal one.

The most delicious and natural remedy for treating hypertension is coconut milk. This is a delicious healing drink, rich in potassium, vitamins, and essential oils. Coconut water has high nutritional value. WHO scientific research shows that with the constant use of coconut milk in food, almost 30% of patients experienced a complete decrease in blood pressure, and in the remaining cases there was a decrease in systolic (upper) pressure. Coconut milk, when used once daily, helps dilate blood vessels.

The vasodilating properties are based on the high content of flavonoids and nutrients in raw cocoa. Cocoa contains a “joy hormone” that suppresses stress and, accordingly, prevents the development of hypertension. Cocoa regulates blood pressure and helps protect against stroke and cardiovascular diseases. Eating 1-2 cubes of dark chocolate with a cocoa content of more than 70% helps a person fight fears and stress, dilates blood vessels, and strengthens the immune system.

Garlic is a powerful remedy in the fight against “bad” cholesterol. It prevents the formation of “plaques” on the walls of blood vessels.

This has been proven by the WHO association and Australian scientists. Garlic is the enemy of hypertension and inflammatory processes in the human body. This is the most affordable product for our latitudes. If someone is bothered by its pungent smell, then you can use garlic in food without chewing it, swallowing it in pieces. There is another way to consume garlic - capsules filled with dried extract of the plant.

Turmeric is a well-known spice and seasoning that is a miraculous remedy that can not only add aroma and taste to your favorite meat or fish dish, it effectively lowers blood pressure. Turmeric, due to its curcumin content, has a positive effect on the blood vessels of the human brain. This spice helps thin the blood, enhances the elasticity of blood vessels and ligaments, burns fat, and provides an anti-inflammatory effect. Many peoples have been using turmeric to cleanse the body for a long time. The spice can be used for its intended purpose or for preparing medicinal drinks by adding to milk or tea.

Citrus fruit

Citrus fruits such as oranges, lemons and grapefruit are rich in antioxidants, including flavonoids.

Consuming flavonoid-rich citrus fruits can reduce inflammation in your body, which can reduce blood pressure and stiffness in your arteries while improving circulation and nitric oxide production ().

In a study of 31 people, those who drank 500 ml of orange juice per day for one week had significant improvements in artery dilation and significant reductions in inflammatory markers such as IL-6 and CRP compared to the control group ().

Additionally, regular consumption of citrus fruits, such as lemon and grapefruit, is associated with lower blood pressure and a reduced risk of stroke (,).


Walnuts are rich in beneficial compounds such as L-arginine, alpha lipoic acid and vitamin E, which stimulate the production of nitric oxide.

Eating walnuts may lower blood pressure, improve blood vessel function, and reduce inflammation, which may be especially beneficial for people with diabetes ().

People with diabetes often have circulatory problems and high blood pressure due to damage to blood vessels caused by uncontrolled blood sugar levels ().

In a study of 24 people with diabetes, those who consumed 56 grams of walnuts per day for eight weeks experienced significant improvements in blood flow compared to the control group ().

Useful foods for the human nervous system

The human nervous system is a very delicate and complex structure. It protects the human body from the influence of harmful factors of the external and internal environment. For the normal functioning of the nervous system, many rules must be followed. This includes adhering to a special nutritional system and eating foods that are not harmful to the nervous system. So what foods are good for the nervous system?

  • Products containing phosphorus . Phosphorus reduces muscle tone and supports the nervous system. Phosphorus is found in liver, brain, various cereals, legumes, tongue and dairy products.
  • Products containing iron . Iron is responsible for a clear and quick mind. Products containing iron include: buckwheat, seafood, beef, liver, spinach, white cabbage, turnip, melon.
  • Foods that contain calcium . Calcium helps transmit impulses in muscles and nerves. This group of products includes legumes, beets, almonds, dairy products, cabbage.
  • Products containing magnesium . Magnesium relaxes muscles and is responsible for the two-way exchange of nerve impulses. Products containing magnesium - legumes, nuts, mineral water, various cereals, egg yolk, bran.
  • Products containing potassium . Since potassium ensures stable functioning of the heart, as well as muscles and nerves. Products of this kind include: vegetables, fruits, millet.
  • Products containing iodine . Iodine improves memory, ensures normal, uninterrupted functioning of the thyroid gland, and is responsible for regulating the entire hormonal balance. Products containing iodine - seaweed, shrimp, oysters, sea fish. So what foods are good for your brain and memory? These are products containing iodine.
  • Foods containing vitamin A. Vitamin A normalizes sleep and protects nerve cells from damage caused by free radicals. This group of products includes legumes, vegetables, fruits, green leafy vegetables, nuts, carrots, fish oil. Thus, it is clear which foods are beneficial for brain activity.
  • Products containing vitamin C. Vitamin C – protection against toxins for nerve cells, promotes the appearance of hormones that resist stress. Red pepper, rose hips, strawberries, black currants are foods containing vitamin C.
  • Foods containing vitamin E. Vitamin E has a calming effect and neutralizes stress. This group of products includes sprouted wheat, almonds, hazelnuts, spinach, fried eggs, and legumes.
  • Foods that contain B vitamins . B vitamins improve the body's ability to withstand stress, help relieve psycho-emotional overload, and are responsible for protein metabolism. Porridge, fruits, vegetables, black bread are products containing B vitamins.
  • Products containing fiber . Fiber stimulates the elimination of toxins from the body. This group of products includes cereals and grains.
  • Products containing lecithin . Since lecithin maintains cholesterol in a dissolved state, necessary for nerve cells. In addition, lecithin contains fatty acids and phospholipids. Products containing lecithin - wheat germ, egg yolk, citrus fruits, sunflower seeds.
  • Products containing glucose . Glucose is the main food for nerve cells, maintains the desired balance of blood sugar, and reduces the feeling of anxiety. Products containing glucose include: potatoes, grapes, lettuce, fruits, unrefined bread grains, raspberries, cherries, honey, raisins. So, it becomes clear what foods are good for brain function.


Tomatoes may help reduce the activity of angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE), which causes blood vessels to constrict to control blood pressure ().

Research shows that tomato extract works similarly to ACE inhibitors - dilates blood vessels and improves circulation.

Test-tube studies note that tomato extract may inhibit ACE, reduce inflammation, and inhibit platelet aggregation, which may improve blood circulation (, ).


Berries are particularly beneficial for health - they have antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, which can have a positive effect on blood circulation.

Chronic inflammation can damage blood vessels and raise blood pressure, which can cause circulation problems.

Research shows that eating berries may reduce blood pressure, heart rate, platelet aggregation and levels of inflammatory markers in the blood such as IL-6, as well as improve the dilation of arteries ().


Ginger is a staple medicine used in traditional medicine in India and China for thousands of years. Among its various benefits, ginger can lower blood pressure and improve blood circulation ().

In both human and animal studies, ginger has been shown to reduce high blood pressure, which negatively affects circulation ().

A study that looked at 4,628 people found that those who consumed the most ginger (2-4 grams per day) had the lowest risk of developing high blood pressure ().

Animal studies show that ginger works by inhibiting ACE ().

What foods are good for brain recovery?

After overwork, concussion or stroke, restoration of the human brain and nervous system is required, in addition to rest and medications, you need to adhere to a special nutritional system that helps a speedy recovery. Since a person usually remains in bed during treatment, it is necessary to eat easily digestible foods. It is required not to overload the body. Therefore, you need to eat in moderation. And the products must be fresh, boiled or steamed. Groups of foods that need to be consumed to restore brain function:

  • Foods that contain B vitamins (legumes: peas and beans; nuts, asparagus, oysters, fish, liver, pork, milk, egg yolk, whole grain bread, buckwheat, brewer's yeast). B vitamins have a good effect on the functioning of the nervous system.
  • Products that contain iron (buckwheat, wheat, oatmeal, barley, poultry meat: chicken, pigeon; liver, legumes: peas, beans; dogwood, spinach). Iron helps the B vitamins to be absorbed as much as possible.
  • Products containing lecithin (poultry meat: chicken, pigeon; soybeans, eggs, liver). Lecithin has a good effect on brain activity.
  • Products containing polyunsaturated acids, Omega-3 (fish).
  • Foods that contain vitamin C (rose hips, sweet peppers, black currants, citrus fruits, honeysuckle, cabbage, spinach, rowan, viburnum). Vitamin C has a positive effect on the entire body, helping it cope with stress.
  • Products containing magnesium (seaweed, buckwheat, barley, various types of nuts, legumes: peas, beans; millet, oatmeal). Magnesium helps normalize brain function. Thus, it is clear which foods are beneficial for brain development.
  • Products containing glucose (dried fruits and honey). Glucose is required for brain cell activity.
  • Foods enriched with fats (nuts, vegetable oils.)
  • Foods that contain calcium (milk, dairy and fermented milk products). Calcium improves immunity and improves metabolism in the body. So, it becomes clear which foods are good for the human brain.
  • Foods that contain potassium (raisins, legumes: peas, beans; nuts of various types, prunes, seaweed, dried apricots, baked potatoes, dairy products).

Other methods

While including any of these foods in your diet can improve circulation, other lifestyle changes may have a greater impact.

Here are some other lifestyle changes that can optimize circulation:

  • Smoking cessation : Smoking is a risk factor for many chronic diseases such as cancer and can negatively affect blood circulation ().
  • Increase physical activity : Physical activity stimulates blood circulation and helps improve the dilation of blood vessels. In addition, regular exercise or other active activities, such as dancing and swimming, reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease ().
  • Lose excess body weight : Being overweight or obese negatively affects your blood circulation and can lead to dangerous complications such as the formation of cholesterol plaques in your arteries ().
  • Healthy Diet : Instead of just eating certain foods, try switching to a diet rich in healthy, whole foods such as vegetables, healthy fats and fiber-rich foods, which can improve circulation.
  • Drinking enough fluids : Proper hydration is critical to all aspects of health, including circulation. Dehydration can damage endothelial cells and promote inflammation in your body by limiting blood flow ().
  • Reduce Stress Levels : Research shows that stress levels can significantly affect your blood pressure. Stress control can be achieved through yoga, meditation, gardening, or spending time in nature ().


A healthy diet, exercise, losing excess body weight, quitting smoking, drinking enough fluids and reducing stress are natural ways to improve blood circulation.

What foods are good for the human brain?

There is food divided into certain groups according to its components:

  • Foods containing Omega-3 . Omega-3 is one of the components of the membranes of nerve endings and the brain. These are fatty fish, such as salmon and tuna. Omega-3 is found in vegetable and olive oils, nuts
  • Products containing magnesium . It keeps the human brain free from stress. Useful foods for brain development are foods with the maximum amount of magnesium content: grain bread, beans, leafy greens, buckwheat, rice.
  • Products containing lecithin. Lecithin is a powerful antioxidant and also promotes good brain function. Lecithin is present in: liver, eggs, soy and poultry. Healthy foods for the brain are foods that contain lecithin.
  • Products containing calcium . Foods with the maximum amount of organic calcium include egg yolks and fermented milk products.
  • Foods that contain B vitamins. Required for stable activity of the human brain. B vitamins are present in liver, egg yolks, beans, bran, and corn. Foods that are beneficial for the brain are foods that contain B vitamins.
  • Foods containing iron , which is an essential element for the human brain. This group includes: grains, legumes, green apples and liver.
  • Foods containing vitamin C. Vitamin C is present at its maximum in Japanese quince, bell pepper, citrus fruits, sea buckthorn and black currant. Foods that are good for the brain are foods that contain vitamins C.
  • Products containing glucose . Glucose is the main component that ensures excellent brain function. Products that have a high glucose content are fruits and dried fruits.


  • There are many natural ways to improve circulation, including choosing foods that stimulate circulation.
  • The antioxidants, nitrates, vitamins and other substances found in the above foods can have a positive effect on your circulation.
  • Moreover, a healthy lifestyle, abstaining from smoking, physical activity, maintaining a normal body weight and a healthy diet can improve blood circulation and overall health.

Tags: Blood circulation

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Vitamins and herbs as products for the blood vessels of the brain and neck

These vitamins and minerals help memory and reasoning abilities, while at the same time slowing down the aging process: - vitamin A; - vitamin C; - vitamin E; - folic acid; - magnesium.

Some researchers suggest that ginseng and ginkgo plants have positive effects on your brain, keeping you alert and improving memory.

Did you know? Cleansing your body can increase your brain activity. By eliminating toxic chemicals and heavy metals that accumulate in your body from your environment.

With special diets, you can rid your brain of dangerous free radicals that can contribute to disease and ill health.

Using your brain to read and learn new skills, such as musical instruments, a new language or computer literacy - even doing crossword puzzles regularly will keep your brain sharp and make it faster and more agile.

Note: Processed foods are often too starchy, fatty, and sugary and do more harm than good to your body and brain. Eat raw, organic fruits and vegetables as often as possible.

Live food saturates the body with useful energy and natural nutrients.

The opinions and nutritional recommendations expressed on this website are not a substitute for traditional medical treatment. If you have serious medical health problems, then there is a reason to see a doctor.

We have looked at the topic of products for the blood vessels of the brain and neck, we also recommend reading the article on what is good for the blood vessels of the brain.

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