Mental and physical dependence on alcohol

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According to statistics, the number of people suffering from drug addiction is increasing from year to year. This is largely facilitated by the media and the Internet, thanks to which even residents of remote villages can easily learn about dangerous new products and, if desired, order them.

Why do people start taking drugs?

Psychologists assure that drug addicts most often begin their journey because of ordinary curiosity and lack of awareness about the consequences of using illegal substances. A person is offered to try tablets or solutions with unusual effects and is convinced that after using them nothing in his life will change. But the truth is that after accepting such an offer, the likelihood of becoming a drug addict increases significantly.

In any case, the appearance of interest in drugs is always a sign of dissatisfaction with one’s own life. If a person is doing well, he does not have to look for additional “doping” to feel happier. It follows from this that the origins of drug addiction are rooted in personality psychology. That is why modern narcologists pay so much attention to the fight against psychological dependence on drugs.

Often, the manifestation of craving for dangerous compounds is associated with genetic characteristics. Such people feel dissatisfied since childhood. They are depressed, so they are forced to always look for new adventures. During adolescence, they begin to become interested in dangerous hobbies. If such a person is given a narcotic drug, he may perceive it as a new way of embellishing his own life. The deadly pills will open up an unknown world of euphoric illusions to which he will want to return again and again. Taking the drug regularly, the thrill-seeker will invariably encounter severe physical dependence on psychoactive substances.

Another problem contributing to the growth in the number of addicts in Russia is the wrong approach to raising children. Single-parent families, drinking parents, families with low emotional attachment - all these are examples that contribute to the development of drug addiction. If a child is not loved and supported by those closest to him, he tries to find himself in antisocial companies. How it ends is no secret to anyone.

Reasons for formation

Drug dependence is formed at the conditioned reflex level, when taking a drug creates a feeling of calm, internal harmony, euphoria, and increased activity. The process is also influenced by adaptive reactions that are associated with changes in the body’s sensitivity to substances taken. The formation of this pathology is also influenced by other external and internal causes.


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Factors in the development of the disease

The reasons contributing to the emergence of drug addiction are divided into several categories:

  • biochemical
  • psychological
  • genetic
  • situational
  • social.

In accordance with the influence of one or more of these factors, a person develops a need to use the medicine, even when there is no need for its use for medicinal purposes. At the same time, the addict subconsciously convinces himself and tries to prove to others that he is continuing the course of treatment. Over time, the dosage must be increased to ensure the same state of euphoria. If drugs have a psychotropic effect, this can lead to drug addiction or substance abuse. Although medications from other groups can be no less dangerous in terms of addiction.

Addictive drugs

Researchers include the following drugs as drugs that cause drug dependence:

  • medications with tranquilizing, psychostimulant, sedative, hypnotic or hallucinogenic effects;
  • narcotic analgesics;
  • organic solvents prescribed for medicinal purposes;
  • glucocorticosteroids;
  • alcohol-containing products.

In addition to the main therapeutic effect, these medications affect the psycho-emotional state of a person:

  • eliminate anxiety, nervous tension, fear, and other negative feelings;
  • immerses you in euphoria, improves your mood;
  • change thought processes, worldview and attitude to what is happening.

For your information:

Often, drug dependence occurs due to the abuse of drugs that are completely harmless at first glance, for example, sedatives or sleeping pills. Alcohol tinctures containing phenobarbital, which depress the central nervous system and brain activity, are considered especially dangerous.

More potent drugs - tranquilizers (Sibazon, Phenazipam) and antidepressants (Melipramin, Prodep) - can cause not only addiction, but also drug addiction. As well as the tablets “Pentalgin”, “Codterpin”, “Efina”, which are considered a complete replacement for drugs of any type.

The list of such drugs can be supplemented with even more similar substances. Many of them are available for free sale, which allows drug addicts to consistently use them instead of drugs, receiving the same effect on the psyche and changes in consciousness.

Two types of drug addiction

Pathological cravings for drugs are usually classified into two groups:

  • psychological;
  • physical.

Let's look at these two types in more detail.

Psychological dependence

It consists of a painful desire to enjoy vivid impressions and emotions as often as possible. A person tries to abstract himself from the world around him and experience a buzz.

Psychological attraction to psychoactive compounds may develop after the first use. The patient has no idea what to do or how to have fun if he does not take the drug.

This type of drug addiction can manifest itself in two ways:

  • Through psychic attraction. Thoughts about a new dose dominate. While a person is in search, he behaves depressively, apathetically, passively, and complains about the meaninglessness of existence. The patient is in constant anticipation of the high from receiving the next dose.
  • Through compulsive attraction. This type of traction is stronger. A drug addict is ready to move mountains just to get the substance he needs. He is not just sad and thinking about a possible high - addiction controls all his thoughts, actions and feelings. To get what he wants, he may even harm others.

You need to understand that the psychological factor is always the first step on the path to physical dependence. It seems to a beginning drug addict that he is using the substance only because he likes it, but if he wants to, he will immediately “get off it.” Unfortunately, this practically never happens. Drug cravings develop in a fairly short period of time. Many “newbies” do not even realize that they are full-fledged drug addicts in need of high-quality drug treatment.

Physical dependence on drugs

It is a condition in which the entire body begins to work the way drugs force it to. The activity of internal organs is completely restructured. As a result, dangerous mental and somatic diseases develop, metabolic processes are disrupted, and vital organs fail.

The patient's body becomes 100% dependent on the drug that he uses. If for some reason a drug addict does not take the next dose, he experiences negative reactions, which are commonly called withdrawal syndrome or, more simply, “withdrawal.” This condition is destructive and can be fatal. If the patient takes the drug again, he immediately feels better, since the abnormally occurring metabolic processes that were “frozen” are restored.

Different narcotic compounds produce different sensations. Some of them are considered safer, others are considered very harmful. But this does not change the essence - they all cause strong physical dependence, which a person is not able to cope with on his own.

The situation is aggravated by the phenomenon of tolerance, in which the old dose already seems too low and does not allow you to experience a high. Then the person increases the dosage. This increases the harm caused to health even more. If an overdose occurs, you can prepare for the worst.

What it is?

Pharmaceutical dependence is a condition that occurs with prolonged or repeated use of drugs. Accompanied by a sharp deterioration in well-being physically and psychologically. Interruption of medications provokes an exacerbation of symptoms of the disease. It is often formed when a group of antidepressants, painkillers, sleeping pills, and tranquilizers is prescribed. Treatment is carried out according to an individual scheme for each patient, this reduces the likelihood of dependence syndrome. After diagnosing the disease, the doctor prescribes short-term medications and selects the most effective combinations of pharmaceuticals. It is important not to self-medicate, as this is dangerous for relapse and the appearance of new symptoms.

Symptoms of drug addiction

Recognizing an experienced drug addict is not difficult. But it’s difficult to suspect that a person has just taken a dangerous path. But it is the second case that is more important, since here everything can still be reversed.

Signs of drug addiction include:

  • dilated pupils;
  • a detached and indifferent look;
  • unkempt appearance;
  • wearing hooded clothing with a hood and long sleeves in any weather;
  • dark circles and bags under the eyes;
  • inadequate reactions to what is happening around;
  • slow and unclear speech;
  • hunched back;
  • "drunk" gait;
  • injection marks;
  • frequent mood swings;
  • decreased immunity.

The drug addict's behavior also changes. He becomes very secretive and tries to stay away from family members. His daily routine changes - at night he suffers from insomnia, and during the day he can sleep for a long time. Interest in study and work is completely lost, hence problems with academic performance and dismissals. Addicts always have an increased need for money. Because of this, valuable things may begin to disappear from the house.

All these symptoms must be considered solely together. Each of them individually is not able to characterize drug addiction.

Drug addiction therapy

If someone in your immediate circle has started taking drugs, you need to try to help them. A person should not be left alone in trouble. The sooner qualified drug treatment assistance is received, the higher the chances of a quick and complete recovery.

Factors on which the success of treatment depends

It is possible to get rid of drug addiction.

The results of treatment depend on a number of factors:

  • Stages of the disease. If treatment is started from the very beginning, then achieving positive dynamics is much easier.
  • Type of drugs used. “Hard” drugs become highly addictive very quickly. Among them there are modern synthetic ones, which are incredibly difficult to fight the craving for. Therefore, the chances of full recovery are higher if the addict takes “light” compounds.
  • The age of the drug addict. Teenage children become addicted very quickly. In their unformed body, psychotropic compounds almost instantly take a stable place, which is why vital systems and organs stop working normally. Therefore, it is often more difficult to treat such “green” patients than adults.
  • Gender of the patient. Studies have shown that women become addicted faster and have a harder time giving up their addiction.
  • Having motivation to recover. The patient himself must want to get well and begin to lead a healthy lifestyle. If he is treated under duress, then immediately after discharge from the clinic he will resume his old ways. You can increase your motivation for recovery by attending psychotherapy sessions.
  • Availability of support from relatives and friends. Recovering addicts should never be left alone. They need help. Therefore, the immediate environment should support them.

Stages of the fight against drug addiction

Treatment of mental and physical dependence on drugs involves the patient going through a number of successive stages:

  1. Abstinence relief, detoxification.
  2. Restoring full metabolism. Normalization of mental state.
  3. Coding.
  4. Psychotherapy. Creating conditions for maintaining achieved results.

Drug addiction is a path to nowhere, bringing oneself closer to death. Having recovered from it, a person gets a chance to start life from scratch. The most important thing is to start treatment on time, when something can still be corrected.

The text was checked by expert doctors:
Head of the socio-psychological service of the Alkoklinik MC, psychologist Yu.P. Baranova, L.A. Serova, a psychiatrist-narcologist.

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Additional center services

Prevention and treatment of drug addiction is carried out in special centers where specialists use progressive methods of rehabilitation of addicted patients. When turning to the National Drug Abuse Service for help, you can count on the provision of additional services:

  • face-to-face or remote tour of the center;
  • anonymity of appeal;
  • free transportation of the dependent;
  • professional assistance during the entire treatment process;
  • consultations with specialists in the post-rehabilitation period.

The clinic treats patients with drug addiction even in advanced stages, so there is always a chance of recovery.

Representative offices of our organization are located in %%city_name%% and throughout the Volga Federal District. We provide an online demonstration of the rehabilitation center and free consultation over the phone.

The main principle of any treatment for drug addiction is to eliminate the manifestation of increased anxiety, nervousness, apathy, and depression. With a relatively stable emotional state, the patient does not have a need or desire to use harmful drugs.

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