What to do if your head is tingling

A headache in the back of the head is a very unpleasant phenomenon, causing a lot of inconvenience and often limiting performance. The causes of pain in the occipital part of the head can be very different, from diseases of the cervical spine to neuralgic pathologies.

If you don’t know why the back of your head hurts, then this article is for you. It collects the main causes and describes methods of treating headaches in the back of the head. In any case, you must remember: if you have a headache in the back of your head, you should not self-medicate, you need to seek medical help. Of course, we are not talking about isolated cases of pain in the occipital region. As a rule, they are caused by prolonged exposure to an uncomfortable position, stress, extreme hunger, and also due to excessive consumption of foods with caffeine or chemical additives.

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Causes of pain in the back of the head

A severe headache in the back of the head never occurs without a reason. It can be a signal of diseases:

  • spine;
  • vascular system;
  • neurological system.

Depending on the cause of the headache in the back of the head, it can be of a different nature and be accompanied by certain clinical manifestations, which must be clearly described to the doctor.

Pain in the back of the head due to osteochondrosis

If the neck and back of the head hurt, the reasons may be the presence of a disease such as osteochondrosis of the cervical spine. The disease manifests itself in the destruction of the discs of the cervical vertebrae, and pain appears constantly and is felt not only in the neck and back of the head, but also in the temples. They become more intense with head movements and may be accompanied by:

  • tinnitus;
  • nausea;
  • coordination disorders;
  • veil before the eyes and double vision.

More about osteochondrosis

Pain in the back of the head with hypertension

Hypertensive attacks are characterized by the appearance of bursting pain, which is accompanied by pulsation. They may appear when waking up after a night's sleep. In addition, it is observed:

  • general weakness;
  • dizziness;
  • cardiopalmus;
  • increased pain when trying to tilt your head;
  • reduction of pain after sudden vomiting.

Pain in the back of the head with increased intracranial pressure

Increased intracranial pressure is characterized by:

  • pressing, bursting pain in the occipital region or throughout the head;
  • increased pain in bright light and loud sounds;
  • heaviness in the head and pain in the eyeballs;
  • vomiting, which does not reduce pain syndromes.

Pain in the back of the head due to cervical myositis

Inflammatory processes in the neck muscles caused by hypothermia or injury are characterized by pain symptoms that spread from the neck to the occipital, shoulder and interscapular areas. It appears when you move your head and is asymmetrical.

More about myositis

Pain in the back of the head due to occipital neuralgia

Neuralgia of the occipital nerve, resulting from hypothermia or accompanying osteochondrosis, is characterized by very strong shooting pains. They occur periodically, like attacks with any attempt to change the position of the head.

During rest, a slight pressing pain is felt in the occipital region.

Read more about occipital neuralgia

Pain in the back of the head due to vascular diseases

Spasms of the cranial arteries cause throbbing pain, which becomes stronger when trying to move the head and subsides somewhat at rest. The pain begins in the back of the head and eventually spreads to the frontal area. It is accompanied by a feeling of heaviness in the head and begins in the morning after waking up.

Localization of pain and its causes

Uncomfortable sensations can be localized in different parts of the head:

  • pain in the frontal area;
  • internal heat and tingling;
  • temporal pain;
  • burning in the back of the head;
  • encircling (comes from the inside and covers the entire head);
  • burning in the neck.

Pain in the forehead area is often associated with vision and respiratory problems. A burning sensation coming from within - without a clear localization, can be sharp or slow, quickly increasing pain occurs. This is the most dangerous type of pain; with such symptoms you need to urgently go to the doctor.

A burning or tingling sensation in the back of the head often occurs from sitting for a long time and with a tense neck. Heat in the back of the head may also progress to a feeling of slight numbness. Girdle pain in the form of a burning sensation often indicates psychological factors that cause it.

Risk factors

An unhealthy lifestyle leads not only to chronic pain in the head, but also to chronic disease. Bad habits, such as smoking, alcohol addiction, or exposure to external negative sources, such as long working hours, constant stress - these are what you need to avoid if you want to be healthy. A burning sensation in the head can also be caused by a number of hormonal disorders in the body.

A burning sensation can be caused by diseases of the scalp, as well as allergic reactions of the body to food and cosmetics.

The causes of a burning sensation inside the head can be: migraines, meningitis, sinusitis, encephalitis, pharyngitis, eye pathologies.

Diagnosis of pain in the back of the head

If you suffer from constant or regular pain in the occipital region of the head, contact the CELT clinic. Our specialists will conduct the necessary research and find out the reason why you are experiencing pain. In order to become our patient, you do not need Moscow registration.

In addition to obtaining a history of the nature, timing and intensity of pain, diagnosis may include:

  • examination by a doctor;
  • blood pressure measurement and monitoring;
  • ultrasonography;
  • electroencephalography;
  • magnetic resonance imaging;
  • examination of the fundus by an ophthalmologist.

If there is a suspicion of a brain tumor, a consultation with a neurosurgeon will be required.

Why does tingling occur on the face and how to deal with it?

  • Causes
  • Diagnostic methods
  • Treatment

Tingling of the facial skin can occur for various reasons. Typically, this condition is accompanied by numbness in certain areas, burning, swelling and loss of control over muscle tissue. If this symptom appears constantly, you should consult a doctor to determine the causes of its occurrence.


Tingling of the scalp and face may be a consequence of pathologies of the nerves and blood vessels that are located in this area. If this condition also affects other parts of the body, then the causes probably lie in diseases of the central nervous system.

Common factors that can cause a tingling sensation and itching in the facial area include the following:

  1. Facial nerve paralysis – this disease is the result of a viral infection that provokes inflammation of the nerve fibers.
  2. Multiple sclerosis is an autoimmune pathology in which the body's cells attack the nerves. As a result, the protective sheath of the nerves is destroyed, which is accompanied by a tingling sensation and numbness of the skin.
  3. Trigeminal neuralgia is the result of compression or irritation of the nerve. This condition can be a consequence of tumor formation, traumatic injuries, dilatation of the cerebellar vessels, inflammation in the area of ​​the nose and mouth. In addition to tingling, the patient may experience severe pain in the nose, ears or eyes.
  4. Stroke – when blood vessels rupture and become blocked, oxygen supply to the brain is disrupted. This is why tingling and numbness in the facial area is observed in the early stages of a stroke.
  5. Pinched nerve endings – the cause of tingling and numbness is often damage to the maxillary or mandibular nerve.
  6. Shingles - in this case, in addition to tingling, a person develops a rash and itching in the face area. He may also complain of fever, headaches and chills.

In addition to tingling, with paralysis of the facial nerve there is a violation of facial expressions on the affected side

In addition, similar symptoms can occur due to a lack of B vitamins. They are also often caused by a deficiency of calcium, potassium and sodium. The disease can be caused by depression or severe stressful situations. Often, tingling on the skin is the result of taking certain medications and is a symptom of a transient ischemic attack.

Sometimes tingling sensations on the skin appear before migraine attacks. They are also one of the symptoms of panic attacks or hyperventilation. In addition, such a condition may be the result of an uncomfortable position of the head for a long time, for example, during sleep.

You may also read: What foods are good for facial skin

Such symptoms should be a reason for a detailed examination. In this case, it is necessary to assess the condition of the trigeminal nerve, perform radiography and ultrasound examination of the vessels. A computed tomography or magnetic resonance imaging scan of the posterior cranial fossa may also be prescribed.

In addition, serological tests for syphilis and puncture can be performed to determine the increase in protein content, as well as IgG or cytosis in the cerebrospinal fluid.

Brainstem reflex analysis is performed to identify damage to the facial or optic nerve. If the diagnosis cannot be made, the patient should contact an otolaryngologist who will examine the posterior parts of the nose.

If, after research, the pathology cannot be detected, the person is diagnosed with idiopathic trigeminal neuropathy.

Tingling facial skin may be a warning sign of a migraine attack


To cope with this condition, the patient needs to be provided with etiotropic and symptomatic treatment. To do this, you should eliminate the cause of tingling on the face. If it lies in diseases of the internal organs, they need to be treated correctly. Symptomatic therapy is aimed at reducing the severity of tingling symptoms.

To ensure that this condition bothers a person as little as possible, you need to get a massage, eat right and exercise. At the same time, it is very important to give up bad habits.

A lack of calcium in the body is often accompanied by tingling of the facial skin and spontaneous twitching of the facial muscles

If there is constant tingling on the skin, the body should be cleansed of toxins and toxic substances. You should not consume alcoholic beverages, flour products and red meat. The menu should be dominated by vegetables and fruits.

To cope with the symptoms of tingling on the skin, you need to move as much as possible. It is also recommended to engage in active sports - running, tennis, cycling.

A good method of helping when such symptoms occur is massage. You can do it yourself or seek help from a specialist.

Tingling facial skin is a rather unpleasant condition that may indicate the development of serious diseases. To cope with this symptom, it is necessary to establish the cause of its occurrence. To do this, you need to see a doctor as soon as possible and undergo a detailed examination.

Source: https://postpk.ru/zdorovye/pochemu-voznikaet-pokalyvanie-lice-kak-borotsya

Fatigue (overwork)

Lack of rest and stress contribute to overwork. Sitting for a long time in an uncomfortable position, for example, behind a computer monitor, causes not only stabbing pain in the head throughout the skull, but also in the neck, spine and other parts of the body. In this case, vascular tone is disturbed.

  • The body does not receive enough oxygen, therefore, carbon dioxide increases in the blood and poisons the tissues.
  • Painkillers have an unstable effect and patients often have to take pills for headaches.

To eliminate this problem, you should follow a work and rest schedule. You shouldn’t ignore what may seem like a minor glitch at first glance. As a rule, chronic overwork leads to illness.

Features of stabbing pain

No doctor can immediately determine why a stabbing pain in the head occurs. At the first stages, only a presumptive diagnosis can be made. Any pathology that occurs atypically can masquerade as other diseases.

The stabbing pain is one-time and never bothers the patient again. In some cases, such pain prevents a person from living normally. Someone testifies that tingling in the head depends on weather conditions.

The lion's share of all tingling sensations in the head are short-lived. The pain is like small pricks and goes away quickly. If the stabbing pain lasts more than a minute and is repeated frequently, it is most likely a migraine.

Stitching pain in head on right side

On the right, for example, pain occurs during cooling and neurological pathologies. Also, such pain confirms migraine and other serious pathologies.

Stitching pain on the left side

Left-sided pain can be very diverse: stabbing, cutting, pressing, pulsating.
Patients describe their symptoms differently, and the doctor is not always able to get the right idea right away.

The first thing that comes to the specialist’s mind is to rule out migraine. The presence or absence of seizures in this pathology is a good diagnostic clue.

Video - how to treat a throbbing headache

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