How can a person deliberately erase or lose his memory at home?

How to lose memory at home on purpose

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Amnesia is a disease in which symptoms of memory impairment are clearly observed, in which a person is often unable to remember part of the events or information from the past.

Amnesia manifests itself mainly in the partial loss of memories, and not in complete, when a person is not even able to remember who he is. With amnesia, a person has difficulty remembering any new information. The disease can appear suddenly and is often temporary.

Memories gradually begin to return to the patient in chronological order. Memory loss that preceded amnesia usually does not return. Today, there are quite a lot of cases registered when a person purposefully wants to get rid of some memories from the past.

Before answering the question of how to cause amnesia and what provoking factors can cause it, first let’s look at how the types of amnesia exist today.

Types of amnesia

Today, experts identify several types of this disease, which differ in their nature and degree of memory impairment. These common types include:

The person can remember virtually nothing of the events that occurred before the onset of amnesia.

In this case, the patient is not able to remember events that occur after the onset of amnesia. This may occur after an injury or severe stressful situation. Often the patient remembers events that happened before the onset of the disease. However, in some cases, both retrograde and anterograde forms may develop due to damage to the hippocampus.

This case is characterized as a lack of ability to memorize new information and store it. It is part of the described Korsakoff syndrome.

As the name suggests, this memory loss occurs as a result of moderate to severe traumatic brain injury. As a rule, it is temporary.

This form is characterized by the loss of memories from personal life, while memory of universal abilities is retained. It usually occurs due to severe psychological stress. This form has several subtypes:

  • Localized. This memory impairment occurs as a result of damage to any part of the brain, while the rest remain unharmed.
  • Electoral. A person cannot remember events that occurred in a certain period of time, but the universal skills he acquired are retained. Most often they are the result of some kind of mental trauma.
  • Generalized. It is characterized by a complete loss of memory for a certain period of time and may partially lose memories that occurred before the onset of amnesia.
  • Continuous. There is a lack of ability to remember new information and some memory lapses from the past.

It is a more severe form than the classic form (5th point). A person may suddenly leave their primary residence, move away, and completely forget who they are, including their name. This type is not permanent and can last from 3 hours to several months, after which the memories return.

This loss of memories occurs in almost all people. This manifests itself in the fact that a person cannot remember any events that occurred in infancy.

Causes of amnesia

Now we have come to the part to answer the question of how to induce amnesia. There are many reasons that can lead to impaired or partial loss of memory. These factors can be divided into 2 large groups:

  1. Organic. This type includes:
  • Closed head injuries (bruise, blow or severe concussion). As a rule, the victim remembers events that occurred before the injury, but the moment of injury and after it disappear from his memory
  • Acute pathology of the central nervous system or brain (cerebral ischemia, oxygen deprivation, stroke, tumor formation or serious impairment of cerebral blood flow)
  • Alcohol and drug intoxication. You can notice how, after drinking too much alcohol, the next day a person is unable to remember yesterday’s events, confusion occurs, which is accompanied by tremors of the hands and trembling of the eyeballs
  • Taking medications that have a strong effect on a person’s psyche, for example, frequent or single use of sleeping pills or antidepressants
  1. Psychogenic (psychological). This group includes:
  • Stressful situation or psychological trauma
  • Epilepsy
  • Psychological diseases
  • Emotional shock

Almost all of these factors occur during stress, and the human brain tries in every possible way to forget these negative memories. If we take an example of a disease such as epilepsy, memory loss occurs directly during an attack, when a person is completely unable to control himself.

Possibility of artificially obtaining amnesia

Such an extraordinary question can often be seen on various forums. In this case, a person has a need to erase from memory a certain, difficult emotional period from his life. It is worth noting right away that it is possible to cause artificial amnesia, but completely different areas of memory can be affected. Such artificial methods include:

  • Taking certain medications that can cause various forms of amnesia, for example, a group of tranquilizers or cyclic antidepressants
  • Intentional head injury
  • Intoxication with hallucinogenic drugs (henbane, mushrooms, synthetic drugs) and alcohol
  • Hypnosis sessions. The effectiveness of these sessions depends directly on the qualifications of the person. The method is an advantageous (artificial) method if a person is determined to seek to eliminate past events from his life. With the help of hypnosis, an experienced specialist is able to erase unwanted information from the past and it is also completely safe for the patient’s health.


Clinical picture

The most striking sign of pathology is a disorder of emotional and mechanical memory. The patient can remember both many insignificant small details (telephone numbers, train schedules, a huge number of dates), and reproduce a series of events in general and in particular, if these events at one time made an indelible impression on him.

Exacerbation of hypermnesia often occurs in combination with hallucinations, delusions and illogical thinking. But most of the specific signs still depend on the primary disease.

Patients with mental retardation remember in detail the details of a particular person's hairstyle or suit, but when meeting him they do not recognize him. In manic syndrome, the patient remembers impressions so old that otherwise it is impossible for most to remember them. In addition, quite often he perceives this as events of the recent past.

During verbal hallucinations, patients are told in detail by “voices” about the distant past. Delirious stupefaction manifests itself in verbatim quotations of episodes from books read many years ago.

What is not a symptom of this disease?

In a state of passion or under hypnosis, episodic manifestations of hypermnesia sometimes occur in people without any mental pathologies.
In this case, the disorder has only a short-term effect and does not continue in the future. In addition, there are many people with a highly developed ability to record visual details extremely clearly. That is, with the so-called photographic memory. And some especially gifted musicians are distinguished by exceptional auditory memory.

Isolated manifestations of abnormal memory in rare cases have also been seen with a strong increase in body temperature, traumatic brain injury and electrical stimulation of specific areas of the cerebral cortex.

At the same time, the memories looked like involuntary, obsessive flashes from the past. Each of these situations does not give the slightest reason to regard such violations as symptoms of hypermnesia.

Is it possible to intentionally lose memory and how to do it?

Every person has difficult memories from the past that they would like to get rid of.

Unpleasant events and negative experiences provoke depression, prevent you from moving on and hampering harmonious relationships with others.

Is it possible to tear pages out of the book of memory to start all over again without the heavy burden of memories?

How to explain the appearance of déjà vu? Read about it here.

Is it possible to erase a person's memory?

Memory is a property of the brain through which data is recorded, stored and reproduced.

However, the human brain is poorly understood.

Despite a huge amount of research and experiments, science still cannot clearly explain the principle of memory.

Accordingly, methods of partial or complete “deletion” of memories are unpredictable and cannot be recommended as a solution to the problem.

A person can actually lose their memory. This phenomenon is called “amnesia” and in medicine it is considered not an independent disease, but a symptom of some disorder in the body.

It occurs as a result of damage to the areas of the brain responsible for storing data. The reasons may be:

  • traumatic brain injuries;
  • insufficient blood supply to parts of the brain;
  • poisoning (alcohol, heavy metals, chemicals and drugs);
  • severe mental shocks/traumas (removing severe memories in this case is a protective mechanism of the brain).

Thus, catalysts for complete or partial amnesia can be divided into two groups: external (trauma, poisoning, etc.) and internal (a protective reaction of the brain, as a result of which bad and difficult memories are deleted or replaced with less painful ones).

External catalysts are unpredictable, cause enormous damage to mental and physical health, and can also be fatal.

And internal catalysts to some extent reflect the potential of the human brain and give hope that with some effort the process of memory loss can be made controllable.

What methods are there?

Methods of artificial forgetting in science are called “reconsolidation” . These include:

  • hypnotic influence;
  • NLP programming;
  • creation of replacement memories;
  • chemical exposure.

How to get rid of obsessive thoughts? Advice from psychologists will help you.


Psychocorrection using hypnosis is based on a person’s natural ability to process information and strive to harmonize mental health.

When a person is faced with traumatic situations, the brain is not always able to process information at the neurophysiological level. This leads to psychological problems.

The brain hides information in a “black box”, but at the same time constantly returns to it , without being able to work with it in the classical information-processing version.

The hypnotist removes attitudes and blocks that prevent working with traumatic memories. It “puts pressure on the patient” so that the brain adapts the existing images.

Memory, as a flexible system, creates new memories of experiences. As a result, information that was previously an “open wound” and caused emotional pain becomes experience and may be forgotten.

NLP programming

Neurolinguistic programming is a branch of psychology that studies the possibilities of influencing a person’s memories, will and opinions .

The impact occurs through special psychotechniques or “exercises”. Exercises help you process information and assimilate it in a new way, removing not the memory itself, but the accompanying emotional experiences and images.

Replacement memories

Replacement or false memories occur all the time. The brain can generate them on its own , trying to recreate the missing details of the picture. But false memories can be implanted from the outside.

The mechanism of implantation of replacement memories is described by Carl Sagan in his book “A World Full of Demons: Science is Like a Candle in the Dark.”

The main task of a specialist in the process of implanting new memories is to use fantasy as much as possible , blurring the boundaries between memory and imagination. It is easiest to instill false memories in gullible and easily suggestible people.

Chemical exposure

Chemical exposure is a dangerous weapon in the fight against traumatic memories.

It is impossible to influence memories directly with the help of drugs.

In any case, chemicals affect the mechanisms of the brain as a whole.

Memory erasing tablets interfere with the “work” of the protein kinase enzyme, which is responsible for the memory region. As a result, neural connections are weakened and the ability to retain information in the head is lost.

Speaking about substances that erase memory, we can cite the example of the narcotic substance scopolamine . It provokes reconsolidation only during administration.

A person under the influence of a drug is susceptible to any suggestions.

In practice, scopolamine is used in medicine (an antidepressant, a sedative and a preparation for anesthesia), as well as in the criminal environment (to control victims and witnesses).

How to lose memory at home?

In order to erase your memory at home, you can use simple exercises from the field of NLP and psychology. A pronounced effect can only be achieved if:

  • the person is easily suggestible;
  • traumatic memories are minor (more likely just an unpleasant experience or event than a traumatic moment);
  • a person begins to perform exercises without prejudice.

In the case of mental disorders that arise against the background of difficult memories, it is better to consult a specialist, because home practice can only aggravate the situation .

For a while

The best way to temporarily get rid of intrusive memories is to load the nervous system .

You can engage in extreme sports, go on a trip with friends, visit legendary “scary” places, and take on responsible work tasks.

The brain will be overloaded with emotions and new information . He will be forced to assimilate new data and will temporarily push old information “to the back of his mind.”

In order to permanently delete a fragment of memory, it is necessary to work through it .

So a person, telling a scary story several times in a row, subsequently does not find it so scary.

And then she seems to him boring and devoid of emotions . This is what happens with memories. While we forbid ourselves to return to them and thoroughly disassemble them, they appear before us in nightmarish images.

But once you scroll through an unpleasant situation or event in your head, looking at it from different angles, your view will change dramatically.

How to get your loved one out of your head? Find out about this from our article.


The essence of the exercise is to get rid of bad memories in the form of a ritual. A person responds well to various psychological anchors created by psychotechnics.

  1. Option 1. Wash away memories by pouring water on yourself.
    It is necessary to imagine a negative experience in the form of dirt or dust adhering to the body. In the process, the water washes away all this dirt, freeing the consciousness. If fantasy is developed well enough, the technique will help you completely get rid of worries about negative experiences.
  2. Option 2. Burn your memories by first writing them down on a piece of paper. It is better to describe the event or situation in as much detail as possible in order to draw the emotions out. Then it will be easier to remove them thanks to the visual sequence of human actions.
  3. Option 3. You can bury memories if there is something associated with a negative event. In this case, you can arrange an impromptu funeral for this thing, mentally connecting and burying all negative emotions with it.


You need to remember the events as a fragment from a film , i.e. watching him from the side.

Now you can start:

  • scroll through the situation in your head, trying on the role of each participant in the event;
  • scroll through the situation in your head as if you were looking at what is happening through a TV screen, changing the playback speed from minimum to maximum;
  • “color” the picture, observing it in green, red, blue;
  • Zoom in and out of people participating in dialogues.

All this will help reduce the significance of the event and the individual people involved in the situation.

How to get rid of unpleasant memories from your head?

You can erase a person and events from your memory even at the everyday level. Memories are formed from images and elements around us.

Example : A person doesn’t just remember going to the cinema. He remembers the smell of popcorn, the smile of the inspector, the plot of the movie, the laughter of the child sitting next to him, the dim light, etc.

All this forms a complete memory of the event. If you disassemble a memorable day into its components and forget some of them, the memory will lose clarity and brightness.

This means you need to remove all things and elements that remind you of events or a person.

Here you have to go from simple to complex.

First, we remove all obvious clues : correspondence on social networks and objects directly related to what happened, photographs and other “artifacts.”

After this, we remove the emotional component: perfume, music, clothing and other attributes that may evoke memories of what happened.

Regardless of what events happen in life, it is important to accept reality and move on.

After all, it is humility that helps you let go of the situation and not return to it again and again, diligently trying to escape from difficult memories.

Is it possible to erase bad memories? Find out about it in the video:

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Causes of short-term memory loss

Short-term amnesia develops for many reasons.

  1. Violation of the psycho-emotional background: stress, depression, negative influence of people. Often children do not remember memories from the past, since they became a psycho-emotional shock for them.
  2. Mechanical damage, trauma, poisoning, acute and chronic diseases, violations of the integrity of the cranium, central nervous system.
  3. Metabolic disease. The cause of the disease is poor nutrition, hormonal imbalance, congenital and acquired diseases.
  4. Increased fatigue. It occurs due to long hours of work, lack of normal sleep, physical and mental stress.
  5. Bad habits: alcoholism, drug addiction, smoking. Chemical compounds spread throughout the blood, organs and tissues, causing disturbances at the cellular level. If they affect the central nervous system, neurons gradually die, which leads to a decrease in the recording of short-term information.
  6. Neurodegenerative diseases. These include congenital or acquired disorders of the central and peripheral nervous system that reduce brain activity.
  7. Hormonal dysfunction. For example, women experience a loss of information during menopause.
  8. Dissociative fugue. This is the effect of severe stress, due to which the brain tries to get rid of memories. More often develops in childhood.
  9. Natural aging processes. In older people, neurons are destroyed, the functionality of the central nervous system and the transmission of nerve impulses decrease, so short-term recording of information decreases.
  10. The nutritional factor is a manifestation of insufficient intake of food into the body containing vitamins, minerals, trace elements, amino acids necessary for the normal functioning of the nervous system.

Each cause is treated separately by different doctors. To eliminate the cause of memory loss, the underlying factor is identified, and the risk of relapse is reduced.

How to erase a person's memory at home

People are capable of storing a lot of information about different events in their lives. There are joyful, sad, happy moments that form the overall experience of life. Sometimes the human psyche cannot withstand the memory of any terrible facts.

The question becomes urgent: how to erase memory and continue living without the heavy burden of loss or another incident. Only by understanding how memory works can we take any steps towards deforming it, in particular, removing unnecessary moments.

What is memory and how to erase a person’s memories

Before considering ways to erase a person’s memory, let’s understand the very concept and operating principles of this process. It is known that when memorizing, a certain neural connection, a chain, is activated in the brain.

The same connection is involved when you need to remember a specific fragment of something. The process of memorization is associated with protein synthesis and interactions between different neurons. There are short-term and long-term memory.

Memorization stages:

  • imprinting (through receptors of hearing, vision, touch, taste, smell);
  • preservation (transport to the brain);
  • reproduction;
  • forgetting (the nervous system “decides” how long to store information, how to forget something).

A person is designed in such a way that he remembers pleasant and unpleasant events. Memorization of information that is accompanied by strong emotions is strongest. Subsequent memories will emerge in a slightly altered form, more colorful, vibrant, enhanced by the feelings that possessed the person at that moment.

In what cases will you need to get rid of unnecessary information:

  • treatment of depression;
  • overcoming post-traumatic syndrome;
  • the person has experienced tragic events;
  • treatment of severe mental disorders.

Removing unwanted memories from the brain will help a person move on, become happier and enjoy life.

Let's look at several ways in which you can partially forget certain situations:

change of context. Context refers to any sensations that influenced the formation and retrieval of memories. These could be sounds, smells, special objects, or similar surroundings. We need to try to change the context.

Give an unpleasant memory new associations. For example, how to erase your memory if a particular song reminds you of sad events.

You need to try to listen to the composition in a new environment so that the brain can associate it with positive, joyful emotions;

  • creating false memories (suitable for people who are easily suggestible);
  • hypnosis (carried out by a specially trained specialist; during hypnosis, memories are blocked rather than forgotten);
  • special pills that can change neural connections.

How to erase memory at home: effective exercises

There are a variety of techniques that can help a person suppress certain memories. Let's figure out how to erase a person's memory at home.

The flying technique is used to erase unnecessary thoughts and obsessive traumatic memories.

This technique involves a lot of work on one’s personality and memory and involves spending a significant amount of time. Let's describe the methods:

  1. Suppression. The exercise is called “burning letter”. It is necessary to describe a negative event on paper, while simultaneously visualizing it in your imagination with all the details. Then burn the sheet, imagining how all the negativity perishes in the fire, the memory is forgotten, turning into ashes.
  2. Delete. How to forget something? Exercise "flying rag". Form an image in your head of information that is not relevant and unnecessary. You can imagine a board and a memory written or drawn on it. Erase with a rag, clearly representing the removal of this event from memory.
  3. Exercise "TV". A person forms a memory that he wants to forget in the form of an image on TV. Then he mentally turns off the sound and watches the “film” to the end. Then he performs similar actions, but this time removes color, brightness, and contrast. The end result is that the image has disappeared, leaving only a dark screen. How to forget bad memories forever, if they are not tragic, but simply unpleasant. You can imagine yourself as a film director, look at what happened from the outside, add jokes, replace old unpleasant impressions with new positive ones.

These are fairly harmless methods. They can be done at home, the main thing is to develop regularity and persistently do the exercises. The memory will not be able to disappear completely, but it may be possible to change your attitude towards it, partially get rid of the negativity, and block too intrusive thoughts.

People who use the method of forgetting want to remove information about traumatic incidents from their memory. This is the memory of accidents, crimes, the loss of a child or loved one, violence and more.

Such experiences provoke depression and prevent you from living a full, happy life.

Naturally, they wonder: how to erase their memory at home? You can try the following yourself:

  • try to accept the event as a fait accompli that cannot be changed;
  • try to understand why it happened, to gain at least a small particle of benefit (this will help to look at what happened from a different angle);
  • If you cannot cope on your own, you need to contact specialists.

A person is designed in such a way that, after experiencing a painful event or traumatic experience, he asks the question: “How to forget something forever.” This is a kind of protection. The experience was so strong that a person would give a lot to have this episode from his life irrevocably erased. Forgetting is a useful thing.

It “cleanses” the brain and nervous system of painful and depressing feelings. Time itself can help in many ways. But humanity has not yet come up with an effective way to completely erase memory, because this way you can get a new personality. The person will no longer be himself. Experience, even negative, is beneficial.

Understanding and accepting the negativity in life are the first steps towards understanding and knowing yourself.



Homeopathy can also be beneficial in treating memory loss. There are a number of homeopathic medicines that are most effective:

  1. Golden iodine. Helps in improving cerebral circulation.
  2. Memory. Controls oxygen saturation, leads to immediate memory improvement.
  3. Huato. Has a nootropic effect. Improves the activity of the cerebral cortex and nervous system.
  4. Edas-138 Arnaur. Helps improve brain activity. The drug is prescribed for deterioration of thought processes during brain aging.
  5. Afosar-Edas. Helps in increasing resistance to stress, improves blood circulation in the brain, and the working processes of the cardiovascular system.
  6. Polymnesin. Improves the thought process, helps in the treatment of memory disorders.
  7. Cerebrum compositum. A complex of vitamins and minerals to improve brain activity.

How to Erase Memory [Deleting Memories]

Memory is a property of the brain through which data is recorded, stored and reproduced.

However, the human brain is poorly understood.

Despite a huge amount of research and experiments, science still cannot clearly explain the principle of memory.

Accordingly, methods of partial or complete “deletion” of memories are unpredictable and cannot be recommended as a solution to the problem.

A person can actually lose their memory. This phenomenon is called “amnesia” and in medicine it is considered not an independent disease, but a symptom of some disorder in the body.

It occurs as a result of damage to the areas of the brain responsible for storing data. The reasons may be:

  • traumatic brain injuries;
  • insufficient blood supply to parts of the brain;
  • poisoning (alcohol, heavy metals, chemicals and drugs);
  • severe mental shocks/traumas (removing severe memories in this case is a protective mechanism of the brain).

Thus, catalysts for complete or partial amnesia can be divided into two groups: external (trauma, poisoning, etc.) and internal (a protective reaction of the brain, as a result of which bad and difficult memories are deleted or replaced with less painful ones).

External catalysts are unpredictable, cause enormous damage to mental and physical health, and can also be fatal.

And internal catalysts to some extent reflect the potential of the human brain and give hope that with some effort the process of memory loss can be made controllable.

How can a person be forced to voluntarily undergo such influence? Who would agree to lose their memory? Who told you it was voluntary? After all, this is not at all difficult: a regular injection of a drug developed at a research institute, for example, during a general flu vaccination or instead of an injection of vitamins.

A psychotropic substance can be injected into a person under the guise of a vaccination or vitamins. Forcible treatment is also used, which not a single person subjected to hypnosis will remember. Intoxication with certain “medicines” causes special susceptibility to hypnotic influence. And some corrections in the brain can be done using a hardware method, literally burning out “dangerous” areas of the brain with a laser.

In general, with the brain in such poisoning, you can do whatever you want:

  • Destroy memory.
  • Implant a chip that will allow you to track the movement of the “object” and program the person to self-destruct.

You don’t even need spectacular actions like flying out of a window or hanging from the handle of a window frame. As simple as day - sudden cardiac arrest. At this point, any doctor will register a heart attack. Although the cause of such a strange heart attack would not be a bad heart, but an order from the brain to immediately stop cardiac activity.

Who could be behind such a disgrace? Those, of course, who must guard certain secrets. And who guards the secrets? You are quite capable of answering this question yourself.

In August 2000, the VID television company invited seven people who had lost their memory and a whole council of psychiatrists to participate in the program. The whole country closely followed the discussion.

The questions that doctors were asked were simple: why did these people completely lose their memory? What could have prompted them to do this? After all, it is known that no traces of violence were found, many of the victims did not have toxic substances in their blood.

Many, but not all. Such substances were found in the blood of several people. Doctors found traces of a potent psychotropic substance in her. This substance could not be identified. It is only clear that it has enormous destructive power.

The psychotropic substance is eliminated from the blood very quickly, but can still sometimes be detected

One of the Penza doctors is convinced: if a person was really poisoned by some unknown substance, then it was probably not just one drug, but some kind of “explosive mixture” of psychotropic substances based on drugs. Nowadays, quite a lot of chemicals of dangerous composition and action are smuggled into the country from abroad.

Section 1. Psychological methods of forgetting

The methods described below help well both with a distant event that you want to forget, and with a very recent one. In the second Section there will be pharmacological methods of forgetting, but they will not work for old events, keep in mind!

We will make a separate episode about the subconscious. This is an important thing! We often do something unconsciously, wash the dishes, but plan something in our thoughts. Moreover, accumulated experience also results in behavior patterns. Have you noticed that you don’t know the person yet, but you don’t like him anymore and you won’t understand why.

And it all started in kindergarten, when some boy stole your candy. And you, without realizing it, noticed similar features. Or you just start talking to a person and realize that you can count on him or her, even though you’ve known each other for less than a minute. Well, you won’t remember the old film and the good character in it.

And the trick of the subconscious is variability! Have you noticed how tastes and preferences change over time?

The method of working with the subconscious involves self-hypnosis or programming itself. Shifting the vector from sharply negative to neutral or even positive!

You need to abstract yourself from the situation and think, were there other people with similar negative memories? Or maybe even this negativity was good for me? And I coped with the situation, which means I became even stronger and now very little can bring me down.

It also happens that a person becomes fixated and makes a mountain out of a mountain. Then, at the first memory, we immediately sharply switch our attention! Plus, a person is independently capable of repressing any memories.

They may work if a little more time has passed. These methods are really dangerous, because they are more likely to harm the brain. We do not recommend admission, the information is provided for informational purposes only.

Alcohol causes memory loss, acts as an anti-stress, and in good company also improves mood.

Large doses of alcohol kill nerve cells. It disrupts the formation of synaptic connections where our memory is located. So it's important to decide if it's worth it.

One of the most popular diseases that can occur in old age, Alzheimer's disease, in particular, leads to impairments in short-term memory. A person usually remembers long-ago events, but there are problems with remembering events of several days.

This disease is associated with many reasons, and one of the main ones is a decrease in the neurotransmitter acetylcholine. And of course, there are substances that help reduce it for a while.

Examples of active ingredients: Trihexyphenidyl, Azamethonium bromide.

Even in the instructions for them, in the side effects it says: “short-term memory impairment.”

  1. Anti-anxiety medications

They allow you to evaluate everything around more indifferently. There are both fairly safe dietary supplements, like Motherwort, and severe antipsychotics like Resperidone.

Protein synthesis inhibitors can also be distinguished: cycloheximide anisomycin puromycin, camptothecin, actinomycin D and NMDA receptor blockers. The problem is that these things need to be taken before stress, and this, as you understand, is almost impossible.

Protein synthesis inhibitors are generally injected directly into the brain. Well, by the way, if you really want to spoil your memory on a specific day, then there is such a popular NMDA receptor blocker, and also a dissociative - Memantine.

Dosages of 20-40 mg are already capable of causing dullness in healthy people. There was an article on Memantine.

About memory

The memory process is very flexible and the brain itself perfectly determines what information is important to remember, for example, preparing a simple dish to eat, and what can be forgotten - background information.

And, perhaps, the best ways to remember something: become interested, give importance and repeat. We remember well the vital moments, what we repeat regularly and, of course, what interests us, our hobbies.

It turns out that it is important to act in the opposite way: to be indifferent, to forget and not to remember.

On the other hand, the healthy state of the brain and the normal production of neurotransmitters also play an important role. Just think about age-related decline in intelligence, amnesia and memory loss in super-stressful conditions or trauma.

We don’t care what you want to forget, let’s move on to practice.

Section 1. Psychological methods of forgetting

The methods described below help well both with a distant event that you want to forget, and with a very recent one. In the second Section there will be pharmacological methods of forgetting, but they will not work for old events, keep in mind!

We will make a separate episode about the subconscious. This is an important thing! We often do something unconsciously, wash the dishes, but plan something in our thoughts. Moreover, accumulated experience also results in behavior patterns. Have you noticed that you don’t know the person yet, but you don’t like him anymore and you won’t understand why.

And it all started in kindergarten, when some boy stole your candy. And you, without realizing it, noticed similar features. Or you just start talking to a person and realize that you can count on him or her, even though you’ve known each other for less than a minute. Well, you won’t remember the old film and the good character in it.

And the trick of the subconscious is variability! Have you noticed how tastes and preferences change over time?

The method of working with the subconscious involves self-hypnosis or programming itself. Shifting the vector from sharply negative to neutral or even positive!

You need to abstract yourself from the situation and think, were there other people with similar negative memories? Or maybe even this negativity was good for me? And I coped with the situation, which means I became even stronger and now very little can bring me down.

It also happens that a person becomes fixated and makes a mountain out of a mountain. Then, at the first memory, we immediately sharply switch our attention! Plus, a person is independently capable of repressing any memories.

Section 2. Pharmacological methods of forgetting

They may work if a little more time has passed. These methods are really dangerous, because they are more likely to harm the brain. We do not recommend admission, the information is provided for informational purposes only.

Alcohol causes memory loss, acts as an anti-stress, and in good company also improves mood.

Large doses of alcohol kill nerve cells. It disrupts the formation of synaptic connections where our memory is located. So it's important to decide if it's worth it.

One of the most popular diseases that can occur in old age, Alzheimer's disease, in particular, leads to impairments in short-term memory. A person usually remembers long-ago events, but there are problems with remembering events of several days.

This disease is associated with many reasons, and one of the main ones is a decrease in the neurotransmitter acetylcholine. And of course, there are substances that help reduce it for a while.

Examples of active ingredients: Trihexyphenidyl, Azamethonium bromide.

Even in the instructions for them, in the side effects it says: “short-term memory impairment.”

  1. Anti-anxiety medications

They allow you to evaluate everything around more indifferently. There are both fairly safe dietary supplements, like Motherwort, and severe antipsychotics like Resperidone.

Protein synthesis inhibitors can also be distinguished: cycloheximide anisomycin puromycin, camptothecin, actinomycin D and NMDA receptor blockers. The problem is that these things need to be taken before stress, and this, as you understand, is almost impossible.

Protein synthesis inhibitors are generally injected directly into the brain. Well, by the way, if you really want to spoil your memory on a specific day, then there is such a popular NMDA receptor blocker, and also a dissociative - Memantine.

Dosages of 20-40 mg are already capable of causing dullness in healthy people. There was an article on Memantine.

Amnesia therapy

All actions aimed at treating the patient are based on the diagnostic results. Therapy can only be started after a final diagnosis has been made. Otherwise, there is always the possibility of harming the patient. Treatment of amnesia primarily involves eliminating the causes that led to its occurrence.

The basis of therapy is drug treatment. The doctor may use:

  • vitamins B1, B12;
  • antidepressants;
  • biostimulants;
  • antioxidants;
  • antiplatelet agents;
  • nootropics.

The following medications should be selected:

Donepezil. Helps slow the progression of dementia. Positively affects daily activity. Reduces the severity of cognitive symptoms. The course of treatment is six weeks. The daily dose is five milligrams (one tablet).

Memantine. It has a beneficial effect on memory and improves concentration. Fights signs of depression. Initial doses are five milligrams with meals. Then the dose is increased to ten to twenty milligrams.

Bilobil. Helps improve cerebral circulation. Take three times a day (one dose – one capsule). The course of treatment is three months.


Stimulates memory processes and increases attention. Affects metabolic processes occurring in nerve tissues

During the day you need to take one or two capsules, which corresponds to 800-1600 milligrams. It is recommended to avoid taking the drug before bedtime.

Undevit. Positively affects metabolic processes. Improves the functioning of the nervous system. The dosage rate is two capsules three times a day.

In some cases, conservative therapy must be repeated once a year to maintain the achieved result. Such measures are most effective in old age.

If amnesia has a psychogenic basis, it is possible to work with a psychotherapist. The help of a treating specialist will help cope with memory impairment that is caused by severe stress or emotional overstrain. Studies have shown that normalizing the patient’s mental and emotional state has a positive effect on the functioning of his nervous system. As measures to improve the memory process, solving logical problems, memorizing poetry, and reading can be used.

If the cause of memory problems is a family conflict, family therapy is carried out. Its goal is to normalize relations within the family. In addition, the patient’s relatives are informed about the specificity of the disease and measures that will help avoid its exacerbation.

In some cases, creative therapy may be used. The environment in which the patient recovers is also of great importance. He must be in a safe and quiet place. In addition, for normal recovery, it is desirable that the patient be surrounded by friends and relatives. Sometimes you need to change the situation. New friends and good support are important parts of the recovery process.

If the patient has an organic pathology that leads to memory impairment, surgical intervention may be used. Tumors are often the cause of such changes. If an appropriate diagnosis was made during the diagnosis, the formation will be removed during surgery.

Whether the patient’s memory will be restored depends on the type of amnesia, the severity of the disease and the professionalism of the specialists involved in the therapy. However, in some cases, even the best doctors are powerless to fully restore memories.

If the cause of memory loss is a traumatic brain injury, the chance of a favorable treatment outcome is quite high. In most cases, after a certain time, all memories are restored. A similar picture is observed with anterograde amnesia. But in some cases, complete memory recovery never occurs. Transient amnesia can have the same consequences.

Hypnosis has proven itself well in memory restoration. For many patients suffering from loss of memories, they returned precisely after hypnosis sessions. However, this method also does not give a 100% result. There is always a possibility that lost memories will not be restored.

Thus, amnesia is a disease characterized by the patient’s loss of memories of a certain period of his life. The duration of the time period lost from memory can be different and depends on the specific type of disease.

What methods are there?

Methods of artificial forgetting in science are called “reconsolidation.” These include:

  • hypnotic influence;
  • NLP programming;
  • creation of replacement memories;
  • chemical exposure.


Psychocorrection using hypnosis is based on a person’s natural ability to process information and strive to harmonize mental health.

When a person is faced with traumatic situations, the brain is not always able to process information at the neurophysiological level. This leads to psychological problems.

The brain hides information in a “black box”, but at the same time constantly returns to it, without being able to work with it in the classical information-processing version.

The hypnotist removes attitudes and blocks that prevent working with traumatic memories. It “puts pressure on the patient” so that the brain adapts the existing images.

Memory, as a flexible system, creates new memories of experiences. As a result, information that was previously an “open wound” and caused emotional pain becomes experience and may be forgotten.

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