Brain bypass surgery abroad – choose quality

Hydrocephalus , or in other words, dropsy of the brain, occurs due to impaired circulation of intracerebral fluid (CSF) and its stagnation, which is manifested by increased intracranial pressure and enlargement of the head. Hydrocephalus can be either congenital (due to an infection during pregnancy) or acquired, for example, as a result of a head injury to a newborn during childbirth.

In many cases of hydrocephalus, osteopathy can significantly improve the patient’s condition and increase his chances of recovery. After an osteopathic session, the mobility and circulation of all body fluids improves, including cerebrospinal fluid, the stagnation of which plays a major role in the development of hydrocephalus.

The cerebrospinal fluid in the brain is constantly in motion, renewed and refreshed. It performs the same role for nerve cells as lymph does for the rest of the body: with its help, nutrients are delivered from the blood and waste products are removed.

CSF is produced in the middle of the brain in a system of canals called cerebral ventricles. It moves through these channels, and then gets under the membranes of the brain, washing each of its cells, and is absorbed back into the blood. Part of the cerebrospinal fluid enters the spinal cord and washes it down to the lowest parts. The founder of cranial osteopathy, W.G. Sutherland, called cerebrospinal fluid a “magic liquid” for its mysterious properties, effect on the brain and the entire body as a whole.

In order for the cerebrospinal fluid system to function correctly, it must be finely tuned and balanced. The amount of cerebrospinal fluid entering the ventricular system must exactly correspond to its reabsorption and outflow. If for some reason the outflow of cerebrospinal fluid is disrupted, hydrocephalus occurs.

Hydrocephalus in children

This disease is detected in newborns and does not become a defect for life. Israeli doctors treat hydrocephalus in children, giving them the opportunity to live and develop without problems. Treatment of cerebral hydrocephalus in children should be identified in a timely manner by identifying symptoms and making a diagnosis.

Neurosurgeons treating hydrocephalus:

  • Neurosurgeon, prof. Menashe Zaharur – Head of the Department of Neurosurgery, Medical
  • Neurosurgeon, prof. Zvi Ram – Head of the Department of Neurosurgery, Medical
  • Neurosurgeon, prof. Moshe Hadani – Head of the Department of Neurosurgery, Sheba Hospital
  • Pediatric neurosurgeon, prof. Shlomo Constantini - Head of the Department of Pediatric Neurosurgery, Medical.

2.Preparation for bypass surgery

Before undergoing brain bypass surgery, it is necessary to conduct a medical examination and some standard tests: ECG, general and clinical blood and urine tests, fluorography. Special examinations before brain bypass surgery include the following:

  • MR, CT or intra-arterial angiography;
  • Balloon examination of arterial occlusion;
  • Dopplerography of cerebral arteries.

2 weeks before surgery, the patient should not smoke, drink or take drugs. It is also necessary to stop taking non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.

Visit our Neurosurgery page

What is needed for the initial diagnosis of hydrocephalus in Israel

To confirm the diagnosis, it is necessary to undergo a primary diagnosis. To do this you need:

  • Blood test – $280
  • Computed tomography – $630
  • Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) – $1350
  • Consultation with a neurosurgeon based on examination results – from $660

To get tested, you can sign up:

  • Call us at: +972(77)4450-480.
  • By leaving a request on the website.

We will contact you quickly.

Treatment methods for hydrocephalus in Israel

The treating specialist chooses what treatment to prescribe for hydrocephalus. It primarily depends on the results of the examination. Most often, in adult patients and children, external hydrocephalus of the brain is treated surgically using endoscopic ventriculocisternostomy, neuroendoscopy or shunting.

What is the neuroendoscopy method?

Neuroendoscopy is considered one of the safest operations for the treatment of mixed replacement hydrocephalus of the brain. This method is used more often than bypass surgery. Neuroendoscopy is recommended in cases where the cause of the accumulation of excess fluid is a blockage in its outflow. The purpose of this operation is to create an outflow of fluid from the cerebral ventricle into the spinal canal.

How is the treatment carried out:

A small diameter hole is drilled in the skull, into which a special catheter is installed - endoscopic. A catheter is inserted into the third ventricle of the brain. A small hole is made at the bottom of the ventricle, which, in fact, will ensure the outflow of fluid. The procedure lasts about an hour and is performed under general anesthesia. The advantage of this method is that infection occurs much less frequently than during other operations, such as bypass surgery.

Advantages of neuroendoscopy

During the operation, the doctor makes a small incision. Thus, minimal trauma to the brain is caused and the number of scars is reduced. Postoperative pain is not very severe. The recovery period takes less time than other types of operations. Neuroendoscopy is a complex operation, the successful implementation of which requires not only modern equipment, but also the experience of neurosurgeons. This method is also used to remove brain tumors.

brain shunt

I have in front of me the book “No to Heart Disease!” by Andreas Moritz. Published several years ago in Minsk. This book advertises a healing system called Ayurveda and other similar systems. I don’t really know what it is, but I guess it’s something from fashionable oriental exoticism. Did it help at least one? Below I give many quotes from the book, they are all in quotation marks. And outside the quotes, or inside the quote, but in brackets are my comments. The attentive reader will figure it out.

And I offer this book to readers only because it sharply criticizes the US healthcare system and the thesis runs like a red thread: “Official medicine will not cure you, but, on the contrary, will heal you to the point of disability or death.” This is the truth! This is what makes the book interesting for me and my reader.

Quotes from the afterword:

“Andreas Moritz is a self-taught healer, specialist in Ayurveda, Iridology, Shiatsu and energy medicine, writer and artist. Born in 1954 in Germany. As a child, he suffered a number of serious illnesses. Studied nutrition and various natural treatments.”

“In 1981, he came to India to study Ayurvedic medicine. He dedicated the popular seminar “Eternal Secrets of Health and Youth” to the relationship between mind and body health.

Free forum "Ask Andreas Moritz" on, 5 million visitors. In 1998 he came to the USA... The “Sacred Santhemony” system - divine chants for all occasions... The newest system “The Art of Self-Healing”.

I repeat, the Moritz system, like thousands of similar systems, like official medicine, all of this is designed only to temporarily help hypodynamics, but will never heal anyone. For a healthy person, or for someone who wants to be healthy, all these systems are 100% useless. Only physical training will keep you healthy.

Quotes from the book: — “Up to 450 thousand Americans die annually from sudden cardiac arrest (more than a thousand cases per day). In 2004, there were 7.8 million people in the United States who had a heart attack. 85% of people over 50 and 71% over 40 experience blocked blood vessels.”

My comment is that words about blockage of blood vessels should be understood as narrowing of blood vessels as a result of physical inactivity.

“In 90% of people who die suddenly from CVD diseases, risk factors remain undetected during their lifetime. The life of people who have had a heart attack is so deteriorating that many would prefer a quick death to this long and painful dying. Treatment of symptoms of cardiovascular diseases, not their causes...”

That’s right, they treat the symptoms of diseases (hypertension), but no one remembers the cause – physical inactivity! Just like Michael DeBakey in his 500 page thick book.

“Reducing high blood pressure with medications does not solve the problem, but only delays and worsens it. Without addressing the root causes of high blood pressure, standard treatments for hypertension...increase the risk of cardiovascular disease and other diseases, particularly those affecting the kidneys and liver.”

In general, Moritz’s book is densely packed with information on biochemistry, I’m omitting 90%, but anyone interested in all this should find it for himself. In particular, the author devoted most of the book to the dangers of eating meat. Moreover, a lot of statistics are cited as proof (Germany in 1800 and now). His arguments are as follows: they used to eat less meat and get sick less.

Typical logic of these confused people. I say otherwise - in 1800 there were no cars and tractors, agricultural work was carried out manually, people walked, and therefore did not get sick. These “thinkers” forget about the root cause - physical inactivity, and ardently prove the harm of products. Moreover, for one the harm is only from salt, for another - only from sugar, the third is fixated on meat, the fourth - on fats, and so on ad infinitum. And it would not occur to anyone that a 20-year-old athlete, or a black man from Africa who walks and runs on his own two feet, benefits from salt, sugar, fats, and everything else. Well, tell this black man that meat is bad for him!...

“A person loses excess weight, causing damage to the kidneys, liver and heart (this is about the Atkins diet and the South Beach diet, these are ways to lose weight, protein diets, if anyone is interested). And the late Dr. Atkins himself, and former President Bill Clinton, an ardent follower of the South Beach diet, who underwent bypass surgery four times... yet millions of people follow their path. (And you say Brezhnev! And they have Clinton!). The ever-renewed mass hysteria... that fat is the main culprit is completely unfounded."

Further, many pages glorify vegetarianism. I remember about 30 years ago there was hysteria about the dangers of lard. And about 10 years ago I read: lard, it turns out, contains some biochemical compounds that are absolutely necessary for the body, and which are not contained in any other products. It’s probably not for nothing that my favorite dish for the last 73 years has been potatoes with onions, fried in lard.

“In general, none of the currently used surgical procedures can reduce mortality from cardiovascular diseases. (Next - about prevention, including through physical exercise, however, only two words about this). But since these preventive measures cost nothing, they are not nearly as attractive from an economic point of view for those involved in health care. Over a three-year period, the mortality rate of patients who underwent vascular bypass surgery was the same as if no operation had been performed. Stenting is a multi-million dollar business, and it is no longer possible to stop it. Restoring arteries just in case, just in case, has become a popular fashion. Even in the absence of any symptoms of atherosclerosis. More than a million Americans underwent this procedure in 2004.”

I remember about 40 years ago it was fashionable to remove the appendix just like that, just in case. They proved that the appendix is ​​absolutely unnecessary, it is even dangerous, since appendicitis can overtake a person when there is no surgeon nearby. Therefore, it is better to have the appendix removed in a clinic, under sterile conditions. Then I read that a certain US Army medic persuaded the soldiers to have their appendix removed in advance. And he himself, with his own hands, operated on more than three thousand soldiers and officers. Even then it seemed idiotic to me, because in nature there are no unnecessary organs, all unnecessary organs have already atrophied in accordance with the law on energy conservation, and in general, going into a healthy body with a knife is savagery!

Then I read that the appendix plays a very important role in the body; it produces some biochemical compounds that are absolutely necessary for the body. If the appendix is ​​removed, the person becomes disabled and must live on pills for the rest of his life.

Words from cardiologist David Hillis, Texas.

“If you are a cardiac surgeon, and Joe Smith, your local internist, refers a patient to you, and you tell him that this operation is not necessary, then soon Joe Smith will simply stop sending patients to you and you will be out of work. Sometimes I force myself to do certain things, although I understand that this is not necessary.”

“Once the process is started, it cannot be stopped. This is an express train that goes to the final station without intermediate stops,” says Dr. Topol. “You won’t leave the clinic without stents.”

“You can't convince them (patients),” says Dr. Hillis. It’s as if someone in line is telling them that this procedure will save their life.” In the words of the book's author: “This means that of the million patients who had stents implanted in 2004, 40 thousand of them got worse from the procedure, supposedly designed to protect them. Surgery by itself does not prevent heart attacks. Patients are happy that at least “something” is being done. And, of course, the bigwigs of the pharmaceutical industry are happy, since patients are doomed to buy expensive drugs for the rest of their days.”

“If the walls of blood vessels retain permeability, elasticity and original thickness, then the cells receive sufficient nutrition and the organs continue to function normally at any age.” I talk about this, literally, tirelessly in my articles. I repeat for the thousandth time that blood vessels retain their capacity ONLY as a result of physical training. “Unfortunately, the medical establishment has instilled in society not the idea of ​​strengthening the cardiovascular system, but the need to take the “right” medications.”

“Clinton was also sentenced to take aspirin, diuretics and beta blockers daily for the rest of his life. This dangerous drug cocktail should serve as his “support” for the rest of his life, although there is no need for it.”

“Due to the numerous side effects of statin drugs, healthy people by the millions are turning into real patients with real drug-induced diseases.” “Scientists write that the risk of a heart attack can be reduced by 80% by doing three simple things: including enough fruits and vegetables in your diet, exercising regularly and avoiding smoking.” Well, how many more times do you need to repeat this to get it!?

“Official statistics estimate that 10 to 20 million Americans suffer from kidney disease.”

“Two drugs prescribed to lower blood pressure further increase the risk of cardiac arrest.”

“Just because a doctor prescribes you a medicine does not guarantee that it is safe. By taking any medicine, you are taking a risk. All pharmaceuticals contain poisons that have a detrimental effect on your health. It is your heart that ultimately pays the price for your willingness to respond to any advertisement that promises a shortcut to health.”

“There are no safe drugs. (More about the drug "Viox")... Both the manufacturer and the Sanitary Inspectorate were aware of this risk back in the mid-90s. The victims of this conspiracy were at least 27 thousand people who suffered a heart attack or died as a result of it. The number of victims could be in the hundreds of thousands.”

(More about the drug "Bextra"). “Stroke, heart attack, blood clots in the pulmonary arteries and deep leg veins - all this can be a consequence of the use of this drug. Vioxx, Bextra, Celebrex, Aleve, aspirin are real poisons. Infliximab is generally considered a carcinogen.

It's amazing how many people believe sophisticated advertising and other brainwashing methods. They don’t even realize that they are being methodically poisoned for the sake of the prosperity of the most profitable business, along with oil, - the pharmaceutical industry. What is most astonishing is that people so readily place their lives in the hands of those whose sole purpose is to create disease rather than cure it.”

Further, there is a lot of evidence that cholesterol and fats are not to blame for cardiovascular diseases. Which I absolutely agree with!

“It is difficult to place all the blame for turning healthy people into sick people solely on doctors. They have the full might of the American government, media, medical establishment and pharmaceutical companies behind them. One day, 84% of Americans and 93% of American women aged 50-59 years whose cholesterol levels were 220 or more suddenly learned that they needed treatment for cardiovascular disease. We have a whole generation of patient candidates (children).

Historically unprecedented sales of these popular drugs have driven health care costs to levels that undermine economic growth. (As I understand it, people, instead of investing money in a business or a bank, take it to pharmacies).

In 2004, there were already 36 million candidates for treatment with statin drugs in the United States. The production of a monthly dose of Lipitor costs 5.8 amd, and it sells for 272.37 amd... It has become a consumer product. The permit for its use was issued two years ahead of schedule.”

I would like to ask - is there at least one normal, sensible person there?

Further, there are many pages in defense of cholesterol. Then there are descriptions of Ayurvedic practices. The story of 64-year-old George. He was treated for ischemic heart disease for 30 years. Swallowed a great many medications. Other side effects included impotence, angina, upset stomach, eye pain, muscle weakness, depression and nightmares. However, he was recommended to undergo bypass surgery. Some time after surgery... chest pain and extreme fatigue. He was offered a heart transplant as a last resort. He told me (the author of the book): “I feel more dead than alive. There is almost no vital energy left. I’m not even sure I can survive a heart transplant.”

The following is a story about how George was cured using Ayurvedic methods. “This way he saved 750 thousand dollars, which would have cost him a heart transplant operation. Now, 10 years later, he is still active and enjoying excellent health."

The following are similar stories about healing with the help of Ayurveda. My opinion is that Ayurveda can help a person tortured by chemical drugs to improve his well-being, physical and mental state, but of course not to make him healthy! Next come recommendations - how to live happy, all sorts of psychological recommendations, which, in general, everyone knows. “CVS diseases are a process that is not difficult to reverse. However, since a sick heart is only a sign of unhealthiness of the body, mind and soul, they all need healing, not just the heart.” Gold words!

COMMENT ON READING: I can repeat that physical exercise with heavy loads heals both body and soul at the same time. After such exercises, all the negative consequences of stress disappear, problems seem insignificant, instead of them comes a sweet feeling of a healthy body, insomnia disappears, and healthy, refreshing sleep comes instead.

A person’s character becomes cheerful, active, and benevolent. In a word, a person becomes healthy both physically and mentally. He is enjoying his life! An action, i.e., going to training, gives birth to a habit, a habit gives birth to character, character gives birth to destiny. Happy fate! The Almighty has provided such opportunities for us. We need to use them.

And here it turns out that some powerful forces, striving for super-profits, use simple but stupid people, brainwash them, fool them with aggressive propaganda, turn them into zombies and mankurts in order to pump more money out of them. And then let them die, but in such a way that no one is answerable to the law. Well, what can be opposed to this?

How to escape from these modern bandits in tuxedos and bow ties? I think there's only one way. You need to use your own mind and your soul, you need to train your body! You still have to remain human. “Man – that sounds proud! It's great!" We learned all this by heart at school. But they only remembered until the final exam.

Everyone knows that money can't buy health. “I wish you, Goga, only health, you will buy everything else!” But in reality, everyone believes that money, after all, can buy health. Here in Russia, the situation is similar, although different. It’s similar in terms of people’s level of thinking, but different because people don’t have that much money.

It makes no sense to offer a hypodynamic patient a heart transplant for 0.75 million amd, because he does not have it.

I've been reading Reader's Digest magazine almost all my life. This is something like our Soviet magazine “Science and Life”. I read hundreds of articles about health. Low basic knowledge of biology has led Americans to blindly believe in a chemical pill.

The impression is that they cannot imagine life without pills. None of them has the idea that chemistry is poisons. Everyone believes in the omnipotence of chemistry; no one doubts this. By the way, I myself lived to be 75 years old without swallowing even ten tablets in my entire life. I refused on principle when I was young!

However, be healthy!

03/13/2012. TKACHENKO Nikolai Adamovich, captain of Georgetown.

Symptoms of hydrocephalus

Hydrocephalus manifests itself differently in each person. Main symptoms:

  • Infants may have a large skull, a convex or tense fontanel.
  • Older children suffer from constant headaches and blurred/double vision. There are cases when a child becomes completely blind. Children may experience unclear gait and frequent but involuntary urination.
  • In adults, there is a decrease in muscle tone. They begin to complain of irritability and drowsiness. Hydrocephalus is often accompanied by vomiting.

Symptoms, as well as treatment for replacement hydrocephalus of the brain, differ depending on age.

Causes of the disease:

Congenital hydrocephalus often occurs in children after the mother has suffered a severe infection during pregnancy. It occurs more often if a woman was ill in the first trimester - the fetus’s brain structures begin to develop incorrectly, which is why hydrocephalus, meningoencephalitis and other diseases can occur. Traumatic brain injury, tumor, hematoma, hemorrhage after a stroke are the causes of acquired hydrocephalus. In older people, it develops against the background of atherosclerosis, a significant increase in blood pressure over a long period of time.

Osteopathic treatment of hydrocephalus

Osteopathy can provide significant assistance in the treatment of mild and non-progressive forms of hydrocephalus , as well as good support after surgery. Working with operated patients is a rather delicate and difficult task in osteopathy, so you should only trust the health of your child to a competent specialist.

The most significant results can be obtained with hydrocephalus that develops after birth trauma. In this case, the symptoms of the disease are largely due to a violation of the biomechanics of the skull bones and associated structures. Classical neurology does not correct the position of bones, and therefore osteopathy here is the only treatment option aimed at the cause of the disease.

Hydrocephalus after injuries and hematomas in later life can also be successfully treated with osteopathy. In this case, a change in the biomechanics of the skull also occurs, which can be eliminated with the help of osteopathic treatment.

Osteopathy is less effective in the treatment of congenital hydrocephalus resulting from infections or developmental abnormalities. However, even in this case, you can count on relief of symptoms, since after an osteopathy session, the circulation of all fluids in the body, including cerebrospinal fluid, improves.

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