Are sedatives allowed while breastfeeding?

Causes of stress

Stress in nursing mothers can occur for many reasons:

  • postpartum weakness, especially if the birth was difficult or surgery was required,
  • lack of sleep,
  • restless baby (colic, teething, individual characteristics),
  • worry about the child's health,
  • hormonal disbalance,
  • moral tension due to a change in the rhythm of life.

Research shows that about 30% of women do not fully experience the joy of motherhood due to nervous tension, and about 60–80% feel tired, despondent and decreased in activity.

Stress affects the body of a young mother as a whole, as well as the quantity and taste of milk, its saturation with substances beneficial to the child. A woman's tense state can cause the cessation of lactation before the due date for breastfeeding.

  • A depressed mood negatively affects not only the mother, but also the baby. In addition to the lack of nutrients in milk, the child also feels the mother’s experiences, which are transmitted to him.
  • That's why a young mother should do everything possible to remain calm and balanced. Taking sedatives in this case is one of the last resorts.
  • The instructions for medications often do not contain information about the consequences of using sedatives for mother and child, because studies are not conducted on pregnant and lactating women. Some medications are simply prohibited in the described cases.
  • Thus, sedatives (including herbs) can cause allergies in the child, negatively affect his health and development, and reduce the amount of milk in the mother.

Can breast milk disappear under stress?

Breastfeeding a baby is a natural process that has a beneficial effect on the baby’s health. If a woman is often nervous, milk may disappear. In this case, milk secretion is usually disrupted. Oxytocin is responsible for the release process. When the stress hormone suddenly begins to be released into the blood, the female body begins to actively defend itself and at the same time stop the supply of milk.

Stress may be present in a woman all the time, but this does not mean that milk may disappear forever. After a short time, the body returns to normal, gets used to stressful situations and gradually restores milk production.

Constant contact of the woman's breasts with the baby will help to quickly return milk.

How to get rid of stress without sedatives?

In order to look and feel healthy and happy, fully enjoy motherhood and provide proper care for the newborn, mothers are advised to try several methods before resorting to medications:

  • try to be less demanding of yourself, distribute some of the housework to relatives, if possible;
  • sleep every possible minute;
  • take baths;
  • Do massage;
  • do aromatherapy;
  • stay in the fresh air as often as possible;
  • perform sports exercises (yoga, fitness);
  • communicate with people, don’t get hung up on how much needs to be done;
  • try to make time for your favorite activity (reading, knitting),
  • dedicate at least a few minutes for yourself (do your hair, mask).

An important factor for good health is proper balanced nutrition. Do not go on a diet in the first months after giving birth. The body must receive in full all the necessary substances and vitamins. It is better to eat five times a day in small portions. You can also take vitamin complexes.

Causes of nervousness during breastfeeding

Needless to say, the birth of a child, as well as the new responsibilities that fall on the necks of newly minted parents, cause joy, as well as anxiety with slight notes of nervous tension.

The most exposed to the load is the young mother, who, due to the characteristics of the newborn baby (a large number of breastfeedings at night), is obliged to constantly be near him. At the same time, for several days after giving birth, the mother is in the maternity hospital, where she and the baby are examined as much as possible, which causes a little tension. Physical strength has not yet been restored, mom is tired psychologically, and then there is the little man who requires constant attention.

During the first week, a nursing mother is full of strength, but after a while her strength runs out, and little remains of her former enthusiasm.

In addition to moral responsibility for the life of a newborn, the consequences of childbirth play a large role in shaping the mother’s nervousness. During the first week after childbirth, women often experience pain in the lower abdomen, discomfort, and mild pain in the perineum. It is difficult for girls to quickly stand up or sit down. And if there were ruptures, then the problem of sitting will be added to the above symptoms, because after suturing, doctors do not recommend sitting for some time.

Physical ailments, psychological fatigue, responsibilities - all this creates nervousness and temperament.

So, let's look at some obvious ways to calm down and combat a mother's incipient depression while breastfeeding and caring for a newborn.

Several non-drug ways to improve the mood of a nursing woman:

  1. Exercise stress . Proper physical activity (walking in the fresh air, joint exercise with a child) leads to an increase in the amount of endorphins. Walking helps reduce clinical symptoms of depression.
  2. Proper nutrition. A complete diet contains a large amount of nutrients, as well as vitamins that promote the uniform release of hormones and the normal functioning of the nervous system.
  3. Emotional peace . Every adult has their own ways of relaxing. For some it is communication with friends, for others it is solitude. To have a good mood, you need to take time for yourself every day.

There are so many ways to eliminate the nervous tension of a nursing mother, but let's be honest - they are all unrealistic. The need to constantly do household chores, take care of yourself and the child, devote at least a small amount of time to household members, go on a diet (limited nutrition so that the baby does not develop gastrointestinal problems) makes it impossible to use all of the above methods to eliminate depression or nervous tension .

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You need to understand that the causes of nervousness are rarely isolated; they are often a combination of a large number of factors, the simultaneous elimination of which is almost impossible. Nervousness, increased irritability, and tearfulness affect the maintenance of lactation. This is especially important during a lactation crisis, which most often occurs after 3 months of feeding.

In order to maintain lactation and calm the nursing mother, it is recommended to take sedatives. There are very few approved drugs, but with the right approach to treatment, even with these drugs you can achieve great success.

What sedatives should I choose if I can’t do without them?

If the above methods do not produce results, and the depressive state worsens, it is worth thinking about medications that will come to the woman’s aid.

For those who cannot cope with their emotions on their own, but are afraid to take medications, it is worth knowing:

  • the concentration of the drug in mother's milk is significantly less than in her blood,
  • There are drugs that do not even pass into milk,
  • The degree of risk of harming the child’s health depends on the baby’s weight, age and type of diet - a child who eats adult food is stronger.

Before using any medications, you should consult your doctor, even if we are talking about medicinal herbs.

Means that can be used for calming during lactation:

  1. Motherwort . Can be taken in the form of herbal tea and tablets. The tea needs to be prepared by pouring 15 g of dried leaves or roots of the plant into a glass of boiled water. Leave the tincture for 20 minutes, strain and take 1 tablespoon 3 times a day. Motherwort tablets should be taken 2 times a day, one piece at a time.
  2. Herbal teas made from lemon balm or chamomile . Recommended for combating insomnia, hysterics, and anxiety. You need to drink no more than 2 cups a day. Melissa increases lactation, and chamomile has a beneficial effect on the child’s digestion.
  3. Valerian in tablets and herbal form . Normalizes sleep, calms, stabilizes the functioning of the cardiovascular system. The tablets are taken one per day for several weeks. Alcohol tincture of valerian cannot be used during breastfeeding, since alcohol enters the baby’s body with milk. Even a small dose can cause serious poisoning.
  4. Glycine tablets . One of the most popular remedies prescribed by doctors in the fight against neurotic conditions. It is considered quite harmless, so it is prescribed even to infants. Doesn't cause drowsiness, very calming. Take glycine 1-2 tablets three times a day. In this case, the tablets are not washed down with water, but dissolved.

Modern sedatives:

  • Novopassit , Persen are good for calming. But they should be used with caution, because they can suppress milk production.
  • Homeopathic medicines: Notta , Alora , Nervohel . Take 1 tablet per day. Used for insomnia, anxiety, irritability. Notta is prescribed even to infants. Nervohel is practically safe for the baby; Alora has not undergone research in this regard.

In addition to reviews on the Internet and a doctor’s prescription, a young mother should carefully study the instructions before purchasing the drug so as not to waste money and be aware of possible side effects.

When taking a sedative, you must strictly follow the prescribed dosage.

Exceeding the norm can cause an inversely proportional effect - increase irritability and nervousness. An overdose can also harm not only the health of the mother, but also the child.

List of approved sedatives


Persen is one of the sedatives approved for breastfeeding. It contains extracts of valerian, lemon balm and peppermint. It is indicated for minor neuroses, psycho-emotional agitation, decreased attention, excessive anxiety, insomnia, and prevention of psychosomatic disorders.


Novo-passit is also a sedative medicine made on a natural basis. It contains as many as 7 medicinal herbs: valerian, St. John's wort, elderberry, passionflower, hawthorn, hops, lemon balm. This drug is prescribed for irritability, excessive anxiety, fatigue, absent-mindedness, a state of constant psychological stress, insomnia, headaches caused by nervous tension, irritable bowel syndrome, climatic syndrome, eczema, urticaria, if they were caused by psychological disorders.


This drug is based on only one active component – ​​motherwort cordial. It is presented on the pharmaceutical market in two forms: tablets and infusions. When breastfeeding, it is better, of course, to give preference to tablets, since alcohol tinctures do not have the best effect on breast milk. Motherwort is used for high nervous excitability, sleep disorders, and cardiovascular neuroses.


A natural one-component medicine consisting of the root of valerian officinalis (another name is cat grass). Indications for the use of this drug include: insomnia, increased nervous excitability, disorders of the cardiovascular system, gastrointestinal spasms and others.


The main component of this drug is the substance of the same name – glycine. Glycine is far from a medicinal plant; it is an amino acid that is found in proteins and is absolutely harmless to the human body. Glycine has a fairly large number of indications: physical and mental exhaustion, excessive emotionality, insomnia, depression, anxiety, frequent neuroses, psycho-emotional stress, ischemic stroke, various disorders of the autonomic system, etc.

When should you immediately stop taking the drug?

Each body reacts individually to the medications it takes. In theory, sedatives cannot cause serious harm to you and your child unless a case of overdose is detected.

However, you should still stop using them if the following symptoms occur:

  • absence of any positive effect after several days of taking the medicine,
  • decreased lactation,
  • deterioration of emotional, physical condition, insomnia,
  • allergies in a woman or her child,
  • the baby has digestive problems,
  • tearfulness and poor sleep of the child, which was not observed before taking the drug.

How does it affect the health of a newborn?

  • Persen is safe for the baby's health.
  • Novopassit can be used while breastfeeding, but only after consulting a doctor. The child may become drowsy.
  • Motherwort is safe for babies.
  • Valerian can cause allergies. Also, children who take the drug for a long time may experience constipation. In this case, infants may experience the following reactions: lethargy or overexcitement.
  • Glycine should not be used only if there is an individual intolerance to the drug. Side effects - allergic reactions.

Causes of irritability and depression

The mechanism of postpartum depression is associated with rapid changes in the mother’s hormonal levels. These changes are aimed at ensuring the processes of lactation and feeding the child. A woman’s body spends all its strength on performing this function. In the work of the central nervous system, under the influence of hormonal imbalance, disruptions occur in the form of emotional instability and depression.

Another reason for the distress of a woman who has given birth is her figure. Stretch marks on the chest and hips, a sagging stomach do not have the best effect on your mood.

In addition, it is very difficult for a nursing woman without helpers. All the time is spent on caring for the child, there is simply no time left for yourself. Adaptation to the role of mother and lifestyle changes can cause nervous exhaustion.

All of the above factors lead to the development of anxiety, self-doubt, irritability, and sometimes depression in a woman. If she cannot cope on her own, you need to see a doctor - a psychologist or neurologist.

Treatment of stress in nursing mothers

Experienced mothers know that during breastfeeding a woman experiences opposite emotions.

On the one hand, the feeding process itself is calming and peaceful. On the other hand, worries and fears overwhelm a woman. She is worried about many questions:

  • when lactation is established;
  • will the baby have enough milk or how to cope with its abundance;
  • how to guarantee avoidance of lactostasis;
  • when a stable natural feeding schedule has been developed.

These and many other questions do not contribute to peace of mind.

The situation is complicated by the fact that the woman’s life has changed completely, everything is new and unfamiliar. Hormonal imbalance also adds fuel to the fire. And this is without touching on the topic of postpartum depression - not such a rare phenomenon as it seems at first glance.

During the period of breastfeeding, a woman needs to pay special attention to her diet and products that calm her nerves. As you know, the nervous system is quite complex, and if it is severely damaged, it is almost impossible to restore it. If a woman takes only pills, they will not help her; she also needs to work on herself.

First you need to determine the reason for the stress and try to solve the problem yourself. Basically, this technique works well, and in a short time the nervous system is restored. Taking a sedative during breastfeeding is only possible in extreme cases.

A woman can control her emotions during lactation if she meets the following conditions:

  • There is no need to give up on yourself after the birth of a child, you need to try to find a little time for yourself: read books, do what you love and go to beauty salons - such a little rest will help you calm down, relax, and restore a charge of vigor and energy;
  • proper nutrition and hygiene: no matter how hard the day is, you need to remember about food, water procedures and normal sleep - when a woman puts her child to bed during the day, you can lie down with him and rest;
  • a woman should share her problems with relatives and friends, there is no need to accumulate problems within herself, the time will come and they will break out, which will lead to negative emotional consequences;
  • do not forget to live correctly: with the birth of a child, no one canceled the rules in the house and in the family;
  • You can try taking herbal infusions and decoctions that will be useful for a nursing mother and baby: tea made from lemon balm, chamomile or St. John's wort.

Melissa tea helps you calm down

If the above tips are not helpful, you should seek help from a doctor.

How to calm down on your own without medication

Many women cannot use sedative medications and herbal remedies when breastfeeding. For such mothers, there are special ways to help calm down. This:

  • relaxing baths;
  • good sleep;
  • massage, aromatherapy;
  • walks and chatting with friends, reading fiction.

Refusing to eat while breastfeeding is strictly prohibited. This will not only not help you lose weight, but will also lead to the development of severe depression. Doctors recommend eating small meals at least 6 times a day.

Depression often appears due to the fact that the body of a woman who has recently given birth to a child lacks nutrients. They are found in large quantities in fruits and vegetables. If for some reason a nursing woman cannot eat them, special vitamin complexes that can be taken during lactation come to the rescue. Sweets are also a great mood lifter.

A woman can sign up for a swimming pool or gym, but she can only do light gymnastic exercises. Gymnastics will help a young mother not only improve her health and mental state, but also regain her previous shape. Yoga is a great way to relieve stress.

Thus, if a woman experiences depression after childbirth, she needs to do the following:

  • monitor your daily routine and sleep, normalize them;
  • give yourself a break from family responsibilities and the child;
  • eat healthy foods;
  • perform simple physical exercises regularly;
  • take your baby for a walk every day in the fresh air;
  • delegate household chores to your husband or relatives.

If following these recommendations does not have an effect, the woman urgently needs to visit a doctor: a neurologist or psychologist. If necessary, these specialists will provide a referral to a psychiatrist.

Features of taking sedatives

Each sedative must be selected individually; a universal remedy has not been developed for all pregnant and breastfeeding women. Medicines do not help immediately, especially when getting rid of postpartum depression. Taking herbal remedies and medications should be systematic.

Any sedative should be started in small doses. You should listen to the body, evaluate the reaction of the baby, who under no circumstances should become drowsy or begin to suffer from an upset stomach.

With the participation of a specialist, try various drugs, make sure they are harmless and have a positive result. Afterwards, take the allocated funds without fear and live a full, joyful life for yourself and those around you.

Folk remedies

Some medicinal herbs also have a calming effect. They can be mixed, brewed and drunk instead of regular tea. Such herbs are:

  • Mint. It has a slight calming effect and helps normalize digestion. It is brewed with chamomile and drunk as a soothing tea. Doctors recommend that nursing women take mint with extreme caution, as it reduces lactation.
  • Chamomile. It has a slight calming effect, helps with hysteria, insomnia, and increased anxiety. Chamomile has a positive effect on the baby's digestive system, but you should not abuse it. Breastfeeding women can brew it and drink it instead of tea, but consume no more than 1-2 cups per day.
  • Melissa. An excellent antidepressant. Melissa calms, relaxes, helps with headaches and insomnia, and treats nervous disorders. To make lemon balm tea, you need to brew one tablespoon of the herb in a glass of boiling water. Leave for half an hour. Drink warm tea before bed. Melissa is not recommended for nursing mothers with low blood pressure.
  • Green tea. Used as a base for soothing teas. Herbs are added to green tea when brewing. Note that green tea contains a large amount of caffeine, which can cause sleep disturbances and overstimulation of the nervous system in a child. You can drink no more than 2 cups a day.
  • Children's soothing teas. The most common ones are “Granny’s Basket” and “Hipp”. Approved for use by both children and nursing mothers. Due to their herbal composition they are safe. They have a calming effect.

Forbidden herbs

  • St. John's wort. Prohibited during breastfeeding. Breast milk becomes bitter when taken. This plant negatively affects the child’s digestive system and disrupts his intellectual development.
  • Lavender. It is better to refrain from using it. Lavender is contraindicated during pregnancy and breastfeeding, as it can cause allergic reactions.
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