How to take a married man away from your family - psychology tips

06.09.201605.07.2018 Nadezhda Plotnikova

The love triangle, consisting of a man, a wife and a home-wrecker, has long been the talk of the town. Should we blame a woman who fell in love with an unfree representative of the stronger sex? The question, as they say, is interesting.

However, even more interesting are the options for the development of events: leave everything as it is, leave the “married man” or take him away from his legal wife. If you are inclined to the latter method of solving the problem, then you will probably be interested in how to take a married man away from your family and keep him close to you.

"Pros and cons"

So, you were “lucky” to create a relationship with a married man, and now all your thoughts are focused on transferring your status from “mistress” to life partner.

However, on the path to family happiness there is an obstacle in the form of a legal spouse and a stamp in the passport. Is it possible to destroy someone else's marriage? Women in love confidently answer: “Yes.”

However, first, firmly decide whether you should do this at all. If you are still not sure, but are inclined to take someone else’s boyfriend away from the family, try to think about the following nuances:

  1. Mutuality of desire. Are you the only one trying to beat your lover back, or does he himself want to end that relationship and start a new one? Does the man really want to leave the family or is he simply deceiving you, saying that everything is terrible there? It’s no secret that many “married men” are happy with a situation where their usual wife is waiting at home, and a hot mistress is waiting in another apartment.
  2. Moral aspect. When the question concerns personal happiness, many women have no time for sentimentality and moralization. Mistresses are ready to fight for a man almost with their fists. And yet, before you take away a married man, try to think at least a little about his child. First of all, he will be the main victim of the collapsed family. Can you bear such a burden? In addition, what if the legal wife suddenly starts drinking after a divorce (there have been cases), and the man will be forced to take the children in with him. Do you agree with this development of the situation?
  3. Seriousness of intentions. Be honest with yourself and decide whether you really love your lover or do you simply want to take revenge on your wife and prove to everyone that you are better? Lack of seriousness in intentions may come back to haunt you with the fact that the new relationship will not satisfy you. After all, having got a man, you may get bored and go in search of a new “victim”.
  4. Confidence in your lover. You can beat a guy off, but how can you gain confidence that, having betrayed one woman, he won’t leave you? Did he tell you when he first met that he was married, or was the beginning of the relationship already overshadowed by deception? What if in the future he meets a younger and prettier girl who also decides to find her family happiness on the ruins of another marriage? In general, it is important to be confident in the feelings of your lover.

How should a mistress act?

So, a lot of questions are spinning in the head of a determined homewrecker, she is overcome by thoughts of how to win her beloved away from her wife. If all bridges are burned and moral aspects are discarded, let's talk about how to behave with a married man. The psychologist's advice is, in general, standard.

  1. Through the stomach. Of course, it is unlikely that he comes to you to eat delicious borscht. However, this method can be used if the wife constantly offers him semi-finished foods or completely inedible snacks. To pamper your lover, you will have to become a real chef.
  2. No scandals. To force a man to be with you more often or to leave the family altogether, provide him with complete peace of mind, do not demand anything, try not to argue with him, and do not bother him with unnecessary questions. Such advice is especially effective if an eternally dissatisfied wife is waiting for him at home, who grumbles that he nail a shelf, fix the toilet, etc.
  3. Minimum requirements. A woman on the side should be distinguished by the ability to be content with little. You need to make it clear to your lover that you do not love him for his mink coats, diamond earrings or expensive perfume. Convince him that he is the greatest value to you. Of course, you shouldn’t refuse gifts!
  4. Sincere joy. A woman in love will rejoice at every visit of her lover, every minute spent next to him. Relationships will become stronger if a man understands that you need him. Perhaps this is what will prompt him to leave the family in which the legal spouse only imitates joy.
  5. The word "Yes". A mistress should not have a headache. In other words, a woman does not refuse sex when her lover offers it; in addition, she often takes the initiative herself. This is necessary so that a man can safely prove his sexuality and realize his masculine instincts.
  6. Varied sex. One of the reasons for having an affair is a monotonous family sex life. The chances of winning off a man will increase significantly if the mistress improves the quality of intimate relationships. A woman needs to agree to various experiments in sex, especially those that are rejected by her legal spouse.
  7. Interest in his affairs. Some mistresses lead guys away using a seemingly completely simple method - sincere interest in his career and difficulties. If the wife can not pay attention to the social life of her husband, then the mistress should take this aspect into account. This will put you in a better position.

The psychologist's advice also warns about undesirable methods. First of all, get rid of such controversial methods as lipstick on your shirt, long black hair on your panties, or a few drops of perfume on your sweater. It is likely that you will still be able to recapture him. Only now he will leave, most likely not to you, the traitor, but in a completely different direction.

If your legal spouse knows about your existence, do not be like her by causing scandals to your lover. Be sure to calm and support him so that he sees in you a confident and non-hysterical woman who understands everything and does not pretend to anything.

However, there is also the opposite opinion, whose supporters believe that using the above methods alone you will not be able to fight off a man.

He can just get used to living in two houses and will never leave his wife. Therefore, provoke him to jealousy. Show that he can lose you with his hesitations. This should not be a direct betrayal, but it is necessary to hint at fans.

What not to do

Counting on a long-term and, in the future, serious relationship with a married man, a mistress should not:

  1. Indulge in blackmail, threaten to make the relationship public.
  2. Rush the decision on divorce, create scandals over weekends and holidays spent alone.
  3. Seek contact with the chosen one’s family.
  4. Discuss your wife, children, parents.
  5. Be in a gloomy mood when he arrives and makes appointments.
  6. Call him at home, on his cell phone during non-working hours.
  7. Detect your presence by traces of lipstick on clothes, the smell of perfume, or things “forgotten” in the car.

It seems to mistresses that everything is simple: all you have to do is put in a little effort and the outdated union will fall apart, happiness will be in the palm of your hand. But actually it is not. Even if a man leaves his family, it is not a fact that a woman will be able to keep him for a long time.

How to seduce a man according to his zodiac sign?

To increase your chances and strengthen your relationship, your lover can also use a hint in the form of a horoscope. Study carefully the features of the zodiac sign of your chosen one and adjust your tricks. So, how to win someone else's man...


  1. Surround your lover with maximum care, more tender and emotional than what he receives at home.
  2. Do not oppose extreme actions and entertainment. Join in on some of his antics.
  3. Do not put pressure on your lover, forcing you to make a choice: “me or her.” He himself will decide when to go to you.


  1. Become an ideal to recapture Aquarius from his lawful wife.
  2. Amaze him with your culinary capabilities. He loves to have a delicious dinner.
  3. The sexual side of life is important for Aquarius, so don’t give up experimenting.


  1. Become a real angel for him, unlike your not always satisfied wife.
  2. Sincerely love him, constantly showing and telling him that you will wait and love him always.
  3. Praise and express gratitude to your lover for every little thing.


  1. Don’t just put up with his many shortcomings, but also love him as imperfect as he is.
  2. Protect from all kinds of routine activities and hassles. Let him face this only at home.
  3. To repel Pisces, be sure to listen to everything he talks about, follow his advice and recommendations.


  1. It is difficult to “steal” Cancer from the family, since you need to be careful in relationships and communication. Avoid barbs and sarcastic ridicule.
  2. Subtly feel every emotion and desire of Cancer, giving yourself completely to him, including in sex.
  3. Cancer needs to be pampered with his appearance. Show that you are taking care of your figure for his sake.


  1. Look at life the same way. Sharing his opinions and views will only add extra points to you.
  2. Be positive by giving Sagittarius smiles and positive vibes. Always greet him with sincere joy.
  3. To prevent your lover from running away, do not complain about the relationship and the current situation.


  1. There is no need to blame Taurus for being too attached to his wife or being busy with his career. Workaholism is a hallmark of Taurus.
  2. Constantly caress your lover, avoiding rudeness towards someone else's, but so dear Taurus.
  3. Don't forget to flirt with him, but be aware of the man's jealousy.


  1. Show only refined manners. Only a real queen can fight off a lion.
  2. Show that relationships can be selfless, so don’t ask Leo for constant gifts, let him give them himself.
  3. Say that you dream of a family and children. Just do it unobtrusively.


  1. You can charm a Virgo only with complete selflessness. Let him think that his mistress belongs only to him.
  2. Don't hold a grudge against Virgo. He will simply state that you can be offended as much as you like.
  3. To win Virgo away from your wife, you need to make your appearance simply brilliant.


  1. The psychology of Libra is characterized by constant changes in mood. Be prepared for such changes.
  2. Address him by name, trying to avoid all sorts of “sweetheart suns.”
  3. Dress in such a way that he only dreams of undressing you, tearing everything off your body.


  1. You cannot criticize or scold Scorpio. However, he loves to be sarcastic and offend, then apologizing after his behavior.
  2. Be sure to praise a married Scorpio, showing your admiration for his merits (any, including physiological ones).
  3. If possible, fulfill all Scorpio's requests (within reason, of course).


  1. There is no need to be offended by Gemini for inattention and lack of composure. Find out his good qualities.
  2. He is the owner, so he requires a lot of time.
  3. Try to fulfill all his wishes, especially if he lacks such behavior in the family.

The goal justifies

Before you get down to business, think about why you need this? The reasons can be very different: to free up all the time of a loved one for yourself, to “redistribute financial flows” from his pockets, to spoil the official spouse, to raise one’s self-esteem, to win a bet with a bet on a bottle of beer.

The most unfortunate motivation is to steal someone else's husband in order to make him your own: if it suddenly works out, you will have to live with a potential traitor, for whom it would be good to be followed even into a bakery.

Of course, the “keys” to all people are different. For some, the opportunity to go away for a weekend in Sochi is a rebellion against everyday life, which a zealous spouse would never do. Such a man, like air, needs a spontaneous and cheerful head. For others, the “sexual trigger” is the opportunity to take care of a woman. And he has every chance of falling in love with a young, clueless whim, who will be the complete opposite of his wife. Dear gentlemen are looking “on the outside” for what they lack in marriage. Therefore, there is a fundamental difference between a good wife and the right mistress.

If hunting other people's husbands has become a habit, this is a sure sign of internal problems. The reason for this behavior lies in deeply hidden low self-esteem. But the “object” won in battle ceases to evoke any desires at all in the victorious lady.


the most important thing is that the entire diverse palette of “pushing” and “fighting” techniques developed by women throughout the history of civilization cannot be reduced to daring sex. Firstly, if this remedy always worked, poor men would be thrown around the streets like ping-pong balls. Secondly, you can’t build a long relationship on sex alone, unless, of course, we are talking about conquering the poor guy who is tormented by hypersexuality.

Magic to help

Some mistresses fall so in love with their “married men” that they turn to love spells. A special conspiracy will help to repel a man and tie him to you, but it’s extremely difficult for a non-professional to do such a ritual correctly.

Weigh all the risks, think about the moral side, and if even God’s punishment cannot stop you (there is such an opinion), then proceed to implement your plan. Before performing the spell, determine what kind of relationship binds the lover and his wife. If the connection is strong, then additional folds and cooling will be needed. If there are constant quarrels in a marriage, then it will be much easier to fight off the guy.

Plot No. 1. Flower

To implement this plot, you need to first prepare the following components:

  • jasmine oil;

  • candle;
  • a new needle;
  • flower pot;
  • biological traces of the chosen one (pieces of nails or hair);
  • seedling of a flower plant.

The plot needs to be done as follows. Scratch your name and your husband's name on the candle with a needle. Then lubricate it with jasmine oil, place it in a candlestick and say the following words: “Both names and destinies are intertwined. Water, earth, fire united, were determined by deeds, and were crowned by heaven. We will be together forever."

Wait until the candle burns out completely. Collect the remaining drops of wax and roll your hair or nails into them, place everything in a pot filled with soil. At the end of the ritual, plant a flower in it.

While watering, repeat the magic words every time. This conspiracy will intensify as the flower grows. After some time, you will feel that the feelings between you and your lover will only grow stronger.

Plot No. 2. Amulet

This plot will help to repel a man, tie him to you and strengthen the sexual energy between you.

To do the ritual correctly, cut out two small circles from plain paper, and the third from foil. Write your and your husband's names and dates of birth on paper mugs and place a foil mold between them.

Make a hole in the workpiece with a gypsy needle. Thread a red woolen thread into it and tie several knots at its end.

In this case, it is necessary to pronounce the following text: “I connect destinies and life, souls and bodies, thoughts and hearts.”

After completing the plot, hide this magical amulet away. It will help preserve your relationship and remove all barriers to love.

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