Options for behavior and advice if a girl ignores you on VK

  • Why does the girl ignore?
  • What to do if a girl ignores a guy?
  • How to let a girl go?
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Relationships don't always work out the way we would like. At any stage, a guy may be ignored by a girl. Why doesn’t she pay attention, although everything was going great before? The guy has a natural desire to understand the situation and understand what to do in order to regain interest in himself.

The men's magazine masculino.ru wants to help its readers. It's quite unpleasant when a girl ignores you. First you need to find out the reason, and then decide what to do about it. Moreover, situations develop differently:

  • There is ignoring after the first date.
  • There is ignoring after some time of relationship.
  • There is ignorance, which manifests itself in indifference.
  • There is ignoring when a girl communicates with a guy, but not as often as he would like.

Each situation is individual. It will not be possible to consider everything. However, you can use the recommendations that are given in general to solve any situation.


If a girl ignores you, what does it mean?

There are several reasons why a girl may demonstratively stop communicating:

  1. Angry about something . Careless remarks made in passing regarding appearance or character, insults, important matters postponed, being late for a meeting - all this can cause severe resentment.
  2. Hormonal surges . Most representatives of the fair sex experience serious changes in their bodies on certain days of the month. During such a period, a girl is characterized by increased emotionality, excitability and cannot always control her behavior.
  3. Cooling .
    Perhaps the relationship has reached its final stage. People do not always find the strength to openly admit their desire to end the affair due to the fact that they no longer have any feelings for their partner. In this case, the desire to move away becomes a sign of the beginning of the end.
  4. Manipulation . Often this behavior is a way of manipulation. The person who is exposed begins to get nervous and try to understand the reason for his partner’s cooling towards him. As a result, he becomes more accommodating and compliant.
  5. Difficult life situation. The reason for a negative mood may lie in the presence of serious problems in life - a quarrel with parents, financial difficulties, troubles at work, illness and much more. In difficult situations, a person often withdraws into himself and does not want to come into contact with others.
  6. I took a break.
    This usually happens in long-term relationships when one of the parties has some dissatisfaction. The partner needs time to think about the situation and evaluate the existing relationship. As a result, she may come to the understanding that there is “the wrong one” next to her, or she may reconsider her own position and resume communication at the previous level.
  7. Doesn't see any prospects . Most girls who are in stable and long-term relationships want to get married. The absence of a marriage proposal from a partner greatly upsets them, makes them nervous and thinks about ending the affair. Ignoring in this case is a manifestation of resentment.
  8. Offended by insensitivity . A lack of emotional response from a guy can really hurt.

Two Reasons for Willfully Ignoring

In what two cases does a girl deliberately ignore a guy? Often a partner behaves in this way purposefully , guided by one of the following motives:

  1. Seeks to attract attention. Unfortunately, girls are not inclined to openly talk to fans about their experiences and desires. They strive to unobtrusively lead the guy to an understanding of the situation, so that he himself realizes his mistakes and corrects them.
  2. Irritated by a fan's intrusiveness. The opposite situation occurs when attention turns out to be excessive or unwanted.
    The obsessiveness of a fan who does not inspire favor encourages you to withdraw from communication with him.

Male ignore

Men may have the same reasons for ignoring as women, but they also have their own characteristics. For example, they may find it more difficult to control their anger.

After a quarrel

If a man deliberately ignores a girl after a quarrel, he wants to calm down his aggression or shows his attitude towards the girl (resentment, neglect).

After the breakup

Some men choose not to continue their friendship with their ex-girlfriend. They ignore the person because they can no longer calmly accept the fact that they are no longer together.

Attention! In this case, you may really not continue communicating.

How long can this last?

It all depends on the girl’s character and the guy’s desire to change the situation . Thus, admitting guilt, apologizing, gifts, correcting a mistake can quickly return the situation to a positive direction.

If the reason for ignoring a partner is related to the girl’s serious personal problems, her dissatisfaction with the relationship, or the guy’s reluctance to work on correcting his behavior, then the problem may persist for quite a long time.

In such cases, there is a possibility that both participants in the relationship or one of them will get tired of such difficulties and the romance will end smoothly .

It should be noted that individual representatives of the fairer sex may have a rather demanding and complex character.

They use their partner's sincere affection for their own purposes, successfully manipulating his feelings .

As a result, every minor quarrel becomes a reason to ignore. It is important for a guy to learn to recognize such behavior and not succumb to provocations.

Advice from psychologists

What to do? To change the situation for the better, it is advisable to follow the advice of psychologists. The choice of behavior strategy depends on specific circumstances.

The girl was offended

If the offense arose for an objective reason, efforts must be made to correct the mistake made. It is important to sincerely apologize , admitting your guilt.

At the same time, there is no need to humiliate yourself or show excessive servility. It is enough to openly and honestly discuss the current situation and make a proposal to end the conflict.

If the girl continues to be offended, stubbornly defending her position, you need to stop communicating for a while. This will help the parties calm down and put their thoughts in order.

A prolonged break in communication initiated by a partner can be clear evidence that the relationship has cracked.

Perhaps, in this case, it is better to retreat and start rebuilding your life with another person.

If the quarrel is really serious, and there is no desire to abandon your partner, you should try to melt her heart with an unexpected show of attention.

It could be a huge teddy bear, an enormous bouquet of roses, a message live on the radio, etc. It's a rare girl who can resist such obvious attempts at reconciliation.

Ignores messages on VK

Nowadays, online communication often replaces real dialogues. Accordingly, if an online interlocutor does not respond to messages, he clearly demonstrates his reluctance to communicate. It is important to objectively assess the situation .

If the relationship is at an early stage, then such behavior from a friend may indicate a lack of interest on her part. No girl would neglect to respond to messages from a fan she cares about.

In a stable, long-term relationship, this behavior is deliberate ignorance. First you need to find out the reason why the offense arose.

You should remember the details of the last meeting or conversation.

If nothing comes to mind, you can try to call the girl or meet her .

In the absence of such opportunities, it is advisable to chat with friends who are probably in the know.

Ex won't contact me

Often, after a breakup, guys have a desire to renew their relationship. Only after losing their other half do they realize their true feelings, get bored and worry .

The main rule to follow in such situations is not to waste time. The more time passes since the breakup, the higher the likelihood that she already has a new boyfriend.

It is advisable to wait a week or two. This period is enough for the parties to calm down a little and put their emotions in order. Especially if the separation was accompanied by a showdown.

After the allotted time, you should begin to take action. It is important to behave calmly and with dignity , admitting mistakes made and expressing a sincere desire to work on yourself.

The decision remains with the girl - to accept her partner back or to completely break off the connection with him without hope of reconciliation. At the same time, you need to immediately discuss that in a new relationship there is no place for old grievances .
Otherwise, nothing good can be expected from the reunion.

Possible reasons

A Girl Ignores When She's Offended
Let's find out why a girl ignores a guy, even if she likes him.

  1. Such behavior is a method of blackmail. The girl is thus trying to achieve something from the young man. This could be a controversial decision, or a gift, or some kind of service. This method is very effective, because at first the guy will be angry and not understand why she behaves this way. And then he will begin to do everything to regain her favor. There is a method of manipulation here.
  2. For some reason, the girl was disappointed in the young man, she will no longer communicate with him, she wants to completely break off all relationships, so she ignores him, does not answer calls and does not write. Most often, these events do not occur unexpectedly. They have prerequisites. Most likely, the girl will give the guy a chance, then switch to other things, begin to devote less time to her beloved, then their relationship will openly deteriorate, as a result of which ignoring will begin.
  3. If this behavior occurs for a short period of time, you may be panicking too early. Most likely, the girl is just busy and can’t pick up the phone or answer on a social network right now.
  4. The girl is offended and ignores, she does not want to part with the young man, she is just waiting for him to ask for forgiveness. Moreover, at first he may even ignore messages of apology. Because she will be very offended. She needs time to cool down.
  5. A girl can ignore a young man when he takes up too much space in her life, becomes too intrusive, and constantly pursues her.
  6. She may be depressed. Perhaps he doesn’t realize that he’s ignoring the guy. To make sure that a depressive state actually occurs, you need to consider the following symptoms:
  • inability to concentrate and make decisions;
  • increased fatigue;
  • feelings of hopelessness, helplessness and worthlessness;
  • excessive sleepiness or insomnia;
  • irritability;
  • loss of appetite, interest in life, increased anxiety.

Method of manipulation

Ignoring as a way of manipulation to get what you want or just a gift

Some girls quite successfully use ignore for personal purposes. They begin to use this method more often when they see that it bears fruit.

First of all, manipulation makes it clear the young man’s true attitude towards the girl’s personality. If a guy doesn’t notice changes in her behavior, it means he’s not paying enough attention to her. If he is worried and makes attempts to clarify the situation, it is obvious that he is interested.

Secondly, this method allows you to get specific benefits from a man who is not indifferent to the girl. Some young ladies deliberately manipulate in order to get a gift or force a man to act in a way that is beneficial to them.

Is it worth doing the same?

What happens if you ignore a girl? Guys can also use ignore to exert influence . A partner’s reluctance to make contact will cause many emotions and questions.

She will begin to analyze recent events, worry about the reasons for this behavior, make assumptions, etc. As a result, unconsciously her interest in her partner’s personality will increase noticeably.

It makes sense to use such a technique in relationships when it is not possible to evoke an emotional response in other ways .

For example, if a girl is spoiled by the attention of the opposite sex and takes courtship for granted.

The appearance of a gentleman who does not fall under her charm will have a sobering effect and force her to reconsider her behavior .

If the relationship has been established for a long time, you should not ignore your soulmate.

Such disregard for your partner's feelings can lead to serious disagreements, retaliatory offenses, and even separation. It is advisable to strive to discuss problems openly and not hush up grievances.

Due to the characteristics of the female psyche, male ignorance usually leads to the following consequences :

  1. She's angry. A lack of understanding of the motives for such behavior, a reluctance to “play the silent game,” or confidence in one’s own rightness can lead a friend into a very negative state. Your partner’s behavior will only cause irritation and annoyance.
  2. She's getting cold. Every girl has a need for attention.
    The absence of this attention for some time can become a reason for cooling off towards your partner.
  3. She ignores in response. A similar situation occurs in couples where both parties are stubborn and excessively proud. Reluctance to compromise leads to constant clashes and mutual manipulation.

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