How to do acupressure for headaches and migraines

The purpose of massage and its effectiveness

If you have a headache, then self-massage solves the main problem - it either completely eliminates the migraine or weakens it.

As a rule, the vast majority of reasons for the appearance of this condition lie in tension in the muscles of the neck and head. Because of this, actions aimed at relaxing the muscles help achieve the desired pain-relieving effect.

When the pain bothers you for a long time, you need to consult a doctor, as the cause may be the development of some pathology.

Migraine massage has the following effects:

  1. Reduces clinical manifestations of neurosis and improves sleep.
  2. Allows you to get rid of hemicrania, which is chronic pain in one part of the head.
  3. Improves blood circulation in the skin and metabolism in nerve fibers.
  4. Improves memory and increases performance.

There are many massage techniques to help relieve pain. Some have a long-distance effect, whereby the effect occurs in one area and the effect appears in another. For example, a targeted effect on the limbs leads to a weakening of the signs of pathology.

Unfortunately, migraine is a chronic condition, so the patient will require frequent treatments. In addition to massage, you can also use individually selected gymnastics, the purpose of which is to normalize blood circulation.


Massage of active points for migraines helps speed up recovery after an attack and reduces the manifestation of the chronic form. But there are a number of contraindications in which it is better to refuse this useful procedure:

  • benign and malignant neoplasms;
  • recent myocardial infarction;
  • tachycardia.

The acupuncture method is not recommended for migraines in pregnant women: stimulation of certain points increases blood circulation, provokes uterine tone and causes premature birth.

For such patients, it is better to use light rubbing, stroking the temples, the back of the head, and use acupuncture under the supervision of an experienced doctor.

The next post will be on the topic Pressure during migraine

Migraine usually occurs as a result of prolonged stress, tension, and is often associated with lack of sleep; Its development is also facilitated by irritating factors, such as bright light, noise, odors, spicy foods, and in women, also menstruation. Therefore, relaxation and elimination of tension are important during treatment. For these purposes, massage is used for migraines.

Conditions for massage

Procedures can be done at any convenient time, since a regular massage does not require special conditions. But for the best and fastest effect, the following conditions must be observed:

  1. The patient should move to a ventilated area where there are no irritating factors such as loud sounds and bright lights.
  2. Turn on relaxation music.
  3. Lie down or sit down.
  4. The maximum effect can be achieved by massaging the neck and head.
  5. You cannot use candles or sticks to create a relaxing aura during migraines, since this pathology can cause a person to suffer from osmophobia.
  6. When massaging the head for migraines, the patient should not suffer from pain and discomfort during touch. Therefore, when the pathology worsens, intense pressure is replaced by stroking.
  7. There is no massage after eating.

Another important condition is that upon completion of the procedure, the patient must lie down or sit for a while, so it is more advisable to carry out the procedure at home.

An indicator that the massage was performed correctly is the appearance in the patient of a characteristic feeling of drowsiness, and most importantly, a reduction in pain.

To prevent a migraine from developing, it is better to take action at the first symptoms. The most accessible and safest remedy is self-massage. But it cannot be carried out if there are contraindications:

  • tuberculosis;
  • alcohol intoxication;
  • heat;
  • oncology;
  • mental overexcitation;
  • blood diseases;
  • over seventy-five years of age;
  • hypertension;
  • pathologies of the kidneys and heart;
  • when a woman is pregnant;
  • head injuries;
  • damage to the scalp resulting from fungus and eczema;
  • the presence of a large number of moles and papillomas on the skin;
  • less than two years old.

For teenagers, it is necessary to consult a doctor, since at their age headaches often occur due to hormonal imbalance.

If there is noise in the head, then a mandatory consultation with an ENT specialist and examination of the blood vessels is required. They are carried out to exclude ear diseases and atherosclerosis.


There are forms of migraine in which an aura is observed before the attack. Each person has his own warning signs of an attack: it can begin with blurred vision, spots before the eyes. There may also be tingling in the body, numbness in the arms and legs, and ringing in the ears.

The most common symptom is severe pain on one side of the head. It rarely happens that pain appears throughout the entire skull. Unpleasant sensations can move from one side to the other.

It happens that a migraine begins due to noise, bright light, physical and mental stress. When an attack occurs, the patient wants to be in a calm place and take a relaxing position, this alleviates the condition.

A throbbing headache . An attack can generally last from four hours to three days. If this occurs frequently, it prevents one from leading a normal life, loss of working capacity occurs, and the person cannot do anything.


To eliminate acute pain, the following types of therapeutic massage are used:

  1. Trigger point massage, which involves relieving spasms in other areas, which leads to relief of headaches.
  2. General, when the actions of a specialist lead to relaxation of tense muscles and normalization of blood circulation.
  3. Acupressure for headaches and migraines is based on the analgesic effect achieved at the reflex level. This happens due to irritation of special points.

The specialist uses only one type of massage or combines several methods at once, due to which the effectiveness of the procedure will be higher.

Recommendations before the procedure

It is not recommended to prescribe a massage for yourself for migraines, since the area and intensity of the massage can only be determined by a doctor after diagnosis and identification of the main treatment complex, which may consist of:

Each person has his own physiological characteristics. And the manifestations of migraine in different people are also specific. What is indicated by one is contraindicated by others.

Therefore, you should not give a massage like your neighbor - you need to undergo diagnostics and determine whether massage is indicated at all.

If a doctor prescribes this type of procedure, then it should be done by a specialist who has certain knowledge:

  • which areas to massage;
  • how intense;
  • how many times a day;
  • for pain relief or prevention, etc.

Features of classic massage

The ability to manually influence the head can be mastered in literally one consultation with a doctor, but only on condition that the patient carefully listened to all the recommendations. During pregnancy, when the use of many medications is contraindicated, this massage will be the only safe way to relieve pain. In addition, a person will not need to take off his clothes to carry it out.

Massage sessions are carried out not only in the presence of pain, but also for prevention, and the schedule and frequency of procedures should be chosen together with a neurologist, since they are prescribed in accordance with the cause of pain.

Massage for migraines at home is the following sequence of actions. First, the entire working area is stroked, starting from the forehead, ending with the neck-collar area and shoulders.

After this, they move on to rubbing, which works on the back of the head, the area behind the ears, temples and forehead. Then kneading is carried out in a similar sequence, the actions are more intense in the degree of pressure, deep, but slow. After working on the back of your head, you need to lie down and place two fingers on your temples, and then perform circular movements ten times.

Then they move on to finger tapping, which is called vibration. If the latter causes discomfort, it can be replaced by combing your hair with a wooden brush.


This Japanese type of impact on bio-points is performed with the fingers using pressure of varying strength and duration, the following methods are also used:

  • light tapping;
  • pressing;
  • circular rotations;
  • vibrations;
  • rubbing;
  • longitudinal and transverse strokes.

This type is different in that it can be used at home without outside help. It will not only relieve pain, but can also help prevent another attack.

Japanese experts are confident that by applying periodic pressure on certain points of the body, you can save yourself from serious diseases, as well as prevent their development in the early stages.

The number of approaches, intensity and duration of Shiatsu massage should be discussed with your doctor.

This technique not only relieves migraine pain, but also:

  • increases immunity;
  • harmonizes the internal state;
  • normalizes metabolic processes;
  • relieves stress.

A properly performed massage will contribute to the patient's recovery. But for this you must meet a number of requirements:

  1. Conduct sessions at least two hours before after meals.
  2. With a gradual increase in intensity.
  3. The total duration is as prescribed by the doctor, but not more than 40 minutes.
  4. Maintain sterility of hands and office.
  5. Comfortable relaxed patient position.
  6. Setting up for recovery.

Contraindications are approximately the same as for other types of massage for migraines:

  • malignant tumors;
  • infection and inflammation;
  • elevated temperature;
  • any disease in the acute stage;
  • skin problems.

Pressure is applied with the pad of the thumb placed perpendicular to the surface of the skin. Sometimes the index and middle fingers are used.

The duration of pressing on the selected point is up to 7 seconds. If in the neck area, then no more than 5 seconds.

Japanese Shiatsu acupressure during a migraine attack is performed at certain points on the face, feet, and hands.

Using pressure and spiral movements clockwise for 5-7 seconds, you can relieve yourself of pain.

The exposure time for each zone is 3-5 minutes:

simultaneously at points that are located above the middle of the eyebrows at the same distance from the scalp and the eyebrow line.

First with soft stroking, then move on to pressing and massaging clockwise two points at the same time;

  • in the hollow of the temple - with two thumbs of both hands at once;
  • an active point on the top of the head, which is located (conditionally) at the intersection of the midline of the head and the line that connects the upper tips of the ears.
    Another 4 points are located at a distance of 2 fingers below, above and on the sides of the main point. It’s better to put pressure on all 5 at once;
  • point above the bridge of the nose;
  • active massaging circular movements on the crown;
  • the point between the nose and upper lip;
  • points on the feet - pads of the big toes;
  • The procedure is carried out by experienced massage therapists to eliminate the consequences of injuries and normalize the functioning of several systems at once.
  • In addition to applying fingers to individual areas, Japanese Shiatsu massage of the whole body is practiced - this helps to touch all the vital points of the body and prevent the development of diseases of various systems and organs, and prevent the development of migraine attacks.

    So, for example, by massaging the feet using the Shiatsu method, we relieve ourselves not only of migraines, but also diseases of the joints or lower extremities, as well as problems with:

  • respiratory tract;
  • digestive tract;
  • heart;
  • kidneys.


A positive effect can be achieved after exposure to bioactive areas; it manifests itself as pain relief. If you systematically irritate certain areas, then not only your sleep and well-being, but even your emotional background will noticeably improve.

But when performing therapy, it is important to consider the following nuances:

  1. The force of influence, the points themselves and the frequency of manipulations are selected taking into account existing pathologies and general condition.
  2. If a person suffers from infections, or there is an inflammatory process in his body, then complications may arise after acupressure. Based on this, before starting sessions, you should undergo a diagnosis.
  3. In order to get rid of migraines, the best effect can be achieved by massaging the bridge of the nose, base of the skull and palm.

You cannot massage the points indicated in the article yourself without preparation. Irritation of the wrong area leads to worsening of the condition and complications.

It is better to avoid acupressure massage for migraines at home if the patient is elderly; a similar situation occurs when carrying a child.

Massage for migraines at home

Massage for hemicrania at home is quite acceptable. Moreover, the patient can perform it independently. If the patient does not have experience in performing massage actions, then it is better to limit himself to the classic option in the form of kneading and stroking the entire surface of the head and neck.

In order to carry out acupressure, the patient must initially familiarize himself with information about the correct location of the points. Otherwise, the procedure may not only not have a positive effect, but also aggravate the situation. You can get advice from a professional massage therapist or chiropractor.

The remaining requirements for procedures carried out at home are similar to those carried out in a specialized massage room:

  • A room provided with fresh air and free from bright lights and loud sounds;
  • Compliance with hygiene rules;
  • Comfortable place for the patient: bed, chair, couch.

After the procedure, the patient is recommended to sleep so that the body can rest and recover as much as possible.

Special massagers and applicators can simplify the procedure. It is better to purchase them in specialized stores and after consulting a doctor. They allow you to better influence the massaged area, as well as stimulate the necessary points.

Self-performing acupressure massage

It is not necessary to influence absolutely all the points listed below. It is enough to choose those that really have a positive effect on headaches. The points that help get rid of it, which you can massage yourself if necessary, are listed below:

  1. The entry point into the zhe-gu valley is on the characteristic bulge between the thumb and the next one.
  2. The Feng Chi gate of consciousness is under the skull above the spine.
  3. The third eye yin-tang point is on the border of the bridge of the nose and the frontal bones between the eyebrows.
  4. Feng Chu wind lock - above the spine.

Massaging the last of these points for migraines is prohibited during pregnancy, because manipulation often provokes contractions. During labor, massaging will be more useful, since the effect relieves the pain that occurs during contractions.

The impact on the points has another name - acupressure. To carry out this procedure, other points may be required, but they are located throughout the body. For example:

  • 1 – on the forearm approximately three fingers above the wrist. To apply the effect, a person suffering from migraine needs to sit down and place his hand palm down, then apply it alternately on both hands;
  • 2 – in the temporal region at the border with the scalp. To carry out the procedure, the person should be seated so that the elbows are on a hard surface and the head rests on them. This point is symmetrical and will need to be massaged in the same way as in the previous version;
  • 3 – in the outer corner of the eye. The position of the person experiencing the headache and the massage should be consistent with the previous variation;
  • 4 – under the zygomatic arch at the base of the ear, manipulation is carried out as for point 2;
  • 5 – at the end of the eyebrow, the area should be worked on both sides and at the same time;
  • 6 – from the corner of the eye three centimeters to the nose. Manipulations are carried out similarly to massage of point 2;
  • 7 – on the back of the hand between the second and third metacarpal bones;
  • 8 – you can find this area when bending your arm near the elbow, namely at the end of the fold. To do this, you need to sit down with your hand palm down. Massage alternately;
  • 9 – on the foot three millimeters from the big toe nail towards the second. They massage it at the same time;
  • 10 – on the shin four fingers above the ankle. They also massage at the same time;
  • 11 – on the back of the foot, approximately between the second and third toes, but massage it alternately;
  • 12 – on the second toe three millimeters from the nail, the pattern is similar;
  • 13 – on the back of the leg between the fourth and fifth metatarsal bones, also overnight;
  • 14 – on the bridge of the nose above the sixth point, massage in the same way as in the previous version;
  • 15 – on the foot three millimeters from the corner of the nail on the little finger, act alternately;
  • 16 – under the inner side of the ankle, but massage in turn;
  • 17 - on the temple, but to find it you will need to bend your ear forward.

All of the above acupuncture points for migraine and pressure are symmetrical, the following are single points:

  • 18 – on the stomach two fingers below the navel. To do this, the patient must lie down and relax;
  • 19 - on the stomach eight fingers above the level of the navel, approximately above point 16. Manipulations with this area should be carried out similarly to the previous option

But this knowledge is not enough; to treat migraine you will need to take into account the nuances listed below.

Massage of 15, 16 and 18 points turns out to be only tonic movements. With it, manipulations involve rotation and pressure, and each of these areas needs to be worked on for a minute. All other areas are stroked and massaged with gentle rotation for four minutes.

To eliminate pain with acupressure, not all of the listed points will be needed. It will be enough to use those that have the maximum positive effect.

Acupuncture massage for headaches

There are active energy points and acupuncture points throughout the human body. Each of them is responsible for the condition and functioning of a specific organ or organ systems. Most of the centers responsible for brain activity are located in the head, neck, shoulder girdle and hands.

In general, acupuncture massage involves influencing energy centers by kneading or placing medical needles. This acupressure massage is especially effective for relieving headaches and migraines.

Acupressure is an alternative medicine that came to us from Asia. Namely from Ancient China. This procedure has many different names, one of them is Acupuncture. Its essence lies in a targeted effect on the centers that are located on the surface of the skin.

The location of each acupuncture is not random. According to Chinese healers, there are many energy centers on the human body, each of them is responsible for the functioning of a specific organ or organ system. If you massage a certain point, this organ will begin to function better. The effect can be enhanced by placing needles. In China, such therapy is considered traditional, but in our country there is still debate about its benefits and harms. Acupressure for headaches is a method of manual therapy.

It is important to remember that in case of frequent migraines, it is best to target active points with needles. This way the result will be more pronounced.

Active points on the human body

Let's take a closer look at which points are recommended to press, press and massage to combat headache sensations? Here is a list of the main points for headache relief.

Points on the head for headaches

  • the first point on the head is located 1.5 cm below the crown towards the back of the head;
  • symmetrical acupuncture in the temple area - called Tai Yang. Massage for headaches in the temples is very effective for migraines;
  • Feng chi is symmetrical, in the center of the depression at the back of the head, to which the neck muscle is attached. If pain in the head occurs due to poor circulation, you can try massaging these two points;
  • Tsuan-Zhu - Two points on the upper corners of the eyebrows. They are often used for migraines and pain in the frontal region;

If there is a feeling of pain in the nasal sinuses, then the acupuncture you need is in the area of ​​the brow ridges, in their inner part and above the mouth, under the nasal sinuses;

  • Feng Fu - in the area above the spine, under the base of the skull, there is also a place that is treated for pain in the head;
  • Below on the cheekbone, approximately at the level of the pupil, there is the Ju Liao center, massage of which effectively helps normalize blood pressure, fight hypertension and relieve headaches. The place is very sensitive.

Points on the hands for headaches

  • He gu - located on the hands in the area between the index finger and metacarpal bones;
  • Le Que - in the forearm area. You need to step back from the wrist (from the middle line of the fold);
  • Acupressure movements that are aimed at acupuncture, which is located on the tubercle, between the thumb and forefinger, are very helpful against headaches, toothaches, runny nose and stagnation of fluid in the sinuses. It is very sensitive, so it is not recommended for pregnant women to use it.

Points on legs for headaches

  • Kun Lun - points on the foot, in the depression of the ankle;
  • Zhi Yin - located on the little toe of the foot, near the nail plate;
  • Another headache point is located on the legs. It is recommended to use pressure movements on the area of ​​the outer side of the foot, 2.5 cm from the cavity.

Other points on the body from migraine

  • Shen shu - located between the third and second lumbar vertebrae;
  • Ji Men - at the ends of the ribs. It is quite difficult to find;

Pressing acupuncture points for headaches works well to relieve headaches. It is the massage of these points that effectively combats dizziness, pain, migraines, runny nose, and inflammation of the sinuses.

Massage movements should be targeted, smooth, with medium intensity of pressure and kneading. It is very important to clearly know the location of all these places and choose the main ones for yourself. There is no need to work on all energy centers at once, otherwise the effectiveness will not be as pronounced.

You can watch a master class on acupressure for headaches on video:

For headaches, choose 2-3 active points for yourself and press them with smooth massage movements as soon as various unpleasant painful sensations begin in the head and neck area. You should not assume that acupressure is a pampering activity that does not bring any results or effect. Some of these centers are so strong that they can cause premature birth in pregnant women.

On the Internet you can find a large number of positive reviews of people who regularly massage points for headache pain. After all, this technique helps speed up the process of blood circulation, lymph flow, and hormone production.


Acupuncture is a technique for getting rid of pain in the head; this method is distinguished by the use of needles. Not so long ago, doctors were skeptical about the technique that came from the east, but thanks to research it was possible to prove that acupuncture really allows you to forget about obsessive pain.

The needles for this procedure are very thin and they are inserted into biologically active areas, relieving pain in the head of varying intensity.

Acupuncture causes the release of chemical compounds in the human brain that provide signals to the immune system. Using this technique, you can achieve the disappearance of pain in the head, neck and shoulders. In addition, acupuncture can prevent vascular spasms that occur due to poor lifestyle or constant stress. Moreover, remission from acupuncture lasts several months.

But, despite the positive effects of acupuncture, you cannot do it yourself, since there is a high risk of hitting the wrong spot, which will lead to a worsening of the condition.

Another important fact is maintaining sterility. Otherwise, inflammation occurs at the site where the thin needle was inserted and, even worse, infection can penetrate into a small wound and lead to serious consequences.

It is possible to remove a headache on your own and even at home, but this will require knowledge of the technique of the procedure. This is the only method that differs from others in safety and effectiveness, which is very important if there are contraindications to the use of medications. A much greater effect can be achieved using acupressure for migraines. But to carry out this complex procedure, you should first consult with a specialist, since an incorrectly chosen point can lead to a worsening of the migraine situation.

When and to whom can it be done?

It is better to start massage when the first symptoms of migraine appear. A quick effect of the procedure is achieved, pain is reduced until the attack completely disappears. A person can easily master the skills of self-massage and help himself in a timely manner. But in case of severe pain, you need to seek help from others. With a little practice, your family can perform head and body massage techniques for migraines.

The massage will work faster if done away from noise sources. Give the opportunity to take a comfortable position, preferably sitting or lying on a hard surface. Quiet, calm music will relax the patient, and the use of aromatic oils and sticks will enhance the effect.

Interesting: Foods that cause migraines: what not to eat and drink?

Benefits of massage

One of the hypotheses explaining the appearance of the disorder points to its relationship with disorders in the central nervous system. In this case, it becomes clearer the role of massage as the most effective method in combating headache attacks. His main techniques are aimed specifically at improving the operation of this system.

Among the beneficial properties of massage, doctors call:

  • restoration of blood circulation in damaged areas;
  • pain relief;
  • acceleration of metabolism;
  • improved nutrient intake;
  • regeneration of nerve elements;
  • normalization of blood pressure.

Another important advantage of massage is its accessibility for absolutely all categories of the population. Migraine attacks occur at any time. It is impossible to prevent their occurrence, but everyone can relieve the pain on their own.

Doctors themselves actively recommend massage. Painkillers require long-term use, which often has a negative impact on human health. And massage has practically no contraindications.

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