Self-hypnosis. Small tricks for big results.


The revolutionary technique—self-hypnosis treatment—was first propagated by practitioners in Eastern countries. This is an ordinary meditation with self-immersion, the purpose of which is self-improvement, the search for a higher goal, and programming the individual for success. The effectiveness of the technique depends entirely on a person’s ability to concentrate and relax himself.

The essence of self-hypnosis

The human brain constantly produces thoughts that form images and encourage active action. Thoughts are divided into:

  • active;
  • passive.

Passive thoughts arise spontaneously and have virtually no effect on consciousness. Active ones, which a person causes specifically, affect the state of the thinker mentally and emotionally.

The most effective technique is self-hypnosis, when active thoughts carry an attitude that is given to the subconscious, and the whole process takes place against the background of complete muscular and mental relaxation.

A bonus of the technique is the ability to set the trigger to the desired state. A trigger or anchor is attached to an image, a feeling, or a sound signal. According to an external signal, a person after long training falls into a state of trance. A professional psychologist can set an anchor quickly, without much difficulty. Independent work on the subconscious is a long process.

Using several signals in combination helps to strengthen self-hypnosis. The strength of the influence of a mental attitude depends on the desire of the individual.

Self-hypnosis can be based on several factors:

  1. Mental attitude towards a sensation, action, behavioral reaction.
  2. Autogenic training: the process takes place against the background of a certain degree of relaxation of the body.
  3. Meditation is a state of mind that a person can enter at will, driving away thoughts that interfere with solving problems.

All methods are based on the characteristics of the human body and brain activity. The individual does not use 100% of the brain's abilities. Through self-control and setting a specific goal for the nervous system, a person can improve his health, get rid of phobias, increase self-esteem and even be cured. All processes in the body are controlled by the central nervous system. The nervous system sends signals to all organs and systems, ensures the functioning of hormonal glands, activates protective functions, adapts a person to stalemate situations, making him more resilient.

The mental attitude method became widespread back in the 20s, thanks to the French pharmacist Coue. Patients were asked to repeat instructions to themselves about improving their condition by taking a position that was comfortable for them.

The phrase was repeated 20-30 times. There were several sessions a day. The method turned out to be especially effective when used before bedtime, when the brain is in a relaxed state. The patients felt significant relief, some even managed to partially restore their vision.

Historical background on hypnosis and self-hypnosis

Hypnosis and self-hypnosis are very similar concepts, but have certain differences. Let's go back into history to find the starting point when they arose.

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For the first time, the inhabitants of Ancient India started talking about states of altered consciousness and hypnosis. Somewhat later, approximately in the fifth century BC, the ancient Greeks came into fashion with the so-called “sleepy temples”, in which healing was carried out for many ailments. Almost all ancient civilizations had knowledge about the characteristics of the trance state.

Hypnosis became especially popular already in the 18th and 19th centuries - many famous European psychotherapists began to actively engage in it.

The technique of modern hypnosis was developed in the 2nd half of the twentieth century by Milton Erickson, the most famous hypnotist today. The technique got its name in honor of the founder.

But Erickson was engaged not only in ordinary hypnosis, but also paid enough attention to self-hypnosis. The doctor was able to prove that self-hypnosis helps to get rid of many pathologies, and also contributes to the realization of what you want. After all, it is by using the technique of self-hypnosis that you directly contact your subconscious, which contains truly incredible possibilities that many are not even aware of.

Erickson believed that anyone can master self-hypnosis if they wish. And if someone has difficulty immersing themselves in a trance state, then they should engage in changing consciousness together with a person you can trust.

Nowadays, self-hypnosis works real miracles - millions of people around the globe are achieving incredible success in curing deadly diseases, gaining self-confidence, fulfilling their deepest desires and doing much more.

The following video will tell you more about the secrets of self-hypnosis

Autogenic training

Everyone remembers the film “The Most Charming and Attractive,” when the heroine gave herself active guidance to change herself. This is what auto-training looks like. The technique represents targeted relaxation through the use of standard exercises. Used in psychotherapy, prevention, hygiene. Allows you to restore the dynamic balance of homeostatic self-regulation disrupted under the influence of stress.


The simplest technique of self-hypnosis, which can be quickly mastered by any person. The individual builds a certain formula for success for himself. The essence of the technique is to form in the brain not a guide to changing oneself, but a statement of the fact of success: “my health is strong, like a rock,” “my will is unshakable,” “my body is attractive,” “I’m not afraid to be in the dark.” Everything will depend on what your goal is. It is necessary to achieve the replacement of negative thoughts and emotions with positive affirmations.

A type of affirmation is gratitude. Psychotechnics are more powerful than the previous one. The essence of the technique is based on powerful emotion. The meaning is the same as in the previous case. You need to focus on positive emotions. Remember the feeling when you are given something that you have long wanted and could not afford. You feel not only joy from achieving your goal, but also sincere gratitude. Try to express it mentally, even when there is nothing to thank for: “I thank you for being alive and not knowing what war is,” “I thank you for a new house, a car” (even if this does not exist yet).

The technique is incomplete without relaxation and a positive attitude. Learn to think and perceive the world around you in a different light, understanding the subtleties of relationships with people. Even if things don't go as smoothly as you want, a positive affirmation should follow you like a mantra. There may be an innumerable number of them.


The technique involves concentrating on certain images, life events that bring positive or negative emotions (in self-defense training techniques). The method is based on complete relaxation and bringing to the fore the desired emotion, awakening memories. Initially, such a trance is possible only at home, when nothing prevents a person from concentrating. Over time, you will be able to evoke the desired emotion, even in a crowded room. The method allows you to model your behavior, correctly resolve conflict situations and maintain composure.


Autotraining begins with relaxation of the muscular system. Then there is a smooth transition to control of the cardiovascular system (heart rhythms, breathing), autonomic function, and musculoskeletal system. The method has proven itself in the prevention and treatment of neuroses, psychosomatic diseases, disorders of the functionality of systems and organs.

Mastering the technique allows you to put yourself into varying degrees of trance. Before moving on to the second stage, a person must learn to maintain the state for 1-2 hours. The second stage allows you to evoke complex experiences, extracted through catharsis and autogenic neutralization processes. Learning self-hypnosis comes down to elementary psychoanalysis.

The trance technique involves a stable ability to understand the tension in the muscles and feel the process of relaxation with concentration. The muscular system is divided into 16 groups. The sequence begins with the upper shoulder girdle and gradually moves to the lower girdle.

Self-hypnosis and the active phase of self-hypnosis are available only when a person can concentrate on his own sensations. To do this, short-term muscle tension is carried out, which subsequently needs to be completely transferred to a relaxed state. You can use any training technique. Short-term complexes that involve active strength training are ideal. Then lie down on a flat surface and relax, feel how a pleasant warmth spreads through your muscles, and your body seems to be pressed into the floor. Relax your head and neck first, then your shoulders, arms, move mentally from one part of the body to another. Give your body a mental attitude to switch off.

Patients have the opportunity to achieve extreme muscle relaxation even in a stressful situation, controlling not only the body, but also the emotional state.

What is self-hypnosis and how is it useful? How to learn and where to start

Today we will talk about what self-hypnosis is and how it is useful for every person. Where to start if you decide to do self-hypnosis, how to set goals correctly, how to properly prepare for independent sessions.

Self-hypnosis is hypnosis without the participation of a hypnotist, when a person immerses himself in a trance, hypnotic state. And then he uses his subconscious, the capabilities and resources of his body to achieve his goals.

How does self-hypnosis work? Self-hypnosis has two powerful tools.

The first tool is a mechanism of self-regulation, self-tuning. It can be used for relaxation, relaxation or quick recuperation. Just being in a hypnotic state without any additional suggestions triggers all the necessary mechanisms and is very beneficial for a person’s health and psyche.

Using the self-regulation mechanism, you can easily get rid of stress and find peace, eliminate insomnia and improve the quality of sleep. Self-hypnosis can help you quickly get yourself in order after a hard day, quickly restore your strength, and save you from overwork. And also, self-hypnosis is very effective for working with your health as a prevention of various diseases and in managing non-resourceful conditions (pain, weakness, etc.).

The second tool is self-hypnosis, which allows you to give yourself the desired attitudes and shape your thinking and behavior.

Using self-hypnosis, you can program yourself to achieve goals, eliminate bad habits, form new traits and qualities of your personality: confidence, activity, determination, positive thinking and much more.

But before entering a state of self-hypnosis, you need to carefully prepare: identify your goal; choose a suitable quiet and comfortable place where no one will disturb you; get ready to work in self-hypnosis. It is with preparation that we will begin. Sometimes for beginners, preparation takes even longer than the session itself, but as they say, “it’s better to lose a day, then fly in five minutes.”

Preparation consists of five sequential steps:

  • We choose a target and position ourselves comfortably. With our eyes closed, we visualize (visually imagine) the image of the target.
  • We pronounce a suggestion phrase to ourselves.
  • Let's listen to our voice. We listen, feel the beat of our heart or our breathing.
  • We make emotional and volitional efforts aimed at achieving your goals.
  • We reproduce the ritual, the key to entering a state of self-hypnosis.

So, let's look at each step one by one.

The first step is to set a goal. It should be positive and clear. What you can imagine, feel, imagine. It is advisable to write down this goal, or even better, depict it in the form of a drawing or diagram.

It is very important to sit comfortably; you need to find a position in which you can easily spend 15–30 minutes. Undoubtedly, it is more convenient to practice self-hypnosis while lying down, but for beginners we recommend mastering this technique while sitting, since practicing while lying down, especially on a bed where a person usually sleeps, can result in a good deep sleep. There is nothing wrong with this, but there will be little benefit either. Therefore, at first it is better to sit on a chair or in an armchair.

Arms and legs should be located along the body. If your arms and legs are crossed, after a while they may become numb and then you will want to change position. Your feet should rest on the floor and be parallel to each other. There is no need to stretch your legs; it is better to place your feet completely on the floor so that they take part of the weight of your body. Hands must be placed on your knees. Keep your head straight, you can tilt it slightly forward. Eyes closed. The back rests on the back of a chair or armchair.

From a comfortable position, imagine a clear image of your goal. If your goal is to feel better, you need to remember, imagine the times when you felt this way. If you want to realize goals that are associated with material wealth, you need to imagine that you have already realized them. This will allow you to gain motivation in achieving your goals and, perhaps, find alternative ways to achieve them.

Why is it important to visualize your goal? The fact is that the subconscious perceives images and pictures better than verbal formulations.

It is with the help of images that the subconscious communicates with us during dreams. As they say, “it’s better to see once than to hear a hundred times.”

Second step: in preparation for self-hypnosis, it is necessary to completely repress the internal critical dialogue. Internal dialogue can interfere with immersion in the state, and in the case of “critical” formulations it can be realized as negative self-suggestion. In order to crowd out critical internal dialogue, it is enough to repeat to yourself one single phrase: “I want to enter a state ... I want to realize my goals.” The word “goals” can be replaced with your specific tasks. For example: “I want to get into a state ... I want to improve my sleep” or “I want to get into a state ... I want to get better.” This way, you replace negative or extraneous thoughts with positive language.

It is necessary to simultaneously hold the image of your goal and pronounce a suggestion phrase to yourself.

The third step: you need to listen carefully to yourself. This allows you to concentrate all your attention within yourself, completely detaching from external stimuli. Your thoughts, image, voice - everything should be inside you. In order to focus well on “you,” it is useful to listen to your heartbeat or your breathing, or better yet, both.

It is important at this stage to simultaneously perform all three steps - hold the image of the goal, repeat the phrase - suggestion, listen to your voice, heartbeat or breathing. It is important that all your attention, sensations from all sense organs, channels of perception are recorded within you.

Fourth step: you need to mobilize as much as possible internally and focus on achieving your own goals. Those. you need to make a strong-willed effort, want to realize your goal. This is similar to how an athlete, before a start, before a race, before a jump, uses all his will to achieve a goal, causing a state of emotional tension.

Just as before, at the fourth stage, it is necessary to simultaneously perform all the previous steps. You must completely repress extraneous thoughts, emotions, experiences and distance yourself from external stimuli. All your internal processes, emotions, experiences, attention should be directed and fixed only on your goal.

Setup usually takes 5–10 minutes, but for beginners it may take longer. This is explained by instability of attention, when even previously familiar sounds or other stimuli can be very distracting.

Fifth step: we reproduce the ritual / key to enter the state. After performing all four steps simultaneously, your images/pictures of the goal, your voice (suggestion phrase), thoughts begin to “revolve” in your head, as if involuntarily, you need to take the next step - proceed directly to immersion and perform the simplest technique that we will now consider.

Having tuned in to the entrance, remaining with your eyes closed, raise your hand to a height of 10–20 cm from the knee. Continuing to repeat to ourselves the commands “I want to enter the state, ... I want to realize my goals,” we add the phrase “lower comes the hand, ... I enter the state deeper.” This phrase must be repeated continuously until the hand goes down on its own.

The movement of the hand does not need to be helped and does not need to be resisted, just allow your hand to go down as you exhale. You can imagine that there is a ball under your hand that is smoothly descending. With each exhalation, the hand goes lower and lower because the balloon is deflated. Just allow yourself to relax, and your hand will surely fall smoothly onto your knee.

After your hand lands on your knee, you can take a deeper breath and exhale and for a minute or two repeat to yourself the phrase: “I’m going deeper into the state, ... completely focusing on my goals.”

Thus, the transition to the state will be completed. And you can begin self-hypnosis, which we will talk about in the next article “The practice of self-hypnosis: rules for constructing suggestion formulas. How to instill health, confidence and success in yourself.”

When immersing yourself in a state of self-hypnosis, it is important to know and remember that this state is not a dream. In this state, a person hears and feels everything, sometimes even more than in a normal state. Normal sounds that were previously unnoticed suddenly become more noticeable and can irritate and throw a newbie out of this state. The most important thing when performing the exercise is to keep all your attention on your goals, no matter what irritants arise around you. And if at first a lot of things interfere, then by the third or fourth time everything that was distracting around you will move away, be perceived more detached, calmer. You will become more and more focused only on yourself and your goals.

Usually, beginners manage to enter this state after 3–9 workouts, spending 1–2 weeks on it. It is important to first develop the skill of being in a comfortable position, being able to fix your attention on the goal, and visualizing your goal. And then everything will work out!

Variations of self-hypnotic effects

Today, many options have been developed that allow you to effectively use trance to improve your mental and physical well-being. One such method is the method of reviving dreams. It is used to treat OCD (obsessive-compulsive disorder). The essence of the technique lies in verticals. Patients are asked to imagine themselves sinking to the bottom of a pond, then rising to the top. In a state of deep hypnotic sleep, sensations become more vivid and voluminous.

If you hypnotize yourself, the process of adapting the body to a trance state goes much faster. The procedure effectively complements psychoanalysis. The essence of hypnoanalysis is to experience dreams, understand the connecting links, their sequence, and meaning.

Symbolic visualization is close to psychosynthesis. Allows you to survive the conflict of your own “I”. Free yourself from the locks imposed or acquired in the process of life, through symbols. Self-programming involves the use of an external signal: clenching your hand into a fist. Bring your hand to a horizontal position, it is better to place it on the table. Think: “right hand clenches into a fist.” You need to feel the difference between a conscious contraction and an unconscious one. Give your body the freedom to make decisions on its own. You'll know you've done it right when you try to predict which finger will move into a given position first. If your opinion was wrong, the goal has been achieved. Many patients report strange sensations during this action: a crunching sensation in the joint.

Psychotherapy actively uses this method in getting rid of heart pain. The first step is to concentrate your attention on the pain sensations and their localization. Then clench the fist of your left hand, the tighter the better, and let your fist unclench. The procedure takes about 5 minutes.

Bringing your hands together is an extremely reliable technique for partner hypnosis and self-hypnosis. Take a comfortable position. Do not forget about the correct position of your hands - this is the most important thing for performing the described autogenic training. The limbs, bent at the elbow joints, should be adjacent to the body, and not pressed in with force. Palms are open, turned towards each other. Concentrate on the sensations, warmth in the space between your palms. Imagine holding an invisible ball or having a magnetic field there. When you feel that the space between your hands has become so magnetized that your hands begin to move closer together, you have reached the required level. Now you can give any guidance to your mind to change yourself.

Coming out of a trance state

It’s not so difficult to learn self-hypnosis on your own, but to get yourself out of it, without consequences for your own well-being. Relaxation techniques have been invented by various practitioners to enable the body to emerge from trance rested, alert, full of strength and energy. We need a setup that will allow us to get out of the state of hypnosis without any problems. For starters, it could be a timer set for a certain time. At his signal, the body and consciousness should immediately return to physical reality.

The technique of self-hypnosis can look intimidating when first mastered. Coming out of trance will not be as fast as you would like. The brain should wake up and work in standard mode.

Hypnotic sleep or deep trance requires time to recover. This usually takes up to 30 minutes.

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