Features of sublimation in psychology

Have you ever had internal irritation force you to go for an unscheduled jog or frantically scrub the floor in your apartment? If you recognize yourself in the example given, then you have already experienced what sublimation is. In psychology, this concept refers to the translation of negative and socially disapproved thoughts and feelings into useful actions . Translated from Latin, this word sounds like “replacement”. That is, a person does not suppress experiences, but realizes them at a higher level.

Definition of the concept

The word sublimation comes from the Latin sublimus, which means sublimity, spirituality. For the first time in psychology, this term was introduced by the Austrian psychologist Sigmund Freud , the founder of the doctrine of psychoanalysis.

The concept of sublimation was introduced into psychology by Sigmund Freud.

The concept is associated with the redirection of unwanted or incapable of direct expenditure of energy in another direction, which allows you to get rid of a conflict state, negativity and benefit yourself or society.

The original view of the phenomenon was the transformation of sexual energy into socially significant actions, but modern psychoanalysis understands sublimation more broadly, as a process that does not depend on the nature of its origin and takes different forms, consisting in the redirection of unacceptable impulses.

Modern psychology defines sublimation as the redirection of the total number of impulses of psychic energy that are not tied to one or another type of thinking, perception, understanding and identifies forms of expression of feelings and energy: sadistic and creative.

The first includes actions driven by sexual desires; the latter include any creative activity (music, drawing, sculpture, writing and others).

Therefore, sublimation is not viewed solely as a positive phenomenon; Many cases indicate the transition of energy into destructive behavior:

  • aggressive behavior towards others;
  • violent acts;
  • increased interest in corpses and brutal murders;
  • sexual sadism or masochism.

What is sublimation?

Translated from Latin, the concept means “to spiritualize” or “to elevate.” At first, this was the name for moral elevation and the term sublimation was first used in 1900 by Sigmund Freud. Since then, sublimation has been given great importance.

The concept includes a number of areas:

1. Emotional restructuring.

2. Converting accumulated energy into a useful and positive activity.

3. Emancipation of the psyche, freedom from biological instincts.

4. Redirecting energy from low to high goals (for example, sexual desire to creativity, spirituality).

Sublimation - in psychology, according to Freud, this is the primary source, the root cause, which lies at the basis of any artistic and cultural creations, sports achievements.

According to the Austrian psychologist, this is a completed transformation of energy of a sexual nature. When it is transformed into another direction, excellent results are obtained in the field of physical activity or art.

Freud's theory is based on the assertion that sexual tension, not finding a way out due to a number of restrictions, can be transformed into another activity. This is especially important if the individual needs calm and balance. Then sublimation is the most useful and also the safest way than projection, denial, intellectualization, etc.

Freud made such conclusions after noticing how overstrain in patients is relieved during sublimation. The process does not suppress the conflicts of the subconscious, but allows them to move into another direction, where a successful resolution occurs. For example, Freud pointed to L. Vinci, who rose highly in creativity and performed any kind of work. At the same time, he was not drawn to sexual exploits, and he did not show interest in erotica.

According to Freud, it was the sublimation of his sexual desire that became the result of the artist’s creative takeoff. However, modern psychology takes this opinion into account only partially, defining the concept as transmutation and translation into physical. activity to release energy, which sometimes interferes with religious beliefs.

Freud and Sullivan theory

Sigmund Freud's original concept of sublimation was the redirection of sexual energy to socially acceptable and approved tasks.

The process of sublimation is closely related to the components of the psyche identified by Freud:

  • Id is a person’s innate aspirations, instinctive and irrational impulses of the psyche.
  • The ego , the part of the personality responsible for making decisions, appears only as a result of the conflict between the Id and the Superego.
  • The superego is a person’s highest value system, acquired by him in the process of mastering the rules of behavior and social norms.

According to this theory, the Ego is responsible for the processes of human sublimation as a result of the analysis of the conflict between innate aspirations (Id) and the higher value system (Superego). The ego reduces anxiety by working by channeling negative impulses into behavior that is positive and socially satisfying.

Freud believed that sublimation is absolutely normal and is a sign of a healthy, conscious and mature personality that can behave adequately and in accordance with accepted norms in society. This process encourages people to engage in positive, productive and creative activities.

As an example of a person who effectively used his energy, Freud cited Leonardo da Vinci, who was an inventor, artist, musician, writer and, in general, a person who made a huge contribution to the development of science. At the same time, as Freud noted, he did not show sexual activity and did not experience any interest in it.

Scientific activity and art have become for the scientist an area where he can realize his accumulated sexual energy, which allowed him to achieve significant success and discoveries in his work. Freud considered himself to be of the same personality type, explaining his high performance by the conscious sublimation of his sexual energy.

It is not always possible to be aware of your sublimation and its true motives. Harry Sullivan, an American psychologist and psychiatrist, a representative of neo-Freudianism and the creator of a new concept of interpersonal theory of psychiatry, looked at the phenomenon of sublimation as a complex and multifaceted process, in contrast to Freud.

He believed that sublimation included many features of human interaction; the phenomenon is the satisfaction that a person receives from the approval of society, even though it contradicts his own views and values.

Sullivan believed that a person cannot fully satisfy his needs and easily replace negative emotions with positive ones. The use of sublimation as a defense mechanism is not conscious, so a person does not think about the result due to the need for social approval, although internally he may face a conflict.

In cases of successful sublimation, Sullivan observed extremely effective processing of the conflict between the need for satisfaction and the need for security, causing agitation of consciousness.

History of discovery and study

The first person to coin the term “sublimation” was Sigmund Freud. He read a book by Heinrich Heine about a boy who, as a child, constantly abused an animal. Growing up, the boy became a professional surgeon. The psychologist concluded from this that a psychological defense mechanism had worked, which directed the boy’s energy in a direction useful for society.

The scientist constantly used Leonardo da Vinci as an example when he proved his theory with sublimation. He pointed out that Leonardo da Vinci became a famous artist, scientist, and engineer for a reason. Everything he undertook turned out better than others. Freud explained this by the fact that with such talents and abilities, Leonardo da Vinci had no sexual desire, he was not interested in intimacy.

In addition to sublimation, Freud identified 10 more natural psychological defense mechanisms:

  1. Substitution - a person receives negative emotions from one source and transfers them to another direction.
  2. Repression - negative emotions gradually move into the subconscious.
  3. Denial - underestimation of the significance of the problem, unwillingness to accept the truth.
  4. Projection is placing blame on another object or person. Temporarily helps to move away from feelings of guilt, to make oneself innocent.
  5. Regression - when receiving negative experiences, the subject begins to think about how to cope with them and moves to the previous stages of development.
  6. Rationalization - if a person cannot get what he needs for a long time, he begins to think that he does not need it.
  7. Reactive education is the use of a powerful emotion that is completely opposed to negativity.

Other defense mechanisms include fantasy, passive aggression, and humor.

According to Jung

The term "sublimation" was taken by Freud from alchemy; it means the transition of a substance from one state to another through transformations in the process of producing gold. Jung criticized Freud for neglecting the alchemical origins of the concept of sublimation and for attempting to pass off the concept as scientifically valid.

Jung believed that human psychic energy can move from more primitive, undifferentiated, instinctive processes to higher cultural, spiritual, more differentiated ones. For example, when the energy withdrawn from the sexual urge is invested in religious values, this energy is said to be sublimated.

Its form has changed in the sense that a different type of work is being carried out; in this case, religious work replaced sexual work. At the same time, Jung contrasted sublimation with repression. This phenomenon is characterized by blocking the charge of energy through instinctive or sublimation channels, but does not disappear due to the principle of energy conservation.

In this way, it is directed into the unconscious, through which it will subsequently want to break through into the real Self. This leads to the fact that a person begins to behave irrationally and impulsively.

Sublimation and repression are exactly opposite in character. Sublimation is progressive, repression is regressive. According to Jung, sublimation serves rationality, repression serves irrationality.


There are 3 theories of sublimation, which were compiled by famous scientists. Each of them explains this term in its own way, but the principle of operation remains the same.

According to Freud

In addition to the situation with Leonardo da Vinci, Sigmund Freud analyzed his own life position, his achievements from the side of sublimation.

He considered sex decent only for the purpose of having children.

The rest of the time he transformed sexual energy into useful channels and studied science.

He analyzed the lives of many outstanding people and was able to prove that the most outstanding achievements were achieved by people who had a deficiency of love relationships.

According to Jung

Jung did not agree with Freud that sublimation is possible only in the absence of sexual relations, intimacy. He endowed this term with mystical characteristics and attributed it to alchemy. Jung believed that this was the process of obtaining gold from fire and primordial matter.

According to Lacan

According to Lacan, sublimation is the process of filling the empty. Religion allows you to avoid the emptiness inside; creativity accumulates around the emptiness.


Sublimation in psychology is the redirection of unacceptable impulses; the mechanism of the phenomenon transforms unwanted, traumatic and negative experiences into various types of constructive and relevant activities. It is possible to understand sublimation by identifying the types and aspects of its defense mechanism.

Roberto Assagioli, an Italian psychologist, viewed the phenomenon as an expression of sexual energy, but, unlike Freud, he tried to consider the mechanism of sublimation as a reflection of all aspects of sexuality:

  • emotional aspect (feeling of unity with another person);
  • sensory aspect (satisfaction of physical needs);
  • creative aspect (formation of a new personality, internal growth, development in various fields of activity).

Also, the sublimation mechanism manifests itself in two directions:

Horizontal sublimationThe horizontal type of sublimation means the usual replacement of a person’s egoistic sexual needs with other desires, often also egoistic. An example of horizontal sublimation is communication, delicious food, contemplation of art and nature, and more.
Vertical sublimationSublimation in the vertical direction is called emotional or internal sublimation. The vertical level involves the literal transfer of love to an abstract wide circle of people, which can be expressed in religious actions, charity, participation in creative processes and constructive activities.

It is also necessary to understand that the mechanism of sublimation does not occur by repressing negation and displacement; the phenomenon is a method of protection without loss of psychic energy, because during the process of sublimation, internal impulses transform into another form of their implementation, that is, nothing is suppressed or blocked.

Concept and essence of the process

Sublimation is a method of psychological protection. This protective mechanism helps a person relieve internal tension and direct it in an acceptable direction. Researchers believe that this method is the most effective if you need to cope with depression or negative feelings.

Sublimation is the process of replacing emotions from one channel to another. This term is used not only in psychology:

  1. This operation is used to move various images from one surface to another in printing.
  2. In the food industry, ice crystals remain in products after freezing. The process of extracting them is called sublimation.
  3. For the chemical industry, this is the transition from solid to gaseous form.

Use in life

Sublimation in psychology is a phenomenon that allows you to direct your energy to various types of activities.

These include:

  • Scientific research;
  • creating works of art;
  • social activities;
  • other types of creativity;
  • sport, hobby.

Sublimation manifests itself differently at different stages of a person’s life. For example, teenagers, in order to cope with desires, most often sublimate energy into sports or creative activities.

Young people aged 18-25 most often direct their impulses towards work. Adults sublimate into work activities, as well as family and hobbies. Elderly people often direct their energy to improving their home, caring for their family, and hobbies.

Thanks to sublimation, a person not only achieves what he wants, but also does not violate generally accepted norms and frameworks. The sublimation method is actively used within the framework of psychoanalysis, as it allows one to cope with internal conflicts rather than aggravate them.

Impact on lifestyle

Sublimation, being a healthy defense mechanism for both the person himself and the society that surrounds him, allows each individual to be effective, work productively and cope with the destructive impulses that arise in him.

Sublimation allows you to avoid internal conflicts caused by the inability to satisfy your needs, so the phenomenon reduces the risk of mental illness.

A person who is able to use sublimation correctly is considered a mature person, effectively benefiting both himself and others.

Sublimation also allows you to avoid conflicts in real life, for example, the ability to project internal destructive impulses onto what is happening in a work of art allows you to reduce the desire to implement them in reality. Therefore, the process of sublimation reduces the likelihood of committing violent acts or crimes towards others.

Life examples

Sublimation is a phenomenon that is often encountered in everyday life. In modern psychology, it is believed that internal motivations most often manifest themselves in creative activities, sports, music and dancing.


Participation in sports competitions is a frequent example of the action of sublimation. Instead of entering into conflicts under the influence of inappropriate impulses and opposing other people, a person engages in sports competitions for the satisfaction of a feeling of victory and dominance.

Fitness or amateur sports are also an effective way of sublimation due to the release that active physical exercise causes.

For example, feelings of anger, anger and irritation can be eliminated through stress relief by exercise or jogging. Therefore, thanks to sports, a person can both maintain his physical health and get rid of unwanted negative energy.


Sublimation in psychology is a phenomenon that often manifests itself in creative activity. Drawing is a popular activity that allows you to get rid of pent-up feelings.

For effective sublimation, it is necessary to imagine the subject and cause of frustration (inability to satisfy one’s needs) and express one’s emotions through drawing, trying to achieve not only the creation of a work of art, but also the most complete expression of one’s feelings, receiving satisfaction from the process and peace of mind upon its completion.

Musical ability

Music can bring relief both when listening to it and experiencing one’s feelings through the emotions evoked by a piece of music, as well as its creation and direct playback.

The second method is more effective because playing musical instruments allows you to control the music and change it depending on your desire and mood; In this way, sudden outbursts of anger or joy can be expressed by changing musical styles and playing tempos.


Participation in dance groups or amateur dance classes at home is an effective way of sublimation, similar to the expression of emotions through sports and physical exercise.

The difference between dancing and ordinary sports is the opportunity to express your feelings by selecting movements to certain music, merging with it in the same rhythm . This allows you to immerse yourself as much as possible in any experience and feel everything that has accumulated and is unspoken.

Poetry or prose

Freud believed that great writers sublimated their sexual energy and destructive impulses into their works, thereby avoiding realizing them in real life. Today, the creative activity of writing works is considered effective for the sublimation and expression of feelings and impulses.

Creating a story and plot for the development of relationships between characters and a colorful description of exciting things or phenomena allows you to live this experience yourself, therefore writing works allows you to get rid of frustration and resolve internal conflicts.

A look from the other side

Sublimation in psychology is a defense mechanism that allows you to find a way to use your energy to perform some activity that brings relief. It is necessary to understand the duality of this phenomenon, which manifests itself in different types of expression of accumulated impulses.

Healthy sublimation is distinguished by socially useful activities or activities that contribute to personal development in various areas. Unhealthy sublimation can be expressed in sadistic tendencies, an unhealthy interest in cruelty and murder, which can lead to the commission of crimes or violent acts that contribute to release.

The inability to find healthy ways to express energy leads to the emergence of rapists and murderers (most often sexually motivated); The reason for this is most often a traumatic experience in childhood, when the child was unable to express energy in a positive way, or was subjected to mental or physical abuse.

Protection rules

Before you familiarize yourself with the rules of sublimation, you need to know that in many cases the phenomenon occurs on a subconscious level and is not controlled by a person. Therefore, it is very important to discover this ability in yourself and understand your true motives and the reasons for possible frustration.

Rules for effective sublimation:

  • You must try to live every event in your life and not suppress the emotions that arise when appropriate.
  • To focus on any task or goal, you need to get rid of external stimuli and be alone with yourself.
  • It is necessary to develop imagination and the ability to think creatively. To do this, it is recommended to read works of fiction and engage in creativity.
  • Don't limit yourself to new experiences; It will be useful to constantly learn something new, make different acquaintances and experience interesting emotions.
  • It is necessary to make an appointment with a psychologist or psychotherapist to work through complexes or problems with communication and self-acceptance.

By following these rules, you can prepare yourself to become aware of problems and unexpressed needs, which allows you to find a way to express the accumulated energy.

Its transformation can occur in the form of:

  • creating works of art;
  • performing sports exercises;
  • scientific activities;
  • creation of musical works;
  • writing poetry or prose;
  • engaging in activism in any organization;
  • dancing, stretching or yoga classes.

Sublimation may vary depending on the needs that predominate in a person. The most problematic thing is to sublimate aggression, which most often arises due to self-doubt, complexes and inability to communicate with people.

There are rules to cope with aggression using sublimation:

  • it is necessary to create conditions for the manifestation of creativity;
  • it is necessary to focus on positive events;
  • It is advisable to go in for sports as an effective way to relieve stress;
  • you need to create a safe atmosphere around yourself, turn to loved ones for support;
  • It is advisable to contact a psychotherapist and work through the situation that caused the aggression.

There is also a concentration technique that is often used to find a way to embody energy in an activity.

It is called “Black Hole” and consists of the following sequence of actions:

  1. It is necessary to create complete soundproofing in the room.
  2. Close the curtains in the room to create a feeling of complete darkness.
  3. Focus on your goals and let your thoughts flow to generate new ideas.

This method allows the psyche to focus only on a specific task and not be distracted by extraneous stimuli.

For the same purpose, there are sensory deprivation chambers, which are found in some spas: during the procedure (floating), a person is in a pool with a salt solution, which feels like it keeps the body weightless. The temperature of the solution corresponds to body temperature, and extraneous sounds and light do not penetrate into the room.

This promotes complete relaxation of the senses and body, so the brain, due to the lack of familiar information to process, allows you to think about things that a person had not thought about before. This procedure allows you to look at problems from a different angle and find new solutions to your goals, so the process is often compared to deep meditation.

Sublimation is a defense that, in psychology, allows one to direct internal unwanted impulses to socially approved activities. Proper preparation for the process of sublimation and awareness of internal conflicts and causes of frustration allows you to effectively use your energy and feel satisfaction from the activities performed.

How to properly receive and transform energy?

Without internal energy it is impossible to live with pleasure. Development will slow down, things will not go well, and a series of failures will begin. Because feminine and masculine energies are different, it is impossible for different genders to obtain resources in the same ways.


Scientists identify 10 powerful sources of energy for women:

  1. Full sleep. Psychologists believe that a woman should have a separate room for sleeping. You need to go to bed before 22-00, sleep at least 8 hours.
  2. Healthy eating. Salted, fried, smoked, fatty, and canned foods should be excluded from the diet.
  3. Privacy. Any woman needs to regularly put her thoughts in order. It's easier to do this alone. You need to be alone at least 2-3 times a week.
  4. Loyalty. A powerful source of positive energy for women.
  5. Creation. Most girls blossom during creative activities.
  6. Keeping a personal diary.
  7. Journey. Any girl will want to visit other countries and cities. For her, the trip begins with getting ready for the trip, thinking through the route, stops and much more.
  8. Help others.
  9. Buying and wearing jewelry and beautiful clothes.
  10. Gratitude.

For men

To replenish energy, you can:

  1. Learn to enjoy the little things.
  2. Avoid stress, anxiety, depression.
  3. Lead an active lifestyle, start playing sports.
  4. Find something you love and do it diligently.
  5. Eat right, try to get enough sleep.

The main thing is not to stop in front of difficulties, to move on.

Receiving sexual energy

To replenish sexual energy, women need:

  • to take dance classes;
  • regularly attend yoga training, learn to meditate;
  • train intimate muscles;
  • Visit for a relaxing massage 1-2 times a week;
  • visit a psychologist regularly;
  • wear skirts;
  • engage in creativity;
  • take care of your appearance.

A woman must combine these methods to achieve a powerful influx of sexual energy.

Transforming Negative Energy

There are different techniques for transforming negative energy into positive, for example, you can:

  1. Imagine that all the bad events that have happened recently are stars.
  2. Turn on your favorite music, close your eyes.
  3. Imagine an image that is associated with love, put it together from negative stars.

This simple technique is considered the most effective and is used by many psychologists in training.

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