Pinched sciatic nerve in the back: causes, symptoms, treatment

How to treat a pinched nerve in the lower back? The answer is here. Many people over 35 years of age begin to develop various spinal diseases. A pinched nerve in the lower back is no exception. The main cause of this pathology is osteochondrosis, protrusion and intervertebral hernia. These diseases cause destruction of the intervertebral discs and vertebrae. At first, ointments, patches and tablets will help stop pain when a nerve is pinched in the lower back.

The main symptom of strangulation is a sharp, shooting sudden pain, in which the patient physically feels a tear in the muscles in the lower back in the first 2 seconds. In addition to pain, the functioning of nerve endings, tissues and organs located nearby is disrupted. The nerve tissue around the pinched nerve becomes inflamed and severe swelling occurs. The person's range of motion is greatly impaired; he cannot fully straighten up.

Pinched nerve in the lower back

The attending physician may allow the patient to treat a pinched nerve at home. The main thing is to strictly follow the treatment regimen. There are many methods of therapy - drug treatment, folk remedies, physiotherapy, massage, therapeutic exercises.

The purpose of the article is to provide detailed information on all types of treatment for a pinched nerve, what first aid to provide to the patient, and we will also tell useful tips for getting rid of the disease on your own.

Main symptoms

What is a pinched nerve? This is compression of a nerve root by two adjacent vertebrae or due to severe muscle spasm.

The first sign of infringement is a burning, sharp pain, which is colloquially called a lumbago. If pain appears in the sacrum and moves to the buttock and radiates to the leg (the back part of it) - this is sciatica or sciatica. In this case, the sciatic nerve is pinched - one of the longest nerves running from the sacrum to the foot.

With sciatica, pain radiates to the leg

If you experience pain in the lower back and lower back, this is lumbodynia. And if acute pain in the lower back radiates to the sacrum and back of the leg, then this is called lumboischialgia.

What other symptoms accompany a pinched nerve in the lumbar region?

  • Burning in the lumbar region.
  • Numbness and weakness in the legs.
  • The pain radiates to the leg, buttock, and groin.
  • Heaviness and tingling in the legs.
  • Problems with urination and bowel movements.
  • Limitation of human mobility.
  • Swelling and redness are sure to appear at the pinched site.
  • Cramps in spasmodic muscles.
  • At night the pain intensifies.
  • Hypothermia increases the intensity of pain.
  • Numbness in some areas of the back muscles.
  • Increased pain when laughing, coughing, talking loudly.
  • The patient begins to get tired quickly.

First aid

What to do if there is acute pain in the lower back? The therapeutic course should be prescribed by the attending physician after a comprehensive examination of the patient. But, it is possible to alleviate the patient’s condition before visiting a doctor.

To do this you need:

  1. During the shooting, place the person on a hard horizontal surface and immobilize the damaged area.
  2. Take any painkiller (“Analgin”, “Pentalgin”, “Ketanov”), which will make it possible to temporarily relieve pain.

Pharmacist Maria Luneva talks about the drug ketanov in the video:

  1. If the pain does not disappear, in addition to the painkiller, you need to take any sedative (Valerian extract, etc.).
  2. If breathing is difficult, release the victim’s chest and provide him with air access.

What medications are there?

Treatment should begin immediately after identifying the cause of this condition. It has three directions:

  • eliminating the causes that keep the nerve in a state of pathology;
  • pain relief;
  • restoration of nervous tissue functions.

Nurofen is one of the safe pain relievers for pinching
. The main types of medications prescribed for lower back pain:

  1. analgesics - reduce pain symptoms;
  2. non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) - fight pain and inflammation;
  3. muscle relaxants - relax spasmodic muscles;
  4. B vitamins - improve metabolism in the affected area.

What to do if a nerve is pinched and the pain radiates to the leg

Very often, a paroxysm of pain occurs suddenly, plunging a person into a state of shock and confusion. Emergency care includes several actions. First, you must immediately take a horizontal position and lie down on a flat surface. It should not be cold, too hard or soft.

If possible, you need to find the most favorable body position in which the least pain is felt, and limit any movements. Most patients feel better when a bolster or pillow is placed under their knees.

Then it is recommended to drink any painkiller - Baralgin, Dexalgin or Nise. Tempalgin, which contains not only the analgesic metamizole sodium, but also an anxiolytic component (tranquilizer), has a good effect. Additionally, you can take a mild sedative - for example, tincture of valerian or motherwort.

Any anti-inflammatory ointment that can be found in a home medicine cabinet will help relieve or at least reduce pain - Aertal, Dolobene, Fastum-gel, etc. Ointments and gels based on Diclofenac and Ibuprofen also have a pronounced analgesic effect.

To immobilize (immobilize) the damaged segment of the spine, you can use an orthopedic corset or a support bandage. If they are absent, it is enough to wrap a warm scarf or elastic bandage around your lower back.

The most important therapeutic measure for lumbago is kyphosis, that is, straightening the lumbar lordosis. The patient should lie either on his back with a bolster placed under his knees, or on his stomach, under which a pillow is placed.

Note: clinical manifestations of pinched nerve roots are often transient and go away on their own after some time. This does not always mean recovery, and the pain can return at any time.

It is important to know that if you have severe pain in the lower back, radiating to the leg, you cannot carry out thermal procedures and massage, as well as practice traditional methods. All these actions can be beneficial only after acute symptoms have been relieved and the cause of the pain has been established.

First aid for strangulation

If a person suddenly experiences a pinched nerve in his back, he needs immediate assistance.

  1. The patient needs to take a pain-relieving analgesic tablet (Pentalgin, Analgin) or a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug (Diclofenac, Ortofen, Ketorol, Ibuprofen). When using NSAIDs, take Omeprazole to protect the stomach lining.
  2. Rub the sore area with an anesthetic ointment, for example, Fastum gel or Diclofenac. Or use one of the patches, such as Voltaren or the less effective Versatis.
  3. Secure your lower back with a wool belt or scarf. These products should be tied as tightly as possible around the painful area. This will provide dry warmth to your sore lower back, which will reduce pain and tension in the muscles.
  4. Lie down on a hard surface or bed with a firm mattress. This will reduce the load on a pinched lower back. Provide the patient with complete rest. You can also place your feet on a chair to relax your lumbar region.

What to do if a nerve is pinched
Do not warm your lower back immediately after an attack using heating pads or a hot shower. Otherwise, this will lead to increased swelling and increased pain. Even if the pain subsides after warming up, it may return with a vengeance. You can warm your lower back only after 2-3 days, when the acute pain syndrome decreases.

Getting up after being pinched should also be done carefully. To do this, you need to turn on your side, then get on all fours and, leaning on something with your hands, get out of bed.

Make an appointment with a neurologist for an accurate diagnosis and prescribing the correct course of treatment.

Be sure to read: ALL about myositis: 10 symptoms, 20 causes, 50 treatment methods (tablets, injections, ointments), diagnosis


In addition to questioning, visual examination and palpation of the lower back, the doctor will prescribe additional diagnostic methods to make a diagnosis:

  • Blood analysis.
  • X-ray examination, which can show damage to the discs, vertebrae and muscles.
  • Computed tomography or magnetic resonance imaging, which make it possible to examine blood vessels and identify neoplasms.


These are the most effective forms of medication for severe lower back pain due to a pinched nerve.

B vitamins

They are needed to improve metabolism and restore damaged nerve endings. Names of injection solutions:

  • Neurobion – from 340 rub.
  • Neurodiclovit – from 700 rub.
  • Combilipen - from 330 rub. Photos of Combilipen ampoules
  • Milgamma compositum – from 370 rub.
  • Trigamma – from 170 rub.

Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs)

Essential for reducing pain and inflammation. They are always prescribed for osteochondrosis and intervertebral hernia. The most popular drugs:

  • Ketoprofen – from 90 rub.
  • Arthrosis - from 300 rub.
  • Meloxicam - from 200 rub.
  • Diclofenac – from 20 rub.

    Diclofenac is the most prescribed drug for back pain

  • Voltaren - from 320 rub.
  • Ketorol (Ketonal, Ketorolac, Ketanov) . They differ from each other only in dosage. They cost from 100 rubles.
  • Movalis (Meloxicam) . Few side effects. Costs from 200 rub.

Muscle relaxants

Usually these injections are given together with NSAIDs, which gives a quick analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect.

  • Mydocalm - from 600 rub.
  • Sirdalud – from 150 rub.
  • Tizanidine – from 220 rub.

Steroid injections

These hormonal injections are placed directly at the pinched site. Relieves pain and inflammation. Prescribed if NSAIDs do not help.

  • Hydrocortisone – from 220 rub.
  • Prednisolone – from 60 rub.
  • Diprospan - from 440 rub.

Novocaine blockades

These painkiller injections are given if all else fails. Place it exactly in the pinched area. As a rule, a mixture of Novocaine and a hormonal agent (Hydrocortisone) is mixed in an ampoule.

Novocaine blockades are prescribed if no drugs help relieve pain


Your doctor will tell you how to treat a pinched nerve in the lower back after a comprehensive examination and a specific diagnosis. The main therapy should be aimed at eliminating the cause and signs of pinching.

Drug treatment consists of prescribing non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs to the patient (Diclofenac, Ibuprofen, Voltaren, etc.). These can be tablets or injections, depending on the degree of pain and the reasons for its occurrence. Such medications have an analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect.

What injections to choose for osteochondrosis? Read the detailed article

For local use, ointments such as Finalgon, Fastum Gel, etc. are prescribed. Novocaine injections help relieve severe pain.

To enhance the functioning of the nervous system, the patient is advised to use drugs based on B vitamins (“Neurorubin”, “Milgamma”, etc.). At this time, it is important to follow a diet during which alcohol, coffee, spicy and salty foods should be excluded from the diet.

During an exacerbation of a pinched nerve in the lower back, the patient must observe strict bed rest. In this case, you should lie exclusively on your back. After eliminating the acute manifestations of the pathology, the patient is prescribed massage, physiotherapeutic procedures, reflexology, a course of exercise therapy, which can eliminate residual effects. All these procedures help improve blood circulation and restore metabolic processes in the lumbar region.

Surgical intervention

In cases where conservative treatment has not given the desired effect and lower back pain does not disappear, the attending physician may decide to perform surgery. Surgical intervention is also indicated in cases where the cause of pinched nerves is a hernia. This operation is called microdiscectomy. During this procedure, the surgeon will remove the damaged disc and the tissue located around it. Recovery after this is quite long and can take up to 3 months.

If the diagnosis reveals a violation of the integrity of the nerve, the patient requires a neurosurgical operation, which is aimed at restoring the damaged fibers.

In cases where the nerves are pinched by a scar, neurolysis and a course of rehabilitation procedures are used.

Use of folk remedies

Together with drug therapy, treatment at home involves the use of traditional medicine. But before you start using them, you should consult your doctor, as they may also have contraindications. Highly effective:

  1. Infusion of bay leaf. To do this, 2 tablespoons of crushed laurel leaves are poured into 1 glass of high-quality vodka and infused for several days, after which it is filtered and rubbed into the place where the pain occurred.
  2. A compress made from natural honey and wheat flour, taken in equal proportions (100 g each). After combining them, the resulting cake should be applied to the place on the lower back where acute pain is felt. This compress should be done at night.

Treatment with folk remedies for lumbar osteochondrosis:

  1. Baths based on infusions of horse chestnut, calamus or oak bark.
  2. Freshly squeezed celery juice. One tablespoon of this juice should be drunk before meals. The cake remaining after squeezing out the juice is applied to the sore spot.
  3. Rubbing the lower back with valerian tincture or fir oil. After this, it is important to insulate the sore spot with a warm scarf.

Read a detailed article about the treatment of osteochondrosis with folk remedies.


Many patients with a pinched nerve avoid doing physical exercise, preferring to treat the pain with medications, massage or physical therapy. But it turns out that exercises that are aimed at stretching the muscles of the lower back and strengthening the muscles in this area are simply necessary. You can perform them at home.

To eliminate acute pain, it is recommended to perform the following exercises:

  1. Kneel down with both hands on the floor. While inhaling, you should try to sit on your heels, and while exhaling, bend forward as much as possible.
  2. Standing on your knees, turn your legs in different directions.
  3. Standing on your knees and leaning your hands on the floor, bend and straighten your back, as a cat does.
  4. Lie on the floor or hard surface with your knees bent. Alternately lower your legs in different directions.
  5. Lie on the floor with your legs straight. Pull your legs one by one towards your stomach.
  6. Perform push-ups from the floor.

How to do back exercises for lower back pain? Read the detailed article.

  1. Simulation of cycling while lying on your back.
  2. Lie on your stomach and carefully lift your body up, trying to press your legs and pelvis as tightly as possible to the floor.
  3. Sit on the floor and walk on your buttocks.
  4. Sit on the floor with your legs extended forward. Extend your arms to the sides. Twist the body in the lumbar region.
  5. Standing straight, alternately bend in different directions, while stretching your hand in the direction of the tilt.
  6. You need to complete the gymnastics with relaxed twisting movements, which help stretch the spine.

An effective method of treating pinching is lower back massage. To do this, the patient lies on a hard surface on his stomach, relaxing as much as possible. First, to warm up the back muscles, stroking is carried out in the direction from below to the place where the pain occurs. Next, circular and comb-like movements are performed with the hands. The back will also be kneaded. The session ends with stroking movements.


This form of drugs is needed in order to relieve acute pain and enable the patient to see a neurologist.

Analgesics for mild pain

  • Baralgin - from 300 rub.
  • Efferalgan – from 150 rub.
  • Analgin - from 20 rub.

NSAIDs for severe pain

NSAIDs for severe pain

  • Tramadol . They are classified as opioid drugs. Costs from 120 rub.
  • Fentanyl.

Muscle relaxants

These tablets effectively eliminate spasms in the lower back when pinched. It is better to take them simultaneously with NSAIDs, then the effect will be even greater.

  • Katadolon forte. Prescribed to those patients who cannot take NSAIDs. Costs from 320 rub.

    Katadolon forte can reduce even very severe pain

  • Mydocalm - from 370 rub.
  • Sirdalud – from 250 rub. Causes drowsiness.


These are hormonal pills for severely pinched nerves. Effectively reduce inflammation. They are prescribed if no other pills help.

  • Prednisolone – from 100 rub.
  • Dexamethasone – from 50 rub.
  • Cortisone – from 200 rub.

Ointments and gels

These are local treatments that can be used at home. There are very few side effects from using these medications. Here are the names of the most effective remedies.

  • Voltaren Emulgel – from 270 rub.
  • Fastum gel – from 270 rub.

    Fastum gel

  • Ketonal – from 370 rub.
  • Diclofenac – from 40 rub.
  • Indomethacin – from 100 rub.

It is better not to use warming ointments in the first days of pinching, so as not to increase swelling and inflammation. In the subacute period, warming ointments can be used. These gels include:

  • Finalgon – from 380 rub.
  • Nicoflex – from 300 rub.
  • Capsicam - from 320 rub.

Excellent article on the topic : TOP 20 best ointments for pinched sciatic nerve: warming, analgesic, anti-inflammatory

Folk remedies

It is important to remember that traditional medicine should be used only as an addition to traditional treatment and only with the permission of a neurologist. The most popular folk recipes for pinched nerves:

  1. Tincture of bay leaves . Take 2-3 tbsp. chopped bay leaves, pour a glass of vodka over them. Leave the mixture in a dark place for several days. Then rub into the sore area if necessary.
  2. Honey cake . Combine 100 grams of honey and flour. Place the resulting flatbread on the lower back, secure on top with cling film and a bandage. It is best to do this at night.
  3. Ointment from hop cones . Take crushed hop cones and mix them with a small amount of butter. Rub the resulting ointment into the sore spot as needed.
  4. Warm bath. Prepare a warm bath (not hot!) with sea salt and a decoction of oak bark, calamus and chestnut roots. Take it for 15-20 minutes.

    A warm herbal bath can help with lower back pain

  5. Rub the pinched area with fir oil or tincture of valerian roots .
  6. Cold and hot compresses . Sometimes cold compresses or ice packs can help with a pinched nerve. They must be applied every 6 hours for 10-15 minutes. You can alternate them with hot compresses, but only outside the period of exacerbation.

Massage course

When a nerve is pinched in the lower back, massage is very helpful, which can also be done at home.

You can do light self-massage of the lower back 3 times a day for 10 minutes using stroking, without touching the spinal column. You need to massage the entire lower back and upper buttocks area. The pain center should be massaged with clockwise pressure.

Acupressure is also used , based on the stimulation of biologically active points. This procedure should be carried out only by a competent specialist, so as not to harm the body even more.

Vacuum cupping massage will effectively eliminate even severe pain and inflammation

There are many positive reviews when using cupping massage. This is a safe type of massage that you can do yourself at home. As a result of this procedure, blood circulation and lymphatic drainage improve, swelling and pain are relieved.


Gymnastics is aimed at working out the lumbar region of the back. When the lumbar nerve is pinched, the following therapeutic exercises are helpful:

  1. Get on all fours, arms should be straight. Smoothly lower your buttocks onto your heels. Next, lean forward, fully straightening your legs, and bend at the waist, throwing your head up. Repeat 10-12 times.
  2. From the same position, swing your shins left and right. In this case, the toes of the feet should be directed downwards, but not touching the floor. The axis of rotation is the knees. As a result, the lumbar region should be in motion. Repeat 10-15 times in each direction.
  3. Position on all fours. Gently lower your pelvis to the left and right sides. At the same time, the knees should not come off the floor, the feet should be on the surface. Try to touch your thigh to the floor, but if it hurts, reduce the tilt. Do 10-15 times in each direction.
  4. Exercise "cat". Performed from the same position. Gently bend your lower back, throwing your head up. Then arch your back, tilting your head down. Repeat 10 times.
  5. Lie on your back. Bend your knees and lower them left and right. The feet should be motionless, but they can be slightly lifted off the floor when lowering the knees down.
  6. The starting position is the same. Take turns bringing each knee toward your chest by wrapping your arms around it. Repeat 15 times. Then pull both knees to your chest together 5 times.
  7. Lying on your back, clasp your knees with your hands and roll back and forth on your spine. Repeat 20 times.
  8. Do push-ups from the floor. You can do the classic version, or from the knees.

Exercises should be performed not only in the treatment of pinching, but also in the future to prevent and prevent attacks.

In the first days of exercise, avoid severe pain and discomfort.

Great article on the topic:

TOP 30 best exercises for sciatica: photo + video, at home, yoga

Video: Exercises for pinched lumbar nerve

Manual therapy

This treatment technique helps relieve muscle spasm, release a pinched nerve, and set the vertebrae in place. Sometimes in 2-3 sessions of manual therapy you can completely get rid of pinching .

Before the sessions, you need to take an x-ray and show the pictures to the chiropractor so that he can make a more accurate impact. The most difficult thing is to find a truly professional doctor, otherwise you can seriously harm your back.

Be sure to read: EVERYTHING about osteochondrosis of the lumbar spine: 30 symptoms, 30 treatment methods, diagnosis, how to cure quickly

Read more:

THE WHOLE TRUTH about manual therapy of the spine: what it is, techniques, indications and contraindications, reviews

Causes of pain

If nerve diseases are diagnosed, this means either neuralgia or neuritis. When first diagnosed, the nerve is irritated, sometimes quite strongly, by some external irritant. It can hurt quite noticeably, but there is no damage or destruction of the nervous tissue.

Causes of pinched sciatic nerve

With neuritis, which is both an independent pathology and the consequences of untreated neuralgia, the nerve is damaged or begins to deteriorate.

Table. Causes of neuralgia.

HypothermiaThis is called "cold back." Hypothermia of the lower back leads to inflammation of not only the nerve, but also nearby tissues.
InfectionWith it, inflammation also occurs, but it is caused not by hypothermia, but by the influence of microorganisms.
SqueezingCan occur mechanically for various reasons. During the compression process, the nerve is pinched and sends a pain signal to the brain.
Lack of essential substancesA lack of mineral or vitamin components present in the body can provoke neurological pain, as vitamin-mineral metabolism is disrupted, leading to a disruption in general metabolism.
Incorrect treatmentUnfortunately, such cases are not uncommon - the sciatic nerve may be damaged due to incorrect placement of an intramuscular injection, which is carried out in the gluteal region.

By the way. Directly related to the sciatic nerve is a pathology called sciatica. The nerve becomes pinched right at its point of insertion into the spine, where it originates. This is caused by pathologies of the vertebrae. With sciatica, the pain is always much stronger on the side of the lower back where the pinching occurred than on the symmetrical leg.


Why is the sciatic nerve pinched?

This phenomenon is common and can happen for a number of reasons. These include such global pathological processes as tumor growth and ordinary muscle spasms. The most common causes of a pinched nerve are as follows.

  1. The lumbar vertebrae degenerated and changed their structure due to hernial formations.
  2. The change in the shape of the vertebrae occurred due to osteochondrosis.
  3. The cause of the pathology was a spinal injury, due to which the vertebrae were displaced.
  4. Spondylosis has formed in the spine due to wear and tear of its segments.
  5. The person received severe physical activity, as a result of which swelling or inflammation occurred, causing muscle spasm.
  6. A tumor has formed in the spinal space.
  7. An abscess appeared near the spine, on the surrounding tissues.

What are the symptoms of intervertebral hernia

Very often, the sciatic nerve becomes pinched during pregnancy or after childbirth is over. Starting from the third trimester, the pelvic region of a pregnant woman in any case is compressed by the fetus, which is located in the multiply enlarged uterus. After childbirth, pinching occurs due to labor pains that cause spasms. Also, if the fetus is large, there may be birth injuries that cause hernia formations.

If you want to learn in more detail how to treat a pinched sciatic nerve, as well as consider the symptoms and features, you can read an article about this on our portal.


Acupuncture is a safe procedure for lower back pain.
Acupuncture is recommended for the patient during the recovery period after a pinched nerve. The treatment method is based on the impact of thin needles on biologically active points. This is a painless and safe procedure that has no contraindications.

A full course of acupuncture is 10-15 sessions. And the first positive results appear after just a few procedures. The average price of such treatment is 1,500 rubles. for 1 session.


Physiotherapeutic procedures are often prescribed by doctors for lower back pain. The benefits of the procedures include relieving pain, swelling, enhancing the effect of medications, and rehabilitation after back injuries.

Main types of physiotherapy:

  • Electrophoresis with drugs.

    How is electrophoresis performed?

  • Magnetotherapy.
  • Paraffin applications.
  • UHF therapy.
  • Phonophoresis.
  • Transcutaneous electrical neurostimulation.


Any disease, including pinched nerves in the lumbar region, is much easier to prevent than to eliminate its consequences later. It has been noted that people who lead an active lifestyle and regularly play sports are less susceptible to pinching than others. Therefore, daily exercises aimed at strengthening the muscle corset and stretching the lower back muscles are considered the main prevention of pathology. Other preventive measures include:

  1. Avoiding hypothermia of the back and lower extremities.
  2. A balanced diet with sufficient vitamins and minerals in food.

  1. Rejection of bad habits.
  2. Avoiding stressful situations.
  3. Timely treatment of any infectious diseases.

If you ignore lower back pain and do not treat pinched nerves, this can lead to various neuropathic changes, which are characterized by complex damage to the spinal nerve endings, which can ultimately cause temporary paralysis of the legs. Nerves are able to recover and gradually sensitivity and mobility can return, however, for this a person may need years of hard work. To prevent this condition, it is important that when the first back pain appears in the lumbar region, which may indicate a pinched nerve, you immediately consult a doctor and begin the treatment prescribed by him.


Surgery for a pinched nerve is very rarely prescribed. Main indications for surgical intervention:

  1. Intervertebral hernia in the lumbar spine in stage 3 or 4.
  2. Severe damage to the nerve roots.
  3. The appearance of osteophytes on the vertebrae, compressing the nerve endings.

This operation is called microdiscectomy, in which part of the damaged tissue is removed. Rehabilitation after surgery lasts from 2 weeks to 3 months.

Features of the structure of the cervical spine ↑

The cervical spine connects the head to the body and has a complex structure.

A large number of nerves and blood vessels, including the vertebral arteries that supply the brain, are very densely located in its canal.

The vertebrae of the cervical spine fit tightly to each other through the layers of intervertebral discs.

If the shock-absorbing ability of the discs in different places of the cervical spine is impaired, pinched nerves may occur, accompanied by motor disturbances and pain.

Treatment during pregnancy

If pain due to a pinched nerve during pregnancy does not disappear for a long time, then the following treatment methods are used:

  1. Painkillers. Pregnant women are allowed to use the following painkillers: Paracetamol, Fervex, Efferalgan, No-shpa.
  2. Manual therapy. This method will reduce pressure on the nerve roots and reduce pain.
  3. Massage with hot compresses. This procedure may slightly reduce lower back pain.
  4. Bath with salt. They can only be taken up to 3 months of pregnancy, and consultation with a doctor is required.
  5. Therapeutic exercises and yoga.

Video: exercises for pinched nerves during pregnancy

Signs and symptoms ↑

Depending on the location, pain is divided into:

  • cervicobrachialgia (pain in the arm and neck);
  • cervicalgia (neck pain).

In the cervical region compression is possible:

  • arteries (vertebrobasilar syndrome);
  • occipital nerve;
  • spinal cord and nerve roots.

In some cases, nerves (nerve roots) and blood vessels are pinched at the same time, resulting in decreased blood supply to a certain area, causing additional symptoms of cerebrovascular accident.

Fig.: arteries of the cervical spine

When any of the eight cervical nerves (their roots) are pinched, general and specific symptoms appear resulting from disruption of innervation and spasm of the vascular bed of the vertebral artery.

General symptoms manifest themselves in the form of cerebral signs and symptoms of local localization, the main ones being:

  • dizziness that occurs with a sudden change in body position (orthostatic dizziness);
  • headache, including migraine and pain in the back of the head;
  • numbness and tingling in one or both hands, wrists, or fingers;
  • pain along the entire length of the arm up to the thumb;
  • pain in the neck, shoulders and shoulder blades of a shooting, tearing, stabbing, or burning type;
  • increased fatigue;
  • decreased performance;
  • memory impairment;
  • decreased muscle tone in the arms;
  • mild paralysis and paresis;
  • in severe cases - disruption of the innervation of the oral cavity with speech impairment, swelling of the mucous membranes and difficulty swallowing.

How to prevent a pinched nerve

If you follow all the recommendations, you can prevent the recurrence of the infringement, right up to its complete disappearance. Neurologists advise adhering to the following preventive recommendations:

  1. Sleep only on a medium-hard orthopedic mattress.
  2. Avoid drafts and hypothermia.
  3. Swim in the pool at least 3 times a week, but not during the acute period.
  4. During the first few days of pinching, you should not warm up your lower back or go to the bathhouse. Overheating will only worsen the patient's condition, causing severe inflammation. But warming procedures can be carried out during remission, as well as for the prevention of spinal diseases.
  5. Always watch your posture, even just while walking. This will allow you to correctly distribute the load on the spinal column.
  6. Walk outdoors for at least 30 minutes every day. This will strengthen the joints and tendons.
  7. Lift weights correctly. To do this, you need to sit down and carefully stand up with the object with a straight back. But it is generally not recommended to lift any weights, since this is one of the main risk factors for a pinched nerve in the lower back.

    How to lift weights correctly

  8. Do not lead a sedentary or sedentary lifestyle. The more you move, the stronger your muscle corset will be, which will completely eliminate exacerbations of any spinal diseases.
  9. If possible, eat as little salty, fatty, fried and spicy foods as possible. Eliminate sweets and starchy foods.
  10. Avoid colds, and if they do appear, treat them as soon as possible.
  11. Regularly perform therapeutic exercises aimed at strengthening the spine.
  12. 2 times a year, perform a therapeutic back massage for 10-12 sessions.
  13. If possible, try to avoid stress and nervous tension.

Video: What to do if a nerve is pinched

Summarize. When a nerve is pinched in the lower back, a person experiences sharp and sudden pain. One of the main reasons is lumbar osteochondrosis, which not only leads to pinching, but also to intervertebral hernia.

There are quite a few treatment methods, but it is recommended in any case to consult a neurologist so that he can prescribe the correct treatment regimen . And in order to prevent the recurrence of acute symptoms, you should strictly follow all preventive advice.

Which of the following treatment methods, in your opinion, is the most effective? Share in the comments!

Causes of inflammation and pinching of the sciatic nerve

The real cause of pinching or inflammation of the sciatic nerve in medicine is considered to be a temperature or mechanical factor.

Among the first, hypothermia , and the second includes osteochondrosis , vertebral displacements and hernias . The influence of Reiter's syndrome, infectious pelvic diseases, significant tumors and others cannot be excluded.

And in our article you will be able to consider one of the theoretical causes of pinching of the sciatic nerve, which, according to many medical specialists, was considered the true factor for the appearance of neuralgia. If you very quickly find out the cause of the disease, then, naturally, its elimination becomes easier.

Probably, many have already realized that the treatment of this problem always comes down to only temporary pain relief.

With a little hypothermia, sudden lifting of weight or movement, the clinical symptoms of neuritis immediately appear, and you again wonder how to cure this annoying disease.

The consciousness of each person is not able to control changes in muscle tone, both the gluteal, dorsal and piriformis muscles, which lead to vertebral pain, as well as inflammation and pinching of the sciatic nerve. The patient can tense these muscles himself, but he cannot relax them.

These processes are led by the brain, or, to be somewhat more precise, by its structures, which are responsible for the emotional sphere of the patient’s life, because the entire skeletal system, the system of internal vessels and organs receive commands from the brain stem and, accordingly, the hemispheres.

By the way, it is a well-known fact that absolutely every positive emotion that is formed in the brain affects muscle relaxation, while a negative one has just the opposite effect, contributing to involuntary strong tension. Even negative feelings that are short enough in time can bring muscle tissue and the cell itself into a state of highest activity.

In women and men, in addition to gender differences, there is a fairly significant difference in the structure of the brain, which causes different types of localization of pain when the sciatic nerve is pinched. A larger number of women, approximately eighty percent of patients, feel discomfort mainly on the right side of the thigh, foot, lower leg, knees and buttocks, and with men it’s just the opposite. This percentage of male patients report pain in the same way on the left side.

This explanation is quite simple: in women the right hemisphere functions much better, and in men the left hemisphere functions much better. A stressful situation in men sends signals to the left hemisphere, and in women, naturally, to the right. Absolutely any change in the emotional background: stress, bad mood, worries, negative thinking in men is displayed on the left side in the form of pinching of the left sciatic nerve, in women, as you already understood, on the right.

Doctors who specialize in the field of neuralgia have long ago begun to notice that people who have stressful situations, who are dissatisfied with their work and with themselves, are most susceptible to inflammatory exacerbation in the sciatic nerve, and treatment of the disease does not bring any success at all. However, as soon as things get better for a person (anyone), problems are instantly solved, the internal state is in peace and harmony, so to speak, for a long time, the patient naturally changes his place of work and fully enjoys life and rests - the pinching itself calms down in this case.

If you now analyze your life, and in addition to this, take into account what was written above, as well as the problems and psycho-emotional state that have overtaken you recently, then you can already find out what caused the disease - pinched sciatic nerve. Probably, if you calm your nervous state by switching to only the positive, you will definitely be able to overcome this unpleasant illness - pinched sciatic nerve.

There are provoking factors that significantly influence the diagnosis of pinched sciatic nerve, and the main subsequent factors among which:

  1. Infections that have a significant effect on the nervous system include:
  2. herpes zoster;
  3. tuberculosis.
  4. Multiple sclerosis;
  5. Metabolic and circulatory disorders associated with alcoholism and diabetes;
  6. Intoxication, poisoning (drugs, toxins released by malignant tumors, heavy metals, poisons);
  7. Infectious and allergic reactions of the body;
  8. Hypothermia, heavy sports, physical activity, injury and pinching.

Of course, all this does not arise immediately, because all this should be facilitated by a fairly serious explanation, or more precisely, the reasons that naturally influence the formation of this pinching. Basically, according to average statistics, elderly patients often suffer from such a disease as pinched sciatic nerve, because this disease occurs under the influence of pathological changes and several factors at once.

A pinched nerve in the back during pregnancy is quite easy to explain, because the already formed fetus puts pressure on the internal organs. It is during the last trimester, when the child lowers his head to the bottom (pelvis), that quite severe pain appears that can radiate even to the lower extremities. All these pains accompany the expectant mother until childbirth, where she will have to pass another most important pain exam, but even after this, in some cases, pain may remain after childbirth.

Treatment of the sciatic nerve

Treatment of this disease associated with pinched or inflammation of a nerve should be trusted only to a highly qualified specialist or a sufficiently experienced neurologist.

How to cure such an ailment as a pinched sciatic nerve? Based on all possible diagnostic results, your attending physician will prescribe you quite effective therapy, which includes:

  • Reflexology

    or massage to prevent muscle wasting, improve your lymph flow, restore nerve function and reduce pain. It is quite effective at the stage when the disease subsides, or rather, acute inflammation calms down;

  • Mineral and vitamin complexes

    in treatment to improve blood circulation processes, as well as muscle relaxation;
  • In case of very acute inflammation, the patient must be placed on bed rest on a very hard bed, accordingly, with the restriction of absolutely any physical activity. It all depends on the body’s requirements: the patient can be helped by even alternating application of a heating pad and ice, or only ice cubes, which must be massaged into the area where the pain is localized;

  • Therapeutic (special) gymnastics for a pinched nerve

    , which consists of basic exercises, for example, pelvic rotation, stretching, walking on the buttocks, cycling, have a fairly positive effect on tissues and muscles during this remission;
  • Analgesic and anti-inflammatory therapy and treatment . Before starting treatment (with medication), if your sciatic nerve is pinched and you want to resort to the use of some medications, you need to carefully study with your doctor the contraindications and side effects that medications have in large quantities.

If pinched, you may be prescribed a drug such as Diclofenac for an anti-inflammatory effect, or Ketorolac, Ortofen, Ibuprofen and other drugs. If the drugs do not help the patient, then he should be given injections into the sciatic nerve for lightning-fast penetration of the drugs to the nerve. However, this is very difficult, so these injection sessions must be carried out by a highly qualified specialist.

In order to reduce pain when pinched, it is possible to use various types of external substances. The list of these substances includes ointments, for example, Virapin, Naftalgin, Finalgon and others;

  • Physiotherapy

    , includes mainly UHF therapy, electrosleep and electrophoresis. Thanks to the effect of these procedures on the body, blood circulation improves, pain tends to fade, swelling is relieved, but you will not get rid of all this completely, because the procedures only temporarily remove pain, but they do not eliminate the cause itself.

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