Treatment of the sciatic nerve with medications and injections

Inflammation of the sciatic nerve is the most popular disease in neurology. And injections for inflammation of the sciatic nerve are the most effective method of treatment.

Acute shooting pain of a burning or pulling nature in the leg, numbness or loss of the ability to move, as well as pinching - such symptoms are often evidence of sciatica (inflammation in the sciatic nerve).

Unfortunately, most patients seek help late, preferring to treat themselves.

Inflammation of the nerve causes acute pain in the back

Most often, as an effective therapy, a doctor prescribes injection medications for sciatica. Home remedies also help a lot. All medications and procedures for treatment should be prescribed only by a doctor.

In the article we will tell you what inflammation of the sciatic nerve is, symptoms, causes, how to provide first aid, which injections are the most effective.

What ointments can be used

When the sciatic nerve is pinched in the leg, you can use different types of ointments. Some of them should not be used in the acute phase of pain. We are talking about ointments and creams with irritating substances and components. They can be applied only after the acute process has subsided.

These drugs are divided into several types. Depending on the cause and course of the disease, the doctor may prescribe the patient one of the drugs that belongs to one of the following groups:

  • non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs);
  • warming up;
  • homeopathic;
  • combined;
  • chondroprotectors.

Not all ointments can be applied during an exacerbation of the disease.
Remember that full-fledged drug treatment cannot consist only of rubbing with ointments.

Complex therapy (injections, tablets, therapeutic exercises and physiotherapy) should be prescribed only by a qualified neurologist.

When to see a doctor, diagnosis

A person can live for a long time with moderate symptoms of inflammation of the sciatic nerve, minor pain in the lower extremities or lumbar region, without resorting to the help of a specialist. This is understandable, since the disease is not life-threatening, although it does bring considerable discomfort. But it is necessary to treat this pathology, since in the process of development it can cause disability .

In addition, sudden paroxysmal pain may be evidence of the development of a more serious problem, and not just a pinched nerve ending. Similar symptoms are often observed with spinal injury and the development of tumors.

In the process of diagnosing sciatica, this disease must be separated from pain caused by tumors in the spinal column, multiple myeloma, ankylosing spondylitis, and spondylitis.

If signs similar to sciatica are detected, you should consult a neurologist. To begin with, the doctor conducts a survey of the patient: collects information about symptoms, the nature of pain, and anamnesis.

MRI is the best diagnosis for sciatica

Most often, to make a diagnosis (inflammation of the sciatic nerve), ultrasound of internal organs, CT, MRI and X-ray examination are performed. These procedures help determine the degree of infringement of the endings or the extent of inflammation.

The safest diagnosis is ultrasound, since it does not irradiate the patient’s body. What exactly to use to accurately diagnose the disease is decided by the attending physician.

Injections during pregnancy

Pregnant women should not self-medicate. It is necessary to consult a doctor as soon as possible to obtain the correct treatment regimen. Expectant mothers are often prescribed:

  • No-shpa (Drotaverine). This is an antispasmodic drug that can relieve minor pain.
  • Actovegin. This remedy improves the condition of the vascular system and accelerates the patient’s recovery.

Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs

These gels and creams are effective for various types of inflammatory processes. They are used not only to treat sciatica. For example, they help well with inflammation of the trigeminal nerve. If you apply the medicine to the affected area, its active substance immediately penetrates the skin into the tissue, relieving swelling and pain.

It is recommended to use any of these drugs for no more than three weeks. These include:

  1. Diclofenac (analogues: Voltaren emulgel, Ortofen)
    . Inexpensive gel, also available in ointment form. The main drug included in its composition is diclofenac sodium. Has no color, transparent or with a yellowish tint, uniform consistency. It is applied to clean skin two or three times a day and gently rubbed until completely absorbed. The maximum course of treatment is two weeks. Price - from 50 rub.

    Diclofenac ointment has a good effect and a low price

  2. Ibuprofen . Viscous, opaque white ointment. It has a specific smell and thick consistency. It should be applied in a strip of 5 to 10 cm and also rubbed in until completely absorbed. The maximum course of treatment is 21 days. Costs from 40 rubles.
  3. Piroxicam . Light yellow gel with a glossy tint. It is applied to clean skin by squeezing it out of the tube. After application, rub lightly and apply a compress. Price - from 150 rub.
  4. Nise gel . Transparent yellow gel. Squeeze a small strip onto the skin and spread it evenly. No need to rub. Apply 3 times a day. Costs from 200 rub.

After using any product, be sure to wash your hands with warm water and soap.

Be sure to read this good article:

TOP 12 methods of drug treatment for sciatica, list of the best drugs

Types of drugs

Each medication has a specific effect and restrictions on use. As a result, self-medication is prohibited. Prescription of medications must be carried out by a doctor. Treatment is necessary to prevent the disease from becoming chronic.

At the initial stage of the disease, painkillers will help cope with the symptoms . Injections are often prescribed in the presence of stomach diseases or individual characteristics of the patient. The effect of injections appears much faster than when taking pills.

Injections for inflammation of the sciatic nerve act faster than tablets

If sciatica has worsened, you need to relieve pain as much as possible through medications and only then use other therapeutic methods.

When pinched in the sciatic nerve, injectable drugs of some groups are used as treatment, which are administered intramuscularly, intravenously and into the epidural space. The drug, entering directly into the blood, has an analgesic effect quite quickly. It is important not to exceed the permissible dose, otherwise it can lead to problems with the heart and vascular system.

Injections for sciatica can be done at home with the permission of your doctor . The most common types of drugs:

  1. Analgesics. Used for severe pain. Does not relieve inflammation.
  2. Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs). Often prescribed. Eliminate inflammation, pain, swelling and high body temperature.
  3. Muscle relaxants. Placed simultaneously with NSAIDs. Reduce muscle spasms.
  4. Steroid drugs. Prescribed when there is no effect from other types of medications. Good at reducing inflammation and pain.
  5. B vitamins. Improve nerve conduction, metabolism, swelling and pain.
  6. Blockades. Used only in emergency cases to relieve severe pain.

Be sure to read: TOP 60 injections for hernia of the lumbar spine: list, names, which are better

Excellent article in continuation : TOP 50 injections for back and lower back pain: list of the best


There are two types of drugs in this group: narcotic, sold only upon presentation of a special prescription, and non-narcotic. These remedies are excellent for relieving pain, but they do not affect their source. Do not irritate the stomach lining.

The following medications will help alleviate the patient’s condition:

  1. Analgin is a drug from the NSAID group, but its anti-inflammatory effect is quite insignificant. Price from 60 rub.

    Analgin can relieve severe pain

  2. Spazmalgon - from 350 rub.

Such medications are not suitable for course therapy. It is recommended to install them no more than 5 days in a row.

Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs

These are the first choice drugs for sciatica. These medications cope with the inflammatory process and swelling in the nerve tissues. They also help neutralize enzymes that stimulate the production of prostaglandins (substances that are responsible for pain). However, NSAIDs have strong negative effects on the gastrointestinal tract.

The most commonly prescribed NSAIDs are:

  1. Ketorolac. A very powerful remedy that eliminates severe pain. Costs from 70 rub.

    Ketorolac is a potent remedy for back pain.

  2. Indomethacin - from 60 rub.
  3. Meloxicam. Has few side effects. Price - from 150 rub.
  4. Diclofenac (Ortofen, Dikloberl). This is a cheap and effective drug. Costs from 50 rubles.
  5. Voltaren. Contains diclofenac sodium. It has a stronger effect than Diclofenac. Placed in the first 1-2 days of exacerbation. Price from 300 rub.
  6. Movalis. Relatively safe drug. Can be used for a long time. Costs from 750 rub.
  7. Ketorol - from 130 rub.
  8. Arthrozan. This is a new generation NSAID. The course of injections consists of 7 injections. After just three injections the patient feels much better. Price from 350 rub.

    Arthrozan is well tolerated by patients

For sciatica, during the first few days of therapy, anti-inflammatory drugs are used in injection form, then tablets from the same group are prescribed.

Hormonal corticosteroids

The purpose of hormonal drugs is to eliminate swelling in tissues and locally reduce the inflammatory process. Glucocorticosteroids are often used as a therapeutic blockade. May cause serious side effects. Do not use for more than 5-7 days.

For sciatica, the following remedies are most often prescribed:

  1. Kenalog - from 550 rub.
  2. Prednisolone - from 40 rub.
  3. Diprospan. Can be combined with other painkillers. Costs from 250 rub.
  4. Hydrocortisone - from 150 rub.
  5. Dexamethasone - from 70 rub.

    Dexamethasone is a powerful remedy for inflammation and pain

The result can be noticed immediately after the drug is administered, and the effect lasts for a long time. However, to avoid possible consequences, you should consult a specialist before starting to use corticosteroids.

Corticosteroids should not be used without the permission of your doctor.

Muscle relaxants

With sciatica, the muscles in the affected area spasm. To cope with this condition, the doctor prescribes the use of centrally acting muscle relaxants. Such drugs are characterized by a mild analgesic effect and an increase in motor volume in the joint tissue. It cannot be used for a long time, since muscle relaxants depress the central nervous system. Only a doctor can determine the exact treatment regimen.

Most often, for inflammation of the sciatic nerve, the doctor prescribes the use of:

  1. Mydocalm is a medicine in an injection solution that is injected into the muscle. This medication contains lidocaine (a local anesthetic) as an auxiliary component.

    Mydocalm in ampoules enhances the effect of painkillers

  2. Diazepam (Relanium) is a tranquilizer that has a pronounced muscle relaxant and anticonvulsant effect. The drug is prescribed by a neurologist if the case is especially severe and only for use in a hospital.

Muscle relaxants should not be used for a long time, since they have a depressant effect on the central nervous system . The doctor determines the duration of therapy and the dose of medication.


When the sciatic nerve is pinched and other pathologies of the central nervous system, the patient is prescribed vitamins from group B. In half of all cases, side effects appear. Thanks to these medications:

  • destructive processes slow down;
  • inflammatory and pain symptoms decrease;
  • blood circulation in the affected area improves;
  • damaged nerve tissues are restored;
  • metabolism returns to normal.

For this purpose, you can purchase vitamin B1, B6 and B12 separately and undergo a course of treatment.

  1. Milgamma. The product is produced in injection form and injected into the muscle. This preparation contains B vitamins with lidocaine. Price from 350 rub.
  2. Kombilipen, Compligam V. These are cheaper Russian analogues of Milgamma. Cost from 200 rub.

    Combilipen is a popular remedy for relieving back and lower back pain.

  3. Neuromultivitis, Neurobion. After pain symptoms are relieved, it is recommended to switch to taking these multivitamins. They do not contain anesthetics. Cost from 250 rub.

Be sure to read: Sciatica: what is it, 15 symptoms, 10 treatment methods (injections, tablets, ointments, suppositories)

Narcotic analgesics

If the pain cannot be relieved with NSAIDs and analgesics, then doctors prescribe narcotic painkillers. They should only be prescribed by a doctor. They are addictive and are sold strictly with a prescription. Typically, treatment is carried out in a hospital under the supervision of doctors.

  1. Tramadol. This is a strong drug from the opioid group. It quickly relieves even unbearable pain. After the injection, the effect lasts for a long time.
  2. Morphine. A potent analgesic that causes drowsiness.

Novocaine blockade

To quickly restore muscle tone, relieve spasms, and subsequently normalize motor activity, a lidocaine or novocaine blockade is performed. During the procedure, the medicine is injected into the most painful and dense points in the direction from the gluteal muscle to the shoulder blades. The painful symptom goes away within 10-15 minutes.

Injections can be given no more than 4 times every 30 days. This is an emergency remedy that does not affect the cause of inflammation.

Novocaine blockade is an emergency remedy for very severe pain.
The blockade has the following advantages:

  • quickly relieves pain:
  • acts specifically in the inflamed area;
  • relieves spasms of muscles and blood vessels;
  • has a small number of adverse reactions (allergic reactions are possible).

In some cases, epidural anesthesia is performed. This injection is placed in the area of ​​the sciatic nerve root. In this case, the pain completely disappears for the duration of the blockade.

Pain blockades should only be placed by a competent doctor in a medical institution.

Homeopathic medicines

This type of medicine is popular among patients due to its natural composition, low number of side effects and contraindications. You cannot treat yourself with homeopathic remedies.

Interesting! In medical circles, homeopathy is considered pseudoscience, and the effectiveness of such medicines has not been officially confirmed.

  • Traumeel C – from 750 rub.
  • Target T – from 1100 rub.
  • Discus compositum – from 1400 rub.

Warming up

Warming drugs increase blood circulation at the site of inflammation. These substances are intended for use in the subsiding phase of the inflammatory process. Once in the blood, they prevent stagnation and help reduce pain impulses.

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The active ingredients that are included in their composition are camphor, turpentine, peppermint. At the pharmacy you can buy ointments with the following names:

  • Viprosal B - from 250 rubles;
  • Finalgon - from 320 rubles;
  • Nicoflex - from 310 rubles;
  • Capsicam - from 300 rub.

Warming ointments should always be applied with a special applicator.
There are also turpentine ointments with camphor. They have a very strong smell. It is inexpensive - from 30 rubles. They should not be applied to the skin if it has wounds or allergies. These are products that have an instant warming effect, but they must be used very carefully. Where to apply the ointment - just apply it to the sore spots and rub in until absorbed.

If the skin reacts to the use of warming ointments with a rash or burning sensation, you should not apply them to the lower back.

Homeopathic remedy

Which ointment helps without causing side effects? Among homeopathic remedies, the German company offers Traumeel S gel (price from 500 rubles) . It quickly brings relief to patients suffering from osteochondrosis, pinched sciatic nerve and other diseases of the spine.

Traumeel S is a good homeopathic ointment

The drug contains several herbal extracts. This gel has a gentle effect: it relieves lower back pain, restores metabolic processes and has no contraindications. It can be used by patients with diabetes mellitus and peptic ulcer pathologies, but before use, consultation with a doctor is necessary.


Combined products are ointments that contain two components. One of them is anti-inflammatory, the other is warming. The warming component expands small blood vessels, increasing microcirculation in areas of inflammation. Thanks to this, healing substances quickly penetrate into the painful area and begin their effect.

Using combined ointments, you can relieve severe pain within one to three minutes.

One of the best drugs of this type is Dimexide gel (costs from 200 rubles) . Its active component, dimethyl sulfoxide, has a rapid analgesic effect. It can be applied to the back, and in case of severe pain, applications can be made.

Dimexide gel is an effective pain reliever for severe pain

It happens that in women, inflammation of the sciatic nerve occurs during pregnancy. If this happens, you can use an ointment called Dexpanthenol (price - from 120 rubles). It effectively removes inflammation and relieves pain, and also contains B vitamins, which help improve metabolism and rapid tissue regeneration.

What is inflammation of the sciatic nerve

Sciatica is a syndrome that is accompanied by severe pain in the area of ​​the sciatic nerve. Most often, pain occurs due to infringement of the spinal canal receptors in the lower back or certain areas in the nerve itself.

In most cases, this disease manifests itself in the presence of spinal osteochondrosis.

Osteochondrosis always accompanies inflammation of the nerves in the lower back

Various factors can provoke infringement of receptors in the spinal cord and in the nerves themselves, and therefore the syndrome often manifests itself with various symptoms. Currently, the term “sciatica” refers specifically to the syndrome. A disease that manifests itself with a similar symptom is radiculitis of the lumbosacral region.


Chondroprotectors contain chondroitin. This is a substance that is part of the ligaments, cartilage and discs of our spine. Ointments - chondroprotectors prevent destruction of the ligamentous apparatus and restore damaged connective tissue:

  • Teraflex - from 400 rub.;
  • Honda - from 150 rubles;
  • Chondroxide - from 400 rubles;
  • Chondroitin - from 80 rub.

Chondroxide will help restore damaged cartilage tissue.
They are prescribed not only for pinched nerves in the lower back, but also for other inflammatory diseases of the spinal column.

It is interesting that in medical circles there has been debate for a long time about the effectiveness of the use of chondroprotectors in the treatment of diseases of the spine and joints.

List of the most effective ointments

Based on the recommendations of neurologists and patient reviews, we have compiled a list of the best drugs that people use most often. So, what ointments help you quickly get rid of pain and inflammation:

  • Finalgon . They rub it on sore spots, including the back of the thigh, when the pain radiates to the leg. Regular use helps reduce pain and inflammation;
  • Viprosal V. Warming ointment. It contains bee venom. When used correctly, it “warms” the sore spot and improves blood circulation in the pelvic organs, preventing congestion. Helps well with hypothermia;
  • Dolobene . This is a combined gel that is a good substitute for compresses with dimexide. Warms and relieves pain, improves blood circulation and metabolism in the affected areas. Costs from 500 rubles;
  • Flexen . This soft gel is classified as an NSAID (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug). Like Diclofenac, it effectively relieves inflammation and swelling, helping to reduce pain. Price from 300 rub.;
  • Carmolis . Safe ointment. It contains a whole complex of plant oils. Relieves pain and inflammation well. Costs from 600 rub.

Be sure to read: EVERYTHING about the Versatis patch with lidocaine: instructions for use, price, reviews, analogues

All drugs are freely sold in pharmacies, but it is not recommended to use them without a doctor’s prescription.

First aid

If you experience acute, burning or cutting pain in the lumbar region, you should initially call a doctor at home. If you act carefully and follow some recommendations, you can prevent the development of exacerbation of the pathology.

Basic rules of first aid:

  1. While waiting for the doctor, it is recommended to lie down on a hard surface with your feet on a special stand or high pillow. This will help relieve stress from your back and relax your muscles. Little by little the pain will ease.
  2. Take 2 tablets of Analgin, Ketorolac or Ibuprofen. Rub your back with pain-relieving ointment (Voltaren, Viprosal, Fastum gel).
  3. Immobilize your lower back with a warm scarf or a special wool belt.

    Secure your lower back with a wool belt

  4. You can get rid of acute pain by alternating ice and a hot heating pad in the affected area. The main thing is that there is no inflammation at the site of the lesion.
  5. When the doctor comes, you need to describe all the signs clearly and in as much detail as possible. This will help the doctor correctly prescribe a course of therapy.

Folk remedies

Treatment of pinched sciatic nerve should be under the supervision of a neurologist. In the stage of subsidence of the inflammatory process, you can use folk remedies. At home, they are combined with complex drug therapy.

One of the time-tested remedies is horse chestnut seeds. You need to take two teaspoons of seeds, pour 0.5 liters of boiling water and heat in a water bath. After 10-20 minutes, remove the infusion from the stove, filter and cool. It should be taken once a day, 100 ml.

Physiotherapeutic devices also help well with many diseases of the spine and joints, relieving the symptoms of diseases after just a few procedures. Prominent representatives are Almag-01, Denas, Vitafon.

You can also pour boiling water over two teaspoons of calendula flowers. They should be infused for two hours, then strained and drunk 100 ml 2-3 times a day.

Natural beeswax is one of the effective folk remedies for the treatment of the sciatic nerve. It is melted in a “bath”. When it becomes soft, make a wide cake from it and apply it to the sore spots, fixing it with polyethylene. This compress is made at night, leaving it until the morning.

All compresses and “hot” procedures can only be done at normal body temperature and satisfactory general health.

Another old recipe for a compress: scald a cabbage leaf with boiling water and apply to the lower back. Tie it with a wool scarf and keep the “poultice” for 2 hours.

The Kuznetsov or Lyapko applicator is a good method for reducing spasms and pain at home. If you lie on the mat constantly, you can prevent the recurrence of pinching.

If you are feeling well overall, give yourself a bath of pine needles. It is better to use young pine or spruce needles. They need to be boiled in a separate saucepan and allowed to brew for a couple of hours. Pour the warm infusion into the bath. The procedure time is 10-15 minutes. Pine baths relax muscles, relieve inflammation, calm the nervous system and have a general healing effect on the entire body.


The main cause of the pathology lies in the pinching of nerve receptors. This condition can occur under the influence of the following factors:

  1. Intervertebral hernia. Rupture of the fibrous ring leads to disruption of the functions of the nucleus pulposus - the shock absorber of the spinal column during movement, as well as its displacement. When a vertebra protrudes, the nerve endings in the sciatic nerve are pinched, which causes the onset of the inflammatory process. The risk is that painful manifestations of a hernia signal the neglect of the disease, which sometimes requires surgery.
  2. Osteophytes on the bone structure due to arthrosis and osteochondrosis. Such growths form in places where the vertebrae are connected. Osteophytes infringe on the nerve endings in the sciatic nerve, and the development of the inflammatory process begins.

    Osteophytes can lead to sciatica

  3. Displacement of the elements of the spine in relation to each other (spondylolisthesis). This condition most often occurs as a result of spinal injury or a congenital defect.
  4. The transferred diseases of an infectious nature, as a rule, are not fully treated.
  5. Poisoning, intoxication. They can be of two types: internal - in case of diabetes mellitus or external - if toxic substances enter the body through food and drink.
  6. Neoplasms in the spinal column.
  7. Hypothermia.
  8. Inflammatory processes in the piriformis muscle.
  9. Carrying a child. A pregnant woman's center of gravity shifts, which causes pain in the lumbosacral region.
  10. Stress, nervous feelings, depressive states.

Be sure to read: Treatment of radiculitis at home: TOP 20 best methods and folk remedies

Non-drug treatments

The neurologist prescribes non-drug treatment methods after the patient’s health condition improves. These include:

  • massage;
  • acupuncture;
  • manual therapy;
  • a set of therapeutic exercises.

Great article on the topic:

Inflammation of the sciatic nerve (sciatica): TOP 50 methods of quick treatment at home


Sometimes it can be prescribed during an exacerbation of symptoms of a pinched nerve, but provided that they are moderate. There are relaxing and therapeutic massage complexes. During a relaxing massage session, a specialist gently massages sore areas. The muscles relax, the pain becomes less.

Therapeutic types of massage include a more intense effect on muscles and subcutaneous fat. They not only relax spasmed muscles, but also restore sensation in the leg on the affected side. The duration of one visit is 20-60 minutes.

At home, vacuum cupping massage has an excellent pain-relieving effect. With its help, muscle spasms and severe pain instantly disappear.

Vacuum cupping is a good method for treating pinching at home.


In the process of this pathology, damage to a large nerve is noted. As a result, its signs are quite clearly expressed. The main symptom of sciatica is severe pain localized in the lumbosacral region, buttocks, along the back of the thigh, up to the big toe.

Depending on the type of pinching, the pain may be slight, aching, throbbing or sharp. A notable sign of inflammation of the sciatic nerve is small lumbago and pain that appears in some parts of the body.

In this case, the development of pain of a girdling nature can be observed both in one leg and in both. Due to severe pain, the patient may lose the ability to move, sit and stand. When sitting, there is a burning sensation and a feeling of numbness in the back and lower extremities.

A notable symptom of sciatica is leg pain.

In addition, there may be a feeling of loss of sensitivity in the affected area. Almost every patient experiences pain in the lower extremities and impaired motor function. The person tilts his back to the healthy side, and the speed of movement decreases. The patient begins to bend his leg on the painful side.

The severity of symptoms, as well as its location, may vary. The pain can be aching or pulling. Sometimes severe pain leads to complete immobility of the patient. Movement during exacerbation of the disease can cause seizures.

Against the background of muscle spasms and pain, there is an increase in temperature. This may cause the lesion to become red. But attempts to reduce the temperature with the help of medications do not eliminate the cause of inflammation of the sciatic nerve.

During physical activity, lifting heavy objects, or coughing, the pain becomes worse.

With inflammation of the sciatic nerve, the pain intensifies with physical activity

With this disease, one is deprived of full life activity. In this regard, you should immediately be examined by a specialist and begin treatment for the pathology.

Manual therapy

Manual therapy is often confused with massage, but they are two different procedures. Massage therapists influence the skin, muscle and subcutaneous fat layers. Chiropractors deeply “work” certain muscle groups, realigning the joints and ligaments of displaced vertebrae into place.

Manual therapy is contraindicated in severe cases - for example, when the patient has a severe hernial protrusion with persistent and severe pain. In this situation, only surgical treatment methods can help.

The main thing when treating manual therapy is to find a qualified specialist so as not to cause harm.
Massage, acupuncture and manual therapy are manipulations that require a high degree of professionalism and responsibility from a person. You need to contact only professionals: it is both effective and safe for health.

Be sure to read: EVERYTHING about Mydocalm for back pain: injections, tablets, how to take it, does it help, reviews


Special physical exercises are prescribed only when the manifestations of inflammation subside. Traditional physical therapy, yoga, oriental qigong gymnastics, and exercises in the pool have proven themselves well. Physical exercises not only relieve muscle spasms and improve blood supply to the damaged nerve, they help strengthen the muscular frame of the back. This allows you to avoid exacerbations of the disease in the future.

There are several rules for performing exercise therapy exercises:

  • they are executed slowly;
  • sharp turns and jerks must be avoided;
  • if the pain intensifies, stop exercising;
  • alternate starting positions - standing, lying on your back, lying on your right and left side;
  • repeat each movement 5-6 times;
  • start with one round of exercises;
  • Gradually increase the number of approaches and the number of exercises per approach.

In each specific case, the doctor selects exercises individually and monitors their effect on the patient’s condition. The expansion of physical activity should also occur under the supervision of a specialist.

From a standing position, the patient slowly bends the torso to the sides, forward and backward. In cases where bending forward provokes increased pain, this exercise is excluded from the complex. Having adapted to the first exercises, you can begin walking with high knees and swinging your legs to the sides.

From the position of lying on his back, the patient begins to try to pull the toes of both legs towards himself. This exercise stretches the muscles in the back of the leg. It must be performed slowly, gradually increasing the intensity. If it is well tolerated, begin to move the foot in a clockwise direction, then in the opposite direction. After this, you should raise your legs bent at the knees up, and then straighten your legs.

Turning on his side, the patient continues to perform exercises for flexion and extension of the limbs. Similar movements can be performed while standing on all fours. Exercises in the pool are no less effective, since the patient has to simultaneously perform a certain movement and overcome the resistance of the water. It is better to start yoga under the supervision of an instructor.

Set of exercises

A set of therapeutic exercises is useful for all types of sciatica, including those resulting from infectious diseases. Like other techniques, physical therapy can be practiced only in the stage of remission or subsidence of the inflammatory process.

There are many different sets of exercises. It is better if the attending physician selects it. If the patient’s condition is satisfactory, the following movements help restore motor activity:

  • light stretching;
  • careful rotation of the pelvis;
  • “bicycle”, lying on the floor;
  • “gluteal” walking.

Patients are kept in bed only during the acute period of pathology. The sooner a person starts moving after an attack of sciatica, the better. Patients often ask doctors: “What should I put on my back to make it easier?” There are many ointments and gels, but without other treatment, movement and physical therapy, they may be ineffective.

Video: how to treat the sciatic nerve: result 100%

A set of exercises should be combined with a visit to the pool, mud baths, an active lifestyle and spa treatment.

Any ointment for a pinched sciatic nerve is an aid. Sciatica occurs with a wide range of diseases of the spinal column. Any pathology, as a rule, is accompanied by pain, symptoms of inflammation and requires immediate treatment with various drugs.

A pinched sciatic nerve is a painful and unpleasant condition. Anti-inflammatory ointments can temporarily “calm” the nerve, but to determine the cause of the pain syndrome, a comprehensive examination is required, followed by long-term treatment.

Which of the following treatment methods, in your opinion, is the most effective? Share in the comments!

Consequences and complications

If sciatica is treated incorrectly or in its absence, serious consequences can develop. The inflammatory process can cause stiffness of movement while walking, lameness, and inability to move the toes or feet.

For example, often a person with such a disease cannot stand on his toes or heels . In severe sciatica, the patient cannot stand, walk, or sit. Due to acute pain, neurosis, stress, fainting, and sleep dysfunction can develop. In addition, some muscles of the lower extremities may atrophy.

With sciatica, the patient cannot move normally

If the nerve processes that ensure the normal functioning of the pelvic organs are damaged, urinary function and bowel cleansing may be impaired.

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