Consequences and recovery after a stroke on the left side

The left side of the abdomen is numb

Of course, only a doctor can make an accurate diagnosis in each specific case; together with neurologist Anna Gorenkova and cardiologist Tamara Ogieva, we will try to outline the range of problems and understand emergency measures.
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The most common causes of numbness in body parts

Most often, so-called visceral pain develops in the left half of the abdomen. The nature of visceral pain is cramping, varying from subsiding to peak. The causes of pain can be errors in diet, alcohol intake and exposure to factors such as running, bumpy riding, etc. The severity of pain can be reduced by warming up or taking antispasmodics 1. Another type of pain is parietal pain. It differs significantly from the visceral one: it has a distinct localization in the abdominal area and is constant.

At the same time, antispasmodics do not help cope with it. Parietal pain may be accompanied by an increase in temperature, a worsening general condition, as well as an increase in the level of leukocytes 1, which indicates the development of an inflammatory reaction and the need for medical supervision.

In the left half of the abdomen, discomfort can occur in a number of pathological conditions. Determining the exact place where it hurts means getting the opportunity to understand the cause of the disease.

In some cases, if pain appears on the left side of the abdomen, urgent medical attention is needed. Dangerous symptoms that may indicate problems that require immediate medical attention include 1:. If the above symptoms of anxiety appear, you should immediately call an ambulance. In other situations, you should routinely consult a general practitioner or gastroenterologist. These doctors will prescribe a comprehensive diagnosis of pathological conditions that are accompanied by abdominal pain on the left.

It includes:. For example, taking antispasmodics. These drugs help cope with the main cause of abdominal pain, smooth muscle spasm, and relieve pain. At the same time, antispasmodic drugs do not have a direct analgesic effect, therefore, after taking them, the picture of acute pathologies requiring surgical intervention does not change.

But taking analgesics for abdominal pain can lead to masking of symptoms and aggravate the course of diseases 1. The active ingredient of the drug is drotaverine, which selectively blocks the enzyme phosphodiesterase, mainly located in the hollow organs of the abdominal cavity.

People all over the world have been taking it for several decades and rightfully consider No-shpu forte an expert drug for abdominal pain. Read more about the drug. About pain in the lower abdomen during menstruation. Characteristics of pain The nature of visceral pain is cramping, varying from subsiding to peak.

For example, with diseases of the pancreas, pain is concentrated in the upper abdomen. When the tail of the pancreas is affected, pain occurs in the left hypochondrium and can radiate to the lower back, often covering it 1. Pain appears or increases after eating and may be accompanied by other symptoms of inflammation of the pancreas, for example, nausea, vomiting, indigestion. Diseases of the sigmoid colon are accompanied by pain in the lower left abdomen or in the suprapubic region.

One of the most common pathologies of this disease is diverticulosis. In the acute course of the process, there may be an increase in temperature, abnormal stool, flatulence and other symptoms 3. Diseases of the urinary tract, for example, the formation of stones in the ureters, ureterolithiasis. They are determined by pain, which can manifest itself in the area of ​​the external genitalia, lumbosacral region, and the inner surface of the right thigh 1.

Irritable bowel syndrome IBS, which develops much more often in women than in men. Pain syndrome in IBS can range from intense cramping pain to minor discomfort. The characteristic localization is in the lower abdomen, most often in the left iliac region, but can spread to almost any part of the abdomen 4. In women, pain in the left part of the abdomen can signal diseases of the reproductive organs - adnexitis, endometriosis, ectopic pregnancy and others 5. Alarm signals In some In cases where pain appears on the left side of the abdomen, urgent medical attention is needed.

Dangerous symptoms that may indicate problems that require immediate medical attention include: 1: Sharp, acute pain that does not go away within 6 hours or longer Constantly increasing pain intensity Dizziness, weakness Decreased blood pressure Increased pulse Blood in vomit, kale.

Symptoms of pathology

In the presence of a left-sided stroke, it is important to notice the first manifestations. The following signs can be identified:

  1. Problems with the functionality of facial muscles. Usually the left corner of the mouth and eyes droop.
  2. Partial paralysis of the limbs. The functioning of internal organs located on the left side of the body is also disrupted.

Since it can be difficult to determine the presence of a stroke (the consequences of which are reflected on the left side of the body), and emergency care is provided late, a different clinical picture develops. Symptoms become more intense. The consequence of hemorrhage is paralysis of the eye and hearing problems. There is a disturbance in the perception of the left side of the head.

The patient also has other signs:

  • Disorientation in space and time.
  • Problems with memory, vision (one pupil will be larger than the other), touch and hearing.
  • Behavioral changes: increased aggression, which is difficult to explain, inappropriate reactions to events.
  • Violation of color perception.

Both ischemic and hemorrhagic strokes of both the left and right sides are characterized by impaired consciousness, vomiting, dizziness, and pain in the head. The victim has trouble breathing. Extensive hemorrhagic stroke has a high intensity of cerebral symptoms. The predominant signs are neurological, which depend on where the artery is affected.

It should be noted that in left-handed people with damage to the head on the right, a violation of spatial orientation may not occur.

Ischemic stroke of the left hemisphere is characterized by the following symptoms:

  1. Difficulty in performing simple household functions and self-care operations (a person can be paralyzed).
  2. Impaired functioning of the right half of the body.
  3. Changes in coordination.
  4. Pain on the right side of the body.
  5. Speech impairment (written and oral).

A wonderful specialist neurologist Mikhail Moiseevich Shperling will talk about the symptoms of the pathology:

The consequences of a stroke (in which the left side of the body suffers and the person is paralyzed) are very severe and difficult to eliminate. The fact is that after a rupture of an artery in a patient, a brain hematoma forms, which puts a lot of pressure on the tissue. At this time, cell death occurs, so the sooner help is provided, the fewer consequences will appear. However, a person can be paralyzed even if the therapy was carried out correctly. It all depends on where the vascular pool is damaged.

Types of numbness

When parts of the body go numb, the body reacts in this way to harmful environmental conditions. Sometimes the symptom manifests itself in more complex situations, during a stroke or atherosclerosis. Therefore, it is necessary to determine the types of ailment, when it relates to the body’s normal reaction to irritation and requires therapy; the participation of specialists is rarely required.

Let's figure out what kind of numbness you don't need to go to the hospital for:

  • Transient, lasting several minutes without repetition.
  • After prolonged sitting or lying down.
  • Minor tingling, goosebumps.

When you need specialist advice:

  • Symptoms recur from time to time.
  • Do not stop for a long period.
  • In addition to tingling, it is accompanied by a burning sensation, uncontrolled urination, and gagging.

Numbness of the first type often occurs due to prolonged immobility of the limbs. At first, the temperature may change, tingling appears after interaction with cold. If numbness does not disappear after massage procedures, you need to contact a specialist.

Multiple sclerosis

People who suffer from multiple sclerosis also sometimes experience numbness that is concentrated in certain parts of the body. Most patients initially complain of tingling in one area, most often the hands and feet, but as the disease progresses this sensation can spread to entire parts of the body.

Multiple sclerosis is a degenerative neurological disease in which the protective covering of the body's central nerves breaks down over time. It is an incurable disease, but using a number of different medications and making lifestyle changes allows patients to keep its symptoms, including numbness, under control.


Sitting, standing, or lying in one position for long periods of time can also sometimes cause numbness on one side of the body. People with limited mobility and those who work in environments that require standing in one position for long periods of time tend to be most at risk for this type of numbness, which is also a common complaint among chronically ill people and others who have to stand for long periods of time. stay in bed for a long period of time.

Changing the position and movement of a numb arm and leg often helps restore blood circulation, which makes it possible to return sensitivity to normal. People who have mobility problems or who remain bedridden for several months are usually advised to hire caregivers who can help them move from time to time.


Numbness often occurs as a result of compression of nerve fibers or poor blood circulation in tissues. This happens when a person does not change his position for a long time.

CNS disorders manifest themselves in a similar way. Unilateral paresthesia is considered an alarming sign. To eliminate this condition, it is necessary to carry out diagnostic procedures to determine what specifically provoked them.


Numbness of the limbs often occurs. Signs may appear temporarily or persistently and over a long period of time. Sometimes pain is felt, dizziness, weakness, movement and speech function are difficult, and pathologies develop.

When the limbs become numb due to pinching of nerve fibers or impaired blood supply, therapy is not used. In this situation, it is enough to change your position and rub the numb area. Often, numbness occurs due to hypothermia, in order to restore sensitivity, you need to warm up.

In other situations, numbness in the body does not disappear after changing posture or massaging. You should consult a doctor if this occurs constantly and is accompanied by other signs. It is necessary to be examined in a situation where numbness is felt after an injury.

Treatment methods

Treatment for numbness on the left side of the body usually requires a varied and somewhat dynamic approach, and tends to focus on controlling and treating the underlying condition. Loss of sensation in entire areas of the body rarely occurs without other problems.

Sometimes tingling goes away on its own, as is the case when immobility is the cause, but anyone experiencing numbness that doesn't go away but comes and goes with some regularity or gets worse over time, doctors usually recommend seeking help to determine the root cause.

Causes of numbness in limbs (video)


We list the diseases that cause numbness:

  • Radicular syndrome often causes paresthesia, with numbness occurring in the fingers or part of the upper limb, sometimes a burning sensation occurs, worsening at night.
  • Polyneuropathy occurs in patients with diabetes when, after a metabolic disorder, blood vessels and nerve fibers begin to deteriorate due to prolonged abnormally high concentrations of glucose. In such situations, numbness occurs symmetrically on both limbs.
  • Stroke is the most dangerous cause of this condition. Damage to the brain structures responsible for the functioning of individual parts of the body causes numbness. After a stroke, one side always fails, depending on the hemisphere in which the hemorrhage occurred. Other signs include motor dysfunction.
  • Neoplasms in the brain can compress organ tissue and impair normal functioning. Symptoms appear gradually.
  • Multiple sclerosis is a chronic disorder of the central nervous system, which is characterized by compression of fragments of nerve tissue. As a result, numbness appears, sensitivity worsens, and vision problems.

Numbness on the left side of the body: causes and treatment

“Paresthesia is a sensation of loss of sensation in an area of ​​​​the skin or tingling, localized along the pathways of the peripheral nerves.
An illness can be temporary or permanent,” this is the definition given by the compilers of a popular medical encyclopedia. Some people are alarmed by such problems, others do not attach any importance to it. However, in some cases, such ailments are symptoms of serious diseases. About the onset of the most dangerous of them (stroke, brain tumors, etc.)

) indicates numbness on the left side of the body.

Read here about ways to distinguish between temporary paresthesia resulting from prolonged sitting or lying down, about the consequences of the disease, methods of treating numbness on the left side of the body, and calculating its cause.

How does illness occur?

The cause of paresthesia is problems with the passage of impulses along the nerve processes. Skin numbness is caused by a disorder or damage to the nerve fibers. Without receiving a signal, the area of ​​the integumentary tissue loses sensitivity.

There are five main factors of illness that determine the nature of the disease. In other words, knowing which part of the body has lost sensitivity, it is easier to name the factor causing the symptom.

  1. The brain stops sending signals.

Such cases are very serious. The face or one half of the body is affected by paresthesia.

  1. Deviations in the functioning of the nervous system.

Pinched nerves make it difficult for signals to reach parts of the body. For this reason, various parts of the body can go numb: cheeks, chin, fingers, hips, knees.

  1. Problems with blood circulation.

When pinched, the vessels receive an insufficient amount of oxygen for the normal functioning of the body. This leads to loss of sensation in the body.

  1. Muscle cramps, making it difficult for impulses to pass through nerve endings.
  2. Substances that are harmful to the skin.

For example, if you drink alcohol excessively, your fingers may go numb. People whose profession requires contact with chemicals - shop workers, builders, metallurgists - are more susceptible to loss of sensitivity in their limbs.

In such cases, numbness of the body can occur under the influence of dangerous substances: arsenic, lead, mercury, solvents. A similar problem also occurs among visitors to the dental office.

If the filling material gets into the tooth canal, there is a possibility of loss of sensitivity in the area of ​​the lips, tongue, nose, and cheeks.

Types of Numbness

Numbness is, first of all, the body’s response to unfavorable environmental conditions. However, in some cases its appearance has more serious consequences.

Sometimes this is the first signal of diseases such as stroke or atherosclerosis.

Therefore, it is important to understand the types of ailment, when it is a natural reaction of the body to irritation and does not require treatment, and when medical intervention is necessary at the first appearance.

You do not need to see a doctor for numbness if:

  • Short-term (lasts a few minutes, does not repeat).
  • Unpleasant sensations appear after a long period of sitting or lying in an uncomfortable position.
  • Accompanied by a slight tingling sensation and goose bumps on the skin.

A doctor's consultation is required if numbness:

  • Repeat periodically.
  • Do not go away for a long time.
  • In addition to tingling, they are accompanied by burning, vomiting, involuntary urination, etc.

Numbness of the first type often occurs due to the body being in one position for a long time. So, after working for a long time at the monitor, sleeping in an uncomfortable position, tingling sensations arise, goosebumps appear, and sometimes the skin turns pale.

The second factor in such symptoms is a change in temperature - sometimes after a walk in the cold there is a tingling sensation in the face or fingers or toes.

If the numbness does not go away after the massage, you should consult a doctor, it may be frostbite.

It is worth diagnosing the body when paresthesia appears periodically, the unpleasant sensations do not go away within a few minutes, and are also accompanied by:

  • Redness or bluing of areas of the skin.
  • Vomiting, headache.
  • Swelling.
  • Loss of coherent speech.
  • Impaired motor functions of the limbs.
  • Uncontrolled urination and bowel movements.

These are warning signs of serious illness.

Doctors do not recommend delaying the first occurrence of numbness of unknown nature. In such situations, medical intervention is necessary, otherwise the patient's condition will begin to worsen.

Pathological numbness on the left side of the body

Numbness on the left side of the body is a symptom of three diseases. Most often, ailments are usually associated with a stroke. This disease occurs due to impaired blood circulation in the brain. The vessels that provide nutrients to the important organs of our body become clogged.

In some cases, a stroke causes bleeding directly into the brain or under its membranes. The main feature of paresthesias during stroke is their one-sided nature. This means that numbness on the right side of the body is also a symptom of this disease. The entire half of the body, including the face, or only the limbs is subject to paresthesia.

In addition to numbness, the disease is accompanied by speech impairment, changes in vision, and loss of coordination.

The unilateral nature of paresthesia is also a sign of a brain tumor and similar ailments (vascular aneurysms, dural hematomas). The main symptom of such ailments is their frequency: from time to time the pain arises and then subsides, accumulating intensity with each cycle.

Loss of sensitivity in the limbs is also observed when the central nervous system is disrupted - in patients with multiple sclerosis. Part of the membrane of the nerve endings of the brain is destroyed and begins to be replaced by connective tissue. As a result, the body becomes numb, the mobility of the limbs is lost, and vision deteriorates.

Less severe cases of paresthesia occur in people suffering from polyneuropathy and radicular syndrome. The first group of people most often includes diabetics. When glucose levels increase, they experience damage to peripheral nerves and blood vessels.

This is characterized by numbness in the periphery of the extremities (hands, fingers, feet). The second group includes patients with radiculitis. The disease causes pinching of nerves in segments of the spine and spinal cord. Parts of the limbs go numb: several fingers, a hand.

With radicular syndrome, patients experience a burning sensation in a numb part of the body, which intensifies at night.

Numbness can also occur due to Raynaud's syndrome, after recent operations and with vascular atherosclerosis.


If the body goes numb too often, you need to consult a specialist. First, it is necessary to identify the cause of such pathologies. To do this, you should carry out various procedures:

  • Take blood and urine tests.
  • Conduct a diagnosis of the condition of the spine, joints, brain, blood vessels.
  • Check your heart condition.

Now that you have determined the cause of the numbness, you need to take certain measures.

  • If a stroke is suspected, the patient should be hospitalized immediately. The sooner dangerous symptoms are detected, the greater the chance of successful treatment. 4-4.5 hours after the first signs of illness appear, brain disorders occur that can no longer be corrected.
  • If paresthesia is associated with a tumor in the brain, an MRI of the brain and ultrasound of the head and neck vessels should be performed. After this, you need to consult a doctor who will analyze the test results and draw up the necessary treatment program.
  • If the first signs of multiple sclerosis appear, the patient needs treatment in a neurological hospital under the strict supervision of a specialist. He will determine the stage of the disease and prescribe the necessary medications.
  • When there is a risk of polyneuropathy, it is necessary to take a fasting blood test and consult an endocrinologist. A neurologist will help cure radicular syndrome and refer you for the necessary examination of the problem area.


Any disease can be avoided through proper prevention. To prevent numbness, the first step is to find a couple of minutes of exercise.

A well-designed workout, in which static load alternates with dynamic load, helps to avoid pinched nerves, as well as numbness of body parts. It is ideal if exercise becomes a daily habit.

To reduce the risk of diabetes and atherosclerosis, it is important to eat right. It is better to limit the consumption of foods high in carbohydrates, enrich the diet with fiber and vitamins.

Malaise also occurs during rest hours, so take care to choose a comfortable place to sleep.


It is worth refraining from treating numbness with folk remedies. “Grandma’s recipes” have a superficial effect, only temporarily relieving discomfort. The problem may worsen in the future, so it is better to seek the help of a certified specialist.


Numbness is a signal of possible health problems. Don't despair and give up. This problem can be solved. Get tested, make an appointment with a doctor. And pay more attention to your body: play sports, get out into nature more often with friends and family. Enjoy life, and there will simply be no room left for illness.



Numbness on the left side of the body occurs most often in middle-aged people. At the same time, a burning sensation or coldness is felt. Causes may be congenital or acquired. Problems with sensitivity indicate the appearance of disorders of the nervous system, heart and blood vessels.

Paresthesia appears in the following conditions:

  • Heart attack.
  • Ischemic disorders.
  • Osteochondrosis.
  • Brain hemorrhage.
  • Problems with blood vessels in the head.

The ischemic disorder causes persistent numbness in the left limb. At the same time, pain in the sternum and heart is detected. The sensitivity of the left hand and forearm worsens. After a heart attack, my arms and left leg go numb. Trying to eliminate the symptoms on your own is undesirable; you need to seek help from a doctor.

You'll have to call an ambulance or go to the hospital. In case of such problems, a comprehensive examination by cardiologists and other specialists is carried out. With the help of modern equipment, the reason why the body goes numb is determined.

After this, the doctor prescribes treatment, which involves taking medications and following general recommendations:

  • Quitting alcohol and smoking.
  • Strong coffee is eliminated from the diet.
  • Hot food and cereals are included in the diet.
  • It is recommended to play sports, run, exercise in the pool, skiing.

Prevention stabilizes the blood supply system, ensuring uninterrupted blood flow to the arms and legs.

Features of pathology treatment

Since the patient may be paralyzed, therapy should be carried out immediately. To begin, the victim needs to be laid on a horizontal surface with the head being higher than the level of the body (it is advisable to turn it to one side, as the person may vomit). At this time, you should urgently call an ambulance. Before the doctors arrive, the patient should not be given any medications, so as not to reduce the symptoms.

According to ICD 10, the pathology has its own code – I63. In case of a stroke accompanied by damage to the left side of the body, treatment is carried out only in a hospital, under the constant supervision of doctors. The severity of the pathology is one of the determining factors influencing the choice of treatment regimen. To eliminate the acute period and further maintain the normal state of the body, the following drugs are used:

  • Antithrombolytics: Aspirin. They prevent the formation of blood clots and reduce blood clotting.
  • Blood thinners that improve fluidity: Warfarin, Heparin.
  • Thrombolytic agents that help break up a blood clot: Actilyse and others.
  • Neuroprotectors: “Diacarb”, “Piracetam”, “Ceraxon”, “Semax”. They protect brain tissue and prevent repeated hemorrhage.
  • Vitamins, antioxidants: Mexidol.
  • Combined products: Phezam, Thiocetam.
  • If a person has a fever, he is prescribed antipyretic drugs.

Recovery after a stroke is also not complete without medications. Here you will need: neurotrophics, drugs with erythrocyte action, vasoactive and antihypertensive drugs. Sedatives and angioprotectors are also needed.

To reduce vascular spasm, Glycine is prescribed. All medications are used strictly under the supervision of the attending neurologist. The drugs are designed not only to eliminate the consequences of a left hemisphere stroke, but also to prevent its recurrence, as well as improve brain activity.

Right side

Numbness on the right side of the body is not studied as an independent disease. Often, symptomatic manifestations indicate inflammation in the body and systemic disorders.

As an exception, hypothermia or deterioration of skin sensitivity with prolonged compression is considered.

  • Hernia in the spine.
  • Neoplasms on the back.
  • Stroke.
  • Joint damage.
  • Bad heredity.
  • Sclerosis.

Sensitivity in the right side worsens after increased concentrations of heavy metals or diabetes. Therapy for paresthesia will be determined by the causes of the disease, which manifests itself after some examinations. If the problem with skin sensitivity is caused by prolonged compression, uncomfortable position or radicular syndrome, you will need massage and gymnastics.

  • To improve the work of the hand, balls or walnuts should be placed in the palm of your hand, covered with the other hand and performed in a circular motion.
  • The feet can be kneaded with warm, firm peas.

When paresthesia is provoked by other pathologies, therapy is determined by the attending physician. Therapy is performed using medications.

Brain tumors

A tumor on the right side of the brain can also cause a slow loss of sensation on the left side of the body, although in this case the tingling usually gets worse gradually. What may begin with an occasional numbness develops into a complete loss of any sensation. The sooner a tumor is detected, the greater the likelihood that it will be safely removed or neutralized, so paying attention to sensitivity problems is very important.

In what situations does numbness indicate illness?

Some people need to learn to understand when it is best to pay more attention to their health. You have to sound the alarm when numbness of the body is observed for a long time and often. In this case, people lose control of their limbs and become unable to move them.

It is necessary to take into account the characteristics of the skin. When people's fingers go numb or their skin changes color, they need to see a doctor as soon as possible. It is difficult for patients to talk when sensitivity in the face and chin deteriorates. Swelling occurs periodically.

When sensation worsens around the waist, it becomes difficult to control bowel movements and urination. In such situations, you need to consult a doctor for therapy.

Such signs are not always a cause for concern when a person does not change position for a long time. If it’s cold outside and gloves don’t help, your fingers get very cold, sensitivity and the ability to control the function of your limbs deteriorate. Numbness should not lead to negative thoughts if a person simply rests his legs or rests his arm. But if the sensitivity of the limb does not resume after some time, you need to contact specialists for help.

Why does one side of the body feel cold?

Most often, one hand freezes due to poor circulation in the blood vessels passing through it.

It is believed that body temperature is maintained due to the release of heat during metabolic processes in the cells of the body, and metabolism and its intensity depend, among other things, on how many substances for this exchange are supplied to the cells with blood - one of the main carriers of various substances , with which they move inside our body. This, of course, is a very simplified picture of the functioning of our body and is only suitable as a very general diagram.

Of course, there may be many reasons why the body produces less heat than usual, but a local decrease in metabolic rate can occur precisely as a result of disruption of blood flow in a freezing organ - from an accidentally “pinched” blood vessel to a reduction in the cross-section of blood vessels from -for deposits of the same cholesterol inside blood vessels or some other disease.

If there are no external reasons, for example, “squeezing” the hand, then you can try to measure the pressure on both hands using an automatic tonometer. If there is noticeably less pressure on the hand that is freezing, then you most likely have a problem with blood circulation in it.

By the way, the feeling that the hand is freezing may be false - for example, due to a decrease in skin sensitivity, which can occur, in particular, when the skin is damaged or as a result of a neurological disease.

Most often, people get cold due to poor blood circulation. Apparently the capillaries are clogged. You definitely need to take an x-ray and see what’s there. Also, if you had a hand injury, then this can also explain it. (I have the same situation due to injury) Be sure to go for a consultation. This is not something to joke about.

Due to circulatory disorders, such a relapse occurs.

Why does one hand of a person get cold, while the other is warm and the person himself is not frozen?

Most likely the person has insufficient blood supply to one limb. The reason can be completely different, from a congenital feature to some kind of vascular diseases, so you should definitely be examined by a specialized specialist.

In addition, it is also worth checking with a neurologist, there may be a problem in the nerves.

There is a circulatory disorder.

Perhaps blood vessels are pinched somewhere. This is unlikely to go away on its own; you definitely need to see a doctor.


Reasons why the left side of the body goes numb

In people with certain types of pathologies, the left side of the body goes numb. The causes of this condition and accompanying symptoms are described below in the article. In this case, tingling occurs on the skin, sometimes pain, and mobility becomes difficult.

Types of numbness

When parts of the body go numb, the body reacts in this way to harmful environmental conditions. Sometimes the symptom manifests itself in more complex situations, during a stroke or atherosclerosis. Therefore, it is necessary to determine the types of ailment, when it relates to the body’s normal reaction to irritation and requires therapy; the participation of specialists is rarely required.

Let's figure out what kind of numbness you don't need to go to the hospital for:

  • Transient, lasting several minutes without repetition.
  • After prolonged sitting or lying down.
  • Minor tingling, goosebumps.

When you need specialist advice:

  • Symptoms recur from time to time.
  • Do not stop for a long period.
  • In addition to tingling, it is accompanied by a burning sensation, uncontrolled urination, and gagging.

Numbness of the first type often occurs due to prolonged immobility of the limbs. At first, the temperature may change, tingling appears after interaction with cold. If numbness does not disappear after massage procedures, you need to contact a specialist.


Numbness often occurs as a result of compression of nerve fibers or poor blood circulation in tissues. This happens when a person does not change his position for a long time.

CNS disorders manifest themselves in a similar way. Unilateral paresthesia is considered an alarming sign. To eliminate this condition, it is necessary to carry out diagnostic procedures to determine what specifically provoked them.


Numbness of the limbs often occurs. Signs may appear temporarily or persistently and over a long period of time. Sometimes pain is felt, dizziness, weakness, movement and speech function are difficult, and pathologies develop.

When the limbs become numb due to pinching of nerve fibers or impaired blood supply, therapy is not used. In this situation, it is enough to change your position and rub the numb area. Often, numbness occurs due to hypothermia, in order to restore sensitivity, you need to warm up.

In other situations, numbness in the body does not disappear after changing posture or massaging. You should consult a doctor if this occurs constantly and is accompanied by other signs. It is necessary to be examined in a situation where numbness is felt after an injury.


Numbness on the left side of the body occurs most often in middle-aged people. At the same time, a burning sensation or coldness is felt. Causes may be congenital or acquired. Problems with sensitivity indicate the appearance of disorders of the nervous system, heart and blood vessels.

Paresthesia appears in the following conditions:

  • Heart attack.
  • Ischemic disorders.
  • Osteochondrosis.
  • Brain hemorrhage.
  • Problems with blood vessels in the head.

The ischemic disorder causes persistent numbness in the left limb. At the same time, pain in the sternum and heart is detected. The sensitivity of the left hand and forearm worsens. After a heart attack, my arms and left leg go numb. Trying to eliminate the symptoms on your own is undesirable; you need to seek help from a doctor.

You'll have to call an ambulance or go to the hospital. In case of such problems, a comprehensive examination by cardiologists and other specialists is carried out. With the help of modern equipment, the reason why the body goes numb is determined.

After this, the doctor prescribes treatment, which involves taking medications and following general recommendations:

  • Quitting alcohol and smoking.
  • Strong coffee is eliminated from the diet.
  • Hot food and cereals are included in the diet.
  • It is recommended to play sports, run, exercise in the pool, skiing.

Prevention stabilizes the blood supply system, ensuring uninterrupted blood flow to the arms and legs.

Right side

Numbness on the right side of the body is not studied as an independent disease. Often, symptomatic manifestations indicate inflammation in the body and systemic disorders.

As an exception, hypothermia or deterioration of skin sensitivity with prolonged compression is considered.

  • Hernia in the spine.
  • Neoplasms on the back.
  • Stroke.
  • Joint damage.
  • Bad heredity.
  • Sclerosis.

Sensitivity in the right side worsens after increased concentrations of heavy metals or diabetes. Therapy for paresthesia will be determined by the causes of the disease, which manifests itself after some examinations. If the problem with skin sensitivity is caused by prolonged compression, uncomfortable position or radicular syndrome, you will need massage and gymnastics.

  • To improve the work of the hand, balls or walnuts should be placed in the palm of your hand, covered with the other hand and performed in a circular motion.
  • The feet can be kneaded with warm, firm peas.

When paresthesia is provoked by other pathologies, therapy is determined by the attending physician. Therapy is performed using medications.

In what situations does numbness indicate illness?

Some people need to learn to understand when it is best to pay more attention to their health. You have to sound the alarm when numbness of the body is observed for a long time and often. In this case, people lose control of their limbs and become unable to move them.

It is necessary to take into account the characteristics of the skin. When people's fingers go numb or their skin changes color, they need to see a doctor as soon as possible. It is difficult for patients to talk when sensitivity in the face and chin deteriorates. Swelling occurs periodically.

When sensation worsens around the waist, it becomes difficult to control bowel movements and urination. In such situations, you need to consult a doctor for therapy.

Such signs are not always a cause for concern when a person does not change position for a long time.

If it’s cold outside and gloves don’t help, your fingers get very cold, sensitivity and the ability to control the function of your limbs deteriorate.

Numbness should not lead to negative thoughts if a person simply rests his legs or rests his arm. But if the sensitivity of the limb does not resume after some time, you need to contact specialists for help.

Numb fingers

When people suffer from loss of sensation in the fingers or experience severe pain, there is a change in the color of the limbs, in such a situation the issue of vasospasm is considered. A similar condition is typical for Raynaud's syndrome, intervertebral hernia, scleroderma, and osteochondrosis.

Suspicions of osteochondrosis arise if not only the limb goes numb, but also the head begins to hurt; therapy is determined by a specialist. When loss of sensation occurs in the little or ring fingers, neuropathy occurs.

Face and head

Patients often worry about numbness in the head and facial muscles. Such symptoms are rarely caused by the body’s natural response to external factors.


Numb fingers

When people suffer from loss of sensation in the fingers or experience severe pain, there is a change in the color of the limbs, in such a situation the issue of vasospasm is considered. A similar condition is typical for Raynaud's syndrome, intervertebral hernia, scleroderma, and osteochondrosis.

Suspicions of osteochondrosis arise if not only the limb goes numb, but also the head begins to hurt; therapy is determined by a specialist. When loss of sensation occurs in the little or ring fingers, neuropathy occurs.

Treatment methods

Treatment for numbness on the left side of the body usually requires a varied and somewhat dynamic approach, and tends to focus on controlling and treating the underlying condition. Loss of sensation in entire areas of the body rarely occurs without other problems.

Sometimes tingling goes away on its own, as is the case when immobility is the cause, but anyone experiencing numbness that doesn't go away but comes and goes with some regularity or gets worse over time, doctors usually recommend seeking help to determine the root cause.

Causes of numbness in limbs (video)

Face and head

Patients often worry about numbness in the head and facial muscles. Such symptoms are rarely caused by the body’s natural response to external factors.

A temporary decrease in sensitivity in the face or back of the head occurs in the following situations:

  • After sleep, when the head was in an unnatural position.
  • Reading, working on a computer and many other activities require holding your head statically in one position.
  • The effects of panic attacks, neuroses.

Pathological conditions include stroke, which is expressed by numbness, while the skin rarely becomes numb on the right.

Numbness of the face may indicate the following situations:

  • Trigeminal neuritis.
  • Migraine.
  • Neurosis.
  • VSD.
  • Slerosis.
  • Damage to nerve fibers.
  • Cerebrovascular disorders.

Deterioration in the sensitivity of the tongue, chin, and cheeks can be caused by dental disorders and jaw injuries. If there are disorders in the cervical spine during the occurrence of VSD attacks or pressure changes, the head and skin in some places may become numb.

Disorders of the tongue, pharynx, and oral mucosa occur with the following disorders:

  • Glossalgia.
  • Hot food burns.
  • Candidiasis.
  • Spasm of nerve tissue.

Numbness of varying degrees of localization appears due to nervous overstrain and stressful situations. Insect bites can cause sensitivity problems.

Multiple sclerosis

People who suffer from multiple sclerosis also sometimes experience numbness that is concentrated in certain parts of the body. Most patients initially complain of tingling in one area, most often the hands and feet, but as the disease progresses this sensation can spread to entire parts of the body.

Multiple sclerosis is a degenerative neurological disease in which the protective covering of the body's central nerves breaks down over time. It is an incurable disease, but using a number of different medications and making lifestyle changes allows patients to keep its symptoms, including numbness, under control.


Sitting, standing, or lying in one position for long periods of time can also sometimes cause numbness on one side of the body. People with limited mobility and those who work in environments that require standing in one position for long periods of time tend to be most at risk for this type of numbness, which is also a common complaint among chronically ill people and others who have to stand for long periods of time. stay in bed for a long period of time.

Changing the position and movement of a numb arm and leg often helps restore blood circulation, which makes it possible to return sensitivity to normal. People who have mobility problems or who remain bedridden for several months are usually advised to hire caregivers who can help them move from time to time.


The therapeutic technique is determined individually in all situations. Traditional and non-traditional methods of therapy are used. Exercise therapy is carried out for radicular syndromes to improve one’s condition; doctors also recommend massage, reflexology and physiotherapy. Numbness of the body in diabetes is treated by endocrinologists, drugs and diet are prescribed, and lifestyle is adjusted.

Numbness of parts of the body on the right side requires increased physical activity and adjustments to the diet. Nicotine, alcohol, peppery and salty foods have a harmful effect on the condition of the circulatory system and cartilage tissue. You need to dress according to the weather so that hypothermia does not occur; diseases will be treated in time without becoming chronic.

Drug therapy involves the use of:

  • Medicines that reduce pain and inflammation.
  • Medications that reduce spasms.
  • Drugs that aggravate the conduction of nerve impulses.
  • Medicines that improve the functioning of the blood supply system.
  • Medicines that stabilize blood pressure.

To prevent negative reactions of the body you need:

  • Take frequent breaks from work that involves being in the same body position, and do exercises.
  • Mattresses and pillows must be of high quality.
  • Nutrition needs to be improved to reduce weight and strengthen the diet with vitamins.
  • Perform therapeutic exercises that strengthen joints and intervertebral discs, promoting blood circulation.

There is no need to eliminate numbness caused by complex diseases and folk recipes. Such symptoms can be stopped, but the disease will not be cured. As a result, the symptoms will be much brighter and more severe.

Why do goosebumps occur?

To combat such a disorder, you first need to determine the cause leading to this condition. Often people's arms and legs go numb. Such signs appear temporarily or remain stable. In rare situations, such symptoms cause pain and weakness. The arms and legs are more difficult to move, the head is dizzy, and it is difficult for the person to talk.

If your limbs become numb due to pinched nerve endings or blood flow problems, you may need to change your body position to relieve symptoms. Sometimes arms and legs go numb during cold spells, so people are advised to keep warm.

Such numbness occurs for several reasons:

  • When people's fingers or some parts of their hands go numb all the time, radicular syndrome may occur, which includes radiculitis, caused by interruptions in the vascular system or mechanical compression of nerve fibers in the spine and spinal cord. Sometimes with such numbness, a burning sensation is felt in the hands.
  • Polyneuropathy appears in patients with diabetes. This occurs because the sugar level in the patient’s blood rises, leading to disease of the nerve fibers, blood vessels, and lymph nodes. Patients complain that the sensitivity of the limbs is deteriorating.
  • In case of serious health problems, numbness appears only on the right or left. The cause of this disease is stroke. Only during a stroke does the patient feel numbness on the left or right. Sometimes the symptoms spread to the face.

Brain tumors

A tumor on the right side of the brain can also cause a slow loss of sensation on the left side of the body, although in this case the tingling usually gets worse gradually. What may begin with an occasional numbness develops into a complete loss of any sensation. The sooner a tumor is detected, the greater the likelihood that it will be safely removed or neutralized, so paying attention to sensitivity problems is very important.

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