How to make your lover jealous and afraid of losing you

In this article we will talk about how to make a man jealous, why this is necessary and how not to go too far.

Love is never predictable. At first, everything was great and your husband proved his love with his deeds, and therefore you didn’t even have any thoughts about how to make him jealous. He was so afraid of losing you that he was jealous of everyone he could. But now, several years into marriage, the knight has become an indifferent man who is more interested in sitting in a bar with friends or watching football than going to the movies or just taking a walk.

What's the matter? The main reason is that he became uninterested. Although this is unpleasant, it is fixable. And the best remedy in this situation can be safely called jealousy. But keep in mind that you need to prepare for this carefully, because one wrong step can destroy the family.

We will tell you why it is useful for men to be jealous and how to evoke this feeling carefully and without consequences. By the way, the same thing can be applied not to your husband.

Method No. 2_2

Finding someone else is perhaps the most effective way to make your ex jealous. It's better to find someone nicer. And spend time together in such a way that your ex will notice. He will be incredibly annoyed by the fact that his ex was able to say goodbye to the past and let go of all her feelings so quickly. This will make him incredibly jealous. The only thing is that in relationships with someone else you should behave extremely carefully and not cross the line.

How to evoke feelings

Returning male interest is a whole strategy that will take more than one day of your life. There are no specific and clear rules here, since certain actions affect each person differently. But you can follow certain tips that are more likely to help your husband look at his wife in a new way.

Always look good

Her beautiful appearance can make a husband jealous of his wife. Sometimes the reason for indifference lies in a woman’s reluctance to look attractive. After years of living together, partners get used to each other and see nothing wrong with not taking care of themselves or not paying due attention to their care. Because of this, a man may fall into despair, because... The girl you love was always attractive and chic during the stages of falling in love, but now she doesn’t hesitate to put herself in order for weeks.

The main task of a woman is to always take care of herself, to be better than she is now. Care is not bright 24-hour makeup and beautiful outfits. This means clean skin, pleasant hair, a good smell, neat manicure and pedicure. Changes should also affect style. If a woman prefers baggy and shapeless outfits, she should change them to more elegant clothes. Such changes will cause the husband to think about why and for whom the wife began to diligently take care of herself. And this is a direct path to jealousy.

Find a passion

Women who devote all their free time to everyday life, after a while, stop worrying their partners. The same applies to complete emotional dissolution in a loved one.

For a man, a dependent woman ceases to provide any value. He knows that she will always wait for him and agree to any conditions.

In order for a husband to see an independent person in his wife, it is necessary to do something new, devote his time to a new hobby. This could be language courses, a gym, personal training, creativity - something that will let the partner know about the employment and development of the spouse. Only when she becomes an independent person with her own affairs and interests will he become jealous and begin to fear loss.

Move away a little

A slight chill and indifference can make you afraid of losing. If a woman is regularly in touch with her partner, writes messages every half hour and cannot leave a single step at home, this soon begins to bother him. A man strives to run away from annoying attention anywhere. The girl’s task is to distance herself and show some indifference on her part in order to arouse the interest of her loved one.

You don’t have to ignore them completely; you need to respond to messages less often, sometimes miss calls, and get carried away with your own affairs more often. You can go away for the weekend with girlfriends, friends, or go on your own to some event in order to be at a distance from your partner.

The husband, accustomed to constant care and attention, will be surprised by this phenomenon and worried about why they began to treat him indifferently. This will lead to renewed interest, making him jealous. It may be that the response will not appear immediately, but you should not deviate from the rules.

Gain Self-Control

Regular complaints, hysterics, and excessive suspicion scare away a man and lead to his loss of interest. Psychologists say: the more a wife experiences and worries about her husband’s possible infidelities, the more he thinks about it. Complete calm and self-confidence will help to make your husband jealous. The woman’s goal is to make her husband’s thoughts about cheating and suspicions arise more often.

To do this, you should stop constantly controlling your partner, stop constantly comparing yourself with other women, and also see each of them as a potential rival. All these signs point to low self-esteem, which men successfully take advantage of, lowering it even further. Only a confident lady can make her partner jealous and afraid of losing her.

Raising self-esteem is not a matter of one day; you may have to spend enough time to restore it. However, a positive result will make up for the losses and allow you to feel like a full-fledged person, whose moral state does not depend on the actions of other people.

Method No. 5_5

Ignore all posts and avoid communication and contact on any social platforms. Most likely, your ex will post photos with new people or try to appear happy - which is what people tend to do when they get out of a relationship.

It's important to stand firm and simply ignore any content your ex posts. Better yet, just unfollow him everywhere - this way there will be no temptation at all.

You can even try a counter technique: posting the best moments of your new life without your ex on social platforms is a great way to spark jealousy and make him realize what he's lost. It's important to take photos of positive moments and share them, for example on Instagram stories.

How else can you make a man jealous?

How else can you cause jealousy?
There are other ways to induce jealousy, but be careful when using them because the consequences may be unexpected.

  • Blackmail with sex. Yes, you have changed your appearance, you have become all so beautiful and attractive, but don’t rush into bed with your husband. More precisely, you sleep together, but you are not the first to show activity. The spouse simply notices himself by asking why this is happening. After this he will want you even more.
  • Be unavailable . No, of course, you don’t need to constantly push your spouse away, just show him that you are not going to run to bed at the first call. You have your own things to do or you are generally tired and have a headache.
  • Gifts from suitors . Have you ever had to hide other men's attention? Now, on the contrary, show your husband that others are interested in you. For example, buy yourself flowers and say that a stranger gave them to you. But don’t forget to show that it’s not that important to you and you can throw away the bouquet.
  • Cruel joke . If you are going to a meeting with girlfriends, then spin around in front of your loved one and ask if he likes your outfit. He will definitely ask where you dressed up like that. Say you went on a date, then laugh and say you were joking. Yes, this is true, but your husband will already have the thoughts you need.

Method No. 6_6

Chance eye contact will help bring back memories. At the same time, the look can be seductive - why not make your ex remember all the romantic moments that you had to endure? You need to hold your gaze for just a second, then look away, grinning, as if hiding a secret - this will drive him crazy with jealousy.


Resorting to jealousy conspiracies is the last option. This is a very dark path. It’s better to use your brains and solve the problem yourself than to ask higher powers for help. Such conspiracies often end badly for everyone.

Conspiracy for jealousy:

There are other conspiracies that will help in certain circumstances. If you direct energy not to evoke the feelings of the object, but to yourself, you can achieve a greater effect.

It’s enough to stop constantly thinking about your inattentive partner and take care of yourself.

There are conspiracies for external attractiveness and success. They should be combined with sports, meeting with friends and an active social life. Allow yourself to be distracted, and the situation will return to normal.

Don't forget: no one is obliged to love you. It is worth giving more freedom to a person, showing understanding and care. Then there will be no need for conspiracies. There is no way more effective than a heart-to-heart conversation.

You should resort to tricks as a last resort. It may be enough to tell your partner about your experiences in order to receive the desired attention and support from him.

Honesty, frankness, trust are the most important aspects of any relationship.

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Method No. 8_8

Joint plans and dreams are a thing of the past! No one forbids embodying them now, after breaking up. You can awaken strong jealousy in your ex if you do everything you dreamed of together before breaking up. I had a dream to buy a dog and give it a specific name - you can do it yourself. I wanted to go on a trip - it’s worth trying to do it with someone else. The main thing is that the man knows about what is happening in the life of his ex-girlfriend, who is definitely happy without him!

How to make a man jealous if you know his zodiac sign

Taurus - reacts furiously to deception on the part of the chosen one. If he has direct evidence of this, then there will be no forgiveness. The absence of words of recognition may cause distrust in him. A jealous state can be awakened by attention shown to another man.

Geminis do not like competition. It is enough just to hint that your new acquaintance is superior to him in some way, and the Gemini man will begin to actively prove the opposite, surrounding him with attention and care.

Leos are quick-tempered and jealous by nature, so any rash action can provoke jealousy in their lover. Just simple coquetry with his rival is enough, and the lion will already have a plan for revenge, as a consequence of the response to the unworthy behavior of his beloved.

Cancer is a very loyal and loving sign. They are very emotional, so an innocent story about how an old friend invited him somewhere will make him move. They are very emotional and do not hide their feelings.

Sagittarius - will not be jealous for any reason. They themselves are fickle and look at everything with optimism and ease. However, public opinion is very important to them. A subtle hint that the relationship is going downhill and someone is contributing to this will force him to act.

Libras do not like omissions, hints and delays. As soon as a potential competitor appears on their horizon, they experience a shake-up.

Capricorn - cannot tolerate frivolous behavior. Light flirting, buying clothes, avoiding household chores will make him indignant. Any change in the partner’s behavior will start sounding the alarm as a Capricorn.

Virgo will not be able to ignore the obvious signs of attention from his chosen one addressed to another person: bright cosmetics, a short dress.

Pisces is a sensual sign. Such men are insecure and do not tolerate ridicule and comments. Their calm will easily be disturbed by coquetry or praise from a competitor from the lips of their beloved.

Scorpio is so confident in his soul mate that it will not be easy to achieve the desired jealousy. They will suffer not from physical betrayal, but from moral betrayal. Scorpio cannot forgive deception for a long time, and it is very difficult to regain his trust.

Aries is a temperamental and jealous sign. He will become furious if he notices even the slightest flirtation of his beloved with another person. Only he should possess a woman.

Aquarius – won’t make a mountain of them. It will be enough for the chosen one to spend a lot of time with her childhood friend for Aquarius to be wary.

Method four: no time, we are very busy

How to make your lover take special care of your relationship? Limit your communication time under the pretext of being extremely busy. You were always ready to meet and waited for his call. You always greeted him with a delicious dinner and never forgot about his requirements and creating comfort.

Expert opinion

Svetlana Terekhova

A certified psychologist with 10 years of work experience and a huge amount of experience.

Try to introduce a little inconvenience into the comfortable, measured rhythm of life. Now you don’t have time right now, when he wanted, to rush to the cinema or to the club - you’re busy. There is no need to explain in detail what you do. “I’m busy, I’ll explain later, I don’t have time now.” He will definitely be interested in such a lack of free time, so be sure to find reliable reasons - problems with his parents, he was stuck at work, he had to meet with a friend.

Why is jealousy needed?

Jealousy is a spicy feeling that is synonymous with love and is associated with the desire to maintain a relationship. It forces us to look at our partner differently and keeps us on our toes. It can reveal secret feelings and significantly speed up rapprochement with a person. Jealous behavior usually shows sincerity and means that the couple has a chance for a happy future.

Any problems in a relationship can be dealt with if you immediately begin to deal with them. Provoked jealousy can awaken passion that has dulled over the years of marriage and bring drooping feelings to a new level. Testing her gives the young man the opportunity to rethink his attitude towards the girl, making him appreciate and respect her more.

It is easy to evoke a feeling of jealousy when a young man is close; it is quite nice to chat in his presence with a stranger at a party. But to make a man jealous from a distance, you need to resort to little feminine tricks.

Method one - looking for a new and unusual hobby

Pay attention to your normal and habitual daily routine. Most likely, one day is no different from the next - work - shopping - home - cooking, and again in a circle. Gradually, this monotony begins to shape your appearance and stable household habits.

There are practically no new interesting topics to keep the conversation going. All conversations with a loved one come down to discussing simple everyday problems - shopping plans, discussing the behavior of children and the boss. It becomes simply boring for both you and your partner.

A good recipe for both men and women - find an interesting hobby, but don’t tell your other half about it. The hobby does not have to be extreme or unusual; a ballroom dancing master class or a political party meeting will do. We choose a hobby that will interest you and help you find new friends.

The main thing is not to tell about your new hobby right away, try to maintain the intrigue for as long as possible. In this matter, it is important not to “go too far” - watch your partner’s reaction. If a person cares about you, then he will definitely try to find out where you prefer to spend a few hours after work or on weekends.

A person who has his own interests and hobbies is always attractive to the opposite sex. You can’t dissolve in your partner; over time, he simply stops noticing you.

Method two - completely change the image

How to make a man start taking care of you more - become new and incomprehensible, let him try to get to know you again. This method also gives the relationship a “second wind”. It's not enough to just change your hair color or haircut. We need to change radically – clothing style, makeup, lifestyle. For example, start jogging in the morning. If you haven’t done this and such a decision will be a radical change in your lifestyle, then it will definitely force your loved one to pay attention to it.

Let's say your style is a caring, modest and shy, kind woman, whose whole purpose in life is home comfort. Dramatic changes - a fitness club, English lessons and daily morning jogs in a sexy tracksuit.

If you are a serious businesswoman who does not have time for household chores, then you should become defenseless. Asking male friends for help in simple everyday issues is also suitable - fixing a faucet, replacing a switch, or training a naughty dog. If you don’t have a dog, you should get one with a trainer. At the same time, do not forget that you need to change your business suit to a simple, feminine, modest dress.

It is important to look as natural as possible when using this method. To do this, changes should not occur suddenly, but within a certain period of time, say, a week or two.

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