Psychomatics of stroke: how our emotions lead to a dangerous outcome

Briefly about the important, or get acquainted - stroke

During a stroke, the blood supply to an area of ​​the brain is disrupted.
As a result, the blood vessels are affected, and the brain does not receive the necessary oxygen supply, and the nerve cells gradually die. Associated symptoms are:

  • disorders of the motor system on one side;
  • sensory disorders;
  • lesions of central motor neurons;
  • loss of consciousness;
  • coma.

People of all ages are susceptible to stroke, especially those who suffer from heart disease and high blood pressure. The risk group includes patients with obesity, diabetes mellitus and those who abuse bad habits.

Micro-strokes foreshadow an upcoming brain catastrophe. You should pay close attention to the first symptoms, since even short-term vascular disorders lead to pathological changes in the brain substance.

Doctors can handle stroke treatment. Certain drugs restore damaged areas of nervous tissue and protect nerve cells from destruction.

However, complete recovery depends on the patient himself. Impaired brain circulation signals that you need to change your life, and not feel sorry for yourself.

How to help at home?

First of all, it is important to call a team of doctors. Then lay the patient on a soft surface and raise the head and shoulders by 25 cm. If the patient experiences nausea and vomiting, it is necessary to turn the head to the right side so that the person does not choke on the vomit.

You should open the windows, unbutton and remove clothes that prevent you from breathing fully. It is important to open the doors in advance so that doctors can easily enter the room and provide first aid. You should prepare the patient’s documents and take everything that is necessary for treatment in a hospital setting. It is important to dress in advance and take money for the return trip. If the patient faints before the doctors arrive, there is no need to try to help bring him back to consciousness with slaps on the face or ammonia. It is important to monitor your pulse and breathing. If breathing has stopped, it is necessary to perform an indirect cardiac massage. The procedure should be performed before the medical team arrives.

Psychosomatic causes of stroke

It's no secret that health depends on a huge number of different factors. One of the causes of circulatory pathology in the brain is sensory perception.

The famous psychologist Louise Hay expressed the idea that the brain is a computer that controls the entire body. Contradictions that cannot be resolved can disrupt its work.

Psychosomatics identifies several main causes affecting the disruption of cerebral blood supply and the development of stroke:

  • painful jealousy;
  • doubts about fidelity, love;
  • feeling of strong enmity and hatred;
  • endless tension and the state of “everything needs to be done in time.”

Tormenting jealousy leads to disruptions in the nervous system.
The emotional cause of the disease is that a person has hopelessly lost the desire to do something. He doesn't enjoy anything and doesn't want anything. Life has lost its meaning for him.

Paralysis after a stroke is not uncommon. Suffering from this disorder are mainly those people who defend long-outdated views of the world. They are not flexible and cannot change to suit new circumstances. Accumulated aggression, the inability to perceive someone else’s opinion as correct, and to change one’s principles lead to dire consequences. This is a direct path to self-flagellation, which deprives you of the opportunity to be happy.

Fear is also one of the causes of illness. A person is afraid of losing something, of being left alone. So, for example, on the verge of divorce, having taken all measures to reunite and not finding the desired result, the brain digests the information and responds with hemorrhage.

Stroke, paresis and other neurological disorders according to Sinelnikov and illnesses from the mind according to Louise Hay:

The role of psychosomatics in the development of pathologies in the body

Psychomatics as a science became widespread in the mid-20th century. This direction in medicine implies that there is a very close connection between a person’s mental state and his diseases. It is assumed that a number of pathologies arise or receive their active development precisely as a result of various kinds of experiences, stress, and emotionally unstable states.

Initially, it was believed that the following common diseases were most susceptible to psychomatism:

  • Hypertension;
  • Arthritis;
  • Bronchial asthma;
  • Hyperthyroid syndrome;
  • Stomach ulcer;
  • Neurodermatitis.

Over time, the list expanded to include many other pathologies, including stroke.

According to various theories, provoking factors of psychomatic reactions can be:

  • Self-hypnosis;
  • Self-flagellation;
  • Internal self-conflict;
  • Psychological traumas from the past;
  • Identifying oneself with another person;
  • The presence of a conditional benefit from the disease.

The mechanism of occurrence of psychomatic reactions implies that a person does not want to accept and process some emotions psychologically, or does it incorrectly: he is afraid to admit something to himself, tries to erase unpleasant memories from his memory, seeks attention from loved ones in any way, including the willingness to cause them pity, getting sick. As a result, emotional stress, which gradually accumulates and increases, leads to disruption of autonomic functions, which in turn negatively affects the functioning of internal organs and systems.

Ways to Heal

By understanding the emotional causes of illness, you can recover faster and easier. Many people find it more convenient to take a couple of tablets and relieve themselves of pain symptoms. But the main reason remains in the head.

Psychologists say that there are diseases that can be cured only by working on your inner “I”. However, stroke requires a multifaceted approach, as a large number of vital systems in the body are involved.

Therapy consists of simultaneous influence on the physical and mental state. A specialized specialist can correct the consequences after a stroke. But at the same time, a good psychologist can return a person to a full life. It is necessary to identify the psychological cause of the disease. To do this, you need to remember your entire life before the brain stroke. Analyze events, thoughts, feelings and everything that this period was filled with.

The path to healing depends on the cause that provoked the disease. Sources of recovery include:

  • forgiveness;
  • awareness;
  • repentance;
  • relaxation.

Music lessons, art therapy, hobbies, walks in nature, and active recreation will help restore inner harmony.

Sometimes, in addition to psychological help, treatment with appropriate psychostimulants, antidepressants, and antipsychotics is required. In this case, the course and dosage are prescribed only by the treating neurologist after a series of diagnostic measures.

Metaphysics of stroke according to Valery Sinelnikov

The famous Russian karma researcher Valery Sinelnikov notes in his books that a stroke most often arises from hatred and jealousy. Feelings literally strike a person and paralyze him, just as they do in the physical world.

Sinelnikov notes that in his practice he very often encountered people who led themselves to strokes and post-stroke paralysis through jealousy. Interestingly, medical statistics confirm this theory: there are more men among post-stroke paralytics. Based on the experience of personal practice, the researcher notes that many of those who approached him with this problem admitted to being very jealous of their wife.

Wrong way

Another karmic and psychological reason for a stroke is rejection of one’s own individuality, personal life path, destiny, if you like. A person’s inability or refusal to meaningfully change his life is spiritual paralysis. Here the metaphysical gradually grows and oppresses the physical - a stroke develops.

In this case, you need to delve into your thoughts, look for those in them that do not deprive you of freedom, paralyze, or lead you astray from the true Path.

Interesting cases

Indifference and stroke ≠ laziness

One patient after a stroke developed an indifferent attitude towards his painful condition. He lay in bed for hours, mindlessly watching all the programs on TV. Those close to the patient believed that laziness was to blame and did not touch him.

But this condition is explained by damage to certain areas of the brain. And here, relatives must patiently encourage the victim to take action, try to induce a desire to move, and engage in self-care. As soon as the relatives gained patience and began to support the patient, he began to recover.

Love conquered the disease

Another interesting case is described by psychologists.
In one family, everything led to a breakdown in relationships. The husband's drunkenness, constant complaints against each other, quarrels, curses forced the wife to take the children and go to her mother.

After some time, she found out that her husband was in the hospital with a stroke and did not want to see anyone but her. His wife went to the hospital to see him, and the result was her husband’s recovery and family reunification.

Feeling of hatred

Considering the psychosomatics of a stroke, we can conclude that often older people develop hatred for something or someone. This provokes the occurrence of a stroke. Resentment, anger and hatred have a detrimental effect on a person’s well-being. Many people want to shout to the whole world: “I hate everyone!” Doctors say that older people often become angry with the whole world and hate loved ones, while young people enjoy life, laugh loudly and lead the lifestyle that suits them. Anger and hatred often provoke a stroke.

Note to the patient

If any of the signs of a stroke appear, it is important to immediately call an ambulance. Self-medication can be harmful and greatly aggravate the situation. It is forbidden to use any traditional methods of treatment without the recommendation of a doctor, as this can be fatal.

Stroke is a very dangerous disease that can occur for many reasons. To prevent the development of pathology, you should lead a healthy lifestyle and regularly undergo a thorough medical examination by a doctor. In the event that the illness arose due to psychological disorders, it is important to visit a psychotherapist - this will help the patient quickly restore his health and prevent a second blow.

How to prevent a stroke?

Why are people evil? After all, this disrupts the functioning of the entire body and provokes the development of serious health problems, including stroke! To reduce the risk of developing the disease, it is necessary to lead a healthy lifestyle. Smoking increases the risk of pathology.

For this reason, it is important not to abuse alcohol. It is advisable to completely eliminate smoking tobacco products. You should avoid stress, depression, and do not overwork. It is important to control your weight. Medical professionals say that people themselves often provoke the onset of the disease. Excessive physical activity can trigger the development of a stroke. It is important to promptly treat hypertension, dyslipidemia, metabolic syndrome and endocrine diseases.

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