How to make a guy jealous by correspondence in contact examples

In what cases does jealousy help?

Jealousy in relationships is not always good or justified. Sometimes this feeling can destroy the good things that exist in a couple. But in moderation, such “pepper” is acceptable.

It is worth considering several cases where an attempt to induce jealousy leads to success. This usually happens in situations in which the feeling is used to achieve good goals, and you have no desire to harm your loved one and undermine his mental health.

READ Jealousy in relationships: the psychology of how feelings arise

If the relationship has become too boring and predictable, you can let the man know that he will lose you without changing his behavior. Let him understand that love must be fought for. True, you cannot cross the boundaries of acceptable behavior, otherwise you will lose the person.

Astrological analysis. We provoke jealousy ↑

We all feel differently and, accordingly, react to situations differently. Astrologers give very interesting information according to the zodiac sign about who is jealous and how.


An earth sign, reliability and confidence in relationships are extremely important for such people. They prefer to avoid situations that can cause jealousy; they even dislike the feeling itself.

Despite the fact that Capricorns strive to calculate everything in advance, it is not always possible to avoid unpleasant surprises. If Capricorn is visited by jealousy, then his partner should expect total control in everything.


In essence, Aquarius men are not jealous, but only until there is a real or imagined possibility of losing their beloved because of another man.

In this case, unpleasant statements addressed to the partner may follow, in rare cases, if “caught in the act,” even assault.


A rather restrained sign in terms of jealousy. Its male representatives are loyal and forgiving people, able to forgive, accept, and understand. The main thing for a partner is not to overact in her desire to evoke strong feelings in her partner.


Aries men have a powerful temperament, and as a result are prone to attacks of severe jealousy.

The consequences can be quite unpleasant: screaming, swearing, heightened passions. One thing is good - Aries cannot stay at the peak of emotions for a long time, quickly cools down and gets distracted.


A sign of materialists and owners. Everything he has, including his partner, is his personal property. And Taurus does not intend to share even a small amount with anyone.

He can endure for a long time, pondering the situation, not wanting to change anything in his established life until a certain moment. But if patience has run out, wait for the storm.


Geminis are not jealous by nature. In order to provoke jealousy in them, openly expressed indifference, correspondence with a stranger on the Internet or mysterious SMS messages are ideal.

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How is male jealousy different from female jealousy? Read here.


Cancers are touchy, suspicious and vulnerable, so try without special need not to provoke in the representative of this sign even thoughts about your infidelity or the presence of a rival. If you want to tickle your nerves, you risk losing your loved one forever.


The sign is fire and that says a lot. Negative emotions flare up sharply and do not let go of Leo for a long time; they can transform into an extreme degree of aggression, after which separation is inevitable.


By nature, representatives of the Virgo sign are not jealous. But if doubt about the partner’s fidelity still creeps in, he may begin to control everything and everyone.

In addition, we should not forget that Virgos are extremely squeamish, and instead of heightened feelings, it is quite possible to get coldness or even physical disgust.


If your ex-boyfriend was born under the sign of Libra, then there is a great chance to torment him by causing jealousy. This sign is very jealous, and for him this feeling is extremely painful and painful.


With a Scorpio, there is no need to strain and artificially evoke strong feelings in him. By nature, Scorpio is an owner, so he is initially jealous of his girlfriend towards everyone, even if in fact there is no reason.


In Sagittarius, jealousy is weakly expressed, but if his pride and pride are hurt by possible infidelity, there is a high risk of losing the Sagittarius man forever.

Instead of clarifying the relationship and active reconciliation, a girl may receive complete indifference on the part of her partner due to the disappointment that has visited him.

When to be jealous

You can try to provoke jealousy if the relationship is just beginning, but the lover is in no hurry to transform it into serious status, or when the romance develops too slowly. By making a man jealous, you will awaken the hunter in him, and he will decide to take serious actions.

Another reason to cause male jealousy is a girl’s desire to increase her self-esteem. As a rule, she herself begins to believe in her game and gets real pleasure from seeing how a man is trying to win her from an opponent, even a non-existent one.

In addition, by trying to arouse jealousy, a woman can take revenge on her lover for flirting with other girls or cheating. For example, if a guy pays too much attention to communicating with the opposite sex and constantly compliments the young ladies around him, then his chosen one may behave in the same way. This is a completely justified measure that allows you to change a man’s behavior.

How to make a guy jealous over text?

If you and your guy are just texting or maintaining your relationship in this way, then you can cause jealousy in this way:

  1. Don't respond to his messages right away. You can even wait an hour or two before responding.
  2. Be online, but don't text your guy. Let him think that you are corresponding with someone.
  3. Write messages to the guy a little shorter than he writes to you. This will make him think that you are not that interested in him.
  4. Once, call a guy by a nickname that you haven't called him before. And then never repeat it again. This will make you feel like you've let it slip.
  5. You can send a message thanking you for a good time or inviting your boyfriend to see you casually.
  6. You can post a photo of him hugging or at least in the company of another guy.

Understand that clearly open signs of your communication with other guys will cause violent feelings in the gentleman, who will begin to quarrel and accuse you of cheating.

When not to be jealous

If you have already broken up with a young man and are now trying to win him back by flirting with others, then this is not the best idea. Because of anger and resentment, you can make many mistakes. Not only will they not contribute to the resumption of relationships, but they will also undermine a woman’s reputation. Also, you should not use other guys to annoy your ex, since making your man jealous using this method will be, to put it mildly, unethical.

If you want to test your loved one with jealousy or are trying to evoke this feeling in him out of boredom, then it is better not to do this. Men don't like it when people try to play with them. By doing this, you can destroy existing relationships and lose trust.

Psychology of male jealousy: positive and negative consequences

The destructive feeling of jealousy plunges a person into a stressful state. Suspicion, irritation, sometimes turning into aggression, depression bring torment not only to the jealous person, but also to his passion. Mental discomfort negatively affects mental health and the functioning of the body as a whole. Stress affects all systems, and primarily the immune system. If the necessary measures are not taken in time, the weakening of protective functions can lead to serious problems.

Trying to hold back love with jealousy, a person creates total control, which kills trust between people. A jealous illness can cause rash actions and illegal actions.

However, as paradoxical as it may sound, jealousy can also have positive consequences. Often its main source is low self-esteem and lack of confidence. If, having realized his shortcomings, a person tries to correct them, relationships with a partner can be improved. Thus, jealousy can become a source of renewal of feelings, discover and show love.

Psychologists say that in love, periods of cooling occur from time to time. They are perceived quite harshly by partners, especially if they have had negative experiences in previous relationships. But soon the distance passes, and everything falls into place. Perhaps, instead of thinking through and implementing cunning plans in order to cause jealousy, it is better to have a heart-to-heart talk with a man. Appreciate and respect your boyfriends and instead of manipulating, have honest, open dialogues with them.

Why is it sometimes necessary to make a man jealous?

Men are very jealous, but often they do not admit their feelings even to themselves. To warm up the relationship in a couple, a girl can try to get her chosen one emotional and make him jealous. Sometimes this helps avoid separation. Of course, you need to act wisely and competently.

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Jealousy can also arouse interest in a man. He himself will begin to pay attention to a girl who has many fans. He will develop a sense of competition and passion will flare up.

When a loved one openly cheats, you have the right to try to correct the situation and switch his thoughts from other girls to you. But first, think about whether you need to return such a relationship. Maybe you should find yourself a more faithful and reliable man?

Methods that work

It is not difficult to awaken feelings of jealousy in a man. To do this, you need to look great and show that you are not his property, he may lose you. If you start flirting with another guy and ignoring your boyfriend, this behavior makes your boyfriend feel possessive.

When surrounding men begin to notice how attractive a girl is, this also makes her lover jealous, even if she does not reciprocate their feelings. There can be many ways to awaken jealousy, so a girl should not let the relationship take its course and take the initiative.


Guys, as a rule, love with their eyes. They are attracted to well-groomed and elegant girls. Develop your eroticism. To do this, you can sign up for special courses so that someone from the outside can control your manners, because attractive and vulgar women have many differences.

Change your appearance. Throw away worn, faded items, even if you love them. They will not make you attractive and desirable in the eyes of the man you love. For everyday wear, choose not a robe, but beautiful and comfortable dresses and stylish home clothes. Don't forget about hairstyle, perfume, makeup. Get manicures and pedicures regularly.

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You can also change your image to become more impressive and vibrant. Visit a beauty salon, cosmetologist, sign up for massage sessions. Buy yourself new clothes, shoes, don’t spare money on jewelry. This is the best way to make your beloved boy jealous. Don't forget that you are changing for yourself, and not for the sake of a man, otherwise nothing will work out for you.


Girls must be able to flirt with the opposite sex. This helps them become more confident, win over men and attract their attention. If your lover sees you flirting subtly with another guy, it will make him nervous. What if he loses love?

There is nothing wrong if from time to time you smile at a man’s friends, but pointedly deprive him of attention. It is important here not to go too far, otherwise the lover will feel humiliated and decide to break up.


It infuriates men when their beloved begins to ignore them and not notice them. Be natural. By demonstratively avoiding communication with a man, you will make it clear that you are doing this on purpose:

  1. Don't show your boyfriend that you couldn't wait for a text or phone call from him. If you have a date, don't constantly ask him if the date will happen.
  2. When your loved one calls, don’t rush to pick up the phone right away. Sometimes don't answer his calls at all, and later explain that you were busy. But this should only be done if your loved one asks why he couldn’t get through to you.
  3. There is no need to constantly ask a man to talk about his thoughts and feelings. Let him not think that you are too interested in him, especially when he himself does not seek communication and does not ask about your feelings, mood, etc.
  4. Do not under any circumstances curry favor with your beloved man, do not beg him for a marriage proposal. If he loves you, then he will decide to take this step. A girl can only push a guy to this decision with unobtrusive hints.
  5. Don't try to control a man. Avoid interrogations: “Where have you been? Do you understand that I was very worried?” It will be unpleasant for him to report. This behavior will not make you more attractive in the eyes of your lover.

READ Why a person is jealous: the opinion of a psychologist

Switch your thoughts from the man to something else. Think about hobbies, friends, or pursue a career. Let your lover see you as a bright and interesting personality. After this, he will begin to appreciate you more and you will no longer have to resort to trying to make a man feel jealous.

meetings with friends

A loved one can be jealous of a girl not only of other guys, but also of her friends. That's why you need to spend time in their company more often to make your man jealous. If your lover sees that you are communicating with your friends without noticing him, this will attract his attention. He will certainly want to “switch” your thoughts in his direction.

If you communicate with a group of guys, the effect will be more noticeable. By flirting with them, you can ignite real passion in a young man. But don’t allow yourself too much, so as not to provoke a fight or scandal.

Social media

Social networks are the best assistant for those who want to provoke feelings of jealousy in a guy from a distance. It is very easy to do this in virtual space. It is enough to post bright and interesting selfies on Instagram or VK with your guy friends, and from time to time write posts and statuses with a hint that you are in love again.

Let your boyfriend's wild imagination run wild! He will constantly be with you mentally, thinking about what kind of relationship you have with the people in the photo or where you went in such a revealing dress. Such experiences are good for relationships. This is a good way to make a guy jealous.

Delays after work

If you live together, start coming home from work an hour or two later than usual so that the man does not understand where you are and with whom. During this time, do interesting and enjoyable things - take a walk, go to a cafe, socialize. Such behavior can cause severe jealousy even in someone who previously did not consider himself capable of this feeling.

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If your loved one asks where you have been, come up with good reasons for the delays: your boss asked you to work on a report, you met relatives and decided to sit with them, you needed to go to a sale on the other side of town, etc.

Don't touch your phone

Change the password if your spouse or boyfriend knows it, and don't let him use your phone. Prohibit him from sending SMS, calling and do not show what they are writing to you. You can demonstratively communicate with someone by correspondence in front of a young man. When you get a call, go into another room to talk.

Always keep your phone close to you, even take it into the bathroom. All this may not work right away, but gradually your lover will begin to wonder what you are hiding from him.

Buy yourself bouquets

If you periodically come home with flowers, this will interest your lover. To make a guy jealous, you should have bouquets not only on holidays, but also on weekdays. The man will begin to suspect that you have a fan, and he has a competitor. Try to buy flowers in a place where you will not meet your lover or his friends.

Pique the interest of his friends

If you don’t know how to make your beloved guy jealous and afraid of losing you, then change your image, appearance, behavior, get carried away with new things. Let his friends start talking about you and admiring you. This will not leave your loved one indifferent. When allowing yourself to flirt, try to look like a flirt and at the same time an inaccessible woman.

How to make a guy jealous?

It is generally accepted that if he is jealous, it means he loves. Psychologists are ready to argue with this. Not every person develops jealousy based on love. But let's not say for sure. All people are different, and let your boyfriend be jealous of you precisely because you are dear to him.

Jealousy in the reasonable understanding of this word forces the partner to mobilize and pay attention to the person again. Very often, over time, partners seem to stop noticing each other. If you can cause jealousy towards yourself, it means that the feelings have not yet faded away. Even the feeling of possessiveness is somewhat pleasant if it is expressed in moderation.

Things get much worse when a man is absolutely not jealous of a woman. Even with obvious flirting and advances, the man remains indifferent. Here you can think that the man is indifferent to this woman.

What does a man’s lack of jealousy towards a woman indicate? Many people blame jealousy, saying, “It’s bad when you’re jealous.” And there are people who understand that jealousy is important to some extent. Who is right in their judgments?

It's easy to answer this question when you put yourself in the shoes of a person whose beloved partner flirts with other people. Do you get jealous when you see your beloved (you really love this person!) partner communicating and maybe even flirting with other people of the same sex? No matter how much a person says that he is not jealous, but when he begins to love his partner, this feeling awakens in him. A slight feeling of jealousy is present in the heart of any loving person. Therefore, we can definitely say that the expression “He is jealous means he loves” is correct.

The level of jealousy depends entirely on a person's self-confidence and self-esteem, as well as his degree of maturity. A mature, confident and self-valuing person only experiences slight jealousy when his beloved partner communicates with other people. An insecure, low self-esteem and immature person is jealous of his partner not only of people, but also of poles, cars, work, etc. In this case, they are jealous of absolutely everything in life.

What does a man's lack of jealousy towards a woman mean? If a man calmly allows you to communicate with other men, then most likely he allows himself to communicate with other women with the same ease. The man is very vulnerable. If he sees that a woman is not enough for him alone, then over time he isolates himself from her, starting to communicate with other ladies.

A loving gentleman is jealous of his woman, even if she just communicates with other men. If there is no jealousy, then we can safely say that this man’s heart is absolutely indifferent to the one who is considered his beloved. At the same time, if a man is not jealous and easily lets a woman go to meet other gentlemen (even if they are just friends and colleagues), then with the same ease he allows himself to see other ladies. Here it is impossible to talk only about communication, because a man knows the desires of the stronger sex, therefore he thinks that his woman is cheating on him just as he is cheating on her. In other words, he lets her cheat (this is how he perceives the situation). What loving man would voluntarily allow his woman to cheat? No.

Dear women, do not test the patience of your men. If you are jealous, then rejoice in it: they love you, don’t push them away, don’t break other people’s hearts with your communication with other gentlemen, even if you really just communicate with them. At the same time, know that if they are not jealous of you (even a little), then they do not love you. The man's heart is completely cold. And what to do in this situation is up to you!

What to avoid

Jealousy is sometimes good for relationships, helping to dust them off and make them stronger. But when using it to attract the attention of a loved one, you need to proceed carefully. Not all ways to make a man jealous are acceptable.


Don't show your man that you are trying to make him jealous on purpose. Let him not know about the insidious plan, otherwise the game will be lost. He will deliberately begin to move away from you.

Act as far as is permissible in the current situation. Be spontaneous, be as sincere as possible and act naturally. By abruptly changing your behavior, you can cause bewilderment in the guy and those around you.

Boundaries of what is permitted

If you just want to cause jealousy, it is unacceptable to hug others in front of a guy or allow yourself to openly flirt with them. Yes, you will be able to make your loved one jealous, but with such behavior you will disappoint him. The man will stop trusting you, move away and gradually cool down.

Does your lover allow himself to flirt, hug and kiss with other girls? You can try to repay him in the same coin. This will help pique his interest. This is why behavior should depend on the situation.

Advice from psychologists

Psychology will help you figure out how to cause jealousy. She will tell you how to provoke your lover, evoke strong emotions in him, but not destroy the relationship:

  1. Don't compromise your reputation. If you don't know how to make your ex-boyfriend jealous, act wisely. Let him see that it is men who are paying attention to you, and not you running after them. If you start flirting with your crush's friends and other guys, he will see you as easy to get.
  2. When you want to return a man to your family or distract your lover’s attention from other girls, tell him that you will also cheat on him. In some situations, just these words are enough for the guy to begin to understand that you need to be treated more carefully. True, if he is jealous to the point of madness, you should not provoke him in this way.
  3. It is unlikely that you will be able to make an indifferent man jealous. A guy will only be jealous of a girl for whom he has certain feelings - love, interest, sympathy.

If you're not seeing any results in trying to make the man you love jealous, you might want to move on to someone else. Don't waste your time on a person who doesn't care about you. Remember that you have one life. Your task is to live it happily with the person who will love and respect you. And you can do this by letting go of “sick” relationships that do not bring you joy and drag you down.

How to make a guy jealous and afraid of losing?

Before making a guy jealous and making him afraid of losing you, you need to figure out whether this will help strengthen the relationship and how your partner will react. Sometimes you just need to talk to your loved one, organize romantic meetings to renew your feelings. And there will be no need to resort to jealousy.

If a girl wants to increase her self-esteem due to a guy’s jealousy, then she should look for other ways to do this. Take care of your partner’s nerves, otherwise he will shake them so much that it will be bad for everyone. The situation will be even worse if the guy realizes that his feelings are being used to increase his self-esteem.

Therefore, try first to try more conservative and less traumatic ways to restore passion and love. Understand that jealousy is a strong feeling that can fuel emotions, but it can also destroy relationships.

Over time, it is quite normal that partners begin to treat each other calmly. The relationship has already developed, time has shown that you will be together, your partner has gotten to know you well enough, just like you have gotten to know him. Passion usually occurs for a while and then passes naturally. If you are not satisfied with this, then you begin to look for ways to cause it again.

And here you need to be careful: your partner may be at a stage in life when his attention and thoughts are occupied with other things. He is convinced that his rear is protected and strong. If this turns out to be a false belief, the guy may be disappointed in you. There is no need to make a man jealous if he has any problems in other areas of his life or you are in a quarrel, because you can get the opposite effect.

However, sometimes jealousy helps partners flare up feelings again. If this happens at the right moment, then the guy really starts fighting for his girlfriend so that she doesn't get taken away. How to make someone jealous? We will give the following advice:

  1. Don’t answer your guy’s calls right away, and sometimes miss his calls.
  2. Mind your own business. There is no need to wait for the guy to come to you, be busy even to meet him.
  3. Take care of your appearance. Lose weight, change your wardrobe or just update it. Become even more beautiful.
  4. Stop controlling the guy. If before you constantly called him and tried to find out how he lives, now let him do whatever he wants, without reporting to you. Don't ask about the details of the events, just ask how the guy is doing and be content with what he tells you.
  5. Expand your range of interests. Let the guy become interested in communicating with you, since you do not sit still, but are constantly doing something.
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