Alcohol neurosis: how reversible is the process?

Research on alcoholic neurosis

The term "neurosis" was coined back in 1776. It denoted various diseases that depend on the nervous system. At the end of the 19th century, it was established that such disorders are caused by factors that traumatize the psyche. Later, scientists studied the negative effects of alcohol on the human body, and the connection between mental disorders and alcohol abuse became known.

In the 20th century, experiments were conducted on cats that showed that giving animals a small dose of alcohol calms them down after a tense situation. Then it was found that prolonged use of alcohol begins to cause anxiety itself.

And today various examinations of patients with neuroses are carried out. In Russia, more than 2 million people are diagnosed with alcoholism. And these are only those who asked for help. According to statistics, in approximately 80% of cases, psychopaths, neurotics and people with mental illnesses are diagnosed with chronic alcoholism.

A variety of neuroses

Obsessive-compulsive neurosis. This type of neurosis is formed according to the mechanism of a conditioned reflex and is manifested by involuntary fears, doubts, frightening memories, aggravating thoughts, anxiety, apprehensions, and repeated actions that reduce anxiety.

The cause of this type of neurosis is a conflict between a person’s desires (needs or aspirations) and the inability to fulfill them. This type of neurosis can also happen when, for example, a person once forgot to do an important thing (close the door, turn on the water tap, turn off the iron, etc.).

d.) or suffered a fright. And after that, he checks 100 times whether the iron is turned off, and, leaving the house all day, he worries and doubts...

The effect of alcohol on the nervous system

Today it is known that drinking alcohol provokes great stress for all body systems.
The functioning of the central nervous system is regulated by the brain. This is where ethanol ends up after drinking alcoholic beverages. It is actively absorbed by nerve cells and has a strong toxic effect. If drinking becomes a habit, the organs will no longer be able to function normally, and negative changes occur:

Destruction of nerve cells

  • nerve cells are destroyed;
  • the brain sends the wrong signals to the body;
  • the structure of the brain changes;
  • cells of the nervous system experience oxygen starvation;
  • nerve fibers become less sensitive and lose their elasticity.

Recovery of the central nervous system after drinking takes a very long time, approximately 2–4 weeks. With regular drinking, the consequences become almost irreversible. The following happens:

  • the psyche is disturbed;
  • a person’s character changes;
  • personality deteriorates;
  • dementia sets in;
  • sleep is disturbed;
  • interest in family and work decreases.

Under the influence of alcohol, a person ceases to adequately evaluate his actions and control his emotions. The influence of ethanol has a detrimental effect on thought processes, memorization, and logical thinking. At the same time, intelligence decreases, speech becomes primitive, existing skills are lost, and new ones become increasingly difficult to acquire.

Alcohol and neurosis (alcoholic): symptoms and course, is it possible to drink, treatment – ​​Harmony within

Changeable vascular tone is called vegetative-vascular dystonia. To improve their condition, patients try to drown out the main symptoms with alcohol. After taking a strong drink, a noticeable improvement occurs in neurosis, but a new exacerbation leads to a worsening of the condition.

Definition of VSD

The diagnosis of VSD is a purely domestic definition. In the European classification it is considered as generalized anxiety disorder. Neurasthenia occurs against the background of dysfunction of the harmonious functioning of the parasympathetic and sympathetic nervous systems. When both departments are functioning normally, they balance the body's reactions. In people suffering from neurosis, this process is disrupted.

Dystonia is formed as a result of dysfunction of the cerebral cortex and hypothalamus, which regulate the sympathetic and parasympathetic systems.

There are 3 main types of manifestation of neuroses.

  1. Cardiac - interruptions in the functioning of the heart muscle. Characterized by sensations of squeezing in the thoracic region, shortness of breath, and weakness.
  2. Hypertensive - surges in blood pressure provoked by stress or an uncomfortable psychological situation.
  3. Hypotonic - a decrease in blood pressure up to the point of fainting, also provoked by stress.

Between the main types there are intermediate states - exacerbations.

The effect of alcohol in neurosis

Ethanol alcohol is recognized as a universal tranquilizing agent. It is produced in small quantities in the human body and participates in the processes of protein synthesis. When a person consumes alcohol, the body does not regard it as a foreign substance.

Each individual's body has its own level of tolerance to ethanol. Consuming 100 g of beer is considered safe for the human body. Exceeding the dose leads to red blood cell clumping.

A blood clot forms, clogging one of the nearby capillaries of suitable size. At this moment, endorphins are actively produced and sensitivity decreases.

A vessel blocked by a microthrombus stops feeding the part of the brain that depends on it.

Further developments occur according to several schemes.

  • The blood clot dissolves, the previously switched off part of the brain is connected, and the intoxication goes away.
  • The capillary bursts under the pressure of the blood clot, blood flows into the brain area, and the neurons die.
  • The blood clot remains in place, and the nutrition of the brain area is disrupted.

Dead neurons are replaced by connective tissue. Brain functionality decreases. In total, there are more than 100 billion neurons in the brain. Each dead nerve receptor reduces the strength of the central nervous system, and alcoholic neurosis appears.

If the stage of intoxication passes during sleep, the person wakes up from an exacerbation of the underlying disease. The heartbeat increases, the brain begins to function as in the wakeful stage.

As a result, panic attacks and phobic disorders of various types may appear.

Symptoms of alcoholic neurosis

Symptoms of alcoholic neurosis:

  • Formation of stable dependence.
  • Increased sweating, chills.
  • Irritability.
  • Headaches.
  • Sleep disorders.
  • Temperature increase.

Systematic consumption of alcohol leads to persistent addiction. The brain stops sending signals to the endocrine system, which controls the production of happiness hormones, without ethanol. Toxins gradually replace neurotransmitters that transmit impulses to the brain. Internal organs suffer. The blood vessels weaken, sweating and chills appear.

After drinking alcohol, constant dissatisfaction appears. Irritability becomes a predominant character trait and does not disappear over time even under the influence of intoxicating drinks. Constant stress leads to long-term depression, which the patient tries to overcome.

Headaches are a constant symptom that accompanies alcoholism.

Oxygen starvation of the brain occurs due to the destruction and blockage of blood vessels that provide blood flow. Imaginary relief comes after a dose of alcohol.

Each time the body requires an increasingly larger batch of the drink. Even large volumes of drinking cease to bring pleasure, and the brain gradually stops working, which leads to complete degradation.

A person is not aware of himself, loses memory, keeps track of days.

Therapy for mental disorders

Symptoms of alcoholic neurosis require treatment. The sooner psychocorrection begins, the greater the chance of returning patients to normal life. No method of influence will be effective until the patient decides to give up alcohol. It is important to find the reason why a person is trying to forget.

The first stage of treatment is to give up alcohol. It is necessary to remove toxins from the body. The procedure takes 21 days. During this time, it is important that the person motivates himself correctly and does not lose his temper. For this purpose, psychocorrection is carried out in a special institution.

Neurolinguistic programming gives good results. This approach allows you to quickly determine the causes of binge drinking and model behavioral reactions.

Neurosis and alcohol together destroy the nervous system more severely, so some symptoms can be relieved with medications.

Patients who treat VSD with alcohol realize that their behavior is wrong, but cannot refuse it. In such cases, drugs that cause aversion to alcohol, antidepressants or sedatives are prescribed. Nootropics are used in the treatment of alcohol addiction and neurasthenia. This group of drugs helps restore neurotransmitter communication.

Treatment of alcoholism must be comprehensive

The patient is given IV drips to remove alcohol from the blood. Violent patients are shown tranquilizers to relieve alcohol withdrawal.

When can you drink if you have neurosis?

Whether you can drink alcohol with neurosis depends on several factors:

  • Ethanol dosage.
  • A type of neurological disorder.
  • Alcohol tolerance.

Ethanol is best tolerated by patients with hypotensive disorders. Alcohol has a vasodilating effect, which improves the well-being of patients with low blood pressure.

For non-drinkers, alcohol and neurosis are comparable: you can drink up to 50 g of vodka or red wine at night.

For patients with alcohol intolerance, it is better to completely avoid even alcohol-based medicinal tinctures.

Consequences of nervousness aggravated by alcoholism

The consequences of psychoneurosis from alcohol are terrifying. Hallucinations and persistent addictive behavior appear. A person gets irritated over trifles, because the part of the brain responsible for pleasure does not function without a dose of alcohol.

The most common symptom of drinking alcohol is a hangover. The patient feels guilty for his actions. Symptoms disappear after complete cleansing of the body. The danger to the body is alcoholic neurasthenia and psychosis, which differ in clinical picture. Patients behave violently or become depressed.

Addictive behavior in combination with neurasthenia leads to the destruction of social ties, job loss, communication problems, divorce, etc. Neurasthenia from alcohol is represented by 2 types.

  1. Hysteria.
  2. Obsessive-compulsive neurosis.


When drinking alcohol has grown into a persistent habit, hysterical neurasthenia occurs especially often. The patient does not adequately assess what is happening. He develops a prejudiced attitude towards himself. He regards all attempts to help as a threat.

When drinking alcohol, a violent reaction occurs. The impetus for hysteria is a conflict situation that occurred in the present or past. The patient becomes inadequate: he hits the walls with his head, tears his clothes and hair. The face becomes purple-red or completely pale, the lips turn blue. Spasms often appear in the thoracic region. Fainting and convulsions are possible.

A less vivid symptomatic picture is observed. The patient's behavior seems feigned; he is trying to attract the attention of others. A person does not find a place for himself, sits down, gets up, lies down. May laugh for a long time without stopping for no reason or cry bitterly.

Hysterical neurosis is associated with disturbances in the functioning of the sense organs. Patients with this type of neurasthenia are characterized by egocentrism. He tries to always be surrounded by people when seizures occur.

Obsessive-compulsive disorder

Pathology appears when interpersonal conflict occurs. Anxiety disorder is accompanied by the emergence of obsessions that force the individual to perform special rituals to calm the conscience. Thoughts arise involuntarily and cannot be controlled. They always have a negative psycho-emotional connotation. The patient is expecting bad events.

If a VSD crisis occurs due to alcohol consumption, patients regard it as a sign of imminent death. People with compulsive disorder expect the attack to recur. The brain is already tuned to death, so it is desperately preparing for it. Against this background, suicidal tendencies may appear.

Obsession can be paranoid in nature. A person under the influence of ethanol convinces himself that he has become a victim of betrayal by friends, his other half. All this is accompanied by reproaches, hysteria and even assault.

It is not possible to cure obsession without the help of a psychiatrist. The main role in treatment is played by complete abstinence from drinking alcohol.


Alcohol for neuroses is not contraindicated in small quantities. But if alcohol causes a nervous disorder, it is better to completely eliminate it. It is impossible to cure such a condition on your own without psychocorrection.

Neurosis in combination with alcohol leads to increased symptoms of the underlying disease and persistent addiction.

Treatment is selected individually depending on the intensity of the manifestations of addiction and neurotic disorder.


Neurosis and alcohol: symptoms of alcoholic neurosis, neurosis after alcohol

Neurosis is the collective name for a whole group of mental disorders that, in the absence of therapy, progress and become chronic.

Their occurrence in a person can be provoked by the use of psychoactive substances, including alcohol. Those who regularly drink alcohol are especially at risk.

There are also those who try to treat existing psychological problems with alcohol. How are neurosis and alcohol related?

How are neurosis and alcohol related?

The effects of alcohol on the human nervous system

Drinking alcoholic beverages is a great stress for all body systems. If libations have become a habit, then he can no longer function normally, because:

  1. Changes appear in the functioning of the nervous system: cell destruction occurs.
  2. The brain begins to send the wrong signals to the body. Uncoordinated muscle activity occurs. For example, the eye muscles contract asynchronously, and for this reason a person sees a blurry image in front of him.
  3. Capillaries and small arteries suffer, causing nerve cells to experience oxygen starvation.
  4. Systematic exposure to alcoholic intoxication can lead to changes in the structure of the brain.
  5. Alcohol breakdown products are toxic and cause poisoning in the body.

All this cannot but affect the functioning of the brain and nervous system. The result is a temporary or chronic mental disorder.

Alcohol destroys the functioning of the human nervous system

Alcohol as a “way to calm your nerves”

Some patients suffering from anxiety disorders and other psychological problems drink alcohol to calm themselves down. But alcoholic drinks bring only a temporary effect: after their influence ends, unpleasant symptoms return with renewed vigor. A vicious circle arises, from which it is not easy to get out.


Stages of alcoholism and development of neurosis

There are three stages of chronic alcoholism. The speed at which addiction forms is determined by several factors:

  • reception frequency;
  • quantity and strength of alcohol consumed;
  • age;
  • floor;
  • presence of mental illness;
  • social conditions;
  • individual characteristics.

Social conditions

The course of alcoholism in neurosis can be slow, and sometimes the stages change very quickly, and within them there is a change in personality, the development of alcoholic degradation and an increase in signs of a neurotic disorder.

First stage

Alcohol addiction usually develops slowly. Initially, it is invisible to others. This is precisely the first stage that the patient himself is not aware of. Alcoholic drinks cause a feeling of pleasure, their dose is gradually increased. A person drinks alcohol in any situation; a reason is found more and more often.

Over time, performance begins to decline, during the period between drinking sessions, health worsens, irritability is observed, and sleep disturbance appears. This stage of alcoholism lasts from 1 to 5 years. Sometimes it does not go into the second stage and continues throughout life. Even in this case, neurological disorders occur.

Second stage

The second stage of alcoholism is characterized by a certain dependence on alcohol. After a small dose, you should definitely continue drinking. The patient develops a hangover, he relieves it with the same alcohol, and in the morning he remembers practically nothing. Over time, amnesia will occur even from a small amount of alcohol. The person becomes more jealous, irritable and aggressive. After conflict situations, there is a strong desire to drink.

During this period, symptoms of neurosis begin. These include phobias, hysterics, inventing problems, active excitability, and a desire to conflict. Even when sober, these traits can manifest themselves. This only proves the development of neurosis in the patient. Moreover, having taken the required amount of alcohol, he becomes cheerful and the necessary tone returns to him. A person may be aware of an intense craving for alcoholic beverages, but still be sincerely convinced of the “objective” reasons for this hobby.

Third stage

With the transition to the last stage of alcoholism, the risk of developing chronic psychosis increases. The patient experiences sadness, anxiety, sometimes anger and depression, and his mood changes dramatically. The third stage of alcoholism is accompanied by diseases of the digestive organs, heart and blood vessels, and somatic disorders appear. This condition can lead to death, which occurs due to suicide, poisoning with surrogates, as a result of an accident, or organ diseases.

How do body systems suffer from alcohol?

The development of alcoholic neurosis does not leave virtually any important system of the body unattended.

The toxic effect is pronounced on the respiratory, cardiovascular, and digestive mechanisms.

Alcohol has the ability to inhibit the processes of phagocytosis and the formation of specific antibodies when bacteria and viruses enter the bronchopulmonary tract. This reduces protective functions and leads to the development of inflammatory processes. These are precisely the mechanisms for the development of acute pneumonia and other pulmonary pathologies in people who abuse alcohol.

By washing the heart muscle, blood containing ethanol molecules promotes the dissolution of cell membrane lipids in the myocardium. For this reason, cell permeability increases and sodium, potassium, magnesium, and calcium ions leave its internal contents. As a result, a decrease in the contractility of the heart muscle and a change in the rhythm of heart contractions.

The effect on the digestive tract is manifested in its “burning” effect on the mucous membranes of the organs. Depending on the quantity and strength of the drink, it can develop from inflammation to erosive gastritis .

During diagnostic experimental studies, a minute after the passage of alcohol through the esophagus, diffuse hyperemia of the mucous membrane of the esophagus and stomach was noted. Alcohol also negatively affects the synthesis of enzymes necessary for normal food digestion.

Types of neurosis

Neurosis is a mental disorder that occurs as a response to circumstances that caused mental trauma. Its symptoms depend on several factors:

  • personality type;
  • health status;
  • habitat;
  • social environment;
  • features of life.

The patient experiences a deterioration in general health and is concerned about:


  • insomnia;
  • frequent awakenings;
  • heartache;
  • increased fatigue;
  • migraine;
  • decreased performance;
  • tremor.

There are several types of neurosis:

  • Obsessive thoughts and fears. In this case, there is a conflict between the patient’s addiction to alcohol and moral principles. He develops obsessive ideas, he does not control his thoughts, which are only negative. The person constantly worries and expects bad events in the future. The basis of such neurosis is a panicky fear of death and disease. This disorder is more protracted than other types of disease, and severe anxiety is always present during it.
  • Hysterical. It is characterized by an unstable emotional state, accompanied by movement disorders, sensory and speech disorders. The patient's behavior becomes unpredictable.
  • Depressive. It is the result of neurotic depression. During it, sleep patterns are disturbed, painful sensations disturb, and the desire to rejoice is lost. Performance drops slightly. The patient feels abandoned and lonely. The longer he abused alcohol, the more pronounced his alcoholic depressive neurosis became.
  • Asthenic (neurasthenia). With this disorder, absent-mindedness, low performance, fatigue, and inability to concentrate are observed. A person cannot contain his emotions and gets very irritated over trifles. He is characterized by short temper and internal tension. Asthenic neurosis is accompanied by headaches and sleep disturbances. This type of disease occurs more often in women than in men.

For persons with alcohol dependence, hysterical neurosis is most characteristic. A person has excessively inflated claims towards others, he does not normally perceive objective and real conditions.

A patient in a state of intoxication begins to have hysterics against the background of a quarrel or conflict

Drinking buddies and friends who encourage drinking are assessed positively. Others who prevent the consumption of alcoholic beverages become enemies. This could be parents, wife, colleagues. Moreover, any conflict is perceived as a reason for drinking alcohol again. The cause of such neurosis is the body’s defensive reaction to a situation that the patient regards as insoluble.

Sometimes a patient in a state of intoxication begins to have hysterics against the background of a quarrel or conflict. A person may fall to the floor, hit his head against a wall, or tear his clothes or hair. At the same time, he feels chest pain, cramps, and the color of his face changes. Such seizures can be less pronounced. The patient will behave theatrically, may cry or laugh for no reason, and make strange movements with his arms and legs.

Stages of development of addiction and nervousness

The course of the disease directly depends on the stage of alcoholism. This dependence determines the frequency of binge drinking, the amount of alcohol consumed and the consequences of drinking for the alcoholic. It is also important what kind of alcohol the patient prefers - the strength of the drink also determines the stage of addiction. Each of them has its own symptoms.

The classification of alcoholism is influenced by the patient’s age and gender. In women, alcoholism more often than in men affects the state of the nervous system - symptoms of hysteria and psychosis appear more quickly in women. Individual characteristics determine how quickly a person moves from one stage of alcoholism to another.

First stage

Causes of neurosis in patients with alcoholism

The occurrence of neurosis is usually associated with a traumatic situation. Regardless of the type of neurosis, a person experiences a bad mood, anxiety, fears and concerns. These sensations bring discomfort, and then he begins to resort to drinking again. Alcohol consumption becomes systematic, and the period of abstinence is accompanied by an increase in neurotic symptoms.

Most people drink alcohol to calm down. However, drinking only brings a temporary effect. After removing alcohol from the body, the unpleasant sensations return with greater force, and a vicious circle arises, from which it is very difficult to get out.

Alcoholism in women often appears on a psychological basis. Neurosis, as a consequence of alcohol abuse, develops in her due to failures in her personal life, the loss of a loved one, and the breakdown of her family. She finds solace in drinking strong drinks.

Alcoholism in women appears on a psychological basis

During the period of a hangover, the patient may feel anxiety and a bad mood, he is worried about certain actions, and has bad premonitions. After a few days this condition goes away. If the experience of alcoholism is longer, neurosis and psychosis occur. Despite their differences, both of these conditions require the help of a psychiatrist. After all, the consequences of such a state can be the most terrible.

What other danger exists?

The described physiological changes occur when a person drinks alcoholic beverages of guaranteed quality. If counterfeit products enter the alcohol market, it is possible that they contain methanol, an alcohol that is much more toxic and dangerous for human organs and systems.

When using it, such physiological changes may occur that the result will be incompatible with life. Examples include blocking vital centers: breathing, blood circulation, digestion.

Consequences of alcoholic neurosis

Alcoholism combined with neurosis can lead to disruption of interaction with other people. Very often families are destroyed and problems arise at work. A person who abuses alcohol often skips work, is late, and quarrels with colleagues and superiors.

Neurasthenic disorders can be observed not only in the drinker, but also in his loved ones. So, a woman whose husband is an alcoholic may develop neurosis. She begins to get used to alcohol, keeping her husband company at home so that he does not drink in other places. She may experience constant depression, and the desire to take care of her appearance, nutrition and hygiene is lost. A woman loses interest in life, she can bring herself to death. A child born into a family of drinking parents and not having a normal upbringing may be developmentally delayed, suffer from neuroses and other mental disorders.

Neuroses in most cases lead to: a decrease in thinking potential, the occurrence of various pathologies of internal organs, problems in communicating with others, and a decrease in performance. If you do not consult a doctor in time, serious psychosis may develop, provoked by the use of alcoholic beverages. The most famous and dangerous of them is delirium tremens. This condition causes delusions and hallucinations. In such cases, the patient rarely returns to normal life.

What are the stages of development of alcoholism

The development of alcoholic neurosis occurs gradually, imperceptibly even for the most drinking person.

The first doses of drinks he takes, it seems to him, lift his spirits, remove some pain symptoms, and add bright colors to life. By switching to regular consumption of alcohol, a person helps the body develop tolerance to it, even to the point of physical dependence in case of limitation.

The stages of alcohol dependence formation can be characterized as follows:

  • in a sober state, a person does not experience cravings for alcohol-containing products. He leads an active lifestyle and can drink a little alcohol when given the opportunity. However, once a certain dose enters the body, it becomes difficult to resist abuse. Symptoms of nervous system disorders appear and he cannot control himself. Performance gradually decreases, and the intervals between drinks become increasingly difficult to bear. This stage can last quite a long time (from a year to five);
  • the second stage is characterized by the formation of a loss of sense of proportion when drinking alcohol. At this time, a psychopath-like syndrome begins to form. It is during this period that the pathological changes described above in the basic human systems begin. Vital organs and the brain are locally affected. After drinking alcohol, a hangover syndrome is almost always present, which is relieved by repeated abuse. This is a physical dependence on alcohol and a stage that quickly turns into a mental one. A person feels a desire to conflict, he is easily excitable and cocky;
  • mental dependence. Neurosis and alcohol at this stage lead to hallucinations, loss of control over one’s behavior and emotions. A person turns into a socially disadvantaged creature, who has not only irreversible damage to internal organs, but also encephalopathy (decreased mental abilities). A person in the third stage of neurosis can be sad, anxious, often angry and depressed. It is during these periods that poisoning with surrogates is common, since it becomes like drinking

Help from a specialist for neurosis

A person in a state of neurosis can and should be helped. Over the past decades, many discoveries have been made that make it possible to combat all types of neuroses. It is necessary to contact a neurologist or narcologist. For each person suffering from neuroses due to alcoholism, certain treatment is necessary. It should include medications and psychological methods.

Consultation with a narcologist

An experienced specialist must first determine the cause of alcohol dependence and the development of a neurotic disorder. Sometimes narcologists do not pay attention to this aspect, and the neurosis manifests itself again, but in a more severe form. It is advisable to communicate with the patient’s family and friends in order to conduct a qualitative analysis of psychotic processes. Despite the close connection between alcoholism and neurosis, they need to be treated separately.

Unfortunately, there is no remedy in the world that will help cope with the disease in a short time. However, today there are many drugs that can cope with alcohol dependence; it is prohibited to prescribe them yourself. We need a complex methodology consisting of several stages:

  • Taking medications that have a detoxifying effect, restore the functioning of internal organs, and relieve alcohol intoxication.
  • Elimination of cravings for alcohol, psychotherapeutic techniques that are aimed at motivating the patient so that he wants to give up alcohol forever.
  • Use of medications to control relapses.
  • Adaptation to a new life, establishing interaction with others.

All these stages must be accompanied by the support of relatives and friends.

Causes of alcoholic depression

Neurosis is a collective concept, as it heads a whole group of functional disorders of mental origin. Its main characteristics are slow mental activity and physical fatigue, which can become chronic.

However, this is only a small part of the general clinical manifestations of neuroses, because the full picture consists of both mental and somatic symptoms.

In addition, neurosis can be combined with other pathologies of the nervous system, provoking the development of serious and dangerous mental conditions.

Predisposing factors for the development of neurosis

Nowadays, there are more and more stress factors in professional activities, family and even on the street. Conflict situations between people are the most common cause of the development of neuroses.

Thus, some unpleasant circumstances can cause psychological trauma with prolonged emotional stress and involvement of mental activity in the pathological process. Psychotherapy for neuroses is based on the attitude of each person to a given state of the nervous system.

Some prefer to exaggerate their suffering, torturing themselves with emotional experiences. Others, on the contrary, try not to pay attention to the “unrest” of the nervous system and immerse themselves in work, religion, other people’s problems, or look for an answer in alcohol.

- constant mental or physical overload (chronic fatigue, lack of healthy sleep and work-rest regime);

- emotional distress (unfavorable family situation, dissatisfaction with life or work that is associated with constant stress);

- indecisiveness (inability to solve problems, lack of independence in decision-making and persistence in overcoming difficulties);

— vulnerability (emotional instability, uncertainty);

— various diseases, injuries;

- bad habits (addiction to alcohol, smoking and drugs).

The reasons that cause depression can be very diverse. For example, liver diseases, metabolic disorders, mental disorders. But the trigger in this case is one: alcohol.

It’s worth saying that you don’t have to drink buckets of alcohol. Moderate and regular consumption also causes alcoholic depression.

In this case, the pathological process begins to proceed at an accelerated pace if there are provoking factors: stress, conflicts and other troubles. At the same time, the initial reaction does not correspond to the situation: emotions are absent where they should be.

Neurosis of the stomach is a dysfunction of this organ. The disease is provoked by physiological and psychological problems. All body systems are endowed with nerve endings.

How to cope with neurosis on your own

To get rid of alcoholic neurasthenia or other types of mental disorder, you must first stop drinking. In most cases, the only way out of the situation is to contact a narcologist. Quitting alcoholic beverages on your own is difficult and dangerous. The nervous system may not be able to withstand complete abstinence from alcohol, and the problem will lead to a stroke or delirium tremens. Treatment for alcoholism is especially long and difficult in women.

There are folk recipes that help cure alcohol addiction and cope with neurosis, but they give a temporary effect. It is better to use various herbal decoctions and other non-traditional methods of treatment after consultation with a specialist. Some resort to magic, using spells and rituals. Similar cases of curing patients are known, but such methods are rather self-hypnosis and do not guarantee a long-term effect. In addition, you can become a victim of scammers and charlatans.

If the patient decides to start treatment on his own, you need to be prepared for the possible consequences and have a strong desire to get rid of addiction. In this case, you should consider some recommendations:

Quitting alcohol

  • There should be absolutely no alcoholic beverages in the house.
  • You should avoid companies where people constantly drink. It is better to communicate with someone who does not drink at all or has gotten rid of this bad habit.
  • You need to find a business or hobby you like so that it distracts you from your thoughts.
  • You can do meditation or yoga. Self-hypnosis practices help a lot.
  • You need to follow a daily routine, take herbal baths, and harden yourself. You should pay attention to your diet and include foods rich in vitamins and microelements.
  • It is important to get enough sleep and proper rest every day.
  • It is better to avoid conflict situations, change your lifestyle and even your thoughts. You need to try to have a positive attitude towards everything.
  • It is better if someone monitors the patient’s condition, visits him, and monitors his behavior.

Doctors recommend not to risk your health. At the first signs of alcoholic neurotic disorder, you need to consult a specialist and carry out proper treatment.

Treatment of neurosis due to alcohol abuse is a complex process that does not always lead to success. Full recovery will require absolute sobriety, a categorical refusal to drink alcoholic beverages, and an understanding that alcohol is not an antidepressant, but a drug.

What is psychotherapy in the treatment of neurosis?

Neurosis in alcoholics is a chronic disorder of nervous activity that has protracted due to the lack of timely treatment.
In other words, this is a psychological and, most importantly, hidden conflict, where the alcoholic tried to independently cope with his psycho-emotional state through excessive drinking. As you already understand, neurosis is a deviation from the norm, but it will not be possible to return this norm quickly. In order to reassure the reader, let us present statistics: almost 80% of heavy drinkers have deviations and use in their treatment not only a medicinal approach in the form

, but also a psychotherapeutic program

and preferably stationary type.

We will help you cope with neurosis:

  1. Identify the causes of disorders
  2. Understand the extent of disease and destruction
  3. Let's influence the expansion of interests
  4. We will teach you how to set goals and go towards them
  5. Understand your feelings
  6. And most importantly: we will teach you to live soberly

Neurosis (neurotic disorder, psychoneurosis) is a destructive condition caused by prolonged stressful situations that cause depletion of the nervous system, accompanied by changes in the psycho-emotional state, decreased performance, obsessive thoughts, hysteria and asthenic manifestations.

The term "neurosis" was coined by the Scottish physician William Cullen in the twentieth century. Since that time, this term has undergone various interpretations and until today has not received an unambiguous interpretation.

Neurosis is the most common mental illness in the world. According to WHO, over the past 70 years the number of people suffering from neuroses has increased 25 times. According to unofficial data, much more, because not all people seek medical help.

Of course, wars, impoverishment of the population of various countries, media that deliver bad news to almost anywhere on earth, an increase in the number of various diseases, an increase in the number of natural disasters, and terrorist attacks are not in vain. From year to year, people are increasingly susceptible to stress, which ultimately leads to neuroses.

Confabulation is a memory disorder characterized by a person's false memories of past events in his life.

Symptoms of neurosis

Conventionally, there are three forms of neurosis, each of which is characterized by its own symptoms.

  • neurasthenia;
  • conversion disorder;
  • obsessive-compulsive disorder.


Neurasthenia or nervous weakness is the most common form of neurosis. The main manifestation of this neurosis is increased excitability and easy exhaustion.

  • increased excitability;
  • fatigue;
  • hot temper;
  • irritability;
  • rapid change of emotions (sadness and joy);
  • anxiety;
  • cognitive disorders in the form of decreased memory and attention.

At the same time, increased excitability is noted not only in the patient’s psyche, but also in his somatics (

As a rule, neurasthenia develops slowly and gradually under the influence of prolonged trauma. This traumatic situation leads to constant tension and lack of sleep. Prolonged stress leads to exhaustion

, which reflects the essence of the disease. Neurasthenia literally means “weakness of the nerves.”

Alcohol abuse and neurosis lead to changes in the functioning of internal organs. The psyche of an alcoholic is disturbed - he cannot control himself and his emotions. People with severe addiction often experience increased unreasonable aggression.

The behavior and character of the patient change: he turns into a person with one goal - to satisfy the need with another dose of alcohol. Over time, the personality stops its development; it is not interested in either family life or professional growth.

Alcoholics quickly deteriorate, but due to mental disorders they cannot notice this. Dementia in addicts whose problem is aggravated by neurosis occurs 4 times more often than in people with other mental disorders. Gradually, the alcoholic's sleep pattern changes - he suffers from insomnia.

Interest in the world around him completely disappears: the alcoholic loses his job, family, and social status. Under the influence of alcohol and as a result of neurosis, a person cannot assess the severity of his actions.

Neuroses (from Greek.

Causes of neurosis

Types of disease

Psychotherapy 06.12.2017

Life in the 21st century is characterized by a high pace: the number of cars, services, and various gadgets is growing, which, in turn, fill our existence with information noise.

The human psyche of those people who were born in the 20th century turned out to be partially unprepared to adapt to the rhythm of life in the twenty-first century.

That is why the scourge in modern society is such a neuropsychic disorder as neurosis.

The essence of the concept

Neurosis is a general name for a group of neuropsychic disorders that, by their nature, are functional, reversible and psychogenic. Neuroses are most often protracted.

Firstly, it is a functional disorder, that is, neurosis has the property of influencing the system as a whole.

Moreover, the consequences of neurosis affect both mental and somatic health.

Most often these are symptoms such as: decreased physical endurance, fatigue, irritability, decreased level of mental activity, etc.

Secondly, this disorder is reversible, that is, with timely contact with a qualified specialist (psychiatrist, psychotherapist), the neurosis is cured without any consequences or complications.

Thirdly, neurosis is a psychogenic disorder, that is, the whole disease, in simple terms, occurs only in your head - it is of a mental nature and is caused by some significant event in life, for example, the division of family property, a serious illness of a loved one , loss of real estate, etc.

Thus, neurosis is a complex individual neuropsychic disease caused by a life shock.

Symptoms and signs of neuroses

Now that we better understand the meaning of the concept “neurosis,” we need to learn to distinguish between neuroses and their symptoms in adults.

Of course, keeping in mind the individuality of this disease, we will try to describe only the characteristic features inherent in this disorder. It should be noted that the signs and symptoms of neuroses in women and men are expressed in the same way.

The following signs and symptoms may help diagnose this condition:

  • Problems interacting with people
  • Sudden mood swings
  • Frequent feelings of anxiety and resentment
  • Emotional depression for no apparent reason
  • Feeling of indecisiveness, fear
  • Irritability
  • Physical impairment: loss of strength, feeling tired, loss of stamina
  • Heart pain and headaches
  • Vestibular disorders, balance disorders
  • Lack of appetite
  • Frequent hunger, overeating
  • Decreased potency and libido

Types of neuroses

Neurasthenia or astheno-neurotic syndrome.

This disorder is “popularly” often called chronic fatigue syndrome.

The symptoms of this disease are revealed both at the mental level (increased excitability and irritability, sleep disturbances, indifference to surrounding events, etc.)

etc.) and at the somatic level (fatigue, loss of endurance, etc.).

Obsessive-compulsive neurosis.

The danger of this disorder is that it quickly transforms into obsessive-compulsive disorder.

Obsessive-compulsive neurosis in adults is characterized by a cyclical experience of feelings of anxiety and danger, the presence of obsessive thoughts, and actions-“rituals.”

Hysterical neurosis.

Among ordinary people it is more often referred to as hysteria. Signs of this neurosis are more common in women.

Hysterical disorder is an attempt to attract the attention of others and is characterized by demonstrative behavior: a person suffering from such a disease often screams loudly, makes scandals, and sobs bitterly.

Diagnosis of neurosis

To diagnose neurosis, the doctor examines the patient and conducts a survey, analyzes complaints and studies the anamnesis. Further, the presence of organic diseases of the nervous system is excluded.

To diagnose neurosis, various special questionnaires and techniques can be used (for example, choosing colors, pictures, etc.).

Diagnosing neuroses involves a correct assessment of symptoms. First of all, it is necessary to exclude other diseases that have similar somatic symptoms to neuroses. These are diseases of human internal organs.

Diagnosis of neurosis is quite difficult due to the lack of objective and practical indicators that would describe the picture of the disease. The doctor cannot prescribe tests, since neuroses cannot be diagnosed through examinations using special medical equipment.

The disease is diagnosed using a color technique. All colors take part in the technique, and a neurosis-like syndrome manifests itself when choosing and repeating purple, gray, black and brown colors. Hysterical neurosis is characterized by the choice of only two colors: red and purple, which 99% indicates the patient’s low self-esteem.

To diagnose neurosis, you will need an experienced doctor who will interview the patient and make a final conclusion. To exclude diseases of internal organs, examination in a hospital is allowed.

“How to cure neurosis if it is a mental disorder and not a physical manifestation?” is a fairly common question among users who have symptoms of the disease both in themselves and in their children.

Alcohol and sedatives

Some people who find themselves in such a difficult situation and have tried to suppress their panic fears with alcoholic drinks may also begin to take sedatives.

They understand that alcohol no longer copes with its task as effectively as they would like, so they add sedative medications to this process.

So what's going on?

Tablets and alcohol, once in the body together, transform into a real killer duo. And for a certain period of time a person really feels significant relief.

But this is only a superficial deceptive delusion. Inside, such a cocktail destroys the entire system, causing enormous damage to organs, cells and tissues.

A person becomes especially ill in the morning after such treatment. And it's not like a normal hangover.

The body seems to be turning inside out. Your head just splits into pieces, your heart starts beating faster, your blood pressure jumps.

Therefore, using this technique, when alcohol is mixed with sedatives, is dangerous to health and life.

A patient diagnosed with neurosis, having not found a solution in pure alcohol, begins to think what will happen if a sedative is added to the usual dose of alcohol. Separately, they do not have the desired effect, but together they make a killer alcoholic cocktail.

Yes, it is worth noting that for a short period of time this helps to cope with your problems.

There is one “but”, such a mixture not only does not heal, but also kills the body from the inside. Everyone remembers what will happen if you drink a lot of alcohol and go to bed late - the morning is not a pleasant one.

Now think, if you are sick with neurosis, how will you feel in the morning? What bouquet will the body present? Do not mix alcohol with drugs, as they not only do not heal, but can also kill.

Sedative medications have the same “hangover” effect. You should not take it on your own without a doctor’s prescription, since the symptoms when taking alcohol and sedatives are almost the same.

And it is no longer possible for the patient to distinguish between a severe hangover and a panic attack. The feeling of fear will only increase, and the delicate connection between the real world and the world of alcohol will be disrupted.

The same situation befalls patients who try to find a solution in narcotic drugs.

What is the connection between neurosis and alcohol? 5 signs of diagnosing neurosis


A person suffering from alcohol addiction is constantly in some fear. For an alcoholic, this is due to the fear of not getting his next dose on time and not feeling relief from drinking alcohol.

But those who have already managed to give up their addiction remain for a long time in fear that at some point they might relapse and start drinking again.

It turns out that a person with alcohol addiction, or who has managed to get rid of it, is in any case in an aggravated nervous state, leading himself to psychosis and neurosis at the same time.

As a result, there is a violation of internal psychological stability, which can even lead to clouding of reason in the future.

Many begin to lead a reclusive lifestyle, refuse to leave the house for several days and after a while they find a way to get rid of panic fear - alcohol.

But isn’t this kind of human behavior a vicious circle leading to serious consequences?

Prevention of neuroses: how does it work?

Prevention of neuroses includes a set of measures to create favorable living and working conditions, normalize sleep and eliminate factors that can provoke emotional stress. Proper nutrition and maintenance therapy, including self-hypnosis and relaxation classes, will help prevent neurotic disorder.

  • balanced diet enriched with vitamins;
  • eliminating factors that can provoke the disease;
  • developing a tolerant attitude towards stress.

Does it help get rid of depression?

Yes, but it only acts as long as it has a sedative effect on the brain. If a person does not suffer from alcoholism, that is, drinks only from time to time, then depression is unlikely to worsen.

But if you try to constantly “forget” depression with the help of alcohol, then the effect will be exactly the opposite .

Moreover, a depression may occur. This is when a person drinks to get rid of depression or to simply have fun, but the next day he also feels guilty. Accordingly, he also “forgets” it with the help of alcohol, and the next day in the same way.

And every day depression will only get stronger due to the growing feeling of guilt . This is why you should not drink alcohol if you have such disorders.

How can this be dealt with? Without the help of loved ones it is very difficult.

Getting rid of chronic depression and alcoholism is possible only in a comprehensive manner. First of all, the dependence on alcohol is eliminated (and it acts almost in the same way as drugs), then the psychological one. If treatment does not take into account both steps, then sooner or later the person will take up alcohol again.

One more nuance: “Why do people try to suppress depression with alcohol?” Because alcoholic drinks are the most accessible means of stress relief for most (and it is, so to speak, “legal”). In fact, it will only help if we are talking about a single dose in small quantities (1 bottle of beer, several glasses of wine - everyone has their own “norm”).

Treatment of neurosis

The first symptoms of neurosis are messages from the psyche about a violation of its normal state. The answer to them is treatment. A patient suffering from neurosis and alcoholism needs the help of a narcologist and psychotherapist. As he recovers, he may need other professionals to help him cope with the effects of his addiction.

Treatment with a psychotherapist allows you to identify the causes of fear and addiction - if a person admits his weakness, he can get rid of it. Drug treatment helps cleanse the body. After prolonged intoxication, the addict recovers. Rehabilitation determines the future life of a patient who has experienced alcoholism and neurosis.

Treatment of neuroses, and especially if we are talking about

, it takes place necessarily in two methods, where the first is medicinal and the second is psychotherapeutic.

The drug method in the treatment of neurosis is typical, where drug therapy is prescribed depending on the case and form of neurosis, but the psychotherapeutic method is very diverse.

The psychotherapeutic method of treating neurosis can be from outpatient to inpatient with the use of travel therapy, and this, again, if there are no medical contraindications.

The treatment tactics for neurosis depend on the form of neurosis, severity, age and gender of the patient. For some, it is enough to remove the irritating factor, change their lifestyle, or simply go on vacation to recover.

The main method of treating neurosis is psychotherapy. But, to strengthen the nervous system, the use of physiotherapeutic methods and sanatorium-resort treatment may be prescribed.

It is very important to normalize the work and rest schedule; if possible, physical and psycho-emotional stress should be avoided.

Also for the treatment of neurosis and accelerated recovery from this disease, M.I. Pevzner developed a special diet - diet No. 12. This diet is also prescribed for other disorders of the nervous system.

Remedies for neurosis

Patients with neurosis are often prescribed general health-improving drugs and vitamins (complexes with vitamins A, B, C and PP are especially necessary).

Important! Before using folk remedies for treating neurosis, be sure to consult your doctor!

Nuts. Mix nuts with honey and eat this mixture.

Grape juice. If you are overworked and tired, take 2 tbsp every 2 hours. spoons of fresh grape juice. It's both tasty and effective.

Milk with yolk. For 1 glass of hot milk, add 1 yolk (homemade egg) and sugar to taste. Drink the product hot.

Valerian. 1 tbsp. Place a spoonful of crushed valerian root in a thermos and pour 1 cup of boiling water. In the morning, strain and drink 1-2 tbsp several times a day. spoons.

Mint. Pour 1 cup boiling water over 1 tbsp. a spoonful of mint. Let it brew for 40 minutes and strain. Drink a cup of warm decoction in the morning on an empty stomach and in the evening before bed.

Mint and lemon balm. Take 50 g of lemon balm and mint leaves. 2 tbsp. spoon the mixture, pour 0.5 liters of boiling water, cover with a lid and let brew for 30 minutes. Strain, add honey (to taste) and drink in small portions throughout the day.

Peony tincture. You can buy it at the pharmacy. Take 30-40 drops (1 teaspoon) in the morning 3 times a day. The course of treatment is 30 days, then a break of 10 days is required, and can be repeated (if necessary).

Black radish. In the evening, cut out the middle of the radish and fill it with honey. In the morning, drink the resulting juice.

Bath with valerian. Take 60 grams of root and boil for 15 minutes, leave to brew for 1 hour, strain and pour into a bathtub with hot water. Take 15 minutes.

Massage. With a relaxing massage, blood circulation improves, the body receives relaxation and rest.

The success of treatment, no matter how trivial it may seem, depends on the wishes of the patient himself. In this situation, loved ones should support the one who decided to quit. But it is worth remembering: at the initial stage of rehabilitation, complete abstinence from alcohol aggravates the course of the disease. But treatment started on time leaves the patient every chance of a favorable outcome.

The treatment regimen for alcoholic depression includes several mandatory blocks.

  • The use of medications - new generation antidepressants. They are designed to help the patient cope with a depressed state.
  • The use of non-drug psychotherapeutic techniques. Visiting a psychotherapist, both individually and in groups, helps a person increase their self-esteem, learn to experience positive emotions and live in a new way.
  • Physiotherapeutic procedures have a beneficial effect on the nervous system and immunity, help to relax, overcome chronic apathy and fatigue.

Post-alcohol depression is a condition that the patient himself does not notice. And then the attentive attitude and participation of others can serve as an important factor in successful treatment.

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There are many methods and techniques known about how to treat neurosis if it is characterized by a mental disorder. Let's consider treatment methods through psychotherapy, medication and home treatment.

Treatment of neuroses through psychotherapy involves influencing the patient’s psyche, persuading him, and realizing reality. It is also necessary to identify the root cause of the development of the disease, and if it is embedded in the genes or originates from early childhood, then treatment through psychotherapy alone will be ineffective and will not bring the desired result.

Drug treatment involves taking appropriate medications, the action of which is aimed at restoring processes occurring in the brain. These processes include inhibition and excitation. Bromine is used to stimulate inhibition, and caffeine is responsible for stimulation.

For acute attacks of neurosis, doctors prescribe the following drugs:

  • Sibazon;
  • Relanium;
  • Seduxen;
  • Elenium.

These drugs are fast-acting and are determined by the effectiveness of the treatment. The principle of the influence of drugs is based on a calming effect on the central nervous system, resulting in a decrease in the symptoms of the disease.

For your information! Do not forget that all medications must be prescribed by a doctor!

There is another common remedy - Amizil. It has a therapeutic effect in neurotic disorders and acts as a corrector of neuroleptic therapy.

You should also not forget that all of the medications listed are caused by the presence of side effects, so at the first sign of them you should stop taking them and consult your doctor.

Treatment of neurosis at home is the most common method, since this disease requires a revision of one’s thoughts and a way out of this state. The first home treatment is to engage in sports.

It doesn’t matter what sport (gymnastics, running) you choose, the main thing is to start developing physically. Treatment of neurosis at home through physical exercise has a positive effect on the heart and the body as a whole, enriching it with fresh oxygen.

You should devote no more than 15 minutes a day to exercise and within a week the results will be noticeable.

At home, treatment of acute and chronic neuroses is carried out through proper nutrition, which includes vitamins and minerals that stimulate brain function.

Color therapy treatment involves wearing clothes exclusively in warm and light colors. You can relieve tension by looking at pictures or walking through a green garden, from which you will get a double effect - both relaxation and enrichment with fresh oxygen.

At home, treatment of acute neuroses can be carried out using music therapy. To calm you down, select an appropriate melody or song that you should listen to for 30 minutes every day (preferably before bed).

Give yourself the opportunity to rest more and not think about bad things, not worry about trifles and not take various grievances to heart.

Now that you know the answer to the question of how to treat neurosis, you can take the first steps to counteract it in order to prevent the progression and worsening of the situation.

Why does neurosis develop?

This term hides a whole group of mental disorders that easily become chronic without proper intervention. But why does alcohol have such a destructive effect on the body's systems? Several factors contribute to this:

  • uncoordinated muscle activity resulting from impaired brain function;
  • constant narrowing and expansion of capillaries, causing oxygen starvation in nerve cells;
  • high toxicity of alcohol breakdown substances.

In such conditions, the central nervous system is in a critical situation, therefore, with alcoholism, neurosis is a natural outcome rather than an unpleasant surprise. In addition, the situation is complicated by the fact that people who already have certain mental disorders drink for the sake of calm, only worsening their condition.

Neurosis: causes, signs, therapy

The cause of neuroses is the action of a psychotraumatic factor or a psychotraumatic situation. In the first case, we are talking about a short-term but strong negative impact on a person, for example, the death of a loved one.

In the second case, we talk about the long-term, chronic impact of a negative factor, for example, a family conflict situation. Speaking about the causes of neurosis, it is psychotraumatic situations and, above all, family conflicts that are of great importance.

However, both factors and situations will cause painful and painful experiences. The inability to find a productive way out of a conflict situation leads to mental and physiological disorganization of the individual, which is manifested by mental and physical symptoms.

  • family and household factors and situations;
  • interpersonal conflicts;
  • intrapersonal (interpersonal) conflicts;
  • derived factors;
  • death of loved ones;

Family factors and situations

Neuroses (from Greek.

Neurosis is a neuropsychic disorder accompanied by various psycho-emotional, behavioral and somatic symptoms.

This illness occurs quite often, is generated by unconscious internal conflicts of the individual and is a reversible disorder of the nervous system.

Women are primarily susceptible to neuroses.

Causes of neurosis

Observations have shown that the causes of neuroses are most often the following factors:

  • constant intense mental stress, as well as chronic stress associated with problems in personal life or other emotional experiences;
  • severe emotional exhaustion due to the inability to solve any problem;
  • tendency to fatigue and overwork;
  • abuse of alcohol, smoking or drugs;
  • diseases that deplete the body.

Types of disease

As such, there is no official classification of neurotic disorders. Traditionally, there are 3 groups of the most common forms of the disease: obsessive-compulsive neurosis, neurasthenia and hysteria.

Obsessive states are characterized by recurring feelings of fear, unjustified fear or phobia. Such disorders appear after a person has experienced severe fear or forgotten to do something important.

Hysterical neurosis, as a rule, acts as a person’s defensive reaction to an insoluble situation. Most often, this mental disorder is observed in people with great suggestibility and self-hypnosis, prone to demonstrative behavior.

Neurasthenia (“fatigue syndrome”) is the most common form of neurosis.

Today there is hardly a single person with an absolutely healthy psyche.

Complexes, fears, phobias, increased anxiety, constant feelings of guilt - all this is cultivated by the demands of modern society, which from childhood includes people in the pursuit of success, recognition, and money. And on this soil neuroses grow successfully. What does even someone who considers himself generally “normal” need to know about them?

Neurosis - what is it?

Neurotic disorder, psychoneurosis, neurosis are equivalent names for the category of protracted psychogenic disorders associated with a temporary disruption in the functioning of the psyche.

This term was first used in 1776 by the Scottish doctor W. Cullen.

And although the concept is widespread in clinical practice, it is still not precisely defined what neurosis is: the meaning of this word has been revised many times, however, the final verdict has not been made.

The term is usually used to designate one of the functional disorders of higher nervous activity, which is accompanied by hysterical, asthenic or obsessive manifestations and a decrease in overall performance. According to various sources, about 1-3% of people suffer from neuroses. Moreover, neurotic disorders can be observed in both adults and children.

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