Social network or social degradation

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Probably everyone has heard about someone: “This person has gone downhill, or degenerated.” And sometimes I happened to meet people on the street in dirty, shabby clothes, with signs of beatings. It's hard to look at them. Let's try to understand what personality degradation is and how you need to behave so as not to hear such words about yourself.

Forms and causes of personality destruction

It is noticeable to a person’s surroundings more than to himself.
Degradation is visible in the behavior and appearance of the individual. A person stops taking care of himself, his speech becomes scarce, his circle of communication and interests narrows, and emotional incontinence appears in combination with selfishness and indifference to the feelings and opinions of loved ones. Degradation can be expressed in the form of:

  • frivolity, carelessness, irresponsibility;
  • infantility, lack of will, cowardice, chronic laziness;
  • indifference to society, loss of connections with the outside world;
  • neglect of social requirements, rules of behavior, morality and ethics;
  • addictions (alcohol, drugs, gaming and others);
  • unlawful behavior (misdemeanors and crimes);
  • dementia, insanity, mental illness.

It becomes clear what degradation is, and why it is not uncommon in our time, when understanding the reasons for its occurrence. The reasons are closely related to the forms of degradation:

  • When life seems meaningless to a person, he neglects it. Apathy, boredom, laziness, and lack of initiative appear.
  • A person who does not know how to set and achieve goals, has no aspirations and desires, is passive and pessimistic. If there is a choice to act or not act, he chooses the second: why do something if you can relax?
  • Working on oneself - everyday work, personality degradation - is a consequence of a stop in development, a refusal of self-realization.

Loneliness, depression, grief, psychological trauma, guilt and similar suffering can become causes of personality degradation:

  • In depression, a person does not accept life and himself in it, and engages in psychological “suicide.”
  • When a person is lonely and no one needs him, his strongest need is not satisfied - the need for love and belonging. A person does not understand why, for what, for whom, to try to be better and develop.
  • Guilt pushes a person to realize his insignificance, gives rise to self-hatred and many other negative experiences that “corrode” the psyche.
  • Feelings of powerlessness, self-doubt, and low self-esteem can also be causes of personality regression.
  • Alcoholism, drug addiction and all other types of deviant behavior are both forms and causes of degradation.

The personality degradation of an elderly person is often caused by age-related features and age-related changes in the structure of the brain; retirement, deprivation of the opportunity to work and be an active member of society.

Degradation in alcoholism

At first, a person only tries an alcoholic drink, choosing the one that he likes best. Then he starts drinking for some reason, then for no reason or invents funny reasons. Over time, addiction develops, a chronic illness.

Degradation of this type is characterized by the following manifestations, which appear gradually:

  • self-control gradually decreases;
  • somatic dysfunctions progress;
  • irritability and aggressiveness increases;
  • thinking becomes superficial;
  • there is no understanding of actions;
  • movements become imprecise;
  • there is a loss of social contacts, ataxia and personality destruction.

Separately, it is worth considering the behavioral characteristics of a person with alcohol degradation.

  1. An alcoholic is not capable of intellectual activity or self-criticism, and his memory deteriorates significantly.
  2. For all his troubles, he blames his surroundings or circumstances, but not himself.
  3. A person with alcohol addiction becomes too self-confident, rude, soulless, cynical, and lacks responsiveness. He is characterized by restless sleep.
  4. All the individual’s thoughts are focused only on alcohol, nothing else interests him.
  5. Responsibility to society, to loved ones, to children gradually weakens, and over time completely disappears. Feelings of guilt and shame disappear.
  6. Such a person cannot learn new types of activities; over time, such a person is fired from work.
  7. The person does not understand how low she is falling.

Alcohol destroys the individual and destroys the family. A person who drinks alcohol causes inconvenience to relatives, neighbors, and makes loved ones suffer.

The main signs of degradation of modern society

There are many signs indicating that our society is deteriorating. Let's look at the most important of them!

Stimulation of infantile behavior in adolescents

Infantile behavior is stimulated artificially in order to slow down the process of onset of social maturity in adolescents. Young people from 15 to 25 years old are the most active members of our society. Therefore, it is not surprising that it was this category of the population that made up the bulk of revolutionaries and radical individuals throughout the history of human development.

Just 50–60 years ago, a 20-year-old man was treated as a mature, principled and serious member of society who was responsible not only for himself, but also for his already created family. In modern society, a 20-year-old man is treated like an unreasonable teenager who cannot be trusted with anything, because he is not capable of serious actions.

2. Instagram

Instagram is not only one of the most popular social networks, but also contributes to the degradation of our society. Can photos or videos posted on a social network somehow have such a negative impact on society? They can, because they do not require any written support. All you have to do is post a photo and sign “I’m at the seaside”, “I’m in a cafe with friends”, “I’m in the Canary Islands”, etc. Or you can write nothing at all, because the photograph will speak for itself.

If you don’t need to explain anything and come up with a caption for the posted photos and videos, then you don’t have to think about it. Why put your thoughts into words and sentences if no one needs it? And there’s no need to think if you can just look at the bright pictures!

Those people who actively use Instagram and measure their success in life by the number of “comments” and “likes”, conceptual thinking atrophies and substantive thinking begins to form, which is a regressive process in the development of our society.

General standards in raising children

Both boys and girls are raised the same. Educational institutions are no longer divided into male and female. This is done in order to turn girls into masculine creatures, and boys into effeminate creatures.

It has been proven that boys from 13 to 16 years old cannot normally perceive the material taught by the teacher and study adequately if they are in the same classroom with representatives of the fair sex.


Young representatives of our society are forced to believe that selfishness is cool and right. They sincerely believe that they have some special characteristics and are the center of not only our planet, but the entire Universe.

But being an egoist and being a comprehensively developed person are two different pictures of the world. Global business does not need individuals, it needs egoists.

Those interested in the degradation of society are well aware that the principle of “divide and conquer” was not invented out of nowhere. Alone, no one can resist the system and fight destructive processes.

The image of a “successful” and “satisfied with life” person

This image is formed with the help of the media. In many films, TV series, books, magazines and newspapers you can see a perfect person who has reached the pinnacle of success and is completely satisfied with his life. But a “successful” person is an ideal slave of the existing system. Having a colossal dependence on his high social status, such a person will never go against the system and will do everything possible to maintain the existing state of affairs for as long as possible, otherwise his whole life will collapse like a house of cards!

Have you noticed that all modern characters who can be called "successful" people are a symbol of selfishness, greed and ignorance? They are guided only by their instincts, do not care about the feelings of other people and are ready to do anything to achieve their goals.

Satisfaction of sexual instincts and violence

Since sexual instincts are one of the most powerful human instincts, using them you can easily and imperceptibly not only manipulate society, but also destroy it. Sexual instincts represent the animal and unconscious part of our personality. Therefore, with the help of the media they are actively stimulated. Those interested and related to global business do not want a person to develop his higher unconscious, which is the source of scientific, creative and poetic inspiration. They need a person to satisfy his lower unconscious, which is closely related to fear, violence and animal instincts.

That is why love is now a rudiment, which society is gradually abandoning, because the priority of many modern people is sex without obligations, satisfaction of sexual instincts and violence. All this leads to the fact that traditional family values ​​begin to crumble and disappear.

Senseless and merciless demand

Is consumption different from ordinary and reasonable consumption? It differs in the most dramatic way! The natural and reasonable need of a person to possess this or that object is consumption. Excessive and unnatural consumption is consumption.

If you bought new shoes because the old ones are already completely worn out and “begging for porridge” - this is consumption. If you bought new trendy shoes, although you already have 10 similar pairs in your closet, this is a need. And if you buy your 11th pair of boots on credit, then this is already a diagnosis!

The existing system benefits from this model of social behavior, because it regularly and systematically stimulates demand on the international market, allows producers to grow and develop, and facilitates the issuance of more and more new loans, which form the basis of the modern financial system. Consumption determines the scope of goals permitted for society, reduces tension in the social sphere, causes addiction, blocks the higher unconscious, turns people into easily controlled and defenseless zombies.

Cigarettes and alcoholic drinks

Alcohol negatively affects the human brain. Interested parties use alcohol to fool society, turn people into animals and turn peaceful and proud individuals into merciless weapons of mass destruction.

State-legalized cigarettes and alcohol take far more lives than the terrorists the media scares us with. In Russia alone, about 1 million (!) people die every year from alcohol and cigarettes!

Drinking alcohol and smoking turns men into stupid, soft, indifferent degenerates who are unable to protect themselves, their family, or their country. Women, trying to imitate men, poison not only themselves, but also their children. Children, having seen enough of their parents, begin to lead exactly the same lifestyle from an early age.

Ridiculing nobility

Since nobility creates uncontrollable and unpredictable behavior in people, it is very dangerous for the existing system. That is why there is now a taboo on nobility. It is much easier for interested parties to manipulate those people who are driven by addiction, thirst for profit, lust, vice and many other base qualities. Such people are very predictable and are not capable of any noble deeds.

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How does personality degradation manifest itself?

The first signs of degradation appear long before the complete collapse of the personality. The range of interests of such people narrows, mainly in the general cultural aspect: they stop watching films, reading books, and attending concerts. They are characterized by frivolity, flat humor, carelessness along with capriciousness, discontent and grumbling. They become annoying and familiar. Their judgments are frivolous and superficial, and their behavior is characterized by swagger, a tendency toward cynicism, and a decreased sense of shame and disgust. Such qualities as selfishness, deceit, and egocentrism develop.

As the disease progresses, intellectual impairment increases. The character changes for the worse: the person becomes irritable and hot-tempered. Its main features are a negative worldview - an attitude towards all events with a negative prejudice, internal fear and anxiety. Memory deteriorates, interests narrow, and judgments and feelings become impoverished

It becomes difficult for a person to concentrate his attention on anything

Another manifestation of personality degradation is lack of will, excessive complacency and carelessness. Carelessness and complete indifference to the surrounding world are observed in a severe form of degradation - insanity. Personality degradation also affects a person’s appearance. Characteristic changes in appearance are visible, one might say, to the naked eye: sloppiness, stooping, an indifferent look, inappropriate behavior. That’s what they say about such people – degenerate ones.

American psychologist Maslow identified several qualities inherent in people with personality degradation:

  • treating yourself as a pawn on which nothing depends either in public or in personal life;
  • the main thing in their life becomes the satisfaction of basic primary needs;
  • They divide the world into “us” and “strangers” and try to protect themselves from “strangers”;
  • they believe that their opinion is unshakable and is not subject to criticism and discussion;
  • their language is poor, they use elementary figures of speech. Their brains don't want to expend effort on verbal functions.

Characteristic symptoms

A degraded personality is easy to recognize, even just by external signs.

There are also deeper symptoms that can be recognized in person


Loss of appearance. Unwashed hair, dirty clothes, heavy body odor - these signs appear already at the final stage. A man walks down the street drunk, not embarrassed by it, and does not cover the bruises on his face with dark glasses. Complete loss of shame. And it all can start from refusing to do a manicure and cut your hair regularly, not paying attention to the cleanliness and integrity of your clothes - these are the first signs of degradation. Loss of interest in life, the scope of needs is narrowed to food and drink. Politics, painting, sports cease to matter as such. There is nothing in this world that could evoke emotions in a degraded personality. The world narrows so much that it becomes almost invisible. Loss of feelings such as shame and disgust. Base instincts are not controlled, food from a garbage can does not cause disgust

A person no longer hides from judgmental glances, he simply does not notice them or does not take them into account. Decreased intelligence, memory, primitive judgment. A person’s speech changes, the set of words and expressions becomes minimal

Remember Sharikov from “Heart of a Dog” - this is roughly how a degraded person thinks. The person becomes psychologically unstable. Here the manifestations can be different - irritability, grumpiness, frivolity, aggressiveness, tearfulness. In any case, it is not appropriate to talk about healthy mental reactions.

Of course, it takes a certain amount of time from not wanting to develop yourself to lying drunk on a bench. Degradation does not happen overnight. Therefore, if we notice its first signs in ourselves or our loved ones, then we need to take measures to nip them in the bud.

What is personality degradation

The concept of “degradation” is found not only in psychology. It means regression, reverse development. A thing, object or phenomenon loses its positive, progressive properties and slides to a lower level of development.

Personality degradation

- this is a person’s loss of mental stability, a complete decline or significant weakening of performance and activity, minimization of acquired skills and ethical attitudes.

Not only a person’s intellect suffers, but also his sensory-emotional sphere. Not only does all interest in studying objects of the material world, acquiring new skills and abilities disappear, but the existing ones also lose their significance.

A person ceases to feel joy and does not accept responsibility for his life and the lives of loved ones. Your own and others’ emotions cease to matter.

Personality collapse often occurs with age, but can also begin in working adulthood. There are many examples of when in old age a person remains active and clear-minded, while young people descend to the state of primates.

A degraded person ceases to develop as a person, his threshold of what is permitted is significantly reduced, and moral standards cease to influence actions and actions. Physically such a person is alive, but spiritually his personality is already dead.

A degraded person can be identified by external signs: stooped posture, untidiness, dirty clothes and shoes, excessive fatness or thinness.

The range of interests of the individual is narrowed to the level of satisfying primary biological needs; we are talking about the survival of man as a species.

We will talk about the reasons for degradation below, but throughout your life it is necessary to engage in your own development - physical, intellectual and spiritual. An active person who has tasks and a mission on this earth will maintain a state of progressive changes until the end of his life.

Dislike for one's personality and lack of development lead to degradation up to the complete collapse of the human essence.

Why does personality degradation occur?

A person degrades when he stops developing spiritually. His brain seems to begin to atrophy “as unnecessary.” There can be many reasons why a person gives up and loses faith in himself, he becomes uninterested in life, he stops following events, develops intellectually, and forgets about his previous hobbies. This happens to someone when they lose a loved one, someone loses their taste for life after a collapse of hopes or a series of failures. The most susceptible to personality degradation are lonely people who feel like losers and useless to anyone.

But these factors in most cases threaten degradation not in themselves, but because a person begins to seek solace and oblivion in alcohol and sooner or later goes on a drinking binge. The concepts of alcoholism and personality degradation are inseparable. Moreover, alcoholism can be both the cause of degradation and its consequence.

Unfortunately, quite often personality degradation develops in older people after retirement. Psychologists even say that retirement is very harmful. Lack of duties, responsibility, and the need to load the brain lead to gradual spiritual death.

At the same time, there are many elderly people who have retained a lively and clear mind. If a person remains a multifaceted personality in old age, does not sit idle, if retirement frees up time and energy for new activities, then he is not in danger of personality degradation. Personality degradation can be a consequence of mental illness or organic diseases of the brain (schizophrenia, epilepsy, intoxication, trauma, etc.).

Methods to combat personality destruction

There are many ways to combat personal destruction. In the early stages of degradation, to prevent it, a person’s personal efforts will be sufficient, subject to the obligatory support of loved ones. If a person is in a state of deep decay, it is necessary to seek the help of specialists.

Self-medication or professional help

“What should I do if I am deteriorating as a person?” - the man, who realized the problem, racks his brains. Before taking measures to combat degradation, you need to understand its causes. Self-medication lies in the desire to constantly learn something new, to master new types of creativity. You can resort to auto-training or sign up for personal growth courses. Making new acquaintances and communicating with different people enriches the spiritual and social experience of the individual.

The main thing in self-medication is that a person should feel needed and significant for loved ones, find something worth living for. By expanding his horizons of possibilities, learning new things, the individual heals.

However, if, in addition to personal degradation, there is one or another type of dependent behavior, then you cannot do without the help of specialists. If the case is severe, hospitalization and inpatient treatment may be necessary.

No matter what happens, no matter how neglected the case may seem, you should not give up. Support, attentive attitude and participation of loved ones, personal positive example are the ladder along which a person who has once stumbled can again get on the right path in life.

Coped with degradation

Personality degradation in alcoholism

Regular excessive consumption of alcohol-containing drinks gradually provokes the development of chronic alcoholism in a person. This pathology, formed at the mental and physical level, is accompanied by regressive disorders in the functioning of the brain and disorders of the organic type.

Alcoholism always leads to degradation

At its core, alcoholic personality regression is human development going in the opposite direction. That is, in this case, the alcoholic gradually experiences a weakening of intellectual abilities and memory. Character traits such as:

  • selfishness;
  • callousness;
  • callousness;
  • tactlessness;
  • self-confidence.

The whole idea of ​​the existence of such a person comes down to one goal - to get the next dose of alcohol. An alcoholic begins to have problems sleeping, constantly waking up and not being able to go back to sleep peacefully. Such individuals cease to be interested in everything: the world around them, the needs of strangers, the needs of their own family.

Signs of personality degradation in an alcoholic

According to medical observations over many years, the first symptoms of regression of a person suffering from alcoholism begin 6-7 years after the start of an alcoholic career. At the first stage, a person stops feeling the need for self-realization, learning, and abandons all his usual hobbies and interests. The following factors indicate the formation of regression:

  1. Loss of a sense of responsibility and duty to family, relatives, and colleagues.
  2. Familiarity, shamelessness, annoyingness and sloppiness are more clearly manifested in behavior.
  3. The feeling of guilt and awareness of the wrongdoings gone away.
  4. Skills acquired through study and work disappear. An alcoholic becomes unable to concentrate and perform usual activities.
  5. Primitivism is visible in thoughts and actions; now the speech is dominated by the same type and simple words.
  6. Often the symptoms of personal regression go away against the background of complete immersion in oneself. The alcoholic becomes detached from the needs of those around him, existing in his own world, where the only need is to obtain the next dose of alcohol.

At the same time, the person suffering from alcohol addiction is completely unaware that his own personality is being destroyed and degraded. He often makes vows, initially assuming that he is unable to fulfill them. He does this only to create the appearance of a significant, obligatory person.

How personality changes with alcoholism

Degrading alcohol addicts are particularly intrusive. They are ready to talk for days about their past achievements, swearing friendship to their comrade. And after a few minutes, discuss the same person with others and slander him.

In each individual case, alcoholic personality degradation manifests itself individually. Some people are more complacent, passive and obedient. Others fall into a state of extreme depression and melancholy. It happens that symptoms switch from one manifestation to the opposite.

Are young people degrading from social networks (especially the VK site)?

There are a lot of public pages on the VKontakte website that carry almost no and absolutely no meaning. And it’s useless to read them (there are, of course, exceptions, but they are very, very few). Reasonable people know that they don’t look for useful information on social networks and know that the level of intelligence of those publishing this material or me is very limited.

It’s terrible when girls put all sorts of statuses about love without understanding what they mean, post all kinds of slag (information garbage) on the wall, collect likes (this is already the peak of idiocy and degradation) or post their photos every day on VK or Instagram

Do you think this is mental degradation or new hobbies?

Here is one opinion:

Most likely, the degradation lies in the extremely simplified search for information. Moreover, this phenomenon is associated with the general illiteracy of the younger generation due to the decline in the quality of education in Russia.

An educated person views the Internet as an information tool, and not as the meaning of life.

The low quality of Instagram, meaningless public pages, statuses, the meaning of which their “director” is unable to understand – all this is a stronghold of illiteracy and laziness.

In people, especially young people with their still unformed psyche, the so-called Functional Illiteracy Syndrome develops. This is the official term. Therefore, decide for yourself whether this is only degradation? Or is it a mental social illness?

Alcoholism as one of the causes of human degradation

Alcoholism is a disease, the cause of which is initially the promiscuity of the person himself, and then chemical processes in the body come into play, which, unfortunately, are irreversible. The only way to stop the disintegration of personality for an alcoholic is to completely stop drinking alcohol.

Alcohol has a destructive effect on many human organs - the liver, kidneys, and to a large extent - the brain. Memory deterioration and weakening of intelligence occur unnoticed and irreversible.

One of the first signs of an alcoholic’s degradation is the inability to remember new phenomena and skills, routine work, and lack of creativity.

At first, a person copes with work responsibilities quite well and can take care of himself at home. As the disease develops, at its last stage, degradation reaches its climax and simple actions become impossible.

We are talking about the fact that with degradation, the range of interests of an individual narrows sharply. For a dependent individual, it boils down to the need to get another dose of alcohol. And this is understandable from a physiological point of view. The body is so accustomed to alcohol being involved in metabolism that it does not function well without it. Hormones of joy and happiness can only be produced when a new portion of alcohol is received. But such “happiness” does not last long. It is replaced by aggression, anxiety and self-deprecation. It turns out to be such a vicious circle.

The distinctive features of alcohol degradation are


  • Complete lack of self-criticism
    . The person believes that he drinks “like everyone else” and completely denies that he has any serious problems.
  • People around who try to stop an alcoholic from drinking become his enemies and persecutors
    . After all, these people want to deprive him of the only available way to get pleasure.
  • Moral norms cease to matter to the individual
    . The feeling of shame first dulls and then disappears completely.
  • When drunk or waiting for a dose, a person forgets about his responsibility to his family
    , does not care about absenteeism and the threat of dismissal.
  • The person becomes extremely deceitful and resourceful
    . Wanting to drink, he comes up with different ways to get alcohol, hides it, carries it in a rubber hot water bottle, if he has drinking buddies, he finds any excuse to run away from home.

The emotional sphere suffers the most: from aggression to lisp, from self-flagellation to self-praise, from depression to euphoria. When alcohol becomes the goal of life and the only source of positive emotions, then there can be no talk of any spiritual development. A person is not interested in walking, reading, discussing any issues; the whole world for him fits at the bottom of a glass.

Causes of degradation

Degradation has many causes, each of which can lead to final personal disintegration. Perhaps the main ones are:

Loneliness, loss of loved ones

A significant part of people, due to life circumstances, can begin to degrade when they are alone. Loneliness is caused by the death of a loved one, family member or separation from him. Sometimes a situation arises when not only relatives, but also friends are absent. You can quarrel with them for a long time, and those with whom you spent your youth gradually pass away.

“It’s boring, and sad, and there’s no one to give a hand to…” It's scary when you have no one to tell about what's bothering you. The feeling of one’s own uselessness, of existing alone with a cold, alien world, does not leave. And then a person begins to more often catch himself not wanting to live, change for the better, or take care of his own appearance. Loneliness leads to a long-term loss of strength and mood, and thoughts of suicide appear.

Alienation from society

A rollback can occur for a person experiencing social isolation. When fired or reaching retirement age, sometimes there is a feeling that the individual has been excluded from society and will no longer live a full life. Before that, he got up in the morning, did exercises, brushed his teeth, dressed neatly, had breakfast, drank coffee and went to work. Official duties, conversations with colleagues, participation in common affairs occupied him and were an important part of almost daily life.

But all this is over, the person finds himself in limbo, it is not clear what to do next; little by little it becomes as if there is no reason to live. It is no longer possible to exist according to the previously established order and think as before. The best option is when the family comes to the rescue, making it clear that the person is significant and valuable, no matter what happens to him. Comfort comes from communicating with children and preparing food that we have never tried at home before. If a person expects support from family members, but does not receive it or does not have a family, there is a high risk that the personality will begin to collapse.

Indifference and laziness

Sometimes the most common human laziness, inertia and the desire to avoid any effort lead to personal decline. Things that require a responsible approach, energy and strength are shelved.

At the same time, work duties seem to be respected, but such an employee works under pressure, counting the hours until the end of the day. But even when he comes home, he is busy doing nothing, ignoring cleanliness, culinary chores, and repair work. He's not interested in it. There is also no desire to appear in society, devote time to sports or outdoor recreation. My favorite pastime is watching meaningless TV shows with beer and chips. Although psychologists say that such leisure time helps to cope with intellectual or physical fatigue, unless, of course, you sit like that for days on end.

Feelings of guilt and self-doubt

It happens that an individual fails in several areas of life in a short time. Then confidence in one’s own powerlessness may develop, and self-esteem may sharply decrease. However, this does not happen for everyone. There are people who are mobilized by failure and motivated to make new attempts to achieve success, and there are people whose defeatist mood in such situations intensifies, ultimately resulting in depression. They constantly blame themselves, reflecting on the reasons for their failure, looking for mistakes, delving into their own past.

American humanist psychologist Abraham Maslow argued that personality degradation consists of 4 stages :

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The essence of the concept

Personality degradation is the gradual loss of human appearance. When irreversible changes occur for the worse in character, habits, inclinations and hobbies. The development of such traits as irritability, passivity, and then aggressiveness is manifested.

What does degradation include?

Signs of degradation

A degraded person does not come to his condition in one moment. Sometimes regression takes several decades to develop. The main distinguishing signs by which one can suspect a decline in personality include the following symptoms:

Gradual loss of the ability to think soberly and reason sensibly. The ability to concentrate on any one task/goal disappears. There is a attenuation of all feelings exhibited by a person in a normal state. One notices a gradual withdrawal into oneself, into one’s inner, artificially created world. Conversational and familiar speech becomes more primitive and incoherent. Busyness in business and work decreases sharply. The circle of human communication is also narrowing. An apathetic state occurs in which the person stops showing any care and attention to others.

A person, being in the developing stages of regression, eventually loses mental stability. All manifestations of activity and performance are stopped. They are replaced by nervousness, global disturbances of attention and memory. All interests disappear, giving way to lack of initiative, lack of will and carelessness.

Degradation can also follow the spiritual path

Human degradation and Abraham Maslow

A medical psychologist who lived in America last century, he devoted his life to the study of human nature. A psychiatrist has compiled a hierarchy of personal needs. The world-famous scientist noted the main qualities that manifested themselves in all people walking along the road of degradation. According to the psychologist, people with regression tend to have the following perceptions:

  1. The degenerate considers himself to be a “pawn.” That is, I am sure that his actions, as a conscious individual, depend entirely on someone: other people or external forces. This phenomenon is called “learned helplessness.”
  2. The priority of degraded people becomes survival, only the desire to achieve all the needs necessary for the functioning of the body. Food, sleep, natural needs.
  3. The regressed personality divides the entire society into two camps: bad/strangers and good/our own.
  4. He is fully confident that his opinion is not subject to any discussion/criticism and is the only correct one.
  5. The brain of such a person stops expending active efforts on the implementation of verbal functions. Therefore, those who are degraded will have a poorer vocabulary.

Stages of personality degradation

If personality degradation is caused by depression, strong emotional experiences, then the following stages are observed. First, a person loses his ideals, his purpose in life. Then moral principles and internal norms are lost. He becomes unable to overcome the difficulties that arise along the path of life. Among the feelings, envy, aggressiveness, and apathy predominate. Then the ability to actively act and think, to understand others, disappears. A person simply repeats other people's thoughts and actions. And finally, it all ends with a complete loss of the sense of reality. The main argument of such people is to argue over any issue; to achieve their short-term goals, they are capable of vile acts. Very often they try to live at the expense of others, but the relationships that such people are able to create are pathological and destructive. Anyone who stops appreciating and respecting himself is unable to appreciate another. Interestingly, women are less at risk of completely degenerating; their maternal instinct saves them.

Personal opinion of “independent” users

Of course, everyone has their own personal opinion about social networks. Many people deliberately refuse such pastimes. Others, on the contrary, move further and further away from reality. Both are able to support their thoughts with logical arguments. But there is undoubtedly a problem with escaping reality on social networks.

Research conducted by psychologists confirmed that out of 1000 people surveyed (under the age of 22), 955 periodically use social networks. Networking takes up on average up to 3 hours of free time. At the same time, 73% of young people surveyed did not admit their addiction to social networks!

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