Social status and role, main characteristics and varieties.

Meaning of the term and general characteristics

The word “status” itself dates back to Ancient Rome. Then it had more of a legal connotation, rather than a sociological one, and denoted the legal status of an organization.

Nowadays, social status is a person’s position in a particular group and society as a whole, giving him certain rights, privileges, as well as responsibilities in relation to other members.

It helps people interact better with each other. If a person of a certain social status does not fulfill his duties, then he will be held responsible for it. Thus, an entrepreneur who sews clothes to order will pay a penalty if the deadlines are missed. In addition, his reputation will be ruined.

Examples of the social status of one person are a schoolboy, son, grandson, brother, member of a sports club, citizen, and so on.

This is a certain characteristic of a person according to his professional qualities, financial and marital status, age, education and other criteria.

A person can simultaneously belong to several groups at once and, accordingly, play not one, but many different roles. That's why they talk about status sets. It is unique and individual for each person.


What it is? No one can say for sure. After all, many factors play a role here. But if you look at the generally accepted concept, then a socially dangerous situation is a combination of circumstances and other elements in the life of a citizen or family, which indicates an unfavorable atmosphere.

More precisely, this is a kind of unpleasant position in society. This can include a lot of different reasons, as well as situations. However, if it turns out that a person’s social situation is close to danger (or is already so), the government is able to take measures to eliminate the unfavorable factors affecting the citizen’s life. Especially when it comes to family and children.

Types of social statuses, examples

Their range is quite wide. There are statuses received at birth, and others acquired during life. Those that society ascribes to a person, or those that he achieves through his own efforts.

The basic and passing social status of a person is distinguished. Examples: the main and universal one, in fact, is the person himself, then comes the second - this is the citizen. The list of main statuses also includes consanguinity, economic, political, and religious. The list goes on.

Episodic - a passerby, a patient, a strike participant, a buyer, an exhibition visitor. That is, such statuses for the same person can change quite quickly and repeat periodically.

Financial assistance to a social worker

Also exempt from contributions is financial assistance for the birth of a child, paid in the first year after his birth and not exceeding fifty thousand rubles, while the father and mother of the child (if they are both employees of the enterprise) are counted separately.

Some accountants, especially inexperienced ones, find it difficult to understand the “Material assistance for the birth of a child” payment. Accounting entries in the 1C: Accounting program are compiled automatically: DT 92.2 - CT 70. But that’s not the point, or rather, not only that. It turns out that there are many nuances to this issue. Taxation, in accordance with the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, is not carried out in cases with the following payments:

Prescribed social status: examples

This is what a person receives from birth, biologically and geographically given characteristics. Until recently, it was impossible to influence them in any way and change the situation. Examples of social status: gender, nationality, race. These set parameters remain with a person for life. Although in our progressive society they have already taken aim at changing gender. So one of the listed statuses to some extent ceases to be prescribed.

Much of what is related would also be considered a prescribed species. This is father, mother, sister, brother. And husband and wife are already acquired statuses.

Financial situation of young people

Noting positive changes in the self-identification of young people according to the level of their financial situation, one should take into account the peculiarities of the formation of social strata in modern Russian society. The concepts of average and above average wealth, as well as the concept of the middle class, have their own specifics and are practically not comparable with similar strata and the structure of opportunities for similar strata in economically developed societies. This conclusion is confirmed by a comparison of self-identification by standard of living with self-assessment of the frequency of material difficulties experienced, as discussed above. The unsatisfactory financial situation of young people, the gap between rising prices and incomes, which gives rise to contradictions in social status, is evidenced by the following fact: in 2021, young people rated their financial status higher, but at the same time the share of those in need among them also increased. These contradictions are of an institutional nature and are associated with the consequences of the deep economic crisis that have not yet been overcome.

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The level of financial situation of young people is reflected in their subjective feelings of self. Subjective assessments of financial situation are manifested in the correlation of oneself with various income groups. This indicator is one of the most unstable. It depends both on real changes in the income of young people and on individual perceptions of well-being. For example, in the 1990s. A wide layer of poor and low-income youth was formed, to whom only essential products and some durable household items were available. At the same time, a small middle layer of young people gradually emerged, which by the end of the 1990s. accounted for approximately 15% of all youth and about 3% of rich youth. The August 1998 default significantly undermined the position of the emerging middle class, reducing its youth component by half. Further policies of socio-economic stabilization had a positive impact on this indicator. As a result, the proportion of young people who feel destitute, poor and low-income has decreased. At the same time, the number of young people with average and above average income has increased. The share of wealthy young people remained at the same low level.

Achieved status

This is what a person achieves himself. By making efforts, making choices, working, studying, each individual ultimately comes to certain results. His successes or failures are reflected in the way society assigns him the status he deserves. Doctor, director, company president, professor, thief, homeless person, tramp.

Almost every achieved social status of an individual has its own insignia. Examples:

  • for the military, security forces, internal troops - uniform and shoulder straps;
  • doctors wear white coats;
  • people who have broken the law have tattoos on their bodies.

Roles in society

A person’s social status will help to understand how this or that object will behave. We constantly find examples and confirmation of this. Expectations in the behavior and appearance of an individual depending on his membership in a certain class are called social role.

Thus, the status of a parent obliges him to be strict but fair to his child, to bear responsibility for him, to teach, to give advice, to prompt, to help in difficult situations. The status of a son or daughter is, on the contrary, a certain subordination to parents, legal and material dependence on them.

But, despite some patterns of behavior, every person has a choice of what to do. Examples of social status and its use by an individual do not fit one hundred percent into the proposed framework. There is only a scheme, a certain template, which each individual implements according to his abilities and ideas.

It often happens that it is difficult for one person to combine several social roles. For example, a woman’s first role is a mother, wife, and her second role is a successful businesswoman. Both roles require an investment of effort, time, and full dedication. A conflict arises.

An analysis of the social status of an individual and an example of his actions in life allow us to conclude that it reflects not only the internal position of a person, but also affects his appearance, manner of dressing and speaking.

Let's look at examples of social status and the standards associated with it in appearance. Thus, the director of a bank or the founder of a reputable company cannot appear at work in sweatpants or rubber boots. And the priest should come to church in jeans.

The status that a person has achieved forces him to pay attention not only to appearance and behavior, but also to choose his social circle, place of residence, and study.

Financial status types

The level of material wealth is confirmed by payment documents indicating the receipt of funds. For example, if a person receives a salary on a card, then the statement will serve as proof of regular income. The same goes for savings books. In these ways, a person’s solvency is confirmed. Many families do not have enough income, so in most regions there is a provision on financial assistance.

The fact that the gap in this group is not very significant suggests that national discrimination in the formation of the material elite is not so high. And the fact that there are many Russians among the poor rather speaks of different mentalities, including different attitudes towards work and alcohol. Many families do not have enough income, so in most regions there is a provision on financial assistance. It provides the opportunity to receive benefits in the event of difficult situations. Additional payments are provided to large and low-income families, unemployed citizens, disabled people and other social groups.


Not the least role in the destinies of people is played by such a concept as prestige (and positive, from the point of view of the majority, social status). We can easily find examples in the questionnaire that students of all high schools write before entering higher education institutions. They often make their choice based on the prestige of a particular profession. Nowadays, few boys dream of becoming an astronaut or pilot. And once upon a time it was a very popular profession. They choose between lawyers and financiers. This is how time dictates.

Conclusion: a person develops as an individual in the process of mastering different social statuses and roles. The brighter the dynamics, the more adapted to life the individual will become.

Types of financial assistance

The objects of management in the system of social protection of the population are institutions and organizations, labor and educational groups of this system, as well as relations between people. Subjects of management are bodies directly involved in the problems of social assistance to the population (ministries, committees, departments, administrations, departments of social protection of the population, labor collectives). The main function of bodies and institutions of social protection of the population is to improve the activities of its various structural elements, regulated by certain norms and controlled by social institutions to ensure the achievement of their goals.

Compulsory state social insurance is a means of compensation for social risk and a means of social redistribution, taking into account the principle of social justice. This is one of the types of state material support for the population in the event of disability due to illness and in other cases provided for by law.

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