How to choose or make a verticalizer with your own hands: device diagram

Cerebral palsy is a chronic congenital neurological disease characterized by damage to the central nervous system. Occurs when one or more areas of the brain are damaged. Depending on the volume of brain damage, the severity of cerebral palsy is determined. When the child is ill, various motor abnormalities are observed. In the most severe forms of the disease, muscle structures are involved. In addition to partial loss of motor activity, the disease can reveal pathology of the visual and auditory apparatus, as well as impaired speech activity.

Cerebral palsy is often accompanied by epileptic seizures and dementia. The disease is chronic and cannot be fully recovered. But with control, treatment, and most importantly with long and proper rehabilitation, the symptoms and course of the disease are much easier to bear. Currently, during the rehabilitation of such patients, a verticalizer for children with cerebral palsy is widely used. It is convenient because the child can stand independently and contributes to the child’s social adaptation.

Treatment of this disease will be primarily aimed at the rehabilitation of the patient’s motor functions, correction of the speech apparatus and restoration of the psycho-emotional state. Motor functions are restored by changing and strengthening certain postures. In addition to concomitant disorders, it is also necessary to focus on treating the immediate cause of the disease. To do this, a thorough diagnosis of the patient is carried out.

If traditional methods of treatment are not effective, then they resort to radical therapy - surgery. Surgical methods affect tendons and muscles. This brings them to a more natural state. If it is possible to correct any disorders affecting the brain, then they resort to neurosurgery. Treatment should be started as early as possible. Since as the child develops, orthopedic changes occur, which will need to be corrected later.

All patients with cerebral palsy require mandatory rehabilitation. It, like treatment, needs to be started as early as possible. Rehabilitation activities include swimming in the pool, a dosed increase in physical activity (only with the permission of a specialist), exercises to develop the functions of the cerebral hemispheres, and the development of fine motor skills. At home, it is imperative to support the work on the child’s rehabilitation. Now there are special installations for giving the patient a fixed vertical position. These installations are called verticalizers. They are very convenient to use; depending on the model, they can change the patient’s position, train the muscular corset and help the patient adapt to the world around him. At the same time, a person gains some freedom of movement and can feed himself using a table.

What is a verticalizer and why is it needed?

A verticalizer for the disabled is a device designed to bring the patient’s body into an upright position. It acts as a support on which the patient is secured using belts. All places in contact with the skin are lined with soft material so that there is no pain when using the device. A verticalizer is a maneuverable tool that can change the angle of inclination, making it more convenient for performing various types of tasks.

The device is used to prevent:

  • formation of bedsores in disabled people who are forced to constantly lie down;
  • development of muscle atrophy due to a sedentary lifestyle;
  • destruction of bone tissue and the appearance of osteoporosis;
  • formation of joint contracture;
  • pneumonia developing due to the inability of a bedridden patient to breathe with the diaphragm;
  • renal failure;
  • pulmonary embolism;
  • mental disorders.

The vertical for disabled people is used for the following diagnoses:

  • cerebral palsy;
  • dysfunction of the musculoskeletal system;
  • suffered a stroke;
  • muscle dystrophy.

The verticalizer helps not only to support the body in a standing position, but also to train the muscles for the patient’s further recovery.

Why do disabled people need a verticalizer?

A verticalizer (its other name is a stander) is necessary for many disabled people, including for psychological reasons. After all, the constrained state and inability of such citizens to take part in any life processes is very depressing. At the same time, he may find himself in a depressed state and lose interest in existence. The presence of a verticalizer allows people with disabilities to lead a completely different lifestyle.

Doctors recommend purchasing a stander mainly for medical reasons, since in people who are constantly in a sitting or lying position, some processes slow down. This can lead to unpleasant consequences, for example, kidney failure, pulmonary failure, osteoporosis or low blood pressure. In addition, in such patients, blood circulation slows down and bedsores occur.

Keeping a disabled person in an upright position will help improve the functioning of the body and avoid adverse consequences.

Stender is often prescribed to patients for rehabilitation during the treatment of certain pathologies that cause the inability to walk, or after surgery.

A verticalizer is usually necessary for patients with the following diseases:

  • cerebral palsy;
  • dysfunction of the spinal cord;
  • spinal injuries;
  • muscle dystrophy;
  • multiple sclerosis;
  • stroke.

The stand is designed to train balance and gain self-service skills.

Types of verticalizers for adults

Standers intended for use by disabled adults are of 5 types:

  • dynamic - used as a means of transportation, controlled by the patient himself, who has the ability to move the wheels of the device with his hands;
  • static – intended for people with severe motor impairments; controlled by doctors using a remote control;
  • anterior – suitable for patients who are able to hold their head up; the support is on the stomach;
  • rear – support occurs on the back; prescribed to those who cannot hold their head up;
  • multi-level - means of bringing the body into several positions at once: lying, sitting, semi-sitting, standing.

Some verticalizers are used as leg trainers. When making movements with your arms, levers are pulled that act on the platforms under your feet, thereby training your lower limbs.

Verticalizer at home

Despite all the positive aspects of rehabilitation equipment, not everyone can purchase it for their child. And all this is due to the fairly high cost of such an installation. But don’t be upset, the verticalizer can be made with your own hands. This installation is done quite simply. But in any case, before doing it, you should definitely consult a doctor.

The most affordable option would be a wooden structure (the base could be plywood). But if you have the skills to work with iron and a welding device, then the structure can be metal.

In order to make such equipment with your own hands, you need to start with a drawing; it is best to involve a person with experience or certain knowledge in this field. Then the drawing must be agreed upon with the attending physician to clarify the characteristics and parameters. It is also worth turning to the literature and reviews to see and compare different device models and settle on a more suitable model. If any mechanism is used in the manufacture of the verticalizer, then consultation and assistance from an electrician (auto electrician) is also needed. The turning of parts according to the drawing and the assembly of parts is carried out either with one’s own strength and skills, or by a carpenter. You can contact furniture assemblers. In any case, this option will be cheaper than the factory one. The final stage will be soft upholstery of the equipment to prevent injuries. A do-it-yourself verticalizer will ideally fit the parameters of a small patient, so all the details will be calculated individually.

Types of verticalizers for children

There are verticalizers for disabled children:

  • front - the principle of operation is the same as for adults: support on the stomach, fixation of all limbs, adjustment of the angle of inclination, built-in table;
  • anteroposterior – support can be either on the stomach or on the back, which allows you to use different rehabilitation techniques at the same time;
  • orthopedic - equipped with a frame that supports the child in various positions and poses; used to gradually teach children to stand.

Almost all children's verticals are developed specifically for children with cerebral palsy.


A stander is a device with special belts that secures a disabled person. They support the body in such a way that the lower limbs are not loaded at all. The design of the verticalizer has clamps for the torso, feet, knees and pelvis.

Currently, standers are made of metal, wood or polymer

There are several varieties:

Electric wheelchair for disabled people

  • Dynamic. This verticalizer is produced for adults. It allows a person to move independently. A dynamic stander has large wheels, which a person operates with the force of his hands.
  • Static. It includes small wheels that help you move around the room. In this case, the disabled person does not require outside assistance.
  • Front. Such a device can be purchased not only by adults, but also by children. The front verticalizer involves relying on the abdominal area. However, only those people who can hold their head up on their own can use it.
  • Rear. The device is designed to rest on your back. Such standers are needed by people who are unable to hold their head up on their own. They are usually prescribed to patients who cannot move.
  • Stroller with verticalizer. They are produced not only with mechanical, but also with electric drive. The convenient design of this stand allows you to easily move a disabled person from a sitting to a standing position. This action makes the life of a sick person much easier.
  • Multi-level. This device allows a disabled person to change his position. The patient can stand, sit and even lie down. Another function of this verticalizer is fixation in a semi-standing position.

There is another type of stander - active. This is a so-called simulator with which you can train muscles.

General technical specifications

Verticalizers for disabled people are available in different sizes, which are adjusted to the following parameters:

  • hip width;
  • hip depth;
  • chest width;
  • chest depth;
  • height to the axis of the femoral joint;
  • height to sternum;
  • maximum permissible weight.

Standard vertical equipment:

  • frame on swiveling wheels with brakes;
  • chest and thigh clips with soft seal;
  • stabilizers for arms, feet, knees;
  • seat;
  • table;
  • electromechanical rotor;
  • lower limb separator.

What to consider when choosing

The main thing you should pay attention to when selecting a verticalizer is the doctor’s prescription. Only a specialist, based on the examination and established diagnosis, can indicate the appropriate type of device that will correspond to the permissible loads and physical capabilities of the patient.

When taking measurements to select the vertical size, you need to dress the patient in comfortable clothes and familiar shoes. If he wears orthopedic boots, then measurements must be taken in them.

For patients with cerebral palsy, it is necessary to choose stands with a tight fixation that will not allow the body to dangle. Otherwise, the child will be uncomfortable and even painful, and the effectiveness will be significantly reduced.

Thus, verticalizers are rehabilitation and care devices that allow patients to remain in an upright position. They come in different types and sizes and are selected based on the diagnosis and physical capabilities of the disabled person.

How to choose the right verticalizer

  • Buy a verticalizer
  • History of verticalizing devices
  • Types of verticalizers. Short review
  • Features of using verticalizers
  • Read more about rehabilitation technology

Correct selection of a verticalizer is impossible without prior consultation with a doctor and examination of the patient.
The main task of the doctor in this case is to determine what type of verticalizer, with what level of support and what additional devices are required. This takes into account, first of all, the patient’s age, his illness and physical capabilities. The future user should, if possible, also participate in the selection of a verticalizing device, since he, like no one else, knows about his needs. If a wheelchair with a verticalizer is selected, then the physical potential of the patient comes first. In this case, the choice is between mechanical and electric drive of both the chair itself and the verticalizing mechanism.

In general, fully mechanical upright chairs are recommended for patients with greater physical capabilities, while fully electric chairs are recommended for patients with minimal physical capabilities. However, the choice is also associated with a social factor. For example, a person who moves in a chair from home to work every day (even with a good level of physical development) would be more suitable for an electric chair with a mechanical verticalizer for faster and less energy-consuming movement.

Stander size

Using an incorrectly selected (or adjusted) erector can lead to pain in various parts of the body, discomfort and even serious physical impairment. The main overall dimensions of the verticalizer are length, width and height, and before choosing a specific model, you need to find out the spatial capabilities of the room in which the verticalizer will be installed. It is important that the verticalizer is placed where its full functional potential can be fully realized. In addition, it must be possible to place the verticalizer in such a way that it is convenient for the patient to move into it, and also so that the person, while in the verticalizer, does not feel squeezed. After the maximum permissible dimensions of the verticalizer have been determined, it is necessary to measure the following parameters of the patient’s build: weight, height, foot length, hip width, width and volume of the chest, distance from feet to knees and from knees to hips, distance from feet to chest. When measuring the height and length of the feet, the patient should be wearing shoes with normal heels.

The width of the hips is measured as the distance from one ilium to the other, and the width of the chest is measured as the distance from one end of the rib cage to the other at its widest part. The distance from the feet to the knees is measured from the bottom of the soles of the shoes to the middle of the kneecap. The distance from the knees to the hips corresponds to the distance from the middle of the kneecap to the ilium. The distance from the feet to the chest is the distance from the bottom level of the soles of the shoes to the nipples on the chest.

Other selection factors

When selecting a verticalizer, it is important to remember that if the patient has difficulty supporting his head, he should never be placed in the front verticalizer. You should choose only among models of verticalizers with reverse tilt. The choice between a mobile and static stander is determined, first of all, by the patient’s physical capabilities: whether he can independently control the drive wheels of the mobile stander and whether he is able to maintain balance. If the answer to one of these questions is negative, then you should stop using the mobile verticalizer. When choosing a verticalizer for a child with cerebral palsy, preference should be given only to those models that are equipped with all the necessary fixing devices, previously agreed upon with the attending physician.

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