I'm pregnant, I have a headache, what can I drink?

Headache during pregnancy is a common ailment that accompanies most expectant mothers. From our article you will learn how to get rid of migraines, what medications you can take in the 1st, 2nd and 3rd trimesters.

Causes of headaches during pregnancy

According to statistics, every 5 pregnant women experience headaches (cephalalgia). This condition most often manifests itself in the first 3 months of bearing a baby, but sometimes it manifests itself in later stages. There are many reasons for the occurrence of malaise, let's look at them together.

The main causes of headaches during pregnancy are:

  • Hormonal changes - this condition is quite natural, because your body develops in such a way as to be able to bear a child for 9 months. In addition, an increase in the level of progesterone and estrogen affects the tone of blood vessels, causing them to spasm.
  • A sudden increase or decrease in blood pressure during magnetic storms or prolonged cloudiness before rain;
  • overwork;
  • emotional exhaustion;
  • severe stress;
  • hunger;
  • stuffiness;
  • thirst;
  • being in a poorly ventilated area;
  • sleep disturbance (insomnia or sleeping more than 10 hours);
  • incorrect posture (usually this is typical for the 3rd trimester).

Even certain foods can cause headaches. For example, eating chocolate or not drinking strong tea can trigger a migraine.

Other causes of malaise include the presence of vegetative-vascular dystonia, problems with the cervical vertebrae, colds and toothache.

Symptoms and treatment of headaches during pregnancy

Cephalgia has different classifications. Below we will talk about what to do if you have a headache during pregnancy.

Tension pain is characterized by dull and monotonous painful sensations. This creates a feeling as if the head is tied with an elastic bandage.

Often with this type of ailment, women complain of discomfort from the neck to the back of the head, temples and eye area. During palpation, painful points are felt in the neck and back of the head. Possibly nausea, no vomiting.

As a rule, the duration of such sensations is from half an hour to one and a half hours.

Tension pain appears due to mental or physical fatigue, nervous exhaustion, and stress. Treatment of this type of cephalalgia consists of eliminating symptoms using the following means:

  • Glycine is a drug that reduces psycho-emotional stress and signs of VSD, improves mood, mental performance and sleep. Glycine is useful to take to prevent frequent headaches due to an unstable nervous system.
  • Valerian - prescribed in case of overexcitation of the nervous system and sleep disturbances, up to 4 tablets at a time.
  • “Extraplast” compress patch – it contains lavender, eucalyptus, menthol and castor oils. All these substances do not penetrate the human circulatory system, so they are safe for the fetus. The cooling patch should be applied to the dry skin of the forehead or back of the neck so that it does not come into contact with the hair. Each patch is designed for one-time use only. You cannot keep it on your body for more than 6 hours.

A characteristic feature of migraine is prolonged throbbing pain in one side of the head and spreading to the eyes. As a rule, the duration of such symptoms ranges from 4 hours to several days.

In some cases, the pain is accompanied by nausea and vomiting. Before the attack, you may notice blurred vision, visual or auditory hallucinations, and taste changes. Any physical activity only increases the signs of malaise.

Migraine occurs as a result of irritation of the nerve ganglia and plexuses in the head and neck area. This condition is provoked by diseases of the cervical spine, cerebral vessels, and paranasal sinuses.

In the second and third trimesters, you can take several Paracetamol tablets to relieve discomfort.

Despite the fact that experimental studies have not confirmed the negative effects of Paracetamol on fetal development, it is still not recommended to take it in the first trimester.

It is better to use suppositories instead of the tablet form, since they contain a lower dosage of the active substance and are allowed for children from 3 months. A few Valerian tablets will also help cope with a mild form of migraine.

A characteristic feature of vascular headache is throbbing pain in the occipital, parietal, temporal and other areas of the head. Most often, such ailment occurs with hypertension and hypotension, VSD and other pathologies of the cardiovascular system.

A distinctive feature of hypertension is the narrowing and spasms of blood vessels in the brain, resulting in the formation of cephalgia. During a hypertensive crisis, the listed symptoms may include a feeling of heaviness in the head, increasing general weakness and blue lips. The occurrence of vascular spasms in the brain is often accompanied by nausea and tinnitus.

How to get rid of discomfort? Use a cold compress on the forehead or back of the neck, it constricts the blood vessels, which is useful for hypertension.

For hypotension, it is recommended to use a hot compress, as it dilates blood vessels and improves low blood pressure.

If you are prone to hypotension, try to lead a healthy lifestyle, do not overeat and get enough sleep. During a crisis, it is best for you to lie down for 40 minutes with a warm compress on your forehead.

Or drink some coffee.

It is useful to regularly use a contrast shower, as it not only has a beneficial effect on the skin, but also normalizes blood pressure.

Diet for headaches during pregnancy

If you experience frequent and severe migraines during pregnancy, you need to reconsider your diet. Often the occurrence of headaches is associated with an incorrect and unbalanced diet, consumption of the following foods:

  • bananas;
  • citruses;
  • Chinese dishes;
  • chicken, pork and beef liver;
  • avocado;
  • processed cheeses.

Migraines can develop as a result of strict diets, therapeutic or cleansing fasting. Remember, during pregnancy you need to eat right so that there are no problems with the health of the fetus and yours.

Eating healthy and eating low-calorie foods will help you maintain a healthy weight. Eat more fresh fruits to enrich your body with useful vitamins and microelements. If you feel hungry, drink kefir or yogurt.

Source: https://cska-tir.ru/ja-beremenna-u-menja-bolit-golova-chto-mozhno-vypit/

Sumatriptan during early pregnancy, reviews from gynecologists

Hello, dear doctors.

I provide a link to my topic on migraines in another section: https://forums.rusmedserv.com/showthread.php?t=421674

I am 39 years old, weight 68 kg, pregnancy 6-8 embryonic weeks. The diagnosis is a simple migraine, there is no doubt, it was made by many neurologists, according to the FAQ, too.

Headaches began at the age of 17, with the onset of menstruation. (I had infertility in the past, I always had a long menstrual cycle, from 3 months to 2 years. I also have an autoimmune disease - diffuse toxic goiter, and chronic iron deficiency.) At first, the headaches were rare and relieved with citramone, over time the frequency and the intensity increased, at the moment, without preventive treatment, only triptans help me. Most often, a quarter of the head hurts - especially the temple, forehead and eyebrow, and the area behind the eye. It was as if an awl had been inserted into my temple, the pain was old. Sometimes it starts to hurt with a pulsation in the temple, sometimes it feels like it’s spreading across the whole head. Shortly before the pain, an attack of uncontrollable weakness and drowsiness for a couple of hours, and before the weakness, on the contrary, several minutes of such vigor, which since childhood I have not felt in my usual state. The most severe attacks are provoked by changes in weather conditions. Previously, the most hellish pain occurred after donating blood as a donor. Also, attacks are provoked by hunger, oversleeping, and light stress, both physical and emotional. I don’t drink alcohol, but I know that wine will give me a very bad headache. I didn’t notice the influence of food. During an attack, you may feel nauseous; every sound, movement, and bright light increases the pain significantly. My blood pressure is usually low, around 105/75, and doesn’t seem to change during pain. The neck does not hurt, but there is osteochondrosis.

Migraine pregnancy sumatriptan – Migraine

Are triptans toxic to the fetus?

Dr. Haldre answers: During the development of all drugs, including triptans, their possible toxic effect on the fetus is monitored. In animal experiments with four triptans registered in Estonia at doses many times higher than usual doses, no toxic effects on the fetus were found. Therefore, it can be assumed that triptans do not have a toxic effect on the human fetus. In general, the actual time of use of triptans was too short, so no company directly recommends taking their drugs to pregnant women. In most cases, it is noted that triptans can be taken by pregnant women only after carefully weighing the ratio of expected benefits and possible dangers. The occurrence of developmental defects is possible even without the influence of special external factors. The probability of occurrence of defects in the normal population is 3-5%. To assess whether newer drugs increase this risk, a registry is being compiled of women taking triptans during pregnancy. Now, an article published in the American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology (Reiff-Eldridge R jt, Am J Obstetrics Gynecol, 182, 159-163, 2000) shows that the use of sumatriptan during pregnancy does not increase the number of birth defects compared with the general population . I didn’t drink it myself, but here’s some info

Source: https://eskpmb.ru/lechenie-migreni/migren-beremennost-sumatriptan

Migraine during pregnancy. HELL!!!

Yes, migraine, of course, is a terrible thing, I suffer myself.

By the way, I strongly disagree with the advice to drink citramon - it contains aspirin, and aspirin is prohibited in the first and third trimester. The painkiller and antipyretic allowed during pregnancy is paracetamol, which, unfortunately, is powerless for migraines. Now I myself am suffering once again, for the fifth day in a row I have had a headache, it goes away for an hour or two and comes back again. Moreover, everything is very unusual: I wake up - the back of my head hurts, I measure the pressure - everything is fine, at lunch I go to take a nap, I wake up - the frontal part of my head already hurts, and since I don’t have much willpower to endure the pain, I take paracetamol - half an hour and my headache passes... as it were... and turns into a migraine - the temple, eye, tooth ache on one side. The only good thing is that the migraines are not very intense; in my last pregnancy the attacks were much stronger. I scoured a bunch of sites in the hope of finding information on the use of sumatriptans and found this interesting excerpt from the article, maybe someone is interested:

Are triptans toxic to the fetus?

Dr. Haldre answers: During the development of all drugs, including triptans, their possible toxic effect on the fetus is monitored. In animal experiments with four triptans registered in Estonia at doses many times higher than usual doses, no toxic effects on the fetus were found. Therefore, it can be assumed that triptans do not have a toxic effect on the human fetus. In general, the actual time of use of triptans was too short, so no company directly recommends taking their drugs to pregnant women. In most cases, it is noted that triptans can be taken by pregnant women only after carefully weighing the ratio of expected benefits and possible dangers. The occurrence of developmental defects is possible even without the influence of special external factors. The probability of occurrence of defects in the normal population is 3-5%. To assess whether newer drugs increase this risk, a registry is being compiled of women taking triptans during pregnancy. Now, an article published in the American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology (Reiff-Eldridge R jt, Am J Obstetrics Gynecol, 182, 159-163, 2000) shows that the use of sumatriptan during pregnancy does not increase the number of birth defects compared with the general population .

On my own behalf, I couldn’t stand it during my last pregnancy and took amigrenin once in the first trimester. Now the child is three years old and everything is fine with him.

Migraine during pregnancy: what to do, what to treat in the early stages, symptoms

Migraine during pregnancy can occur even in those who had no idea before and never noticed signs of such an illness. In more than 20% of cases, a woman suffers from a disease such as migraine during pregnancy.

Photos: during pregnancy Pain Recipe for head massage consult a doctor During pregnancy Treatment during pregnancy

The disease has distinctive signs that allow it to be diagnosed. For a woman’s body, which is already in a difficult position, it is also very difficult to endure a migraine. Headaches cannot be tolerated, so it is necessary to look for ways to eliminate them.

Migraine or hemicrania is a disease that can be hereditary. It is expressed by severe pain. Many girls attribute the sensations to simple malaise during pregnancy. Due to the fact that the symptoms are quite pronounced, they try to relieve the discomfort with the usual remedies used for headaches.

Each woman’s body is individual, the reasons for the formation of migraines in the early stages are different for everyone. But, nevertheless, there are several reasons for the formation of this disease during pregnancy.

  1. Nutrition. Taking some foods can cause a migraine attack in the early stages. These are products such as cheese, chocolate, citrus fruits (in large quantities), spicy seasonings, and alcohol. Proper nutrition is very important for the health of a woman and her unborn child.
  2. A change in diet can cause allergic reactions and the onset of illness.
  3. Insufficient amount of water in the body.
  4. Negative reaction to medications, overdose (this may be an ordinary, mild medicine).
  5. Stress, lack of sleep, psychological stress, overwork – all these factors can cause migraine attacks (a girl’s minimum sleep should be at least 7 hours per day, this is especially important in the first trimester of pregnancy);
  6. Weather conditions, changes in climate zones, etc. Try to create a favorable microclimate indoors.

Troubling throbbing pain

The diagnosis is usually determined by the doctor during a conversation with the patient. But there are certain criteria that will help distinguish a regular headache from a migraine.

There are several questions, answering which can accurately determine the correct diagnosis.

  1. Are the headaches you have had over the past few months accompanied by vomiting or nausea?
  2. Have headaches over the past few months been accompanied by intolerance to sounds and light?
  3. Have you ever had a headache interfere with your daily activities (work, school) for at least one day?

If you answer yes to several questions, then most likely your headaches are nothing more than migraines.

Signs of hemicrania in women

How we found out how migraine manifests itself in everyone individually. In one woman during pregnancy, symptoms were expressed as mild malaise or discomfort.

For some, it is unbearable acute pain that is accompanied by vomiting. The most common, pronounced signs of the disease are a severe throbbing headache, which usually spreads to one side of the head.

Its duration can range from 3 hours to several days.

About 2nd degree infertility in women and men.

Some have a strong sensitivity to bright light, loud sounds, and the woman becomes withdrawn and withdrawn. Blood pressure may increase, nausea and general weakness may appear – these symptoms are also called an aura.

There are several groups: simple migraine during pregnancy and migraine accompanied by an aura.

  1. The first is accompanied by unilateral pain of a strong, throbbing nature. It is oppressive in nature, greatly reduces performance, and the reaction to it may be inadequate (excessive aggression or apathy). The center of pain is concentrated in the temporal part of the head or in the back of the head. Attacks can be repeated up to 4 times a month. Symptoms such as stomach upset (nausea, vomiting, which do not bring relief) may increase. Bright lighting, loud noises, smells, physical activity only increase the pain.
  2. With migraine with aura, neuralgic symptoms appear before attacks and sometimes accompany them. When the first symptoms of migraine appear, they need to be treated; conventional medications will not help; they must be approved and prescribed by a specialist monitoring your pregnancy.

A few more signs that distinguish headaches from hemicrania:

  • the pain that arises has a different character, different from the previous one;
  • the appearance of pain after physical exertion, strong stretching, coughing, sexual activity;
  • weakness of the limbs, impaired vision, speech.

After such manifestations, it is necessary to contact specialists.

Anxious thoughts

Basic treatment methods

Prophylactic treatment is prescribed only in cases where the attacks are very severe, they occur more than 3 times a month, last more than 48 hours, and there are also symptoms such as depression, anxiety, pain in the cervical region, sleep disturbances, etc. The course is from several months.

If a migraine bothered a girl before pregnancy, then during pregnancy it may go away, but on the contrary, it happens that it only begins in an interesting position. But usually this is only the first trimester, then the symptoms stop.

Treatment usually alternates between medicinal and non-medicinal methods. These are antiepileptic, vasoconstrictor drugs, drugs belonging to the triptan group.

The attending physician is responsible for the dosage and prescription. It is also necessary to change your lifestyle and eliminate provoking factors:

  • sleep should last at least 7 hours;
  • relax more often, avoid strong emotional stress;
  • the work schedule must be determined and discussed with the specialist and the employer;
  • regular meals (from 4 times a day);
  • permitted sports during pregnancy will help get rid of migraines, for example, gymnastics, yoga, swimming pool, etc.;
  • drink at least 1.5 liters per day;
  • spend more time outdoors;
  • eliminate all bad habits (tobacco, alcohol, coffee).

Traditional medicine recipes

For those who are prone to frequent headaches, it is better to prevent migraines before they occur and follow preventive measures. But if an attack takes you by surprise, proven traditional medicine recipes will help. They are safe for pregnant women and quickly help get rid of the disease.

For the first recipe you will need:

  • eucalyptus oil;
  • water;
  • napkins;
  • leaves of laurel, myrrh, cherry and eucalyptus.

Mode of application.

  1. You need to add 4 drops of eucalyptus oil to 1 liter of water.
  2. After this, moisten a napkin there and place it on your temples and forehead.
  3. If cases of migraine are frequent, then you need to use such a folk remedy as a pillow of laurel, myrrh, cherry and eucalyptus leaves.
  4. If pain occurs, a pregnant woman should lie on a pillow with the painful side (the pain goes away quickly).

For another recipe for severe headaches you will need:

Traditional medicine recipe

Mode of application.

  1. If pain occurs, it is necessary to mash the leaves until juice forms.
  2. Apply them to the sore spot.
  3. Can be secured with a headband.

Another recipe. Required ingredients:

  • viburnum;
  • black currant;
  • boiling water.

Mode of application.

  1. Brew viburnum berries and black currants.
  2. Let it brew for at least half an hour.
  3. Drink a glass of decoction a day every few hours.

Risks and dangers of the disease

Migraine hides many dangers and unpleasant consequences for the expectant mother and child. Migraine that begins during pregnancy must be fought, otherwise it can lead to pathologies during pregnancy. It could be:

  • darkening of the eyes;
  • dizziness;
  • nausea;
  • blood flow disorders;
  • sudden changes in blood pressure;
  • severe and prolonged headaches;
  • gestosis;
  • intracranial pressure;
  • hypertension;
  • toxicosis in the last trimester;
  • heart and kidney diseases and much more.

All these consequences negatively affect the development of the fetus. If possible, you should visit a massage therapist. About pregnancy after an ovarian cyst.

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The information published on the website Sberemennost.ru is read-only and is intended for informational purposes only. Site visitors should not use them as medical advice!

Source: https://sberemennost.ru/pregnancy/problems/migren-pri-beremennosti

Migraine during pregnancy: symptoms and treatment

More than 70% of pregnant women take prescription and over-the-counter drugs during pregnancy. However, information on the safety of taking such drugs during this period is often lacking. That is why doctors and patients use various medications not in accordance with a pre-developed and agreed upon migraine control strategy, but often making a decision at the onset of the next migraine attack.

The article provides detailed and systematic information about the characteristics of the course, as well as the rules for managing migraine during pregnancy. Recommendations are given for developing a strategy for optimal relief of attacks and preventive therapy. Following these recommendations will allow women to adequately prepare for pregnancy, avoid taking unsafe medications, while maintaining optimal control over the frequency and duration of migraine attacks during this period.

What is migraine?

Migraine is a common primary form of headache that manifests itself in the form of repeated attacks, often accompanied by nausea, vomiting, photo- and phonophobia. The prevalence of migraine in women is more than twice that of men, and the highest prevalence of migraine in women occurs during their reproductive years. Therefore, issues of pregnancy planning, as well as rules for taking medications for pain relief and preventive treatment of migraines during pregnancy are most relevant when visiting a neurologist-cephalgologist.

The course of migraine during pregnancy

During pregnancy, 50-70% of women experience improvement in migraine without aura. Migraine attacks become mild, extremely rare, and for most women in this group, migraine completely disappears. Improvement occurs after the end of the first trimester, starting from 12-14 weeks of pregnancy. This is due to the fact that by the beginning of the second trimester, estrogen levels begin to stabilize, estrogen levels rise, and their fluctuations stop (Fig. 1). Migraine with aura stops less often during pregnancy - in approximately 40% of patients.

At the same time, if migraine attacks and headaches persist during this period, it is necessary to determine the form of the headache. Alarming symptoms of headaches during pregnancy are:

• New unusual headache

• Sharp increase in migraine attacks

• Addition of new, unusual headache symptoms, including blurred vision, aphasia, the appearance of sensory disturbances or paresis in the limbs

• The appearance of migraine aura in patients with previous migraine without aura

• Increased blood pressure during headaches

• The appearance of seizures.

The presence of active migraine during pregnancy does not affect the course of pregnancy itself and the development of the fetus, but increases the risk of preeclampsia and gestational hypertension. Moreover, the persistence of active migraine, especially migraine with aura, during pregnancy increases the risk of acute cerebrovascular accidents, so in such cases strict monitoring by a neurologist-cephalgologist is necessary.

Relief of migraine attacks in women

The selection of drug therapy for women with migraine during pregnancy poses significant difficulties. The severity of migraines can be especially high during the first trimester of pregnancy. Full-blown, unrelieved migraine attacks are often accompanied by nausea, vomiting and lead to unnecessary suffering and dehydration, especially in people suffering from early gestosis. Despite the desire to avoid taking medications, especially in early pregnancy, to minimize the risk to fetal development, many women begin to take analgesics uncontrollably. Therefore, the importance of preventive treatment of migraine, preliminary counseling and education for expectant mothers cannot be overemphasized.

Non-pregnant women are recommended to take medications to relieve migraine attacks as early as possible, no later than 1 hour after the onset of the attack. This approach allows you to maximize the likelihood of rapid and complete cessation of a migraine attack in a short time. Pregnancy is the only period in a woman’s life when this recommendation can be temporarily ignored.

Women seeking to minimize the amount of medications they use may be advised to use a stepwise approach and start with non-drug methods such as:

• Biofeedback therapy,

• acupuncture,

• manual techniques,

• psychotherapy.

The most interesting and promising method of treating headaches during pregnancy and migraine is botulinum therapy. The essence of this method is prevention. Before becoming pregnant, a woman is given injections of one of the botulinum toxin preparations (possibly repeated injections throughout the year). This preventative treatment can significantly reduce the frequency and intensity of migraine attacks for up to six months. Neurostimulation methods also play an important role in non-drug approaches to the treatment of migraine. The only device registered in Russia for non-invasive transcutaneous stimulation of the supraorbital nerve, Cefaly (Cefaly®), was specially designed for the treatment of migraine and can be a good alternative to medications for the relief of migraine attacks. Using the Cefaly device at the very beginning of an attack can reduce the intensity of the headache and, in some cases, completely stop the attack.

Medicines for migraines in women

If a woman decides not to use analgesics, anti-nausea measures become a priority to avoid dehydration. In this case, pregnant women should avoid strong odors and drink more liquids, for example, juices diluted with water in a 1:1 ratio. Feelings of nausea can also be reduced by eating easily digestible foods, such as crackers, applesauce, bananas, rice, and pasta. Metoclopramide or ondansetron may also be used.

Despite the fact that, in general, paracetamol is less effective for relieving an acute attack of migraine than acetylsalicylic acid and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, its safety during pregnancy is higher. Caffeine is an important addition to analgesics and has the ability to enhance the analgesic effect. Adding 100 mg of caffeine to the analgesic increases its effect by 1.5 times. The safety of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs is controversial. Their use in the first trimester may be associated with an increased risk of miscarriage and congenital anomalies. Taking such drugs and aspirin in the third trimester can lead to premature closure of the ductus arteriosus. For these reasons, the use of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs should be limited to the second trimester. It is especially important to stop taking them after 32 weeks. Taking high doses of aspirin may also increase the risk of bleeding.

Triptans are the most effective analgesics for the relief of migraine attacks. The safety of triptans during pregnancy is assessed through pregnancy registries, where a huge amount of data has now been accumulated for sumatriptan. Despite the ban on their use in the official instructions for use, there is no data indicating an increased risk of congenital malformations when using sumatriptan.

Women who took triptans in early pregnancy (without knowing they were pregnant) should be advised that the likelihood of adverse effects on the fetus is extremely low. Patients who experience severe migraine attacks resulting in severe disability, suffering and vomiting may be advised to use triptans during pregnancy. Currently, this information is not included in official guidelines for the treatment of migraine, but data on the safety of sumatriptan are presented in the form of an analysis of a large number of observations and expert recommendations. However, different triptans may vary in safety.

Prednisolone can only be used as a first aid remedy in the event of a prolonged and severe migraine attack. The use of prednisolone is preferable to dexamethasone, since the latter penetrates the placenta better. Occipital nerve blocks with lidocaine, bipuvacaine and/or a steroid due to peripheral administration of drugs can be used as an “ambulance” to relieve severe attacks.

Consultation with a neurologist-cephalgologist

If you are planning a pregnancy or are already pregnant and suffer from migraine attacks or headaches, they will help you choose effective therapy at the specialized Clinic for Headache and Autonomic Disorders. Academician Wayne. The clinic is the clinical base of the First Moscow State Medical University named after. Sechenov.

Authors of the article:

Latysheva Nina Vladimirovna, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Nervous Diseases of the First Moscow State Medical University. THEM. Sechenov

Elena Glebovna Filatova, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, Associate Professor of the Department of Nervous Diseases, IPO First Moscow State Medical University named after. THEM. Sechenov

Naprienko Margarita Valentinovna, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor of the Department of Integrative Medicine of the First Moscow State Medical University. THEM. Sechenov



Serotonin 5-HT1 receptor agonist. Drug with antimigraine activity

Release form, composition and packaging

Film-coated tablets1 tab.
sumatriptan100 mg

2 pcs. – blister contour packages (1) – cardboard packs. 10 pieces. – polymer jars (1) – cardboard packs.

Film-coated tablets1 tab.
sumatriptan50 mg

2 pcs. – blister contour packages (1) – cardboard packs. 10 pieces. – polymer jars (1) – cardboard packs.

pharmachologic effect

Sumatriptan is a specific selective agonist of 5-HT1-serotonin receptors, localized primarily in the blood vessels of the brain and their stimulation leads to a narrowing of these vessels. Does not affect other subtypes of 5-HT-serotonin receptors (5-HT2-7). Activates the sensitivity of trigeminal nerve receptors. The therapeutic effect usually occurs 30 minutes after administration.


After oral administration, it is quickly absorbed. 70% of the maximum plasma concentration is achieved after 45 minutes. Cmax in blood plasma is 54 ng/ml. Bioavailability – 14% (due to first-pass metabolism and incomplete absorption). Plasma protein binding is 14-21%.

Metabolized by oxidation with the participation of monoaminoxylase (mainly isoenzyme A) with the formation of metabolites, the main of which are the indoleacetic analogue of sumatriptan, which does not have pharmacological activity against 5-HT1-serotonin receptors, and its glucuronide. It is excreted by the kidneys, mainly in the form of metabolites.


  • migraine attack with or without aura.


  • hemiplegic, basilar or ophthalmoplegic forms of migraine;
  • IHD or the presence of symptoms suggesting its presence;
  • history of myocardial infarction;
  • pharmacologically uncontrolled arterial hypertension;
  • occlusive diseases of peripheral vessels;
  • stroke or transient cerebrovascular accident (including history);
  • severe dysfunction of the liver and kidneys;
  • simultaneous use with ergotamine or its derivatives and within 24 hours after their administration;
  • use while taking monoamine oxidase inhibitors or earlier than 2 weeks after discontinuation of these drugs;
  • age under 18 and over 65 years (efficacy and safety have not been established);
  • pregnancy;
  • breastfeeding (breastfeeding is possible no earlier than 24 hours after taking the drug;
  • congenital galactosemia, glucose/galactose malabsorption syndrome, congenital lactose deficiency;
  • hypersensitivity to any of the components of the drug.

Carefully :

epilepsy (including any conditions with a reduced epileptic threshold), pharmacologically controlled arterial hypertension, impaired liver or kidney function, hypersensitivity to sulfonamides (administration of sumatriptan can cause allergic reactions, the severity of which varies from skin manifestations to anaphylaxis).


Inside, the tablet should be swallowed whole with water. Treatment should be started as early as possible when a migraine attack occurs. The recommended dose is 50 mg, if necessary – 100 mg.

If migraine symptoms do not disappear or decrease after taking the first dose, then the drug should not be used again to relieve the same attack.

To relieve subsequent attacks (if symptoms decrease or disappear and then recur), you can take a second dose within the next 24 hours, provided that the interval between doses is at least 2 hours.

The maximum daily dose is 300 mg.

The frequency of adverse reactions listed below was determined according to the following: very often - more than 1/10; often - from more than 1/100 to less than 1/10; sometimes - from more than 1/1000 to less than 1/100; rarely - from more than 1/10,000 to less than 1/1000; very rarely - from less than 1/10,000, including isolated cases.

From the nervous system:

often - dizziness, drowsiness, sensory disturbances, including parasthesia and decreased sensitivity.

From the cardiovascular system:

often – a transient increase in blood pressure (observed soon after taking the drug), “hot flashes”.

From the respiratory system and organs of the cell group:

often - dyspnea, mild, transient irritation of the mucous membrane or burning sensation in the nasal cavity or throat, nosebleeds.

From the gastrointestinal tract:

often – nausea, vomiting.

From the musculoskeletal system and connective tissue:

often - a feeling of heaviness (usually transient, can be intense and occur in any part of the body, including the chest and throat).

General and local reactions:

often - pain, a feeling of cold or heat, a feeling of pressure or tightness (usually transient, can be intense and occur in any part of the body, including the chest and throat), weakness, fatigue (usually mild or moderate, transient).

Laboratory indicators:

very rarely - minor deviations in liver test results.

Post-marketing surveillance

From the immune system:

very rarely - hypersensitivity reactions, including skin manifestations, as well as anaphylaxis.

From the nervous system:

very rarely - seizures (in some cases observed in patients with a history of seizures or with concomitant conditions predisposing to seizures; in some patients no risk factors were identified), tremor, dystonia, nystagmus, scotoma.

From the organs of vision:

very rarely - flickering, diplopia, decreased visual acuity, blindness (usually transient). However, visual disturbances can be caused by the migraine attack itself.

From the cardiovascular system:

very rarely - bradycardia, tachycardia, flutter, arrhythmias, transient changes on the ECG, coronary vasospasm, angina pectoris, myocardial infarction, hypotension, Raynaud's syndrome.

From the gastrointestinal tract:

very rarely - ischemic colitis, dysphagia, abdominal discomfort.



When taken orally up to 400 mg, no other adverse reactions are observed other than those listed above.


gastric lavage, observation of the patient for 10 hours, symptomatic therapy.

Drug interactions

When administered simultaneously with ergotamine and ergotamine-containing drugs, prolonged vasospasm is possible.

Possible interaction between sumatriptan and MAO inhibitors (decreased metabolism of sumatriptan, increased its concentration).

With the simultaneous use of sumatriptan and drugs from the group of selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors, the development of weakness, hyperreflexia and impaired coordination of movements is possible.

There was no interaction of sumatriptan with propranolol, flunirizine, pizotifen and ethanol.

special instructions

Do not use to prevent a migraine attack.

Patients at risk for the cardiovascular system should not begin therapy without prior examination (postmenopausal women, men over 40 years of age, persons with risk factors for coronary artery disease).

Before prescribing sumatriptan to patients with newly diagnosed or atypical migraine, other potentially dangerous neurological diseases should be excluded. Chest pain and tightness may occur after taking sumatriptan. The pain can be intense and radiate to the neck.

If there is reason to believe that these symptoms are a manifestation of coronary artery disease, it is necessary to conduct an appropriate examination.

Impact on the ability to drive vehicles and operate machinery

During the treatment period, care must be taken when driving vehicles and engaging in other potentially hazardous activities that require increased concentration and speed of psychomotor reactions.

Pregnancy and lactation

Contraindicated during pregnancy and during breastfeeding (breastfeeding is possible no earlier than 24 hours after taking the drug).

Use in childhood

Contraindicated in people under 18 years of age.

For impaired renal function

With caution: renal dysfunction.

For liver dysfunction

With caution: liver dysfunction.

Use in old age

Contraindicated in people over 65 years of age.

Conditions for dispensing from pharmacies

The drug is available with a prescription.

Storage conditions and periods

Keep out of the reach of children. In a dry place, protected from light, at a temperature not exceeding 25°C. Shelf life – 2 years. Do not use the drug after the expiration date indicated on the package.

The description of the drug SUMATRIPTAN is based on the officially approved instructions for use and approved by the manufacturer.

The information provided on drug prices does not constitute an offer to sell or purchase goods. The information is intended solely for comparing prices in stationary pharmacies operating in accordance with Article 55 of the Federal Law “On the Circulation of Medicines”.

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Source: https://health.mail.ru/drug/sumatriptan_1/


Despite the fact that safety data obtained from the use of sumatriptan in 1000 women in the first trimester of pregnancy do not contain sufficient information, there is no basis to draw definitive conclusions about the risk of congenital malformations in the fetus. Experience with the use of sumatriptan in the second and third trimester of pregnancy is limited. The use of sumatriptan during pregnancy is possible only if the expected benefit to the mother outweighs the potential risk to the fetus.

Breastfeeding should be discontinued while using sumatriptan and for 24 hours after stopping its use.

Use for liver dysfunction

Use caution in case of mild to moderate liver dysfunction. Contraindicated in severe liver failure.

Use for renal impairment

Use caution in case of mild to moderate renal impairment. Contraindicated in severe renal failure

Use in children

Contraindicated in children under 18 years of age.

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