Stabilizing the functioning of the nervous system: a list of sedatives for children and the nuances of their use

Nervous stress in children can be expressed by whims, hyperactive behavior, and anxiety. If such situations occur frequently, you should consult a specialist to make a diagnosis and prescribe appropriate therapy. In most cases, sedatives are prescribed, which are adapted to the child’s age in composition and action.


Only the doctor determines what sedative and in what dosage should be given to the child.

All sedatives are divided into:

  • Medication.
  • Folk.
  • Homeopathic.

In this case, you can choose one of the release forms that is most convenient for the child:

  • Tablets (capsules, granules).
  • Drops.
  • Syrup.
  • Tea.

To navigate the variety of such drugs, you need to pay attention to the following criteria:

  • Purpose.
    The doctor gets acquainted with the characteristics of the child’s condition, identifies symptoms of nervous tension and, based on the full picture of the disease, selects the appropriate therapy.
  • Age.
    The form and composition of the sedative drug depends on the patient’s age. All medications have a clear indication of the age at which they can be prescribed to children.
  • Types of drugs.
    Depending on the nervous disease and its severity, one of the types of treatment is selected: medication, homeopathic or folk remedies. In some cases, combination therapy is prescribed.
  • Safety.
    Almost all sedative drugs have contraindications and clear instructions for use and dosage. To prevent negative consequences such as overdose and allergic reactions, you should strictly follow the instructions and doctor’s prescriptions.

We present the rating of sedatives for children 2021. The best 16 products that were selected by our experts based on user reviews and ratings. Attention! This rating is subjective; we do not advertise any products and do not cooperate with manufacturers or pharmacy chains!

There are contraindications, be sure to consult your doctor!

Rating (2021)Prices, ₽A country
The best sedatives for children 0-3 years old
1. Dormikind tablets for childrenfrom 500₽Germany
2. Passambra Edas-306 syrupfrom 120₽Russia
3. Tea Krasnogorskleksredstva Evening Tale, from 6 monthsfrom 120₽Russia
4. Children's herbal tea Babushkino Lukoshko mintfrom 70₽Russia
5. Glycinefrom 30₽Russia
The best sedatives for children from 3 to 9 years old
1. Baby Formula Evalar Bears Calm lozengesfrom 450₽Russia
2. Novo-Sed Kids syrup for childrenfrom 290₽Russia
3. Glycinka D3 syrup for childrenfrom 380₽Russia
4. Tenoten for childrenfrom 270₽Russia
5. Syrup Hare “Country Zdravlandiya” soothing from 3+ yearsfrom 200₽Russia
6. Nervochelfrom 450₽Germany
The best sedatives for children over 10 years old
1. Magne v6from 430₽Hungary
2. Ataraxfrom 300₽Belgium
3. Persenfrom 270₽Slovenia
4. Notta dropsfrom 430₽Austria
5. Phenibutfrom 130₽Russia

TOP 10 best sedatives for children

Sedatives for children can be divided into 3 types: medications, homeopathic remedies and medicinal plants. The first group of drugs has the most pronounced effect, but also has the most dangerous consequences. You can use medications, even those sold in pharmacies without a prescription, only as prescribed by a doctor. The attitude of official medicine towards homeopathic powders and tablets is very ambiguous. Many doctors classify this type of treatment as pseudoscientific, but some parents are convinced that it was these alternative methods that helped them cope with the problem. Decoctions and infusions of medicinal herbs have a minimum of contraindications, so herbal medicine is one of the most effective and, at the same time, gentle ways to “patch up” frayed nerves in children and adults.

Signs of nervous system disorders in children

Today many children suffer from neuroses. Unfortunately, not all parents pay the required attention to this problem. Some mothers ignore tantrums for no reason, attributing it to the child’s difficult character. Nervous system disorders must be treated. Otherwise, it can lead to serious consequences.

Symptoms of nervous system disorders in newborns and infants include:

  • sense of anxiety;
  • cardiopalmus;
  • sweating;
  • fast fatiguability;
  • hyperactivity;
  • moodiness;
  • mood lability;
  • increased excitability;
  • poor sleep;
  • frequent and prolonged hysterics;
  • decreased appetite.

Signs of central nervous system disorders in children over three years of age:

  • nightmares;
  • isolation;
  • depression;
  • fixation on a certain situation;
  • memory loss;
  • nocturnal enuresis;
  • nervous tic;
  • suspiciousness;
  • stuttering;
  • touchiness;
  • aggressiveness;
  • shallow and restless sleep;
  • developmental delay.

Sedatives for newborns

Often mothers encounter the first “baby” problems already in the first month after childbirth. The baby may suffer from sleep disorders, nervous excitability and other neurotic disorders. Your pediatrician may recommend an oral sedative for children. We are talking about sedative medications that are approved for use by children under one year of age.

A sedative that is suitable for newborns up to one year of age:

  • Phenibut is a synthetic nootropic drug that relieves nervous tension and provides an anticonvulsant effect;
  • Dormikind is a homeopathic medicine with a hypnotic effect;
  • Magne B6 – replenishes the deficiency of magnesium, the main microelement of the nervous system, prescribed after a blood test;
  • Pantogam is a synthetic nootropic drug that improves the functioning of the brain and the entire central nervous system;
  • Bunny is a herbal sedative for children in the form of drops or marmalade.

These are just a few of the sought-after and popular soothing remedies for little ones. In addition to the listed names, mothers respect soothing teas and infusions, but their effect is less pronounced.

It is highly not recommended to give medicine to your baby without consulting a doctor. Only a competent neurologist and pediatrician will be able to determine the cause of the baby’s nervousness and formulate the correct treatment.

Children's sleeping pills

Many children have poor sleep due to nervous disorders.
To get rid of this problem, you need to eliminate factors that negatively affect the child’s psyche. The effect of treatment does not occur immediately. To combat insomnia, your pediatrician may recommend taking sleeping pills. The following medications are allowed for children:

  • Sanosan;
  • Kindinorm;
  • Atomoxetine;
  • Bye-bye;
  • Valerian tincture;
  • Nervochel;
  • Sonilyuks.

You need to be careful when taking sleeping pills. Some medications can cause allergies. Therefore, treatment should begin with minimal dosages. The selection of sleeping pills is carried out taking into account the existing health problem.

When overexcited, herbal medications are used (tincture or tablets of valerian, chamomile decoction). If insomnia is caused by a stressful situation, then you should give preference to homeopathic remedies. For severe neurological pathologies, synthetic drugs are used.

Sedatives for children from 1 year to 3 years

Many parents are aware that at a certain age their growing child will experience so-called psychological “crises”. They are associated with knowledge of the world, one’s own “I” and the boundaries of permissibility. One way or another, the baby may experience increased excitability, hyperactivity and periodic tantrums. To exclude serious pathology at the basis of these phenomena, you should contact a pediatrician and neurologist.

Children aged 1 to 2-3 years can take the following sedatives for the nervous system:

  • Pantogam is a nootropic that improves blood circulation in the brain and relieves tension in the central nervous system;
  • Glycine – restores the activity of the brain and nervous system;
  • Viburkol is a homeopathic remedy with herbal ingredients;
  • Notta is a homeopathic medicine in the form of syrup or drops with a hypnotic effect.

It is important to note that at the age of one year, teeth may be the cause of nervousness in a child. Their eruption is always accompanied by pain and even fever.

In extreme cases, the doctor may prescribe tranquilizers. These are the most serious and powerful medications, which are used in the most advanced cases. Such tablets include Phenazepam, Eleneum, Tazepam. Only a doctor can choose the correct dosage!

Types of sedatives

All sedatives are classified into types according to different criteria, for example, according to composition and principle of action they are:

  • Pharmaceutical medicines are recognized and actively used by doctors of official medicine. They are prescribed to children with disorders of the nervous system. In turn, medications are divided into: synthetic ones - they have a more pronounced effect, but have more adverse reactions; herbal - the safest type of drugs for nervous disorders;
  • homeopathic remedies are a highly diluted concentrate of raw materials. They operate on the principle of “like cures like.” They involve the use of the healing properties of plants, animals and products.

All sedatives are classified according to the form of release into the following:

  • drops;
  • capsules;
  • herbal collection for preparing decoctions;
  • pills;
  • suspensions;
  • syrup;
  • solution for injection;
  • powders for preparing suspensions.

Suppositories are usually used to treat nervousness in infants.

For the treatment of newborns and infants, sedatives in the form of suppositories and syrups are usually used. Children 1-2 years old are allowed to give soothing teas.

From the age of six you can use tablets. The capsule form should be chosen if the child is already 12 years old. Also, all sedatives are divided into long-acting and short-acting.

What sedatives can be given to a child?

Sedative medications for children must be non-toxic and not cause physical dependence. The choice of drug should be made based on the existing diagnosis and general health condition.

Each medication has certain contraindications and age restrictions for use. Synthetic and potent drugs should be prescribed by a neurologist.

Without consulting a pediatrician, it is not allowed to use even mild natural sedatives.

Up to 1 year

For the treatment of newborns and infants, mild sedatives are indicated and only as prescribed by a specialist. Preference should be given to natural-based drugs. A list of suitable sedative medications for children under one year of age is given in the table.

NameRelease formMain active ingredientsIndicationsContraindications
Citralpotioncitralneurotic disorders, increased intracranial pressureindividual intolerance
Viburkolcandles medicinal chamomile, bittersweet nightshade, plantain leaves, belladonna belladonna, meadow lumbago, calcium carbonateneurosis, prolonged stress, teething anxiety, spasm allergy to the composition
Pantogamsyruphopantenic acidnervous agitation, poor blood circulation in the brain, mood lability, perinatal encephalopathy, cerebral palsy, delayed psycho-emotional developmentallergies, severe kidney disease

Viburkol suppositories

From 1 year to 3 years

The list of sedative medications gradually expands as the child grows older. In addition to the medications described above, children 1-3 years old can also use the sedatives listed in the table below.

NameRelease formMain active ingredientsIndicationsContraindications
MelissadecoctionMelissapoor sleep, nervous agitationintolerance
Caprisulyawater soluble granuleschamomilla, bryonia, delphinium staphysagriairritability, mood labilitypoor tolerance of components
Edasdrops, syrupamber grisea, passionflower, valerianmood lability, hyperactivity, tearfulness, poor sleep, astheno-neurotic syndrome, depressionenterocolitis, allergy to the composition

Syrup Edas-306

Effective sedatives for children 2 years old are presented in the table below.

NameRelease formMain active ingredientsIndicationsContraindications
Calm downHerb teamotherwort, kelp powder, mint, rosehip, lemon balm, alfalfa, thyme, green teaincreased nervous excitability, vasospasmhypersensitivity
Motherwortdecoctionmotherwort grasstachycardia, irritabilityintolerance

Herbal tea “Calm down”

From 3 to 7 years

The choice of sedative medications for preschool children is becoming wider. Whole tablets are best given to a child from 6-7 years of age. Before this, they can be crushed and dissolved in water. Sedatives for children over 3 years of age are listed in the table below.

NameRelease formMain active ingredientsIndicationsContraindications
Dormikindpillszinc valerianate, small-flowered slipper, magnesium carbonatehyperactivity, irritability, anxiety, poor sleepallergy to components, lactase deficiency, lactose intolerance, glucose-galactose malabsorption
little haresyrupvalerian root, chamomile, hawthorn, cumin, lemon balm, peppermint, motherwort, barberry, vitamins C and B6increased anxiety, severe mental stress, adaptation period, stressallergy to components
Nottadropsseed oats, zinc valerate, coffee tree, phosphorus, chamomilepoor sleep, neurosis, restlessnessintolerance to the composition
Tenotenpillsantibodies to brain-specific protein S-100, affinity purifiedneurotic conditions, emotional lability, sleep disturbances, increased anxietylactose intolerance, congenital galactosemia, allergy to the composition
Phenibutpillsaminophenylbutyric acidnervous tics, motion sickness, stuttering, psychopathy, neurotic disorders, nocturnal enuresisliver pathology
Ataraxinjection solution, tabletshydroxyzinepanic attacks, neurosis, fear of death, enuresisallergy
Alorasyrup, tabletspassionflower liquid extractnervous tension, hyperactivity, hysterics, tachycardiaintolerance
Helpsyrupnettle, calendula, rose hips, sea buckthorn, black currant, propolis, vitamin and mineral premixattention deficit disorder, increased irritabilityhypersensitivity to the composition

Knott's drops

From 7 years and older

The age of 6-7 years is considered very important for a child. At this time, children go to school and begin to absorb a large amount of information. This is a certain stress for them, especially if they did not attend kindergarten. A list of effective sedatives for children 7 years of age and older is in the table.

NameRelease formMain active ingredientsIndicationsContraindications
Persenpillsmint, lemon balm, valerianpathologies of the nervous system, increased anxietyhypotension, fructose intolerance, allergies, cholelithiasis
Baby graygranulesBryonia, delphinium, Chamomilla recutitahysterics, tearfulness, irritabilityindividual hypersensitivity of components
Leovitpillscarrot juice, rutin, royal jelly, ascorbic acid, blueberry extract, vitamin Eemotional lability, neurosisallergy
Magne B6tablets, solutionpyridoxine hydrochloride, magnesium lactate dihydrateattention deficit disorder, stress, nervous excitabilityintolerance
Ataraxtablets, injection solutionhydroxyzine hydrochlorideanxiety, irritabilityhypersensitivity

Long-term use of some sedatives can be addictive. Therefore, such drugs should be used in short courses, not exceeding the dosage prescribed by the doctor and according to the schedule.

( 1 rating, average 4 out of 5 )
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