Mental fatigue and overwork in schoolchildren, an article on the topic

Signs of fatigue and overwork, their causes and prevention

 In the article, the authors try to highlight the main signs of fatigue and overwork, determine the causes of their occurrence and propose measures to prevent them.

Key words: overwork, fatigue, activity, active rest.

The effectiveness of any type of activity, any work is limited by fatigue. The term "fatigue" has up to 100 different definitions. Fatigue is one of the basic concepts of physiology and occupational hygiene, but it has not been fully agreed upon between representatives of these disciplines. Fatigue is a functional state of a person, manifested in a number of subjective sensations, such as fatigue, deterioration in health, pain in the limbs, muscles, and the desire to stop working [1].

One of the first who tried to figure out where the threads of fatigue stretched was I.M. Sechenov. The excellent studies of I.M. Sechenov “Participation of the nervous system in human working movements” and “Essay on human working movements” are to this day the main sources for researchers. While dealing with issues of fatigue, I.M. Sechenov looked not only for the causes of fatigue, but also tried to find measures to combat this condition. It was he who introduced the concept of “active recreation”. I.M. Sechenov proved that the main component of rest during work is not complete rest, but a change of activity [5].

Psychophysiologists distinguish 3 stages of fatigue. In the first stage, the feeling of fatigue is insignificant, labor productivity does not decrease. In the second stage there is a significant decrease in labor productivity. The third stage is regarded as acute fatigue: accompanied by a pronounced experience of fatigue.

When tired, the activity of organs and systems changes significantly: muscle strength and endurance decrease, heart rate changes, and more time is required to analyze and process information. Technical and economic indicators are changing, for example, the duration of operations increases, the duration of micropauses decreases, the number of erroneous movements increases, and defects increase [1].

Fatigue is a natural reaction of the body to more or less strenuous work. Changes in the functional state of the body that occur during fatigue disappear after sleep and sufficient rest [3].

Historically, fatigue that occurs during physical work has been the most studied.

There are two theories: humoral-localistic and central nervous. At first, the idea arose that fatigue was caused by disturbances in muscle function. Muscles do not perceive signals that come from the central nervous system and normally cause contraction. Experiments have been carried out with isolated muscles, such as the sartorius or gastrocnemius muscles of the frog. They showed that with rhythmic electrical stimulation of the muscle it is possible to see all three classical phases of performance - working in, sustained maximum performance and decline in performance. [1].

In the prevention of fatigue, physiological rationalization of work processes plays an important role. First of all, this concerns ensuring a rational working posture and workplace. Rational is a free, relaxed posture, in the maintenance of which a minimum number of muscles are involved.

Positive emotions play an important role in increasing productivity, which is ensured by good organization of the production process, normal hygienic conditions in the workplace, good organization of living conditions, food and rest. An important place in the formation of positive emotions belongs to the means of industrial aesthetics, production music, the creation of friendly relationships in a team, etc. [2].

Overfatigue is considered as a pathological condition characterized by a persistent decrease in performance. Fatigue develops against the background of constant fatigue. The consequences of overwork can be neuroses, the appearance and exacerbation of cardiovascular diseases, the appearance of peptic ulcers, and hypertension.

Signs of overwork: decreased attention, memory, thinking, as well as headaches, apathy, lethargy, drowsiness during the day, insomnia at night, loss of appetite, muscle weakness [4].

Signs of fatigue persist even after prolonged sleep and rest. To fully restore performance, eliminate neuropsychiatric disorders and disturbances in regulatory processes in the body, longer rest is required, and in some cases, complex treatment with the use of medications, physiotherapeutic procedures and therapeutic exercises [3].


  1. Telya L.Z., Normal physiology - M.: Litterra, 2015. - 768 p.
  2. Bolshakov A. M. General hygiene - 3rd ed., revised. and additional - M.: GEOTAR-Media, 2012. - 432 p.
  3. Kuchma V. R. Hygiene of children and adolescents - 2nd ed., revised. and additional -M.: GEOTAR - Media, 2015. - 528 p.
  4. Fatigue and overwork, their signs and preventive measures // Bibliofond.URL: (access date 02/16/2020).
  5. Physiological basis of fatigue//Medical-Enc.URL: (access date 02/18/2020).

Mental fatigue

What is fatigue anyway? Fatigue is a product of a decrease in the physiological components of performance, a factor influencing it, the quality and effectiveness of work. Fatigue can be physical and mental. With physical fatigue, everything is clear - it is excessive muscle tension, resulting in a decline in physical strength, etc. What does a person do when physically tired? – He doesn’t do anything, he just rests, relaxing his muscles as much as possible, this happens effortlessly, naturally.

Mental fatigue in its advanced form can lead to chronic fatigue and depression. A sign of chronic fatigue is a reluctance to think constructively and an inability to concentrate on work. Depression is a condition characterized by a depressed, depressed or melancholy mood and decreased mental activity, combined with motor retardation and various somatic disorders (loss of appetite, weight loss, constipation, changes in the rhythm of cardiac activity, etc.). This is a definition from the “Concise Dictionary of Terms in Psychology and Pedagogy.”

Is it necessary to bring yourself to chronic fatigue and depression? – It can be very, very difficult to get out of this state of depression on your own. Maybe you can better control your well-being? To do this, you need to know the causes of mental fatigue. 1. We live in the age of information and new technologies. And we load and load ourselves with new information and emotions without interruption, almost around the clock. First piece of advice: give your head a rest. Take periodic breaks and engage in “physical” labor. 2. Negative emotions can also cause mental fatigue. Because During any quarrel, a large release of energy occurs, which you could use for peaceful purposes. You were rude, what should you do? – Count to ten, take a deep breath and exhale, and you may very well not want to continue the pointless argument. Why pointless? – When a person says something emotionally, he simply does not hear his opponent, the main goal is to speak out. Perhaps you will find a more convenient time to talk about this topic. But not now – there’s no point!

Problems, problems. They surround modern man everywhere. What is the way out of this situation? There are several options. • You cannot influence the course of events IN ANY WAY, then why worry? The problem will not be solved, and you will spoil the mood for yourself and someone else. Change your attitude towards the situation and let it go, it is STILL not in your power. • You can influence the situation; you are required to make a decision. There are several options, but which one should you choose? - Here's a question. The main thing here is to MAKE a decision, even if it is wrong. The main thing is that you will already know WHAT TO DO next. Doing nothing should also be a CONSCIOUS decision. • And if you don’t want to do anything: neither think nor do. Here you just need to gather all the remnants of your will and force yourself to PHYSICALLY work. What to do? - Anything: beat out the carpets, wash the floors, tidy up your workspace, ride a bike. Need physical fatigue!

There is a wonderful way to cope with fatigue. Go outside and take a walk. While walking, pay attention to large objects: houses, cars, trees, etc. At some point you will feel that you are even more tired, but it’s too early to go home, your second wind should “open”. It may very well be that during a walk you will find a solution to your problem.

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How to recognize that you are tired?

Fatigue is primarily an aspect related to physiology. It occurs as a result of a variety of activities. Primary symptoms can be very different. It is possible that the condition appears as a result of intense intellectual work, as a result of which a person is faced with memory deterioration, inability to concentrate on work, a decrease in the speed of assimilation of data, and a feeling of emptiness in the head. Most often, students, managers and accountants suffer from fatigue, especially during sessions and reporting.

If professional activity is associated with physical activity, we can talk about the following signs of physical fatigue: drowsiness, decreased performance, decreased productivity, apathy (see Apathy and depression), performing tasks mechanically, without comprehension, disturbances in motor coordination, loss of energy, increased errors in work, disturbance of attention.

Manifestations of a vegetative nature are: increased sweating, increased heart rate, deeper and more frequent breathing.

Overloads of any degree of complexity lead to changes in the composition of the blood, as a result of which the body needs to accelerate its movement to the capillaries. Responsibility for performing this task rests with the cardiovascular system. Intense physical activity leads to the need to speed up the work of the myocardium, which leads to an increase in blood volumes with an increase in the level of filling and subsequent emptying of the ventricles. The body has to spend much more resources in order to have energy for muscle functioning.

The main element that leads to the replenishment of nutrition and energy is oxygen, which enters through the respiratory organs. If a person is engaged in intense physical activity, we can talk about increasing the volume of ventilation of the lungs.

What are the signs of fatigue? There are objective manifestations and subjective sensations that a person experiences.

The first ones are:

  • rapid breathing;
  • reduced performance;
  • weakened sense of caution;
  • impaired perception;
  • increased blood pressure;
  • increased heart rate;
  • reduced concentration.

Subjective sensations are considered:

  • decreased muscle tone;
  • limited feeling of fatigue (only in the legs);
  • reluctance to engage in any activity (see Procrastination - the art of wasting time);
  • weakness and twitching of the limbs during physical activity.

You can also note external signs of fatigue:

  • changes in skin color (from pale to pronounced redness);
  • increased sweating;
  • disturbances in the functions of the vestibular apparatus.
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