Eye pain with VSD: causes, symptoms, forms of the disease

People suffering from autonomic dystonia have health problems. Vision also suffers from VSD. Patients complain of problems with visual function, ripples appear in the eyes, darkening, and visual acuity decreases.

Vision problems with VSD arise unexpectedly for the patient. Medical experts have opinions on this matter. Some argue that visual impairment with VSD occurs due to failures in the autonomic system. Others say that the cause is high or low blood pressure.

Sometimes vision deterioration occurs due to anxious thoughts. A person knows that he is sick, as a result his health worsens, and problems with the visual system appear.

Visual impairment is affected by all three factors simultaneously. There are several causes of vision problems with vascular dystonia.

  1. When blood supply deteriorates, blood cells do not fully reach the organs responsible for vision. This may affect the perception of the surrounding world. In the case of vegetative-vascular dystonia, the reason may be insufficient performance of the capillaries.
  2. Blurred vision is due to lack of nutrients. If the brain does not receive the volume of oxygen, vitamins and substances necessary for work, its performance is impaired. As a result, the brain may incorrectly process information received from the visual apparatus. Then there is darkening and ripples in the eyes.
  3. A person cannot control the subconscious. Vegetative-vascular dystonia is the result of negative thoughts that have become entrenched in the patient’s subconscious. As a result, consciousness and the visual area of ​​the brain may suffer. As a result, the processing of information from the visual apparatus is disrupted.

The main causes of visual impairment in VSD

Neurocircular dystonia (aka VSD) is a somatoform disorder associated with a violation of the nervous regulation of organs and tissues. The autonomic system regulates almost all life processes in our body - breathing, heartbeat, digestion, metabolism, and the like. In a healthy state, we do not notice the occurrence of all these processes in ourselves.

But under the influence of certain factors, the autonomic nervous system malfunctions, and the person begins to experience multiple symptoms.

This dysfunction may well affect the functioning of parts of the body responsible for vision: the retina, optic nerves, blood vessels located around the eyes, etc.

With vegetative-vascular dystonia, the tone of blood vessels changes and blood circulation is disrupted. As a result of dysfunction, visual acuity deteriorates. Pathology usually develops gradually. But there are cases when, during an attack (crisis of VSD), a person experiences severe visual impairment. In rare situations, temporary vision loss may occur.

Most often, people note blurred vision during VSD, distortion of objects, blurriness, and defocus.


Under the mask of VSD, other serious diseases may be hidden, especially those related to the endocrine system. Only a doctor can make an accurate diagnosis and prescribe the correct treatment! All information on the site is for informational purposes only and is not a reason for self-diagnosis or self-medication.

There is a completely logical explanation for this phenomenon. With VSD, muscle tone also decreases. The disorder can affect the functioning of the smooth muscles of the iris. In addition, the structure of the organs of vision contains muscles that regulate the degree of curvature of the lens, which refracts light. Deterioration in the nutrition of muscle tissue due to impaired blood circulation weakens them. There are hypotonicity and hypertonicity of muscles, which can be observed with dystonia. Both of these conditions contribute to distorted visual perception.

Therefore, if there is a tendency to VSD or its chronic course, it is necessary to identify the causes of the disease. Only after this can effective control methods be found that will help prevent blindness.

Vision problems occur sporadically, unexpectedly. Doctors explain the connection between vision and vegetative-vascular dystonia in different ways. Some say that the reason is a failure of the autonomic system; they are sure that this is directly related to the organ itself. Still others believe that the reason is poor blood circulation and surges in blood pressure. And they are all right in their own way. But not everyone sees the root cause. After all, VSD, changes in blood pressure, hypo- or hypertonicity of muscles and blood vessels are not a disease, but a consequence.

Causes of dark circles under the eyes due to VSD

Circles under the eyes With VSD also occur due to disruption of the blood vessels. Of course, except for those cases when they are caused by somatic diseases.

Deteriorated, disrupted functioning of blood vessels leads to insufficient nutrition of certain organs. The eyes and surrounding tissues are no exception.

It is the insufficient supply of tissues with nutrients and oxygen through the blood that leads to the appearance of dark circles around the eyes and redness of the eyelids. Weakened vascular tone can cause increased fragility. This leads to bleeding in the eyes when under strain, such as reading for a long time or sitting at a computer monitor.

During the acute course of vegetative-vascular dystonia, spasms of small vessels can cause pain, pain in the eyes, visual disturbances, and headaches. The skin around the eyes becomes pale and bluish.


When there is a burning sensation in the head, it indicates the development of pathology. Unusual sensations very rarely appear once; they usually bother you over a long period. This condition should not be ignored, as it is a health risk. If the sensation of heat in the head is accompanied by other symptoms, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Everyone's head burns differently. A burning sensation may appear with the development of VSD. It occurs against the background of a decrease in the performance of the vascular system and when deviations in the functioning of the nervous system appear. This condition may be accompanied by pain in the head, loss of coordination, orientation, and other sensations.

Factors provoking visual impairment in VSD

There are three main factors that cause physiological disorders in the visual organs. Above, we looked at why vision at the physical level deteriorates with VSD. Now let’s figure out what exactly provokes disruptions in the body and leads to dysfunction of all processes.

  1. Distorted perception of reality (brain disorders ). People suffering from vegetative-vascular dystonia are prone to increased anxiety, fears, hypochondria, and obsessive thoughts. When a sufferer is constantly fixated on his mental “horror stories,” negative thoughts become entrenched at the subconscious level. The lesions that process them spread throughout the cerebral hemisphere and affect the visual center. As a result, there is a violation of the transformation of information received from the eyes. The brain simply cannot compare what you see in your fantasies and what is outside (in reality). The pictures are too different and the brain, coming into a kind of stupor, cuts off vision for a while, because in its opinion, your internal pictures are more real.
  2. Anxiety and panic attacks. The cause of visual impairment in VSD is constant tension caused by fears and stress. When a person is nervous, worried, worried and experiences severe attacks of fear, his whole body becomes stiff. Muscles tense, blood vessels constrict, blood circulation slows down. It’s not for nothing that there is an expression “the blood in your veins froze with fear.” This leads to the consequences described in the chapter above - insufficient tissue nutrition and disruption of metabolic processes in the organs of vision.
  3. Lack of nutrients. With VSD, the entire body suffers . Nutrients begin to be absorbed worse. In a stressful state, it is impossible to produce some valuable elements that our body supplies itself with on its own. The eyes begin to lack essential substances. This is also one of the causes of visual impairment in vegetative-vascular dystonia.

Interesting to know!

The simplest visual acuity test. Look at the sky at night and find the Big Dipper. And if in the handle of the ladle, near the middle star, you clearly see a small star, then your eyes have normal sharpness. This method of testing vision was adopted by the ancient Arabs.

Methods of prevention and prognosis of the disease

For prevention, you need to learn to relax. Mentally traumatic situations should be avoided. It is recommended to regularly visit a psychologist even in the absence of pronounced problems: this will help reduce anxiety. It is necessary to reduce stress levels, plan work and rest wisely, and avoid overexertion. If any mental disorders or alarming signs appear, contact a psychiatrist.

It is necessary to create a favorable atmosphere at home. Parents should not swear in front of their children: this can negatively affect their psyche. It is prohibited to use cruel punishments, physical and psychological violence.

The earlier therapy is started, the more favorable the prognosis. Treatment may take several years.

Many people experience a feeling as if something is pressing on their eyes. As a rule, it is accompanied by a headache in the forehead. In most cases, when there is pressure on the eyes from the inside, the reason is banal fatigue caused by prolonged visual stress. But sometimes it is a sign of serious illness. Therefore, even with minor unpleasant sensations, it is worth finding out the reasons for their occurrence by consulting a doctor.


VSD has one feature - its course has no specific signs and has extensive symptoms. Nervous system failure manifests itself differently in each person. This also applies to visual dysfunctions - there is no clear clinical picture here, everything is very individual.

The most common symptoms of vision problems that patients with VSD complain about:

  • If a person suddenly changes body position, flashes of light and darkening may appear. Sometimes this is accompanied by loss of balance and noise in the temples.
  • During panic attacks or severe nervous excitement, vision seems to float, blur, and become unclear.
  • When the patient is very tired, spots appear in the eyes, especially if the person concentrates on an object for a long time and then suddenly changes the position of his gaze.
  • The image may be distorted, the contours of objects change, and a person will perceive straight lines as broken.
  • In some cases, painful sensations in the eyeballs may occur, especially with prolonged strain. Pain can be triggered by various factors, such as a flash of light, touching the eyes, or due to blinking.
  • The sufferer sometimes blurs the background, the object on which the gaze is concentrated. A person sees clearly, but everything around this object becomes cloudy.
  • It is sometimes difficult for the patient to focus on one object for a long time, gradually the gaze weakens and defocus occurs.

What to do?

You should never panic if you notice a sharp deterioration in your vision. This is not always caused by a problem with the visual apparatus. Problems with blurred vision are caused by various factors. If a person is prone to such attacks, one should remember that they do not occur without a reason.

To avoid further development of serious complications, it is necessary to take care of vision prevention. It consists in limiting physical activity, a person should experience stressful conditions as little as possible, and spend more time in the fresh air. It is recommended to go out into nature once a week, especially for residents of large cities.

Although darkening of the eyes is not accompanied by painful sensations, it can greatly affect the quality and lifestyle of the patient. Do not forget about hidden threats; the consequences of them do not occur immediately, but only after a certain period of time. Darkening and ripples in the eyes may indicate that the brain is not receiving enough nutrients.


Visual impairment in VSD is not associated with organic diseases. But in any case, a person experiencing any symptoms needs to undergo a diagnostic examination.

The initial examination of the visual organs includes:

  • consultation and examination by an ophthalmologist.
  • Consultation with a neurologist;
  • checking visual reflexes;
  • computer vision diagnostics;
  • blood and urine tests;
  • Ultrasound and MRI if there is a suspicion of compression of nerves and vessels in the spine or other disorders.

Interesting facts about vision:

  • Fact 1
  • Fact 2
  • Fact 3

The eyes process about 36,000 pieces of information every hour.

The eyes use about 65 percent of the brain's resources. This is more than any other part of the body.

The wriggling particles that appear in your eyes are called floaters. These are shadows cast on the retina by tiny filaments of protein inside the eye.


You can avoid unpleasant sensations associated with the organs of vision with the help of prevention. It involves changing your lifestyle and maintaining your health at a high level. What you will need:

  • Give up bad habits (do not drink or smoke);
  • Ensure that your home environment is as healthy as possible;
  • Monitor your weight;
  • Get enough sleep;
  • Visit your doctor regularly if you have chronic illnesses.

Following these simple rules will reduce the risk of headaches that put pressure on the eyes to a minimum.

How to treat visual impairment with VSD

For VSD with visual impairment, complex therapy is used. It is useless to treat just one thing. Moreover, any symptom of dystonia is only the result of a complex disorder that has a cause. And as you know, in 90% of cases the cause of the development of vegetative-vascular dystonia is psychological problems or physical fatigue.

To eliminate vision problems with VSD, the following treatment methods are prescribed:

Drug therapy

To relieve symptoms and correct physical condition, the doctor may prescribe medications from the following groups:

  • Tranquilizers to relieve anxiety.
  • Sedatives, to suppress excitement of the nervous system.
  • Nootropics – improve blood circulation, supply the brain with oxygen, and have a positive effect on cognitive functions.
  • Vitamins to strengthen blood vessels, the nervous system and the body as a whole.

The dosage and duration of treatment are determined by the doctor. Self-administration of medications is prohibited. If the drug does not help, the doctor cancels it and replaces it with another.


Physiotherapy treatments provide more effective results, especially when combined with the other two.

These include:

  • Massage.
  • Manual therapy.
  • Acupuncture.
  • Hydrotherapy.
  • Exercise therapy.

Any type of physical therapy should also be prescribed by a doctor, taking into account the patient’s history and current condition.


Although psychotherapy is often put in last place or excluded altogether, it is the key in the treatment of VSD, visual impairment and imbalance of other organs. For successful recovery, the patient needs to balance his psycho-emotional background and learn to react differently to irritating factors.

There are often cases when internal problems, psychological trauma and conflicts become the cause of the development of vegetative-vascular dystonia and anxiety disorder.

For example, a person is tired of working at a certain job and everything there irritates him terribly. But he is afraid of being left without income or condemnation from his loved ones. A serious conflict occurs inside, which the unfortunate person tries to suppress. Even if you manage to drown out the suffering for a while, it doesn’t go away. Internal tension negatively affects the nervous system, gradually depleting it. At some point, the body cannot stand it and a crisis of VSD occurs.

The problem is that often such causes of illness are unconscious or strongly suppressed. A person begins to treat symptoms without understanding the true cause. Recovery is slow or there is no improvement at all.

Psychotherapy allows you to identify such psychological problems and resolve them. This significantly speeds up recovery and often the patient manages to improve his health even without medication.

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Treatment of optic nerve neurosis

A preliminary diagnosis of the disease is necessary. To do this, the doctor will interview the patient and use special equipment to determine the condition of the affected eye. In case of a psychological disorder, there is no pain during physical activity, and there are no symptoms of inflammation of the retinal nerve fibers. It is important to make a correct diagnosis, since treatment methods will differ from the treatment of neuritis.

Complex therapy is required: it is important to normalize the mental state and eliminate the physiological symptoms that have appeared.

It is necessary to carry out activities to reduce anxiety. The patient must learn to relax. Special relaxation programs may be used. In addition, the psychologist teaches self-calming: breathing techniques, special physical exercises, and meditation. Affirmations may be used.

A course of psychotherapy will be required. The patient is helped to establish social adaptation.

Physical symptoms also need to be addressed. An ophthalmologist will help restore your vision. It is also necessary to get rid of other possible physical manifestations. The patient is recommended changes in lifestyle that contribute to faster healing: you need to rest more, eat healthy food, avoid smoking, drugs, and drinking alcohol.

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