Nausea, dizziness and fever: main causes and treatment approaches

Causes of high fever, nausea and vomiting, headache

The patient has a high temperature, nausea, headache - these signs do not provide a complete understanding of the reasons for poor health. To determine them, additional examinations are prescribed that will help identify hidden pathologies. Doctors at the Clinical Institute of the Brain insist that during the examination it is important to tell all the details, when the first signs began, in which area the pain occurs and with what frequency.


The first reason why headache, nausea and vomiting can occur simultaneously, and the temperature rises is poisoning. The clinical picture is associated with the entry of toxins into the body by any means. They can penetrate with food, inhaled air, through the skin and mucous membranes. Depending on this, there are several main types of poisoning. They cause similar symptoms, so it is important to promptly determine which substance caused the intoxication.

  1. Food poisoning is the most common option. Symptoms appear several hours after eating poisonous or spoiled foods. The patient experiences nausea, vomiting, headache and general weakness. In case of food poisoning, taking sorbents and gastric lavage are indicated.
  2. Poisoning with drugs and alcohol develops according to a similar pattern. Their main cause is overdose. Both the metabolic products of ethyl alcohol and medicinal substances are strong toxins. In excess, they accumulate in tissues, poison nerve tissue, and affect brain function.
  3. Poisoning with pesticides is one of the dangerous types. The reason may be a violation of the rules for using preparations for treating soil and premises against pests. If they come into contact with the skin, wash them off immediately with water. If they enter the body with food, you should immediately consult a doctor and take a saline laxative.
  4. Carbon monoxide poisoning is a specific situation that can occur during a fire, as well as during inhalation of this gas in transport, industry or agriculture. When the first signs appear, the victim is evacuated from the danger zone, oxygen and symptomatic agents are used for treatment.

Mild poisoning can be treated at home. For this, bed rest and drinking plenty of fluids are indicated to reduce the concentration of toxins in the blood. Moderate and severe cases of intoxication require hospitalization and hospital procedures. The patient may be prescribed IVs, gastric lavage, and medications to restore the balance of electrolytes in the blood.

Infectious diseases

One of the most common causes of nausea, vomiting, headache, weakness, and fever is infectious diseases. Viruses and bacteria penetrate the gastrointestinal tract and multiply on the mucous membrane. Children are at risk because their immune system is not strong enough and cannot fully fight infection. There are several diseases that can cause a typical clinical picture.

  1. Stomach (intestinal) flu - the causative agent is rotavirus. The disease develops when consuming poorly washed foods (often vegetables and fruits), as well as contaminated drinking water. Characteristic symptoms are fever, acute abdominal pain, nausea and vomiting, and headaches. Treatment is symptomatic; the patient may need to be admitted to a hospital.
  2. Enteroviruses are diseases caused by enteroviruses. The pathogen is very stable in the external environment, so a person can easily become infected through food or water of questionable quality. At the onset of the disease, fever, abdominal pain, fever and weakness are observed. Over time, the infection can spread to the muscles, heart, nervous system and other internal organs.
  3. Toxic infections are a group of diseases caused by bacteria. The clinical picture is provoked by toxic waste products of microorganisms that poison organs and tissues. Toxins enter the bloodstream, spread throughout the body, causing a sharp deterioration in health, headaches and digestive disorders. Toxic infections include salmonellosis, staphylococcosis, clostridiosis, botulism.

Treatment is prescribed individually. If a bacterial infection is present, a course of antibiotics is prescribed and a regimen of symptomatic therapy is selected. The patient may need to be hospitalized and treated in an infectious diseases hospital.


Under stress, prolonged tension, and fatigue, a person may experience high fever, nausea, and headache. The state of health deteriorates sharply, while the test results are within normal limits. In addition, pain in muscles and joints appears. The disease must be distinguished from pathologies of the thyroid gland, infectious diseases, and disturbances in the functioning of the thermoregulation center in the brain. For this, all the necessary studies are carried out, and a diagnosis can be made only after excluding other diseases. A characteristic sign is that after taking aspirin, the temperature does not decrease, as with viral infections and inflammatory processes.

Thermoneurosis usually goes away on its own within a few days. The main recommendations are rest, proper nutrition and moderate exercise. However, it can develop as a consequence of traumatic brain injury. In this case, treatment includes taking medications to improve cerebral circulation, physiotherapy and other techniques.

Brain diseases

Symptoms such as high fever, nausea, vomiting, and headache can signal dangerous disorders of the central nervous system. They can be caused by infectious pathogens, injuries, and various abnormalities in the development of structures. In addition, with such a clinical picture, it is important to exclude the possibility of tumors in the brain.

Head injuries

With head contusions, a person’s brain can hit the walls of the skull, become mixed, and twisted. This injury is called a concussion. This can damage blood vessels and nerve cells. Organ systems whose brain centers are damaged fail. For example, after an injury, vision may deteriorate (temporarily or permanently), and heart function may be impaired.

Most often, after a concussion, a person has a headache, feels nauseous, and the temperature rises slightly (about 37 degrees). At a temperature of 37 C, dizziness, fatigue, and drowsiness develop.

People often underestimate the danger of a concussion, but this injury can lead to serious health problems. Often the effects of a concussion do not appear immediately. Therefore, it is very important to consult a doctor after injuries, it is advisable to undergo an examination. For several days after the incident, you should not strain your brain; you should take sick leave. It is not even recommended to read and watch movies, because this also stimulates mental activity.

High body temperature can cause severe headaches. In this case, you need to eliminate the cause of the fever, this will help get rid of the pain.

In some cases, headaches are caused by pathological processes in the skull. For example, with meningitis (inflammation of the lining of the brain), the temperature rises above 38 C, and the person suffers from a severe headache. Another cause is sinusitis (inflammation of the sinuses) or otitis media (inflammation of the middle ear). Brain tumors are a dangerous, but quite rare cause of attacks of acute pain in the temples, forehead or back of the head.

If your body temperature is very high (39 C or higher) and the headache is unbearable, call an ambulance immediately.

Diagnostic methods

Timely diagnosis of high fever, headache, nausea and vomiting is the key to effective treatment. It is important to determine what causes the symptoms and prescribe a treatment regimen that can eliminate the root cause of poor health. To fully understand the picture of the disease, the following examination methods may be prescribed:

  • blood pressure measurement and control at home;
  • a general blood test is the easiest way to detect inflammatory processes in the body;
  • Ultrasound of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • culture for suspected bacterial infection with isolation of the exact pathogen;
  • MRI or CT scan of the brain if there is a history of traumatic brain injury, as well as if neoplasms are suspected.

The Clinical Brain Institute offers individual diagnostic programs. They are selected taking into account the patient’s complaints and examination data. The scheme includes only those techniques that will reliably determine the cause of high fever, nausea and vomiting, and headache.

Dizziness nausea temperature 37 weakness

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Feeling dizzy, dizzy or vertigo is a condition characterized by a feeling of constant or systematic rotation of objects around the patient or the body itself. This deviation is mainly associated with impaired orientation in space, but sometimes occurs as a result of a provoking pathology in the body or the flu.


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Very often, patients turn to specialists with dizziness, weakness and a slight deterioration in well-being after a high or, conversely, low temperature. This is quite understandable, since the body is stressed due to the flu or another concomitant disease.

Main causes of nausea, dizziness, vomiting

If a patient experiences nausea of ​​any intensity, then in 95% of cases these are symptoms of an infectious lesion of the gastrointestinal tract by bacteria or viruses. The most common causes of weakness, nausea, dizziness and fever are:

  • stomach diseases: gastritis, ulcerative lesions, reflux gastritis, gastric acidity disorders;
  • diseases of the small or large intestine, including various types of colitis, enteritis and irritable bowel syndrome;
  • rotavirus and other infections of the digestive system;
  • concussion;
  • in rare cases, similar symptoms occur in acute appendicitis, chronic pancreatitis and cholecystitis.

If dizziness occurs against the background of nausea, this may indicate a violation of cerebral blood flow and the development of cerebral ischemia. This situation is dangerous due to the possibility of a stroke with a high risk of patient disability and death.

It is useful to find out whether you may feel dizzy before your period: the main signs of PMS.

It is important to understand why you feel nauseous, dizzy and stormy in the morning.

The most common causes of fever up to 37 ° C and methods of treatment

Perhaps the reason lies in your extreme fatigue or nervous stress. Perhaps, if you had not accidentally measured your temperature, you would not even have known that it had risen. If there are no other symptoms, then there is no need to sound the alarm. Brew yourself a soothing herbal tea, put a spoonful of honey in it, and drink it in small sips.

After this, lie down in bed and try to relax, let go of all the thoughts that bother you. Think about something pleasant. When overtired, the body becomes unprotected, so you should take care of this. Otherwise, you can easily be exposed to a respiratory infection. Take vitamins, try to spend more time in the fresh air.

If you have a combination of fever, diarrhea and headache, it is better to consult a doctor for an accurate diagnosis.

If a rise in temperature to 37 °C is accompanied by nausea, diarrhea or vomiting, then most likely you have been poisoned by some kind of stale food. You will need to go on a light diet: eat only porridge, boiled chicken or fish and vegetable soups during the day.

You can take activated carbon (the dose is calculated based on body weight). If the temperature begins to rise rapidly or the symptoms do not go away the next day, then medical intervention is necessary. In case of severe vomiting, gastric lavage should be performed immediately.

If you feel a sore throat, runny nose, or burning sensation in your nose, this means that you have a respiratory infection.

Try to protect others from infection: drink from a separate cup, do not go to public places, etc. At the first symptoms, take a daily dose of vitamin C, brew rose hips in a thermos. Use this infusion as often as possible.

Drinking a decoction of chamomile with honey helps to cleanse the body of infection very well. It is possible to reduce the temperature without the use of medications. To do this, take 1 tablespoon of dried linden and brew with 2 cups of boiling water. After 15 minutes, strain, add honey or raspberry jam.

Drink linden tea and immediately go to bed, covered with a blanket.

What could be the reason?

Sometimes such symptoms, especially in combination with vomiting and chills, can accompany poisoning. This is a fairly common occurrence in the life of every person, which can be caused by consuming low-quality food or ingesting toxic drugs or chemicals.

Also, one of the main signs of poisoning is prolonged diarrhea. If it is not there, then the cause of painful symptoms may be: heat or sunstroke, radiation exposure or allergic reactions to medications.

Similar symptoms can appear when quite serious diseases develop in the body:

  1. Kidney failure, also accompanied by severe abdominal pain.
  2. Toxemia is poisoning of the body by products of its own decay (most often this condition occurs with severe burns).
  3. Hepatitis, especially hepatitis A, in which a person also experiences muscle pain, severe headache and aches throughout the body.
  4. Cholecystitis - causes profuse constant vomiting, in addition to symptoms of nausea, fever and weakness, but, unlike poisoning, vomiting does not bring relief to the patient.
  5. Some infectious and inflammatory processes occurring in the human body.
  6. Pathologies of the digestive or genitourinary system.

Nausea, fever, weakness, and also chills can occur in a person when the nervous system is disrupted, for example, due to fear, severe anxiety, or a panic attack. These conditions occur quite often and no one is immune from them.

Typically, such symptoms are accompanied by increased heart rate, muscle weakness, severe dizziness and even loss of consciousness. Drug addicts experience similar sensations during regular withdrawal – an acute need for a narcotic substance.

In such cases, the above symptoms indicate an impending heart attack.


Treatment methods

Treatment tactics depend on the exact cause of poor health. The drugs should eliminate not only the symptoms, but also the causes of headache, nausea, vomiting, and high fever. Treatment can be carried out both at home and in a hospital, to allow round-the-clock monitoring of the patient.

  1. Antibiotic therapy is the main method of treating bacterial diseases and preventing purulent inflammation. Antibiotics are prescribed in the form of tablets or injections.
  2. Other drugs - the treatment regimen may include taking anti-inflammatory drugs, enterosorbents for disorders of the digestive tract, antispasmodics and drugs for correcting blood pressure.
  3. Diet is a necessary condition for poisoning, diseases of the stomach and intestines. The diet should not contain fatty foods, sweets, or fried foods, as they can provoke attacks of nausea, vomiting, and headaches.
  4. Surgical treatment is rarely prescribed. Surgery may be necessary for hematomas in the brain, tumors and other formations that interfere with normal blood circulation.

The Clinical Brain Institute offers comprehensive diagnostic and treatment programs for headaches that are accompanied by nausea, vomiting, and fever. Doctors warn that it is important not to self-medicate, but to contact specialists at the first signs of deterioration in health. Our center has modern, multifunctional equipment, and there is also the opportunity to undergo examinations by specialist and general doctors.

Clinical Brain Institute

What to do?

If we talk about self-medication for adults, its specificity depends entirely on the root cause of the symptoms. Let's look at all the possible ways to help:

Nausea and fever after overeating may be a problem in the pancreas, the increased load on which does not allow it to produce the required amount of enzymes. Pancreatin or drugs that contain it will help: Smecta, Mezim, Creon. Symptoms of acute respiratory infections and acute respiratory viral infections - you should take antiviral drugs, which are infested with modern pharmacies. Most of them have a complex effect, allowing you to fight viruses and microbes at the same time: Flukold, Cold-Flu, Lavomax, Anaferon, Aflubin. In case of poisoning, the drugs Nufuroxazide, Furosemide, activated carbon and any other sorbents that can bind and remove waste and toxins accumulated in the intestines will help. Treatment of toxicosis requires an integrated approach. It is carried out strictly in a hospital, where the most gentle treatment is selected for the pregnant woman.

If the symptoms correspond to a stroke and other diseases in which the blood supply to certain parts of the body is disrupted, self-medication is excluded. We only need highly qualified help.

Types of dizziness

During dizziness, a person feels the movement of surrounding objects. There may also be a false sensation of other people spinning. In particular cases, dizziness indicates a disease that is associated with the body position control system. It can be peripheral or central. If such an unpleasant symptom occurs due to the development of the disease, then dizziness is called central. When the vestibular nerve of the inner ear is damaged, vertigo is peripheral.

Main reasons

An unpleasant symptom does not always indicate that pathology is developing. There are several reasons why this condition may occur. Namely:

  1. Rotation on a carousel or around the axis of the body. Under such conditions, dizziness is a normal reaction of the body to this effect. When the stimulating effect stops, the patient's general well-being will improve.
  2. Side effect of the drug. Many medications cause dizziness as a side effect.
  3. Glucose levels have decreased. With a deficiency of glucose in the human body, weakness and dizziness may occur.
  4. Severe stress provokes psychogenic dizziness, which occurs in a difficult situation.
  5. Impaired functioning of the autonomic system. Under such conditions, fogginess and lightheadedness, headache, fever, nausea occur - symptoms that often develop during dizziness.

Excessive excitement and fear of losing consciousness provoke a slight increase in body temperature.

Reasons for appearance

In 95% of cases, nausea is a symptom of the presence of a virus or infection in the gastrointestinal tract, where there is a focus of inflammation.

The causes may also be chronic diseases that periodically worsen.

Among the most common reasons are:

  • stomach diseases - gastritis, ulcers, reflux, acidity disorders;
  • intestinal pathologies – colitis, gastroenterocolitis, irritable bowel syndrome;
  • rotavirus or intestinal infection;
  • acute appendicitis;
  • chronic pancreatitis;
  • cholecystitis.

Also, with nausea, you may feel dizzy, which is a clear sign of impaired cerebral blood supply, which contributes to the further development of a stroke. The same symptoms are characteristic of vascular diseases, as well as thrombophlebitis, in which blood clots in the vessels block the natural blood flow, from which oxygen starvation occurs.

What are the reasons for headache, weakness and nausea?

There are many reasons why such unpleasant symptoms may occur.

  1. With hypertension and hypotension, people often lose consciousness. If any of the signs of dizziness appear, you must sit down quickly, as fainting may occur.
  2. As medical practice shows, such symptoms often indicate that pregnancy has occurred. During pregnancy, signs often cause discomfort to women.
  3. Girls who try to lose weight through diet are at risk of headaches, fever, and nausea. Diet is a lot of stress for the body.
  4. Diseases of the nervous system. Feelings of nausea, dizziness and weakness occur during the development of diseases of the nervous system. Under such conditions, patients lose their balance and objects begin to rotate around the patient. If disturbances in the functioning of the nervous system are detected, then excessive work of the sebaceous glands is observed. Symptoms of diseases of the nervous system can occur spontaneously. The duration of unpleasant sensations ranges from a minute to several days. If your hearing is impaired, your blood pressure has decreased, your pulse has increased, there is no need to self-medicate. High temperature, nausea, weakness, headache are reasons to consult a doctor. With a timely visit to the hospital, treatment is much more effective and faster.

Danger of condition

It is important not to let the symptoms go unnoticed, as they can develop into more serious manifestations that will definitely not go away without leaving a trace on the body. If nausea, weakness and high fever persist for more than a day, then you need the help of a doctor, and in some cases even hospitalization. Lack of timely treatment can lead to a lot of negative consequences for the body.

Thus, such manifestations are common to many diseases, which cannot be recognized only by external signs. The earlier treatment is started, the greater the chances of a speedy recovery. In childhood, it is better not to self-medicate at all, giving preference to doctors.

Inner ear disease

As pathology of the inner ear develops, dizziness, nausea and weakness may occur. Among the main pathologies of this organ are:

  • problems with blood circulation in the inner ear;
  • infectious disease;
  • diseases of the spine;
  • eye pathologies;
  • the pressure of the substance located in the inner ear has increased.

With epilepsy, brain disease, or trauma, dizziness often develops. Only after a thorough medical examination can a doctor identify the cause that triggered the appearance of high fever, nausea, weakness, and headache. Self-medication is dangerous, as it can only make problems worse.

Causes of negative state

The body’s protective reaction in the form of pain impulses in the head, fever, general weakness, lethargy, nausea, lack of appetite can be observed with a wide range of pathologies:

  1. The most popular group of viral diseases is ARVI and influenza, especially in the autumn-winter season. Every second or third request for advice from a specialist occurs with precisely such complaints. Treatment tactics include modern antiviral drugs, vitamins, plenty of fluids, and symptomatic therapy.
  2. A variety of ENT pathologies - sinusitis and sinusitis, otitis and sinusitis, also have symptoms - a rise in temperature above 37 degrees, headaches of various localizations, purulent discharge, and less often - vomiting and nausea. Self-medication is absolutely prohibited; serious complications are possible, for example, meningitis, sepsis.
  3. Congenital or acquired vascular pathologies - aneurysms, malformations may not manifest themselves for a long period of time. A person periodically notes a slight deterioration in his health - rare pain impulses, dizziness, moderate weakness, but attributes the symptoms to other reasons. The result is the development of a brain catastrophe, a stroke.
  4. Local headache, difficulty speaking, memory impairment, decreased intelligence, vomiting indicate neurological pathologies. Only a specialist can make an adequate diagnosis; it is not recommended to delay consultation.
  5. In recent years, the percentage of detection of such a terrible pathology as brain tumors in people has increased significantly. Their main manifestation is pain in the head area of ​​a constant nature, which is not relieved by the usual analgesics. Modern diagnostic studies, for example, MRI of the brain, allow us to identify the volume, location, and nature of the tumor.
  6. In the structure of the human brain there is a special center responsible for thermoregulation. For a number of reasons, deviations in its activity may be observed - thermoneurosis - characterized by fluctuations in temperature parameters - 37 - 39 degrees. Associated symptoms are pain in the head, nausea.

An effective remedy for headaches

It is not recommended to systematically use painkillers for migraines, since it is necessary to cure the disease and not mask the symptoms. There are several effective medications that can help eliminate headaches, namely:

  1. Paracetamol is the best migraine drug for symptomatic therapy. It can be taken by both adults and children. The medicine not only relieves pain, but also relieves fever. It has an anti-inflammatory effect and is effective against viral infections and toothache. It is not recommended to take the pills for people who have been diagnosed with kidney disease.
  2. “Analgin” is a universal drug that is not recommended for systematic treatment. The medicine must be taken once until the doctor arrives. Only a doctor should prescribe medications, since at home it is impossible to identify the disease that triggered the onset of migraines. Due to the fact that “Analgin” is able to be quickly absorbed into the blood, the tablets effectively eliminate the symptoms of the disease. For colds and headaches, the medicine improves the patient’s well-being.
  3. “Sedalgin.” If nausea, diarrhea, fever, or headache occur due to nervous exhaustion, then it is recommended to take such tablets. The drug contains analgin and caffeine. The drug acts gently. Anesthetizes and stimulates, improves the functioning of the nervous system, relieves headaches in the shortest possible time. It is forbidden to take tablets if there is increased intraocular pressure and during pregnancy. Pregnant women need to monitor their health especially carefully, since self-medication can cause miscarriage.
  4. “Nalgesin” is an anti-inflammatory drug that effectively eliminates headaches and does not in any way affect the course of the underlying disease. Its task is to relieve unpleasant symptoms.

Condition in pregnant women

Paradoxically, it is during pregnancy that nausea and fever are a common occurrence, occurring in every third pregnant woman. The fact is that the hormonal changes necessary to adapt the body to bearing a fetus affect all organs and systems. A manifestation such as toxicosis is observed, which is determined by increased sensitivity to smells and tastes, which can provoke an attack of nausea and vomiting. Toxicosis usually appears in the first trimester, when the body is just beginning to undergo restructuring. By the second trimester, the annoying nausea in the morning goes away, after which you can fully taste all the charm of an interesting situation.

As for the increase in temperature, during the period of gestation, it rises quite often. This is due to this: reduced immunity, necessary for the full development of the fertilized egg in the first trimester, is the cause of frequent colds and infections. Therefore, an increase in temperature as a natural process during pregnancy must be monitored by a doctor.

When nausea for a long time is accompanied by an elevated temperature, which is accompanied by copious bloody discharge with severe cramping pain in the abdomen, this is a signal to see a doctor as soon as possible. This may result in an ectopic pregnancy or miscarriage.

Rotavirus therapy

When infected with this virus, fever, nausea, vomiting, and headache often occur. To prevent the development of complications, it is important to consult a doctor in a timely manner. The specialist will prescribe effective medications for the disease. With the help of Imodium you can eliminate the symptoms of the disease. The disease will “leave” the patient after 10-11 days, after which the sick person develops immunity to this infection. It is almost impossible to become infected with the virus again, with the exception of people who have problems with the body’s protective function. To prevent the recurrence of the pathology, it is important to eat right, lead a healthy lifestyle and regularly visit the doctor.

Treatment of hypertension

During the development of hypertension, headache, chills, fever, and nausea often occur. Under such conditions, you should visit a therapist so that the doctor can prescribe effective medications. Depending on the form of the disease, the individual and physiological characteristics of the patient’s body, the specialist will prescribe treatment. Complex therapy is carried out using alpha-blockers, diuretics and other drugs.

Nervous exhaustion

In this condition, the patient’s general well-being and health deteriorate significantly. In order not to provoke the development of complications, it is important to consult a doctor in a timely manner. The following symptoms should be a cause for concern:

  • the appearance of unjustified aggression;
  • lacks a sense of humor;
  • severe fatigue and feeling of weakness;
  • chronic headache bothers you;
  • ringing in the ears;
  • body temperature rises.

Severe nausea, headache, temperature 37 - such signs often cause discomfort, so it is necessary to treat them. What factors provoke this condition? Due to chronic lack of sleep, constant stress, monotonous and boring work, a similar pathological condition occurs.

Clinical manifestations

The appearance of nausea is usually combined with the development of other symptoms, among which it is important to note the following:

  • a rise in body temperature, chills, indicate the infectious nature of the disease, including a possible viral infection;
  • a feeling of general weakness, an attack of dizziness may be a manifestation of a violation of the blood supply to the brain and damage to the vestibular apparatus;
  • a decrease in body temperature, accompanied by pale skin, may be a consequence of severe heart failure developing against the background of myocardial infarction;
  • Tachycardia, a feeling of weakness, fatigue, and loss of appetite are less common.

The variety of these symptoms makes it difficult to make a correct diagnosis and prescribe treatment, so it is important to contact a medical facility in a timely manner.

How to treat the disease?

Treatment of exhaustion of the nervous system is carried out with the use of vasodilators, vitamins, sedatives and sedatives. During therapy, it is important to eat a healthy and balanced diet. Doctors recommend following a diet, but it is not enough to eliminate the problem. It is important to take medications and carry out treatment with folk remedies. You should stop smoking and normalize your daily routine. It is important to exclude from the diet those foods that excite the nervous system. You need to eat often and in small portions. Thanks to dairy, fish, vegetable, and cereal dishes, the patient’s immunity and general well-being will improve. Vegetables and fruits will have a positive effect on the patient's health if included in the daily diet.

Chamomile tea

Chamomile tea will help normalize the functioning of the nervous system and improve well-being with headaches, nausea, and fever (38 degrees and above). To prepare the healing remedy, you need to pour 1.5 tsp. dry plant 1.5 tbsp. boiling water and let it brew for 7 minutes. Strain and drink before bed. If you add a spoonful of honey to such a drink, it will not only taste better, but also be healthier. It is not recommended to include honey in the diet for people who are prone to allergies.

Effective folk remedies

To improve the functioning of the nervous system, doctors often prescribe folk remedies. It is prohibited to treat nausea, vomiting, headache, weakness, fever without first consulting a medical professional. Among the most effective folk remedies that will help improve the patient’s well-being are:

  1. Combine a decoction of motherwort and valerian root in equal proportions. Drink several times a day. The dose is determined by the doctor depending on the strength of the manifestation of unpleasant symptoms. Self-medication can be harmful.
  2. Rosehip compote. To prepare a tasty medicine, you need to add berries (350 g) to boiling water (1 liter) and boil for 2 minutes. Add honey to the prepared compote and consume several times a day.

If during such treatment your general health worsens or symptoms of headache, nausea, or fever appear, you must seek help from a specialist and inform him of all the unpleasant signs that caused discomfort.

When is medical help needed immediately?

In some situations, fever and nausea may indicate the presence of dangerous processes in the body that require emergency assistance. You should consult a doctor immediately when:

the patient has difficulty breathing, shortness of breath appears; body temperature is unstable, can sharply decrease and increase to critical levels; vomiting with blood appears; intestinal bleeding accompanying profuse diarrhea; signs of dehydration; loss of consciousness; the presence of these signs in children, especially under 3 years of age.

It is important to understand that an increase in temperature is a completely natural process that activates natural protection. An increase in the synthesis of leukocytes by the bone marrow and an increase in their concentration in the blood is the temperature. Nausea, in turn, can indicate both acute respiratory infections and intestinal poisoning, so if there is no certainty in the diagnosis, it is better to entrust treatment to a specialist.

If an elevated temperature, at which vomiting, nausea and many other symptoms occur, does not disappear within a day, this is a reason to seek help from specialists. Even the most primitive poisoning with yogurt or cottage cheese bought in a store, in the absence of proper treatment, can cause death.

Patient reviews

Women claim that severe headache, fever, and nausea are common signs of gastrointestinal dysfunction. Often such symptoms appear after successful conception. Only a doctor can determine the disease that provoked the development of unpleasant sensations. Women are more nervous than men and they are more emotional, so nervous exhaustion can occur. Under such conditions, you should rest more and avoid conflicts. Many patients claim that nausea, weakness, and fainting occur due to high or low blood pressure, so it is recommended to measure blood pressure. If such signs are constantly present, it is better to consult a doctor. People argue that self-medication rarely helps to get rid of the disease.



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Doctors' opinion..."

All of the above symptoms do not occur in the body by chance, but as a reaction to changes occurring in it. Therefore, if you have nausea, fever, weakness and other accompanying symptoms that especially often bother a person, you should consult a doctor and undergo the necessary tests that will help diagnose and eliminate the cause that caused such sensations.

If you have nausea, dizziness, or weakness, the first thing that comes to mind is poisoning. Remember what you ate and drank a few hours ago, whether there were any unusual, unfamiliar, or suspicious foods on the menu the day before. If you are allergic, in addition to poisoning, an allergy is also possible. If headache, nausea, weakness, or dizziness do not go away for several days, it is possible that the cause of the illness lies in something else. Let's look at the possible causes of these symptoms.

Nausea, vomiting, dizziness, weakness - what could it be?

If this is not poisoning or an allergy, it is very likely that such symptoms are caused by changes in atmospheric pressure. Weather-dependent people often feel unwell. It is possible that this result was caused by fluctuations in your own blood pressure: a sharp decrease or increase.

In the first case, the condition will approach pre-fainting, nausea and weakness are possible. In the second - black spots before the eyes, a sharp headache, a feeling of heat in the arms and legs at normal body temperature. The same symptoms occur in VSD, or vegetative-vascular dystonia. All you can do in this case is to relieve the symptoms by drinking water acidified with lemon and wait it out. The state of health with this disease returns to normal quite quickly. Weakness, dizziness, drowsiness, and nausea will subside within a few hours.

Dizziness, nausea, weakness - symptoms of the disease

If you experience symptoms of dizziness, nausea, weakness, sweating, or nausea, dizziness, weakness, fever, this may be the cause of the following serious diseases:

intestinal flu; exacerbation of stomach or duodenal ulcers; sinusitis; acute viral infection, fever; internal bleeding.

If no increase in temperature is observed, it is very likely that the cause of poor health is various disruptions in the functioning of the endocrine system, thyroid toxicosis, adrenal dysfunction, or another disorder that causes hormonal imbalance. The reasons for this condition may be:

depression and stress; panic attacks; hormonal changes during adolescence, menopause and pregnancy.

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