Dizziness when changing body position causes treatment

Dizziness is a feeling known to every person. Everyone describes their state of dizziness and loss of orientation differently: their knees buckle, their legs become weak and the ground disappears from under them, before their eyes all objects rotate, float and dark dots – “pixels” – appear. When you feel dizzy, the first thing that affects your sense of balance is your sense of balance.

Why do you feel dizzy?

It is balance and a correct, even feeling of oneself in space that forms our normal state of well-being, and all deviations from this norm cause anxiety. Read more about the causes of loss of balance when walking in another article.

A person perceives the world around him through the senses (the action of nerves and nerve endings), which transmit incoming information to the brain - there the category “what is normal” is determined and consolidated. Everything that is not normal is perceived by us as violations and failures, which is a reason to consult a doctor for advice.

Therefore, dizziness can be both a normal reaction of the body and an alarming symptom. It's worth looking into.

Why do you need to get tested?

Despite the fact that dizziness is a serious symptom of health problems, many people do not pay attention to it. However, timely examination is necessary for the following reasons:

  1. Dizziness can lead to loss of consciousness and disorientation in space. If a problem occurs at the most inopportune time, such as while driving, serious problems can arise. Headaches and dizziness may occur suddenly.
  2. Simple symptoms can hide serious health problems. If you solve the problem at the initial stage of its development, before serious symptoms appear, treatment will be quite simple. Neglected cases can lead to very serious problems.
  3. Constant discomfort due to health problems can cause the development of stress.

You should take responsibility for your health. You should not interpret the symptoms yourself because only a highly qualified specialist can make a correct diagnosis.

Causes of dizziness

Dizziness as a completely understandable norm: dizziness of the head can be considered a normal reaction of the body under some circumstances. Here the causes of dizziness are quite harmless and lie on the surface.

For example, during strong experiences and uncontrollable emotions, adrenaline is sharply released into the blood. As a result, vascular spasm slows down blood flow to the brain. This in turn leads to loss of balance and dizziness . What emotions contribute to this?

Typically damaging:

  • sudden fear;
  • increased anxiety;
  • “tingling” and “shaking” excitement;
  • amazing joy;
  • stormy delight, etc.

Dizziness can occur when using any type of transport; so-called motion sickness . The explanation here is also simple: the eyes clearly see the horizon line, however, the vestibular apparatus transmits return signals to the brain, it perceives the motion and, as a result, the head is dizzy.

Something similar happens when riding on swings and carousels, but here the explanation is as follows: the brain does not have time to comprehend everything instantly; it needs time to process the incoming information. The advice on training the vestibular apparatus is also relevant in this case.

The head may feel dizzy due to height - the reason is the work of the eye muscles. When looking down or into the distance, they are in one position, and if the gaze is transferred to nearby objects or objects, the eye muscles occupy a different position. Focus is lost.

It is also possible to have a completely natural, ordinary loss of balance , which occurs due to the fact that the exercise “tilting the head to the sides or forwards and backwards” is performed too sharply and quickly. In this case, you just need to train your vestibular apparatus . However, during physical activity, there are disturbances in the blood supply caused by the same speed and sharpness of movements.

Your head may start to feel dizzy if you don’t eat on time . In this case, the reason is insufficient glucose levels in the body. The same thing happens when you are on a diet for a long time.

When taking certain medications, dizziness is considered a side effect, which already has its own explanation.

Dizziness as a sign of disease or dysfunction of vital functions/organs of a person .

If you feel dizzy and also experience some of the painful symptoms listed below, it could be:

  • or a clear indicator of the characteristics of an individual organism and mental activity;
  • or the presence of a certain disease, so it is very important to make an appointment with a doctor with existing alarming symptoms. In combination with dizziness, the following symptoms may be observed:
  1. increase/decrease in blood pressure;
  2. tachycardia;
  3. unreasonable muscle weakness;
  4. nausea, vomiting;
  5. excessive sweating;
  6. pallor;
  7. high temperature, fever, etc.

If there are several of the listed signs, this is a reason to consult a doctor, since there are many diseases and illnesses that are accompanied by dizziness and others like it.

So, here are a few common dysfunctions of a vital organ or disease :

  1. Diseases of the vestibular apparatus.
  2. Disease ear cavity, otitis. Accompanied by severe pain in the ears.

  3. Ear membrane disease . Hearing is getting worse.
  4. increases in the cavity of the inner ear. Meniere's disease. Accompanied by constant tinnitus.
  5. Intoxication, poisoning. Added migraine.
  6. Osteochondrosis.
  7. Stroke.
  8. brain tumor .
  9. Neurosis.
  10. Arterial hypotension .

When to ask for help

You should be wary of frequent attacks, during which you may feel sick or vomit. The following clinical symptoms indicate serious pathologies:

  • heart rhythm disturbances;
  • fainting conditions;
  • headache;
  • tremor;
  • sudden changes in blood pressure;
  • general weakness, increased fatigue;
  • disturbances of visual, auditory, speech functions;
  • problems with movement coordination;
  • muscle pain.

If such symptoms appear, you should seek help from a specialist. Only a doctor, after conducting an examination, will determine the problem and prescribe effective treatment.

Why does one feel dizzy and nauseous when tilting and turning the head?

As a rule, the first thing that explains dizziness when turning the head and nausea is a disturbance in the activity of the cervical spine. In the cervical vertebrae, the vertebral paired artery passes from the subclavian artery; it supplies brain tissue with blood and substances, including the cerebellum and the back of the brain, where the centers of coordination and balance are located.

Therefore, my head is spinning due to:

  • hypoxia;
  • lack of oxygen in the balance centers of the brain.

When bending and turning, the vertebral artery is bent or pinched. In such cases, hypoxia develops.

Causes of dizziness and nausea when bending and turning:

  • osteochondrosis, spondylosis, intervertebral hernia, spondylolisthesis;
  • tumor of the cervical spine;
  • disorders not related to the pathology of the spinal column, narrowing of the lumen of the vessel due to the deposition of atherosclerotic plaques.

Why can't you work at the computer for a long time?

In the modern world, the lives of many people are connected with the use of a computer.
This is due to the fact that the introduction of computer technology has made it possible to optimize work in various fields of activity. Dizziness in this case is a chronic disease due to spending a long time at the computer. In this case, the symptom in question will appear before bedtime. Dizziness occurs for the following reasons:

  1. Constant brain activity leads to brain fatigue.
  2. There is usually little oxygen in the office. Oxygen starvation becomes the main cause of dizziness.

This is why you should not work long enough just before bed. At the same time, watching a movie and playing computer games can lead to the same problems as during long-term work.

What to do if your head is dizzy to the point of fainting and your vision becomes dark

  • If you feel dizzy and nauseous, it is better not to try to hold back the urge to vomit. The body will restore its strength faster if it cleanses itself.
  • For sudden dizziness you need to immediately lie down and try to relax. Arrange yourself like this

    so that the head and shoulders are at the same level - this improves blood supply to the brain. Lie like this for a while. Dim the light so that unnecessary information does not come through your eyes with light - this will strain and damage.

  • A cold wrung-out towel or ice will revive the taps
  • can also help .
  • As a tip for prevention: it’s good to start consuming foods such as eggs, cheese, fish, and nuts every day.

Causes of dizziness to fainting and darkening of the eyes

  1. Dizziness and darkening of the eyes , fainting, general weakness of the body, nausea and vomiting sometimes accompany normal hunger, acute poisoning, overheating in the sun, symptoms in adults you will find here or overwork, so all of the above symptoms can be experienced by completely healthy people under the above circumstances. As soon as these circumstances cease to affect the body, the symptoms go away on their own, and the general condition normalizes and stabilizes.
  2. In addition, these signs appear in women during pregnancy or menopause.
  3. If dizziness and fainting recur, nausea and vomiting do not stop, constant weakness does not go away and lasts for a certain long period, then in this case the cause lies inside the body. Here we should again remind you of the need to be fully examined by specialists, since there are plenty of reasons for the manifestation of such symptoms. Here are just a few of the main ones:
  • pathology of the nervous system;
  • seizures;
  • epilepsy;
  • intracerebral hemorrhages;
  • consequences of traumatic brain injury; brain tumor;
  • thrombosis, atherosclerosis;
  • blood pressure surges
  • pathologies of metabolic processes;
  • intoxication;
  • use of certain medications;
  • alcoholism, drug addiction;
  • infections;
  • ischemia, heart failure;
  • anemia , etc.

Diagnostic methods

To get rid of unpleasant symptoms, it will be necessary to establish the true cause of dizziness when changing body position. Let's look at what methods are used for this.


To obtain a complete picture of the development of pathology, a comprehensive examination of the patient is carried out. It consists of:

  1. Visual examination and detailed questioning of the patient.
  2. Laboratory tests of blood and urine.
  3. Ultrasound, ECG, MRI, radiography.

These are the main diagnostic measures; depending on the situation, additional procedures may be prescribed.


There is a test that can be used to independently detect orthostatic hypotension, which leads to dizziness. To do this, blood pressure and pulse are repeatedly measured while standing and the average result is calculated.

The same is done in a lying position, after which they stand up and repeat the measurements after 1, 5 and 10 minutes. This allows you to find out how quickly the body is able to restore blood pressure when blood is redistributed.

The results are assessed as follows:

  1. An increased heart rate of up to 11 beats is normal.
  2. 12-18 hits – there are problems, but they are not dangerous.
  3. 19 or more beats - there is a risk of dizziness and fainting when standing up, which indicates poor vascular function.

In a medical institution, the diagnosis is confirmed by a neurologist after a course of examination, which includes one or more diagnostic methods: fluoroscopy, MRI, CT, ECG.

Causes of dizziness while lying down

When the body is at rest horizontally, the head may feel dizzy due to:

  • sensations of falling walls and ceilings with closed eyes;
  • sensations that objects around are in motion;
  • strong feelings of anxiety before bedtime;
  • feeling of being stupefied.

When a person changes position, all such sensations can be aggravated. Why is this happening? As a rule, for the same reason - common dysfunction of an important organ or disease, however, the list is slightly different.

This information is discussed in more detail in our similar article on dizziness in a standing and lying position.


With complaints of dizziness, you can contact such specialists as neurologists, cardiologists, endocrinologists , but it is better to first visit a therapist. For dizziness (including, but not primarily, since this is a secondary symptom), a certain course of medication is prescribed.

To relax and at the same time gently raise your tone, you can train your vestibular apparatus by performing light exercises:

  1. Sit with your back straight, turn your head to one side and lie down without changing your position. Movements are smooth.
  2. Sit down again, turn your head in the other direction.
  3. Do the exercises for a few minutes, 5 – 7 times a day.

Medicines for dizziness

To treat persistent dizziness, medications are prescribed, their use depends on the symptoms:

  • antihistamines : Meclozin, Promethazine, Pipolfen, Diphenhydramine;
  • tranquilizers for sedation: “Diazepam”, “Lorazepam”;
  • sedatives: “Andaksin”, “Seduxen”;
  • against nausea and painful vomiting: Cerucal, Metoclopramide.

First aid rules during an attack

Therapy for an unpleasant condition may include a whole range of measures based on the diagnosis of the disease.


If the attack began unexpectedly, the following medications will help relieve the unpleasant condition:

  • Meclozine.
  • Diazepam.
  • Betahistine.

These medications relieve unpleasant symptoms that occur when changing body position.

Attacks of nausea or vomiting are well relieved by the following medications: Domperidone, Cerucal, Metoclopramide.

Folk remedies

If you suddenly feel dizzy, fresh ginger will help. A small piece of medicinal root should be chewed slowly and swallowed without drinking water. The spice will not only invigorate, but also relieve nausea and weakness.

A person suffering from dizziness should prepare a snorting mixture that improves well-being and always have it on hand. Recipe:

  1. Take juniper and fir essential oils in equal proportions (20 grams).
  2. Add them to castor oil (100 grams).
  3. Place the mixture in a glass container with a tight-fitting lid.
  4. When an attack occurs, sniff the mixture, lubricate your temples and the area behind the ears with it.

A herbal infusion will help relieve the condition; you should drink it at least three times a day, half an hour before meals. Recipe:

  1. Take 100 grams of dry mint leaves, 50 grams of crushed dry peony root, 100 grams of dried linden flowers.
  2. Mix the ingredients.
  3. Place 2 tablespoons of the resulting mixture in a glass container and add two glasses of hot water.
  4. Cook in a steam bath for 10-15 minutes.
  5. Wrap in a terry towel, let it brew for at least ten hours, strain.

A decoction of dried nettle is another effective remedy. Recipe:

  1. Pour 1 tablespoon of raw material into a glass of boiling water.
  2. Let it brew for several hours, strain.
  3. Add freshly prepared apple juice at a ratio of one to one.
  4. Drink before meals 3 times a day.

Folk remedies

First aid for dizziness

  • Don't panic, just need peace.
  • If you feel very dizzy , it is better to sit down and not close your eyes, but look at some object.
  • Call an ambulance if there is numbness in the limbs, chest pain and speech impairment.
  • Immediately take a lying position and do not make unnecessary movements, do not turn your head.
  • You need to take off your tight clothes (it will be good if someone helps) and open the window to let fresh air into the room.
  • will help you relax .
  • Take ten drops of Atropine or another remedy for dizziness.


Whirling when standing up suddenly

Quickly assuming a vertical position often leads to unexpected dizziness. The condition is accompanied by darkening and circles in the eyes. Nausea and ringing in the ears appear. The attacks are short-term, lasting a few seconds, but they manifest themselves individually. It happens that this happens once a month, but sometimes every time you get up, your head feels dizzy. The frequency of such events will determine the prescription of appropriate treatment.

Dizziness when standing up is often caused by orthostatic hypotension, in which blood pressure quickly decreases and cerebral circulation deteriorates. This type of dizziness is quite severe and even fainting is possible.

This disease develops if there are problems with blood vessels, atherosclerosis or diabetes. If you have hypotension, you should not rise abruptly. You should be very careful when moving to a vertical position. Some people will take a few minutes to get out of bed.

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