Nervous spots on the body

Each person’s body is unique: for some, the psychological shock passes quickly and unnoticed, while for others a rash appears from the nerves. In addition, against the background of stress, the general well-being and condition of nails, hair, and skin can greatly deteriorate. In this article we will look at what allergic reactions look like and analyze the factors that cause the disease.

Could a rash be caused by nervousness?

This is quite a pressing question, but to this day no one can give a definitive answer to it.

In some countries around the world, doctors diagnose “psychogenic urticaria.” It is based on the results of many years of research on people suffering from long-term depression, vegetative-vascular dystonia syndrome (VSD) and other debilitating disorders.

In mentally unstable people, in addition to the main symptoms, rashes on the hands in the form of blisters (urticaria) were observed.

Most medical researchers claim that stress is a trigger for urticaria due to nerves, since favorable conditions appear in the body for the immune system to malfunction.

Relapses of chronic diseases of the digestive and respiratory systems appear. There is also a high risk of disruption of the endocrine system, which contributes to the development of allergies. Actually, this is how an inadequate reaction mechanism and increased sensitivity to external stimuli are triggered.

Today, scientists have proven that prolonged negative emotions contribute to the deterioration of the body’s condition. However, practicing allergists use an individual approach to treating patients due to the fact that for some, nervousness is a common condition, and for others, it is a trigger for an exacerbation of the reaction.

What causes nervous rash in children?

Statistics show that there is a large degree of influence of the baby's age on the development of sensitivity to allergens and nervous rashes.

In children under one year old, a negative situation may be the transition to artificial feeding and cessation of breastfeeding, or the first introduction of complementary foods.

A big stress for a young child is isolation from the mother, lack of attention, and love from loved ones.

Food allergies are most common in children in the first two years of life. This is due to the imperfection of the digestive organs, for example, the pancreas does not secrete enough enzymes to digest foods.

Children with a hereditary predisposition often experience increased sensitivity of the body to certain types of allergens.

It is these children who have a high risk of reactions to stress factors that cause an allergic rash. However, stress will not be the true cause of the child’s reaction, but rather is of a provocative nature, aggravating the condition of an already susceptible organism.

Parents with children with allergies should remember that negative emotions experienced by their child can aggravate the development of the disease.

A negative emotional factor for school-age children can be poor grades, problems with relationships between the student and teachers, and peers.

What rashes can be caused by nervousness?

Below we will look at the main types of rashes that occur in people due to stress.


Allergies are characterized by so-called “migrating” spots. They appear, soon after emotional upheavals, on the face, torso, and inner thighs. The spots appear and disappear without causing any negative sensations.

Nervous allergies: photo

However, there are other types of manifestations, among them:

  • nervous scabies;
  • urticaria, asthma attacks;
  • psoriasis;
  • eczema;
  • vitiligo;
  • lichen.

Nervous urticaria

Nerve hives are a potentially life-threatening allergic reaction. If it appears regularly, then you should have antiallergic drugs (antihistamines) in your medicine cabinet.

Nervous urticaria

Urticaria is characterized by:

  • the body becomes covered in rashes almost instantly;
  • a rash on the body is characterized by similar blisters on the hands and throughout the body and face;
  • the appearance of itching;
  • burning, redness;
  • swelling, irritation at the affected sites.

Blisters can go away as quickly as they appeared: they usually disappear 24 hours after they appear and nothing remains in their place.
Urticaria is often accompanied by Quincke's edema - swelling and enlargement of the soft tissues of the face, neck, and head. Swelling can develop from a few minutes to several days after contact with the allergen.

Urticaria may be accompanied by symptoms of intoxication:

  • dyspnea;
  • fever;
  • tachycardia (increased heart rate);
  • chills;
  • diarrhea;
  • abdominal pain, etc.

Pimples due to nervousness

Due to the increased production of stress hormones - adrenaline, corticosteroids, norepinephrine, testosterone in the muscles, heat generation increases and catabolism begins.

This process triggers the formation of acne on the skin, which, under the influence of hormones, cannot partially resist bacteria and external infections. It is because of this that inflamed, purulent, painful acne appears on the face.

The hormonal “storm” slows down the functioning of the thyroid gland, which regulates the production of sebum, resulting in blackheads.

In stressful situations, people involuntarily spread infection to the face and injure the surface of the skin, namely:

  • uncontrolled touching of the face;
  • involuntary scratching of the dermis;
  • rubbing cheeks, face;

Due to stress, a person's sweating increases, thus the dermis loses moisture, and bacteria provoke the appearance of new rashes.

Nerve spots on the skin

Often spotty rashes appear on the scalp. Also, the entire body is covered with them: they can change color and size. These symptoms may indicate the onset of dermatitis.

Spots on the body due to nervousness: photo

When spots appear, the following also occurs:

  • itching;
  • burning;
  • peeling;
  • bubbles.

Most often, patients develop red spots on the face, neck and groin.


Dermatitis is an inflammatory process on the skin. Stressful situations and the influence of antigens on adults and children suffering from hereditary allergies provoke increased activity of the immune system.

As a result of complex biochemical processes, inflammatory mediators - histamine and cytoxins - begin to be intensively produced. This process affects the dermis, causing allergic dermatitis.


Psoriasis is a complex systemic disease of the skin and nails caused by an abnormal response of the body's own immune system (autoimmune origin).

In psoriasis, dermal cells suddenly begin to divide at a high rate, but their viability lasts only 3-5 days. Normally, the life cycle of a cell is 28-30 days.

The disease can occur either due to prolonged stress or due to a hereditary predisposition. However, the definitive cause of psoriasis is unknown.

Psoriasis is characterized by the fact that the rash on the body begins to itch and peel. The affected area then changes color, most often to red and burgundy red.

What are the reasons

Spots and allergies on the body due to nervousness occur during emotional overstrain.

The main causes of pathology include:

  • hereditary predisposition - if older family members suffered, then the trait will be passed on to younger generations;
  • increased emotionality, anxiety - these signs are typical for women and children;
  • severe overwork, irritability, prolonged exposure to stress.

Certain diseases also cause depletion of the nervous system. As a result, spots or rashes appear on the skin from the nerves. People with diabetes, lupus erythematosus, gastritis, and hypertension often suffer from skin pathologies.

The body tries to fight the disease for a long time. This leads to the formation of spots and other unpleasant consequences.

Vegetative-vascular dystonia and allergic dermatoses also contribute to the appearance of skin pathologies.

Nervous rash: symptoms

An allergic rash is no different from pathologies caused by other factors. In addition, the direct connection between stress and rashes on the body is not always monitored in time. Typically, symptoms are identified much later, when the trigger of depressing emotions has already been eliminated. When a critical, tense situation has already passed, the patient’s body recovers, but it is at this stage that illness awaits him.

Main symptoms:

  • Dermatological manifestations on the body of an adult: from local to general reactions. The localization of lesions is varied: nervous skin rashes can appear on the face, neck, chest, limbs, mucous membrane of the mouth, genitals, and respiratory tract.
  • Respiratory manifestations: all kinds of respiratory disorders caused by changes in the nose, pharynx, larynx, trachea, bronchi. The most common are: rhinitis, allergic cough, asthma. Changes in the respiratory tract include the appearance of abundant secretion and bronchospasms.
  • Gastroenterological manifestations: pathological reactions from the digestive system. They are considered a “mask” for many therapeutic diseases, including emotional allergies. The disease manifests itself in the form of lack of appetite, heartburn, and diarrhea.

Nervous allergies: treatment of hives and stress rashes

Each person’s body is unique: for some, the psychological shock passes quickly and unnoticed, while for others a rash appears from the nerves. In addition, against the background of stress, the general well-being and condition of nails, hair, and skin can greatly deteriorate. In this article we will look at what allergic reactions look like and analyze the factors that cause the disease.

What causes nervous rash in children?

Statistics show that there is a large degree of influence of the baby's age on the development of sensitivity to allergens and nervous rashes.

In children under one year old, a negative situation may be the transition to artificial feeding and cessation of breastfeeding, or the first introduction of complementary foods.

A big stress for a young child is isolation from the mother, lack of attention, and love from loved ones.

Food allergies are most common in children in the first two years of life. This is due to the imperfection of the digestive organs, for example, the pancreas does not secrete enough enzymes to digest foods.

Children with a hereditary predisposition often experience increased sensitivity of the body to certain types of allergens.

It is these children who have a high risk of reactions to stress factors that cause an allergic rash. However, stress will not be the true cause of the child’s reaction, but rather is of a provocative nature, aggravating the condition of an already susceptible organism.

Parents with children with allergies should remember that negative emotions experienced by their child can aggravate the development of the disease.

A negative emotional factor for school-age children can be poor grades, problems with relationships between the student and teachers, and peers.

What rashes can be caused by nervousness?

Below we will look at the main types of rashes that occur in people due to stress.


Allergies are characterized by so-called “migrating” spots. They appear, soon after emotional upheavals, on the face, torso, and inner thighs. The spots appear and disappear without causing any negative sensations.

Nervous allergies: photo

However, there are other types of manifestations, among them:

  • nervous scabies;
  • urticaria, asthma attacks;
  • psoriasis;
  • eczema;
  • vitiligo;
  • lichen.

Nervous urticaria

Nerve hives are a potentially life-threatening allergic reaction. If it appears regularly, then you should have antiallergic drugs (antihistamines) in your medicine cabinet.

Nervous urticaria

Urticaria is characterized by:

  • the body becomes covered in rashes almost instantly;
  • a rash on the body is characterized by similar blisters on the hands and throughout the body and face;
  • the appearance of itching;
  • burning, redness;
  • swelling, irritation at the affected sites.

Blisters can go away as quickly as they appeared: they usually disappear 24 hours after they appear and nothing remains in their place.

Urticaria is often accompanied by Quincke's edema - swelling and enlargement of the soft tissues of the face, neck, and head. Swelling can develop from a few minutes to several days after contact with the allergen.

Urticaria may be accompanied by symptoms of intoxication:

  • dyspnea;
  • fever;
  • tachycardia (increased heart rate);
  • chills;
  • diarrhea;
  • abdominal pain, etc.

Pimples due to nervousness

Due to the increased production of stress hormones - adrenaline, corticosteroids, norepinephrine, testosterone in the muscles, heat generation increases and catabolism begins.

This process triggers the formation of acne on the skin, which, under the influence of hormones, cannot partially resist bacteria and external infections. It is because of this that inflamed, purulent, painful acne appears on the face.

The hormonal “storm” slows down the functioning of the thyroid gland, which regulates the production of sebum, resulting in blackheads.

In stressful situations, people involuntarily spread infection to the face and injure the surface of the skin, namely:

  • uncontrolled touching of the face;
  • involuntary scratching of the dermis;
  • rubbing cheeks, face;

Due to stress, a person's sweating increases, thus the dermis loses moisture, and bacteria provoke the appearance of new rashes.

Nerve spots on the skin

Often spotty rashes appear on the scalp. Also, the entire body is covered with them: they can change color and size. These symptoms may indicate the onset of dermatitis.

Spots on the body due to nervousness: photo

When spots appear, the following also occurs:

  • itching;
  • burning;
  • peeling;
  • bubbles.

Most often, patients develop red spots on the face, neck and groin.


Dermatitis is an inflammatory process on the skin. Stressful situations and the influence of antigens on adults and children suffering from hereditary allergies provoke increased activity of the immune system.

As a result of complex biochemical processes, inflammatory mediators - histamine and cytoxins - begin to be intensively produced. This process affects the dermis, causing allergic dermatitis.


Psoriasis is a complex systemic disease of the skin and nails caused by an abnormal response of the body's own immune system (autoimmune origin).

In psoriasis, dermal cells suddenly begin to divide at a high rate, but their viability lasts only 3-5 days. Normally, the life cycle of a cell is 28-30 days.

The disease can occur either due to prolonged stress or due to a hereditary predisposition. However, the definitive cause of psoriasis is unknown.

Psoriasis is characterized by the fact that the rash on the body begins to itch and peel. The affected area then changes color, most often to red and burgundy red.

Nervous rash: symptoms

An allergic rash is no different from pathologies caused by other factors. In addition, the direct connection between stress and rashes on the body is not always monitored in time.

Typically, symptoms are identified much later, when the trigger of depressing emotions has already been eliminated.

When a critical, tense situation has already passed, the patient’s body recovers, but it is at this stage that illness awaits him.

Main symptoms:

  • Dermatological manifestations on the body of an adult: from local to general reactions. The localization of lesions is varied: nervous skin rashes can appear on the face, neck, chest, limbs, mucous membrane of the mouth, genitals, and respiratory tract.
  • Respiratory manifestations: all kinds of respiratory disorders caused by changes in the nose, pharynx, larynx, trachea, bronchi. The most common are: rhinitis, allergic cough, asthma. Changes in the respiratory tract include the appearance of abundant secretion and bronchospasms.
  • Gastroenterological manifestations: pathological reactions from the digestive system. They are considered a “mask” for many therapeutic diseases, including emotional allergies. The disease manifests itself in the form of lack of appetite, heartburn, and diarrhea.

Diagnosis of nervous skin rashes

Stress is not the initial cause of the disease: it only contributes to the triggering of the disease in combination with other factors. Therefore, the patient examination algorithm includes standard methods:

  • Collecting the patient's medical history. This is the collection of general information about the events that preceded the development of symptoms: how the manifestation of the disease began, its duration, systematicity. It is at this stage that the patient should report similar pathologies in close relatives.
  • Laboratory research. Swabs are taken from the site of the lesion to identify the pathogen: bacteria, rods. In case of nervous stress, the tests are “clean”, that is, pathogens are not detected.
  • General blood and urine analysis;
  • Biochemical blood test for hormones and liver function;
  • Skin tests for antigens. Groups of allergens are applied to the arm or back and the skin is punctured; after 15 minutes, the results are assessed. By the way, this method 100% helps to identify the group of allergens in adults, but for children under 12 years of age it is not very informative.

High-quality diagnostics does not imply a huge number of tests and samples. A competent dermatologist or allergist can make a diagnosis based on medical history, and laboratory data is needed to ensure the accuracy of the diagnosis.

Treatment for nervous disorders

When nervous rashes appear, antihistamines are prescribed, as they block the production of histamine. The main task of the patient is to avoid neurosis and emotional overstrain, be it joy or irritation.

For this they recommend:

  • visit a psychologist;
  • change the environment, place of work;
  • use sedatives of plant origin;
  • in severe cases, take antidepressants;
  • reconsider your life values ​​and spend more time with your loved ones.

Treatment methods depend on the severity of skin lesions. For example, psoriasis requires specialized treatment, hormonal ointments, etc. You should be careful, treat your body and listen to the recommendations of your doctor.


Diagnosis of nervous skin rashes

Stress is not the initial cause of the disease: it only contributes to the triggering of the disease in combination with other factors. Therefore, the patient examination algorithm includes standard methods:

  • Collecting the patient's medical history. This is the collection of general information about the events that preceded the development of symptoms: how the manifestation of the disease began, its duration, systematicity. It is at this stage that the patient should report similar pathologies in close relatives.
  • Laboratory research. Swabs are taken from the site of the lesion to identify the pathogen: bacteria, rods. In case of nervous stress, the tests are “clean”, that is, pathogens are not detected.
  • General blood and urine analysis;
  • Biochemical blood test for hormones and liver function;
  • Skin tests for antigens. Groups of allergens are applied to the arm or back and the skin is punctured; after 15 minutes, the results are assessed. By the way, this method 100% helps to identify the group of allergens in adults, but for children under 12 years of age it is not very informative.

High-quality diagnostics does not imply a huge number of tests and samples. A competent dermatologist or allergist can make a diagnosis based on medical history, and laboratory data is needed to ensure the accuracy of the diagnosis.

What do different types of stains look like?

Skin diseases occur due to a weakened nervous system. Spots on the legs, arms, face, and body may look different, depending on the disease.

The most common pathologies include:

  • Urticaria - in this case, red defects form on the body, similar to traces of nettle burns. Gradually, the spots merge, itch, and cause severe discomfort.
  • Eczema is a non-contagious pseudo-allergy disease that causes red blemishes to appear on the skin. A certain area of ​​the body turns red, then bubbles with liquid form on it. The papules burst, and serous wells form in their place. The affected area becomes covered with a yellow crust. The disease is chronic.
  • Lichen ruber is a disease in which dark red, even bluish blisters form. Ringworm is very itchy and is caused by a nervous disorder.
  • Psoriasis is a chronic autoimmune and non-contagious disease. Dermatosis affects the skin and worsens during stressful situations. Plaques form on the body; if they are removed, a thin thermal film will appear. When affected, a sign of blood dew is observed. Droplets of blood form on the affected area of ​​the skin.

You can look at the pathologies and find out the names on photo medical forums. But this information is for informational purposes only. Only a doctor makes a diagnosis.

Treatment for nervous disorders

When nervous rashes appear, antihistamines are prescribed, as they block the production of histamine. The main task of the patient is to avoid neurosis and emotional overstrain, be it joy or irritation.

For this they recommend:

  • visit a psychologist;
  • change the environment, place of work;
  • use sedatives of plant origin;
  • in severe cases, take antidepressants;
  • reconsider your life values ​​and spend more time with your loved ones.

Treatment methods depend on the severity of skin lesions. For example, psoriasis requires specialized treatment, hormonal ointments, etc. You should be careful, treat your body and listen to the recommendations of your doctor.

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