Nervous diseases exist, scientists confirm. But it is not exactly

Neurology (diseases of the nervous system) is a broad field in medicine that studies various issues of diagnosis, the nature of the origin and treatment of diseases based on the nervous system. It is worth noting that the problems studied by neurology are most often of organic origin - nervous diseases that are caused by injuries, vascular diseases and hereditary pathologies. But nervous diseases and mental illnesses (neuroses) should already fall under the competence of a psychotherapist. It is about them that we presented the material in our article.

Nervous diseases

Modern medicine has in its arsenal many ways of diagnosing ailments to combat nervous diseases. Most often, the following are used to diagnose nervous diseases: electroneuromyography, magnetic resonance imaging, electroencephalography, polysomnography and many others.

Today, the most common complaints about diseases of the nervous system are: back and neck pain, fainting, chronic headaches, memory impairment, convulsions, poor sleep, and various memory problems. But we should also remember that one of the most important areas in neurology is the prevention of the development of stroke and other heart diseases due to nervousness.

Nervous diseases are quite dangerous to human health and life. It is necessary to remember that there is some dependence: nervous heart disease will inevitably lead to a deterioration in the functioning of other organs and systems, and vice versa.

It is also necessary to remember that it is quite possible for a disease to arise due to nervousness, which at first glance is not at all associated with nervous ailments. Nervous heart diseases, the names of which will be listed below, develop gradually (and the patient at first does not attach any importance to any symptoms) or, conversely, too rapidly.

Infections, the development of trauma tumors, vascular diseases and severe heredity are the main factors that contribute to the risk of dangerous diseases arising from the nervous system.

Panic attack due to neurosis

During neuroses, panic attacks may appear. About 9% of the population experiences it. Women get sick twice as often as men. Sometimes it may indicate the beginning of the development of social phobia. Often associated with returning to unpleasant events from the past and catastrophic thinking.

A panic attack is usually unpredictable. This condition is associated with a chemical imbalance in the brain. A person during a panic attack has no control over himself. There may be a feeling of unreality in the world around you. Cannot control the body and the flow of thoughts. A panic attack causes a feeling of helplessness . The seizure lasts from several minutes to an hour.

As a result of panic attacks, premature fear often develops, which should be understood as fear of fear. Appears when the patient fears a panic attack and its accompanying symptoms.


What are the symptoms of nervous diseases?

Symptoms vary:

  • Motor: paralysis, paresis, loss of coordination, trembling of limbs.
  • Sensitive: prolonged headache (migraine), pain in the spine, back, and neck, impaired vision, taste, and hearing.
  • Others: hysterical and epileptic seizures, fatigue, sleep disturbances, fainting, speech impairment, etc.

Now let’s look at the names of nervous diseases, as well as their symptoms.


Arachnoiditis is a disease that occurs on a nervous basis, which is characterized by an inflammatory process in the network of blood vessels covering the human brain - a kind of arachnoid membrane on the brain.

The causes of this nervous disease are: various traumatic brain injuries, intoxication of the body and infection that has reached the membrane of the cerebral cortex.

Arachnoiditis is divided into several types: on the anterior and posterior cranial fossa, basal and spinal.


Meningitis is an acute inflammatory process on the lining of the brain, which belongs to the category of nervous diseases in women and men. The symptoms are as follows: fever, unbearable pain in the head, vomiting and nausea that do not bring relief, and disturbances in muscle tone.

At the first symptom, urgent hospitalization of the patient is necessary! After this, the patient undergoes a spinal puncture with further determination of treatment for the disease. Meningitis is a fairly serious disease that requires urgent urgent treatment.


What is the name of a nervous disease that causes severe headaches? It is likely that in this case we are talking about migraine - a nervous disease that manifests itself through acute and intense pain in one of the halves of the head, although bilateral migraines can also occur.

The symptoms of this nervous disease are the following: irritability, drowsiness, which are replaced by an unbearable acute headache, nausea and frequent vomiting, as well as numbness of the limbs.

Please note that migraine can develop into the most complex ailments of the nervous system. Currently, there are no radical methods for treating migraine; for this disease, special medications are prescribed by a specialist.

Mysterious Ulcer

These diseases are very real. In contrast to somatoform disorders, in psychosomatosis the doctor deals with specific organic and functional disorders that can be determined by various diagnostic methods. The main cause is considered to be stress or other negative emotions.

Back in 1950, the American psychoanalyst Franz Alexander identified seven psychosomatoses. These are stomach and duodenal ulcers, nonspecific ulcerative colitis, bronchial asthma, hypertension, rheumatoid arthritis, neurodermatitis, thyrotoxicosis. These diseases are called the classic seven.

Alexander not only compiled a list, but also tracked how diseases are associated with certain personality traits.

Most of these patients, according to Alexander and his followers, are characterized by straightforwardness, independence, a high sense of duty, conscientiousness, but at the same time they do not know how to show flexibility and are overly touchy.

Over time, experts added diabetes mellitus, which often develops after severe stress, coronary heart disease and some other diagnoses to the list of psychomatosis.

But the movement was also in the opposite direction. Experts had already agreed that gastrointestinal ulcers were a result of stress when Australian pathologist Robin Warren rediscovered the microorganism Helicobacter pylori in 1979. (Back in the 19th century, these bacteria were discovered in the gastric mucosa, but then they could not be cultivated in an artificial environment and studied).

Together with Barry Marshall, professor of clinical microbiology at the University of Western Australia, Warren managed to isolate the bacterium from samples of the gastric mucosa and cultivate it in artificial nutrient media.

Researchers were the first to suggest that most stomach ulcers and gastritis in humans are caused by infection with the microorganism Helicobacter pylori.

The expert community was not happy with this hypothesis, and then Barry Marshall experimented on himself. He drank the contents of a Petri dish containing a culture of the bacterium Helicobacter pylori, and 10 days later he developed ulcerative gastritis. Having demonstrated his illness to colleagues using endoscopy, Marshall after some time cured himself with an antibiotic and bismuth salts.

The hypothesis acquired the status of a discovery, and in 2005 Warren and Marshall received the Nobel Prize in Medicine and Physiology for it.

It would seem that stomach and duodenal ulcers, as well as ulcerative colitis, can be safely crossed off from the list of psychosomatoses. But it's not that simple.


Stroke is the end point in the development of a disease of the nervous system, which involves disturbances in the blood circulation of the brain. During this disease, the flow of blood to some areas of the brain decreases, or it completely stops getting there. Experts indicate the presence of two types of stroke:

  1. Ischemic, which occurs due to a disruption in the passage of blood through the arteries to the brain cells.
  2. Hemorrhagic, which occurs due to bleeding in the brain.

Signs of a stroke are the following: the occurrence of pain in the head with further nausea and vomiting, heartbeat disturbances, poor orientation in space and time, loss of consciousness, excessive sweating, and a feeling of heat. Treatment of the disease is carried out in order to prevent recurrence and normalize blood flow to the brain. The hemorrhagic type of stroke requires only surgical intervention.

Possible causes

Prolonged physical fatigue can lead to nervous spasm

Nerve spasm can occur as a result of:

  • long-term exposure to stress factors;
  • a state of increased anxiety is a predisposing factor to the occurrence of neurosis;
  • the presence of a strong psycho-emotional shock or experience;
  • suspicious people are more susceptible to problems with the nervous system;
  • the presence of tense relationships in the family or at work can lead to the development of neurosis;
  • a nervous spasm in the throat may occur due to the presence of psychotrauma or psychological problems;
  • lack of sleep, its disturbances in the form of insomnia or nightmares can also lead to the development of neurosis;
  • the result of physical, intellectual or emotional fatigue;
  • lack of vitamins and microelements, insufficient physical activity can lead to neurological problems.

Diseases of the peripheral nervous system

An important issue in neurology is diseases of the peripheral nervous system. This type of disease occurs in almost half of all patients who complained of nervous ailments. Depending on the affected areas, diseases of the peripheral nervous system are divided into the following types:

  1. Radiculitis: diseases of the roots located in the spinal cord.
  2. Plexitis is a disorder in the function of the nerve plexuses.
  3. Ganglionitis is a disease associated with sensory nerve nodules.
  4. Neuritis is inflammation of the cranial and spinal nerves.


Neuropathy (neuritis) is a nervous disease that develops due to an inflammatory process on the nerve. There are several types of the disease: neuritis of the facial nerve, small radial and tibial nerves. The main symptom of this disease of the nervous system is numbness in an area of ​​the face or upper or lower limb. Most often it develops from hypothermia; the disease is also caused by pinched nerves or their inflammation.

In order to prevent diseases of the peripheral nervous system, you need to carefully monitor your own health: do not overcool often, avoid injury, limit the influence of toxic chemicals on your body, and also do not abuse tobacco and alcohol.

What are neurotic pains?

In 50% of cases, patients with neuroses are bothered by headaches. Its appearance is explained by negative processes in the nervous system affecting the brain.

In other cases, the pain syndrome spreads to other areas of the body:

  • back;
  • muscles;
  • lower limbs;
  • stomach.

Many patients with neurosis have heart pain and periodic dizziness. Sometimes discomfort spreads throughout the body. The greatest discomfort is caused by the appearance of wandering pains that occur in various areas of the body.

Along with pain, tremors of the limbs, paleness of the skin, decreased libido, erectile dysfunction, increased fatigue, and insomnia may occur.

Wandering pains during neuroses occur in different areas of the body, causing serious inconvenience not only to patients, but also to doctors

Progressive paralysis

Progressive paralysis is a disease that manifests itself when the brain is damaged by a pale spirochete. The initial stage of the disease has the following symptoms: deterioration in performance and memory, exhaustion of the body, speech impairment, irritability, progression of dementia. If progressive paralysis is started, then after a few years the disease will lead to a state of insanity, and then to death.

Features of diagnosis and treatment

It’s clear that if you develop an ulcer, you will not go to a psychologist with it, but to a specialized specialist. And it’s the same with migraines: doctors, of course, often suspect a psychosomatic nature of this disease, but headaches can have a huge number of causes. And sometimes a simple runny nose is just a runny nose.

In general, organic diseases should be excluded. As a rule, good therapists and specialized doctors, having received a patient with a nervous disease or functional disorder, should work in conjunction with a neurologist or psychotherapist (and perhaps even with a psychiatrist).

Patients sometimes get offended and express distrust of the doctor: “What other nervous disease? Are you saying that I don’t have everything at home?” – here there will be all hope for the professionalism and correct approach of the doctors.

If we talk specifically about the diagnosis and treatment of diseases that arise from the nervous system, then the methods will always be different. As mentioned earlier, in most cases, if such ailments are suspected, specialists prescribe their patients an MRI of the brain and a general blood test. Based on the studies obtained, a diagnosis should be made. Only after this will a qualified doctor prescribe appropriate treatment, prescribe medications, vitamin complexes, and prescribe some physiotherapeutic procedures. Quite often, with this kind of pathology, patients visit a psychotherapist or psychologist.

In conclusion, it is worth noting that you should not ignore the symptoms and signs of nervous diseases. Sometimes even a simple headache can indicate the development of some serious illness arising from nervousness. Do not ignore the problem in this case, otherwise the consequences will be much worse.

How to get rid of pain

Medical statistics confirm that pain neurosis is widespread among the population of different ages. Pathology is found in 70% of middle-aged and young men and women.

Isolated cases of neurotic pain are explained by physical or mental fatigue. If pain symptoms are observed constantly, the patient is diagnosed with “neurosis”, after which appropriate treatment is prescribed.

To relieve neurotic pain, experts prescribe:

  • taking special medications;
  • psychotherapeutic course;
  • physiotherapeutic procedures.

Medicines used to eliminate neurosis and associated pain are described in the following table.

Groups, names of drugsEffect on the body
Analgesics (Ibuprofen, Analgin, Pentalgin)Relief of various types of neurotic pain
Antidepressants (Fluoxetine, Amitriptyline, Humoril)Getting rid of depression, normalizing the emotional sphere, relieving pain in stomach neurosis
Tranquilizers (Diazepam, Phenazepam, Hydroxyzine)Improving sleep, eliminating increased anxiety

The psychotherapeutic course includes sessions with an experienced specialist. Working with a patient helps to study the characteristics of his personality, find out the causes of the pathological condition, and help in building new models of behavior. hypnosis sessions may be prescribed .

Physiotherapeutic procedures prescribed for neurotic pain ensure normal excitation and inhibition of the nervous system, eliminate autonomic symptoms, and stimulate blood supply to the brain.

Patients with pain neurosis are prescribed darsonvalization, electrosleep, electrophoresis, ultraviolet irradiation, paraffin compresses, relaxing massage, sulfide baths. Acupuncture is recognized as an effective method of treatment.

The general course is supplemented by performing therapeutic exercises, changing the daily routine, diet and diet. In consultation with the doctor, folk remedies can be used - tinctures of lemongrass and ginseng, decoctions and infusions of valerian, fireweed, sweet clover, clay or mud compresses with the addition of peppermint, garlic.

Recovery of patients with neurotic pain

Many people are interested in how neurosis goes away. The success of the treatment is indicated by a decrease and gradual disappearance of pain, relief from internal tension, anxiety, and restoration of performance.

To speed up the healing process, it is necessary to ensure a calm home environment, a measured rhythm of life, and no pressure on the psyche. For a patient suffering from pain neurosis, regular moral support from people close to him is important.

Video: acupuncture for nerve pain

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