Can legs hurt due to nervousness?

Numbness of body parts after a stressful situation

Before confronting stress, you need to find out what was the real cause of the disease.
Doctors explain that stress matures in tandem with hormones released in huge volumes - adrenaline and norepinephrine. They can provoke high blood pressure. This leads to damage to the walls of blood vessels and their spasm. Severe pain after experiencing a stressful situation is a natural continuation of the disease, which can contribute to the progression of angina pectoris, hypertension, etc. Stress will not ignore the vital organs of a person. For women, this is fraught with severe pain attacks during the menstrual cycle. Stress is formed on a nervous basis. Pain is just a reaction of the muscles and the body as a whole to previously suffered dangers and shocks. Each person feels it in his own way: a healthy person experiences slight discomfort in the body, a sick person may develop serious problems that can complicate his health. To prevent a stressful situation, and so that your back, legs, arms and other parts of the body do not hurt in the future, you need to:

  • If it is possible to experience a stressful state and accompanying pain, you need to have sedatives with you. These drugs can quickly bring a person’s condition back to normal in conflict and extreme situations.
  • Due attention must be paid to the inner mood. If there is a strong desire, everyone can teach themselves and their body to react with restraint to various situations that arise due to nervousness.
  • Distract your mind as quickly as possible with other important life situations.

Numbness is a painful, uncomfortable tingling sensation, which is accompanied by a decrease in skin sensitivity, and less commonly, a disruption of the normal functioning of the joints of the fingers of the right or left foot or hands. Parts of the body become numb because a nerve is compressed or the blood supply to tissues is disrupted.

  • no ability to move your toes or hands normally;
  • feeling weak, dizzy;
  • the bladder empties involuntarily;
  • partially or completely unable to speak clearly or move adequately.

Numbness often affects a person’s limbs

Why do muscles hurt after stress? People who are under stress experience signs of psychometric disorder. These may be disruptions in the functioning of internal organs, headaches.

When the body is under stress, adrenaline is released, which causes severe anxiety. You can try to calm down on your own: sleep, rest, read your favorite book, communicate with your family. Sedative medications or herbal infusions will help relieve anxiety:

  • mint, hops and nettle;
  • passionflower, thyme, St. John's wort;
  • willow leaves;
  • motherwort or valerian.

You can relieve chest pain from nerves with the help of Novopassit, Nervoflux, Persen. Vitamins B1-B12 perfectly relieve tension. They are easy to find at the pharmacy. To restore the strength that was spent fighting stress, vitamins E and C are needed.

Leg muscles hurt from stress

Myalgia is accompanied by aching and dull pain in the muscles when pressed, weakness, and stiffness of the body. Muscle pain may extend from the head to the lower extremities (fibromyalgia) or be localized to a specific location, such as the neck or back of the head (cervical myositis).

Signs of this disease can intensify with nervous overload, stress, and physical activity. After the diagnosis is made, complex treatment is prescribed:

  1. Removal of the inflammatory focus.
  2. Removing muscle spasms.
  3. Improved blood circulation.
  4. Replenishment of blood supply to muscle tissue.
  5. Restoration of the body's metabolic processes.

Often muscle pain occurs in the sternum, shoulder girdle and occipital region. To avoid this, you need to adhere to preventive rules:

  1. With a sedentary lifestyle, you need to sit straight, straighten your neck muscles and walk more often. Walking in the fresh air will help you avoid stress.
  2. Correct posture is the key to health.
  3. Perform special exercises aimed at stretching and relaxing muscles.


How are stress and muscle pain related? People who are under stress have symptoms of a psychosomatic disorder (disruption of internal organs and systems), suffer from headaches and problems with the digestive tract.

When the body experiences stress, the hormone adrenaline is produced, resulting in anxiety. Sedative medications or herbal infusions will help relieve anxiety.

You can help your body at home. The first thing you need to do is calm down, lie down and drink a soothing herbal tea. The following folk remedies have a positive effect in the fight against stress:

  1. Peppermint.
  2. St. John's wort.
  3. Hop.
  4. Passionflower.
  5. Melissa.
  6. Nettle.
  7. Thyme infusions.
  8. Compresses from willow branches.
  9. Honey compress.
  10. Tincture of valerian and motherwort.

Among the complex drugs suitable:

  1. Novopassit.
  2. Nervoflux.
  3. Persen.

B vitamins (B1, B2, B3, B6, B12), which can be purchased in pharmacies, will also help cope with stress. These same vitamins are found in raw vegetables and grains. To restore vital energy expended during periods of emotional stress, it is necessary to take vitamins E and C.

But you need to remember that you should not use them for more than 2 months, otherwise hypervitaminosis may appear. This deviation is understood as oversaturation of the body with multivitamins.

Peripheral nerve diseases

Diseases of the peripheral nervous system are also a source of pain in the legs. The main such diseases include: radiculitis, plexitis, ganglionitis.

What to do if your feet hurt?

First of all, you need to understand that if you feel certain not very bright pain and a feeling of fatigue in your legs after a hard day at work, this is one thing; But if you regularly experience severe pain attacks, swelling and other symptoms, then this is an indication to consult a specialist. In the first case, a cool foot bath using a relaxing herbal mixture and a light massage will completely restore lightness to your feet. In the second, you can use pain-relieving gels and ointments, however, you must remember that their regular use will not solve the problem.

What to do if your leg muscles hurt?

With normal muscle overload, it is quite enough to provide rest to the legs for a certain time; a light relaxing massage will also benefit. If pain in the leg muscles is associated with the development of the disease, then the first thing you need to do is visit a doctor. Depending on the type of disease, the form of its course, the stage of development and other factors, treatment is prescribed.

In some cases, the use of anti-inflammatory ointments is quite sufficient, and sometimes a course of antibiotics is prescribed with a number of accompanying medications that promote recovery.

Pain in the legs 1. Associated with the spine

Leg pain is usually caused by more than just the joints. There may be a lot of reasons for which (including...

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So there they said that the vegetative-vascular system is responsible for all sorts of inexplicable paralysis, for example, due to nervousness, my legs once gave out! This happens for the following reason: the brain communicates emotional stress to the muscles, and then to the joints via nerve endings.

During emotional experiences, changes occur in the human body, which are mainly associated with the expansion and contraction of blood vessels.

Neuropsychic injuries contribute to the occurrence of atherosclerosis of the lower extremities.

People who experience leg pain are advised to stop smoking if they smoke, as nicotine is a major risk factor for vascular ischemia.

If you feel aching pain in your legs and feet, especially in the late afternoon, you should consult an orthopedist. Wear arch supports or special insoles prescribed by your doctor. Joint diseases include diseases such as arthritis and arthrosis.



Stress is the body's reaction to negative emotions and tension. When you are stressed, your whole body hurts. The pain can be of different types: aching and dull, and can manifest itself in the neck and spine.

Due to physical stress, pain may increase. When the doctor determines the causes of the disease, he will prescribe a comprehensive treatment that will lead to:

  • eliminating inflammation;
  • improving blood circulation;
  • filling muscle tissue with blood circulation;
  • restoration of the body's metabolic systems.

Stress and appearance

There is an opinion that a person’s posture may change due to exposure to strong stress, which manifests the work of the body’s defense mechanisms.

In the event of a nervous breakdown, muscle contraction occurs in the neck and lower back, and the musculoskeletal system may also be affected due to nervousness.

Due to back pain after stress, scoliosis forms. Scoliosis is the most famous form of curvature, in which the joints of the spine are deformed.

Why is scoliosis dangerous?

Why joints and spine hurt: a review of diseases that cause this pain

By default, it is believed that aching joints, pain and crunching are signs of the disease only in older people.

However, joint diseases are becoming “younger” every year, and it is no longer uncommon for a young person to be diagnosed with arthrosis or arthritis.

And osteochondrosis has generally become so commonplace that sometimes people don’t even consider it necessary to see a doctor, making do with the means at hand.

Contents of the article: Osteochondrosis: symptoms and treatment Arthrosis + interesting video! Arthritis or joint inflammation + video!

This attitude to health leads to the fact that the musculoskeletal system simply ceases to cope with its functions. As a result, a person may become bedridden, and the reason for this is untimely contact with specialists. It is important to understand that joint pain is the same symptom as, for example, nausea or vomiting with gastritis. This is an acute signal that a disease is developing in the body that can become irreversible.

Types of pathologies

The symptom appears in a variety of forms and types, so doctors have developed a classification that allows you to quickly determine the type of symptom:

  • depending on the nature of the damage - inflamed and non-inflamed;
  • extent of progression – mono-, oligo- and polyarticular;
  • by localization – general and localized.

During the development of many diseases, patients experience a painful syndrome of different nature and time of manifestation. Clinicians have identified 4 main types of pain:

  • mechanical;
  • starting;
  • night;
  • reflected.

When all joints of the body hurt, treatment depends on the cause of the problem. For example, if the pain is caused by infectious diseases, then therapy should be aimed at destroying the pathogen. In case of general intoxication of the body with aching sensations in the bones, it is necessary to get rid of toxins. There are more serious pathologies associated with joint pain.


Arthritis is characterized by an inflammatory process, which results in stagnation of lymph and blood inside the bone joints. Because of this, a person experiences bursting sensations, and then the pain becomes more intense and unbearable. This type of disease has varieties: rheumatoid, psoriatic, Reiter's syndrome, gout.

Main features

Myalgia is accompanied by dull and aching muscle pain. A person feels discomfort because... all body movements are constrained. In some cases, anemia may occur. The pain can be distributed throughout the body or in specific points of the head, back, legs, arms. An increase in these symptoms is often observed during nervous and physical overload, and during stress.

  • remove the inflammatory focus;
  • remove spasm in aching muscles;
  • improve blood circulation;
  • replenish blood supply to muscle tissue;
  • restore the body's metabolic processes.

Why can muscles ache with neurosis?

Painful sensations in muscle fibers when affected by neurosis appear against the background of, so to speak, complete health, because infections, neoplasms, and problems with the functioning of internal organs are not diagnosed in the body.
The main cause of the condition is exhaustion of the nervous system, provoked by:

  • problems at work and in the family;
  • financial difficulties;
  • worries about relatives with diseases diagnosed in them;
  • congenital excessive anxiety;
  • hyper-responsibility;
  • low level of self-esteem.

A provoking factor for myalgia can also be impaired cerebral circulation, physical overload of the body and its exhaustion after illnesses, and vitamin deficiency.

Pain and discomfort can also appear when the functioning of nerve endings is impaired; there is a decrease in the conductivity of impulses to organs and muscle fibers.

Foot pain caused by spinal problems

While there are many causes of foot pain, it is important to note that not all types of pain involve the toes or the front/back of the foot. In addition, foot pain does not always develop as a result of injury or damage to the foot.

Surprisingly, many types of foot pain have nothing to do with the foot or leg but are the result of problems in the lumbar spine.

However, patients with foot pain caused by pinched nerves in the lumbar spine typically also suffer from leg pain associated with foot pain. Isolated foot pain without leg pain of varying severity, associated with problems in the lumbar spine, is very rare. Foot pain without leg pain is usually associated with problems that are located directly in the foot.

For example, if a nerve root in the lumbar spine is irritated or compressed, this lumbar spine disorder, which may or may not cause low back pain, can cause pain that travels along the sciatic nerve and into the foot.

Psychogenic symptoms of generalized body pain include:

  • a feeling of soreness throughout the body;
  • a feeling of “bruising” in one or many points of the body;
  • feeling that “the bulldozer has moved”;
  • the impression that the skin is covered with bruises that are painful to touch;
  • feeling like every bone and/or muscle in the body hurts.

These symptoms can be tied to any one area, for example, the legs, or manifest themselves throughout the body. When pain is localized in one area, the pain sensation may shift (either your arms hurt, then your legs, or your back).

The listed signs of psychogenic pain can come all at the same time or one by one.

The pain may occur only occasionally or be permanent. The intensity of the pain syndrome can shift from mild to severe (sometimes taking painkillers is required).

Pain can occur against the background of a stressful event or develop out of nowhere. It can complement other somatic symptoms of anxiety or exist separately.

The intensity of pain and the frequency of its occurrence varies hour by hour, day by day, month by month...


Before you believe that your pain is associated only with anxiety and nothing else, you need to undergo a medical examination.

Can a joint hurt due to nervousness?

The most popular joint disease caused by stress is osteochondrosis. It manifests itself from increased pressure on nerve cells in the area of ​​joint tissue. As a result, pain appears and blood circulation is disrupted. Joints may hurt due to arthritis and rheumatism.

Stages of osteochondrosis

The appearance of pain in the musculoskeletal system develops for various reasons. With neurosis, the most likely disease that can develop is osteochondrosis. It is virtually impossible to determine the root cause of pain in the knees, neck, spine, and elbows. But doctors say that it is quite possible to feel muscle pain due to neurosis. Every 3rd person on the planet with arthrosis gets this disease from exposure to a stress factor.

With depression or psycho-emotional stress, pressure on the roots of nerve fibers in the joint tissues increases. Due to stress, blood circulation is disrupted and the joint begins to hurt. If we are talking about posture, then physiologically a person shrinks when feeling stress. The muscles of the neck and lower back begin to contract characteristically, causing scoliosis.

Nervous immunity decreases, and the risk of infection and development in the body increases. In this way, arthritis may develop. Long-term depression causes increased production of corticosteroid hormones, large amounts of which reduce the concentration of hyaluronic acid. The joints do not receive the necessary lubrication, their elasticity and functionality decrease, friction increases, which provokes inflammatory processes and muscle pain. VSD (vegotovascular dystonia) is characterized by the development of hypertonicity and spasm of the muscles that clamp the joints, causing their deformation.

Neurosis and its physical (bodily) signs

Pain and other various unpleasant sensations in certain parts of the body are also a sign of neurosis. Moreover, if with an organic disease of the nervous system the pain has a clear localization, then with neurosis the pain can move from one part of the body to another, and its severity will directly depend on the psycho-emotional state of the person.

Most often, people suffering from neurosis experience a headache. According to statistics, in more than 50% of cases, neurosis is accompanied by a headache. And this is not surprising, because neurosis is a disease of the nervous system and it is the brain that suffers. But in the modern world, neurosis has increasingly begun to cause pain in those parts of the body that, at first glance, are not directly related to the activity of the brain. Let's consider several variants of the manifestation of neurosis that are not so common.

Why legs hurt below the knees: causes of pain in the front, back, side

Every person sooner or later has this problem: their legs hurt from the knee to the foot. There may be several reasons for this - both completely harmless (fatigue after a hard day at work) and serious diseases of the joints, the treatment of which should not be delayed. Therefore, if leg pain localized below the knee is alarming, you should immediately consult a doctor for further examination.

Causes and localization of pain

The causes are mainly divided into two broad categories: pain from overwork that goes away after rest, and pain caused by serious pathologies such as arthritis and venous disease.

In most cases, the legs below the knees hurt on the side, behind or in front due to fatigue, heavy load on the legs after running, or incorrectly selected shoes with high heels in women. In short, such factors can be easily eliminated, and pain can be relieved with the help of painkillers, massage or relaxation. If at least one of these factors is present, you don’t have to worry about the serious origin of discomfort in your legs. To reduce them, you can resort to folk remedies.

Causes of leg pain

As is the case with any other organ, if pain occurs, first of all, you need to contact a medical institution for qualified help. The success of treatment depends almost 100% on how accurately the diagnosis is made. So, the main causes of pain in the legs can be:

  • joint diseases or injuries;
  • muscle disease or injury;
  • vascular diseases;
  • diseases of the spine;
  • peripheral nerve diseases.

The most common diseases of the leg joints include:

  • Arthrosis. Its main manifestation is incessant pain, characterized by alternating periods of temporary improvement with periods of exacerbation, as well as a feeling of stiffness during movement.
  • Arthritis. Its main symptoms are severe pain, swelling, and redness in the area of ​​the affected joint.
  • Gout. Like arthritis, it causes constant pain, which, in the absence of adequate treatment, only gets worse.
  • A less common cause of leg pain is muscle disease in the lower extremities. The most common of them are:
  • Myositis. This disease is chronic. Its main manifestations are weakness in the legs, pain, which increases significantly when walking and running.
  • Fibromyalgia. Its main symptoms are a decrease in the pain threshold in the muscle area and periodic pain.
  • Muscle rupture causes sharp, unbearable pain.
  • Vascular diseases, along with joint diseases, are the most common leg diseases. Most often, people complaining of leg pain are given the following diagnoses:
  • Atherosclerosis of leg vessels. It is the formation of plaques on the walls of blood vessels, which subsequently can lead to their complete blockage. This disease causes pain of a compressive nature, regular numbness and slight blue discoloration of the limbs.
  • Thrombophlebitis. This disease is accompanied by unbearable “burning” pain. It is quite dangerous, since at a certain stage the process of blood clots begins.
  • Phlebeurysm. The pain is quite strong, especially during and after physical activity. There is a constant feeling of heaviness, fatigue, and sometimes swelling is observed. The veins in the legs become significantly enlarged and deformed; they begin to bulge throughout the leg. In the last stages of the disease, trophic ulcers may develop.
  • Quite often, pain in the legs is a consequence of various diseases and injuries of the spine. So, for example, with a vertebral hernia, osteochondrosis, sciatica, a person may experience quite strong pain in the lower extremities, although the immediate problem lies in the spine.

As a result of diseases such as osteochondrosis, scoliosis, displacement of the vertebrae, an incorrect distribution of the load on the limbs occurs, as a result of which one leg is subjected to greater load, and as a result, there is a greater likelihood of developing diseases of the joints and blood vessels.

The fight-and-flight preparation that occurs with anxiety always leads to muscle tension. Since the greater the muscle tone, the more correctly a person acts in conditions of real danger.

In a state of chronic anxiety, muscles can maintain increased tone constantly. Of course, they are not able to cope with such a load and begin to get sick.

When we are stressed, we often begin to move a little differently than we are used to. We take some uncomfortable poses. And we ourselves don’t notice it. We are constantly on our feet or, on the contrary, sitting motionless, huddled in an uncomfortable chair. This behavior leads to the fact that muscles and bones begin to ache simply due to the fact that the wrong long-term load has been placed on them.

Numerous studies have shown that in a state of emotional stress, a person's perception of pain can increase. That is, that painful stimulus, which is actually insignificant and would not be noticed at all in a calm state, is detected by the body very clearly against the background of stress.


A state of anxiety is often accompanied by increased sweating and frequent urination, which leads to the loss of fluid from the body. Dehydration can be one of the reasons for increased muscle pain. This is clearly noticeable in the heat, when many neurotics especially often experience pain in the body for no apparent reason.

This is perhaps the main reason for the development of pain throughout the body. You are focused on your feelings. And the sensations reveal themselves brighter and brighter. You become more and more focused. And the pain responds to you in kind - it becomes stronger and stronger.

How a psychologist can help

If there is constant pain in the shoulder joint, medications and physical treatments do not always help. Often the reason is in the thoughts and psycho-emotional state of the patient. To eliminate them and numb the lesion, you will need the help of a psychologist or psychotherapist.

During the sessions, the patient and the doctor find out where the discomfort came from and why it lasts. They process the received material, eliminating negative emotions. This eliminates the need for constant use of medications and surgical measures.

Radicular symptoms

Nerve root compression
This is a well-known and multifaceted “chondrosis”. This is the cause of most leg pain. But they are characterized by special signs: lesions of the intervertebral discs of the lumbar spine must be detected. This causes compression of the roots that enter the spinal cord. As a result, signs appear that manifest themselves as nagging pain along the back of the thigh, in the projection of the sciatic nerve. These pains are associated with movement, sneezing, straining - all actions that provoke compression of the root.

This pain occurs during exacerbations of osteochondrosis, that is, during hypothermia (more often in spring and autumn), as well as during sudden movement and lifting heavy objects. Sometimes this pain can be accompanied by sensitivity disorders in the same area: “pins and needles” or numbness occurs. Most often, discogenic, radicular pain occurs on one side.

Treatment and prevention

If you have pain in the muscles of your back, chest, arms, legs, then you can soothe and warm them up with a heating pad, a warm bath, a heated grain pillow, a compress, or a warming ointment. It is necessary to carry out these measures, because The thermal effect is designed to improve blood circulation at the site of pain, increase the body's energy supply, and help to quickly restore the affected muscles.

Myalgia often forms in the thoracic region, occipital region, and shoulder girdle. To avoid pain in these areas due to stress, you should follow a number of preventive measures:

  • keep your posture as straight as possible, align your neck muscles, walk as often as possible;
  • perform light physical exercises to stretch and relax the muscles of these parts of the body.

Homeopathy is effective for myalgia

If you still cannot cope with constant pain on your own, you must seek the help of a qualified doctor. After a thorough examination, a professional will discover the sources and causes of the disease. In almost all cases of myalgia, experts advise using Diclofenac (a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug), which relieves pain.

You can get rid of the aching pain with the help of a course of massage and therapeutic exercises. Acupressure helps eliminate muscle tone and stiffness, helps blood circulation, and saturates muscle tissue with the necessary amount of oxygen. Despite the physical pain, to prevent the nervous system it is necessary to visit a psychologist several times a week. During the treatment process, you should adhere to proper sleep patterns, nutrition, drink plenty of water, and do hour-long walks.

You can achieve the maximum result of fully relieving muscle pain from stress by identifying the cause in time and performing high-quality professional treatment aimed at removing tension in the muscles.

Headache treatment

Unpleasant sensations increase due to dehydration, lack of fresh air, and uncomfortable posture during work. If you cannot do without medication, then take antispasmodics for no more than 3 days in a row, for a total of no longer than 10 days during the month. Combination drugs are better tolerated and cause fewer side effects.

Trade names of drugs for headaches:

  • Migrenol Extra;
  • Sedalgin-Neo;
  • Migrenol PM;
  • Pentalgin-N;
  • Spasmalgon;
  • Tempalgin.

Severe and moderate headaches with VSD (vegetative-vascular dystonia) often occur against the background of fluctuations in blood pressure. Drug therapy is prescribed after a course of restorative and preventive medications. Eleutherococcus, golden root, and Schisandra chinensis are used.

Attention! General restorative and preventive measures are more effective in the early, initial stages of pain and numbness caused by stress.

  • limiting salty, smoked and sweet foods;
  • a course of multivitamins with minerals;
  • change of activities;
  • breathing exercises;
  • massotherapy;
  • good sleep;
  • phytotherapy.

To eliminate headaches with VSD of the hypotonic type, Askofen-P, Citramon P, Sedalgin Neo are used. The antioxidant agent Mexidol enhances the effect of painkillers and reduces their side effects. For anxiety or increased anxiety, take tranquilizers for 10–14 days. Then they switch to sedatives.

How to get rid of pain

Medical statistics confirm that pain neurosis is widespread among the population of different ages. Pathology is found in 70% of middle-aged and young men and women.

Isolated cases of neurotic pain are explained by physical or mental fatigue. If pain symptoms are observed constantly, the patient is diagnosed with “neurosis”, after which appropriate treatment is prescribed.

To relieve neurotic pain, experts prescribe:

  • taking special medications;
  • psychotherapeutic course;
  • physiotherapeutic procedures.

Medicines used to eliminate neurosis and associated pain are described in the following table.

Groups, names of drugsEffect on the body
Analgesics (Ibuprofen, Analgin, Pentalgin)Relief of various types of neurotic pain
Antidepressants (Fluoxetine, Amitriptyline, Humoril)Getting rid of depression, normalizing the emotional sphere, relieving pain in stomach neurosis
Tranquilizers (Diazepam, Phenazepam, Hydroxyzine)Improving sleep, eliminating increased anxiety

The psychotherapeutic course includes sessions with an experienced specialist. Working with a patient helps to study the characteristics of his personality, find out the causes of the pathological condition, and help in building new models of behavior. hypnosis sessions may be prescribed .

Physiotherapeutic procedures prescribed for neurotic pain ensure normal excitation and inhibition of the nervous system, eliminate autonomic symptoms, and stimulate blood supply to the brain.

Patients with pain neurosis are prescribed darsonvalization, electrosleep, electrophoresis, ultraviolet irradiation, paraffin compresses, relaxing massage, sulfide baths. Acupuncture is recognized as an effective method of treatment.

The general course is supplemented by performing therapeutic exercises, changing the daily routine, diet and diet. In consultation with the doctor, folk remedies can be used - tinctures of lemongrass and ginseng, decoctions and infusions of valerian, fireweed, sweet clover, clay or mud compresses with the addition of peppermint, garlic.

Recovery of patients with neurotic pain

Many people are interested in how neurosis goes away. The success of the treatment is indicated by a decrease and gradual disappearance of pain, relief from internal tension, anxiety, and restoration of performance.

To speed up the healing process, it is necessary to ensure a calm home environment, a measured rhythm of life, and no pressure on the psyche. For a patient suffering from pain neurosis, regular moral support from people close to him is important.

Video: acupuncture for nerve pain

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