Computer addiction in adolescents and methods of combating it.

Computer addiction in adolescents is a pathological addiction to the computer with maximum time spent on it. For the first time, some experts started talking about this addiction in the 80s of the last century, but many never recognized this diagnosis. But the fact remains that people’s obsessive, pathological addiction to spending most of their time at the computer is more obvious and therefore problematic every year in modern society. Particularly alarming is the fact that teenagers are more likely to become addicted to computers.

Computer addiction in adolescents comes in several forms: gambling addiction and Internet addiction. At the moment, treatment for computer addiction has not even been properly developed, and many parents are left alone with this frightening phenomenon.

What attracts people to a virtual game?

Computer games, especially online games, provide a sense of competition, which in itself creates excitement. This is how addiction is formed. Especially if a person is successful in a virtual game, but not so successful in real life. Role-playing games are fraught (especially for children, whose suggestibility is very high) by copying the behavior of the heroes. Take a closer look at which role-playing computer games your child prefers. Is there too much blood and aggression in them? Modern virtual games are made so well that a person with a low level of criticality can blur the line between reality and its imitation in the game.

Reasons for the development of addiction

Experts identify a number of reasons why a child becomes dependent:

  1. A gadget is a powerful tool for obtaining information and new emotions. For example, if due to certain circumstances a child cannot go on vacation at sea, then he will easily immerse himself in a game where he can fulfill his desire. Virtual reality, which computers provide, can replace the world of a fragile child or adolescent psyche.
  2. Data storage. Gadgets have become valuable to modern people because they store a large amount of necessary information. It is difficult for a person, including a teenager, to give up using a PC, phone or tablet. You can get a lot of information on the Internet that, for some reason, you don’t want to ask your friends.
  3. Parents can give unlimited access to the gadget themselves. In their opinion, a child who spends his free time at home is protected from addictions on the street. But without knowing it, they plunge the child into an equally dangerous addiction. The fragile teenage psyche quickly becomes attached to the emotions that the virtual world gives.

Gambling addiction is classified as complex because it develops on a psychological level. To distract a child from the computer, it is recommended to talk more with him, communicate and find common hobbies. Minimize scandals and quarrels.

Symptoms of computer gaming addiction in children

Children's computer gaming addiction is a disease. It is characterized by all the signs (symptoms) that occur in any other addiction. Please note if your child:

  • spends more and more time playing computer games (the need to increase the “dose” is one of the signs of addiction);
  • his interests are focused on the game, and other hobbies begin to fade into the background (addiction eventually crowds out all other things from life);
  • if instead of a walk, a trip, an entertainment event, or communicating with friends in the yard, he chooses the opportunity to sit at the computer;
  • the child cannot control himself, and even if he promises to quickly finish the game, or not play anymore, he does not keep his promise;
  • forgets to eat, clean up, or do housework;
  • in the case when it is impossible to play (there is no access to the Internet, you have forbidden the use of a computer or directly forbidden to play), the child’s mood deteriorates, he becomes irritable, withdrawn, shows anger, aggression or cries (these are typical manifestations of withdrawal syndrome, as with any other addiction ).

If you notice the above symptoms, then you should urgently contact specialists who treat computer addiction or psychotherapists.

Remember: if such a thing as a computer causes changes in behavior in an adult or child, preventing him from functioning normally, then this is a very alarming sign!

Features of treatment of Internet addiction in adolescents in our clinic

Treatment methods are selected based on the severity of the disease. Thus, severe forms of Internet addiction in adolescents require drug treatment in combination with psychotherapy. To get rid of bad habits, it must be supported by the strong-willed qualities and motivation of the patients themselves. But since most young people do not have them, the process becomes significantly more difficult.

In such conditions, specialists from the Marshak Clinic provide comprehensive psychological support and carry out fundamental work with the patient’s relatives. Treatment of Internet addiction in adolescents is strictly individual.

To schedule a consultation, call us or request a call back on the website.

Treatment of computer addiction

Treatment is based on experience in addiction therapy in general.

As a rule, the work begins with developing the teenager’s motivation for treatment. The child needs to be shown that there are many other, most interesting things in the world, that there are people around him who love him and who are ready to spend leisure time with him. (A common cause of computer gaming addiction in children is loneliness due to the busy schedule of adults. The child is forced to organize his leisure time himself, and he does this as best he can, using “available” means).

If family and friends are unable to persuade a computer gamer to seek treatment, contact a professional child psychotherapist - he will help develop a joint strategy for work and behavior in this situation.

Signs that teenagers need treatment for Internet addiction

The addictive disease in question has a pronounced psychological nature. As with any disorder, there are a number of signs that indicate the need for treatment for Internet addiction in adolescents:

  1. Loss of sense of time. It seems to the young man that he has been online for only 5 minutes, although he has spent more than one hour on various resources. Problems in real life only aggravate the situation - teenagers, on a subconscious level, try to hide from them in the virtual world.
  2. Complete disregard for physiological needs. Such patients rarely experience hunger, the desire to go to the toilet or sleep. It is very important to begin timely treatment of Internet addiction in a teenager, since it negatively affects the body in a physiological aspect.
  3. Refusal of social responsibility in real life - when a meeting with a friend is replaced by an online chat, studies fade into the background, and the patient begins to devote less and less time to other activities.

All this causes a number of psychological, social and physiological problems.

How to prevent computer addiction

It is much easier to prevent addiction rather than treat it. Show your child that you are concerned about the current situation. It is important that he sees you not as an aggressor or adversary, but as a loved one who also needs care.

Try to keep the games collective - with the participation of two or three children. This will allow you to periodically be distracted by communication without plunging into a state of “trance”. Show interest in the games your child enjoys. If possible, offer developmental options.

Proper upbringing of a child is the main measure to prevent addiction of any type in children. If a conflict situation arises, expressed on your part by an order to stop being behind the monitor, then forget about bargaining. State your position clearly and clearly and provide an explanation for it.

Do not limit the child in his actions by banning certain games. It is better to explain why this or that activity is undesirable for him. If a particular type of entertainment is categorically prohibited without any explanation, it will increase the child’s interest in such pastime. The very existence of the ban will make it impossible to discuss the problem between the child and parents.

Always agree on your child's screen time and stick to those agreements. The duration should be chosen based on the age of the child. Before the age of 5, it is generally undesirable for a child to get involved in computer games - encourage him to explore the world without electronics.

From the age of 6, 15-20 minutes of such leisure time is enough. A teenager 10-12 years old can sit at the device for about two hours, with breaks.

A strict ban on computer games immediately before bedtime. The device should not be placed in a child's room. As noted, time spent on the computer should be in a common room to see what it is used for.

Teach your child to active games, sports, and physical development. It shouldn't be a burden - find something he likes. Computer games should not replace real communication with others.

If possible, periodically communicate with him while he is online - this will allow him not to be immersed in the game, and you will understand what he is doing.

You should be aware of his virtual contacts, talk to him about them. It is important that the child does not leave his home address, school, or telephone number to “people on the Internet.” Meetings with new acquaintances from the Internet without prior discussion with friends is also prohibited. A trusting relationship with a child will subsequently save you from many serious problems.

Prevention of addiction

It is always better to prevent a problem than to eliminate it, therefore, from the early years of a child, parents are obliged to engage in the prevention of computer addiction. What does this suggest:

  1. Introducing the child to the computer and the Internet, talking about the risks and features of use, increasing media literacy. You can find a detailed reminder for your child in the article “Safety on the Internet: how to protect yourself and the psyche of your children. Terms of use".
  2. Avoiding prohibitions on computer and Internet use. It is better to conclude a kind of agreement for use with the child, establish a system of rewards and sanctions.
  3. Creating an attractive, healthy and interesting real-life environment for the child. Listen to his interests, identify his abilities, organize joint active activities.
  4. Interaction. Do not ignore your child’s requests, discuss his problems, help him find a way out of difficult situations. Convey the value and importance of solving problems rather than avoiding them. Demonstrate this by personal example. Give understanding, love and support. This is often why children go to forums and chat rooms.
  5. Comprehensive development. Organize your child’s extracurricular activities in those clubs and sections that he is interested in and for which he has an aptitude.

It is important to remember that the more pleasant the real world is for a child, the more the environment meets his needs and individual personal characteristics, the lower the risk of developing computer addiction. But there is no point in completely ignoring technological progress; you need to learn to intelligently combine real life and virtual life.

Signs of addiction

1. Constant manipulation of PCs, tablets, phones (searching for devices with your eyes, checking their functionality, charging, carrying with you in transport, on the street, setting loud alerts in games or chats). 2. Absent-mindedness or irritability (in severe cases, anger, aggression) when distracted from games, network communication (in children - when using a computer is prohibited). 3. Neglect of studies, household chores, and professional responsibilities. 4. Narrowing the circle of interests, reducing the number of friends and acquaintances, the desire to be alone with a tablet or phone.

The physical health of computer addicts also suffers - immunity and visual acuity decrease, inflammatory eye diseases, cervical and lumbar osteochondrosis occur more often, and aches and pain in the fingers and wrists can be bothersome.

In addition, they also experience psycho-emotional disorders - sudden mood swings, indifference to loved ones, sleep disorders, lack of vital activity and motivation for real achievements.

Combating gambling addiction: treatment methods

There are several ways to combat addiction


  • Short therapeutic course
    . Includes: plans for the future, positive attitude, identification of the essence of the problem. It's often difficult to give up a long-time hobby, but it's easier if you start a new one. During the therapy period, the first step of the addict is discussed, which makes it easier to give up games. Remember that the fight against this kind of addiction is difficult and takes a long time - be patient. You will have to go through several stages, but the achieved goal is worth it.
  • Cognitive therapy
    . With it, a new model of thinking is consolidated, facilitating gradual relief from the disease. Typically, such a case involves completing written assignments, typical situations and risky moments are studied, positive and negative aspects are determined, and an analysis is carried out of each individual case when a child or teenager became overly involved in the virtual world. How did he feel? Often this phenomenon is associated with erroneous judgments and incorrect assumptions. Example: “I win this game, everyone starts respecting me,” and so on. First, the specialist identifies erroneous judgments, then the incorrect statements are corrected.
  • Behavioral therapy
    . What does she suggest? Guidance on a new path of behavior. Explanation of how to behave in difficult situations.
  • Relaxation or emotional-imaginative therapy
    . Involves fighting depression and stress.
  • Support network
    . Close people participate in it. The specialist explains to them how to behave with an addict.
  • Self-help program
    . May include books, a variety of group therapies, first responders.

So, how long will the course of treatment take to finally solve the problem? It depends on the specifics of the situation. If a teenager has been playing games on a regular basis for several years, treatment will take longer. The situation is much better if the addiction has not become chronic, in which case medications may even be needed. In this case, the participation of a doctor is necessary - only he can prescribe the appropriate medications. Treatment may be completed after several visits to a specialist, or it may take many months. In many cases, one or two visits to a professional is enough, who will set the right guidelines for the family’s behavior.

Prevention of computer and other types of “screen” addiction

True fulfillment occurs only in a state of lightness, joy and awareness of all this. Only understanding yourself as a value can change something. Therefore, it is necessary to make yourself a priority. Nor the draconian work schedule. Nor living conditions. None of this is an obstacle. The obstacles are solely in the head.

Confidence in one's right creates reality in such a way that circumstances change. At the same time, the possibilities are expanding. Of course, it needs to be supported by actions. Attention and self-love. To begin with, you need to learn to find at least ten to fifteen minutes for yourself during each day.

Now let’s say a few words separately to those people who believe that their teenager has a computer addiction and is enslaved to it. Who has already tried all attempts to “appeal to conscience and common sense.” Who, with a high degree of probability, set the “computer bum” on edge.

Be clear about one thing. Bad for you. For those who are on the computer, it’s usually good, or quite acceptable. Your task is to understand your “bad” and make “good” out of it. After all, it is you who are draining your already scarce life resource, being in a state of decline due to this.

Look inside yourself!

It is you who are not happy with what the other person is doing, and it is you who are nullified in your desire to transform your reality with vain attempts to change him.

The key to liberation is to change your reaction to this question. Think about what specific emotions arouse in you your loved one, who spends the lion's share of his time sitting at the computer? What do you feel? Anger? Feeling abandoned? That you're lonely? That he is resting, and you are plowing like a bee? The list can be continued and varied.

The law of reflection works

So this is all you experience in relation to yourself. According to the law of Reflection, it is you who telegraph the message to yourself through this person:

“I’m angry because I want to change this person and improve my reality through his changes, but nothing works.” “I’m lonely because I think that someone should occupy me, entertain me, make my life interesting.”

“I’m angry because I strive to be good, so I don’t allow myself to rest, inventing more and more new things to do, and he reminds me every time with his computer seat that I also want to sit and do nothing.” And so on.

How to recognize computer game addiction

Computer addiction is a serious problem, and it can be recognized by the following aspects


  • Loss of contact with parents, reluctance to attend;
  • The child becomes superficial, he is not interested in “live” communication;
  • He is not interested in other things;
  • He spends all his free time on the computer;
  • Communication often comes down to computer games.
  • Avoids confidential conversations;
  • He tries in every possible way to get what he wants, resorting to deception;
  • Loss of control over time spent at the computer;
  • The child eats food without looking up from the computer;
  • He hides how long he was actually at the computer;
  • Restrictions associated with computers cause a nervous reaction (anger, crying, aggression, apathy);
  • His day starts on the computer;
  • Coming home from school, the first thing a child does is go to the computer.

Notice any of the signs? Conclusion: computer addiction. Taking action is imperative - don’t waste time. Of course, it is better not to wait for symptoms, but to prevent their occurrence - the prevention of computer addiction will be discussed below. Many teenagers and children are susceptible to this problem, be vigilant.

If computer addiction has already begun, then it is necessary to help the child. At this stage, many parents make mistakes. Find out what to do and what tactics are wrong. So, how can you help your child develop a healthy relationship with the computer?

How to determine if a child is a gambling addict

Gambling addiction is dangerous. The virtual world makes a teenager inadequate, unable to control the course of life. He is late or skips classes altogether, and stops communicating with his peers.

Main symptoms of addiction:

  1. A lot of time is spent on games.
  2. Online games bring the greatest pleasure.
  3. The teenager ceases to be interested in everything he loved before.
  4. In one game, the child is using several gadgets.
  5. He can sit through the night playing a game without sleeping.
  6. Spends money on “upgrading” the account.
  7. The child becomes aggressive and unsociable.

Hysterics appear if the child is taken away from the game without a chance to continue in the near future.


Computer addiction is dangerous due to the following manifestations:

  • impaired sense of reality;
  • impaired perception and sensation of time, up to the complete loss of this understanding (in the last stages of addiction, people may forget about food, sleep and other needs for several days);
  • loss of self-control and self-regulation, the ability to direct one’s actions;
  • loss of critical thinking;
  • decreased activity and performance;
  • problems with sleep and the sleep-wake cycle.

Some scientists note that the computer penetrates into the inner world of a person, which often provokes an existential crisis, cognitive and emotional disorders. The virtual world has its own characteristics, which often affects the worldview and value system of an individual, revising views of oneself and the world.

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