Causes and treatment of dizziness in women after 60 years of age

In modern reality, women forget that they are the weaker sex and do not pay attention to the ailments that arise. In society, this position is taken for granted. For example, nausea in young women is traditionally associated with pregnancy, causing smiles among colleagues and friends. If we are talking about an elderly woman, then nausea, accompanied by dizziness, is diagnosed by those around her with one word - “pressure” and is perceived in the context of humility before the inevitability of age. Meanwhile, these symptoms may not only indicate temporary disruptions in the functioning of the female body, but also be signs of serious pathologies.

What is dizziness?

Dizziness is a pathology associated with loss of balance. In a normal state, balance is maintained by the visual and vestibular systems, as well as signals from muscles, tendons and joints (the mechanism of these signals is referred to as proprioception).

When a woman feels dizzy, it seems that her body or surrounding objects:

rotate, tilt, fall, sway.

An unpleasant symptom is often accompanied by severe sweating, nausea and vomiting.

Dizziness should not be confused with a lack of coordination of movements (staggering when walking), with feelings of intoxication or lightheadedness characteristic of psychogenic disorders, as well as with a fainting state (lipotomy), accompanied by darkening of the eyes, palpitations and paleness.

Drug therapy

If you experience headaches with the addition of “vertigo syndrome”, the cause of which is classic overwork, then it is enough to take a course of aspirin/analgin. Important! Check with your doctor or pharmacist to ensure that the medicine is up-to-date and does not have an impressive list of side effects.

To eliminate attacks of dizziness that are associated with problems of the vestibular part of the brain, cinnarizine and scopolamine are prescribed.

Dizziness of a psychogenic nature is helped by medications that act on neural receptors. For example, betaserk.

Description of the process of nausea

Nausea is a subjective unpleasant sensation localized in the pharynx, epigastric region or chest. This sensation often precedes vomiting.

This condition is called a nonspecific symptom, since it accompanies dozens of diseases, but it is impossible to diagnose them based on this symptom alone. To clarify the thesis, we indicate in the table a number of diseases that are characterized by nausea.

Name of body systems or organs affected by pathologyNames of diseases accompanied by nausea
Gastrointestinal tractpeptic ulcer, gastroesophageal reflux disease, duodenitis, gastritis, chronic pancreatitis, enterocolitis, pyloric stenosis
central nervous systembrain injuries and tumors
the cardiovascular systemheart failure, myocardial infarction
inner earlabyrinthitis, Meniere's disease
endocrine systemketoacidosis, phenylketonuria, thyrotoxicosis

It should be noted that in some cases it is nausea that signals the formation of an illness; as pathologies develop, the symptomatic range expands. In addition to these diseases, nausea can be caused by:

allergies to certain products; entry of foreign objects into the esophagus or stomach; taking medications.

Signs of nervous exhaustion

Apathy is a sign of nervous exhaustion

With constant moral and nervous tension, a person’s mental state worsens. It negatively affects overall well-being, leads to decreased immunity, and disruption of the autonomic nervous system. The body cannot adapt to stressful situations and reacts to stimuli with the following symptoms:

  • complete apathy with loss of interest in work and hobbies;
  • attacks of despondency, anxiety, irritability;
  • constant desire to sleep
  • refusal to eat;
  • dizziness and pain;
  • muscle weakness.

In the chronic form of nervous exhaustion, insomnia occurs and the functioning of the endocrine, cardiovascular, and immune systems worsens. Diseases of the digestive system become worse, and infections of the genitourinary system and dysbacteriosis may occur.

Disorders not associated with serious illnesses

Within this group we will consider:

deviations in blood pressure, blood picture disorders.

Blood pressure is a characteristic of the movement of blood through the vessels. Normal blood pressure is 120/80. The first number indicates the systolic (upper) pressure, when the heart pushes blood into the aorta, the second - the diastolic (lower) pressure, which is noted in the period between heartbeats.

The unit of measurement for blood pressure is mmHg, abbreviated as mmHg.

If the tonometer detects significant deviations in pressure downward from the norm, we are talking about low blood pressure. Blood is delivered to the brain more slowly, and the body responds to its deficiency with nausea and dizziness. The same symptoms also appear with high blood pressure, signaling an excess of blood, rushing through the vessels under great pressure and delivered to various organs.

The cause of inadequate blood supply to organs is not always low blood pressure. Blood contains an iron-containing protein – hemoglobin. It is he who is responsible for transporting blood to the tissues of the body. A reduced hemoglobin content creates a deficiency of blood in the tissues of the body, to which the body responds with unpleasant symptoms.

The level of hemoglobin in the blood is determined by a blood test. Normally in women it is 120 – 150 g/l.


There are several diseases in which the pressure is normal, but the head is dizzy. In general, we are talking about the 2nd most common subjective symptom in medicine. After the age of 60, it occurs in 50% of people, affecting men and women equally. In the United States, 42% of the population experiences dizziness at least once in their life. 50-60% of the population over 75 years of age have problems maintaining balance - this is the most common reason for visiting a doctor.

Why do you feel dizzy at normal blood pressure?

  • diseases of the inner ear – 30-50%;
  • arrhythmia, hypoglycemia (low sugar levels), orthostatic hypotension (drop in constant blood pressure), hyperventilation syndromes (tetany) – 30%;
  • neurological diseases – 20-30%;
  • mental illness – 15-50%;
  • unknown causes - approximately 50%.

Although dizziness is primarily investigated by a neurologist, it is not necessarily a neurological problem. Vertigo can have many causes. The most common of them are the following:

  • excessive consumption of alcohol, caffeine, nicotine (also withdrawal symptoms);
  • high or low blood pressure;
  • changes in atmospheric pressure;
  • migraine.

Balance problems can also indicate serious medical conditions, such as:

  • diabetes;
  • anemia (deficiency of hemoglobin or platelets);
  • inflammation of the brain;
  • cerebral hemorrhage;
  • multiple sclerosis, etc.

Many people experience psychogenic dizziness associated with various phobias. For example, your head may feel dizzy and hurt in a confined space or, conversely, in an open space.

The incidence of dizziness increases with age. It can be caused by medications and dehydration. These symptoms are mostly minor and are not a cause for concern.

Deviations associated with diseases

Often unpleasant symptoms indicate intoxication of the body. There may be several reasons:

poisoning (ingress of toxic substances into orgasm through air, water, food); helminthiasis (poisoning occurs due to waste products of parasites); dysfunction of individual organs.

The main filters that prevent the spread of harmful substances in the body are the kidneys and liver. Pathologies of these organs become the most common cause of intoxication and provoke the appearance of:

nausea and weakness; drowsiness; vomiting and dizziness.

In addition to the listed symptoms, kidney pathologies are characterized by frequent urination in women (or urinary retention).

Monitoring the volume of urine collected over a period of time is referred to as diuresis. Diuresis indicators play an important role in the diagnosis of renal diseases.

Pyelonephritis is one of the most common kidney diseases in women (men suffer from it 6 times less). It is caused by pathological microorganisms. If measures are not taken in time to cure the disease, then in addition to intoxication of the body, kidney function will be impaired, which will negatively affect:

metabolic processes of the body; blood pressure.

It is best to stop pyelonephritis at the initial stage of its development. This thesis is also true for other kidney and liver diseases.

By being alert to the simultaneous manifestation of nausea and dizziness, you will detect the disease at an early stage, after which you can take the necessary measures to eliminate it.

Why do you get more headaches and dizziness as you age?

The content of the article:

Women over 60 often feel dizzy. It seems that the ground is disappearing from under your feet. But besides this, there are other symptoms:

  • slight nausea;
  • blurred vision, stars, spots, and dots appear in the eyes;
  • noise or ringing in the ears;
  • loss of consciousness;
  • feeling of intoxication;
  • an attack of headache that turns into a prolonged migraine.

If an elderly woman experiences such symptoms, she should consult a doctor and find out the cause of dizziness.

You experience daily headaches

Not really

The main reason for this condition after sixty years is the aging process of the nervous system. Unfortunately, it cannot be slowed down. The body already reacts differently to physical activity. Often intense exercise can lead to serious illnesses.

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Often dizziness appears in the morning, after a lady gets out of bed after sleep. This is a physiological process; the brain does not have time to become saturated with oxygen.

Advice! If an elderly person has a history of health problems, they will make themselves felt as they age. Therefore, it is important to prevent exacerbations and take medications on time.

When is it necessary to see a doctor?

If nausea and dizziness are your frequent companions, and none of the points in the previous section apply to you (pregnancy, diet, weather dependence, etc.), you need to consult a doctor:

if you suspect kidney disease, contact a urologist or nephrologist; gastroenterologist - a doctor whose specialization is the pathology of the gastrointestinal tract; in all other cases, make an appointment with a therapist (if necessary, he will write a referral to a toxicologist, allergist, or neurologist).

The diagnosis is based on the patient’s subjective feelings, blood and urine tests, objective research methods (ultrasound, CT, FEGDS, etc.).

Help yourself: or treat yourself at home

If unpleasant symptoms find you at home, the condition can be significantly alleviated by following these recommendations:

ventilate the room; lie on your back so that your shoulders, neck and head are on the pillow (this position eliminates the bending of the arteries of the spine, so you cannot turn your head to the sides); The cause of the illness may be high/low blood pressure or a cold. A tonometer or thermometer will help check your assumption. Take appropriate measures based on the measurement results.


Drug treatment is prescribed after diagnosis. Nausea and dizziness occur due to many reasons.

We have systematized information about the most common pathologies requiring treatment. The information obtained is placed in the table.

name of pathologymedicinebrief explanationsaverage price of the drug (RUB)
helminthiasisalbendazoleDirections for use: tablet(s) are taken after or during meals with water; contraindications: pregnancy, lactation, retinal pathologies 180
low hemoglobinferronalDirections for use: tablets are taken 2-3 times a day, 2 hours after meals or an hour before meals; contraindications: hypersensitivity, hemosiderosis, hemochromatosis, thalassemia, chronic hemolysis 760
pyelonephritisurosulfantreatment lasts 2 weeks (on the 1st day - 4 tablets at the 1st dose, then 2 tablets every 6 hours; 2nd day - 4 times 2 tablets; 3 - 5 days - 2 tablets 3 times a day ); contraindications: individual intolerance 440
low pressureephedrineDispensed only with a doctor's prescription760
high blood pressurehoodthe dosage is selected by the doctor individually; contraindications: serious kidney and liver pathologies, hypersensitivity, aortic stenosis, pregnancy and lactation 130

The information presented in the table is intended for informational purposes only; it should not be taken as a guide to action without first consulting a doctor!

Treatment is more effective if the patient not only takes prescribed medications, but also follows the correct diet:

eats food in small portions at intervals specified by the doctor; avoids spicy, fatty, salty, fried foods (for hypertension, liver and gastrointestinal problems); chooses foods rich in iron (with low hemoglobin).

Traditional medicine recipes

Some simple tips will help reduce unpleasant symptoms.

Drink fresh potato juice before meals. Replace black tea with green tea. Pour a glass of boiling water over a peppermint leaf (1 tablespoon). Leave for 2 hours. Take a tablespoon three times a day before meals. Pour dry crushed lemon balm herb (4 teaspoons) with a glass of boiling water. After 2 hours, the infusion is ready. Take half a glass four times a day before meals. Grind 10 grams of parsley seeds into powder and pour into a container of water (0.5 l) at room temperature. Leave for 8 hours, strain. Take 4 times a day, 1/2 cup before meals.

The video talks about the combination of these symptoms in osteochondrosis


The body is a complex structure that has its own notification system about all problems. The cause of dizziness and nausea in a woman in 99 cases out of 100 is pathology. The remaining happy percentage is due to a planned pregnancy.

Be that as it may, take these ailments seriously. Remember that only health will help you fully enjoy what you love, work, family.

To reduce the likelihood of dizziness and nausea:

avoid overeating and eating foods high in fat; control yourself without giving in to psychogenic reactions: hysteria, anxiety and fear; Don’t be lazy to undergo regular medical examinations.

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Women often complain of dizziness and nausea. The reasons for such complaints can be different, ranging from overwork to serious pathologies.

Representatives of the fair sex, due to the characteristics of their bodies, are more susceptible to symptoms of dizziness and nausea than men.

Sometimes these symptoms are explained quite simply and are not a cause for concern. In some cases, they signal dangerous diseases and require immediate contact with a medical facility.

Let's try to figure out what causes dizziness and nausea in women, and how to behave in a given situation.

Causes of dizziness and nausea

Dizziness, nausea, weakness - the reasons for this condition can be different. Vertigo and nausea are sometimes caused by psychogenic factors such as stress, depression, overwork, and are accompanied by irritability and short temper.

In some cases, when you feel dizzy and nauseous, you can talk about vestibular dysfunction.

Also reasons may be:

hormonal fluctuations; intoxication; brain and spinal injuries; osteochondrosis; anemia; hypotension; hypertension; hypoglycemia; migraine; meningitis; stroke; oncological diseases.

Repeated dizziness and nausea require referral to specialists and a comprehensive examination.

List of causes of illness

Dizziness (vertigo) has various causes. Sometimes they appear in combination. According to medical statistics, more than 100 diseases have this symptom, so you need to pay attention to this manifestation of your body.

Food poisoning

Intoxication of the body due to food poisoning or alcoholic beverages provokes repeated spasms in the intestines and stomach. This causes nausea. Harmful substances penetrate the blood and spread throughout the body. The result is dehydration, which causes vertigo. It will gradually pass as toxic substances are removed.


Almost all diseases caused by viruses or bacteria are accompanied by dizziness and general weakness. Severe intoxication causes shortness of breath and fever. Infectious damage to the brain, which is provoked by encephalitis, meningitis, is also accompanied by severe vomiting and vertigo.

Brain injury

Brain injury occurs due to excessive physical exertion or negligence.

Vertigo is felt when there is a concussion after a fall or blow. Your head will feel dizzy for the first few hours after the incident. You will begin to feel sick and other symptoms of disorders will appear. Medical assistance and treatment according to a strict regimen are required.

You can get a head injury if there is a pathology of the spine, for example, with osteochondrosis of the cervical segment. Vertigo with this disease will be a constant symptom due to pinched nerve roots in deformed joints. Oxygen and useful substances do not reach the brain, against which negative signs develop.

A severe impact can cause traumatic brain injury. In this case, there will be an acute headache, dizziness, intracranial pressure will rise, and the inflammatory process will begin. After treatment of the injuries, vertigo may remain as a complication.


With diabetes, you often feel dizzy. If the sugar level in the blood suddenly drops, a person’s energy capabilities decrease, and brain cells begin to starve. Weakness, trembling in the hands, and increased sweating gradually develop.

It is necessary to clarify the diagnosis if such a symptom occurs frequently. If hypoglycemia is not confirmed, then there is a risk of developing a pancreatic tumor.


With this pathology, blood circulation is disrupted, intolerance to bright light begins, and the vestibular apparatus malfunctions. Typically, a throbbing headache occurs in one temple. Against the background of these migraine symptoms, vertigo develops.

Change in blood pressure

A common cause of the disease is unstable blood pressure.

When indicators are below 100/60, the following occurs:

  • vertigo;
  • constant chills:
  • general weakness;
  • feeling of lack of air;
  • nausea;
  • increased sweating;
  • drowsiness.

High blood pressure is characterized by vomiting, cramps, vertigo, and throbbing pain in the temples. In this condition, the functioning of some internal organs is disrupted. If you do not make efforts to stabilize your well-being, various cardiovascular diseases will begin to develop.

Lack of oxygen

Anemia is another cause of dizziness. With a lack of iron in the blood, the level of hemoglobin decreases, as a result, the ability to carry oxygen throughout the body decreases.

Symptoms of hypoxia develop:

  • prostration;
  • vertigo;
  • dyspnea;
  • pale skin;
  • coldness of the extremities.

Ear diseases

Dizziness occurs when there is a disturbance in the functioning of the organ of hearing.

This is typical for:

  • benign tumors of the ears (cholesteatoma);
  • inflammation (mastoiditis, otitis);
  • overgrowth of bone tissue (otosclerosis);
  • diseases of the auditory nerve (neuritis).

Hearing loss may occur.

Meniere's disease

This is a non-inflammatory disease, which is characterized by ringing in the ears, attacks of dizziness and gradual loss of hearing.

When the disease occurs, too much endolymph is produced, which accumulates in the cavities inside the ear. The causes of the pathology are not fully understood. Treatment consists of the correct daily routine and improving the patient’s mental state.


Inflammatory pathology of the brain is caused by infectious agents or allergens. Dizziness is bound to occur. With encephalitis, intoxication and circulatory impairment occur, resulting in the development of vertigo.


  • weakness;
  • headache;
  • nausea;
  • vomit;
  • trembling of limbs.

Lyme disease

This is a serious infectious disease that affects the nervous system, heart, and musculoskeletal system. Transmitted by ticks. Difficult to diagnose and treat, quickly becomes chronic.

Symptoms of intoxication in the first stages of infection will be:

  • dizziness;
  • prostration;
  • aches in joints and muscles.

Complications lead to irreversible changes in the nervous system. It can take several years from a tick bite to the effects appearing. The insidiousness of the disease is that the connection with the cause may be lost, and the treatment will go down the wrong path. Joints often become inflamed and the skin atrophies, which leads to disability and, in severe cases, death.

Vestibular problems

Sudden dizziness occurs in people with a weak vestibular system. With inflammation (neuritis) of the vestibulocochlear nerve, vertigo and attacks of nausea appear. A complication of the pathology will be a decrease in hearing acuity. Sometimes the disease goes away on its own.


A neurological disease that causes increased sleepiness. There are special tests to distinguish this pathology from other conditions.


  • prostration;
  • apathy;
  • loss of appetite;
  • lethargy;
  • dizziness.

Prolonged stay in this state leads to the loss of professional and everyday skills.

Stress and fatigue

Constant fatigue, overwork, and lack of sleep can cause attacks of sudden dizziness. Symptoms develop due to nervous overstrain and oxygen starvation of cells. Even if a person can endure a few days in emergency mode, he will definitely then feel nauseous and dizzy. The body does not tolerate disruption of order.

Causes of weakness and dizziness

When visiting a doctor, general weakness and dizziness are among the most common complaints. The reasons for this may be the following factors:

poor functioning of the vestibular apparatus; scoliosis; cervical osteochondrosis; pressure changes.

Some diseases manifest themselves as dizziness and weakness in the body:

anemia; stroke; hypertension; hypotension; oncological diseases; heart diseases.

All of the listed pathologies are very serious, therefore, if general weakness and dizziness occur, it is necessary to consult a doctor to identify the root cause.

Dizziness when standing up

The head often feels dizzy after a sudden change in body position. When this phenomenon occurs frequently and is accompanied by accompanying symptoms (nausea, vomiting, etc.), urgent measures should be taken. This condition is an alarming signal of incipient orthostatic collapse. In the future, it can cause not only dizziness, but also weakness at normal pressure, especially when a person has to spend a long time on his feet.

When you rise suddenly from a lying or sitting position, oxygen does not have time to reach the brain, which leads to dizziness. If you continue to stand on your feet and move for a long time, you may faint. This disease is called vertigo. The reasons for its appearance may be:

  • Inflammatory processes in the ear.
  • Failure of the central nervous system as a result of injury.
  • Suffered a stroke.
  • Incorrect functioning of the vestibular apparatus.
  • Sedentary lifestyle.

It is necessary to be in motion more, to do special gymnastics for the proper functioning of the vestibular apparatus. We must not forget that dizziness that appears during a change in body position can be a concomitant symptom of a serious illness.

Reasons for women

Most often, dizziness occurs in women. This is due to the increased emotionality of the fair sex and adherence to various diets.

There are many reasons for this symptom. In some of them, women themselves are to blame. When limiting the consumption of certain foods, dizziness may occur from a lack of glucose in the blood. The consequence of this is hypoglycemia, which negatively affects the functioning of the entire body.

The weaker sex reacts sharply to stress, during which a sharp jump in adrenaline occurs, and as a result, vertigo occurs. This is due to vasospasm and reduced blood flow to the brain.

Dizziness caused by motion sickness in transport and rides on attractions is associated with the characteristics of the body and is considered normal.

Vertigo, accompanied by a veil, dots, and fog before the eyes, indicates vestibular dysfunction.

The following factors can also cause dizziness in women:

pregnancy (especially with a combination of dizziness and nausea); side effect from taking medications; magnetic storms; cervical osteochondrosis; diseases of the heart, blood vessels, brain; oncological diseases.

If you feel dizzy often enough, you should consult a specialist. You cannot self-medicate.

Drug therapy

Treatment of dizziness in older people should only be done after a full medical examination.

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If you know that the cause of dizziness and frequent migraines is ordinary fatigue, it is enough to drink a course of sedatives and take an antispasmodic (analgin, aspirin). Remember, the last drug thins the blood, so if a woman has problems with the gastrointestinal tract, a stomach ulcer, she should not take it, as bleeding may occur.

Dizziness is associated with pathologies of the vestibular apparatus; the brain centers that are responsible for these parts do not work at full capacity. To strengthen nerve impulses, many specialists prescribe a course of Cinnarizine or Scopolamine.

But more complex, psychogenic causes can only be eliminated with drugs from the Betaserc line.

To improve the general condition of the body, experts suggest drinking a vitamin complex.

What to do if dizziness takes you by surprise:

  • Fix your gaze on a stationary object.
  • Drink a glass of cool water and ventilate the room.
  • Eat a handful of raisins or a piece of chocolate to increase your blood glucose levels.
  • If you have problems with the cardiovascular system, put Validol under your tongue.

It is important! Taking medications without a doctor's prescription is not recommended at this age.

Constant, frequent, severe dizziness - causes

Rare dizziness is not a cause for concern. If the symptom occurs regularly or suddenly and severely, a doctor’s consultation is necessary.

The reasons may be:

hypertension; hypotension; anemia; osteochondrosis; rachiocampsis; long-term use of medications and their abuse.

Severe dizziness quite often occurs due to pressure changes. In some cases, it can be a symptom of serious diseases: migraine, epilepsy, stroke, brain tumors, hearing diseases.

The causes of frequent dizziness are the following diseases:

atherosclerosis; oncology; cardiac ischemia; cervical osteochondrosis.

If dizziness becomes constant, frequent, severe, and the cause is not obvious, this may signal a dangerous pathology that requires immediate treatment.

What to do if you feel dizzy?

If vertigo started unexpectedly, you need to:

reach a support and lean against it to gain stability; if possible, sit down or lie down; keep your eyes open; focus your gaze on one nearby object; avoid sudden movements of the body and head; don't bend over.

A person experiencing dizziness may need help. It should consist of the following actions:

Place the patient on a horizontal surface and provide fresh air. If you faint, return to consciousness with ammonia. If nervous tension is present, give the patient sedatives such as motherwort and valerian. If your blood pressure is low, offer hot sweet tea. Call a doctor or ambulance.

Dizziness, accompanied by headache, weakness, tinnitus, fainting, loss of coordination of movements, loss of sensation in the limbs, one-sided muscle weakness, confusion, speech, facial asymmetry, is a sign of a stroke and requires an urgent call for an ambulance.

First aid for dizziness

For some time after starting treatment, dizziness will still occur, although less frequently than before. It is important that during an attack there is someone next to the elderly person who can come to the rescue.

Here's how to help a woman if she's feeling dizzy:

  • Place on a flat surface (couch, bed).
  • Open a window or vent to allow fresh air into the room.
  • Unbutton your collar, tie, or shirt buttons to relieve pressure.
  • It is necessary to urgently call an ambulance if a woman’s limbs are numb, her facial muscles have stopped functioning, her speech has been impaired, or there is general lethargy. In some diseases, dizziness can result in fainting.


If a patient consults a doctor with a complaint of dizziness and nausea, the doctor, during the conversation, finds out how often the attacks occur, what their nature is, how long they last, what they are accompanied by, and whether the patient uses alcohol or drugs.

Next, the therapist prescribes additional examinations:

blood and urine tests; electrocardiogram; ultrasound examination of cerebral vessels; X-ray of the cervical spine; brain tomography; consultation with a neurologist, otolaryngologist.

Based on their results, appropriate therapy is prescribed.

If a person experiences dizziness, it is necessary to undergo a full diagnosis in order to determine their nature. The earlier the disease is detected, the greater the chance of a favorable outcome.


Only a doctor, based on the examination results, can determine the cause of vertigo and prescribe therapy.

Drug treatment is often accompanied by sessions of manual therapy, therapeutic massage, acupuncture, physical therapy, vacuum therapy, and physiotherapy.

For treatment to be effective, you must adhere to the following rules:

lead a healthy lifestyle; drink enough water to avoid dehydration; stop smoking, drinking alcohol and coffee; to eat well; walk more; Avoid stress if possible.

Treatment should begin with a visit to the doctor. The regularity of attacks indicates the presence of pathology.

Dizziness and nausea are unpleasant symptoms that significantly impair the quality of life. Women suffer from them much more often than men. Such ailments are not always given due attention. They are often explained by overwork or poisoning from low-quality products.

It is important to remember that dizziness and nausea can be signs of dangerous diseases that require special treatment.

If you are worried about dizziness, try to explain to your doctor as clearly as possible at what point you feel the symptom and what causes it. Nausea, dizziness, weakness - let’s look at the causes of the symptom complex.

We will look at ways to get rid of dizziness at home on this page. First aid to stabilize the condition.

Dizziness prevention and safety

If there is no dizziness, this is not a reason to neglect taking care of your health. A woman should take care of herself in order to remain cheerful, cheerful and active for as long as possible.

The following measures will help prevent attacks of dizziness:

  • move more and walk in the fresh air;
  • stop smoking and drinking alcohol, even in minimal quantities;
  • do not abuse tea and strong coffee;
  • eat regularly (malnutrition also causes headaches);
  • create a menu so that 1 third is animal proteins and 2 thirds are plant foods;
  • take a contrast shower once or twice a day;
  • stay at the computer as little as possible;
  • do gymnastics for the eyes and face;
  • sleep at least 8-9 hours a day, of which 1 hour should be a nap;
  • During periods of magnetic storms, do not eat hard-to-digest foods.

Regular examination by a doctor and preventive measures will help you maintain your performance, good mood and well-being for a long time.

Video on the topic

One of the most common complaints when visiting a doctor is dizziness. This is especially true among the fair sex. The difficulty of therapy lies in the fact that it is sometimes difficult to find out what causes nausea and dizziness - the reasons for women can be very different, ranging from banal overwork to serious pathologies of the spinal cord and brain.

Causes of severe sudden dizziness and nausea

If the described clinical manifestations are inconsistent, then they can be provoked by psychogenic factors - stress, depressive episodes and emotional overload. As a rule, such conditions are accompanied by irritability, inexplicable temper, and severe fatigue.

Other causes of severe dizziness and nausea:


Toxins affect nerve endings and blood vessels, causing them to spasm.
Oxygen starvation (hypoxia) of brain tissue.
Due to a shortage of necessary substances, the regulatory body suspends the activity of the zones responsible for consciousness.
Orthostatic collapse.
It is the main cause of nausea and dizziness in the morning, with a sudden rise from bed and a rapid change in body position.
In this case, vision pathologies (“midges”, flashes before the eyes, blurred vision), and unclear thoughts are observed. Hypoglycemia due to prolonged fasting and anemia.
A decrease in the concentration of glucose in the bloodstream provokes disturbances in digestion and brain function.
Hormonal imbalance.
Occurs during menstruation, pregnancy and menopause.
These conditions in women lead to increased excitability and disorders of the autonomic system. Intoxication, including alcohol poisoning.
This cause of nausea and dizziness is combined with weakness and abdominal pain, as well as intense vomiting.
Toxic compounds interfere with the normal functioning of the brain and liver. Mechanical injuries of the spinal column.
This also includes traumatic brain injuries.
Strokes (hemorrhagic, ischemic).
They have additional symptoms - double vision, disturbances in speech, consciousness, vision, and orientation in space.

Causes of persistent nausea and dizziness

The phenomena under consideration, which are observed for a long time in varying degrees of severity, may arise due to the following factors:

Osteochondrosis in the cervical spine.

Accompanied by limited head mobility, pain in the neck, numbness, and tingling in the fingers.
Meniere's disease.
Additional symptoms include tinnitus, vomiting, and gradual hearing loss.
This is an inflammatory disease of viral origin.
It is characterized by ear pain, discharge from the ear canal, and hearing loss. Pathologies of the eye muscles.
Patients complain of flickering, “lights” before the eyes;
Malignant and benign brain tumors.
This cause of dizziness and nausea provokes loss of coordination, vomiting, and sometimes visual and auditory hallucinations, especially in the morning.
It is an inflammatory infectious process in brain tissue.
Accompanied by acute pain and aching in the joints, dark spots on the skin. Migraine.
In this case, the signs in question are harbingers of an attack that lasts from 1 hour to several days.

Another cause of dizziness and nausea with weakness may be increased blood pressure (hypertension) or, conversely, its excessive decrease (hypotension).

Main causes of the disease

Regular manifestation of orthostatic collapse, combined with incoordination, most often indicates the presence of certain diseases. Severe manifestations accompany about 80 different pathologies, which can only be determined by a doctor based on diagnostic results.

The causes of severe dizziness and loss of coordination of movement, accompanied by the urge to vomit, may be the following:

  1. Various types of cranial injuries. The intensity of the symptoms depends on the type of injury and their severity. In certain cases, severe impairment or complete loss of certain body functions occurs. This occurs as a result of swelling of the brain. Whirling occurs against the background of damage to the integrity of blood vessels, pinched nerve endings, and swelling of organ tissue.

  2. BPPV (benign paroxysmal positional vertigo). Pathology develops as a result of otitis media, injuries, poisoning of the body with various substances, infectious lesions and is a complication of such diseases. It manifests itself in the form of attacks with a sharp change in the position of the body in space. When a disease is detected, a course of physical therapy is prescribed.
  3. Vestibular neuronitis. It begins to develop after a viral infection or drug poisoning. The main symptom of the disease is intense whirling, accompanied by nausea. Patients also complain of darkening of the eyes and vomiting. When you turn your head, the symptoms increase.
  4. Meniere's disease. It is established in 6% of cases of regular manifestations of whirling and loss of coordination. Women talk about the appearance of a special feeling of pressure. It occurs as a result of increased fluid in the inner ear. Associated symptoms include decreased quality of hearing and vision, nausea, and vomiting. In certain cases, discoordination and loss of orientation in space are observed. When the use of medications does not have a positive effect, surgery is prescribed.
  5. Vertebro-basilar insufficiency. It always manifests itself sharply, regardless of what a person is doing. More often observed in women. It begins with intense dizziness, accompanied by double vision, loss of orientation in space and coordination of movements, and nausea. Patients talk about disturbances in speech and thought processes. One of the fundamental factors in the occurrence of unpleasant manifestations is poor circulation in the brain. The changes are irreversible. That is why, if orthostatic collapse constantly appears, it is necessary to contact a medical facility.
  6. Labyrinthitis. It is a complication of colds, which are accompanied by an inflammatory process. The pathology manifests itself in the form of prolonged attacks, accompanied by a decrease in the quality of hearing, vomiting and hyperthermia. If such a disease is diagnosed, women are prescribed a course of antibiotics. But even after treatment, hearing loss is observed.
  7. Migraine. It often occurs in women against a background of constant stress, depression, physical, psychological and mental stress. Always accompanied by a headache that occurs after intense and sudden whirling. Associated symptoms include weakness, confusion, nausea, and a negative reaction to light and sounds. Symptoms worsen even with minor movements.
  8. Cerebrovascular insufficiency. Characterized by impaired blood circulation in the brain due to blood circulation or diabetes mellitus. As a result of the complications that occur, the lumen of the blood vessels narrows, ischemia develops, accompanied by tinnitus and intense headache. Provoking factors for cerebrovascular insufficiency include obesity, regular drinking, smoking, and a sedentary lifestyle. Treatment is always complex. Women are prescribed a diet and medications. It is also important to lead a healthy lifestyle and give up bad habits.
  9. Neoplasms of various types. In this case, the symptoms are paroxysmal in nature. The intensity and frequency of orthostatic collapse depends on the volume and location of the tumors. There is also a persistent feeling of impending vomiting and squeezing. As the tumor grows, blood circulation in the brain is disrupted.
  10. Cardiovascular diseases. They also become a provocateur of the development of orthostatic collapse, as a result of which a person loses orientation in space and incoordination occurs.
  11. Diseases of the musculoskeletal system. An attack often occurs with osteochondrosis. The disease is characterized by the destruction of bone and cartilage tissue of the spine, as a result of which blood circulation in the brain is disrupted. As accompanying symptoms, limited motor activity at the site of injury and pain in the injured area are noted.

There can be many reasons for orthostatic collapse. If severe symptoms occur regularly, you must visit a doctor who will conduct an examination and prescribe a course of therapy.

Helpful information

An attack of whirling is not always evidence of the presence of dangerous pathologies. In some cases, unpleasant symptoms arise as a result of physiological factors. However, such a condition is not a deviation.

Often, mild orthostatic collapse occurs in a person who has to speak in front of a large audience or before an important meeting.

Such a reaction is normal, and unpleasant symptoms disappear immediately after the excitement stops. They appear against the background of the release of large amounts of adrenaline. The substance provokes a spasm of muscle tissue, which causes the vessels supplying the brain to narrow, which provokes poor circulation.

Whirling and a feeling of impending vomiting also occur when traveling in various types of transport or riding an attraction. Then discoordination and loss of spatial orientation are observed. This condition occurs as a result of improper functioning of the vestibular apparatus. The brain is not able to correctly and timely bring all the signals together. This is what leads to dizziness.

Signs occur at altitude, which is also not a violation. Among the physiological reasons are excessive physical exertion, adaptation of the body to new conditions in astronauts, and a sharp change in body position in space.

Women who follow a strict diet suffer from similar attacks. The lack of a constant supply of glucose in the blood becomes a provocateur of brain starvation. This is what causes unpleasant symptoms.

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