Causes of dizziness in children, modern diagnostic and treatment methods


This condition is not always a symptom of some disease. Sometimes dizziness can occur simply from riding a carousel or from being seasick.

There are three forms of dizziness.

  1. Spicy. Characterized by a sudden onset of an attack accompanied by intense symptoms:
  • tinnitus;
  • hearing loss;
  • photophobia;
  • nystagmus is possible.

The reason may be:

  • infectious process in the body;
  • middle ear injury;
  • severe fatigue;
  • allergic reaction;
  • a brain tumor.

Usually this condition does not cause any consequences.

  1. Periodic. The main manifestations include the same symptoms as in acute cases, and a number of attacks can be replaced by complete calm. The following reasons are identified:
  • basilar disease;
  • torticollis.
  1. Permanent. Characterized by delayed development of motor skills and impaired balance. Children complain about:
  • noise in ears;
  • poor coordination;
  • headache.

Such kids can often get injured. The reasons for this condition are:

  • problems with the endocrine system and kidneys;
  • congenital defect of the central nervous system;
  • pathologies of the vestibular apparatus.

Treatment of vestibulopathies

Treatment of vestibular disorders includes drug therapy, as well as physical therapy to train the vestibular analyzer.

If dizziness and nausea occur in a child, he should be put to bed to protect him from falls and injuries, put a heating pad on his feet, and call a doctor. This symptom should not be ignored, as it may hide a serious pathology.

In severe cases, Aminazine helps relieve an attack of Meniere's disease

When Meniere's disease is detected, treatment is carried out comprehensively. During the acute period, Pipolfen is prescribed intravenously in a glucose solution, Aminazine, Atropine sulfate, mustard plasters on the cervical-occipital region, and a heating pad on the legs. To improve cerebral and vestibular blood flow, Cinnarizine and Vinpocetine are prescribed. After the acute period has passed, the patient is advised to take diuretics (Furosemide) to reduce fluid pressure in the vestibular tubules. Patients are prescribed histamine preparations according to indications, nootropics (Cinnarizine, Propranolol), glucocorticosteroid hormones. Non-drug treatment methods include physical education and acupuncture.

If an infectious disease is detected, the patient is prescribed anthelmintic, antiviral or antibacterial therapy, depending on the type of pathogen. For injuries, treatment is aimed at eliminating cerebral edema and improving blood circulation in the brain tissue. Severe hydrocephalic syndrome requires the use of diuretics, as well as the prompt installation of a shunt for constant outflow of cerebrospinal fluid. Vegetative-vascular dystonia, neurotic disorders, migraines in adolescents are treated with sedatives, nootropic drugs, and psychotherapy. For anemia, iron supplements and B vitamins are prescribed. Tumors, abscesses, and hematomas require surgical removal or puncture. For ARVI, antiviral drugs are used, in some cases homeopathy (Vibrukol) is used.

Homeopathic medicine used for colds


Excessive emotional stress can cause dizziness.
This condition occurs due to the presence of certain factors. Let's look at what the causes of dizziness in children may be.

When such a condition is not a pathology:

  • in children up to the age of five, the vestibular apparatus may still continue to develop, and therefore problems with balance arise, especially under heavy load;
  • dizziness may occur in the dark due to the lack of visual signal;
  • severe hunger;
  • low mobility;
  • overheating, in particular when swimming in hot water, in a stuffy room (this also applies to very cold water);
  • severe physical or emotional stress;
  • Pregnancy is possible in teenage girls;
  • side effects of any medications;
  • hormonal changes during adolescence.

Reasons indicating a medical problem:

  • consequences of injury;
  • ear diseases;
  • infectious diseases;
  • damage to the central nervous system;
  • meningitis;
  • lack of glucose in the blood;
  • neoplasm in the brain;
  • kinetosis;
  • vascular pathologies (VSD);
  • encephalitis;
  • anemia;
  • poisoning, for example, from mushrooms or toxic fumes;
  • parasitic infection;
  • food allergies;
  • a sharp rise in pressure, hypotension;
  • scoliosis, osteochondrosis (especially in the cervical region);
  • pinched nerve endings;
  • pathologies of the endocrine system.


The child does not always complain of dizziness. Some people don’t attach any importance to this, while others are not able to describe their feelings or are too young to report it. In such a situation, it is the parents who must promptly notice the occurrence of such a condition based on a number of manifestations in the baby’s behavior:

  • reluctance to get out of bed;
  • The toddler sits with his head resting on a hard surface, the child’s eyes are closed;
  • the baby appears confused while playing;
  • Involuntary oculomotor movements may occur.

How to recognize that a child is dizzy?

A small movement test will help you understand if you are dizzy or not. The main signs of vertigo:

  • a person cannot walk in a straight line, he steps to the side;
  • when he closes his eyes, he is abruptly thrown to the side;
  • the person walking tries to cling to the door handle, handrail, or holds on to the wall;
  • When he sits down, he immediately tries to close his eyes.

With severe dizziness, nausea occurs when the patient tries to get up or get out of bed. In this condition, children need help. In case of a sudden fall, injuries are possible.

See a doctor urgently

Dizziness is accompanied by severe headaches - see a doctor immediately.
You should definitely consult a specialist if, in addition to dizziness, your little one also has other symptoms:

  • fainting state;
  • nystagmus;
  • tinnitus;
  • severe headaches;
  • diplopia;
  • convulsions;
  • paresthesia;
  • hearing impairment.

There are also a number of factors that require you to go to a medical facility:

  • repeated episodes of dizziness;
  • previous head injury;
  • dizziness lasts more than an hour;
  • the presence of this condition in other family members.


When the first alarm bells appear, you need to rush to the doctor. The pediatrician will either examine your baby himself and refer him for tests, or immediately refer him to a specialist who will examine all the complaints in more detail and prescribe the required examination, followed by treatment.

Diagnostic methods for dizziness, especially if it is recurring, include:

  • thorough examination of the patient, collection of anamnesis;
  • general blood test, paying special attention to hemoglobin;
  • blood test for glucose levels;
  • liver tests (blood biochemistry);
  • oxygenometry;
  • X-ray of the brain or cervical spine;
  • CT or MRI.

In addition to the basic ones, the child may be prescribed additional tests:

  • ECG;
  • Ultrasound of the brain;
  • posturography;
  • REG of the head.

Since dizziness can occur for various reasons, the child may need to consult a specialist with a narrow profile, and in some cases there is a complex problem, and then there will be a need to see several doctors at once. So, if your baby has dizziness, you may be referred to:

  • vertebro-neurologist;
  • otoneurologist;
  • otolaryngologist;
  • neurologist;
  • audiologist;
  • endocrinologist;
  • cardiologist;
  • ophthalmologist;
  • infectious disease specialist.


For example, for frequently recurring vertigo, drugs that strengthen the ANS are prescribed:

  • Pyridoxine;
  • Medicines based on belladonna;
  • Drugs to improve blood supply to the brain and dilate blood vessels.

When a specific cause has been identified, dizziness is treated by doctors with a narrow focus: for ENT diseases, therapy is prescribed by an otolaryngologist, for disorders of the nervous system - by a neurologist, and so on. Complex treatment includes physiotherapy and physical therapy aimed at improving the functioning of the vestibular apparatus.

To improve the performance of the balance organs, doctors recommend exercises that are accompanied by a rapid change in body position (figure skating, swinging, etc.).

Dizziness (vertigo) is an imaginary sensation of rotation of surrounding objects or the patient’s body. There are quite a few causes of the disease. If dizziness is detected in a child, a full examination should be carried out to identify the causes of the disease. Vestibular disorders in children can be caused by infection (including neuroinfection), pathology of the vestibular apparatus, neoplasms or vascular damage to the brain, migraine headaches, ischemia of brain tissue, diseases of the cervical spine, hydrocephalus.

Your actions

  1. Stay calm and try to calm your child.
  2. Place the baby on a horizontal surface, preferably hard, and on the same pillow.
  3. Make sure there are no irritants.
  4. It is necessary for the baby to remain in bed until his condition improves.
  5. If a child experiences nausea and dizziness, and vomiting begins, care must be taken to prevent dehydration. Provide your baby with plenty of fluids.
  6. Make sure that the baby does not overheat.
  7. When you put your little one to bed, make sure that there is at least minimal lighting in the room.
  8. If dizziness occurs while traveling in public transport, advise him to focus his attention on a stationary object. If necessary, get off at a stop to get some fresh air.
  9. If you see that your child’s health is getting worse and alarming symptoms are arising, then you need to urgently call a doctor.

Having identified the reasons that provoke the development of such a condition, you will be referred to a specific specialist who will prescribe an appropriate course of treatment and will keep the child’s condition under control.

My son experiences dizziness on very rare occasions. However, it may be accompanied by nausea. This mainly happens when the pressure decreases. To return to normal, it is enough for the child to lie down quietly. I put a damp handkerchief soaked in cold water on my forehead, and it feels better.

Now you know what to do if your child is weak or dizzy. Remember that such a condition may indicate the presence of some kind of disease, sometimes even serious. If such a manifestation appears, do not hesitate to consult a doctor. It is better to be safe than to miss time and start treatment too late.

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