Causes and treatment of neck pain at the base of the skull at the back

Every person is familiar with headaches. However, people do not always take this sign seriously and critically, explaining this for various reasons (fatigue, weather change, stress, etc.).

Inattention and neglect of one's own health, saving time on diagnosis often play a fatal role. Vascular diseases of the head and neck progress, and when clinical signs become significant, treatment is already difficult, which is fraught with complications.

Arteries and veins can narrow due to atherosclerosis, hypertension and other pathologies, which leads to dyscirculatory encephalopathy. Metabolic processes do not fully occur in tissues, which provokes ischemic and hypoxic defects that threaten life.

Frequent migraines and headaches signal possible pathologies of the blood vessels of the head and neck

Common Causes

Most often, people begin treatment for neck pain after it has become unbearable. If there are regular mild pain sensations, they try not to notice them with the thought that soon everything will go away on its own. Often pain in the neck and back of the head does not go away, and the disease progresses.

  1. Osteochondrosis.
  2. Pinched nerves in the neck.
  3. Arterial hypertension.
  4. Muscle strain or sprain.
  5. Spasms in the brain.
  6. Viral infection.
  7. Meningitis.
  8. Neurological problems in the occipital nerve.
  9. Frequent stress.
  10. Myogelosis.
  11. Spondylosis.
  12. Complications after other diseases.
  13. Cervical migraine.

To better understand the problems and ways to combat them, it is worth considering each cause separately.


If the neck and back of the head hurt, the most common cause of this is osteochondrosis. After patients contact us, doctors check the necessary sections for the presence of cervical osteochondrosis. This pathology has a number of signs:

  • significant dizziness in the morning;
  • constant desire to sleep, severe weakness of the body;
  • increased sweat production;
  • crunching of the cervical vertebrae, which can be heard even by others;
  • the appearance in some cases of severe nausea;
  • deterioration of hearing, vision;
  • decreased hand sensitivity.

The disease is common in people whose lifestyle involves constantly sitting in one place, for example, office workers and drivers. To prevent pain, you should start strengthening your neck muscles. To do this, you need to exercise, knead the desired area as often as possible. The problem is poor circulation, and if the neck muscles are well developed and warmed up, the disease will most likely subside.

Discomfort with cervical osteochondrosis can last a very long time, and the pain will intensify with any movement of the affected area. It is difficult to cure a disease; it is easier to prevent its occurrence.

Arterial hypertension

The consequence of cervical osteochondrosis can be arterial hypertension. The disease can be independent, without appearing earlier than other diseases. It causes a lot of problems with the body. Symptoms most often appear after waking up in the morning. After waking up, when the body has not moved for a long time, many areas may hurt.

The cause of pain is altered pressure. Strained blood vessels cause problems in other areas of the body, causing the state of health to deteriorate significantly, causing lethargy and constant drowsiness. A person may experience ringing in the ears, causing hearing impairment. It is worth consulting a doctor if you have such symptoms.


The essence of the disease is the tightening of the cervical muscles. In this case, unpleasant sensations will be felt in the back of the head and neck. There may be noise in the ears. The cause is often crooked posture, constant incorrect body position, which disrupts the condition of the muscles. Drafts and hypothermia also contribute to the appearance of myogelosis. Stress and constant mental overstrain will provoke sudden movements, which causes a strain in the cervical muscles, which results in the described disease.

After finding out the exact cause, it is worth prescribing treatment. The pain in the neck and back of the head with this type of disease is not constant. The person is worried about attacks; it begins to feel like there is stiffness in the shoulders, as if someone is pressing. The result of the problem is a decrease in motor activity due to difficulties in rotating the head.

Occipital neuralgia

The problem may be caused by the following factors:

  1. Displacement of vertebral discs.
  2. Distortion of posture.
  3. Infection.

If you feel strong muscle tension in the neck, the nerve ending located in the back of the head may be pinched. The result is the appearance of severe pain, which intensifies significantly when moving the head. If a person begins to cough or sneeze, a sudden movement of the neck will certainly be provoked, causing a headache. If such a pathology appears, a number of other problems may be provoked:

  • clarity of movements is impaired;
  • there may be discomfort in the back of the head that appears spontaneously;
  • spots before the eyes, severe darkening, veil;
  • an increase in pressure, as a result - pulsation in the temporal lobe.

Muscle tension and stress

When the human body is in the same position, over time, problems begin in the back of the head and cervical region. If you touch your forehead, temples or painful places, the back of your neck and the back of your head hurt even more. It begins to seem that it is impossible to turn her head, she seems to have become sleepy. There is a feeling as if she was being squeezed in a vice.

If you feel a cracking sound, you feel very dizzy, there is a danger of losing consciousness, or falling to the ground due to loss of balance. With such pain, only relaxing the tense area helps. This is done simply: you need to sit down so that your back does not have support. You need to clasp your head with your hands. The back of the head is grasped with all fingers, except the thumbs, which rest on the cheekbones. You need to sit in this position for 2-3 minutes, after which the pain in the back of the head and neck and the resulting tension should decrease.

Stress can also cause pain in the back of the head and neck. Nervous tension can trigger muscle spasms, which pinch the nerve. At the same time, blood circulation deteriorates, and the brain begins to experience oxygen starvation. The result is numbness in the cervical region, a tingling sensation, “goosebumps” in the neck. Symptoms may continue until complete relaxation occurs. You can relax by sleeping or calming down in a completely different way.

Other neck diseases

Migraine can also cause pain in the neck and back of the head. Sometimes the disease provokes pinching of a nerve in the vertebral artery, which causes sharp pain radiating to the temples and eyes. A person may suddenly weaken, causing his vision to darken and his head to spin. Sometimes there is a crackling sound in the ears. Migraine is easily diagnosed. If the pain intensifies when you press on the cervical artery, then there is a problem.

Causes and symptoms

The cervical spine consists of 7 vertebrae and is particularly mobile. The structure of the vertebrae of this segment allows you to turn and tilt your head. The upper part is connected to the occipital region, so if there are problems with the spine, pain is felt behind the skull. Osteochondrosis and spinal diseases are the most common cause of pain at the base of the skull, but there are a number of others:

  • head and neck injuries;
  • hypertension and cardiovascular pathologies;
  • neuralgia and neuritis of the trigeminal nerve;
  • chronic lack of sleep and prolonged nervous tension;
  • weather sensitivity;
  • cerebral artery aneurysm;
  • endocrine disorders, diabetes mellitus;
  • myogelosis - painful tightening of the neck muscles near the spine;
  • eye-strain;
  • high intracranial pressure;
  • tension of the trapezius muscle during a long stay in an uncomfortable position;
  • meningitis;
  • sudden changes in diet.

Depending on the cause that causes the pain, the symptoms differ. If it is osteochondrosis, the pain is constant and spreads to nearby areas - temples and neck. The condition may be aggravated by nausea, dizziness, noise in the ears and head, and blurred vision.

Cervical osteochondrosis is increasingly common among young people, since schoolchildren and students sit at the computer for a long time and do not find time to play sports. Various diets that some girls like to “pamper” themselves have a negative impact on the health of the spine. Due to dietary restrictions, bones do not receive sufficient nutrition and muscles weaken.

Osteochondrosis of the cervical spine develops gradually and includes several stages:

  • 1 – asymptomatic, sometimes there is pain in the area of ​​the affected vertebra, no treatment is required;
  • 2 – displacement (dystopia) of the vertebrae, the main symptoms are discomfort in the upper back and constant fatigue. At this stage, osteochondrosis is successfully treated with conservative methods using drugs based on NSAIDs, chondroprotectors, muscle relaxants, anticonvulsants, etc.;
  • 3 – disc rupture with subsequent deformation of the spine and pinched nerve roots. Requires urgent surgical intervention;
  • 4 - the degenerative process progresses and spreads to the tissues and structures surrounding the damaged vertebra - the spinal cord, blood vessels, ligaments. The spinal column becomes completely immobile and stiff.

To prevent the development of the disease, it is necessary to start treatment in a timely manner.

Cervical migraine, or Barré-Lieu syndrome, occurs due to problems with blood circulation and manifests itself as a severe headache. It may be accompanied by other signs - pulsation in the back of the head and in the eye area, increased sensitivity to light and sounds, a feeling of a lump in the throat. A characteristic symptom is a sharp increase in skin sensitivity when pressing on certain points in painful areas.

Poor blood circulation in the muscles and prolonged exposure to a draft can provoke pain in the cervical spine. Myositis and myogelosis often occur due to injury or uncomfortable posture during sleep. With myositis, the back of the head, part of the shoulder and the scapular area may hurt. Myogelosis is accompanied by muscle tightness and dizziness.

Hypertension is manifested by squeezing and bursting pain, which most often occurs in the morning. The pain syndrome is accompanied by heaviness in the head, nausea, and with a sharp increase in pressure, vomiting is possible. In addition, the heart rate increases and headaches increase when the skull is tilted.

Poor cerebral circulation may cause neck and head pain

Problems with teeth can cause very severe pain in various places of the head, depending on the type of pathology and the location of the source of inflammation. The eruption of wisdom teeth or malocclusion are the most common causes in the field of dentistry. A dull pain can cover almost the entire head and intensifies in the evening and night hours. Typically, there is difficulty opening and closing the mouth, and the temporomandibular joint needs treatment.

One-sided neck pain can be the result of an unsuccessful turn of the head, hypothermia, or excessive physical activity, which is often the sin of novice athletes. An uncomfortable pillow is one of the possible and common causes of pain on the left or right. Such problems usually do not require special treatment and go away on their own within a few days.

Sharp and sudden pain occurs when there is an intervertebral hernia, as well as when a cervical vertebra is displaced or subluxated. These conditions are united by a common symptom - weakness in the upper extremities.

You can also read: Neuralgia of the cervical spine

A very painful phenomenon is occipital neuralgia, which occurs as a result of pinching of nerve endings by intervertebral discs in the cervical region.

In some cases, the neck can reflect pain in other organs located in different parts of the body - the heart, stomach or brain. Neoplasms in the skull often have an additional pain symptom at the base of the neck.

A degenerative disease called spondylosis can lead to the development of cervical sympathetic syndrome. Complaints of burning pain in the back of the head and neck are associated in this case with the growth of bone tissue of the vertebrae and the development of osteophytes - crescent and wedge-shaped processes. The mobility and amplitude of cervical movements in this condition are severely limited; when trying to throw back the head, the pain intensifies and can radiate to the heart or create a feeling of “sand in the eyes.”

Some types of tonsillitis, for example, lacunar or follicular, can cause complications in the form of cervical lymphadenitis. The lymph nodes in the front of the neck, located close to the throat, are mainly affected, but in some cases the occipital ones are also involved in the pathological process. This complication occurs in the case of delayed or inadequate treatment of the underlying disease.


It is much easier to prevent a problem from occurring than to try to cure it later. The following preventive measures will help avoid the problem:

  1. Try not to turn your head sharply or make quick bends.
  2. Warm up every hour if you plan to stay in one position for a long time.
  3. Lift heavy objects with extreme caution and warm up well before training.
  4. Dress in such a way as not to chill problem areas and avoid drafts.
  5. Eat right, strengthen your neck muscles.
  6. Sleep on an orthopedic mattress and pillow. This is especially true for older people.
  7. Temper the body, thereby increasing the body's resistance to viruses.

Each cause of neck disease requires long-term treatment. It is worth leading a healthy lifestyle, because everyone understands how important it is to prevent such problems from arising. Self-medication can cause more harm than good, therefore, if a problem arises, there is no need to try to cope with the pain on your own; there are qualified specialists to provide assistance.

Dizziness, like headaches, is one of the common problems for which a person is forced to consult a doctor. This condition may also cause other symptoms, such as neck pain. All this leads to discomfort, so timely help is required. If your neck hurts and you feel dizzy, you should consult a doctor to prescribe effective therapy.

Pain in the muscles of the base of the skull

Sharp pain at the base of the skull may be associated with muscle fiber overstrain. If the appearance of this symptom was preceded by prolonged work at the computer and being in an uncomfortable static position, then there is a high probability of developing myositis. This disease can also occur against the background of sudden hypothermia in the neck and collar area.

Pain in the muscles of the base of the skull can be a concomitant clinical symptom of developing cervical osteochondrosis. When the tissues of the cartilaginous intervertebral discs are damaged, their height decreases. In this case, the body triggers compensatory muscle tension in order to cut off the protection of the radicular and paired cranial nerves from compression when adjacent vertebral bodies converge.

Therefore, when pain appears that radiates to the base of the skull, it is necessary first of all to examine the cervical spine. First, a series of x-rays are ordered. They can show a decrease in the height of the intervertebral discs, displacement of the vertebral bodies, their torsion and rotation, the formation of cornerstone osteophytes and other indirect signs of the development of degenerative dystrophic disease of the spinal column.

If necessary, an ultrasound scan is prescribed - with the help of this examination, you can assess the condition of the posterior vertebral arteries, the degree of their patency and functionality. The doctor may also recommend MRI and CT examinations, EEG, etc.

Why does neck pain occur?

Pain in the neck and head occurs due to:

  1. Partial spinal dysfunction associated with vertebral artery syndrome (circulatory disorders when moving the head).
  2. Vascular diseases of a systemic type (chronic alcohol or drug intoxication, metabolic diseases).
  3. Osteochondrosis of the cervical spine (degenerative and dystrophic pathology).
  4. Traumatic damage to the head and spine.
  5. Vegeto-dystonic syndrome.

With such ailments, in addition to pain, memory impairment, irritability, insomnia, anxiety, fear, dizziness, and a crunch in the neck appear. To accurately determine the diagnosis, you need to see a doctor.

Causes of pain at the base of the skull

There are numerous causes of pain at the base of the skull, ranging from traumatic exposure to stiff neck muscles due to damage to cerebral structures. You should not try to diagnose yourself, as many pathologies may develop. Next, we will talk about some common causes of pain in the back of the head at the base of the skull, which can occur in both young and elderly patients.

First, let's look at the risk factors that are highly likely to lead to the appearance of pain due to the development of pathological changes:

  • sedentary work with excessive static tension in the muscles of the neck and collar area;
  • lack of regular physical activity in this area, as a result of which the muscle fiber ceases to provide a sufficient level of diffuse nutrition to the cartilage tissue of the spinal column;
  • curvature of the spine and poor posture - entails a change in the lumen of the spinal canal, which negatively affects the level of intracranial pressure;
  • injuries, including falls from a height, can cause a fracture of the base of the skull (this injury can be fatal);
  • excess body weight, due to which there is an increase in depreciation pressure on the spinal column;
  • wearing tight and uncomfortable clothes;
  • incorrect placement of the foot (flat feet or club feet), as a result of which a greater than normal shock-absorbing load is transferred to the cervical spine during walking and running;
  • improper organization of sleeping and working spaces;
  • smoking and drinking alcohol (microcirculation of blood and lymphatic fluid suffers, which provokes tissue breakdown);
  • improper diet;
  • the presence of chronic inflammatory processes in the body, which can provoke the development of rheumatoid damage to the cartilage tissue of the spinal column.

Eliminating these risk factors from your daily life is a serious prevention of multiple diseases that manifest as pain at the base of the skull.

Potential causes of this symptom include the following common pathologies:

  • degenerative dystrophic changes in the cartilaginous tissues of the spinal column (cervical osteochondrosis, intervertebral protrusion, extrusion or disc herniation);
  • instability of the position of the vertebral bodies, leading to their displacement and rotation, due to which the nerve fiber is pinched and pressure is exerted on the spinal cord tissue;
  • compensatory change in posture against the background of thoracic curvature of the spinal column;
  • posterior vertebral artery syndrome;
  • pinching of paired cranial nerves extending from the brain through the foramen ovale at the base of the skull;
  • assimilation of the first cervical vertebra by the occipital bone;
  • spinal canal stenosis;
  • cerebrovascular accident in the brainstem area;
  • increased levels of arterial and intracranial pressure;
  • compression of the nerve responsible for the innervation of the scalp in the occipital area;
  • stiff neck, for example, with encephalitis, meningitis, cerebral infarction, etc.

Only a neurologist can establish an accurate diagnosis and identify the potential cause of pain at the base of the skull. Make an initial free appointment with this doctor at our chiropractic clinic. He will conduct an examination and make an accurate diagnosis. Will give individual recommendations for effective and safe treatment.


For neck pain, the doctor first performs an examination, interviews the patient and evaluates his lifestyle. Then instrumental examination methods are carried out:

  1. Radiography is a procedure for examining the spine by projecting x-rays onto film.
  2. CT scan. During this event, the source of pain under the doctor’s palpation is scanned and displayed as a three-dimensional image on special equipment.
  3. Magnetic resonance imaging. With its help, images of the affected area of ​​the spine are created in various projections using a powerful magnetic field, after which a diagnosis can be made.

How to get rid

Treatment for neck pain at the base of the skull depends entirely on what is causing the condition. If it is a tumor, then it is removed. When the inflammatory process develops, antibiotic treatment is prescribed.

The hardest thing is to get rid of osteochondrosis and its complications. These diseases are age-related and their main cause is degenerative-dystrophic changes in the vertebrae. The pathology progresses all the time and cannot be cured. You can only carry out symptomatic treatment, for example, use drugs from the NSAID group, chondroprotectors or drugs from the category of glucocorticosteroids. Treatment is long and carried out in a hospital.

Treatment for injuries also depends on the extent of the injury and how severely the spinal cord is affected. Sometimes it is possible to save the situation and after eliminating the fact of compression, a person can consider himself completely healthy.

But this does not always happen, and in most cases even surgery is powerless. Symptomatic therapy is carried out, and if the patient remains bedridden, bedsore prevention is required.

With dizziness

Why do you feel dizzy and have neck pain? To determine the cause, you need to understand the structure of the spine in the cervical region. In this part, a bundle of blood vessels enters through the vertebrae, and due to the curvature, uneven pressure appears. As a result, with deformation, an increase or decrease in intracranial pressure is observed. That's why my neck hurts and I feel dizzy. Soreness is usually on 1 side.

In addition to dizziness and neck pain, there may be increased weather sensitivity, redness of the white membrane of the eye, swelling around the eyes, and nosebleeds. The mobility of the cervical spine also worsens, myositis may appear with the likelihood of becoming chronic.

This type of compression occurs due to improper function of different spinal sections. Uniform compression of blood vessels leads to a decrease in oxygen supply to the brain. This can be seen in speech disorders, a feeling of weakness, the appearance of apathy, sleep disturbance, which is a sign of decreased brain functionality.

Diagnostic measures

Diagnostic measures begin with a visual examination, interviewing the patient and assessing his lifestyle. Afterwards, if necessary, instrumental examination methods are prescribed, which include:

  1. An MRI examination that shows images of areas of the spinal discs in different projections.
  2. CT scan. Shows a three-dimensional image of the affected spinal discs.
  3. X-ray of the spine.

In order to determine why you feel dizzy and have a sore neck, you must remember that the vertebrae contain vessels that carry blood to the brain. Any deformation of the spine begins to cause uneven contact of blood vessels. As a result, intracranial pressure increases or decreases, and muscle spasm occurs, usually on one side.

Lately, even young people often complain that their neck hurts and they feel dizzy. The reason, as a rule, is a sedentary lifestyle. Time spent driving or using a computer is reflected in pain in the cervical spine. But patients who are actively involved in heavy sports, dancers, and gymnasts often experience this discomfort.

Older people who have various diseases of the spine and cardiovascular system also suffer from back neck pain and dizziness. First of all, treatment is aimed at relieving pain, and then at getting rid of the main causes that cause this condition.

Neck and head pain

There are many pathologies that cause pain in the back of the neck and dizziness. Diseases leading to such symptoms include myogelosis, neck migraine, neck muscle strain, cervical osteochondrosis, damage to the occipital nerve, and cervical spondylosis.

With myogelosis, severe pain in the back of the head, dizziness, stiffness of the shoulder girdle, and muscle swelling appear. Cervical spondylosis is accompanied by pain in the head or neck, pain that is not associated with physical activity. Pain in the upper third of the shoulder is likely, radiating to the ears or eyes, as well as discomfort when rotating the head.

Migraine-like pain in the neck occurs in the form of intense pain in the head and temples. There may be a feeling of pain in the eyes, as well as visual and auditory dysfunction. Due to overstrain of the neck muscles, pain appears in the back and in the head. Such symptoms occur when a static posture persists for a long time. With this pathology, a pressing, constant pain appears in the forehead or on the back of the head. It may grow.

If your neck, back of your head hurts, or you feel dizzy, this may be due to neuralgia. Severe pain attacks appear that radiate to the back, jaw or ears when moving the head. Cervical lumbago is a pathology of the spine in which the neck hurts and such sensations radiate to the head. It appears when receptor structures in the spinal nerve are compressed.


The presence of certain symptoms depends on the reasons that cause the pain syndrome. For example, with osteochondrosis, the pain will be constant and will eventually move to the back of the head. In addition, nausea, vision problems and other unpleasant symptoms may appear.

The development of osteochondrosis is gradual. It is divided into three stages:

  1. No symptoms. The pain is unnoticeable and therapy is not needed. Sometimes you may experience discomfort in the back area.
  2. Vertebral displacement. The patient experiences discomfort in the back and spine. The general condition is characterized by fatigue. At this stage, the disease is treatable. Drugs based on NSAIDs, muscle relaxants, chondroprotectors and other drugs help.
  3. The last stage is characterized by disc rupture with further deformation of the spine. The nerve roots also begin to become severely pinched. In this situation, pain in the base of the skull and neck will not go away without surgical intervention. The patient needs surgery.

If we talk about migraine, it appears due to a combination of a number of unfavorable factors. It manifests itself in the form of a headache. May be accompanied by other symptoms. For example, an unpleasant pulsation occurs in the back of the head, sensitivity to sounds and light increases, and the feeling of a lump in the throat increases. Separately, one can highlight such a symptom as a rapid increase in sensitivity if you press on certain places.

Hypertension is accompanied by squeezing pain, which usually manifests itself in the morning. In addition, a strong heaviness is felt in the head, the person begins to feel sick. Sudden changes in blood pressure can trigger vomiting. The heart rate also increases. Painful sensations intensify when turning or tilting the head.

Unpleasant sensations most often begin to bother you due to unhealthy blood circulation in the muscles and prolonged exposure to a draft. If we talk about myositis and myogelosis, then these diseases can begin to develop if you sleep in the wrong position. In a patient with myositis, the back of the head, shoulders or shoulder blades may be affected. With myogelosis, frequent dizziness and muscle tightness appear.

If the neck hurts in the back right at the base of the head, then the sensation most often occurs due to a sharp turn of the head, increased physical activity, hypothermia, etc. Painful sensations often accompany professional athletes. Similar pains also appear as a result of violations of the rules of healthy sleep. This is one of the main causes of pain. Separately, it is worth saying that such problems do not require serious therapy. They usually go away within a few days.

The sudden appearance of pain is a consequence of the development of an intervertebral hernia. Pain can also occur due to displacement of the cervical vertebrae. Typical symptoms are weakness in the arms.

Occipital neuralgia is accompanied by severe pain. They appear due to pinching of nerves by intervertebral discs.

Another cause of severe pain in the cervical region is spondylosis, which is a degenerative disease. If you complain of a burning sensation in the neck or back of the head, then it is possible that this is due to the proliferation of vertebral bone tissue and the development of osteophytes. The amplitude and overall mobility of the head are also seriously limited. If you have pain between your neck and head and you try to forcefully turn your head, the pain will intensify. In some cases, heaviness radiates to the heart.

It is necessary to mention other diseases that can cause pain in the cervical spine. Painful sensations may be a consequence of sore throat. If you have suffered a severe illness, complications may arise. For example, cervical lymphadenitis. With it, a pathological process begins in which the lymph nodes are affected. With poor quality treatment of angina, these processes cannot be stopped.


If your back, neck hurts, or you feel dizzy, then you need to take this problem seriously and, if pathologies appear, urgently visit a neurologist, therapist or orthopedist. Treatment will relieve pain, relax neck muscles and eliminate provoking causes. Often, discomfort is relieved with painkillers, anti-inflammatory drugs and muscle relaxants.

If your neck hurts or you feel dizzy, what should you do? Doctors prescribe combination drugs with paracetamol and acetylsalicylic acid. These are “Askofen”, “Aquacitramon”, “Pamol”, “Perfalgan”. Paracetamol does not cause irritation of the gastric mucosa, but it is harmful to the liver in large quantities, and acetylsalicylic acid improves blood flow by reducing platelet aggregation, but stomach irritation may also occur.

If you feel dizzy or have a sore neck between the shoulder blades, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs may be prescribed. These are Ibuprofen and Diclofenac. These drugs eliminate pain caused by inflammation, but prolonged use can lead to gastritis, ulcers, and gastric bleeding.

Main reasons

If you feel dizzy, your back hurts and your neck cracks, then these symptoms should be taken very warily and seriously. The main causes of pain are:

  1. Systemic vascular pathologies (metabolic diseases (high blood pressure, atherosclerosis, diabetes), which lead to the accumulation of toxic substances, chronic drug or alcohol poisoning).
  2. Partial pathologies of the spine, which are caused by vertebral artery syndrome (impaired blood circulation in the vertebral regions during head rotation).
  3. Vegetative-vascular dystonia.
  4. Spinal and head injuries.
  5. Cervical osteochondrosis (a degenerative disease that affects the intervertebral discs between the shoulder blades).

In the presence of these pathologies, in addition to painful sensations, irritability appears, memory is impaired, a feeling of fear, insomnia, a crunch in the neck, and dizziness appear. If your shoulders, neck hurt and you feel dizzy, then the etiology of the disease can be different. Therefore, to accurately determine the diagnosis, you need to seek help from a doctor.

Other effective remedies

In addition to medications, recovery comes from physiotherapy and reflexology. Massage and manual therapy have beneficial effects. The method of exposure should be chosen by a doctor, since the causes of pain may require different therapy.

If your neck hurts, you feel dizzy, or feel nauseous, choose reflexology methods:

  • acupuncture;
  • pharmacopuncture;
  • vacuum therapy.

After pain has been reduced, recommendations for physical therapy and exercise are provided. The effectiveness of therapy depends on an individual approach and complementary treatment procedures.

Treatment options

If your head and neck begin to hurt, then these symptoms must be taken seriously and, when any pathological processes appear, seek help from an orthopedist, surgeon or neurologist as quickly as possible.

Treatment is primarily aimed at relieving pain, muscle spasms and getting rid of provoking factors. As a rule, pain is reduced through the use of muscle relaxants, anti-inflammatory and painkillers.

Combination drugs based on acetylsalicylic acid and paracetamol (Aquacitramon, Askofen, Perfalgan, Pamol) are used as first-line painkillers. Paracetamol does not irritate the gastric mucosa, but in significant dosages it has a negative effect on the liver, and acetylsalicylic acid improves blood circulation by reducing platelet aggregation, but can cause gastrointestinal irritation.

Second-line drugs include anti-inflammatory non-steroidal drugs such as Diclofenac and Ibuprofen. These drugs perfectly relieve pain associated with the inflammatory process, but their prolonged use can lead to the development of ulcers and gastritis, as well as internal bleeding.

In addition to medications, reflexology and physiotherapy can contribute to a quick recovery; manual therapy and massage can have a positive result. When treating pathologies, it is preferable to use reflexology: manual therapy, acupuncture, pharmacopuncture, vacuum therapy. After reducing pain, the doctor develops special exercises for physical therapy at home.

Treatment must necessarily be based on an individual approach and a combination of complementary therapeutic measures.

Exercise therapy and massage

Physiotherapists and massage therapists help eliminate pain in the back of the head. Electrophoresis can improve blood flow in tired muscles. A warming massage also relieves discomfort. When pain occurs due to osteochondrosis, physical therapy helps.

To relieve pain, you need to stretch and relax the neck muscles:

  1. You must sit on a hard seat with a backrest, but do not touch it with your back.
  2. You need to take your head in your palms, pressing a little with your thumbs on the cheekbones, and with the other on the back of your head.
  3. With your head tilted back, you need to apply a little pressure with your fingers.
  4. You need to stay in this position for about 6 seconds, and then relax and touch the back.
  5. The exercise is performed several times.

Chiropractors allow you to relax your back muscles. If there is pain in the cervical spine or the back of the head, you need to get permission from your doctor to perform manual therapy. The specialist will prescribe the necessary vitamins and warming gels, which will speed up blood flow.

The appearance of dizziness

To identify the causes of dizziness, you need to know how the cervical spine is structured. It is in this part of the vertebrae that the largest ligament of blood vessels is located, and the curvature of the spinal column begins to lead to their weak pressing. As a result, the deformation causes a change in intracranial pressure, which leads to the development of a painful syndrome in the neck muscles.

In addition to the characteristic symptoms, redness of the eyes, increased weather sensitivity, nosebleeds, swelling of the eyelids, and the possible development of myositis with the possibility of their transition to the chronic stage may be observed.

Additional symptoms may include:

  • irradiation of pain to the upper extremities;
  • the appearance of a lump on the VII vertebra;
  • muscle spasms in the shoulder region.

  • irradiation of pain to the upper extremities;
  • the appearance of a lump on the VII vertebra;
  • muscle spasms in the shoulder region.

Probable causes of neck pain, in addition to the development of deformation pathologies, may be abnormal mobility of the vertebrae in the cervical region, trauma, arthrosis, and vertebral artery syndrome.

Osteochondrosis is considered one of the most common causes of dizziness due to pain in the neck. Factors that provoke this condition may be hypothermia, significant physical stress, monotonous posture for a long time, or injury.

A characteristic symptom of osteochondrosis is dizziness in the morning, which can last the whole day. In addition to dizziness, this disease is accompanied by some other symptoms: a feeling of weakness, headache, drowsiness, lethargy, impaired sensitivity in the hands, deterioration in the functioning of the visual or auditory system, a crunch in the neck, vomiting, and increased sweating.

Dangerous symptoms

Some signs require special attention. This applies to:

  1. Intense “thundering” pain, which may indicate a cerebral hemorrhage.
  2. For the first time, strong compression appeared in the back of the head. This may be a symptom of an intracranial tumor or temporal arteritis.
  3. Increasing sensations over 2-3 weeks resulting from large brain tumors.
  4. Noticeable disturbances in consciousness.
  5. Unexpected unusual pain during physical activity that increases intracranial pressure.

It is not possible to make a diagnosis on your own. It is better to consult a doctor if unusual symptoms appear. This way, the causes will be identified and effective treatment will be prescribed.

Folk recipes

Treatment of dizziness with herbs allows you to relieve mild symptoms and, in combination with medications, speeds up the process of complete recovery from the disease. For example, symptoms may appear in women during menstruation, as well as during malfunctions associated with menopause or hormonal imbalance. This is where traditional medicine can help. Recipes are based on the use of lemon balm or mint.

You need to add valerian root to fresh leaves (approximately 12-20 grams per 0.5 liters of water). All this must be boiled over low heat for half an hour, and then add 20 grams of instant coffee or green tea to this composition. The cooled and expressed drink should be consumed on an empty stomach, 2 tsp. 3 times daily.

Herbs such as ginger root and lemon balm can also help relieve dizziness. It is necessary to grind the root to a powder state and take 0.5 tsp. with warm water 3 times a day. You can add 4 tsp to a cup. lemon balm, but in this case it is recommended to let the broth sit for at least half an hour.

Many recipes for treatment using traditional medicine are based on the use of oregano. The plant should be taken in brewed form - approximately 4 tsp. on a thermos. The herb is poured with boiling water before going to bed and the infusion is taken 4 times the next day. Treatment is designed for 2-3 weeks, after a break.

Herbal remedies are universal remedies during treatment. You can combine lemon balm, valerian and chamomile by adding 1 tbsp. l. honey and 1 tbsp. l. vinegar, pour boiling water over the mixture and let it brew overnight. It must be consumed half an hour before meals - the duration of treatment is 14 days. This composition can be used to make compresses, but in this case there is no need to add honey.


An important point in the prevention of ailments that cause neck pain and dizziness is the development and use of correct movements. But experts recommend adhering to a number of preventive measures:

  1. It is necessary to avoid sudden movements when bending the body.
  2. Periodically (every half hour) you need to change the position of the body while maintaining a monotonous position for a long time.
  3. It is necessary to maintain correct posture.
  4. Avoid overstraining the intervertebral discs.
  5. You should not lift weights exceeding 10 kg.
  6. You should develop a habit of physical exercise that strengthens your back muscles.
  7. When lifting heavy objects, a special corset is used.
  8. The natural physiological curves of the spine should be preserved.
  9. Avoid overcooling and creating drafts in the room.
  10. Rational nutrition and hardening of the body are useful.

Performing gymnastics

It is prohibited to perform gymnastic exercises during an exacerbation of diseases; this can only worsen your well-being. When the relapse subsides, you should perform a series of manipulations that will help relieve dizziness. It is useful to do stretching exercises.

It is appropriate to perform slow turns. At the same time, as you exhale in different directions, you need to hold your head for a short time. You need to do the exercise up to 15 times in each direction. Such exercises will help patients with initial symptoms of the disease, as well as people who still have unexpressed dizziness.


  1. Basilar form of migraine. During an attack, the vessels of the brain suffer the most - spasm of cerebral vessels occurs, followed by progression of cerebral ischemia, which provokes disorders of the vestibular apparatus. The back of the head suddenly begins to hurt severely; the attack may be accompanied by dizziness and short-term loss of consciousness.

  2. Cervical form of migraine. Diagnosed in patients with a history of spondylosis and osteochondrosis. The attack is caused by tension in the muscular cervical apparatus and a sharp turn of the body. Cervical migraine is determined by a set of characteristic symptoms: pressure in the occipital segment, vestibular, visual, and auditory disturbances.

  3. Tension headache. There are chronic and episodic forms. Mental disorders, including depression, play a priority role in the pathogenesis. Localization is bilateral - the back of the head and neck hurt, dizziness, fatigue, irritability, loss of appetite, and anxiety are observed.

  4. Vascular. Causes: fluctuations in vascular tone due to surges in blood pressure. In most hypertensive patients, there is no correlation between increased blood pressure and pain. Heaviness in the occipital part of the head and dizziness are usually characterized by a hypertensive crisis, but in 30% of patients these symptoms indicate the presence of chronic hypertension or hypotension.

Diseases of the cervical spine:

  • Spondylosis: with spondylosis, cracks and tears develop in the cartilage discs, and as the pathology progresses, intervertebral hernias develop. The pain is dull, prolonged - the back of the head begins to press, the shoulders ache, the mobility of the cervical segment of the spinal column is limited;
  • Osteochondrosis: the disease is accompanied by moderate headaches, aggravated by movement and sudden turns of the body;
  • Myositis, causes of the disease: hypothermia, prolonged muscle tension, scoliosis or injury. This leads to tightening of the muscles - attempts to relax them provoke heaviness in the back of the head and slight dizziness;
  • Occipital neuralgia: sharp pain attacks radiating to the jaw, ears, neck. The intensity of sensations increases as the body turns.

Occipital neuralgia

This neurological condition is characterized by inflammation of the occipital nerves. Some people tend to think they are having a migraine attack because the symptoms are quite similar. But with neuralgia, there is so much pain in the back of the neck and skull, as if the person had been hit in this place.

Pain occurs when the occipital nerves, which exit the cervical spine at the level of C I-C IV vertebrae, are compressed. Damage to their roots is most often caused by osteophytes that grow during osteochondrosis. On the other hand, this disease leads to irritation of the nerves accompanying the vertebral vessels, causing vertebral artery syndrome.

Occipital neuralgia is characterized by pain along the greater occipital nerve (skin of the back of the head to the parietal part) and the lesser occipital nerve

The pain from neuralgia has a dull, aching character. Pain in the back of the neck “shoots out” suddenly, worsening when turning the head, sneezing or coughing, and radiates to the muscles of the upper back. To alleviate the condition, patients often hold their head still, slightly tilted backward or to the side.

With this position of the neck, consultation with specialists is required, since the picture of the disease is similar to cervical myositis or torticollis, which occurs when the subcortical nuclei are damaged.

In a child, torticollis can be diagnosed with tuberculosis in the second cervical vertebra or postpharyngeal lymph glands.

Why does my neck hurt on the left side?

Neuralgia of the occipital nerves can be determined by painful sensations at certain points. When pressed between the mastoid process of the temporal bone and the first cervical vertebra, pain occurs in the area innervated by the greater occipital nerve (skin of the occipital and parietal regions). When pressure is applied to the parietal tubercle, the area of ​​the lesser occipital nerve (the outer part of the occipital region) hurts. Also, with neuralgia, it hurts when palpating the area above the inflamed nerve, the sensation disappears after a local blockade.

With inflammation of the vertebral nerve associated with the vertebral artery (it runs in the canals of the transverse processes of the cervical vertebrae), a whole complex of symptoms is observed. This artery supplies blood to the cervical spine, its muscles and skin, and also nourishes parts of the brain - the brain stem and cerebellum. With a reflex spasm of the vessel, the patient feels pain in the neck at the base of the skull, radiating to the arms, throat, dizziness, and loss of vision and hearing.

Ibuprofen, Analgin, Diclofenac, Nimesulide, Ketorolac, Naproxen will help relieve pain in the neck. Also used in physiotherapy are electrophoresis with Novocaine and vitamin preparations.

As prescribed by a doctor, muscle relaxants, antipsychotics, anticonvulsants, and injections of steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs can be used.

Cause of pain

  1. Depression and stress. Long-term emotional stress impairs performance, causes drowsiness, anxiety, obsessive thoughts, worsens appetite and general condition. Pressure in the back of the head is episodic, the pain is moderate or mild, occurring at any time of the day.
  2. Traumatic brain injury. Post-traumatic pain begins 10-12 days after the injury. Acute ones are caused by hemorrhage, intracranial hematomas, brain contusion, vascular or inflammatory abnormalities, and damage to surface tissues. Chronic ones most often have a progressive course. The pain is localized in the occipital area, dull and pressing, and extremely rarely pulsating. They gain intensity in a standing position, in the morning, when moving, against a background of dizziness, intolerance to sound and light, and nausea.
  3. Brain tumors. Heaviness in the back of the head due to brain tumors (benign or malignant) can be blurred or pronounced. The pain is one-sided, slowly progressive, tending to occur after coughing, bending, or sleep. Over time, it increases and other disorders are added - vision, balance, coordination of movement, speech.
  4. Arnold-Chiari malformation. The cerebellum, due to the disproportionately small part of the skull, is forced, together with the spinal cord, to move downwards - to the upper segment of the spine, which leads to pain in the neck and back of the head, and dizziness. Due to impaired circulation of cerebrospinal fluid, it becomes difficult to turn the head, straighten or tilt the neck. Against this background, numbness of the hands, noise in the ears, difficulty urinating, and compression behind the sternum are observed.

Diagnosis and treatment

Before starting therapy, it is necessary to carry out diagnostic measures and establish the causes of pain in the back of the head and dizziness. Diagnostics includes studying the patient's history, complaints, neurological and general examination, obtaining detailed information about previous treatment and its effectiveness.

Primary headache

Treatment consists of two stages - pain relief and treatment of chronic forms. For isolated episodes, anxiolytics and simple analgesics are indicated; for chronic processes, muscle relaxants (baclofen) and antidepressants (amitriptyline) are indicated.

Non-drug therapy is also quite effective - manual therapy, physiotherapy, massage, phototherapy, acupuncture.

To quickly eliminate a migraine attack, sedalgin, paracetamol, pentalgin, dihydroergotamine preparations, imigran, naramig, zomig are used.

Secondary (symptomatic) headaches

Diagnostic criteria: the presence of clinical symptoms of the underlying disease, data from instrumental and laboratory studies that confirm the presence of this disease.

If a serious pathology is suspected, all third-party examinations are mandatory and additional studies are prescribed (radiography, electroencephalography, Doppler ultrasound, computed tomography) and consultations with specialized specialists.

Danger Signals

  • intense “thundering” pain is typical of a cerebral hemorrhage;
  • the first occurrence of strong compression in the occipital area may indicate an intracranial tumor or temporal arteritis;
  • unpleasant sensations that increase over 2-3 weeks can be triggered by a large brain tumor;
  • the presence of obvious disruptions in the sphere of consciousness (mental abnormalities, confusion, stupor);
  • the unexpected occurrence of unusual pain during physical activity that increases intracranial pressure may indicate the presence of a tumor process.


Heaviness in the back of the head is often the result of stress, mental or physical strain.

For prevention purposes, you should adhere to a diet with limited consumption of foods containing tyramine (citrus fruits, chocolate, red wine, cheese), reduce daily stress, perform regular massage of the collar area, take water procedures, and spend more time in the fresh air.

If episodes of severe headaches become regular and are not relieved by analgesics and other medications, you should consult a doctor to rule out oncology and potentially life-threatening diseases.

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