The child has a headache in the back of the head and vomiting

If a child complains of pain in the back of the head, then there are probably certain explanations. What to do in such a situation, what factors provoke discomfort, who to contact, why does pathology occur and how to treat it?

Painful manifestations at the back of the skull occur for all sorts of reasons. This may mean a harbinger of a serious disorder or as a result of prolonged sitting at lessons and a computer.


If we are talking about very young children, then we must take into account that even the most common cold will be a very serious condition for them. The fact is that the size of the nasal passages of small children is only a few millimeters. In the oral cavity of infants there is a rather large tongue, so the health of a very tiny baby must be treated with increased attention.

If we are talking about the classic disease of ARVI, then in this situation the child can continue to behave quite cheerfully for quite a long time. However, after some time, parents note that the child has a headache and a temperature of 38 degrees or more. If the fever rises and the baby experiences lethargy and drowsiness, then in this case we are talking about a fairly high fever.

In this case, it all depends on the specific situation. If a very tiny baby is in this condition, it is recommended to call an ambulance. If older children are ill, you can try to lower the temperature yourself. However, if all measures are ineffective, then you should also call a doctor.

What does vascular tone have to do with it?

A sedentary lifestyle is the scourge of modern children. Everything interesting for them is not on the street, but at home, in the kingdom of gadgets: mobile phones, laptops, computers. Is it any wonder that such a “clever guy” – with a lack of fresh air, movement and excessive strain on his eyesight – gets headaches regularly?

Pediatricians explain this by low vascular tone and give simple recipes for improving the health of school-age “sybarites”:

  • morning half-hour jog and cool shower;
  • a couple of hours on the football field or in the gym - after school.


The viral infection is seasonal. As a rule, children and adults suffer from this disease between December and March. As a rule, this virus causes a strong reaction of the body's protective functions. With the flu, severe intoxication occurs. Inflammatory agents begin to lead to severe headaches, weakness and drowsiness. This disease develops quite quickly.

As a rule, the first symptoms of the disease are observed already on the first day. Parents note that by the evening the child has a headache and a temperature of 38 degrees or more. Body aches and severe drowsiness appear. Symptoms such as cough, sore throat and runny nose are added only in the following days.


If a child has a fever and a headache, this may indicate the onset of a dangerous disease such as meningitis. It is caused by a bacterial or viral infection. Most often, meningitis occurs in winter, since it is at this time that bacteria and viruses multiply especially intensively.

Body temperature, as a rule, stays at 39 °C-40 °C. If treatment is started on time, the condition can be alleviated on the third day. This symptom is accompanied by lethargy, drowsiness and confusion.

Pneumonia and bronchitis

Such problems are much less common in children. As a rule, this occurs against the background of complications after serious viral infections. With bronchitis, inflammation of the bronchi occurs. In this case, their mucous membrane swells. This leads to active mucus production. At the same time, the epithelium works quite poorly, so it is quite difficult to get rid of the bacteria.

If we are talking about pneumonia, then in this case the lesions are localized in the lung tissue. As a rule, this pathology is caused by streptococci.

And if we talk about symptoms, they are similar for bronchitis and pneumonia. The child has a headache, a temperature of 38.5 or more, a cough with sputum, etc. However, with pneumonia, the baby’s condition will be more severe. The child refuses to play, stops eating and sleeps more.

You need to be very careful, as pneumonia can spread very quickly through the lungs. Therefore, it is necessary to immediately take your baby to a doctor who can diagnose the exact cause.

Diagnosis of pain in the back of the head in children

The occurrence of a symptom indicates the need for medical attention, regardless of the cause. Often the back of the head hurts systematically, indicating a disease. A comprehensive examination and subsequent therapy are required.

Initial diagnosis involves collecting anamnesis and studying symptoms. An external examination is carried out and motor reflexes are checked. Potential factors provoking cephalalgia (overexertion, stress, physical activity, nutritional disorders) are determined.

Subsequent diagnostics include the following procedures:

  • Temperature and blood pressure measurements
  • X-ray of the skull and spine
  • Tomography methods (CT, MRI)
  • Blood and urine tests
  • Lumbar puncture (as needed)
  • Electroencephalography

Diagnosis is carried out by a pediatrician. Further examination requires consultation with a neuropathologist, traumatologist, ophthalmologist, otolaryngologist, depending on the nature and causes of the pathology.

Gastrointestinal infections

It is worth considering that it is very difficult for parents to ensure that children do not introduce dirt into their bodies while playing or walking down the street. Children rarely take care of personal hygiene on their own. This is quite normal if at the age of 6-7 years a child does not keep his hands clean. This can lead to intestinal infections. In most cases, this phenomenon is considered normal, since such problems help the immune system to work more actively.

However, sometimes the baby introduces E. coli, salmonella or diarrhea virus into his body. To determine that a baby really has a gastrointestinal infection, you need to pay attention to the fact that the child has a high temperature and a headache. Additionally, the baby may begin to suffer from loose diarrhea, nausea and vomiting. At the same time, children refuse to eat. All this is a manifestation of bacterial and viral infections. Sometimes parents note that the child has a fever, headache and stomach ache.

If you do not start treatment in a timely manner and do not contact a specialist who will carry out diagnostics, then such a manifestation can lead to dehydration of the body. This condition is very dangerous for a child.

Preventive actions

To reduce the intensity of pain and prevent relapses, you must follow simple rules:

  • Organize a regular daily routine for children.
  • Monitor your baby's nutrition. Saturate the diet with microelements, plant fiber, and vitamins.
  • Regularly walk outdoors in any weather.
  • Protect the baby from emotional turmoil, stress, and overexertion.
  • Ventilate the children's room, do wet cleaning, maintain the required level of humidity.
  • Create a warm, comfortable atmosphere in the family.
  • Organize your child’s sports life, sign him up for a class, bring him to the pool.
  • Limit the time spent at the computer.
  • Actively participate in your child’s life and communicate with his friends.

If your child often complains of headaches, you should consult a neurologist. Children of seven years old are especially susceptible to spasms because they go to school, which changes their psycho-emotional state. First-graders must undergo a preventive examination and be observed by specialists. High intellectual loads are corrected by a doctor.

Inflammatory diseases

In this case, the sinuses, which are located in the bones of the skull, are affected. Almost all of these elements are connected to the nasal cavity. Irritation or inflammation appears in this area. This may cause the child to have a headache and a temperature of 38 or more.

Therefore, you should always treat a runny nose in a timely manner. Otherwise, the inflammation goes further into the sinuses. Against this background, sinusitis may develop. Children also sometimes suffer from sinusitis. In this case, we are talking about inflammation of the maxillary sinuses, which are located on the right and left sides of the nose. In this situation, you need to pay attention to additional symptoms. As a rule, with sinusitis, children behave very restlessly, and they also sleep more. Nasal discharge becomes darker and thicker.

The temperature also rises and the child has a severe headache.

Fever and pain as harbingers of illness

The condition when a child has a headache and the temperature rises to febrile levels is characteristic of an infectious disease. Let's call common infections that manifest themselves as fever and head pain in a child.

ARVI, flu

A respiratory viral infection called a “cold” in everyday life is easy to recognize. The child who “caught” it not only has a headache and a fever, but also exhibits a number of additional symptoms:

  • weakness;
  • muscle aches;
  • nasal discharge;
  • sore throat, coughing;
  • lacrimation;
  • discomfort in the nasopharynx.

Patients under 5 years of age may not complain about the deterioration of their condition, but simply be capricious. The little ones stop playing, refuse to eat, and rub their hands over their eyes, ears, and head. Sometimes foolish people pull their hair, thus trying to get rid of unpleasant pain.


This disease develops as a complication of untreated rhinitis or flu.

As a result, a purulent inflammatory process covers either the sinuses (sinusitis) or rises to the forehead (frontitis).

The pathology is characterized by:

  • thick, yellow-green nasal discharge;
  • complete congestion of the nasal passages;
  • severe headache, aggravated by sudden movements, bending, touching;
  • heaviness in the facial and frontal areas;
  • the child has a temperature of 38 °C or higher;
  • drowsiness, fatigue, photophobia.


The inflammatory process is localized in the membranes of the brain. A deadly pathology is characterized by a pronounced clinical picture:

  • temperature 39 °C;
  • excruciating pain in the head, neck, back;
  • fainting;
  • altered consciousness: auditory, visual hallucinations.

Sometimes young patients may not have the listed signs at the onset of the disease. But the baby’s weakness and irritability will not escape the attentive parent’s eye.

The following deviations threaten children with increased emotional vulnerability:

  • migraine: characterized by throbbing pain localized on one side of the head; causes nausea, photophobia, irritability; there are no changes in the thermal regime of the body;
  • thermoneurosis: often diagnosed in adolescents, occurs at a temperature of 37.5 °C and above; The trigger is nervous overstrain or trauma to the skull.

In such cases, you will definitely need to consult a neurologist.

This problem is typical for childhood. In statistical reports, UTI ranks second after ARVI. The disease is initially asymptomatic, occasionally manifesting itself as hyperthermia.

The pathological process develops rapidly, spreading from the urinary tract to the kidneys. If left to chance, a UTI may result in the development of pyelonephritis and kidney failure.


When intoxicated, the child has a severe headache, nausea, flatulence, stomach cramps, diarrhea and vomiting.

With frequent attacks of diarrhea and vomiting, dehydration occurs. High temperature is accompanied by chills, weakness, and dizziness.


The presence of cancer cells is indicated by a severe headache with nausea accompanied by an elevated temperature. Dizziness and fainting occur periodically; loss of appetite leads to exhaustion. Painful manifestations are characterized by intensity and persistence throughout the month.

Why do fever and headache accompany these pathologies? Neurologists have identified an area in the brain responsible for the self-regulation of our health - the hypothalamus. When biochemical disturbances occur in the body, it becomes activated and mobilizes the immune system. The temperature rises and the body gets rid of risk factors:

  • malignant cells;
  • breakdown products arising during metabolism;
  • toxic substances released by pathogenic microbes, viruses and parasites;
  • excess hormones.

The processes of thermoregulation occur the more successfully, the stronger the immune defense.

Self-diagnosis of sinusitis

In order to try to carry out diagnostic measures at home, you need to be very careful not to harm the child. You need to gently press the cheek bone on the child's face. It is in this area that the sinuses are located. If the pain increases during palpation, then in this case we are definitely talking about the fact that the child is suffering from sinusitis or other inflammatory processes that occur in the nasal sinuses.

In such a situation, it is recommended to seek help from a specialist. In some cases, even surgical intervention (puncture) may be required.


Most often, the disease affects young children, is extremely dangerous and, in the absence of immediate treatment, can lead to death!
This serious disease is caused by the bacterium Neisseria meningitis. The duration of the disease before the development of symptoms is 1-6 days, as a rule, the first symptoms appear after 3-4 days.

Risk groups include children, adolescents and people with weakened immune systems. Children who go to school often get sick, but meningococcus spreads even among teenagers at discos and through closer contact, for example, a kiss.

Complications include inflammation of the pericardium and heart muscle, and sometimes joints. Meningococcus, like meningitis, is accompanied by high fever, sepsis can lead to shock and ultimately death.

The disease can lead to damage to muscles, connective tissue and skin, and even hearing loss. In rare cases, neurological complications such as paralysis or epilepsy also occur.

Prevention is very important, the basis is vaccination, which, however, does not show effectiveness against type B. Vaccination can be carried out for children aged 2 months, adolescents and adults.


Children spend a lot of time in the sun, which is why they often experience overheating. Heatstroke occurs almost exactly the same way as sunstroke, only without exposure to direct sunlight. It is worth noting that children have different metabolisms. Babies are much more sensitive, so they are more sensitive to any changes in the environment.

If the temperature outside has risen, the child, even being in the shade, may begin to feel unwell. This is explained by the fact that the baby’s body is under severe stress due to environmental changes. Metabolic processes are disrupted and blood vessels dilate. This leads to the child vomiting, a headache and a significant rise in temperature.

In this state, the accumulation of harmful substances and radicals occurs. Therefore, if a child’s face is very flushed on a hot day, this is the first sign of heatstroke. If he also starts having convulsions, he should immediately call an ambulance.

When you need a doctor

What to do if you cannot discern the cause behind the symptoms that gave rise to them? The answer to this question is obvious: you need to consult a doctor. There are three moments when a meeting between a young patient and a doctor cannot be avoided:

  • if improvement is not achieved on the 3rd day of self-medication;
  • if on the 5th day the thermometer did not show the normal temperature;
  • if the temperature (even slightly) has increased in a child under one year old.

It is difficult for parents to connect the “alarm bells” of the child’s body into a single clinical picture. Only a person in a white coat is able to notice and analyze the entire complex of deviations. Any incomprehensible situation should be a reason to turn to him.

Brain disease

This pathology is much less common in young children. However, some are diagnosed with meningitis and encephalitis. These diseases are considered one of the most dangerous, as they quickly affect the human brain.

When meningitis develops, the child has a headache and a temperature of 37.8 or higher. If he gets worse too quickly and the fever exceeds 40 degrees, then an urgent need to call a team of doctors. If a baby suffers from meningitis, there is a risk of even death, so immediate measures must be taken. It is also worth noting additional symptoms of the disease. Usually the baby tries to cover himself with a blanket and tucks his legs under him. Young patients also suffer from nausea and vomiting.

Headache and vomiting in a child: reasons why the head hurts, the baby vomits and the temperature rises

A healthy child is the greatest happiness for parents. Unfortunately, all children get sick sometimes. Most childhood illnesses are mild and without consequences.

However, there are also cases in which untimely medical care can cost the life of a small patient.

Therefore, parents need to be well aware of the dangerous symptoms in order to act clearly and correctly in a critical situation.

Reasons why your head hurts

If a child has a headache, this may alarm parents, however, only in 20% of cases, according to statistics, this ailment has serious causes.

When vomiting is associated with a headache, the child must be shown to a doctor.

Perhaps the baby was simply overtired or walked in the sun for a long time, but there are also very serious diseases with such symptoms.


Not only women of reproductive age suffer from migraines; sometimes this scourge is inherited and manifests itself in a child. If puberty has not yet occurred, then migraine occurs regardless of gender.

Reference. There are statistics according to which about 5% of the child population suffers from migraines.

Migraine is characterized by sharp throbbing pain from one of the hemispheres. During the next attack, the head may hurt on the other side. The pain is concentrated at the temples and in the frontal region. During an attack, it is difficult for a child to tolerate sharp sounds and smells, bright light, and may also feel nauseous. Moreover, if vomiting occurs, the patient feels better and manages to fall asleep.

Viral diseases

When affected by viral infections (ARVI, influenza, etc.), intoxication of the body occurs. As a result, headache and vomiting occur.

Waste products from pathogens enter the child’s bloodstream and cause a deterioration in overall health. In this case, the body temperature usually rises, appetite disappears, and the child feels weak and uncomfortable.

In this case, you can get rid of unpleasant symptoms only by destroying the pathogens.

Concussions and head injuries

Children, due to their activity, often experience injuries, including head injuries.

It is clear that it will not be possible to protect the baby from all the bumps and abrasions, but if he hits his head, this requires some attention.

If a child hits his head and suddenly loses consciousness, an ambulance should be called immediately.

It may also be that complaints of poor health appear a few hours after the fall. Headache at the site of impact, nausea and vomiting, tinnitus, pain when moving the pupils and lack of appetite may be signs of a concussion. The child must be examined by a doctor.

Brain tumors

The formation and growth of pathological cells in the brain is one of the most common types of oncology in childhood (approximately 15-20% of all cases). Timely diagnosis and correctly chosen treatment are the basis for a favorable outcome for the child’s life.

Important. Even benign tumors, when growing, compress brain tissue, disrupting blood flow, which leads to serious problems (problems with hearing, vision, coordination, mental changes, etc.).

There are a number of features that should alert parents:

  1. Periodic headaches occur at night and in the morning;
  2. Vomiting begins suddenly , like a fountain;
  3. Coordination of movements is impaired , gait becomes uncertain;
  4. Vision may deteriorate;
  5. The child becomes nervous and capricious ;
  6. There is weight loss .

Any of the above symptoms is a reason for a mandatory visit to the doctor and further examination.


Fluid deficiency in the body is a very dangerous condition that leads to disruption of metabolic processes.

If appropriate measures are not taken, at a certain stage the violations become irreversible and can lead to death.

The following signs indicate that a child has become dehydrated:

  1. Rare urination, urine has a dark color and a pungent odor;
  2. Crying without tears;
  3. Dry tongue, mouth;
  4. Retraction of the fontanelle in children under one year of age;
  5. No sweat;
  6. Lethargy, drowsiness.

In such a situation, you need to take immediate action without waiting for the doctor. The most famous drug for rehydration, Regidron, must be in your home medicine cabinet. You can prepare the solution yourself. For 1 liter of boiled water you will need:

  1. Half a teaspoon of salt;
  2. Half a teaspoon of soda;
  3. 4 tablespoons sugar;
  4. Half a teaspoon of sodium chloride.

In order not to further provoke vomiting, the baby should be given food in small portions, but very often. In especially severe cases, a dropper is used.


Meningitis rash

Inflammation of the membranes of the brain is a terrible diagnosis.

Even if treatment is started on time, no one can guarantee recovery.

However, the probability of a favorable outcome will be much higher than in the case of a missed moment.

Therefore, every parent should know the characteristic symptoms of meningitis:

  1. The child has such a headache that he is even afraid to move so as not to make it worse;
  2. The child constantly vomits profusely, but his condition does not improve;
  3. Increased tone of the occipital muscles;
  4. The baby takes a characteristic pose: head thrown back and knees tucked to the chest;
  5. At the initial stage of the disease, a characteristic rash already appears;
  6. As the disease progresses, confusion occurs.

At the slightest suspicion of meningitis, you need to act quickly. The child must be urgently taken to the hospital for an inpatient examination and, if necessary, comprehensive treatment.

Stomach and intestinal diseases

If a child complains of abdominal pain, bloating, loose stools and diarrhea, then most likely the infection is in the gastrointestinal tract. In this case, the patient may also suffer from headache, nausea and vomiting. Often in such cases the body temperature rises. If adequate medical care is not provided in a timely manner, the consequences can be serious.


Another extremely dangerous disease that causes a child to have a headache and vomit is inflammation of the brain. This dangerous condition occurs most often in children. The blood-brain barrier has not yet formed in their body, and the infection can easily penetrate the brain.

Important! Encephalitis can manifest itself as a complication after a viral infection, so-called secondary encephalitis. Despite the acute clinical picture, the outcome in this case is almost always favorable.

The following symptoms are characteristic of encephalitis:

  1. Severe intoxication of the body appears, body temperature rises, sometimes up to 41°C;
  2. Severe headache not relieved by analgesics;
  3. Frequent vomiting occurs without gastrointestinal upset and does not bring relief;
  4. Consciousness is impaired, visual and auditory hallucinations may occur;
  5. Coordination is impaired and convulsions may begin.

If the child is not provided with timely medical attention, he may fall into a coma. The main method for diagnosing encephalitis is lumbar puncture, which allows you to determine the causes of the disease and begin effective treatment.


Persistent headaches and profuse vomiting may result from food or toxic poisoning.

After the poison enters the body, the clinical picture develops quickly:

  1. Nausea;
  2. Vomit;
  3. Abdominal pain;
  4. Your temperature may rise;
  5. Lost appetite.

Headache appears as a response of the body to the action of toxic substances. A characteristic feature of this condition is that vomiting brings relief, so gastric lavage is the best first aid method.


An extremely serious and contagious infectious disease that affects children under 6 years of age. In addition to the fact that the child has a headache, the temperature also rises, there is a sore throat, cough, mucus discharge from the nose, weakness, and lethargy. Medical assistance must be provided urgently and in full.

Reference. The mortality rate from polio is 14%. Children who survive often remain disabled.

How to give first aid

Headache combined with vomiting are alarming symptoms that require mandatory examination by a doctor.

The child should be shown to a pediatrician, who, if necessary, will refer him to a specialist.

If the patient's condition is serious, it is necessary to call an ambulance.

Before providing medical assistance you should:

  1. Provide the patient with bed rest;
  2. Lay on your side to prevent choking on vomit;
  3. Give plenty of water, avoiding dehydration;
  4. Provide fresh air whenever possible;
  5. Eliminate bright lights, harsh sounds and other irritants;
  6. In case of high fever, give an antipyretic drug for children based on paracetamol and/or ibuprofen;
  7. If a child is clearly poisoned, gastric lavage should be done as soon as possible so that toxic substances do not have time to enter the blood.

Before being examined by a doctor, antibiotics, painkillers and anti-inflammatory drugs should not be given. Until the diagnosis is clarified, you should also refrain from using folk remedies.

Disease Prevention

Given the severity of these symptoms, any parent understands that it is worth taking all possible measures to prevent the causes of their occurrence.

What can and should be done:

  1. timely vaccination against polio and viral diseases that are dangerous due to their complications (measles, rubella, chickenpox, influenza, etc.);
  2. Provide the child with healthy and nutritious nutrition ;
  3. Protect children from contact with any toxic substances, and for older children, provide instructions and explain the dangers of toxic substances entering the body;
  4. Monitor the child’s daily routine and activity to avoid overwork, injuries and other troubles;
  5. Maintain drinking regime , avoid dehydration;
  6. Teach your child to observe the rules and regulations of personal hygiene , which will be an excellent prevention of infectious diseases.

Of course, it is impossible to avoid all the troubles associated with children's illnesses. But parents can reduce the risk of dangerous situations. Even by taking only the most necessary measures, you can protect your baby from serious illnesses.

You should never neglect medical help and rely only on your own experience and knowledge. In case of illness of a child, it is always better to play it safe and show him to a specialist.

on this topic:


Poisoning by poisons

Kids often taste everything. This is why poisoning is the most common problem faced by children. They may accidentally ingest a pill, dish soap, or other chemicals. This can lead to fatal consequences. It is also worth paying attention to the fact that severe headaches and fever in a child can cause carbon monoxide poisoning or poisons.

What should you pay attention to?

Headache occurs due to spasm of cerebral vessels, or weakening of their tone due to poor environment, poor nutrition, hereditary factors and excessive use of gadgets.

Vivid emotions, reinforced by tension after watching a video on a tablet or PC, provoke dizziness in preschoolers, which is accompanied by nausea or even vomiting. But this is one side of the coin. This malaise is eliminated due to minimal “communication” of the child with electronic toys and normalization of the environment.

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