Male psychopath: signs, behavioral characteristics, danger

Psychopathy develops against the background of dysfunctions of the nervous system. With this pathology, the patient’s behavior differs from the rules accepted in society.

Psychopaths lack many of the human feelings: empathy, gratitude, compassion. But due to his developed intellect, the patient successfully portrays the necessary emotions.

Timely identification of psychopathy, the signs of which in men are manifested primarily by emotional instability, will help protect oneself from a person suffering from manic states.

What is psychopathy

In modern medical literature, the term “psychopathy” is not used. It was replaced by the concept of “personality disorder”. It was proposed to abandon the outdated terminology due to the fact that this name is negative.

Psychopaths lack many of the human feelings: empathy, gratitude, sympathy

Psychopathy is a personality abnormality. With this disease, the behavior of the sick person changes depending on the form of the disorder.

With psychopathy, there are no symptoms of brain damage, which indicates that the patient has developed intelligence. Psychopaths are primarily selfish, for whom it is important to be the center of attention. In such individuals, leadership qualities coexist with emotional imbalance.

Experts cannot definitively answer whether personality disorder is a mental illness. They evaluate this state as the line between a pathological state of mind and a healthy one.

But psychologists clearly agree on one thing - this condition requires treatment.

How to behave as a woman with a psychopathic husband

A person with a personality disorder seeks to emotionally destroy his victim.

In this regard, you need to know how to protect yourself from a psychopath and how to behave correctly with him:

  • At the first manifestation of reproaches or nagging from a sick person, it is better for a woman to pretend to be very busy. In moments of exacerbation with such people, it is important to keep a distance.
  • Convey information to your loved ones and friends that your “beloved” man has a personality disorder. You definitely need to create your own support group.
  • He is wary of any behavior of a man.
  • Don't take your psychopathic husband's word for it. All information received from him must be analyzed and verified.
  • If a sick person is prone to violence, it is worth coming up with an “exit plan.” Learn the phone numbers of loved ones who can help in an emergency. It won’t hurt to have a spare mobile phone, the existence of which no one will know. Spare house and car keys should always be on hand.
  • It is important to maintain financial independence or, secretly from the sick person, open a personal bank account in case of escape.
  • When dealing with a psychopath, it is important to remain steadfast. The decision made must be firm and irrevocable.
  • Any information should be conveyed to a psychopathic husband in a calm, quiet, but firm voice. He must understand that no manipulation will work.
  • In response to the attacks of a psychopath, you should not show irritation and fear. He should see calm and confidence even when a person is very frightened.
  • Be careful when sharing information about a breakup. It is better to do this in the presence of a stranger. Typically, the victim's attempts to break off the relationship are perceived by the psychopath with aggression and rage.

Signs of destructive behavior

Men with this disorder are charming and easily charm the fair sex, so recognizing a psychopath is very difficult.
When communicating with a woman, he shows originality and romance, and can maintain an interesting conversation on various topics due to his high intelligence and erudition. A psychopath lures the victim into an emotional trap and captivates her. The girl is subjugated and does not notice the obvious signs that are inherent in relationships with such individuals.

Constant lies

A psychopath looks for excuses even in cases where lying can be avoided. At first, the partner does not attach any importance to this; it seems to her that he is only lying about little things. But gradually the scale of lies becomes larger, which involuntarily makes even the most loyal woman think.

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Openly accusing a psycho of deception will not affect him in any way: he will not repent and will not even pretend to be. Any attempt on the part of a woman to sort things out is met with demonstrative resentment and even aggression. He builds a scheme of deception in such a way that the truth will soon be revealed. When this happens, he enjoys the helpless position of his girlfriend and his own impunity.

Outbursts of jealousy

Another distinctive feature of these men is their possessive instinct, a manifestation of groundless jealousy associated with aggression. This is one of his manipulation tools.

Jealousy can manifest itself on the first date. At first she pleases the girl: “He really fell in love with me, he doesn’t want to share me with anyone!” But to perceive this as a manifestation of love is a deep mistake that can cost several years of peace.

Jealousy without reason is a sign of psychopathy. Having noticed this at least once, you need to seriously think about the advisability of continuing to communicate with a jealous person.

Uncontrolled aggression

A psychopath often behaves aggressively, shows violent reactions over trifles, and does not know how to control his anger. The trigger, followed by an outburst of rage, can be annoying sounds, incorrectly folded towels in the chest of drawers, or over-salted soup. Similar outbreaks are repeated with varying frequency, but the scenario is the same.

First comes irritation. The guy may be silent, but he shows dissatisfaction non-verbally: he abruptly shifts things, moves quickly. Gradually, irritation turns into rage, he raises his voice. When anger reaches its climax, physical force can be used. Psychopaths often begin to beat their partners at an early stage in the development of relationships.

Playing for the public

Duplicity is a characteristic feature of psychopaths.
Negative manifestations of his character are usually expressed alone with his partner. His behavior with the people around him is very different: he creates the image of a nice guy, a neighbor, an employee. In public he shows tenderness and care for his friend, gives her expensive gifts and romantic gestures. All this is carried out with maximum show effect: serenades at 3 am in the yard, delivery of a bouquet of roses to work, etc. If a woman begins to complain about a man, her acquaintances take his side, considering this a slander against a good person, black ingratitude.

Causes of psychopathy

Statistics indicate that 2% of the world's inhabitants suffer from psychopathy. Of the total number of patients, the male part of the population accounts for 80% of the sick.

If a wife wants to leave her psychopathic partner, she should not succumb to feelings of guilt.

At the same time, people with personality disorders are often very successful and occupy leadership positions. Doctors cannot name the exact cause of the development of the disease.

But risk factors include:

  • birth injuries;
  • heredity;
  • infectious diseases suffered in childhood;
  • the occurrence of hypoxia during intrauterine development;
  • excessive care of loved ones;
  • psychological shock at an early age;
  • long stay away from family or upbringing in a government institution;
  • unfavorable environmental conditions;
  • lack of attention.

Experts agree that psychopaths often grow up in single-parent families. These reasons are not obligatory factors in the development of a personality disorder. But their presence can give impetus to this.

Prevalence of the disease

According to statistics, 1-2% of the world's population suffers from psychopathy. Moreover, 80% of such patients are representatives of the stronger half of humanity.

Quite successful people in leadership positions often suffer from psychopathy. Of the men in prison, pathology was detected in 1/3 of their total number.

Approximately 10% of the population exhibits psychopathic forms of behavior. They can also harm others. However, there are clearly insufficient grounds to make a clinical diagnosis in these cases.

Types, forms and types of psychopathy

The world medical community has established a classification of psychopathy. There are 5 main types of disorders. Each type is endowed with characteristic features.

Hysterical psychopath

A person with hysterical disorder strives for recognition of himself as an individual and, in connection with this, demonstrates to others his superiority and importance.

Such people introduce notes of theatricality into their behavior: they gesticulate strongly, sob uncontrollably, and enthusiastically hug.

They are also characterized by a pathological form of lying. Psychopaths of this type are extremely infantile and strive to be the center of attention. A striking example of this type is the comic book character Harvey Dent.

Schizoid psychopath

A distinctive feature of this “category” of people is vulnerability. At the same time, patients with schizoid disorder are despotic. They have a pronounced pedantry.

They are hostile to their social environment. They have a complete lack of empathy. Dr. Mengele was a schizoid psychopath who experimented on people in Auschwitz.

Paranoid psychopath

Paranoid people set super-goals for themselves.

A distinctive feature of a schizoid psychopath is vulnerability

Their distinctive features:

  • high egocentrism;
  • limited interests;
  • narrowness of thinking;
  • high self-esteem;
  • excessive suspicion;
  • intense jealousy.

Patients with paranoid disorder constantly invent ill-wishers for themselves. An outstanding representative of this form of psychopathy is Adolf Hitler.

Asthenic psychopath

Individuals with this type of disorder experience:

  • increased anxiety;
  • sensitivity;
  • maladjustment;
  • timidity;
  • uncertainty.

Asthenics’ life plans are divorced from reality. They constantly exhibit obsessions and a passion for self-examination.

Dissocial psychopath

The patient exhibits persistent antisocial behavior, which manifests itself:

  • impulsiveness;
  • lack of guilt;
  • inability to maintain long-term close relationships;
  • aggressiveness;
  • lack of pitchfork strength.

Treatment of psychopathy

When the disorder is detected early (in adolescence), psychiatrists prescribe “treatment” in the form of social influence, paying special attention to family relationships and education at school.

Self-confidence is good, but the main thing here is the ability to soberly assess your qualities

Psychopathic men are hired in accordance with their mental make-up and level of intelligence.

Psychotherapeutic methods of treatment are simultaneously applied to the patient:

  • meditation;
  • frequent conversations;
  • auto-training;
  • hypnosis;
  • family therapy.

If necessary, patients are prescribed drug therapy.

The choice of medication depends on the form of psychopathy.

  • Hysterical individuals are recommended to take antidepressants and tranquilizers. Persons with weak emotional instability are prescribed herbal preparations (motherwort, valerian, St. John's wort).
  • Schizoid psychopaths are treated primarily with cognitive therapy. Drug correction makes no sense. They are recommended to take only sedatives.
  • Paranoid psychopaths are treated with tranquilizers and antipsychotics.
  • When treating dissocial psychopaths, it is recommended to take psychotropic drugs that relieve attacks of hysteria and aggression.
  • Asthenic psychopaths are prescribed antipsychotics , which help reduce the severity of obsessions.

Specialists resort to drug treatment only in exceptional cases. First of all, they try to cope with the personality disorder through psychotherapy.

Why psychopaths are considered consummate lovers

Men with personality disorders do not have feelings for women. But they can demonstrate them masterfully, showing fearlessness and self-confidence.

An ideal man appears before a woman, with whom she feels comfortable. The psychopathic partner, unlike his normal “brothers,” cannot stand time.

He closes the distance with lightning speed and immediately gets down to business. This behavior is perceived by a woman as proof of love.

Bouts of rage

Any little thing can provoke an outbreak of aggression in a psychopath. It could be a poorly prepared breakfast, a dirty glass, or sometimes just a woman’s good mood. Outbursts of anger follow the same pattern.

At first, the man simply raises his voice, and then gradually works himself up to rage. And when his anger reaches its highest point, in addition to words, physical strength begins to come into play.

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