How to behave so that a man will chase you: tricks and tips

Love rules our world. This great feeling makes our planet rotate. Each of us so wants big and pure love! We want to love and be loved. None of us wants to be alone and cry into our pillow at night. However, it’s no secret that finding love can be so difficult!

What to do if you met Him, but he doesn’t love you? Many modern women, regardless of their age and social status, are very concerned about the difficult question of how to make a man run after you.

You probably also passionately want Him to fall head over heels in love with you, otherwise you simply wouldn’t be reading this article.

Psychology of Taming: How to Make a Man Run after You

I am responsible for those I have tamed, but not for those who have become attached to me!
Irina Semina. 30 days in the life of a queen.

  • 1.Don't despair!
  • 2.Men love with their eyes
  • 3.The Snow Queen principle
  • 4.Common hobbies and interests
  • 5.Intimate compliments
  • 6.And what are the conclusions from all of the above?
  • Signs that a man likes you
  • Why is a man afraid of the woman he is in love with?
  • How to seduce a woman?
  • Signs that a guy likes you
  • How to determine if a man needs you?

Do not despair!

Even if He doesn’t reciprocate your feelings yet.
Wise people say that nothing is impossible in our life. We ourselves can change a lot, we just need to really want it. While we live on this Earth, we must desperately fight for our happiness. Today's cold ice of male indifference can be replaced tomorrow by the flame of true love. So, if you desperately type into a search engine “how to make a man chase a woman” and have long read all the existing books on psychology, then you will definitely be interested in this article.

How to attract a man into your life [Tips]

Tricks of female behavior.

Every woman has her own set of tricks that help her attract and keep a man's attention. The main thing is to be able to apply them so that they work in the right direction.

A touch of eroticism in clothes.

The main thing here is not to go too far, so as not to look vulgar. We must learn to emphasize the advantages of our own figure and hide the shortcomings. One girl has a complex about her wide hips. Another, due to the lack of a waist. But all this can be hidden with the right clothes, and also emphasize what you would like to show. But just remember that your clothes should make a man want to undress you, at least in his thoughts. He should fantasize about what is hidden behind a long skirt or a small neckline. And if you appear before him in a revealing outfit, then he will have nothing to dream about or guess about. But he will immediately decide that you are an accessible woman. And this is a big minus for you.

Add a little arrogance

Arrogance itself is not a very good quality. It relates more to pride. But if you take just a little bit of it and use it skillfully, you can achieve a lot. This behavior makes a man want to show his courage, strength, and prove that he is worthy of this woman. Just don't overdo it. If you see that a man is on your hook, then try to keep your distance from him for a while.

Find common interests.

This is exactly the point of contact that makes it possible to get closer. You need to find out what a man is interested in, understand his hobbies and, when the moment is right, talk to him about it. It’s even better if he himself wants to teach you or give a master class.

But there are times when your interests do not coincide at all. Then you need to look in his priorities for what suits you best. Perhaps it will be computer games, films or some dishes.

Learn to flirt

Some women have this naturally. But the rest have to learn this art. Read the information, learn to give non-verbal signals that demonstrate your sympathy for a man.

Intimate complement.

Such compliments should be voiced very carefully so that it does not look vulgar, but only adds spice to the conversation. Here you can speak ambiguously and be more mysterious. An intimate complement, voiced in a vulgar manner, can repel a man. In addition, he should not always hint at intimacy.

Keep your distance

Some women equate keeping your distance with being ignored. This is not true. The main trick here is to remain a mystery to the man. Don’t impose yourself on a man, don’t tell him everything about yourself. Give the man the opportunity to maintain his freedom and leave space for himself. A man will always remember such a lady.

Men love with their eyes

Go on dates with the man you want

The way our world works is that men like beautiful women. Today everyone is only interested in our cover. Even if you have at least three higher educations and a PhD in philosophy, few people will be interested in this. Take this fact into account, especially if you want to seduce a Cancer man and a Libra man. They value female sexuality and sensuality more than other zodiac signs.

Start preparing for a magical meeting with your destiny today. Put all your business aside. Open your closet and rethink your wardrobe. Throw away all the gray and black things. Get rid of shapeless hoodies and sweatpants. Go to a good stylist and update your hairstyle, get a fashionable manicure and pedicure. Then buy new perfume.

If you think that extra pounds don’t make you look good, then why don’t you go to the stadium or a fitness club? There you can exercise, improve your figure, and lose excess weight. You will see, you will become much slimmer and much younger. Always follow fashion. Buy only the most fashionable and high-quality items.

Forget about markets and second-hand shops. You want to attract the love of the best man in the world! Don't skimp on buying new shoes or lace underwear.


Love wearing high heels.
If you like sporty style, reconsider your views on fashion. High heels are a strong symbol of female sexuality. Believe me, no man can resist you if you leave the house in high heels. In simple terms, make yourself the lady on the cover of a glossy magazine.
You should always be dressed to the nines. Your makeup should be simply flawless. As Coco Chanel said, it is better to have a wrinkle on your forehead than on your stockings. This lady certainly knew a lot about fashion and men. Let's not argue with this style icon, but rather get our wardrobe in order. How to make a girl chase you?

How to behave on a first date?

According to statistics, more than 90% of relationships end on the first date, that is, before they even begin. This happens even if the partners are suitable for each other. Part of the reason is that not everyone really understands what they want from dating, as a result of which they cannot attract and interest a partner or keep his attention.

To interest a man, a woman must know several rules for a successful date:

  • It is important to immediately clarify for yourself and your interlocutor the purpose of the date: perhaps he needs a partner for one night, and you are counting on a long-term relationship. It happens that during a meeting a young man does not live up to expectations and causes disappointment. Often the first impression is wrong, and it is worth giving it a little more time to prove itself. If this does not help, it is better to immediately clarify the situation and save yourself the embarrassment.
  • A sense of proportion in behavior. It is important to avoid excessive theatricality and pretense of emotions - the young man will definitely feel insincerity. Trying to act free and casual will have the opposite effect if you remain constrained and constrained. This means that you should not behave too defiantly, or, conversely, too uptight. You need to relax and be natural. If you can’t calm down, you can tell your interlocutor that you are nervous so that he can help defuse the situation.
  • A sense of proportion in clothing: it should not be too flashy, characterize a woman’s style and have a touch of individuality. You should not strive for perfection, since slight negligence and naturalness can be more attractive to a guy than a polished appearance reminiscent of a model on the red carpet.
  • Nonverbal gestures. We should not forget that posture, position of hands, manner of movement - all this indicates a disposition towards the interlocutor. The location is caused by a straight posture (the back should not be tense), relaxed hands, a calm, sincere smile, a direct gaze, an even voice.
  • Flirting. This is a necessary element of a date if you do not want it to turn into a friendly meeting and nothing more. It is necessary to show your interest in your interlocutor as a man. You don’t need to be afraid to smile, allow yourself to be taken care of, or be able to be weak in order to make a man want to protect and take care of you. Let the guy feel that he is allowed to express himself, his strong masculine sides. You should remember about physical contact: it can be light, like accidental touches, or the need to lean on your hand to overcome an obstacle while walking.
  • Keeping the conversation going: the most important part of a date, without which all other points will be useless. Because it is communication that allows you to achieve mutual understanding, find out the views of your interlocutor and talk about your own. It is important not to forget to listen to the interlocutor and not to immerse yourself in philosophy: the conversation should be light and pleasant, its goal is to establish contact.

Important! On the first date, a man does not fall in love with the woman herself. He is attracted by how he feels next to this particular woman, the pleasure of communicating with her. If a man feels that the presence of a woman opens up a completely new state in him, inspires him, he will definitely be interested in making the next date take place, and as soon as possible.

The Snow Queen principle

All men like unapproachable beauties.
Even if you are ready to faint from the pleasant timbre of his voice, still do not outwardly show that you like him. Let your man always be at a loss, nervous and doubt your interest. Never call him first or send him an SMS, especially after the first date. Of course, you really want to pick up the phone and dial his number. It’s better to take your mind off thoughts about him and take up, for example, your favorite hobby. A man should not be sure whether you liked him or not. Let it be a kind of cat and mouse game. This turns them on and forces them to develop relationships. If you call him, he’ll quit, you’ll see!

For reference.

All men are passionate hunters by nature.
They are accustomed to independently achieving their prey, that is, a woman. Where have you seen the prey itself run after the hunter? It will look just funny if you start stalking your man and bombarding him with text messages. He will simply become bored and uninterested with you. He will avoid you, and then you will definitely not be able to achieve anything. Don't change the natural course of things. We didn’t come up with these rules, and it’s not up to us to change them. If you listen to the advice of a psychologist who recommends not to show interest, you can get an unexpected result. A man who just yesterday seemed very cold in communication will already come running today and ask you to meet.

According to the great Marilyn Monroe, if you want to be loved, run away.

Try to make your man see you as a mystery that he will want to solve again and again. Become a distant star for your loved one, for whom he will follow even to the ends of the earth!

Love, Men and Zodiac Signs

Features of attracting men

Features depend on the status in which the guy is in relation to the girl. This could be a husband, an ex-boyfriend, or a stranger. Each case has its own nuances.

If it's the husband

A stamp in a passport does not mean that a man will always be there. It all depends on how the spouse manages to improve her life, and whether the house will be cozy, quiet and peaceful. So that when a man comes after a hard day at work, he can completely relax.

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A woman, being a wife, should not stop caring about her appearance. A washed robe, curlers, and eternal masks on the face do not create a beautiful image. And the man hopes to see a stylish, well-groomed wife next to him.

Even after a long marriage, a wife should be able to listen to her husband, praise him for his exploits, and laugh at a good joke. It is important not to forget to say warm words, make affectionate gestures, kiss goodbye or when meeting, and then it will not be difficult to make your husband run after you.

You should be attentive to your husband's hobbies, even if fishing rods are constantly getting tangled under your feet, and tools can be found in the most unexpected places. It is worth taking an interest in work matters as well. Men are not averse to gossiping about their boss or colleagues while sitting in the kitchen over a mug of tea.

A sensitive, attentive spouse is highly valued in the eyes of the other half. Correct behavior and small tricks will make the husband run after his wife for many more years.

If it's an ex

Making your ex-boyfriend run after you immediately after a breakup is a completely solvable task. The feelings have not yet cooled down, and there is a real chance of reviving the relationship.

READ Male psychology in love and relationships: manifestations of differences

First, you need to determine the cause of the gap. And after finding out, work on mistakes and shortcomings. The reasons are as follows:

  1. Women behave selfishly. They demand increased attention to themselves without giving anything in return. It is unlikely that this state of affairs will suit the guy.
  2. Consumerism kills all feelings. Girls may demand expensive gifts, and young men are not always able to pay large bills. In such a situation, guys hear only reproaches addressed to them, and the desire to continue the relationship fades away.
  3. Jealousy out of nowhere drives not only the lady, but also her gentleman crazy. Life on a powder keg is not very tempting for a man.

If the breakup happened a long time ago, but there is still hope for a revival of feelings, then you can talk to the man, apologize for everything, even if he doesn’t really make contact. In any case, you need to make every effort and somehow still make your ex-boyfriend run after you.

If it's a stranger

If a girl likes an unfamiliar or unfamiliar man, then she needs to act carefully. It is necessary to find out what kind of person he is. Perhaps he is not at all as nice as he seemed when we met. You can chat with his friends, classmates, colleagues, and try to find mutual acquaintances. Knowing his first and last name, you should look for him on social networks.

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If the information received is quite satisfactory to the seductress, then you need to move on to searching for common interests. Perhaps he goes to the same pool, gym, or walks the dog in the evenings and goes for a run in the morning. A girl can appear in the same places as a guy. In a relaxed atmosphere, you can get to know him better and interest him. And using the advice of psychologists, bring what you started to a concrete result.

Common hobbies and interests

The man is always in touch

So, today you finally found out that your beloved man:

  • fisherman;
  • rocker;
  • tennis player;
  • biker;
  • programmer?

Then run to the sports store for a racket or storm forums and websites in search of thematic information related to his hobby!
And also some tips:

  1. Be sincerely interested in his favorite hobbies, interests and everyday interests. It's no secret that spending time together can truly bring a couple closer together. Understand that if you hate fishing, he can find a more accommodating lady who will happily get up with him at four in the morning to go to the pond.
  2. Never criticize his guitar playing, stamp collection, or beloved pug. After such attacks in his direction, you may never see him again.
  3. Men are extremely vulnerable and sensitive creatures. They can be easily frightened by a careless word or remark. Just show the man more of your sincere interest.
  4. Read sensible articles on the Internet about a specific hobby, buy your man something for his collection, or food for his beloved cat. Believe that he will soon see and appreciate all your aspirations. You will realize that he is also interested in you.

How to conquer an Aries man

How to get a guy to text first?

In order for a young man you like to take the first step in correspondence, you need to show a commonality of interests . This is easy to do by studying his page and joining interest groups where he is a member. You can leave a comment there or at least like his statements.

The guy will certainly be interested in a girl who shares his opinion. If the goal is to get him to write first after a real meeting, you can, as if by chance, forget your little thing - that’s the reason to write.

It is more difficult to get your loved one to take the first step after a quarrel. Since thoughts are material, you can think hard about a future message from him asking for reconciliation, falling asleep with the phone in your hands.

Intimate compliments


Praise his sexual abilities often. Extol its virtues, but do not talk about its shortcomings. A man is very worried and sometimes even doubts his attractiveness. Young guys are especially prone to this behavior.

Often tell him how divinely handsome he is and how sexy he is. Come up with different beautiful and original compliments to repeat in his ear every day. Let him feel like a real God of sex and a hot hero-lover next to you.

You can tell him the next morning, after a night spent together, that you have never felt so good. He will then, of course, want to hear it from you again and again. Men treat their appearance with trepidation and do not tolerate criticism.

Some men are a little childish and a little shy. Therefore, make him feel like the hero of an adult film next to you. Just avoid falsehood, and even a hint of insincerity. In the intimate sphere, this is simply inappropriate.

If you give him a feeling of importance, self-confidence, and in his masculine sexuality, then he is unlikely to run after other skirts. He will want to stay with you.

The right to make mistakes: there will be no second chance

Basic mistakes

  • Never run after a guy yourself. It is important to be in his sight, but also to be able to maintain a distance.
  • You should never ask your friends for help. You should not send friends to the young man or persuade his acquaintances.
  • You can't be persistent. This will immediately turn off any man.
  • Don't try to humiliate others to make yourself look better compared to them.
  • Don't be vulgar in your clothes or words. Obscene behavior will be repulsive.
  • Don't seem too smart. When you want a guy to run after you, he needs to feel like a man next to you, that is, smart, desirable and strong.
  • You shouldn't demonstrate your independence, even if you know how to hammer nails, move furniture, or earn a lot of money. When you emphasize this, he will begin to think: “She copes well in life on her own.”
  • Don't mock the man or act too arrogant.
  • Know how to leave on time. If your relationship is close to ending, try to make sure that you are not enough for him.
  • Never give yourself up to the rest. Even if you live together for many years, remain a mystery.

It is easier to conquer a man than a woman. Remember the intricacies of psychology and be able to use this knowledge, then any guy will be with you.

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