How a man shows his sympathy: TOP-6 main indicators

General signs of sympathy

  • Sympathy often grows out of friendship. Men who are passionate about a girl try to find out as much as possible about her and become loyal and reliable friends with her.
  • Constant chance encounters are a sign of obvious attention. For example, a male colleague who has a crush on a lady may have the idea of ​​bumping into a girl not only at work, but also on the street, in a cafe, or with mutual friends. When there are more than three such meetings in a short period of time, we can talk about feelings.
  • If a young man sees in a girl those character traits and spiritual qualities that are invisible to others, then other advice is unnecessary, because sympathy is obvious.
  • When the stronger sex is not indifferent to a woman, common interests are always needed to establish contact. If a man suddenly fell in love with books and films similar to a lady’s taste, this indicates hope for a relationship;
  • Signs of attention may not always be public and romantic. Some men, on the contrary, turn on the mode of aggression and ignoring, avoiding the girl they like.


Sometimes one glance at a guy's appearance is enough to determine that he has a strong crush on the girl he's talking to.

  • When meeting a lady of his heart, a man will always be well-groomed and perfectly dressed. He will constantly smooth and correct something to look even more beautiful.
  • When the face suddenly turns pale or red when a woman appears, we can talk about the man’s caring attitude towards her.
  • If a girl praises some item of clothing or a guy’s perfume, he will definitely use these things more often, especially when meeting his beloved.
  • A man's style and appearance may change after meeting a girl he likes. Romantic feelings push you to something new.

Basic methods

There are many methods on how to show the man you are interested in that you like him. But it’s more difficult to find a way to communicate this openly. The simplest methods are to write a letter or talk in person. Under no circumstances should you ask mutual acquaintances or friends about this. In any relationship, even those that begin, there can only be two sides.

READ How to behave with a man: things every woman needs to remember


If the prospect of admitting that I really like him seems scary, then it’s worth trying a proven method. Just write a letter. The old fashioned way, on plain paper, sprinkled with your favorite perfume. This option is relevant for romantic natures. And for modern young people, the usual email will do. You can use a mobile phone.

The main thing to remember is one nuance: not one more letter until the object of sympathy at least somehow reacts to the recognition received. Difficult, but possible. This period will have to be endured. Otherwise, the girl may be considered too intrusive, which can lead to the opposite effect.

One-on-one on a date

Even if you are not in a relationship yet, you can arrange a one-on-one date.
It is not necessary to tell the guy that this will be a romantic meeting. Just offer to sit in a cafe and drink a glass of coffee. Or invite you to the cinema, referring to a friend who suddenly changed her mind about going. If a man does not reject the proposal, then this can be considered a good sign. And when you meet, take a moment to reveal your little secret.

Gestures and postures (NLP)

Nonverbal sources of information, according to psychologists, can tell much more truth than words. Watch how a man meets you or walks you home.

  • If a guy constantly adjusts his clothes, it means he definitely wants to look prettier in the eyes of his date.
  • When sympathy is truly sincere, then you want to touch the person. Therefore, multiple touches of a girl’s hand or hair indicate real interest.
  • The facial expressions of a young man in love often repeat the habits of the object of sympathy. Men unconsciously adopt the gestures and movements of those women who are not indifferent to them.
  • To show self-confidence and strength, men can often place their hands on their belts.
  • The object of sympathy always causes embarrassment and timidity, so the stronger sex often scratches its head when talking to women.
  • To appear more respectable and taller next to a beautiful lady, men straighten and slightly raise their shoulders, and also draw in their stomach.
  • If a guy looks at a girl with his mouth slightly open, he is definitely delighted with her appearance.
  • For their sympathy, men try to position themselves as openly as possible, so their chest, shoulders, and toes will always be unconsciously turned towards an interesting woman.
  • The palms of the hands, like the whole body, express sympathy for the caring lady. Therefore, as a rule, even if your hands are on your knees, your palms are always open.
  • In romantic excitement, men feel insecure and are constantly looking for support. A sign of this condition is a leg put forward when meeting a girl.
  • In addition, men always subconsciously want to be closer to the object of their affection. Therefore, they will reduce the distance between themselves and the lady of their heart during the conversation.
  • Not knowing how to behave and what to say leads to constant unconscious fiddling of buttons.
  • To appear more attractive, men often smooth their hair and casually rub their chin or cheeks.
  • A sign of sympathy for your interlocutor in a dialogue is slightly raised eyebrows.

He preens i

Remembering yourself, you clearly know how difficult it is to control your movements when communicating with an attractive partner. Girls begin to touch their hair, straighten their hair, and straighten their clothes. They try to monitor their appearance as vigilantly as possible, because this is very important in creating an attractive image.

Men tend to behave in similar ways. Of course, among the ladies there will be those with a steely character. They do not tend to be nervous, they control their gestures and do not give themselves away in any way. Men with high levels of self-esteem and self-control also know how to take matters into their own hands.

In any case, when a girl is madly attracted to a young man, he begins to worry and experiences discomfort. Guys fix their hair the same way. He may never use a comb, but when communicating with a pretty nymph, he will definitely run his hand through his hair once or twice.

Men start “cleaning their feathers” not with applying makeup and styling, but with choosing clothes. Pay attention, if he always tries to look neat, this is a good sign. A guy can pull down his T-shirt, unbutton the top buttons of his shirt or jacket. In this way he checks whether everything is in order with his appearance.

Another point is a change in style. Often a whirlwind romance breaks out between two people who have known each other for a long time. How can you understand that your colleague or old acquaintance instantly looked at you more carefully and was imbued with a bright feeling? He began to change his image.

For men, such changes are extremely difficult. Most of them do not understand, and do not want to delve into, fashion trends. They dress intuitively, according to the principle: “neat and comfortable,” and many even think exclusively about comfort.

If a guy suddenly started buying fashionable shirts, bought stylish jeans and is often interested in your opinion about his image, think about it. He either wants to please you or considers you an authoritative leader of female opinion. In the second case, it is important for him to surprise another beauty, and you act as an assistant and critic.

How does a man show sympathy using his appearance? Always pay attention to his smile. She can tell everything and even more about her chosen one. A timid, shy smile speaks of embarrassment. An open, radiant one, especially as a reaction to your words, will tell you about the similarity of interests and the closeness of your souls.

Snidely sarcastic evokes thoughts of mockery. But even here there may be several options for the development of events. Not all people are ready to accept bright feelings. Many people feel so uncomfortable from them that they begin to tease the object of their sympathy. This is a kind of defensive reaction that goes away immediately after building a trusting relationship.

Glances (game with eyes)

Since the eyes are the mirror of the soul, sometimes it is enough to take a closer look at the direction of your male friend’s gaze.

  • A brave young man will always cast interested glances at you for a long time.
  • You can also like a stranger. Usually, guys cast meek, timid glances at pretty strangers, and immediately look away when their eyes meet.
  • Dilated pupils when looking at a girl are a sure sign of sincere sympathy on the part of a guy.
  • If a man’s gaze is focused on a woman’s forehead or bridge of her nose, then most likely we are simply talking about a business relationship.
  • But a wandering gaze, sliding from eyes to lips and back, speaks of an offer of friendship.
  • When a man looks sideways, his gaze is filled with tenderness, and he smiles, we can talk about great sympathy.
  • Even in the company of friends or in a crowd, a guy will not lose sight of the girl he likes.


The behavior of a man in love always changes, regardless of his age. He gives the woman maximum attention and will always be there in difficult times.

  • A guy in love always tries to help and please a pretty girl.
  • In a relationship with a pretty woman, the stronger sex always takes the initiative and tries to control the course of communication.
  • On the wings of love, men also perform many unusual, eccentric actions to surprise the lady and attract her attention.
  • All gifts that the stronger sex gives to caring women correspond to their interests and are selected with soul and love.
  • A man in love will always call a woman often to find out about her news and share his own.
  • Sometimes guys may start flirting with other girls in front of their girlfriend to make them jealous. At the same time, during flirting, furtive glances at true sympathy are inevitable.
  • Correspondence on the Internet and SMS sent to a lady become more frequent and more romantic.
  • The guy will be very attentive to the mood of his girlfriend and will try to cheer her up with jokes and stories.
  • A man who likes someone becomes distracted and restless in his behavior.
  • To appear more courageous, guys can bully other members of the stronger sex in the presence of a girl.
  • The stronger sex is always jealous of the objects of their adoration for other guys.
  • Every man will protect his beloved girl in any situation.
  • Guys will also rush to introduce their crush to their circle of friends and family.

Attention to the belt2

We continue to develop the topic of visual evidence of male sympathy. It's no secret that guys even instinctively try to draw attention to their natural male qualities. When communicating with an attractive representative of the opposite sex, guys subconsciously strive to show their positive sides and focus on their advantages.

First of all, we look at how his body works. Regardless of height, the male will try to straighten his shoulders and stick out his chest. This is how he shows the woman his masculine dominant position. This is especially abused by guys who have complexes about their height.

Shrugged, it's time to turn the pretty girl's attention to your main competitive area. Have you noticed how guys put their hands in their pants pockets? Sometimes they just move their fingers, but more often they begin to stick out their thumbs on both hands at once. This is done instinctively, in an attempt to concentrate the lady’s gaze on her manhood.

Sometimes you can’t put your hands in your pockets, but the belt clip comes to the rescue. Many men, when communicating with a person they like, place their palms on the belt. In this way, they also strive to indicate what the lady should look at first.

A sign of a self-confident macho who already knows that you will be his companion is a relaxed pose. For example, he may stand with his shoulders proudly squared and his legs wider than usual. Sometimes guys bend their lower back slightly, sticking out the same important area of ​​their body forward. Or they sit without squeezing their legs or arms. These positions indicate frankness, straightforwardness and good disposition towards the interlocutor.


If you listen to a dialogue between two people, you can always determine by the intonation and content of the conversation who likes whom more.

  • A man will never allow rudeness or disrespect on his part towards a girl he likes.
  • Guys try to avoid controversial situations and demonstrate compliance in conversation with their crush.
  • There will always be jokes in the conversation to maintain positivity and a good mood.
  • Compliments are constantly heard from the lips of a guy in the direction of his sympathy.
  • When the topic of conversation concerns the future, a man in love will talk not only about himself, but also about his companion.
  • Guys listen to the stories of their beloved girl very carefully and remember all the little details.
  • The men themselves are also frank in their dialogue with the object of their adoration. They share stories from the past and are not afraid to appear sentimental or worried.
  • The guys calmly discuss family and children issues with a pretty girl.
  • When separated from their loved one, young people always talk about how bored they are.
  • No man will discuss other girls in the presence of his crush.


A guy in love often secretly watches the object of his passion. Wherever he is, he keeps the woman he is interested in in his field of vision. In this case, a man may try to attract her attention with the help of loud jokes, laughter or demonstration of any talents, for example, virtuoso playing the guitar.

One of the surest signs of sympathy is the unexpected appearance of a man with many hobbies in common with yours.

An enthusiastic person strives to spend more time with someone he likes. Men, under any pretext, try to talk more often with an interesting woman. At the same time, they always touch on personal topics - hobbies, desires, aspirations.

Any man in love tries to help a woman and protect his beloved. However, it is worth learning to distinguish between manifestations of gallantry and the desire to provide real support.

Very often a man tells a woman about his feelings in a joking manner. He can say, for example: “Now I know your address, and I will come to you for tea.” In response, the man expects a manifestation of your feelings - answer him in the same frivolous manner.

To find your happiness, you need to be more attentive to the men around you.
Take a closer look - maybe your loved one is very close. And take a step towards him. Adalind Koss
In addition to the ability to express our thoughts through speech, we have a non-verbal expression of emotions - this is the language of gestures, glances, and facial expressions. People are not able to control all non-verbal emotions, therefore, in order to find out the true feelings of a person, you can use reading these signs.

The sympathy of a captive man

How can you tell if a married man likes you? Some tips will help you in observing him:

  • at first, the attitude of a married guy may be completely indifferent or vague, because he will try to suppress these feelings;
  • he will spend all his free time with you, trying to come up with reasons for being away from home;
  • he will not talk in your presence about his wife and children, if he has any;
  • he will hint or decisively tell you that he is ready for divorce for the sake of a new relationship.

Light touches4

Again we remember ourselves. Girls often lightly touch a man they like. For example, they run their hand over a maple tree, hug it, and put their head on its shoulder. When a man shows sympathy, he just cannot resist touching a pretty nymph. Only on his part it happens a little differently.

You shouldn’t think that respectable men behave like first-graders. They won't pull your pigtails or try to attract attention by stealing your purse or pencil case. Everything is much more romantic and sensual than in my school years.

Men love to watch a girl’s reaction to tactile moments. Especially if they are unexpected. So, if he tries to put his arm around your waist, this is a direct signal of sexual attraction. When his hand is on your shoulder, know that he is trying to get closer to you, to enter the circle of trusted people.

A man, at least a well-mannered and intelligent man, will never allow himself to touch his chosen one by the legs, much less climb under her skirt. But putting your palm on top of yours, especially if the moment in the conversation turned out to be appropriate, is right about them. The moment is quite romantic, setting the mood for a heartfelt conversation about personal matters.

Sympathy of an adult man

It is easy for an adult man to like you if you are young and beautiful, but it is much more difficult to understand the seriousness of his intentions:

  • older guys are usually decisive. Therefore, they will take the first step and ask you out on a date;
  • they will not disappear after the start of the relationship, they will definitely get in touch by phone or on the Internet;
  • adult men always remember the need to buy flowers for a meeting and the importance of unexpected gifts;
  • if an adult and serious guy does reckless things for your sake, he is definitely not indifferent to you;
  • also know that a career and work are important to any adult man. If he is willing to put you above this, most likely he is truly in love.

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