How to behave with a man: things every woman needs to remember

From physics lessons we know that particles with different charges attract each other. The relationship between the male and female sexes is comparable to this phenomenon. There was a rapprochement; for some, it may have ended in marriage. But for some reason the particles begin to repel each other. And this is no longer physics. How to behave with a man so that he himself is drawn to a woman, psychology will help you figure this out.

How to behave so that a man is afraid of losing?

In order for the relationship between a man and a woman to be long-lasting and bring satisfaction to both, let’s turn to psychology: how to behave with a man. Some girls think that the crown of a relationship is marriage. It's a delusion. Girls, even if this happiness happened, it’s too early to relax.

At the genetic level, every man is a hunter. Here the bird is caught, put in a cage, he enjoys it. But time passes, and our hunter begins to get bored: he wants a new bird. What to do to make a man afraid of losing you, there are some tricks here.

So what kind of woman is a man afraid of losing? On the one hand, you will have to keep your loved one in good shape, turn on the bitch so that there are no thoughts that he is now your master, and on the other hand, you need to envelop him with attention and warmth so that he needs your presence. The combination of two opposites will show how developed your feminine wisdom is.

Silence and tolerate

Some women believe that compromises like: “He offends me, I tolerate him, but we don’t have quarrels in our family” are acceptable in the family. With such globalized beliefs we cover up the nightmare and reduce our pain. Relationships are built on mutual trust and comfort. And if it’s painful, uncomfortable, unpleasant, you need to talk about it.

Why is the woman silent? Because she initially does not give herself the right to speak out. Already at the beginning of the relationship, she agreed to these rules of the game. She accepted that she had no right to say that she felt bad. She endures and remains silent for fear of not being able to cope with the loss of a man.

And most likely it was the same in her family. The woman says: “He is overworked, I feel sorry for his psyche” and justifies this behavior. But what happens as a result? She becomes a time bomb. And sooner or later it will explode.

How to behave with a man: basic rules

The psychology of relationships teaches the rules of how to behave with a man so that he appreciates and respects his chosen one.

  1. The mistake that people in love make is to completely dissolve in their admirer. The main thing is not to overdo it. It's a rare man who can withstand such attention. You need to give him time to be away from your company. A couple of calls a day is the ceiling. Switch your attention from your man to other things. If you're not working, find a hobby. Remember, you were doing something before he appeared. Improve your level of education, go to trainings, visit your friends. If you don’t annoy your significant other all day long, and your free time is spent on self-improvement, a man will not want to lose such a companion. Just remember to prepare dinner in time.
  2. Men are the strong half of humanity, but they also need support. They just want to get it not from friends, but from their significant other. But in order not to appear weak, they do not always share their problems. Be interested in his affairs, admire his achievements and empathize with his failures. Don’t become his vest; if you show a momentary weakness, he may not forgive you later for witnessing it. Show your partner that, despite temporary difficulties, together you will find a way out of them.
  3. Keep your appearance on point. For a man to be afraid of losing you, you will have to always be well-groomed. Even if over the years your waist has increased by several centimeters, and wrinkles have appeared in the corners of your eyes, everything is in your hands. A woman who knows how to take care of herself and attracts the gaze of other men will want to be kept with her.
  4. Don't cause jealousy and don't be jealous yourself. Some girls resort to such tactics, flirting, thereby provoking their man. Avoid such provocations, even if once you got away with it and you stroked your ego, then another time it may end in a break in the relationship. The same applies if you show jealousy. A man will only experience irritation from such manifestations. Psychologists have proven that jealousy is characteristic of people who are not confident in themselves. But this is not about you. Be self-sufficient and he won't want to lose you.
  5. Don't criticize him for being financially insolvent (in your opinion). Constant attacks in this direction can become a stumbling block in your relationship. Show tact in this matter and discuss together how to improve your financial situation. A man will appreciate that you are not with him for the sake of self-interest, and love is more valuable to you than money.
  6. Don't waste your relationship on resentment and squabbles. Learn to be in a good mood. Smile more often. Use your charisma to the fullest. It is pleasant for anyone to be with such a person, including your companion.

If in your entire life you have not yet had a truly happy and harmonious relationship, or they all ended very quickly, you need to look for the reason in yourself. This could be excessive sacrifice due to self-doubt, or fear of loneliness. Then the help of a specialist is needed, for example, psychologist-hypnologist Nikita Valerievich Baturin.

How to behave correctly so that a man shows masculine qualities?

How to behave correctly with your husband will help you understand the psychology of a man. Use this trump card.

There is a imbalance in relationships that can destroy them. This is when a woman takes on a lot of responsibilities. These types of people include women who are overly confident. Don't forget, ladies, that you are the weaker sex. Play along with your partner that you cannot cope with this or that problem without his participation. It doesn’t matter that you can replace a broken tire or screw in a light bulb yourself. Entrust this to your chosen one, be sure to thank him for his help. And in general, men, like little children, need to be praised more often. Again, without extremes, so that the crown does not grow, and he does not imagine himself indispensable.

Be tolerant of his weaknesses, do not forget to emphasize his strengths (remember the golden mean). If you do everything right, your man will be inspired by the fact that you are proud of him and need him like a strong shoulder.

How does a man truly in love behave?

If a woman is in love, then it is immediately noticeable to everyone around her. It's not so simple with men. A man in love, especially at the initial stage, will carefully disguise his feelings. And if passions may boil inside him, then outwardly this may not manifest itself in any way.

You can't fool a girl's heart. There are some signs by which it is easy to determine whether a gentleman feels sympathy and how strong it is:

  • the first thing that gives a man away is the way he looks at you;
  • your partner agrees with you in everything;
  • touches you often;
  • lovers are characterized by unusual actions;
  • desire to impress you.

A man in love will devour you with his eyes, watch all your movements, but as soon as you look at him, he will look away. He will agree with you in everything, every comment you make will be like a balm for his soul. A lover asks for your opinion and listens to it. Every event associated with you arouses interest and active participation.

He wants to touch you and cannot restrain these impulses. Your presence makes him happy: his eyes glow, a smile on his face, a good mood.

But as soon as the object of love disappears from sight, the young man’s mood deteriorates, this is accompanied by irritability and a nervous state. His imagination draws pictures that the lady of his heart might go to someone else.

If you are communicating with someone and you are not looking at him at that moment, he begins to produce some noise effects: he laughs loudly or coughs.

He catches your eye more and more often, for example, he suddenly appears in a store you go into, while pretending that this is an accident.

A person in love presents pleasant surprises, and they are truly unexpected for you. For this to work, he knows your preferences in advance.

When talking to you, he may pull the hair on the back of your head, thus relieving anxiety.

Well, a trick that lovers often resort to is asking them to tie a tie or remove a speck from their eye.

Some people shine with knowledge or make jokes, but there are also those who become very serious and even embarrassed.

Be his sponsor

You can't give expensive gifts. You cannot give him money, even as a loan or, especially, just like that. It is strictly forbidden to take out a loan for yourself at the request of a man. No matter what they tell you: it’s profitable, according to the documents it would be more convenient, it’s more practical - under no circumstances do you get involved in loan obligations.

You should not make such a mistake, even if such a close person as your husband asks you to do so. Remember that you will have to deal with a bank that will not get off your fragile shoulders until it takes all your money to the last penny. In the end, you can quarrel with a man or even break up, but the responsibility that falls on you will not go away. As a result, you are left with nothing, and even with debts. And in the worst case scenario, you could end up in prison.

Remember also that such behavior attracts gigolos or men who do not want to develop. Even if he was normal, next to such a woman he will quickly turn into a parasite. A man simply will not have the motivation and desire to achieve something in her name. For what? She herself is an achiever.

But why do we do this? Why do we take responsibility for a man? This is where the fear of losing him comes into play. There is no faith that he can cope without you. But if you leave him alone, he will definitely not die of hunger; moreover, he will find a way to continue living and provide for himself and even you.

How should you behave with a man after sex?

Due to their gender differences, women’s desires after intimacy differ from men’s. Ladies want to continue to be admired, stroked or cuddled. They need confirmation of their attractiveness. Subconsciously, they want to receive protection after part of the energy has been given and a loss of strength has occurred. If you are not yet married, then a woman’s desire for you to be nearby after sex arises from uncertainty about whether the chosen one actually has feelings for her, or whether he is with her only to sleep with her.

What happens to men after intimacy? The psychologist's advice will help you understand how to deal with a man after sex, so that your relationship develops and lasts as long as you want.

  1. During intimacy, a man burns a lot of calories, so his body requires the restoration of these losses. There is a desire to eat and go to sleep.
  2. Men also have complexes; it is important for them to hear that he is a hero in bed. Just don't say he's the best. This word implies comparison and can cause a storm of unwanted emotions. Say that you had a very good time.
  3. Don’t run away immediately after sex, stay close and let your partner enjoy the smell of your body.
  4. Heroes need to be celebrated. Thank your partner by giving him something tasty in bed, or giving him a relaxing massage.
  5. If you do not yet live under the same roof, even if your meeting has been delayed, you need to sleep, dear ladies, at home.
  6. A budding relationship can be ruined by your questions like: when we see each other, what time will you call me? Young ladies, these are not your questions, he should ask them to you.
  7. Both during and after sex, act naturally. This is captivating and relieves tension.
  8. Well, there’s no need to be disingenuous, like: it was just sex, nothing more. You understand, if you find yourself together, then you like him and you want the relationship to develop.

To be always desirable for your man, you need to constantly work on yourself. Maintain attractiveness, educate yourself, control emotions, show wisdom. Not easy. But this is the key to a long, happy relationship.

Justify any violence

Unfortunately, too often women allow men to abuse themselves, and sometimes even beat them. Because there is no sense of self-worth. If self-esteem was not instilled in childhood, the girl will endure. And any patience, as you know, has its limits. And unfortunately, such situations too often end in bloodshed in the family. That’s why there are so many domestic conflicts, domestic drama, domestic violence.

Think about movies where you encounter elements of domestic violence. These scenes: the neighbors call the police, they arrive and begin to pack the man. And the woman: “Oh, be careful, don’t hit my man.” And she herself is all blue. And they come to the station and say: “Write a statement.” And she’s like: “Well, no, he’s good to me, he’s normal, he just got drunk. He’s having a nervous breakdown, that’s his job.”

In no case should you justify something that cannot be justified. And if a woman makes excuses, then you shouldn’t be offended that a man behaves like this around her. Because she inspires him to decompose in this way. A person must pay for everything.

And she says: “No need, let’s be sorry, he won’t pay for this fight of mine. I will survive, I will survive, everything will heal for me. He's just my husband. Am I going to be left alone? What about our children?” And the children see the fight. How will a boy grow up who sees his father beating his mother? He will beat his woman, you understand? Because for him this is a zone of normality.

To ensure that there are more happy and pumped-up women, we have created a free webinar “Man: honest instructions for use. No drama or manipulation." Follow the link, register and don’t make mistakes in relationships.

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